Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/9/16
Provided By Suzanne
Victor: Did you tell summer how you felt about her relationship with Luca Santori? I guess that means you haven't. Now, you and I both hope for the same thing, don't we? We want him out of my granddaughter's life.
Phyllis: And now you have a plan?
Victor: I was hoping it could be our plan. Put our differences aside, work in the common interest, make sure that Luca Santori gets out of summer's life.
Phyllis: It's working together is what worries me.
Victor: I am mostly concerned with summer's well-being.
Jack: What's this?
Phyllis: Victor wants to team up with me.
Jack: Really?
Phyllis: Yep. Utterly insane, but true. I'm not interested in doing things your way.
Victor: I think it's time we get beyond our petty differences and work together.
Phyllis: Petty? What are you talking about, petty?
Jack: Easy, red. Easy.
Luca: There is no reason why we shouldn't get married right away.
Summer: Why rush?
Luca: We are not rushing things. We are getting what we both want sooner. Come on. Wedding rings. Honeymoons. Calling you "Mrs. Santori."
Summer: [Sighs] That does sound like fun.
Luca: Good, good. So, then go grab something old, new, borrowed, and blue, and let's get our butts down to city hall and make this thing happen.
Summer: Okay. Wait, no. I love that you cannot wait to start our life together, but I --
Luca: No, I can't wait to belong to you. Don't you want to belong to me?
Summer: I do.
Luca: See, look! We've already got the vows memorized. Come on. What's stopping us, summer?
Summer: Our future children. I don't want to tell them that daddy and I got hitched in a flyby in front of a judge.
Luca: Look, we've both had weddings.
Summer: I know, and that's no reason to settle. Look, I -- I want to promise forever to you while wearing a gown and holding a bouquet while being surrounded by my family.
Luca: Yeah, that's a -- that's a lovely idea, but... do you really think they'll come?
Lily: I want to find the person who thought of this summer project and pummel them with construction paper and glue.
Cane: Hang on a second. You don't think this is cute?
Lily: What?
Cane: You don't think that writing our family members' names on apples and gluing them to a paper tree is cute? What is wrong with you?
Lily: Oh, yeah, it's adorable. Especially because you get to go to work while I stay here and I deal with the mayhem and the questions.
Cane: No, no, no, no. I'm not shirking my responsibilities because I'm the one who wrote the names out so they can now stick them on the apples.
Lily: Aww, that's why I love you, cane Ashby.
Cane: That's why I love you, lily Ashby. I'll see you. Hey. I love you guys. Do a good job. I'll see you soon, okay? Daddy's got to make the money.
Charlie: Bye, daddy!
Mattie: Bye, daddy!
Lily: Well, you guys are making good progress.
Charlie: Thank you.
Mattie: I can't believe how many apples we need.
Lily: Yeah.
Charlie: So many people are alive and not alive.
Mattie: Married and not married. How come so many?
Lily: Uh, well --
Jill: Hello, darlings. So, this is it! Wow. We have a special family, don't we? And an extraordinary family tree. With many, many branches.
Billy: Enough with the storyboarding. Let me see the brainstorm.
Victoria: Just one second.
Billy: Okay, come on, Vick.
Victoria: No, wait! Don't look at it. Don't look. It's better if I just tell it to you, okay? So, close your eyes.
Billy: Close my eyes?
Victoria: Just close them! Close them.
Billy: Okay. Eye closed. Now what?
Victoria: Okay. Imagine. A ballad, slowly building, sensual. The music leads us to a woman standing by a window. Her back to us. A breeze blowing through her hair. She's wearing a stunning, sophisticated low-backed gown. A beautiful perfume bottle is in her hand. She slowly applies the perfume to her neck, trailing it down between her breasts. Then we hear a man's voice.
Billy: I couldn't stay away.
Victoria: As she turns to the not-yet-seen man, we reveal her face. A beckoning smile plays across her lips. She's what every woman wants to be -- strong, sexy, stunning. She moves confidently to the man and she replies...
Phyllis: I knew you couldn't.
Victoria: She pulls him into a passionate kiss which grows and grows. Billy? Billy, are you with me or not? Billy!
