Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/3/16


Episode # 10979 ~ Victor Newman is back in business, Chloe visits Adam, while Summer's announcement shocks Luca.

Provided By Suzanne

[Birds chirping]

Dylan: Hey, you good over there?

Faith: Yep. You good over there?

Dylan: Roger that. I think our first camp-out is a success already. And even sully's loving it.

Faith: He's asleep.

Dylan: Well, that's because of the good, clean forest air. Come here. Take a deep breath. [Inhales deeply] Ah. You see what I'm talking about? Soothing, right?

Mariah: [Screams] Oh, my god! I saw it. It's in the water swimming, and it was swimming --

Sharon: What does poison ivy look like? Or -- or oak? Maybe it's poison oak. Whatever it is, I have it or -- or something poisonous.

Mariah: Maybe the thing in the water is poisonous and it's gonna come out at night, it's gonna murder us all! What are we doing here?!

Dylan: [Sighs]

Summer: Hey. How was your shower?

Luca: You should have joined me. Firsthand knowledge is always the best.

Summer: I will next time.

Luca: [Chuckles] I was thinking, you never told me how you left things with Victor after he asked you to stay at Newman.

Summer: Um, well, I told him that I would not be coming back, but he asked me not to decide yet.

Luca: That's because he wants to break down your resistance.

Summer: Well, I'm not gonna change my mind.

Luca: Well, maybe you should.

Summer: Wait, you think I should stay at Newman enterprises. Why would I do that?

Victor: I asked you to find out who's responsible for the oil spill. How come you didn't do that?

My team hasn't found anything beyond what your son and daughter already discovered.

Victor: They can't find it, you can't find it. I damn well will.

Chelsea: Adam is in prison, in case you've forgotten, so, uh, what kind of plot do you think we're hatching?

Nick: A way to get out of prison. I went and saw him. Adam wasn't climbing the walls. He seemed calm. He kept saying he was gonna be out soon.

Chelsea: And what would you prefer he be doing in there, nick?

Nick: I know Adam has something up his sleeve. I also know he wouldn't do anything without including you. You're like the perfect partner.

Chelsea: Oh, that's flattering. Well, if I told you there was a plan, would you want to help save your brother, or would you want to get in our way and make sure he rots in there?

Michael: I trust you've been behaving yourself?

Adam: I have. I've been a model citizen.

Michael: Hmm. How about Chelsea? How's she doing?

Adam: Uh, she's good. She came to visit.

Michael: Uh-huh. And you were too smart to refuse to see her.

Adam: I know what you're looking for. I think what you're trying to say is you were smarter than me and you know that I can't stay away from my wife. It was dumb to run away from her. Everyone knows I can't be without that woman.

Michael: Yeah, so dumb. Exactly.

Adam: Very mature.

Michael: I told you so.

Adam: Thank you for telling me so. I appreciate it.

Michael: Mm-hmm. Well... you seem to be in a better frame of mind.

Adam: Do I? Yeah, I am. I think I am in a frame of mind.

Michael: Because I was right!

Adam: Because I feel like I'm about ready to get out of here.

Kevin: I'm not Bella's father.

Chloe: [Scoffs] I know. Shocking. I told the truth.

Kevin: Well, can you blame me for wondering?

Chloe: What? Because I have a less than stellar relationship with telling the truth, especially when it comes to who's the daddy? Yeah, okay, you got me there. If you want to redo the test, do it.

Kevin: No, it's fine. I'm not Bella's dad.

Chloe: But you wanted to be. Look, I know that I'm a screw-up and sometimes I'm a little shady and I'm selfish, basically, all the time, but I know how much you care, and I would never keep you from your kid.

Kevin: But she is your kid. And her bio dad is out of the picture.

Chloe: Yeah, yeah, he is.

Kevin: Well, if you want a father figure for Bella, that can still be me.

Sharon: I can't believe they don't have signs posted at the trees and the shrubs that are poisonous. I mean, neon signs.

