Y&R Transcript Monday 8/8/16


Provided By Suzanne

Kevin: Oh, my god. [Gasping]

Mariah: Oh, my god. Are you okay? Kevin! Are you okay? Wait. Were you running? Not from someone? Like...physical activity running?

Kevin: I needed to clear my head, okay?

Mariah: And you had to get all sweaty to do that?

Kevin: Crisis mode, all right? I was honest with Natalie. I told her all I could handle was friends.

Mariah: Wow. I bet she loved that.

Kevin: She passed. It's over.

Mariah: Well, I can't say that I blame her. When a woman wants more --

Kevin: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm the one who wants more. I want to get back with Chloe. And I need you to help me make it happen.

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: Good morning.

Chloe: You caught me. I hug her clothes sometimes. Sometimes I just can't believe it's real. I have a little girl.

Chelsea: I get it. I do. Bella's very lucky to have you as a mom.

Chloe: You really think so?

Chelsea: Yeah! The luckiest.

Chloe: Oh, thanks.

Chelsea: This mom will meet you a the design center later. I'm gonna go, um, visit Adam.

Chloe: Okay. I'm gonna head into the office as soon as Monique gets here.

Chelsea: Perfect. Thank you. And, Chloe, thank you. For going to see Adam.

Chloe: I'm glad I did. I think it was good for the both of us. Healing...maybe...even.

Chelsea: I hope so.

Chloe: You know, when I told him that I forgive him... I just hope that he could hear that.

Chelsea: I'm sure he did.

Summer: Mm. [Giggles] It's so beautiful.

Luca: Mm. Are you sure I can't convince you to take the day off to celebrate? Because I would love to show you exactly how excited I am that you've agreed to marry me.

Summer: Mm. You are very, very, very tempting.

Luca: Yeah? Just you and me and that ring. All day long.

Summer: I wish it was just you and me. But there are parents who need to be told.

Luca: Brave girl.

Summer: At least my dad's out of town. But my mom, I can't avoid her for long.

Jill: Jack gave Billy a seat on the foundation board?

Phyllis: And now the morning is perfect.

Jill: Well, you've got to step down. Just tell Jack you're too busy with jabot.

Phyllis: I got a better idea. How about you turn around, walk out of here, and let me live my life, Jill?

Jill: Well, considering that living your life involved sleeping with your husband's brother, no, I don't think so.

Phyllis: It is over with me and Billy. Trust me.

Jill: Oh, like Jack trusts you? I'm sorry. I'm going to need more than your word. You may be out of Billy's bed. I want you out of his head. I want you out of his orbit.

Phyllis: So you want me to run to the other side of the room every time Billy comes in? You want me to refuse to talk to him? Share an elevator? Don't you think Jack is gonna get a little suspicious?

Jill: Not my problem.

Victoria: [Groans]

Billy: Morning, sunshine.

Victoria: [Groans]

Billy: It's gonna hurt worse before it feels better. You know that.

Victoria: Oh, my gosh. Have you been here all night? [Sighs]

Billy: Haven't moved.

Victoria: [Gasps] Oh, the kids! The kids!

Billy: No, no, no. They're fine. They're fine. I talked to Hannah. She stayed with them. They're good.

Victoria: [Sighs] "Small batch." "Very smooth." I never want to hear those words again.

Billy: Between my mom and the rum, you didn't stand a chance.

Victoria: Rum! What was I thinking? Why would I do that?

Billy: Temptation. Sometimes it gets the best of us and we give in.

Victoria: I hope I didn't say anything really stupid.

Billy: You were adorable.

Victoria: [Sighs] Whatever I said... I'm sorry that I told you how to run brash & sassy. It's not my company anymore. It's yours. I'm sorry I came here.

Billy: I'm not.

Chelsea: So, tell me. How did your meeting with Chloe go?

Adam: Tell you what, I'm convinced now more than ever that she's been working with Victor to help frame me for murder.

Chelsea: You really think that this whole thing is an act of hers?

Adam: I do. Right down to the curtain call.

Chelsea: Oh, Adam, I don't know. She seems so --

Adam: Sincere? Yeah. Yeah, sincere. I'll tell you what, she was sincere about reminding me how long I have left in here. Listen, she's never gonna forgive me for what happened to Delia, so she wanted to make sure I wound up in here one way or the other. That's the bottom line. And I'm counting on you to prove that.