Jack: I strongly suggest you leave right now.
Victor: Before I go, one piece of advice. You make sure your wife keeps her temper in check. Unless she wants to alienate my granddaughter.
Phyllis: Summer and Luca are engaged.
Jack: You're kidding.
Phyllis: I wish. And as you probably guessed, Victor is as thrilled as I am.
Jack: Oh, I'm sure he's ready to end that marriage right now. I'm sure you shut him down, right?
Phyllis: You just heard me. I'm not interested in joining forces.
Jack: Because you have a plan all your own.
Phyllis: You're damn right I do. I would rather die than to see my daughter marry Luca Santori. No way is that wedding happening.
Summer: Look, I know that our engagement probably took a lot of people by surprise, but my family wouldn't leave me in a church with empty pews.
Luca: You sure about that? I mean, your mom, for starters, doesn't approve of me, summer.
Summer: Okay, well, she's warming up. When I told her that we were engaged, she didn't scream. She was actually kind of encouraging.
Luca: The only thing she's encouraged is a long, long engagement.
Summer: Okay, well, she would have done that no matter who I was marrying. I'm her little girl. But she's been pretty good about all of this. And when I tell my dad, he'll be cool with this. But my grandpa, he will be a tough sell.
Luca: Not so tough.
Summer: What do you -- what do you mean?
Luca: I went and shared our news with Victor.
Summer: You -- you did not do that.
Luca: What? I -- I thought it was the respectful thing to do. [Chuckles]
Summer: Okay, well, I mean, at least he didn't try to take a swing at you. Did he?!
Luca: [Laughs] You know, I actually contemplated putting on a helmet before heading into Victor's office, but, uh, it turns out I didn't need it.
Summer: How did he react?
Luca: He didn't jump for joy or rush to shake my hand, but he did say he hoped we'd both be happy.
Summer: Really?
Luca: Yeah. I was surprised, too. So, I mean, since we have your grandfather, of all people, and your mom -- mostly -- onboard, let's get started with the arrangements.
Summer: Yeah, no, we will. Um... I just have to take care of something first, okay?
[Door closes]
Luca: [Sighs]
Jill: Oh, Charlie and Mattie, you are doing a fabulous job! Wow. But, you know, I have an idea. Let's put some more decorations in.
Charlie: Yeah.
Jill: Yeah.
Lily: Uh, that actually sounds like a lot more work, so let's stick to the program.
Jill: No, just hear me out. Here's what I was thinking. Since grandpa Colin and I are so good to you, we take you to amusement parks and playgrounds, we buy you great gifts, right? Maybe you could put some, I don't know, some hummingbirds and flowers up near the apples with our names on them.
Lily: Well, what about the other apples?
Jill: They can put anything they want in there -- hummingbirds, dragonflies. Ahh! A worm coming out of the apple with Genevieve's name on it would be appropriate, right?
Lily: Okay, um, you guys keep working, okay? Jill, can I talk to you?
Jill: Yeah, yeah. You can. You're doing a great job. Go to it. Yeah. What?
Lily: What was that about?
Jill: I was trying to keep the kids focused on their project rather than asking uncomfortable questions about this very strange family tree of ours.
Lily: Oh. Hey, dad.
Neil: Hey.
Lily: You ready to color and paste?
Neil: Hi, Jill.
Jill: Hi, how are you?
Neil: Of course. I'm ready to do anything for those grandkids of mine.
Jill: I've got to take off, so why don't you take my place and guide our grandchildren through the last stage of the family tree there, okay?
Neil: Sure. Happy to.
Lily: Thank you for your help.
Jill: Oh, any time at all. Boy, that's really something, looking at our family history laid out that way, isn't it?
Neil: Yeah. Look at this. Family tree. Something, all right.
Jill: You know what? I'm gonna see you real soon, but before I go, before you glue these down, let's move this "Billy" apple right next to the "Victoria" apple. There. Perfect.
Victoria: Do you like it?
Billy: I think it's great.
Victoria: Yeah?
Billy: Yeah, no, I mean, it's alluring, it's very effective. So good that I got caught up there.
Victoria: [Chuckles] Well, I'm still brainstorming the slogan, but I was thinking of something along the lines of "for the woman who always gets what she wants."