Dylan: Sharon, if you came into contact with poison ivy, I doubt that you'd be itching already, so it must have been a bug bite or some other kind of skin irritation. Here.

Sharon: Mariah, can you check online and see what poison ivy looks like so I know?

Mariah: There are no cell towers.

Dylan: [Chuckling] Hey, I think we should just put the cell phones away, Mariah, and focus on dinner. Who wants to go fishing?

Faith: Ooh!

Dylan: We got baits and hooks for everybody.

Sharon: You know, sully is sleeping so nicely. I just think I should stay with him.

Mariah: Yeah, and I should stay with Sharon in case her arm blows up like a balloon.

Dylan: Your mom's fine.

Mariah: Just in case, I'm -- I'm gonna stay with her, yeah?

Dylan: All right, then faith and I will be in charge of catching the fish, and you two will be in charge of gutting and cooking.

Sharon: Oh. Perfect.

Dylan: All right. Faith, let's go.

Mariah: Gutting. He said gutting.

Sharon: Is it so awful that I'm not more outdoorsy? Dylan's so happy to be camping.

Mariah: I don't know. I think faith got all the outdoorsy genes, which I am totally okay with, except now it looks like I'm gonna have to slice a fish open and scoop out its innards.

Sharon: Well, thank you for that visual.

Mariah: It's true. And I am hungry for real food right now. So, so hungry. Not some fish later with its eyeballs staring back at me.

Sharon: You know, I might be able to do something about that.

Mariah: There is nothing to eat coming out of there.

Sharon: Let's see. Hmm. How did this get into sully's bag?

Mariah: Is that goat cheese?

Sharon: And multigrain artisanal crackers.

Mariah: [Gasps] Goats are -- are natural. Grains are natural! We are so outdoorsy that it hurts. Let's do this.

Sharon: Right?

Mariah: Oh, my gosh.

Victor: I want you to refocus attention on Luca Santori, all right? I want to find a connection between that boy and the oil spill.

Per your son, the guy checked out.

Victor: I'm not paying my son. I'm paying you. You retrace every move that that bastard made while I was in prison. You got it?

Luca: You have every reason to be suspicious of me, summer. A month ago, I would have told you the same damn thing -- to stay at Newman. But then it would have been for my sake, not yours.

Summer: Okay, so why are you telling me this now?

Luca: Because I know it's what you want. The office, the work, the responsibility. You love all of that. Maybe I'm wrong. You tell me. You see yourself living the rest of your life without Newman enterprises, or are you ready to get back in the game?

Michael: Did someone issue you a "get out of jail free" card I don't know about?

Adam: Maybe. I have a lead on Victor's mystery minion.

Michael: What? Ho-- since when?

Adam: It's best if I don't get into the details with you, okay? Let's just suffice it to say that once we get her to confess, we track her down, Victor will be in here --

Michael: Who's "we"? Who's "we"? Chelsea?

Adam: I said no details, Michael.

Michael: I assume you're not referring to the GCPD, because I told you the case is closed. Paul refuses to allow any further investigation.

Adam: Well, once we get the information, Dylan will be forced to track her down.

Michael: Dylan doesn't have to do anything except follow orders. And Paul was very clear. The investigation is closed.

Adam: Well, I don't care. It's not up to Paul.

Michael: Yes, it is! That's pretty much what being the chief of police means.

Adam: Well, let's just talk about the chief of police for a second. What is he interested in? Just racking up conviction after conviction or does he actually want to solve a damn case?! I'm not gonna spend 30 years of my life in here because he can't be burdened with doing his job!

Nick: You know, I have thought Adam was innocent, and I wondered if maybe I was wrong about that. Honestly, I just want the truth.

Chelsea: The truth is, Victor did this. And he could undo it, but he won't. And I got to tell you, nick, that doesn't just affect Adam. That affects you, that affects -- that affects Victoria, that affects everybody! Because it shows this man hasn't changed! Victor's not reformed! If anything, he's just more dangerous, because getting out of prison has shown him he's untouchable. So he's gonna hurt whoever doesn't do what he wants them to do.

