Y&R Transcript Friday 8/5/16


Episode # 10981 ~ Jack is forced to choose sides, Abby makes a startling discovery, while Jill works to reunite Billy & Victoria.

Provided By Suzanne

Phyllis: I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. I had a family emergency. But everything is fine now. Oh! Sorry. Okay. What did I miss? What the hell are you doing here?

Jack: Honey, I told you we would be voting in a new board member.

Phyllis: But you didn't mention it was Billy.

Jack: Well, yeah. We got kind of sidetracked before I could tell you the best part.

Billy: Do you have a problem with me being on the board, Phyllis?

Phyllis: No. Of course not. Part of the foundation's mission is to help addicts retool their lives, to break the cycle of bad choices and reckless behavior. Who's more equipped to do that than you?

Dylan: I swear, this is the easiest sully's ever fallen asleep. All this fresh air, out in the woods, under the stars. This is exactly like the trips I used to take with my dad. And I can tell sully loves them, too.

Mariah: Okay, Dylan, he's not even 1 yet.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Dylan: Okay, Mariah. Whatever. But I can tell, and I know it's these times he takes after me.

Sharon: Well, this has been wonderful. All this hiking and fishing and nature.

Faith: We get to do it all again tomorrow.

Mariah: Uh, that's if mom doesn't scratch her arm off first. Do you need some more cortisone cream?

Sharon: Um, you know, I think it'll probably be fine by morning.

Mariah: Yeah, famous last wor-- ohh!

Faith: Ugh!

Mariah: Oh, is that normal?

Dylan: Okay, hold on. Let me -- let me see. Let me see.

Sharon: Um, well, I think it's just from the --

Dylan: Okay. Okay.

Sharon: ...Swelling.

Dylan: Ooh. Whoa. That's not just a minor case of poison ivy. We should get you to the doctor, get you something stronger. All right, everybody. Uh, let's get packed up.

Faith: But we were gonna watch the sunrise in the morning. Make campfire eggs in a bag.

Dylan: Uh, maybe next time, faith.

Sharon: Well, it's just a little itching. I don't want to ruin the camping trip for everyone.

Dylan: Yeah, but I don't want you to be miserable all night, either.

Faith: Do we really have to go?

Mariah: I have an idea.

Cane: And it is the perfect hook for brash & sassy's pacific northwest campaign.

Jill: I will look into it, darling.

Cane: All right, just -- I know that you offered Billy the same deal that you gave me, okay? I know this. Whoever improves brash & sassy's bottom line becomes sole C.E.O.

Jill: Are you telling me that you're afraid of the competition?

Cane: [Laughs] All right. Billy has already checked out, and I'm the only one with strategy.

Jill: Cane, I told you I would look into this marketing plan. And I will. Victoria, thank you for agreeing to meet me.

Victoria: Uh, about that --

Jill: No, let's not talk yet. We'll sit down at this nice quiet little table, we'll go over the details. I am so eager for you to come over to brash & sassy!

Victoria: We don't need to sit down, Jill. This won't take very long.

Mariah: Dylan, you take Sharon back to town and get her some stronger meds for that mutant strain of poison ivy, and faith and I will stay here and finish the camp-out.

Faith: You will?

Mariah: Yeah! I mean, how tough can it be? It's mostly sleeping from here on out.

Dylan: Well, I mean, you got to put the campfire out, you got to keep the flashlight handy for late-night bathroom runs, you got to start the campfire in the morning for breakfast --

Sharon: Dylan's right. You know, we can always do this another time.

Mariah: When? I don't see a family camp-out again in my future anytime soon, and faith is starting school.

Sharon: We'll make the time.

Mariah: Sharon, with Chelsea's line getting ready to amp up, our workload is gonna be insane. And Mr. GCPD detective is always off fighting crime. We're here now. Let faith and I get it done.

Dylan: It could work.

Mariah: Yeah. Faith will enjoy it. I will...endure it, but that's just me.