Billy: Yeah, right, and then we can spin this theme onto all the other products.
Victoria: That's exactly what I was thinking. We shouldn't limit ourself to the market share in the pacific northwest.
Billy: 100% agree. This is national campaign.
Cane: So, uh, what happened to my idea? And why are you discussing any of this with Victoria?
Billy: Well, Victoria's part of the team now, cane. Are you gonna welcome her?
Neil: So you know the reason why we don't see uncle Malcolm all that much is because -- you know this. He's a hotshot photographer. He's traveling all over the world.
Lily: Right. But he e-mails you and, you know, video chats when he can, right?
Charlie: Yeah.
Lily: Okay. So, what do you need next?
Charlie: Grandpa Neil's parents.
Mattie: How come we never talk about them?
Neil: Huh? [Chuckles] This may be hard for you and Charlie to understand, but, um, not everyone stays close with their parents when they grow up, and I -- I just lost touch with mine, that's all.
Lily: But Grandpa can still give you their names.
Neil: Yeah, you betcha.
Charlie: Yay.
Neil: We're gonna finish this whole thing up, no problem at all, all right? Let's get busy.
Cane: Well, hello, Victoria, and welcome to the company.
Billy: [Chuckles] Nice try, cane, but I know you're not happy about this.
Victoria: Just leave it alone, Billy. It's not worth it.
Billy: No, we're all part of a team, so we should be able to be honest, so...
Cane: Well, if you're expecting me to be shocked, I'm not 'cause I assume Jill's behind this.
Victoria: Oh, very good guess.
Cane: Well, I saw her chatting you up over drinks at the club, so that's why I think so.
Victoria: Well, she did, and I'm here.
Cane: Look, I'm not aiming any of this at you. I like you, I do. I just don't think this team needs another executive, that's all.
Billy: Oh, I disagree. I think Victoria's a fantastic asset. Brash & sassy! Was her baby. Nobody knows it or the customer better than she does.
Cane: So, what did she promise you?
Victoria: She promised me a chance to reshape the future of this brand.
Cane: Meaning she offered you a chance to regain control of your old company.
Victoria: Well, meaning she gave me a chance to help save it. After I saw your terrible marketing idea -- which, by the way, would only appeal to a herd of Neanderthals -- I felt morally obligated to pitch in.
Cane: You know that millions of women in this country watch sports, right? And my idea is fresh, it has energy. Is this -- is that yours? Is that your idea there? Can I see it?
Billy: It's great, isn't it?
Cane: Mm. It's a little 1985.
Victoria: Well, you know, making a woman feel powerful and sexy never goes out of style, cane.
Cane: That's true, yeah.
Billy: I agree with Vick.
Cane: So I see what's going on here, right? It's the two of you against me? Is that, uh, what this is about? Billy, you actually think you have what it takes to push me aside?
Jill: I'll tell you what it's about. It's about the three of you.
Billy: That's a load of crap, mom, and nobody here's buying it.
[Knocks on door]
Victor: Come in.
Summer: Hey, you have a little time for me?
Victor: Hi, my sweetheart. I always have time for you. Come in. Hello, darling.
Summer: Hi.
Victor: So... nice to see you.
Summer: Um, so, I understand you heard I was engaged.
Victor: Yeah. Luca actually came to me personally and told me. I appreciated that.
Summer: Yeah, I heard you were pretty gracious.
Victor: What, did you expect me not to be?
Summer: No. Not unless, um... look, grandpa, I just -- I have to ask you something.
Victor: Okay.
Summer: And I want you to be completely honest with me.
Victor: All right.
Summer: Are you really okay with me getting married?
Jack: I understand why you're upset about your daughter's engagement.
Phyllis: The first guy she marries is a felon. Austin, on his worst day, was never the type of threat that Luca is. He is smart, Jack. He is devious.
Jack: I agree with you.
Phyllis: Then why are you arguing with me?
Jack: Because I want you to stop and think before you light into an all-out campaign against your daughter's wedding.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm beyond the thinking stage. I got in touch with nick.
Jack: Nick is out of town. Phyllis, don't do this.
