Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/4/16
Episode # 10980 ~ Nick & Phyllis form an alliance, Lily plots against Hilary, while Cane & Billy struggle to work together.
Provided By Suzanne
Cane: I'm envisioning pushing brash & sassy's market further into the pacific northwest where there's a market share we can still capitalize on. Now, what I'm thinking is, the analytics suggest that we take local pro sports stars and we couple them with models wearing brash -- Billy. You listening?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, cane, I heard every boring word you said.
Cane: Okay. So what do you got there? Is that the marketing plan?
Billy: It's a board meeting agenda for Jack and Neil's foundation.
Cane: Really? So you're on the board now, huh? Since when? When did that happen?
Billy: This afternoon if they vote me in, which they will. What's that face for?
Cane: Nothing. I'm just, uh, trying to figure out why all of a sudden you became so interested in charity, that's all.
Phyllis: Thank you. I will take a look at this before the board meeting.
Jack: You busy?
Phyllis: I am insane, but it is all work-related. I just need to finish up a few things before --
Jack: Okay, well, I'll get out of your hair. You don't want to be late. We're voting in a new board member.
Phyllis: Hi, nick.
Nick: Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt. I need to talk to you.
Jack: You know what? Your timing is perfect. I'm on my way out. I'll see you later.
Phyllis: Okay. I'll be there. What's up? Is it summer? Everything okay?
Nick: Well, that depends. Are you ready to be a grandmother again?
Summer: Okay, look, before we freak out, we don't know for sure that I am actually pregnant. We just know that I am late, which wouldn't normally be a big deal, but with me, that rarely happens.
Luca: How rare is rare?
Summer: I don't know. Like...never. I mean, how did I not notice this until now? I'm like a whole week late.
Luca: Now, look, we used protection, right?
Summer: Yeah.
Luca: And I thought you were on birth control.
Summer: No, I am. There's a reason why they say that that's only like 99% effective or whatever the statistic is. [Sighs] Oh, my god. Luca, we -- we are the statistic.
Luca: Okay, maybe -- look, maybe not. You have been under a lot of stress lately, right, what with Victor and his trial.
Summer: No, that's like a vacation compared to some of the stress that I've been through in my life. And even then, I have never been late. We need to deal with this, Luca. Unless I'm on my own?
Luca: What? No, summer.
Summer: Because right now it looks like you want to run as fast as you can and never look back.
Neil: Whoa, there she is, my baby girl. Thank you for letting us use your office as a board room.
Lily: No problem. Hand me the agendas. I'll help you set up.
Neil: Okay, very good. And you know what? This is gonna give us some much-needed time, one-on-one time, to, uh, to talk.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Neil: How lucky am I?
Lily: Oh, so lucky. You know, if you want to hang out more, actually, I could use some help with Charlie and Mattie now that cane started this new job.
Neil: I am all over that like white on rice.
Lily: Oh, good. They'll be so excited.
[Cell phone chimes]
Lily: [Sighs] I keep getting these alerts from GC buzz. Must be some socialite who went out without makeup or something.
Neil: The horror. Lily, what is it?
Lily: [Sighs] This does not look good.
Lois: Oh, there they are. Mr. And Mrs. Hamilton, Lois Thompson. I just have a couple of questions.
Devon: My wife and I have no comment.
Lois: Uh, patients who took part in your drug trial have filed a lawsuit, patients who thought their lives would be changed, and then whoops -- just kidding. And you don't have a comment? Why haven't you offered a settlement to these poor souls? Don't you two want to make things right?
Devon: Listen, you can't just --
Hilary: If you had done your homework, you would know that my husband and I are completely blameless.
Lois: "Completely" is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? You promised these people a cure.
Hilary: No, we did not promise anything. We worked very hard to bring a drug to market that would hopefully help people. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way.
Lois: That sounds like some "cover my butt" P.R. Rhetoric to me.
Hilary: There's a reason why it's called trials, Mrs. Thompson. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don't. That's a fact.
Lois: Well, it's not that cut and dry for the patients or the FDA, who was backing them. They say there's some evidence of tampering, not to mention false reports filed with the government.
Hilary: Sadly, that is true, but, again, my husband and I, we are not responsible.
Lois: You backed the study.
Hilary: Yes, but we weren't conducting it. Unfortunately, the -- the falsifications and the tampering, it was the work of a rogue employee who was trying to cover up his lack of results.
Lois: Hmm. And his name is?