Sharon: I don't know.

Mariah: Look, I may not be sally survivor, but I think I can manage to keep us both alive on a Wisconsin campground for one night until you guys pick us up in the morning.

Faith: And I can help.

Mariah: Yeah, this one has mad outdoor skills, so we're golden. [Chuckles]

Faith: Please?

Mariah: How can you say no to this face?

Dylan: I can't. [Sighs] How about you?

Sharon: All right.

Faith: Yay! Sister slumber party in the woods!

Mariah: Yay! It's in the woods! Oh, god.

Faith: [Squeals]

Mariah: Yay! [Chuckles nervously]

Abby: Delivery for Dr. Rayburn.

Stitch: You brought me dinner?

Abby: Mm-hmm. It is the wifely thing to do.

Stitch: Oh, my god. It's a very wifely thing to do. Thank you, baby. Lasagna.

Abby: Mmm.

Stitch: Mmm.

Abby: Well, I would lie and say that I made it myself, but I'll just save us the time.

Stitch: [Chuckles] Well, that's even better. Not only did you save me from the three-course vending machine gutbuster, you saved me from your cooking. Ooh, it's so considerate.

Abby: [Chuckles] You're welcome. And I have another surprise.

Stitch: Yeah? Dessert?

Abby: Hmm. I booked us a lake house for labor day weekend.

Stitch: That's great.

Abby: Really?

Stitch: Yeah.

Abby: You like that idea?

Stitch: What's not to like? Boating, skiing, swimming, you in a sexy array of bikinis.

Abby: [Chuckles] You'll schedule the time off?

Stitch: I'm on it.

Abby: And I thought since max is doing so much better, he can come with us, too.

Stitch: We should probably hold off on including max.

Abby: Why?

Jill: All right, just sit down for a minute and hear me out, okay?

Victoria: Look, I don't want to waste your time, Jill, especially since there's nothing that you can say that will convince me.

Jill: Are you sure of that? Because brash & sassy was your baby.

Victoria: Was, yes. "Was" being the operative word. But, as I've said, I've been working my butt off at Newman to keep things going while my father was in prison.

Jill: I know that. And how did he reward you? Oh, that's right. He gave you a one-way ticket out of town.

Victoria: Yes, a vacation.

Jill: Yeah. And yet here you still are waiting for Victor to need you.

Victoria: I am not waiting. I --

Jill: Why are you putting up with this, Victoria? Why would you want to be somewhere where you're not valued? You need to be somewhere where your talents are necessary and appreciated.

Victoria: If I leave Newman now, I'll be giving up. And my father will be getting what he wants. And then there's the issue of Billy. I cannot work with my ex. I'm sorry. I can't do that.

Jill: Oh, um, could I have two of my usual, please? Thank you. Okay. There is a lot you need to know about the Billy situation.

Billy: Given the critique of my qualifications, I'm assuming I can count on your vote?

Ashley: Back to the business at hand.

Neil: Yes. Uh, I understand there's something pressing that you would like to discuss.

Hilary: Well, before we move on, perhaps we can deal with the items that are already on the agenda for this meeting.

Ashley: This is time-sensitive, actually.

Hilary: So are the plans for the next foundation fundraiser. The preparations are already underway, and it is important that we project an image of unity and security for our donors. Now, I've put together a few ideas --

Ashley: We have to deal with the damaging press as a result of the drug trial.

Hilary: And we will as soon as we get through the scheduled agenda.

Devon: What were you saying about the fundraiser, hon?

Hilary: Yes, um, I've given this a lot of thought, and I think that I would be the best person to emcee that event.

Lily: [Scoffs] You are the last person to be the face of this foundation.

Hilary: Whatever is going on in other aspects of my life, I can still focus on this --

Jack: Unfortunately, those other aspects have become quite public.

Lily: Yes, which brings us to our next order of business.

Ashley: Yes, it does.