Phyllis: He's investigating the Newman oil spills, and Luca's likely involvement, and I told him to speed it up.
Jack: And when summer finds out, she won't just be angry at you, she'll be furious at her father.
Phyllis: When she finds out that we have proof that he is a bad guy, all will be forgiven.
Jack: Well, what if there is no proof?
Phyllis: Well, there will be.
Jack: Just bear with me. What if there is no proof that Luca is any way involved in sabotage?
Phyllis: Then I will go to plan B.
Jack: And push your daughter away.
Phyllis: What do you want me to do, Jack? Nothing?
Jack: No, I want you to stop and think before you light into a --
Phyllis: When I came back and found her with Austin, you, nick, my sister -- none of you did anything. You let it happen.
Jack: No, no, no. We all supported her while she made her own choices.
Phyllis: What you should have done is shut that down. That's what I would have done if I was here. I would not have let my daughter make that mistake. I am here now and I'm not gonna watch and I am not gonna wait. I'm gonna end this thing with Luca!
Jack: I hate to think what this will do to destroy your relationship with your daughter.
Phyllis: It won't!
Jack: Her own mother is undermining her wedding plans.
Phyllis: That man is never gonna make her happy.
Jack: You're forgetting something very important. Your daughter's in love with that man.
Phyllis: She thinks she loves him. What do you want me to do? You want me to smile and just help her get married?
Jack: Yes. That's exactly what I expect you to do.
Cane: Actually, I'm with Billy on this one, so don't walk in here and give us some speech about unity when all you've done is manipulate us.
Jill: That's what you think I've done?
Cane: No, that's what I know you've done. You've pitted him against me. Now you've thrown her in the mix.
Billy: Except unlike cane, I'm glad Victoria's here.
Victoria: Thank you. But we all see how much you enjoy shifting the power, Jill.
Billy: Yes, you've been shuffling us around like game pieces just to prove that you can.
Jill: I admit that I could have handled it a little more delicately.
Cane: So, how are you gonna fix it?
Jill: I don't need to fix it. It's working brilliantly.
Cane: Ah.
Jill: You see, the three of you thrive on competition. And I'm thrilled that you're all fired up like this because enthusiasm, passion, is what we need at chancellor industries. This is how we pay tribute to Katherine and her company. We make it more successful than it has ever been before. We make it very clear that in Genoa City, chancellor industries is king. And I have chosen the three of you as my dream team. You are going to accomplish my vision, and I have to believe that you would all love that, too.
Billy: Yes, we do, but --
Jill: No buts. I am ready to take on jabot and Newman. Are you? Come on, guys. The time for arguing is over. This is the time to commit. All right? No more divided loyalties. No more feet in other camps. I want every ounce of your creativity, your drive, and your enthusiasm right here.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Jill: Are you quitting?
Victoria: No, I'm all in. I'm off to take my last foot out of the Newman camp.
Jill: That's my girl. I'm gonna walk you out. Carry on, boys. Make me proud.
Victor: Do you think I disapprove of Luca?
Summer: Well, do you?
Victor: Uh-huh.
Summer: Look, grandpa, I know that I'm young and --
Victor: Sweetheart, this has nothing to do with you, nor does it have anything to do with Luca.
Summer: Okay, then I don't understand.
Victor: As your father can testify, and your aunt -- in fact all of my children and grandchildren -- as far as I'm concerned, are too good for anyone. I don't want anyone to marry you.
Summer: Okay, well, what if I found someone exactly like you?
Victor: Run.
Summer: [Chuckles] Look, grandpa, I do love Luca, and I do think that we could have a really amazing future together.
Victor: Let me say this -- if you didn't feel that way, I wouldn't even be talking to that man. You have supported me, always. And I will always support you.
Summer: Thank you, grandpa.
Victor: You're welcome, my sweetheart.
Jack: Summer is a grown woman. She is going to make her own choices, and there's nothing you or Victor or anyone else can do to stop her.
Phyllis: Jack, she is my daughter and I have to look out for her.
Jack: Well, now you're sounding like Jill with all the maternal justification.
Phyllis: Jill?
Jack: Yeah, she thinks because she's Billy's mother she has carte blanche to manipulate his life.