Nick: Yeah. I'm getting that in. He's gonna push me and Vick out of the company any day now.

Chelsea: Why are you even still there? Come on. Newman enterprises was never part of your dream.

Nick: Is this what you really want to talk about? My career at Newman enterprises? Why are you dodging the question? What are you and Adam up to? Chelsea, I just want the truth.

Chelsea: If you want the truth, nick, go find it! Stop asking me questions and go find the truth!

Nick: How am I supposed to do that?

Chelsea: Go find sage's real journal pages. Find where Victor is hiding them.

Mariah: This is so...

Sharon: Mmm.

Mariah: So good.

Sharon: Yummy.

Mariah: You wouldn't happen to have a memory foam mattress and a flatscreen in there, would you?

Sharon: Mmm. You know, those are the two things I forgot, sadly.

Dylan: Did you see how big that walleye was? Huh?

Mariah: Oh, oh, oh! Oh!

Dylan: The fish conquerors return!

Faith: I caught two fish.

Mariah: Oh, my gosh.

Sharon: That's amazing.

Mariah: So impressive.

Dylan: Right? I mean, we got to get these babies on for dinner. I'm gonna start the fire, okay? Uh, you guys ready to hold up your end of the deal and gut and clean the fish?

Faith: That was the deal.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: But there's no real rush. I mean, are you even hungry yet?

Mariah: No, no, I'm not feeling very hungry.

Dylan: Oh, you're gonna need some energy for the hike. Protein.

Faith: Protein.

Sharon: Or berries. I think I saw a blackberry bush over there.

Mariah: Yeah, um, you guys hunted. We'll forage. I need to brush up on my foraging skills anyway, so...

Faith: Hey. What's this stuff?

Chelsea: What did you say to nick? He showed up at our place asking what our big plan is to get you out of here. You tipped him off.

Adam: I told him to stay the hell away from you.

Chelsea: Which tipped him off. And now he's on high alert.

Adam: He can't be on high alert. He needs to stay the hell away from you, give you a chance to work Chloe, you know, get her to confess that she's working with Victor.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Adam: No one else is even looking for her, by the way. And Paul told Dylan to back off the case. The case is closed. If we don't give them a reason to reopen it, I'm gonna rot in here.

Chelsea: No, don't talk like that. That's not gonna happen. We'll find evidence that Dylan can't ignore.

Adam: This has got to be all on you right now, okay? I can't do anything from in here. This rests on your shoulders. What are you -- what are you doing right now? You're looking like you're giving up.

Chelsea: What? No. I am not giving up. I just... Adam, I don't think Chloe is going to confess.

Adam: Come on. You're her best friend. You can get her to open up.

Chelsea: I don't think she's going to confess because I'm not so sure she's the one who's setting you up.

Kevin: And what's changed? So I'm not Bella's bio dad. So what? Doesn't mean you guys can't move in. It's got to be better than that motel you're staying at.

Chloe: Well, we're not staying at the motel anymore. Chelsea invited us to stay with her. Sea invited you? On purpose? And you said yes?

Chloe: Yes. She asked, and I said yes. I'm not gonna try and steal Connor again if that's what you're eluding to. And Chelsea knows that. And I'm in a better place now.

Kevin: Yeah, I know that, but it's Adam's place, too, with his pictures and his things and his family.

Chloe: And he's in prison. Chelsea and I, we're -- we're like a sitcom. Just two women and their kids as roommates, and we'll end every episode on the sofa having wine and ice cream. I mean, how great is that?

Kevin: Okay, look, Chloe, you know my place. You've lived there. And you know that there is room for you and Bella. And I can help you with her. You know I can do that! I'm good at it! At least I think I was.

Chloe: You were great. But we can't play house. We're not a couple anymore. Kevin, we broke up, and we broke up for a reason -- because it didn't work the first time.

Kevin: That is not the point. The point is, let me help you with Bella. I can be there for both of you.