Lily: I am making a motion that we vote to remove Hilary Hamilton from the board of this foundation effective immediately.

Abby: I thought you'd be excited.

Stitch: Yeah, I am. I think going to the lake for labor day would be great.

Abby: But your son coming with us wouldn't be so great? You know, for a smart doctor, you can be pretty dumb sometimes.

Stitch: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, you're not the first person to tell me that.

Abby: [Laughs]

Stitch: And how am I dumb this time?

Abby: I know you're thinking that I don't really want max to come along, that it's just something that I think that you would want, that I'm making some sort of sacrifice, but that's not it. He's getting better. A few weeks ago, we didn't know if he'd ever be able to run or swim or play with those big, giant water pistols, which I need to pick up before we go there. Max and I are gonna team up against you, and he's gonna love it. [Chuckles]

Stitch: All right, Abby, listen.

Abby: What?

Stitch: I-I just don't see how I'm dumb in this situation.

Abby: Yeah, that's part of the problem.

Stitch: [Chuckles] All right, here's the thing. Max's therapy, it's intensive. It's a delicate, complicated process.

Abby: Okay, so we call his therapist. We ask if we're being too ambitious.

Stitch: His progress is cumulative. I mean, he may not be able to miss a couple days.

Abby: I get it. Max is doing better. He's on a good path, and you don't want anything to jeopardize that. I completely understand.

Dylan: Medic!

Stitch: Ooh. Hey, is everything okay with the little man?

Dylan: Little man is fine. I tried to introduce camping to my family here, and Sharon lost a fight with some poison ivy.

Stitch: I'll get some gloves and take a look.

Abby: Ah. You are just such a little darling, aren't you?

Dylan: Actually, can you hold him for a second?

Abby: Yeah, of course.

Dylan: Got to grab my wallet.

Abby: Take your time. Hi. Hey, guy.

Sharon: She's a natural.

Abby: Aren't you just the cutest thing?

Hilary: You're voting me out? Why?

Jack: That hasn't been decided yet.

Ashley: Jack.

Jack: You and lily wanted this brought up for discussion. We are discussing it now. Hilary, there is concern that these ongoing lawsuits regarding the drug trial are tainting the image of this foundation.

Ashley: Which you just so eloquently said you wanted to avoid, so I'm sure you must understand it's for the best --

Devon: I don't understand, 'cause I was the one financially backing the drug trial, so why aren't you guys voting me out?

Lily: Because your wife's a media whore and you're not.

Neil: Let's have some respect, okay? No name calling.

Lily: Well, it's the truth. Somebody needs to say it.

Ashley: Not to mention all the lies that Hilary has told.

Hilary: Oh, because you are the picture of honesty, aren't you, Ashley?

Ashley: Don't try to compare yourself to me, Hilary, because does the word "blackmail" mean anything to you?

Lily: All Hilary cares about is making a name for herself off the work of the foundation, which is what she did with the drug trial, and look what happened there. The trial was shut down, Devon lost millions of dollars.

Devon: That's not on Hilary.

Lily: You have lawsuits hanging over you. Is that not on her, either? When she was in front of the press saying there's no reason to settle? People have suffered because of her actions.

Devon: That is between me and my wife, and it's my money that's at stake.

Ashley: And the reputation of this institution, Devon.

Hilary: Jack said there were concerns. Well, it is obvious where they originated. Yes, I'm intensely driven. I am passionate about what I do, and I am uncompromising. If I was a man, those would be assets.

Ashley: Please don't try to play the gender card.

Hilary: Jack, you know me. You know everything that I went through during the drug trial. That project failed because Dr. Neville's drug wasn't the miracle cure that we once thought it was. If anything, I am guilty for caring too much.

Jack: Nevertheless --

Hilary: Jack, I believe in what you and Neil are doing here, and I have worked so hard for this foundation. In honor of my mother, I want to continue to help you realize your dream, so please, can you just be the voice of reason here?

