Y&R Transcript Monday 8/1/16
Episode # 10977 ~ Adam warns Nick to keep his distance from Chelsea, Jill puts Phyllis on notice, while Nikki questions Victor's motives.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: You want me to run brash & sassy!?
Jill: Well, you were there at the beginning, with Ryan and Neil. You've helped nurture the line all this time. I mean, you've grown a brand that has stayed relevant. And considering how drastically tastes have changed, this is quite a feat.
Victoria: Yes, well, it was quite a feat. I've moved on, Jill. So I wish you and your C.E.O.s all the luck --
Jill: No, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no! Please hear me out. I literally am desperate to have you run this company.
Victoria: I have a job.
Jill: [Sighs] How long have we known each other, hmm? Can we just stop this posturing? I happen to know that Victor stole that company out from under you. And he did it to punish you. That's got to have hurt. Victor's very good at that.
Victoria: Yes. Billy's very good at it, too, apparently.
Jill: Yeah, but Billy has assured me that he did not do it to get back at you. And I believe him. Either way, I've had this fantastic opportunity fall into my lap. And I want you in on it.
Victoria: Jill. Aren't you the one who just told me that you have two very capable businessmen...
Jill. Very, very capable.
Victoria: ...Billy and cane.
Jill: Yes, they are, but they are functionaries. I mean, you have a vision. You have a vision that can shape the future. I own brash & sassy! Now. I can give you the gift of being able to work your talent to its full potential. Come on, Victoria! Some things were just meant to be.
Phyllis: Do you like the idea?
Billy: No, I don't like the idea. You think I want to run into you every five minutes --
Phyllis: I don't have to deal with your crap.
Nick: I don't think Phyllis is on dad's radar.
Jack: Yet.
Nick: Look, I know you need to look out for her, and you're right to be cautious. But right now, my dad's attention is focused on settling scores with me and vic. But if your theory's right and dad does have a way of getting Adam out of prison...
Jack: You really think he'd install him at Newman and sweep you out the door?
Nick: Wouldn't be the first time. Unless, of course, Adam did kill Constance.
Jack: Your brother's capable of a lot of things, but cold-blooded murder, poisoning an old woman?
Nick: Evidence seems to be there.
Jack: If Victor wanted retribution, believe me, he could create some evidence.
Nick: Yeah, but if that was my dad's play -- to make Adam suffer and then come in and rescue him -- he'd have already done it. He would have saved Adam before he got sentenced.
Jack: Not if he wanted to set things up at Newman first. To show Adam who's got the power.
Chloe: All right. Victor, you need to go.
Victor: Well, aren't you pretty. You give me the journal pages that will free my son, and I shall go.
Chloe: They're ashes, Victor.
Victor: Now, Chloe, you know they're not ashes. They're your only bargaining chip. You're too smart to have done away with them. Okay, flattery -- even when it's said with a death stare -- will get you nowhere. Because I don't have the pages, Victor.
Victor: Don't insult my intelligence by claiming you don't have those pages anymore, all right? Every day, every hour my son spends behind prison bars strains my tolerance. My patience has reached a limit. Be very careful.
Adam: I wasn't expecting you back so soon.
Chelsea: Hi.
Adam: Hi.
Chelsea: I have some news.
Adam: Uh...you have good news, I hope?
Chelsea: Chloe is back in Genoa City.
Adam: Chloe's back. I -- I mean, I -- I thought they put her in some loony bin after she ran me down with the car. I thought she was out west somewhere.
Chelsea: Well, she was. But I guess she got out. I guess she's here visiting her mom.
Adam: When did they spring her?
Chelsea: Couple days ago.
Adam: You sure about that?
Chelsea: I-I mean, I didn't call the facility to check on her story --
Adam: Maybe you should call the facility.
Chelsea: Why?
Adam: Because I don't think it's a coincidence that she shows up back in Genoa City now that I'm in prison. Chelsea, that woman hates me. If anyone wants to see me behind bars, it's her. Do you see what I'm saying? Chloe's the mystery woman that we've been looking for. She's the one that's working with Victor.