Phyllis: She's pushing him towards Victoria. What's wrong with that?
Jack: Nothing, if that's what Billy wants. What if Billy wants something else? What if Billy wants someone else?
Phyllis: Luca is a two-headed snake.
Jack: Your daughter thinks he's changed.
Phyllis: She's wrong.
Jack: Listen to yourself. You keep pushing your agenda on your daughter, one of two things is gonna happen. She's gonna cave or she's gonna bolt. Which one do you want?
Phyllis: Neither. I-I want to help her.
Jack: That's what we'll do. We'll be right by her side if and when she falls, but she has to make her own mistakes.
Phyllis: You make the mistake. That's how you realize what's important.
Jack: Yeah, that's how it works. Is that a sign you're starting to see things my way?
Phyllis: I will do the right thing. I will do the smart thing. And I will guide my daughter through her wedding.
Jack: I'm proud of you. I have a meeting I got to get to, okay?
Lily: Thank you for helping out with the family tree. I doubt that you -- I thought you were gonna walk in here and get into a whole thing about your parents.
Neil: No harm, no foul, right? Charlie and Mattie, they're already over it, so...
Lily: Well, I'm not. I still have a lot of questions.
Neil: You do, don't you? About your grandparents? Yeah. Why?
Lily: Well, 'cause how you said that you lost touch with them. That's what you always told me, but what does that really mean?
Neil: It means I've told you everything that you need to know. I'm gonna go get some water. You want some water?
Lily: See, you're doing it again. You're avoiding instead of explaining.
Neil: Because, lily, it's a non-issue.
Lily: Not to me.
Neil: All right. What it boils down to is, my dad raised me more than my mother did because she faded out of my life. I went to college, started my career, and then eventually, my dad and I, we drifted apart.
Lily: So, you haven't seen or talked to them in all these years? I mean, do you even know where they are?
Neil: I do not. I don't even know if they're alive.
Lily: That's awful.
Neil: It's just the way it is, lily. They stopped being my family a long time ago. Now, listen. You and my grandkids, I love you guys. You are my family. And you are all I need.
Jack: Club soda.
Jill: Make that two. I'm celebrating.
Jack: Oh, you land a new account?
Jill: No, actually, a new executive. Victoria defected from Newman. She's back at brash & sassy! Working alongside Billy, right where she belongs.
Jack: I hope that works out.
Jill: Well, you shouldn't. Because if it works, we're gonna crush jabot and Newman and everything in our path.
Jack: Wow, it sounds like you have a surefire plan.
Jill: Well, you and Phyllis have some news, too, don't you? Summer?
Jack: Yeah, summer's engagement.
Jill: You don't sound very happy about that.
Jack: Well, news of this impending marriage almost sent my wife down a very self-destructive path.
Jill: Really? Tell me about that.
Phyllis: Luca! Summer here?
Luca: Uh, you know, you just missed her, but I can tell her you dropped by.
Phyllis: Oh, thank you. I'll wait. Actually, I'm glad to have a chance to talk to you alone.
Luca: Oh, good, you know, so am I. I -- I wanted to thank you. Summer tells me that you, uh -- you took our news well and that you're being very supportive about us getting married.
Phyllis: Well, I support my daughter. Although, I was surprised. I thought perhaps your proposal was in response to the pregnancy scare.
Luca: That, uh -- [Chuckles] That did play a role. It put a lot of things in perspective.
Phyllis: Like what things?
Luca: Things like I'm ready to take the next step with summer. Although she did say that you'd, uh -- you'd rather we wait a while.
Phyllis: I'm sure you can understand why.
Luca: Not really. Care to explain?
Phyllis: Summer fell into her first marriage very fast with someone she really did not know. And after Austin died, her heart was broken all over again. Because she found out that her husband wasn't exactly who she thought he was.
Luca: History will not repeat itself, Phyllis. I love summer, and I promise to be the husband she deserves.
Phyllis: That is a lovely thing to say. But is there a need to be rushing things so quickly?
Luca: Actually, you can thank your ex-husband for that. It was nick's idea.
[Knocks on door]
Victoria: Hi. Hope I'm not interrupting.