Phyllis: Okay, that's enough. It's real obvious that you are playing on my husband's kindness. You do not care about this foundation. You do not care about Jack's work.

Hilary: That is not true.

Phyllis: What you care about is the Abbott name and using my husband to salvage your rapidly tanking reputation.

Jill: Here's to the future. May it bring us everything we want.

Victoria: [Sighs] Mm. This is rum.

Jill: Mm, I know. Isn't it delicious?

Victoria: Yes, it is. It -- it is. But, uh, this particular liquor I-I generally try to stay away from. Too many past associations, that sort of thing.

Jill: Oh, well, those were probably the cheap stuff. I mean, this is top shelf. It's a small batch, very, very smooth.

Victoria: Mm. Mmm. It is very smooth.

Jill: So, now, about the Billy problem.

Victoria: Yeah, I thought that cane was supposed to be the great equalizer of the team, the stable influence.

Jill: Well, that was my plan, but it seems to have backfired. I mean, cane was supposed to exert his influence over Billy, and it's kind of the other way around with disastrous results.

Victoria: [Exhales deeply] Well, then I definitely do not want to be involved. [Chuckles]

Jill: Well, actually, I would think you would want to be involved. When I think what those men are doing to your company...

Victoria: It's not mine anymore.

Jill: Hmm.

Victoria: But what are they doing to the company?

Mariah: Get in there.

Faith: There we go. Thanks for staying, Mariah. I know you didn't really want to.

Mariah: Yeah, well, I didn't want to practically drown myself in bug spray or hear that rustling in the woods that kind of sounded like a bear.

Faith: [Chuckles] It's probably something little, like an opossum.

Mariah: The things with the snouts and the rat tails that -- that pretend to be dead?

Faith: [Chuckles]

Mariah: God, at least bears aren't sneaky. Yech.

Faith: I'll protect you.

Mariah: Yeah, you better. I like hanging out with you, squirt. And besides, you know about all this stuff.

Faith: Like stars. Do you know how to find the north star?

Mariah: Uh, I know that it's up there somewhere. [Chuckles]

Faith: It's easy. You just follow the stars at the edge of the cup in the big dipper, and there it is.

Mariah: That one?

Faith: Yep.

Mariah: Who knew?

Faith: It's not the brightest star, but it's always there pointing north so you'll always know where you are.

Mariah: [Sighs]

Faith: Mariah? Did you do anything like camping when you were little?

Mariah: It was different for me when I was a kid. Uh, my mom, or the woman who I thought was my mom, she wasn't around much, and I used to see kids with, uh, their families going to the park or packing the car up for a trip, and I didn't have that.

Faith: Now you do.

Mariah: And now I do. I have the whole family and an especially awesome little sister.

Faith: [Chuckles] And a really cute baby brother. You can't forget about sully.

Mariah: No, I can't do that.

Faith: Do you like it, having a family?

Mariah: Yeah. I do. It's better being in it than looking out from the outside.

Faith: I'm glad you found us.

Mariah: Good, 'cause I'm keeping you!

Faith: [Chuckles]

Mariah: I'm keeping you, okay? You're mine.

[Both laugh]

Stitch: Okay, you're having a powerful reaction to the poison ivy. That injection should help manage it.

Sharon: Okay. I can't believe I walked right through it, completely oblivious.

Stitch: Yeah, well, this guy should have told you what it looked like.

Dylan: What guy?

Stitch: This guy.

Sharon: Dylan was busy with other things. He was building the fire and baiting fish hooks and pitching a tent.

Dylan: Yes, with faith's help. She's a lot better with a tent than stitch ever was.

Stitch: Oh, don't you ever get tired of telling that story?

Dylan: [Laughs] No, buddy, I don't. So, we were deployed, right, and this, uh, this little sandstorm came through.

Stitch: Okay, think tornado.