Chloe: You know what? You need to find your girlfriend and you need to knock her up, because I have a place to live, and we're not getting back together.

[Door opens]

Victor: Hey. My boy, why aren't you on your vacation?

Nick: Well, I just wanted to come by and tell you as much as I appreciated the gesture, it just doesn't feel right leaving right now. There's a lot going on.

Victor: I can handle everything around here.

Nick: It's not just around here, you know. There's a lot going on in life in general.

Victor: Well, that all can wait, can't it?

Nick: I went to see Adam.

Victor: Oh. What'd he tell you? That I am the reason he's in prison?

Nick: He did say that. Are you?

Adam: Okay, let's review for a second. We have video footage of a woman visiting Victor over and over and over again. She was wearing a wig. She used a false name. Now all of a sudden Chloe shows up in town? That woman hates me. No one would like to see me in a cell more than her. I'm telling you it's her. She's working with Victor.

Chelsea: Okay, I understand. If this were a year ago, I would completely agree with you 100%. But she is different now. Her doctors say that she's rational and healthy.

Adam: Well, you know, rational and healthy people commit crimes, babe.

Chelsea: She talks a lot about forgiveness. She says that she's let go of all the anger she had for you, for her daughter's sake.

Adam: You're only seeing what she wants you to see.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, um, there's a little bit of other news. She's living with me.

Adam: I'm sorry. Uh --

Chelsea: It's a tactic. It's part of my plan, so I can observe her behavior. And I got to tell you, it's like old times. It's like when we were best friends before. She seems normal again.

Adam: Old times went away as soon as the hit-and-run happened. That changed everything permanently. It's never going back. That woman is playing you. She's covering up what she did. I'm telling you. Let me ask you a question. Have you even looked for the diary pages?

Chelsea: Not yet, but --

Adam: Not yet. Okay, because it's kind of a big deal.

Chelsea: I know, Adam. I know. [Sighs] Just trust me. I really think that she forgives you. If you could hear her tone --

Adam: That's a good idea, actually. I would love to hear her tone. Is there a way you can convince her to come visit me? Because I would love to hear her tone.

Dylan: Goat cheese?

Mariah: It's organic. And, uh, besides, we -- we didn't eat that much. [Chuckles] We ate a lot. We ate a lot of it. But we're still really, really excited for fish.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Sharon: Dylan, I'm so sorry. You went to all the trouble to plan this, and we didn't mean to seem ungrateful.

Dylan: No, I get it. I know camp is not your thing. And I, you know, I kind of rushed you guys out here, so...

Sharon: But it's your thing, and I love that.

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, it is. You know, my, uh, my dad terry used to take me out, and, uh, he taught me how to fish and, you know, build a fire, and we would just talk about life and be together, and I just have so many great memories about that that I wanted to pass it down to the kids. But that's just me. I'm sorry. It's not your thing to be out here.

Faith: Grandpa terry taught you camping things, and now you're teaching me.

Dylan: I guess so, faith. And you know what? One day you and I will get sully on board.

Sharon: You know what? Until sully is old enough to pitch in, Mariah and I will do whatever it takes. Fish cleaning included.

Mariah: Really? Fish -- fish cleaning. Great. Fish cleaning!

Sharon: All right! Let's get this camping started!

Mariah: Yay. Okay, where are these fish that you caught?

Victor: For your information, I believe that Adam is innocent.

Nick: So you're not holding a grudge. You're not trying to get revenge.

Victor: He is my son.

Nick: I know you expect loyalty from your children, and when you don't get it, there's hell to pay. So is Adam paying because of you or not?

[Knock on door]

Victor: Come in! Hi, sweetheart.

Summer: Hi, um, is now a bad time? I was hoping to talk to both of you.

Victor: No, I expected you. Come in.

Nick: Is everything okay?

Summer: Yeah. Actually, um, I came to say I accept. I want to come back to work for Newman.

Victor: I love that. I'm so happy. This is where you belong, you know.