Chelsea: You really think Chloe --
Adam: I really do. Yeah. And I think she's my ticket to getting out of here. Think about what I'm saying. Who on earth hates me more than she does? No one. Right? And she comes back to Genoa City to see me behind bars, paying for a crime that I didn't commit -- come on. That's the ultimate justice in her eyes.
Chelsea: N-- Adam [Stammers] Maybe [Sighs] Before she went away, yeah, I can understand --
Adam: So, what, you think she just, you know, miraculously changed, because that's what people --
Chelsea: Two years in a mental-health facility, with her therapists, with her doctors, working on herself.
Adam: Yeah, I understand. I hate to be the one that says this out loud, but that woman was hip deep in crazy before she ever went away. You combine that with the contempt that she feels for me -- that's not going away. I don't care how many therapy classes she went to. And then you look at the timing of this whole thing. Babe, come on.
Chelsea: Chloe --
Adam: It's her. She's my friend. I-I really -- I-I can't imagine her doing this to you.
Adam: And yet you were there when she tried to kill me.
Chelsea: Right.
Adam: Look, I understand therapy. And maybe she did go to a bunch of therapy classes, and may-maybe she did come out a better person than she was when she went in except where I'm concerned. Now, doesn't that make sense? That's possible, right?
Chelsea: Okay, um... let's say you're right, and Chloe has been the one working with Victor. I mean, the last thing he would want is her showing back up in town, because that implicates him. And he could end up serving his whole sentence for another crime.
Adam: You know, maybe she went rogue.
Chelsea: Well, there's actually more news. Chloe has a child. Conceived right around the time she was with Kevin. Although she insists it's not his.
Adam: Uh, what'd she have? [Stammers] Girl or a boy?
Chelsea: Little girl.
Adam: Yeah?
Chelsea: Bella. She's beautiful. She looks just like Delia. [Sighs] Chloe says she's back in town because Genoa City has really only been her only real home. And she wants to start over. Start her life again.
Adam: Of course, the doesn't take away the fact that I'm responsible for the death of her first child, does it? And it also doesn't mean that she wasn't working with Victor to help frame me for murder.
Chelsea: So... if you're right about this, what do we do?
Adam: I need you to do your thing, babe. I need you on this one. I need you to work her, all right? Use your friendship. Figure out what she knows. Get her to admit that she was working with Victor to set me up. Now, can you do that?
Victor: And I'm the reason that you're with that beautiful girl. And yet you are keeping me from my son.
Chloe: Adam is in jail because of what he did to Dee Dee. And you deserve to be in jail for blackmailing him so he couldn't come forward. So let's not forget that he is in jail because of you.
Victor: It wasn't supposed to go that far.
Chloe: Right. You just wanted to have your son convicted to prove a point. I mean, you never really wanted him to go to jail. You just wanted to install Adam by your side to screw over your other kids. You call yourself a family man? I just don't know how you say it with a straight face.
Victor: You're playing a very dangerous game. You know what I'm capable of.
Victoria: While I'm flattered by your offer --
Jill: Please don't say no.
Victoria: I can't quit Newman. I don't want to leave my family's business.
Jill: Out of some misguided sense of loyalty to Victor.
Victoria: Well, loyalty is something that you would probably expect me to have if I came to work for you. And, look, I'm not in the position to make this decision.
Jill: Please, don't give me an answer right now. Okay? This is way too important. Give yourself some time to consider it. Here's what you need to ask yourself. If you would rather take a back seat at Newman or take charge at chancellor. Doing the kind of work you enjoy on a product line that you love. Think about it.
Jack: Jill. Jill, hey, you got a second?
Jill: Not really.
Jack: Well, then I'll be brief. I heard your concern about cane leasing space from jabot. You have my word. No one at jabot will compromise your security. You also have my promise that I won't hover over Billy.
Jill: Thank you.
Jack: You seem to have that babysitting thing covered.
Jill: Hey! I happened to see my son going down a wrong path, and I felt that he should change course.
Jack: Because you don't share his decorating tastes?