Devon: Hilary.
Lois: Oh, I see. So you're comfortable hiding the identity of the rogue employee.
Hilary: No, no, not at all. His name is Dr. Simon Neville. My husband and I, we were both his victims.
Ashley: I'm sorry. That is -- excuse me -- hardly the whole story.
Billy: You have a problem with me joining the foundation, cane?
Cane: Uh, no. I mean, don't you think you're spreading yourself maybe a little too thin?
Billy: See, there's this thing called multitasking. It's where people can do two things at one time.
Cane: Some people, Billy. Some people.
Billy: But not me, cane? Is that what you're saying?
Cane: Look, I don't mean to dwell on this, okay, but, you know, you had nothing --
nothing -- on your plate, and you still managed to drop the ball on brash & sassy, right? And as a result, Jill took over the company. You remember that.
Billy: And she made us co-C.E.O.S.
Cane: Yeah.
Billy: Yeah, and I'm not gonna deny that I dropped the ball, but that's not gonna happen again. You can count on it.
Cane: [Laughs] Sorry. I shouldn't laugh at you. Look, I want to be honest with you about something, all right? 'Cause I'm genuinely curious about this. What got you so distracted that you'd completely neglect your own company?
Billy: Jack. Hey, we were just talking about you, or the foundation, more specifically.
Jack: I can still count on you being at that board meeting later?
Billy: I don't see anything or anyone getting in the way of that.
Nick: I was just about to walk in, and I heard them talking. I heard summer say to Luca she's late.
Phyllis: That's great.
Nick: How is that great?
Phyllis: I just mean it's not necessarily a done deal. Did she sound like she knew anything for sure?
Nick: No.
Phyllis: Okay. Okay, then we're probably freaking out over nothing. She may not even be pregnant. By the way, I am freaking out.
Nick: Yeah, join the club.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I mean, you don't think that they were planning this, do you?
Nick: I don't think so. Summer sounded anxious.
Phyllis: She should be anxious. Getting pregnant with that sleazeball?
Nick: We don't know anything for sure.
Phyllis: Okay, all right. I just -- I cannot believe that you actually walked away after hearing what you heard.
Nick: Well, it took everything in me not to run in there and start firing off some questions, but I knew that'd be a mistake.
Phyllis: Really good thinking on your part, but this Luca -- this is not -- this isn't good.
Nick: We were almost rid of him weeks ago, remember? Then he sweet-talked summer into reconsidering.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, so much for our plan of killing him with kindness. We should have just killed him.
Nick: I still might do that.
Phyllis: At least we should have been more proactive. I mean, forget the hands-off approach. Summer needed to know who she was dating. It was on us to tell her.
Nick: [Chuckles] God.
Phyllis: Do not tell me you think this is funny.
Nick: No, no, no, no. I was just having a conversation with my father about how he needed to kind of back off summer and let her do her own thing. I'm wondering now if that was a big mistake.
Phyllis: Okay. We need to collect ourselves so we can figure out what we're gonna do.
Nick: What we need to do is figure out how to get that jackass as far away from our daughter as possible.
Luca: I'm not going anywhere. Look, this may not be what we planned, but few things in life ever are, right? Besides, look, you stuck by me when I gave you every reason not to. Now it's my turn to stick by you.
Summer: So, what? Is this just an IOU thing?
Luca: It's an "I love you" thing. Look, this is real, summer. You and me. I believe in us more than you can possibly imagine.
Summer: Okay, good. That's exactly what I needed to hear right now. Okay, we don't even know exactly what we're dealing with, so [Sighs] I should probably just take a pregnancy test.
Luca: Yeah, that, uh, that'd probably be a good idea.
Summer: Yeah.
Luca: I'll come with you if that's okay.
Summer: Yeah. I'd like that.
Luca: Good.
Billy: So, you and Phyllis going to the meeting together?
Jack: No, she's finishing up some work. I'll see her there.
Billy: Oh, okay. Cool.
Jack: Hey. I'm glad you're coming on board. It means a lot.
Billy: Me, too, Jack. I'll see you later, okay?
Jack: Good.
Cane: Hey. You don't have to stick around. I can handle this on my own.
Billy: Really? You're not gonna miss your co-pilot?
Cane: Nah, not really.
Billy: That's unfortunate, because I'm not gonna be able to weigh in on your pacific northwest plan.
Cane: Oh, the one you didn't listen to a word of earlier.