Nick: I thought you were done with Newman. Why did you change your mind?

Summer: Grandpa promised that things would be different, and he trusts my judgment. He knows I can be a valuable asset to the family business.

Nick: Sweetheart, of course you are an asset around here. No one has ever argued that. I just thought you were tired of all the infighting.

Summer: Yeah, well, Luca encouraged me to retake my place. And when he's that passionate about something, I know I need to listen.

[Door opens]

Chloe: Oh, hi. You're home. Well, kids just went down, and they are great. They're fine. I mean, well, I want to say that they're perfect, but that'd be bragging, so I'll just stick with they're fine.

Chelsea: What about you? Are you fine?

Chloe: Yeah, why?

Chelsea: Um, the DNA test?

Chloe: Oh. Right, uh... [Scoffs] Yeah, Kevin's not the father. Which we already knew. Well, I knew. So I wasn't worried. But Kevin asked if he could help raise Bella.

Chelsea: Wow. That's really sweet. I mean, he cares about you. Guess that hasn't changed.

Chloe: Yeah, I know, but he has to get over it because it's never gonna happen. Where did you go?

Chelsea: Um, I went to see Adam.

Chloe: That must have been rough. Are -- are you all right?

Chelsea: I mean, I get to walk away from the place. Adam doesn't. He just has to sit there thinking about all the things he's done. [Sighs] He hates himself for what happened to Delia. You have to know that. I told him all the things you've been saying about forgiveness. I hope that's okay.

Chloe: Yeah. He should know. It's about him.

Chelsea: Maybe you could tell him.

Chloe: Like, go to Walworth?

Chelsea: I mean, is it such a terrible idea?

Chloe: No. No, I...I think you're right. I think I should talk to Adam. Sit down with him face to face.

Michael: What happened?

Kevin: I was right. Chloe was hiding something.

Michael: And what was it?

Kevin: A toddler named Bella.

Michael: Your ex-wife has a child?

Kevin: Yes.

Michael: Is that child your child?

Kevin: A reasonable question. But that offended Chloe. She said no. Then we did a paternity test, and I am not the father.

Michael: Oh. I'm sorry.

Kevin: I was perfectly fine not being a dad. Until I thought I was one. And now that I'm not...

Michael: I get it. I get it.

Kevin: I missed Chloe a lot. I don't think I realized how much. And now that she's back, I, um...

Michael: What about Natalie?

Kevin: I can't even think about dating right now. For a minute, I was almost part of a family again. [Sighs]

Michael: Oh. Wow. Okay, good luck not thinking about Natalie, because she just walked in.

Victor: This is where you belong, and I couldn't be happier that you're here. But I made the offer to you alone.

Summer: Luca and I know that. He's not trying to find a way back in.

Nick: You sure about that?

Summer: Yes, I am. So stop trying to assume the worst of him.

Victor: Point is, you're here. I couldn't be happier. And talking about that, I have a little project for you. I'm gonna send it to you right now.

Summer: Okay.

Victor: Give me an answer this afternoon, okay?

Summer: All right, perfect. I will go to my office and get to work.

Victor: Okay, sweetheart.

Nick: [Sighs]

Victor: This is your fault, you know.

Nick: What is?

Victor: That she is so susceptible to that punk Santori. You left my company vulnerable. You left your daughter vulnerable.

Chelsea: Chloe?! Maybe I can just make sure you don't have these journal pages. "The grief recovery handbook." "Moving beyond loss." Oh, Adam, maybe you're wrong. [Sighs] She highlighted and took notes. Oh, Chloe. You're really not out for revenge.

[Door closes]

Adam: You ever been here before?

Chloe: Chelsea said I should come, so I'm here.

Adam: I didn't think you'd show up.

Chloe: I hope it's cool that I'M...staying with Chelsea and Connor. Must be weird to know that you're here and I'm at home hanging out with your wife and kid.

Adam: Whatever Chelsea wants.

Chloe: She's my best friend in the entire world. She's just an incredible person.