Jill: I suppose it might seem to some people that I'm an overbearing mother. But I assure you, I have very good cause. And so do you.
Jack: Wait, what does that mean, so do I?
Billy: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at?!
Billy: You. Pretending that you don't care when it's so obvious.
Phyllis: I am so pissed off at you!
Billy: Whatever you say, babe.
Phyllis: Don't disrespect me! I am not your babe.
Billy: You were last night. And then suddenly you weren't. My finely-honed gambling skills are telling me --
Phyllis: You stop it. You stop it! I don't want you. I don't love you. And if we are gonna be stuck in this same building, running into one another, you need to hear what I'm gonna say. We are done, Billy. We are done.
Billy: You finished?
Phyllis: No. And I hate that I have fallen into this situation. I hate what I've done to myself. What I've done to Jack. Now, if you're gonna just stand there and be a smartass and refuse to stay away from me, then it's gonna cause me to hate you. Is that what you want? Because I do not love you, Billy. It is done. Am I making myself clear?
Billy: Perfectly.
Jill: Well, I would think it would be obvious even to you. If Billy is doing well, that's less wear and tear on us. 'Cause we're the ones who devote the most time and energy to cleaning up his messes, right? So you have more energy to devote to Phyllis.
Jack: Well, you have a point there.
Jill: I certainly do.
Jack: Even though she has moved back in, there's no question about it -- Billy's behavior is part of what led to her having issues to begin with. Wouldn't let up on Victor. It fed right into her rage and took her to dark places I'm sure she wishes she'd never been.
Jill: [Sighs] Still, we have to let Billy know we believe in him despite his mistakes, huh?
Jack: I wish we were in a place where we could do that. I swear, everything changed after pass key.
Jill: There's still bad blood between you?
Jack: Yeah, I'd like beyond it, but, well, it's easier said than done.
Jill: Are you and Phyllis busy tonight for dinner?
Jack: Not that I know of. Why?
Jill: Because I would like to take you out to dinner, and we can discuss this further. Any place you say. My treat.
Jack: You know what, that's probably a great idea. Let me talk to Phyllis. I'll get back to you. I am in support of anything that fosters family unity. I got to go. I got a meeting. Um...thanks for the invite.
Jill: Okay.
Jack: We'll talk later.
Jill: Okay.
Billy: You want me to leave you alone. Want me to stop wanting this. To stop wanting you. Because you stopped wanting this at approximately 8:32 last night.
Phyllis: Yes. And that is so difficult for you to believe. Are you that full of yourself that you can't even conceive that a woman wouldn't want to be with you? I had a lapse -- a very serious lapse -- in judgment, but that is over now.
Billy: Because your life with Jack is so great, right? Are you two even sleeping together, Phyllis?
Phyllis: I am not talking to you about our marriage. I was a fool to be with you. It was not worth it. None of this has been worth it. Am I even penetrating right now?
Billy: Oh, I'm hearing the words, but...
Phyllis: But what?
Billy: But you're taking so long to say it, it's making me think that you're either talking yourself into something or you're talking yourself out of something. [Sighs] When you could've just walked away.
Nikki: What a welcome sight.
Victor: Well, what a surprise. I didn't see you there.
Nikki: Well, I wanted to surprise you. How does it feel being back?
Victor: Mm. [Sighs] I don't know. Getting used to being free again. Free to come see you. Free to work with the kids.
Nikki: Yeah. How's that going?
Victor: Are you wondering have I been nice to them?
Nikki: Well, have you been?
Victor: Well, I think I have. You know, I know that Nicholas and Victoria worked very hard during my absence, so I rewarded them with a vacation.
Nikki: Really?
Victor: Yeah. Told them to take the jet, go anywhere they want to. They deserve that, you know. Why do you look that way?
Nikki: I... I just, uh, wonder how they viewed being shipped off on your first day back.
Victor: They're not being shipped off. I gave them an opportunity to spend time with their children. I'm sure they haven't had much of that while I was gone.
Nikki: Well. In that case, it was a beautiful gesture.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Nick: Hey. So how's the packing going for the luxurious vacation? Or, as it's also known as, early retirement?