Billy: No, I heard enough to know that it sucks, cane.
Cane: Okay.
Billy: You know not only you're gonna have to pay the athletes -- you're gonna have to pay the team for the logo, right?
Cane: Billy, of course I know that. I took that in consideration. What? Do you think I'm an idiot?
Billy: Oh, and yet you're still going forward with it.
Cane: Yeah, with or without you.
Billy: Okay, yeah. It's gonna be without me.
Cane: Excellent. I have a better idea. How about we take this one step further and I call Jill and I tell her that you're no longer interested in manning the ship, okay, 'cause brash & sassy is no longer your priority.
Billy: You're gonna call mom like a 12-year-old, cane? Okay, why don't you go ahead and do that? At the same time, why don't you ask about the deal she made with me on the side, the one that puts me in control of the company and leaves you in the dark?
Lily: Poor Devon. This lawsuit is making him look terrible. It's so unlike him to not settle, right?
Neil: Yeah, very unlike him.
Lily: You know this is because of Hilary, because she can't even part with a dollar of his money.
Neil: Okay, it's her money, too.
Lily: Yeah, by default! I just really wish that he divorced her when he had the chance so that she couldn't drag him down with her.
Neil: No, that's not entirely fair, is it?
Lily: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. Which part?
Neil: Hmm, that's not necessarily the route I would have taken.
Lily: It's not the route Devon would have taken.
Neil: Oh, goodness. She has the right to defend herself, lily.
Lily: She's defending her bank account and her reputation! Hilary worked very hard to climb that ladder, and she will do anything to not get knocked down. Come on, Devon's being crucified because he married that gold-digging bitch.
Ashley: I'm sure you're familiar with my former role overseeing the drug trial. Well, during that time, I worked very closely with Dr. Simon Neville. I can assure you all the situation is far too complex to be placing the blame entirely on him. Especially considering that he saved people's lives, like mine and like Hilary's. He saved yours, too, didn't he, Hilary?
Lois: Well, if the doctor's not to blame, that means it's back to you two on the hot seat.
Devon: My wife and I have nothing more to say at this time, and I'd like to remind you that this club has a strict policy against the press accosting its guests, so I recommend all of you leave.
Ashley: Excuse us.
Hilary: "No comment" only makes us look worse, if that's even possible after the things that you just said.
Ashley: I was just telling the truth. You should try it sometime, Hilary.
Hilary: Name one thing that I said that wasn't true. This wonder drug was all Dr. Neville's idea. He said that it would work, and it didn't.
Ashley: You know, memories don't come any more selective than yours, Hilary. You're the one that rushed the drug to market. You're the one that bribed the lab tech to make it happen. Neville had nothing to do with it.
Hilary: He is gone, Ashley. You can stop mooning over the mad scientist.
Ashley: I am trying to just give you a much-needed reality check.
Hilary: The reality is that I could have been killed thanks to Dr. Neville. I should be joining this damn lawsuit!
Ashley: Why don't you? Oh, wait, you know what? You wouldn't get any money because you refuse to settle.
Devon: Why don't you guys talk a little louder? I don't think they heard you over there.
Ashley: How do you do it? I mean, honestly, do you feel like you have a 20-ton weight just tied around your neck with this woman?
Devon: Ashley, the only thing I'm tied to is the woman that I love.
Ashley: Really? Well, the woman that you love, Devon, is out of control and you better find a way to rein her in.
Hilary: Thank you for sticking up for me with Ashley. That woman has no clue what she's --
Devon: I need to call our lawyer and make sure you didn't make things worse with your spontaneous press conference.
Luca: Can I, um, can I get you a glass of water or anything?
Summer: Well, considering I just chugged two bottles of water on the way here, I think I'm good. Guess there's really nothing left to do besides take the test, right?
Luca: Summer, I'm sorry.
Summer: For what?
Luca: That things played out the way they did. I know it must have been a shock for --
Summer: No, don't be sorry, okay? I mean, we're in this together. Right?
Luca: Right.
Summer: Okay.
Luca: Good luck. I'm not -- I'm not sure why I said that.
Summer: You just want things to work out for the best.
Luca: Yeah, um... what is best? I mean, I'm hoping it's okay that I say this, but are you hoping for a negative result... or a positive?
Summer: It's the weirdest thing, 'cause I'm not even sure I know.