Phyllis: I am not the one who brought his office into this building. I did not suggest him for the foundation board. I have done everything I can to stay away from him, Jill.

Jill: Well, do more.

Phyllis: What more do you want me to do? If I avoid him any more, Jack is gonna wonder why.

Jill: I am shocked that Jack didn't notice that welt on Billy's face.

Phyllis: Billy is the one who got in that elevator with me. He is the one who stopped it. Not me.

Jill: So you slapped him across the face.

Phyllis: Jill, listen to me. I want the same thing you do. I want peace. I want this family in tact. I choose Jack.

Jill: Well, even if that is true -- and I hope to god it is -- you have got to stop with the drama and the mixed messages. You got to focus on your marriage and let Billy focus on --

Phyllis: Victoria?

Jill: Gold star.

Phyllis: Do you really think that you can make Billy want to be with Victoria again?

Jill: I'll tell you what I think. I think that some people are just destined to be together.

Billy: I'd make you my famous hangover cure...

Victoria: Oh, the one with Tabasco and raw egg?

Billy: That's the one. But all we have is aspirin and water.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: Thank you for speaking your mind last night.

Victoria: What did my mind say?

Billy: It says you're coming back to brash & sassy and we're gonna kick some Jill and cane butt.

Victoria: Did not say that.

Billy: No, it didn't. Those were my words. But you didn't disagree.

Victoria: I don't know.

Billy: Lookit, you're on point with this pacific northwest marketing strategy. It sucks and it's embarrassing.

Victoria: Yes.

Billy: And brash & sassy needs you. Unless, of course, you want to watch brash & sassy crash and burn.

Victoria: No!

Billy: Okay, then change your mind.

Victoria: I don't know.

Billy: You kind of owe me. You fell asleep on my lap all night. My leg went numb. I almost lost it. You drooled all over me.

Victoria: I didn't drool.

Billy: And you snored.

Victoria: I don't snore.

Billy: Like a lumberjack.

Victoria: I don't snore.

Billy: You want -- I have footage right here. I have proof.

Victoria: You didn't.

Billy: I do. Uploaded, ready to share.

Victoria: No! You can't! [Gasps] [Groans, snorts] [Snoring loudly]

Billy: See that? That's pure gold right there.

Victoria: Oh, no. You wouldn't do that, Billy Abbott. You wouldn't.

Billy: That is about to go viral. One push of one button.

Victoria: You couldn't.

Billy: Okay. I won't.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: Deleted.

Victoria: That's so embarrassing.

Billy: [Laughs]

Chloe: What are you doing here?

Victor: [Chuckles] Imagine how surprised I was to find out that you and your little girl are living under Adam's roof.

Chloe: You shouldn't be here.

Victor: No, and you shouldn't have visited my son in prison, should you?

Chloe: You're having me followed now?

Victor: What did you say to him?

Chloe: I just wanted to throw him off. So I told him that I'd forgiven him. That I'm a mom now. I'm all about love and forgiveness. Even for the man that killed Dee Dee.

Victor: You don't fool me. You went to see him in that prison because you wanted to see him suffer, didn't you? Hm? Now, let's cut to the chase. Where are the missing pages of sage's diary?

Chloe: I told you, I don't have them.

Victor: You don't want to lie to me.

Chloe: I don't want to be in the same room with you. That's why I burned them, and they are ashes.

Victor: You didn't burn them. You're too smart for that. Listen very carefully. You rethink this entire scenario, all right? You think about your little baby. Think about your future. I want those pages. And I'm gonna get them.

Adam: So, were you able to go through Chloe's stuff? Take a look around, see what...?

Chelsea: Nothing. Nothing even slightly incriminating. Unless you want to call a pile of self-help books evidence.

Adam: Of course. Self-help books. Yeah. It makes her look sane, right? Well-adjusted.

Chelsea: Or maybe she's actually changed.

Adam: No, she hasn't changed one iota. That's what she wants you to believe, okay? So just -- you continue to believe all of her psycho babble B.S. About how she's being her authentic self, and in the meantime, you just continue to press and move forward, all right? You work her. Try to get some kind of evidence of a connection between her and Victor.