Summer: No, um, I'm just leaving. Actually, I'm hoping that you'll be really happy for me.
Victoria: Why? What's going on?
Summer: I'm getting married.
Victoria: Congratulations!
Summer: Yeah. Thank you.
Victoria: Um, to Luca, I assume.
Summer: Yeah, who else? Really, anyway, um... I know that this is really unexpected, but it means a lot to have my family behind me, so...
Victoria: I hope you'll be really happy.
Summer: Thanks. I will be.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. Okay.
Summer: Anyway, thank you, grandpa. I love you guys. Bye.
Victor: Thank you for coming by.
Victoria: Well, she seems happy.
Victor: Yeah, she does.
Victoria: I doubt, however, that nick and Phyllis are very enthused, just as I doubt that you're enthused, despite the smile that you just gave summer. So, do you want to tell me what's really going on?
Victor: I'm standing by granddaughter. Summer's a grown woman, free to make her own choices, as are you.
Victoria: That's it? That's all you have to say?
Victor: Yeah. Why are you here?
Victoria: [Sighs] Well, I'm working at brash & sassy! Now, so I thought I would just come and gather the rest of the things out of this office and make it official.
Victor: All right. Then get to it. You know where things are.
Billy: I know you think I'm just trying to get under your skin, cane, but I like this idea better than yours.
Cane: And no doubt Jill will, too.
Billy: 'Cause it's a better campaign.
Cane: Billy, you don't realize that she's using this as a smoke screen to put you and Victoria back together. You know that, do you?
Billy: I understand that. It's hard to miss when it's being shoved in your face every time Jill opens her mouth. She's lobbying for a reunion, big time.
Cane: Does Victoria know about this?
Billy oh, she's fully aware of the game plan, and I keep telling Jill that Victoria and I are never getting back together. Ever.
Cane: Although you've said that before.
Billy: No, this time is different. Our breakup was nuclear. It's taken us a lot of time and a lot of energy to get back to where we are, and we're good.
Cane: You don't think you're gonna look at her and think about all the times you had and things you shared together and the what-ifs?
Billy: We moved on, cane. I've moved on.
Cane: Who'd you move on with?
Phyllis: Nick said what?
Luca: Well, he talked to me about stepping up, committing to summer. Although, that was before, when he thought we were pregnant. Anyway, it's an excellent idea, and I plan to follow up on it as a husband and someday, I hope, as the father of her child.
Phyllis: You know, marriage and parenthood is not easy.
Luca: Don't you think I know that? Look, summer and I are gonna be faced with challenges we never anticipated. But we'll make it. We, together, can withstand anything.
Summer: What are you saying to Luca?
Jack: And Phyllis went on a tear about ending this wedding and bringing Luca down.
Jill: But you didn't agree with her.
Jack: No, of course I didn't! She thinks like this, she's only gonna destroy her relationship with her daughter and devastate herself in the process.
Jill: And she didn't listen to you.
Jack: No, strangely, she did. It wasn't long ago we'd argue about something like this for days, weeks.
Jill: [Laughing] But this time, your wife chose to honor your opinion. What is the problem?
Jack: Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful. I'm just surprised.
Jill: Oh, Jack, for heaven's sake, you're just looking for trouble where there isn't any. I happen to know that your wife wants to make your marriage work.
Jack: Wait, how do you know that?
Lily: Why don't we track down your parents, and then you can reach out to them?
Neil: There's no need to. We became estranged a lifetime ago. Why does this matter so much to you?
Lily: Well, because, I mean, this is our family. It's our history. It's about understanding who you are and where you came from.
Neil: Wait a minute. I understand exactly who I am.
Lily: Okay, this isn't just for me. This is also for Mattie and Charlie, too. I want them to know who their great-grandparents are before it's too late.
Neil: It's already too late.
Lily: Well, it doesn't have to be. Whatever the reason that made you guys drift apart, I mean, can't you just move past it?
Neil: I don't think so.
Lily: Okay, I don't believe that. Look at us. I mean, we have managed to work through some seemingly insurmountable problems. Because family is so important to us. So I find it hard to believe that you just closed the door on your mom and dad. You must want to know what happened to them.