Dylan: No, think ocean breeze. And it knocked down stitch's tent because he didn't sink in the sand anchors deep enough again and it blew the tent into [Chuckling] this ravine, and stitch just left it there. Had to sleep outside for the rest of that mission.

Stitch: It was nice out, all right?

Dylan: Yeah.

Stitch: So, what? Are you, uh, teaching sully how not to do that?

Dylan: Yeah, my kid's gonna know how to set up a tent.

[Both chuckle]

Dylan: Seriously, I want to -- I want to pass down the traditions, you know, fun things I did with my dad and stuff I missed out on with Paul.

Stitch: I get it. I wanted to do the same with max.

Sharon: Thankfully you'll still have the chance.

Stitch: I will. I definitely will.

Stitch: Yeah, I have to get to the hospital, meet with Paul and the social worker, you know, and discuss what's next for max.

Abby: Okay.

Stitch: Abby --

Abby: You know what? No, it's fine. We don't have to get into it. I know it's probably better if you're alone.

Stitch: Abs --

Abby: And I have a ton of work to do, so --

Stitch: I want you to come with me.

Abby: You do?

Stitch: If we're gonna discuss max's future, you should be there.

Abby: I'd like that. We can face this...together.

Stitch: Yeah.

Abby: Yes, this is max Rayburn's stepmother. I wanted to see about checking max out so his father and I can take him to the lake. It's kind of a surprise. [Chuckles] Um, no, I'm -- I'm sorry. I don't think you understand. Um, my husband and I, we're -- we're in this together. He keeps me up to date on all of his medical care. And, I mean, we wanted to take him to the lake for a day or a few hours. And, I mean, since he's doing so much better... what do you mean?

Hilary: How could you possibly accuse me of --

Phyllis: Do not give me your wounded act, please.

Jack: There is nothing going on, Phyllis.

Neil: Yeah, we need to get back on track here.

Phyllis: Are you seriously pulling this blatant manipulation act in front of me?

Hilary: That is not what I am doing.

Phyllis: You have been throwing yourself at my husband for months! You've been making up excuses to meet with him in private.

Jack: For business.

Devon: You're off-base, Phyllis.

Phyllis: You have a desperate need to climb up yet another rung of the ladder --

Hilary: You don't know anything about me or my marriage, but clearly you have given it a lot more thought than your own!

Phyllis: What's that supposed to mean?

Devon: Let's not do this, honey.

Neil: Hey, hey, we all need to calm down here.

Billy: All in favor of the motion, say "aye."

Hilary: Jack needed someone to help him realize his vision, and it sure as hell wasn't you.

Jack: Okay, that's enough.

Hilary: He came to me. He talked to me. He confided in me, because guess what? His wife was AWOL.

Devon: This isn't getting us anywhere, people.

Lily: And what do you call how you treated Devon? You abandoned him and wanted to divorce him.

Devon: Lily, stay out of this.

Hilary: I was sick. I thought I was dying. I tried to spare my husband any pain. But you -- you checked out on your marriage on this man who loves you and adores you. Why? Because you were bored? Because you were careless? Don't you dare come at me --

Billy: Enough! Leave her alone!

Phyllis: I don't need you defending me.

Billy: I'm defending myself. I mean, I'm sitting here listening to everybody sling these accusations, these petty, personal attacks. You forget why we're here. Jack asked me to join a board, a foundation that helps people find their way back from rock bottom, to give them hope. It's not exactly inspiring confidence.

Neil: Yeah, I agree completely with Billy here. You know, we need to relax and focus on our mission, so why don't you sit down? Okay. Good. Jack, you were saying?

Jack: There is a motion on the floor to remove Hilary from this board.

Ashley: For the good of the foundation.

Jack: I think we need to take a vote.

Ashley: I vote yes.

Lily: So do I.

Jack: Devon?

Devon: What do you guys think?

Jack: Phyllis?

Phyllis: Yes.

Neil: My vote...is no.