Chelsea: Adam, it's not like she's gonna be leaving this evidence just hanging around the house for me to see.

Adam: No, I understand that. But she made a mistake coming back, and she came back because she couldn't leave well enough alone. She had to see her handiwork up close and personal.

Chelsea: Or maybe she came back because of Bella.

Adam: What are you -- what are you saying? You -- I mean, are you buying into what she's saying?

Chelsea: Honestly, I don't know what to think these days.

Adam: Well, why is there a question about what to think? How can you believe a single word that woman says after what she's done to me?

Chelsea: Because I think she's telling the truth.

Adam: The truth? Yeah, no, that -- that's an excellent idea. Let's slow it down and talk about the truth here, okay? We're talking about a woman who tried to murder me. On more than one occasion. You witnessed it. Yet now you're gonna sit here and you're gonna tell me that she kisses her baby, she throws a self-help book in your face, and all of a sudden she's changed?

Chelsea: What I'm saying is I-I think that people can change, yes.

Adam: People can change. She has not changed. I sat here and I watched her sit in that chair that you're in right now, and behind every single lying word, she -- she gloated. She loved every single moment of it, none more than when she got to walk out of here as a free woman knowing that I'm trapped in here. So don't sit there and tell me that she's changed.

Chelsea: She's a mom again, Adam. She's grateful. So her -- her rage is gone. All of the darkness. I can tell all she wants is to be a good mom to her daughter. If you could see her with Bella --

Adam: Here's the thing, though -- I'm never gonna be able to see her with Bella. I'm not gonna see anything because I'm trapped in here for the next 30 years thanks to her. And no one, including my loving wife, gives a damn about doing anything about it.

Kevin: Chloe has come so far. She's really healed since we lost Delia.

Mariah: And part of that healing is she wants nothing to do with you.

Kevin: That's because she associates me with losing Delia. You know, she sees me, she flashes back to all the grief, pain, and anger. She just needs to be reminded of who we were before that night.

Mariah: I hate to break it to you, but you know the whole "you can't go back" thing? It's kind of true.

Kevin: You're right. But if Chloe would just be open to the possibility of moving forward with me... I know I could win her back. Be the most amazing dad to Bella. You see why I need your help, right?

Mariah: Yeah, I see you need help. Look, Chloe and I are not close. I don't know what you want me to do.

Kevin: You work with her. You could mention my name in conversation.

Mariah: Yeah. Just casually, "hey, Chloe, look at this new design. You should get back together with Kevin."

Kevin: Well, you know, you could lay a groundwork. A foundation. And then Chloe will remember how perfect we were together. Chloe in that catsuit. Oh, my god. She used to have the most adorable little bunny slippers. And the night we made love --

Mariah: Okay! Stop. This is a horrible, horrible plan.

Kevin: It's genius! [Sighs] Look, it's all I've got. Chloe needs to be reminded that I'm her ducky.

Mariah: I know how much you want this, because you're running, you're exercising, you're acting like an idiot, but I need to tell you, as a friend, it doesn't matter how much you care about Chloe, you -- you can't make her love you back.

Kevin: You don't know Chloe the way that I do. This is gonna work. Say yes.

Mariah: Yes.

Kevin: Aaah! Thank you!

Mariah: Oh, god! You're sweaty! Stop! Stop! Stop! Get off!

Phyllis: If you are so sure that Billy and Victoria are destined to be together, then how about you trust it'll happen and leave me the hell alone?

Jill: Hmm. Well, the truth is, I have every faith that Billy and Victoria will end up together. But as they say, the course of true love isn't always smooth. And if there is a bump in the road that I can remove, I'm damn well gonna send it back to its husband and make sure it stays there.

[Door opens]

Jill: Ohh, looky.

Phyllis: Hi, sweetie.

Summer: Hi.

Jill: Every time I see you, you look more beautiful.

Summer: [Chuckles] Thanks, Jill.

Jill: Oh! Are you engaged?

Phyllis: You're what?

Jill: [Gasps]

Summer: Yeah. Um... surprise. Luca and I are engaged.

Jill: See? Told you. Some people are just destined to be together.

[Knock on door]

Victor: Come in.

Luca: Victor. I'm glad I caught you.