Phyllis: Luca's a worm. He's a slimy worm who slithered into our daughter's life, which was bad enough, but now this? All right, I need to talk to her.
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. Not like this, you don't.
Phyllis: Are you suggesting I cannot control my temper?
Nick: I know you can't.
Phyllis: Well, I will have to in this case or she's gonna go on the defensive. And then she's gonna go further into Luca's corner.
Nick: I'd go, but --
Phyllis: That's a horrible idea. You're even more hot-headed than I am where our daughter's concerned.
Nick: That is true.
Phyllis: Yeah. Okay, so we're agreed? I'm gonna have a rational, level-headed mother-daughter talk? And I'm really gonna try not to fly off the handle, okay? Is that a deal?
Nick: Deal. Listen, uh, I love having you in this with me. You're a great wingman. I know we got a lot wrong in our life, but...
Phyllis: Our baby is one we got right.
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: Okay.
Summer: What you said about having your plans for the future just disappear, I don't know, I've...I've been there.
Luca: I'm sorry you lost someone.
Summer: Yeah. I'm sorry for you, too.
Luca: It's nice to talk with someone who understands. If I had met you months ago, my introduction to Genoa City would have been very different. Where you been, summer?
[Both chuckle]
Luca: I granted Marisa the divorce.
Summer: Wow. I... are -- are you okay?
Luca: I will be.
Summer: [Scoffs] Sorry, what -- what -- what made you change your mind?
Luca: You.
Summer: Well, I'm really proud of you, Luca. Moving on is never -- never easy.
Luca: Yeah, no, it's not.
Summer: Hey, someday you're gonna make somebody really, really happy.
Luca: I'm counting on it.
Summer: I really admire the way that you try to be your own person. You're not just another spoiled playboy living off of daddy's money.
Luca: [Chuckles]
Summer: You can really be anything that you want to be.
Luca: Well, laying here with you, you have me convinced. Anything's possible. Look, I know how much your family loves you.
Summer: Okay, and I love you. I do not need Newman enterprises. I can get another job, and so can you. We can have everything we have ever wanted if you will just stay here and fight for this, for the two of us, please.
Luca: Look, you don't realize what you're saying.
Summer: Yes, I do. Of course, I do.
Luca: No, look, summer, it's one thing for me to defy your family. I have nothing to lose. But if you do this, you'd be giving up everything for me. Are you really prepared to do that?
Summer: No, you have it all wrong. I am not giving up anything. I am getting the one thing I want most, and that is you.
Luca: [Sighs]
Nick: What are you doing here?
Luca: Hey. What the hell? Look, I'm -- I'm getting a coffee, all right? Summer wanted an iced latte.
Nick: Listen, I know what you two are up to. I heard you talking back at the office.
Luca: Oh.
Nick: "Oh"?
Luca: Look, nick, then you should probably know --
Nick: See, at first I wanted to hit something. Then I wanted to hit someone. And then I thought I should just get you a one-way ticket out of town so I could get you as far away from my daughter as possible.
Luca: And now?
Nick: And now, well, I can't stop thinking about summer and what she would want and what's best for her, because, really, that's all that matters.
Luca: Yeah, agreed.
Nick: You got one option. Just one. You're gonna step up and do right by my daughter.
Luca: Or else?
Nick: That's a given.
[Doorbell rings]
Summer: Mom?
Phyllis: Hey, sweetie.
Summer: Hi.
Phyllis: Hi. Is Luca here?
Summer: Uh, no. He just ran out for a minute. Why?
Phyllis: I gave it some thought about how I could ease gently into this, but I think that's pretty much impossible, so I'm just gonna say it.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: I know about your situation.
Summer: My what?
Phyllis: Your father overheard you at the office about how you might be pregnant.
Summer: Wait, he overheard us and he didn't say anything?
Phyllis: Well, it's a lot to take in. I think he needed to absorb the information before he discussed it with you.
Summer: But [Scoffs] He discussed it with you.
Phyllis: We're your parents.
Summer: Okay, and I'm an adult, mom.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. We needed to talk, though, to see what happens next.
Summer: What happens next is my decision, not yours.
Phyllis: We completely understand that.
Summer: Really?
Phyllis: Yes, we do. We support you. We want to help you however we can. We just needed to talk to make sure we were all on the same page.
Summer: Really? 'Cause it sounds like you guys are strategizing or something, which is just disturbing beyond belief.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no! Okay, this is coming out wrong.
Summer: I really hope so. I really hope so.