Ashley: Well, Hilary's not going to vote herself out obviously, and Billy's not officially a member yet. It's on you, Jack.

Jack: My priority always has to be what is best for the foundation. Hilary brings a lot to the table. Not only her expertise and public relations. Her commitment to our work, to this foundation, in part spurred by her mother's experience is exceptional. Hilary... [Scoffs] These ongoing lawsuits regarding the drug trial and your great visibility with the press unfortunately tie my hands. Until this battle is over, I'm afraid your effectiveness --

Hilary: It will all be over tomorrow.

Lily: What are you talking about? You made it very clear you wouldn't settle.

Hilary: Well, we changed our minds. We are gonna pay off the victims. As my husband has pointed out, it is the right thing to do.

Ashley: [Scoffs]

Lily: [Scoffs]

Devon: That will put an end to the public-relations problem, right?

Ashley: It's a little late for that, don't you think?

Jack: It's an excellent compromise and a big step in the right direction. My vote is no. Hilary will retain her position on this board.

Hilary: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much, Jack.

Billy: Hey. That was impressive. You staked your claim and got all alpha female.

Phyllis: I can't leave my marriage. Whatever this is between us, it's over.

Victoria: Tell me he did not do that.

Jill: Well, he didn't do it

yet. But I'm telling you, Billy is absolutely convinced to see this idea through. Pro athletes from pacific northwest teams with bimbos hanging all over them wearing brash & sassy.

Victoria: How?! How could he think that a depiction of some over-the-top male fantasy would appeal to our customer-- I mean, to your customers? I mean, it's gonna completely turn women off.

Jill: Oh, it's gonna be a disaster.

Victoria: Hmm. It's gonna be a disaster. You've got to stop him.

Jill: Oh, I've tried to talk to him about it. He tells me that I'm interfering and I'm micromanaging, and he -- he claims that he's just thinking outside the box.

Victoria: How does he even know what box he's in that he should be thinking outside of?

Jill: Exactly.

Victoria: Hmm.

Jill: I don't know what to do!

Victoria: Well, I do. I know exactly what to tell him.

Jill: I would be so grateful.

Victoria: [Sighs] No problem. But I think, uh, I'm gonna call a cab. The rum was very smooth. Hmm.

Jill: Very smooth.

Stitch: Okay, get this filled. It's for a stronger topical ointment.

Sharon: Okay. It was nice hearing you talk about max and doing things together, like camping. Sounds like he's progressing.

Stitch: Yeah, yeah, he -- he's good.

Dylan: That's good. Now we can both look forward to taking our boys camping.

Sharon: Very soon, I hope.

Stitch: Well, I got to get back to work. So take care of yourself. Stay out of the woods, all right?

Dylan: I feel bad our first camping trip sent you to the hospital. We'll do whatever you want next time, okay? Let's get you home.

Sharon: You know, I'm feeling better. I have another idea.

Ashley: [Sighs] I am so grateful that you texted me. I just came from the board meeting from hell. You're not gonna believe -- Abby? Honey, what's the matter?

Abby: It's Ben. I don't think he trusts me. I called the clinic to see if taking max away for a few hours would interfere with the great progress he's been making, and they told me -- well, they told me --

Ashley: What'd they tell you?

Abby: They didn't tell me anything! They acted like I was a complete stranger. They wouldn't give me any information. I am his stepmother.

Abby: Well, there must have been --

Abby: And this whole time, Ben has been acting like he's so hopeful and that he was letting me be a part of their lives. And you know what? He hasn't!

Ashley: There has to be some reason --

Abby: No! He didn't put me on the list, the list that states max's family.

Ashley: Well, okay, but --

Abby: And it hurts like hell. Does it mean that -- that he thinks I don't care or maybe he thinks that max hates me so much that even the sound of my name would make him even sicker. Or maybe he blames me for him being sick in the first place.

Ashley: Abby, Abby, you need to calm down.

Abby: [Sighs]

Ashley: And then you need to go talk to your husband.