Adam: She is an incredible person except for the fact that she married me, right?

Chloe: Not everyone's perfect.

Adam: Chelsea says you're better.

Chloe: Chelsea says you're innocent.

Adam: It's the truth. You may not believe that. [Sighs] Maybe you do?

Chloe: She says that Victor set you up. I mean, that man is just beyond twisted.

Adam: I feel like maybe he might have had a little help. What do you think about that?

Chloe: I wouldn't put it past him.

Adam: Hmm.

Chloe: Still, it just -- it sucks. I'm sorry for what you're going through.

Adam: Come on. Why don't you cut it out? Give me a break, will you, please?

Michael: All right, listen to me. That young lady is heavily invested in you. And you, my dear brother, have already made her feel like she had to compete with Mariah. So if you are delusional enough to be planning a reunion with Chloe while you're dating Natalie --

Kevin: I'm not!

Michael: Don't be an idiot. I love you. But you don't lead that girl on if your heart lies elsewhere. Hi, Natalie.

Natalie: You're not handing out cigars.

Michael: [Chuckles] Well, you know, I will, uh, let you two, uh, you know, whatever. [Sighs]

Kevin: No cigars. I'm not Bella's father.

Natalie: [Sighs deeply] Sorry. That was a random exhale, not a sigh of relief. I have nothing against dating a single father. But this is better, I think.

Kevin: [Sighs] Natalie, you are so funny and so smart. [Sighs] And getting to know you has been amazing.

Natalie: Oh, my god. Generic platitudes? Are you breaking up with me?

Adam: Chelsea mentioned to me that you have this, uh, this newly found deep well of forgiveness for me. We both know that's a hollow claim, don't we? I mean, come on. You love seeing me in here, don't you? Too bad you can't take a photo to last a lifetime, which is almost as much as my sentence. What was it that you called me? Pure evil? Now here I am behind bars for 30 years. You must be lapping it up. You've got that whittled down to the days, hours, minutes, seconds. You've probably done the math, haven't you?

Chloe: I don't think about you as much as I used to, Adam. I think about Delia. And I tell Bella about her big sister and about how much they're alike and how they're different. But you're not a part of my day anymore.

Adam: That's good. That's... that's good. That's healthy. No more hate in your heart for me at all, huh? Not even a twinge? Just nothing?

Chloe: Do you want me to hate you, Adam? Do you want me to? Because I wasted so much energy doing that. I mean, it sucked my life dry. There was nothing left. But now I have Bella. You don't matter anymore. I mean, you must understand what I'm talking about. You have Connor now. I'm sure that he changed you. I mean, there's no way that you could still be that evil bastard you used to be. I mean, how could you still be that person and look your son in the eye?

Adam: I can't look my son in the eye at all because I'm in this damn place.

Chloe: Yeah. It's really hard not to be able to see your kid. It's the worst. So I don't know if this is gonna help you or not, but... ...I forgive you.

Summer: August 3rd.

Luca: Hey, you. You just talking to yourself?

Summer: Yeah, uh, I just realized it's already august.

Luca: I know. How did that happen, right? The months have just flown by. [Chuckles]

Summer: Yeah, the months.

Luca: Summer, what's wrong?

Sharon: Do you think you might have had enough chocolate on that last s'mores?

Faith: There's no such thing as enough chocolate, mom.

Sharon: [Chuckles]

Mariah: I am so not ready for s'mores. I'm still finishing that amazing fish that I gutted like a fish. Who knew it was good?

Dylan: I knew.

Mariah: [Laughs] All right, well, what do you guys want to do now? How about some ghost stories?

Faith: [Gasps] I have one!

Mariah: All right, here we go. Ooooh. Time for the diabolical story of... that's your cue. Time for the diabolical story of...

Faith: The tale of the baby-switching ghost.

Victor: Summer is your responsibility. And clearly you have failed her if you allow that Santori punk to have influence over her.