Victor: That makes one of us, Luca.

Luca: It's good to see you back in the office. Right where you belong.

Victor: What can I do for you?

Luca: Well, I was hoping we could finally bury the hatchet and put things behind us.

Victor: [Chuckles] Just like that, huh? Why would I do that?

Luca: Because we both love summer.

Victor: Ah.

Luca: And she's agreed to be my wife.

Chelsea: Listen to me, Adam. I will get you out of here. Victor did this. We know that. So what we need to do is find these journal pages, find his real accomplice, and then you're free.

Adam: Find his real accomplice? Yeah, unless, of course, the accomplice is Chloe, and then I'm kind of screwed, right?

Chelsea: Would you stop? I'm not choosing Chloe over you. I just -- I don't want to waste time looking in the wrong direction.

Adam: Looking in the wrong direction? What the hell other direction is there to look, babe? It's so obvious. You just keep pumping the brakes 'cause you don't want to upset Chloe.

Chelsea: That is so untrue. I am not giving up on you. Nobody is. I'm not. Michael's not. Dylan's not.

Adam: Yeah, except in case you missed it, the investigation has been closed.

Chelsea: Well, Dylan thinks you're innocent, and he swore to me that he would help find this mystery woman who helped put you here.

Adam: That's great. You know how you help him out? You tell him that the mystery woman that he's looking for is living with you, spending time with my son. The ultimate revenge. We'll see if he can sniff that one out.

Chloe: [Groans]

Mariah: What'd that dummy ever do to you?

Chloe: [Sighs] Creative angst.

Mariah: So... I, uh -- I'm sorry I'm late. Just came from seeing Kevin.

Chloe: Hey, could you pass me the, uh, necklace, please?

Mariah: Yeah.

Chloe: Let's try that. Just put it on.

Mariah: Yeah. He was running. Isn't that crazy?

Chloe: Sorry, who was running?

Mariah: Kevin. God, he's -- he's great, right? So funny. Smart. He's kind. You know, and he gets that look on his face when he has this awesome idea that you probably know is gonna get you into trouble, but you do it anyway 'cause it's worth it.

Chloe: Yeah, that's Kevin.

Mariah: I don't have to tell you that. I mean, you know him better than anybody.

Chloe: You know what I don't understand is why the two of you aren't together.

Mariah: Uh... we're just friends. There was a time where I-it could have happened, but it didn't. Not like the two of you. You two are one of a kind. Uh, he's your... he's your rubber ducky? Is that it?

Chloe: [Scoffs]

Mariah: Look, I-I'm just saying, you guys, you lived on your own terms. Outside the box. Because you totally and completely got each other. Do you know how lucky you are? How rare that is? I mean, that kind of wild ride only happens to people who... who are totally, truly, madly in love. Who belong together.

Luca: I love your granddaughter so much. Her beauty, her intelligence. Her heart. She takes my breath away every day. Look, and I -- I promise I will make her happier than she has ever been. I'll protect her. I'll honor her. [Sighs] Look, I-I'm not sure if you're just in shock or if you're sizing me up for a pair of cement shoes.

Victor: Let me ask you -- did you say this to her father when you asked for his daughter's hand?

Luca: I admit, I-I couldn't wait. I followed my heart and fell to my knees.

Victor: Really?

Luca: Yeah. It was at nick's encouragement.

Victor: That so?

Luca: Yeah. He told me to do right by summer. To -- to be responsible, to be the man she needs. I'm grateful for the advice. I plan to honor it. I would tell all this to him, of course, but he's out of town.

Victor: Oh, yes. He's out of town so you come to me, is that it?

Luca: Yeah.

Victor: So, um, did you come to me because you are filled with joy at the prospect of marrying my granddaughter, or are you here to fish for a job at Newman enterprises as part of your wedding package?

Luca: No, no, no. I'm just happy that I'll soon be part of such a close-knit family.

Victor: For your information, I no longer hire family members. In fact, I have encouraged them to pursue their own passions, you know.

Luca: Oh.

Victor: So I would suggest that you exercise whatever talents you have. Thank you. Hope summer and you will be happy. And, uh, one more thing, Luca. If you hurt her in any way, you will have me to answer to.

Phyllis: I knew you and Luca were happy, but I had no idea. This is... a beautiful ring. [Laughs] It's really beautiful.