Neil: I have no desire, none whatsoever, to find out what's happening with my parents, where they're living, if they're living.
Lily: Yeah, but family means everything to you.
Neil: There comes a point in your life where you have to accept that certain people were just not meant to be in each other's lives. I reached that point a long, long time ago. I made peace with it. I hope you can understand that.
Lily: [Sighs] I mean, I guess I can, but...
Mattie: Mommy, we need you!
Neil: They need you.
Victor: Do you have everything?
Victoria: Yeah, I -- I think I got everything.
Victor: Good.
Victoria: You know, I may not be working here anymore, but we're still family.
Victor: Of course we are.
Victoria: [Sighs] About summer's engagement -- I don't believe that you're all Zen about it. Not for one second.
Victor: I think I've made my position clear on it. But I'm sure you have other things to worry about right now, like your new job.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. I have to get back to work.
Victor: Yeah, I need to get back to business, as well. Okay?
Billy: Just because I'm moving on with my life, that doesn't mean it's with someone else, and why don't you do us all a favor and use this creative energy into something positive, like work on the new ad campaign instead of focusing on my personal life.
Cane: So, that, um, waitress in the club. She meant nothing to you, right?
Billy: Bethany was fun. She was a transition. But why do you care, cane? I mean, seriously. We're not buddies.
Cane: No, we're not. You know what, we're not even close to being buddies. You know, Billy, I may not agree with Jill's methods, you know, but I do understand why she's doing what's she doing. You see, a little while back, lily and I went through a rough patch, and ultimately, it was our kids that brought us back together. 'Cause you know something? Passion and lust, it's just -- it's a transitional distraction. That's all it is. Do you know what matters most in this world? It's family, Billy.
Jill: It's obvious that Phyllis wants to make your marriage work. You have to be blind not to see the two of you together since she's come back home, acting like a couple of newlyweds with all the public displays of affection.
Jack: Yeah, that's true. It has been great. I don't know. Just something feels strange.
Jill: About Phyllis?
Jack: Yeah, it's like she's trying too hard. It's like she's being a little too cautious with me. One thing Phyllis never is is cautious.
Jill: Well, maybe she's changing.
Jack: But why?
Jill: I don't know. She's putting a lot of effort into your relationship, right? She's learning to compromise for the two of you, for your future. You should consider yourself lucky. It sounds to me like Phyllis is coming to her senses.
Luca: Your mother wasn't saying anything wrong. We were just talking about what nick told me, that a man has to do right by a woman.
Phyllis: He was speaking very passionately. Seems like a man in love.
Luca: That I am.
Summer: So, you're feeling better about us getting married?
Phyllis: Much better.
Summer: [Laughs] That's amazing. That's great. [Laughs] And you know what? Grandpa was actually onboard, as well, so...
Luca: Hey, I told you!
Summer: Yes, you did! You did. And, um... with everybody being so cool about us getting married, um... I'm just feeling a lot more clear on what I want, and I know what I want to do now.
Luca: What, with the wedding?
Summer: Yes. Look, I still want the dress and the flowers and the frills, but I don't want to wait. I want to get married as soon as we can pull everything together.
Luca: Done. Mmm!
Summer: [Giggles] Oh, and mom -- look, I'm sorry, and I hope you understand why we're not gonna do the whole long engagement thing, but I can still count on your help, right?
Phyllis: Definitely.
Summer: Okay, good, because I want to get started planning today.
Phyllis: You just tell me what you need, honey.
Summer: Okay. Well, actually, we haven't even thought about what we need.
Phyllis: Well, you talk. You discuss those details, all right? You call me later.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: Okay. Love you.
Summer: I love you.
[Luca and summer chuckling]
Phyllis: This wedding is on a fast track to hell. I am doing whatever I can to end this. Even working with you.
Victor: Now, I knew I would be hearing from you. I didn't expect it to be so soon.
Phyllis: Well, surprise. We are going to move. Now.
Victor: You mean, we'd be working together?
Phyllis: Together.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: I realized what I really want and how to get it. It's been staring me in the face this whole time.
Dylan: Chloe. What are you doing here?
Victor: You eavesdropping punk. [Chuckles]
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