Victoria: You know, the more I turn it over in my mind, the more I wonder if maybe we were wrong. I don't know. Would dad truly try to push us out of the company? Maybe he was being sincere. Maybe he truly wanted to give us a break from Newman.
Nick: I think you need this more than I do.
Victoria: You think I'm kidding myself.
Nick: It's denial. Happens to the best of us.
Victoria: I hate it when you're right.
Nick: Vic, unless you're willing to accept a greatly reduced role at the company, you need to start considering your options.
Victoria: [Sighs] What about yours?
Nick: I can always go back to the underground or the golf course.
Victoria: Could be that we'll both be leaving, then. Jill offered me a job taking the reins at brash & sassy!
Nick: Really? You took it, right?
Victoria: Well, she didn't give me a chance to answer her, actually. I've been thinking. I really worked my butt off to make sure that Newman was okay while dad was away. And, you know, even if he is behind these oil disasters... I passed the test. I brought the company through that mess.
Nick: So what are you saying?
Victoria: I think that Newman needs me, and I want to give dad the chance to counter Jill's offer. Show me that he values me.
Nick: My sister the optimist.
Victoria: Yeah. Wish me luck.
Nick: Just don't forget who you're dealing with, all right?
Chelsea: You're asking me to assume my best friend is actually the enemy and act accordingly.
Adam: Chloe's back in town all of a sudden, right, with no job and probably very little money. She's with a child that she hasn't had the opportunity to raise full time. She's gonna be looking for some semblance of a normal life. She's gonna be reaching out to someone. And I need you to be that someone.
Chelsea: You want me to work her. Get information.
Adam: Frankly, yes.
Chelsea: Okay. I'll do it. If it gets you out of here, I'll do -- I'll do anything. I'll do whatever it takes.
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: Either Chloe has nothing to hide and we can eliminate her as a suspect or she's the person who's been working with Victor this whole time. I'll use all my tricks to get to the truth.
Adam: This stays between you and me, obviously, okay? We can't tell anyone. Not even Michael. Actually, especially not Michael. He's got ties to Kevin. I don't want to put him in that position.
Chelsea: Of course. Stays between you and me.
Adam: Baby, I know I'm asking a lot here. That is not lost on me. But I just... I miss you. I miss being with you. I want to go home. I want to be with you. You remember what that's like, right?
Chelsea: I remember.
You've been drifting in and out of me caught between the two realities am I waking up? Or is it just a dream? I've been drifting in and out of this painfully mistaking love for bliss staring through the deep one-eye-open sleep
Chelsea: I love you, Adam Newman. Today. Tomorrow.
What did you do?
Chelsea: Now and forever.
You pull me into that gray float away all I ever knew
Jill: Mm-hmm. All right. Tell him to call me after he speaks to accounting. Yes. Thank you. Is this your lunch break?
Billy: Call it whatever you want.
Jill: Irresponsible. Immature. Ill-advised. Take your pick.
Billy: None of the above.
Jill: Wait a second. Why is your face all -- what is that mark on your face? What happened?
[Liquid pours]
Jack: Phyllis?
Phyllis: Jack. Hi.
Jack: You okay?
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm great. Why?
Jack: Well, it looks like you had a rough morning.
Victoria: [Sighs] Mom!
Nikki: Hi, darling. I just thought I'd come by and enjoy the sight of my family working together again.
Victoria: Aww, that's so nice.
Victor: Just told your mother what a great job you and Nicholas have done while I was gone. Especially you.
Victoria: Really?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: And I hear you got a vacation. As a thank you. That must feel so good, to be able to get away like that.
Victoria: Well, I got to tell you, dad, it's really good to know how much you value my work. And as much as I appreciate your generosity, I just don't think right now is a good time for me to be heading out of town given how complicated things are.
Victor: What you see as a complication, I view as something very simple.
[Knock on door]
Chloe: [Sighs] Hi. Um, it's -- it's not a good time right now.
Chelsea: What's wrong? Oh, my god. Hi! You must be Bella. Whoa! What happened in here?