Summer: Oh, my god. That's not what I was expecting. No freak out. Your head didn't explode.

Phyllis: Hey, you're my daughter, and I love you. And I want you to be happy. If this makes you happy, then that's good. But I do have a question.

Summer: Oh, no. Please, mom, I do not want a lecture. Please.

Phyllis: Sweetheart, I'm just -- I'm just wondering did the pregnancy scare maybe ramp things up? I mean, did it push you to the altar maybe a little faster --

Summer: No, no, no. Mom. Mom. We love each other.

Phyllis: I know you do. Of course you do. But would you have this ring on your finger if it hadn't have happened?

Summer: Okay, yeah, marriage wasn't exactly on my radar, but... Luca is good to me. And for me. He -- he makes me confident. He makes me happy. And now he wants to commit to me for the rest of his life. I mean, really, what more could you and dad want?

Billy: It's no hair of the dog, but a little caffeine will do you good.

Victoria: I swear I will never drink rum again. Ever.

Billy: Oh, never say never. Look at us. We're gonna run brash & sassy together. Who would have thought that?

Victoria: You know it's a really big decision, the two of us heading up a company. And we have a lot of issues, you know that, right?

Billy: Yeah, we have a lot of issues.

Victoria: We've got baggage.

Billy: Mountains of it. But come on. I make things happen. Your vision. My drive. [Clicks tongue] Magic. So say yes. Come on, vic. You're incisive. You're analytical. You have enough confidence to take a risk. And you add a little rum, and you know what you get out of that?

Victoria: What are you doing?

Billy: Come on. Remember? How does the song go? [Vocalizing]

Victoria: What are you doing? Are you trying to make fun of my limbo? You can't do it.

Billy: See?

Jill: [Laughs] Hello, Billy. Hi, Victoria. I enjoyed our evening last night. So, I wonder if you've thought about my offer?

Phyllis: I think Luca's proven himself. You know, he's gone above and beyond to win your trust back. Wasn't too long ago you told your dad you didn't trust him.

Summer: Yeah, well, dad came to me and told me to look for anything suspicious, so I totally second-guessed everything Luca did. But then I confronted him, and he was really honest with me.

Phyllis: About being dishonest.

Summer: Yes, he did leak information to the media about the oil spills, and he tried to undermine Victoria, yeah --

Phyllis: Because he wanted a position at Newman, right?

Summer: Yeah, but, you know what, I understand why he did that. I mean, he totally stepped up during the crisis. He covered for Victoria. I mean, he was a hero, and yet he was treated like dirt.

Phyllis: He's an ambitious young man.

Summer: He really is. But... our relationship means more than anything else. I mean, he chose me. He chose being with me. He doesn't care about Newman anymore.

Phyllis: Promise me something.

Summer: That depends.

Phyllis: You take your time. Don't you rush down the aisle. Your mother knows what it's like to want someone. But that doesn't always mean you should be with them.

Victoria: You got me drunk.

Jill: What? [Chuckles] I was merely sharing one of life's greatest pleasures with you. So, come on. Honey. Tell me that you have good news.

Victoria: Billy and I have been talking about brash & sassy. The direction of the company, vision, goals.

Jill: Apparently all night. I've given a lot of thought to your offer, and I meant what I said about pouring my heart and soul into Newman enterprises. It's not an easy thing for me to walk away.

Jill: Even though you're undervalued and unappreciated, hm? Even though you're gonna be waiting in the wings for your big chance that's never gonna come now that Victor has his backside firmly in the throne chair.

Billy: Maybe you should let her finish.

Victoria: I would very much like to put my energy and my talent towards something good. I, um, would like to do something creative, something fresh. Not try to re-create something that was lost a long time ago, honestly. So, yes, I would like very much to come back to brash & sassy.

Jill: What?! Oh, my god! That is such good news! You have made the right decision.

Victoria: Great. Okay. So, that's good. I'm glad you're happy. We can talk about the details later. But I have a few things that I need to take care of.

Jill: No problem. Mm.

Victoria: Great.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Please don't do that to me ever again.

Jill: [Sighs]

Billy: Okay. We need to get a couple things straight.