Abby: Then he would say that I went behind his back.

Ashley: Why would he say that? Did you go behind his back?

Abby: He wasn't exactly on board with max coming to the lake with us.

Ashley: Abby! Well --

Abby: Mom, I was trying to do something nice. I wanted it to be a surprise. I called the facility to see if it would be okay, but they don't even think I'm part of his family! Mom, this is a big deal! Ben doesn't trust me!

Ashley: The problem is you don't really know what's going on in Ben's mind. That's why you need to ask him.

Abby: What if he shuts me out again?

Ashley: The two of you need to give each other the benefit of the doubt right now. Talk to each other. Go and reach out to him right now.

Cane: Well, that sounds more like a cage fight than a board meeting.

Lily: I really wish Hilary had insisted on fighting the lawsuits, that way Jack wouldn't have sided with her and she'd be off the board.

Neil: I am glad for Devon's sake that she agreed to settle. You know, now they can finally move past all this bad press. And I know how happy Devon will be that he can help the patients from the drug trial, let me tell you.

Hilary: Neil, um, I want to thank you for siding with me and for believing in me.

Lily: Are you oblivious? He didn't side with you because he believes in you. He did it out of guilt.

Jack: No matter how many times you say it's fine, we still have to talk about what Hilary said.

Phyllis: It's fine.

Jack: Phyllis.

Phyllis: She made accusations about our marriage. She said that she told you things.

Jack: Hilary may have been repeating what she thought she heard, but what she said today does not reflect what I felt, what I feel, or what I ever actually said. Honey, you have to believe me. I wouldn't lie to you about this.

Phyllis: I love you very much. And nothing is ever gonna change that. No one will get between us. Not Hilary or anybody else.

Jack: Wow.

Billy: Vick.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Hey, what's, uh --

Victoria: I tracked you down, didn't I?

Billy: I didn't know I was missing.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: [Chuckles] Do you remember why you tracked me down?

Victoria: To inform you that we are not selling beer.

Billy: All right. Is there anything else?

Victoria: Well, beauty products are not beer, Billy Abbott. You can't just hang some bimbo off of a jock wearing makeup and sell brash & sassy that way. It's -- it --

Billy: It sucks.

Victoria: It --

Billy: It's wrong. It wasn't my idea.

Victoria: It's wrong? It wasn't your idea?

Billy: No, it was cane's idea. I had nothing to do with it. Let me ask you a question now. Are you drunk?

Victoria: No. No, I'm not drunk! I just had a couple of cocktails with my former mother-in-law, who informed me of your horrible idea.

Billy: Cane's horrible idea. Did my mother feed you rum, Vick? Sweetheart, you can't handle rum.

Victoria: I could handle rum. It was very smooth rum. Oh, no. Demon rum. I know -- I know that feeling. It's so warm and fuzzy. And everything that seems like a good idea is really not a good idea.

Billy: Like crashing a wedding in Jamaica? That was a fantastic idea. That was awesome.

Victoria: [Sighs] It was what came after that was not a good idea.

Billy: Oh, the music, the dancing. That was all great ideas.

Victoria: Hmm.

Billy: And?

Victoria: The limbo. [Laughs]

Billy: Come on.

Victoria: Yeah, the limbo was fun. Do you remember the limbo?

Billy: I remember the limbo.

Victoria: If you limbo very slow, just be sure to limbo low if you limbo -- [Laughs]

Billy: Don't --

Victoria: You okay? Are you okay?

Billy: Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay?

Victoria: I'm fine.

Billy: That's good.

Victoria: I'm fine.

Billy: I remember looking at you thinking you were the most amazing, most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Victoria: Ohh.

Sharon: Thanks for coming back.

Dylan: Well, if you're sure you're okay. I was just worried about you, you know?

Sharon: [Sighs] A little poison ivy was worth this.

Dylan: See? We're gonna make a camper out of your mom yet, buddy.