Chloe: Yeah. Well, we got broken into.
Chelsea: Are you serious? Are you okay? Did you call the police?
Chloe: No. I mean, I just need to lock up better. This is not a very safe neighborhood.
Chelsea: Well, maybe you shouldn't be living here, Chloe. Especially with a child.
Chloe: Oh, you're right. I guess I'll just find another place.
Chelsea: Uh... well, what about Esther? Can you move in with her?
Chloe: She offered, but I'm really not at the place where I can be living with my mother right now. It's fine. I just -- I need to get my bearings, and we'll be fine.
Chelsea: Okay. Well, you are going through a bit of an adjustment right now. I think you need to do what's best for your daughter. I mean, you can't be living somewhere were you need to be looking over your shoulder, concerned for your safety.
Chloe: It's okay. It's -- it's okay.
Chelsea: Nothing about this is okay. Look at this place. What if you walked in on the guy doing this? He could have hurt you. He could have hurt Bella.
Chloe: Yeah. You know what, it was probably just a tweaker who was looking that he could just, like, I don't know, buy some stuff.
Chelsea: Okay, stop. This is unacceptable. While you figure things out, you and Bella are moving in with me.
Billy: You know, the darndest thing happened, mom. I was walking down the hallway, lost in whatever I was thinking, and I ran smack into a mannequin leg as this guy was carrying it in.
Jill: Really. So you're telling me that you just got slapped in the face by a dummy, huh?
Billy: Yeah, what can I say? I have that effect on women. Even the plastic ones.
Jill: Billy, we have so much riding on this joint venture. Baby, this is your chance to shine, to tell all the naysayers that you can be a competent C.E.O.
Billy: See, you seem to think that I actually care what Victor or anybody else thinks of me.
Jill: Damn it! You are an Abbott! Start acting like one!
Phyllis: I was playing with an idea. An image of a lipstick print on the edge of a glass. Shot on an angle. What are you doing back so soon?
Jack: Well, I ran into Jill. And she invited us to dinner.
Phyllis: Honey, I have a meeting first thing in the morning with the ad agency. I need some time to prepare.
Jack: Well, I could stick around. We could brainstorm. Bounce a few ideas off each other.
Phyllis: Well, thank you. But I think I've got a handle on things. Besides, I thought you were stepping back, focusing on the foundation?
Jack: Yeah, that's true. But I'm always available to you. Always.
Phyllis: Tell you what. Why don't you let me get some work done, and I'll see you at home later?
Jack: Ooh, I like the sound of that.
Chloe: Move into the penthouse? No. No, we couldn't possibly impose on you like that.
Chelsea: Well, you didn't ask. I offered.
Chloe: Uh, no, you kind of demanded.
Chelsea: Chloe [Scoffs] I know what it's like to be a single mom. Okay? And I can't stand the fact of you living in this creepy motel. Besides, I have plenty of room. It's not even an imposition. If anything, you can help me.
Chloe: [Scoffs] Help you. Look, I -- doing laundry, taking care of another kid? I have got enough on my hands, thank you.
Chelsea: That's not what I'm talking about. Not in that way. I mean, you know, I'm gonna be starting a new division of my line soon, and I could use your skills.
Chloe: You're actually offering me a real job?
Chelsea: You know the company. You started it with me. Remember? You know how I work. It'd be great. You were the first person to believe in me. You were the first person that understood what I wanted to do. I would love to have that kind of partnership again.
Chloe: Why are you doing this all for me after what I did to your husband?
Chelsea: Look, you were my best friend. And... [Sighs] To be honest with you, right now, I could really use the support with Adam being gone. So can you -- can you just say yes, please?
Adam: Wow. Nick, in the flesh. Didn't expect to see you here. Thought you'd be burning the midnight oil over at Newman with your new fancy job. Or did our father fire you already?
Nick: He's operating as you'd expect. You know, he's back in charge. He's taking steps.
Adam: Steps. What kind of steps?
Nick: Look, I came back to Newman enterprises for one reason, and that is to help Victoria.