Chloe: I don't know why you've gotten it into your head that Kevin and I belong together, but [Scoffs] It's never gonna happen. I'm all about the now.

Mariah: Well, you may be all about the now, but you're still the love of Kevin's life. And I know Kevin. I know his happy face, his angry face, his hungry face. The face when he talks about you, that face... well, I've -- I've never seen it before.

Chloe: Well, then maybe he should stop talking about me.

Mariah: If you could just open your eyes and stop hiding behind all this evolving that you've done, you'd see that Kevin is exactly the kind of guy that you need in your life right now. Yours and Bella's.

Chloe: I can't. I won't. It's too painful.

Chelsea: The only thing I want in life is you back home with us. You have to believe that.

Adam: Belief. Kind of thing gets ground out of your soul in a place like this.

Chelsea: I think I know, um -- I think I know what could help you. Connor's birthday's coming up --

Adam: No.

Chelsea: I haven't even said anything.

Adam: I know what you're gonna say.

Chelsea: Adam, he wants you. He wants his daddy. That's what he wants for his birthday, so --

Adam: We already talked about this, though, right? I don't want him to see me in here like this.

Chelsea: What about what he wants, huh? What about what he needs? He needs to see you, look you in the eyes, tell you he loves you. And he needs to hear those words from you.

Adam: I don't want him here.

Chelsea: Adam --

Adam: Understand? I don't want him here.

Chelsea: Just --

Adam: I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Chelsea: Adam, please --

Adam: No, we're done talking about it. Guard! [Knocks]

Billy: So that's how you're gonna play this, huh? You pour rum down Victoria's throat and then you push her my way?

Jill: It's very good rum.

Billy: Okay, no more matchmaking. Do you understand?

Jill: I understand that you and Victoria seem to be getting along really well together. And that's good news for you and the children.

Billy: Victoria coming back to brash & sassy is purely business. Nothing more. Just business. All right?

Jill: Isn't that interesting? When I walked in, there seemed to be a lot of laughter, and something remarkably like the limbo going on.

Billy: We're gonna turn brash & sassy into something spectacular, but you, you need to stop with the stunts and let us run the company.

Jill: Baby, you know what your problem is?

Billy: You.

Jill: No, not me. Your problem is that you could have everything you want if you weren't afraid to take it. And that's 'cause you might have to step up. It's much easier to throw some sparkly little bimbo on the back of your bike, named Bethany or Brittney or whatever, because if you ruin a few of those lives, it doesn't matter.

Billy: No more matchmaking. Victoria and I are not getting back together. We've been through too much already.

Jill: Let me clue you in on a little secret that the whole rest of the world knows, okay? Love, true love, real love, deep love... it conquers all, Billy. Even an idiot who can't see what's right in front of his face.

[Knock on door]

Victoria: Dad.

Victor: Yeah?

Victoria: I'm here to tender my resignation.

Victor: Well. So you have decided to take Jill up on her offer?

Victoria: You made it pretty clear that you'd want me out at Newman.

Victor: Well, I told you to follow your passions, you know. Gave you my blessing.

Victoria: Yes, you did. I just felt that I owed you the courtesy of telling you face to face.

Victor: That's very nice of you. But, you know, I expected no less from you. You are a consummate professional.

Victoria: I am. I'm the one who showed up here every day. I came in early. I left late. I worked harder and longer than anyone else, and I saw this company through one crisis after the next with you here and without you here.

Victor: You're one of the most capable executives I've ever worked with.

Victoria: But I'm not Adam.

Victor: Uh, Jill is lucky to have you.

Victoria: I know.

Kevin: Hey. You get a chance to talk to Chloe?

Mariah: Uh, there was actual work to be done.

Kevin: So is that a no?

Mariah: That's a "don't be 13 about this."

Kevin: I can't help it. I feel like Chloe just needs to remember how great we were together.

Mariah: Got it. I will, uh -- I'll let you know.

Kevin: Thanks. I really cannot thank you enough. You know you're the only person I would trust with this.

Mariah: What are friends for?

Kevin: Hey, so, my name didn't come up at all?

Mariah: Kevin, there really wasn't a chance. And I didn't want to bring up your name out of nowhere. It would seem obvious. And we don't want to seem obvious, right?

Kevin: Right. You're right. We don't want to seem obvious. You'll make it work. I know you got this.