Phyllis: Okay, I am here to give you my support. But mostly just to see if you're okay. You are an adult. I know that. But you are still young. And getting pregnant with a man like Luca, I mean, that comes with a lot of complications.
Summer: Okay, mom, you don't have to do this right now.
Phyllis: I'm not Luca bashing. I am really not. I am saying however you see this unfolding -- baby, no baby, Luca, no Luca -- we can make it work.
Summer: But, mom, if you would just let me talk for --
Phyllis: There are always options no matter what, even if they aren't obvious.
Summer: Okay, mom, please just stop! Please! I'm not pregnant.
Neil: I understand that you're very protective of your brother. So am I. But the truth is, as much as we wish it was, it's not entirely her fault. Not when it's concerning the drug trial.
Lily: You actually believe that?
Neil: If you're gonna point fingers, I suggest you start at the beginning.
Lily: You.
Neil: Think about it. Hilary may never have needed the miracle cure if I'd had taken her to the hospital or if I had stayed away from the islands. You know what I'm saying? That's the truth.
Lily: Look, Dad, I'm not condoning what you did, trust me. I really wish that you hadn't taken it that far.
Neil: You and me both.
Lily: But you can't keep beating yourself up. It is not all your fault.
Neil: Maybe not all of it, but I wish I had the guts to own it, you know, take the hits for my mistakes.
Lily: Well, you know what? If that's your fatal flaw, then it's Hilary's, too, because she cannot take responsibility for anything. It is always someone else's fault. You realize that's why she's fighting this lawsuit.
Neil: You can't compare what she did to what I did, what she's doing now. You know, everyone is paying for my mistakes, and that's the bottom line.
Lily: And how long are we paying for Hilary's? Especially Devon?
Jack: I have no comment on the lawsuit because I have no connection with the company involved except I rented them lab space in my building. What does that have to do with my foundation? Again, Lois, no comment!
Neil: Jack, that didn't sound really good.
Jack: We got a problem.
Billy: So, once I get the profits up at brash & sassy and prove to mom that my life is back on track, she'll step back, the company will be mine. No more partnership. Sole C.E.O. But I'm sure there's a minor division at, uh, chancellor that needs your love and attention.
Cane: You seem pretty proud of yourself, don't you, Billy?
Billy: Actually, I am. Sounds fantastic to me, cane.
Cane: [Laughs] Do you really think you're the only one that Jill went to with this deal? I mean, why do you think I'm working so hard on this expansion idea, Billy? 'Cause I'm trying to prove myself just like you. Surprise!
Billy: Not really.
Cane: Oh!
Billy: That actually sounds something that mom would do.
Cane: But you know what we could do? We could turn the tables on her. And you and I, we could work together. We could team up. What do you think?
Billy: You and me, huh?
Cane: Uh-huh. You and me. No more games. A cohesive unit trying to work together to make as much profit as possible.
Billy: Nah. I'd rather watch you crash and burn with this project of yours, and then I'll get the company without lifting a finger. They call that a win/win, Cane. [Clicks tongue]
Cane: [Chuckles]
Jack: The foundation is being dragged into this lawsuit because Devon, Hilary, and Ashley, all board members, were involved in the drug company. If this starts to tank the work we've been doing...
Neil: Normally I would say don't sweat it, we'll be fine. But the fact is, we're just getting off the ground.
Jack: Donations could literally dry up.
Lily: Yeah, but what are the options? The foundation can't just distance itself from Devon and Ashley.
Jack: And Hilary.
Ashley: So, are we talking lawsuit?
Jack: Unfortunately, yeah.
Ashley: Well, you don't have to worry about me. I resigned from the company quite awhile ago, and I've been officially cleared in the FDA investigation.
Jack: And you are definitely not named in the lawsuit?
Ashley: Absolutely not.
Jack: Okay, one obstacle out of the way.
Lily: If I were you, I would issue a press release right away highlighting Ashley's lack of involvement and giving Hilary her walking papers.
Neil: [Clears throat]
Lily: Dad, I'm serious. You want the foundation to be successful or not?
Neil: What about Devon, hmm? He's an important element here. We don't want to lose him, do we?
Lily: Well, that's the risk you have to take.
Ashley: I agree with lily. Hilary is the face of opposition to this lawsuit. You should have heard her just now with the press. She was badmouthing Neville, making him the fall guy. Rest assured, all of her comments are gonna be posted on media outlets everywhere. You get rid of Hilary, you get rid of the problem.