Sharon: [Chuckles] I love you. And I love that you made all this happen.

Dylan: We have a beautiful family.

Sharon: Yes. We do.

Abby: I called the rehab facility.

Stitch: You did? Why?

Abby: To see if it would be okay for max to leave for a few hours.

Stitch: But he can't.

Abby: I know what's going on. You should have just told me.

Stitch: I tried to explain --

Abby: You should have told me instead of making me feel like I'm not a part of this family.

Stitch: I don't understand.

Abby: The facility. They wouldn't give me any information. They said because of some privacy thing.

Stitch: Hospitals get sued for giving out patient information.

Abby: No, I'm his stepmom. You should have told them that it was okay to talk to me.

Stitch: I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to have to wade through all this. Making tough decisions about his care -- that's my job.

Abby: I can help.

Stitch: Hey, you do help. You make me laugh. You bring me lasagna. Just seeing you is like a weekend getaway from all this stuff. Selfishly, I like it that way. But...

Abby: I knew there was a "but." What is it? What are you keeping from me?

Stitch: Look, that promise I made you when I said that, um, would try to have another baby after max and once he was better...

Abby: You're not ready. It's okay.

Stitch: I don't want to let you down.

Abby: You haven't.

Stitch: I have. Okay, I saw you, Abby. I saw you with Dylan and Sharon's baby. [Sighs] It's obvious. You'd be the greatest mom ever. I just didn't want to rob you of that hope.

Abby: This isn't just about me and -- and my hopes. We will have a baby when the time's right. We will.

Lily: You don't have to keep blaming yourself, dad. You made mistakes, but you meant Hilary no harm. You saved her life.

Hilary: He also endangered my life.

Lily: Well, he's not responsible for who you are and the horrible things you've done.

Devon: Lily, that's enough, please.

Lily: You don't have to keep protecting her. You don't owe her anything.

Cane: [Sighs]

Neil: Well... hmm. I certainly hope you make the most out of this opportunity.

Hilary: All I really wanted to do was help. Really. [Scoffs] There's a kid out there who is just like me, who's coming home from school, who's not sure if their mom is going to be drunk or dead or just gone. I just can't believe that lily and Ashley, they just came at me like that.

Devon: Honey, I told you that we should settle the lawsuit, and you refused.

Hilary: Yeah, but --

Devon: If we'd just owned up to everything and made reparations right away, we could have avoided all this bad publicity and the need for yet another fight.

Hilary: Yeah, Devon, I know. I'm an awful person.

Devon: Don't talk that way about the woman that I love. But, Hilary, if this is gonna work, you're gonna have to get your damn priorities straight.

Hilary: Well, my only priority right now is loving you.

Phyllis: Okay, let's forget about dinner, okay? Let's go home.

Jack: How about I go cancel our reservation right now?

Phyllis: Okay. Hurry back.

Jill: Wow. That was very convincing. You almost seemed like a happy couple.

Phyllis: We are.

Jack: Hello, Jill!

Jill: Hello.

Jack: If you'll excuse us, we were just on our way out. You ready to go?

Phyllis: I certainly am.

Jill: Hmm.

Victoria: [Groans] Rum. I forget how it creeps up on you.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victoria: My head is spinning right now.

Billy: Let's get you to the couch.

Victoria: Ohh. Yeah, that's a good idea.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. [Sighs]

Billy: [Sighs] Better?

Victoria: Yeah. Thank you for being so nice to me.

Billy: Thank you for your input. It's good.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: You know, Jill's right. We can't tell her that she's right, but she's right. This company needs you. Help me push cane out.

Victoria: You know Jill would hate that. [Groans]

Billy: Even better.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: I want to get back with Chloe, and I need you to help me make it happen.

Victoria: Yes, I would like very much to come back to brash & sassy.

Jill: [Chuckling] Oh, my god!

Victor: You think about your little baby. I want those pages, and I'm gonna get them.

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