Nick: I don't like it, either, but what do you expect me to do? She's into the guy. And you should know better than this after dealing with Victoria about Billy. The more you fought against it, dad, the more devoted she became. I'm not gonna make Luca more appealing to her by forbidding her to see him. I know summer's gonna do the right thing.

Victor: Is that what I have taught you? Just to throw up your hands and give up? Not protect your family? Is that it?

Nick: The last time you protected the family, you got 10 years. Stay out of it.

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got 10 years because you and everyone else testified against me.

Nick: Uh-huh.

Luca: That look on your face. Did your grandfather say something? Is it about work?

Summer: No, it's -- it's not my grandpa. It's... it's us. It's... it's me. I'M... I'm late.

Luca: What? For a meeting or...

Summer: No, not a meeting. I'm -- I'm late. My cycle?

Luca: You're pregnant?

Kevin: I didn't see this coming.

Natalie: You mean a couple of hours ago when you swore you had no unresolved issues with your ex-wife, who left you and surprised you with divorce papers, who got pregnant by some rando, who it was just scientifically proven wasn't you? That's the woman you want more than you want me?!

Kevin: No, it's not like that at all. Chloe and I are over, but this has all just made me realize how unfair this is to you.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Don't you dare try to be noble while dumping me.

Kevin: [Sighs] Natalie, we started as friends. I still want that.

Natalie: I was fine without friends before. I'll be fine without them now. My heart was supposed to be unhackable. Then I met you. Congratulations, Kevin.

Kevin: Wait. Natalie, come on. Natalie!

Sharon: Sweetie, I don't know if that story is a good idea. You know, it might give you nightmares.

Mariah: It might give me nightmares.

Faith: But I heard it at camp. It's about Sheila carter.

Dylan: Who's that?

Faith: A bad lady who stole babies.

Dylan: I heard the one about the hitchhiker, but nothing about a baby stealer. That's a new one for me.

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: Oh.

Mariah: You have a signal? What? Is there some special police tower?

Sharon: We're supposed to be roughing it, Dylan, and yet your phone works.

Dylan: Okay, I'm sorry. I'll be real quick. Scout's honor. Chelsea?

Chelsea: Paul can't just order you to ignore Adam's case. We need you, Dylan. As long as Adam is in a jail cell, we need your help.

Dylan: You know Paul closed the case, but I'm still on it, okay? You have my word. I'm gonna find the lady who's working with Victor, and I'm gonna get her to talk.

Adam: You do realize it's just you and me in here, right? No one can hear anything. So you want to tell Chelsea that you forgive me, that's fine. You do that. But...you know that you still hate me, and you always will. You always will. Because of me, Delia's gone.

Chloe: [Sighs] Yeah, she is. [Voice breaking] My sweet Dee. [Sighs] You know, by the time I got to her, it was too late. And this pain -- this pain that I have in my heart, I just thought that it would go away if I made you suffer. But the truth is, is that this pain, it will never go away whether you suffer or not. Bella needs me. And Delia -- I will always remember her, and I really hope that you will, too. I just can't focus on her death anymore. I have to think about her life. [Sighs] And that joy, that [Sighs] -- That smile. God. And the way that her eyes would flutter before she went to sleep. It's... peaceful. [Sighs, sniffles] That's what I think about now. Not you.

Adam: [Sighs] Well, that is healthy. And you are a much better person than I am, because if someone ever tried to keep me away from my son... [Sighs] ...I would never forgive them.

Chloe: The anger will never help you, Adam. And I think that you'll have a lot of time here... to think about that and... finally come to peace with it. [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Chloe: Well, I guess that this means that our little visit is over.

Adam: Yeah.

Chloe: I'm glad that I came. I'm really glad that Chelsea had me do this. [Sighs] I needed this. [Sniffles] I think this is good for the both of us, don't you?

Adam: It's been enlightening. Enlightening for sure.

Chloe: [Sniffles]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: Lily, what is it?

Lily: This does not look good.

Nick: Are you ready to be a grandmother again?

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