Hilary: So? What did the lawyer say?
Devon: He said you didn't necessarily say anything to hurt us, but he advised me that I should get a handle on my wife.
Hilary: Like I'm some toddler throwing a temper tantrum?
Devon: I made it clear that what he said was not acceptable.
Hilary: Yeah, good.
Devon: Just like I did with Ashley. Believe it or not, honey, I do have your back. I just wish sometimes you wouldn't make it so damn hard for me.
Hilary: What is that supposed to mean?
Devon: We don't have time to talk about this right now. We have to get upstairs for the board meeting.
Phyllis: You're not pregnant?
Summer: No.
Phyllis: You're 100% sure?
Summer: Yes. I took three tests and all of them were negative.
Phyllis: Then why didn't you tell me to shut up?!
Summer: I tried!
Phyllis: Oh, sweet Mary, this is good news. This is excellent news.
Summer: Well, you and dad can stop freaking out now.
Phyllis: Freaking out? Who was freaking out? We were concerned.
Summer: Well, thank you. But mostly thank you for your trust. Knowing that you and dad had to hold a summit on how to handle me just really brings all the warm and fuzzies.
Phyllis: Okay, you're overreacting.
Summer: Am I?
Phyllis: Of course we trust you.
Summer: Yeah, when Luca's not involved. I work very hard to respect the choices that you make, so I would appreciate the same courtesy.
Phyllis: What choices?
Summer: Where do I start?
Phyllis: Wherever you want.
Summer: When you decided to take a break from your marriage and move into the club, I wanted to beg you not to do it. But I didn't. I kept my mouth shut. And look at where you are now. You're back at home with Jack where you belong. All I am asking for is that same type of faith. No one tells you how to live your life. So please don't tell me how to live mine.
Luca: You're getting worked up over nothing.
Nick: You think this is nothing?
Luca: Look, I didn't mean -- [Sighs] I would never abandon summer, okay? I care about her too much.
Nick: Boy, you better pray that's true.
Luca: It is, nick. And you're forgetting that I already have a daughter, one that I think about every day.
Nick: Yeah, well, thinking about one and actually putting in the work and raising one are two different things entirely.
Luca: Look, I was kept from Eva. I didn't intentionally leave her.
Nick: My point is, parenting is tough.
Luca: Yeah, I'm prepared.
Nick: No, you're not, Luca. To be a father, you learn those lessons along the way. Some of those lessons are beautiful, they're amazing. But some of them rip your heart out. Not too long ago, I thought I was gonna be a father again.
Luca: Yeah, summer -- she told me about Christian. My sincere condolences.
Nick: I promised myself that I wasn't gonna make the same mistakes I did with my other kids. I never got a chance to make good on that promise. If summer is pregnant, I expect you to take the same approach. Be a father to this one. Be present in this one's life.
Luca: I appreciate the advice. And you have my word I'll take it to heart.
Billy: Hey, sorry I'm late.
Jack: There are a few stragglers -- Devon, Hilary.
Billy: Yeah, Phyllis isn't here yet, either. What's going on over here?
Jack: We have had a crisis thrust upon us in the last half hour or so.
Billy: What kind of crisis?
Hilary: Hello, everyone.
Ashley: Hilary, Devon.
Neil: Uh, I think it's time that we call this meeting to order.
Billy: Well, shouldn't we wait for Phyllis?
Hilary: Well, it's not our fault that she's late. We do have a quorum, right? Because the quicker that we get through this agenda, the better.
Ashley: [Clears throat] About that agenda. It's been changed.
Hilary: In what respect?
Ashley: We have new business to discuss.
Summer: You handled it just right. You nudged me in the right direction and let me realize what Luca was all about.
Nick: I had my suspicions about the guy, but I didn't have any proof.
Summer: Until you found that reporter.
Nick: We knew he was getting inside information about Newman, and since all the tips were skewed to undermine Victoria and the way she was handling the crisis...
Summer: Luca was the logical source. God, why am I so dense?
Nick: Look, you want to see the best in people. That is an admirable quality.
Summer: Yeah, until it's not.
Nick: Don't be so hard on yourself, okay? You are who you are, and I love who you are. Don't ever change.
Phyllis: Hey. I don't have long. I'm late for my board meeting.
Nick: [Sighs] How's summer?
Phyllis: She's not pregnant.