Chloe: Ooh, just in time! What do you think of my latest creation?

Chelsea: It's great.

Chloe: Okay. Or -- or it sucks? Or you're visit with Adam didn't go well.

Chelsea: No, it did not go well. It did not go well at all, actually. I have never seen him like this. He was so angry, Chloe. He was completely shut down.

Chloe: But you're the only light that he has in that place. What could you possibly say that would upset him?

Chelsea: Well, Connor's birthday is coming up, so I told him that his son should visit his father. You know, remind him what is waiting for him on the other side. Something that he should fight for. Something that should give him hope and help him to believe.

Chloe: Yeah, I -- I think that's a great idea.

Chelsea: Well, Adam didn't think so. He practically threw me out of there.

Chloe: I'm sorry. Uh, not to make this all about me, but I-I really had hoped that when I went to go see him and told him I forgave him, that would give him some peace.

Chelsea: Well, he's a long way from peace. But I'll tell you one thing. There's no way in hell I am letting Adam shut me out.

Good news, Newman. There's a break in your case.

Chelsea: Adam? What's happening? Is this real?

Adam: This is real. They found the evidence. I'm a free man.

Chelsea: [Exclaims]

Adam: [Gasps]

Chelsea: We need to find evidence that Adam was framed. Even something small. Any lead at all will give him hope. I know it.

Chloe: That would be great, but... from everything that you said, it's just not gonna be that easy.

Chelsea: I don't care if it's impossible. I will make it happen. I have to. Adam is innocent and I have to bring him home because, Chloe, right now, the hopelessness is almost worse, and -- and I don't know how much longer I can take it.

Chloe: I know it's hard. But you have to believe that everything is going to work out the way it's supposed to. Okay?

Mariah: What if Chloe is actually trying to move on? What if she's not the same person as she was back when you were married?

Kevin: Oh, I get it. You don't want me to get hurt. And I thank you. But it's worth the risk.

Mariah: What, her stomping all over your heart and squishing it between her toes? You're ready for that?

Kevin: That's not gonna happen. Just because something didn't work before doesn't mean it can't work this time.

Mariah: Or maybe just because it worked before doesn't mean that it can work again.

Kevin: Mariah, please. Don't bail on me. I need you.

Victoria: Hey.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Well, you can congratulate me. I'm officially out of Newman.

Billy: Mustache loses. We win. Was he mean to you?

Victoria: Well, he wished me well, but you could tell that he was happy to see me go.

Billy: I'm sorry, kid. But that's all in the past. Now we take brash & sassy to the stratosphere, right?

Victoria: [Chuckles] Right. But not with this marketing strategy.

Billy: There is one thing -- full disclosure -- about my mother. This job comes with an ulterior motive.

Victoria: Oh, yes. Of course. She wants to try to get us back together, right?

Billy: She's obvious, isn't she?

Victoria: Yeah, poor Jill. Like that's ever gonna happen.

Billy: That's exactly what I said. So thank you for braving my mom's meddling and taking the job anyway.

Victoria: Well, you know, she did hire me for more practical reasons. Like, uh, saving this company from the horrible idea that you and cane came up with.

Billy: [Sighs]

Victoria: So let's get started. We need to, um, research the business model and re-think the demo. Come on. Let's get to work.

Luca: Hey. You're still in one piece. That's a good sign.

Summer: Yeah. My mom actually took the news kind of well.

Luca: Wow. Well, maybe she's finally ready to accept how much we love each other, yeah?

Summer: Yeah, the only thing she really said is that she'd hope we'd take our time planning the wedding, not just jump into it, you know?

Luca: We can absolutely do that. If that's what you want. But I have to say, I cannot wait to be your husband. The sooner I can call you my wife, the happier I'll be.

Phyllis: Nick, it was everything I could do to not explode and scream when I heard about the proposal from Luca. Yeah, I feel like I'm still re-attaching my head. Look, you got to fix this. This wedding can't happen. Find something on Luca, okay? Fast. What do you want?

Victor: Same thing you want. I want Luca Santori gone.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Cane: What happened to my idea? And why are you discussing any of this with Victoria?

Victor: You have supported me always, and I will always support you.

Phyllis: I would rather die. No way is that wedding happening.

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