Nick: Oh, thank god.
Phyllis: Yeah, thank god.
Nick: Wow. Okay. Uh, how's she doing?
Phyllis: Well, I don't know how she felt about the pregnancy scare, but I know how she feels about us.
Nick: Not great, I'm guessing?
Phyllis: The fact that we were discussing her personal life didn't go over so well. She thinks we treat her like a kid.
Nick: Not trusting her to know what's best.
Phyllis: Yes. You've heard the speech?
Nick: Just a few times, yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, there is this weird tension surrounding Luca. I mean, obviously she knows we are not fans.
Nick: So it was a good talk?
Phyllis: [Sighs] She is not with child, so I am not complaining.
Nick: We really dodged a bullet. I mean, we were this close to having Luca in our lives permanently, not to mention Summer's. No way am I gonna let that happen again.
Phyllis: Okay, Victor.
Nick: Think about it. You really want Luca around the thanksgiving table calling you mom?
Phyllis: What's the plan?
Nick: I know he was behind those oil disasters. I just know it.
Phyllis: But you already investigated. You came up empty.
Nick: Well, I'm gonna dig deeper now. This time Luca's going down.
Summer: Hey. Oh, you will not believe what just happened with my mom. She came over and just started -- um, I thought you were going to crimson lights.
Luca: Yeah, I was. I did. But, uh... then I had an epiphany, which led me to a slight detour.
Summer: Uh, n-n-- [Scoffs] What are you -- what are you doing?
Luca: I'm proposing. Was that not obvious?
Summer: No. Um, okay. Luca, the test was negative. You don't have to do this.
Luca: No, I want to. Look, summer, I've -- I've come to realize I can't live without you. Look, when I thought you were pregnant, I should have been terrified. Okay, maybe I was a little bit, but -- but then I started thinking about what our lives would be like if we were together raising a child. And then I started picturing all these amazing, beautiful, fun things we could do, like -- like teaching them how to sketch.
[Both chuckle]
Summer: No, no, you could do that. I... the most I could teach them is the finer points of how to hide underneath the kitchen table.
[Both chuckle]
Summer: So this is really what you want? You... you want to get married and start a family?
Luca: Yes. It truly is. Completely and utterly. So... summer Ann Newman, ¿te caserias conmigo?
Nick: Yeah, it's gonna be a round trip to Newfoundland. Yeah, file the flight plan ASAP. I'll be at the hangar shortly. Okay.
Luca: Do you need me to translate the question?
Summer: No, no, I got -- I got it.
[Both chuckle]
Summer: I got it. Um... and my answer is... it's yes.
Luca: Yes?
Summer: Yes.
Luca: [Chuckles]
Summer: [Chuckles] Oh, my gosh. It's beautiful.
Luca: [Chuckles]
Summer: I can't believe we're doing this.
Luca: Is your heart racing as fast as mine is?
Summer: Yes. I can't believe you can't hear it right now.
Luca: [Chuckles]
Te amo, summer.
Summer: I love you, too. Oh, my god. My parents are gonna flip out. In a really bad way.
Luca: Yeah, in the worst way. [Chuckles]
Summer: I don't care, though. I don't care at all. I'm gonna deal with that later, 'cause right now I just want to enjoy this. Do you have any idea how happy you just made me?
Luca: I think I can probably guess.
Cane: [Sighs] Hey, Jill, it's me. Hey, so I've been thinking it's about time to give you a progress report, so do you want to do lunch tomorrow? No, no, no, no, no. There's gonna be no need to have Billy there. Yeah. No, I think that you and I can do this alone.
Hilary: How very mysterious, Ashley. Does anyone want to fill us in?
Jack: We were about to do just that. A seat, shall we?
Billy: Want to tell me what's going on here?
Lily: Just sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
Hilary: Why do I get the feeling that I'm about to be put on blast by Ashley again?
Devon: If that happens, I have your back, honey. I'm not gonna let her or anyone else attack you here.
Jack: I would like to call this meeting to order. First item on our agen--
Phyllis: Sorry I'm late. I am so sorry. A family crisis, but everything's all right now. Okay. I'm sorry. What did I miss? What the hell are you doing here?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: We don't need to sit down, Jill. This won't take very long.
Ashley: Honey, what's the matter?
Abby: It's Ben. I don't think he trusts me.
Lily: I am making a motion that we vote to remove Hilary Hamilton from the board of this foundation effective immediately.
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