Adam: Okay.
Nick: Now, she went to dad looking for some acknowledgment for all the hard work, which I know is a waste of time. Because the grand plan has been in the works for a long time, right? Kick Vic to the curb, make some room for you. Just tell me I'm wrong.
Adam: That's not happening, nick. I'm not gonna be Victor's right hand.
Nick: You sure about that?
Adam: I'm pretty sure that it's hard to run a corporation from behind bars. In case you haven't noticed, I'll be spending my next 30 years here. So I'll just, you know, do what I do. Continue to punch license plates. Maybe get one of those fancy neck tattoos they're handing out in here.
Nick: You keep insisting dad framed you.
Adam: A fact that you find hard to believe.
Nick: I'll admit it -- it's a possibility. Do you think it's conceivable dad has a plan to get you out of here?
Adam: I would say it's highly likely. Considering the fact that he, in a roundabout way, of course, suggested that there was evidence out there that would clear my name. That evidence being... the real pages from your wife's journal.
Nick: Where are they?
Adam: I don't know. We had a deal, and he backed out on it.
Nick: Why?
Adam: [Scoffs] Why does he do anything? He likes to dangle hope in front of you so he can rip it out, leave you with nothing. It's his way of twisting the knife one last time.
Nikki: Well, I have a charity guild meeting to go to. I will leave you two to discuss business.
Victoria: It was great seeing you, mom.
Nikki: Mm. You too, sweetheart.
Victoria: Bye.
Victor: Thanks for coming by.
Nikki: Uh-huh. It's so good to see the two of you like this again. Getting along. Keep it up.
Victor: We will.
Victoria: I came by because I wanted to let you know that I've been offered the C.E.O. Position at brash & sassy!
Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, I'm not surprised that Jill came to you. Billy-boy Abbott couldn't run a lemonade stand.
Victoria: Tell me why I shouldn't take it, dad.
[Doorbell rings]
Billy: Jack.
Jack: May I come in?
Billy: Yeah, sure. Come in.
Jack: Working at home today, huh?
Billy: Yeah, something like that.
Jack: Well, listen. We both have busy afternoons. I'll get right to it. I'm doing some restructuring of the foundation board, and I'd love for you to take a seat on it. Did I say something funny?
Billy: You've been talking to my mother again, haven't you?
Jack: Your mother and I spoke, but not about this. No, this is my idea. This is something I care a great deal about. I'd like you to be part of it.
Billy: I appreciate the offer, Jack, but I'm not interested.
Jack: You haven't even heard me out. Why are you shooting this down?
Jill: Phyllis, I thought I told you to leave Billy alone.
Phyllis: Well that was my intention, but you made that kind of hard when you brought him to the building to work.
Jill: Well, that was a battle I fought and lost, but it can't be helped, okay? Now you have to deal with it.
Phyllis: Could you raise your voice a little bit more?! I don't think the entire floor heard you!
Jill: Look, I realize that you and Billy were drawn into something very, shall we say, reckless. But you don't want to leave Jack or you would have done it already. What I want is for you two to work on your marriage so Billy can go back to his family.
Phyllis: That's your plan, isn't it? To put Billy and Victoria back together.
Jill: Well, that is where he belongs.
Phyllis: I know that you want those two to live happily ever after, but I have got news for you. You can't make someone love another person, Jill. It does not work that way.
Jill: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. I need to believe that you are gonna end things and work on your marriage and give it a second chance, 'cause if you don't, I promise you, I will end things tonight. I'll talk to Jack. I'll tell him the truth. I will tell him exactly the kind of person he's married to.
Victor: I know how important brash & sassy! Is to you. That's why I sold it out from under you. Hate to admit it. And now you have two men at the head of the company. One utterly incompetent, the other --
Victoria: Dad, please. Don't turn this into a way to insult Billy, okay? I don't need that.
Victor: I am glad that Jill came to you. If you want to go and rescue your passion project, you have my blessing. That's not the response you expected, now, is it?
Nick: All right, what if dad isn't screwing around with you? What if he really wants to help?
Adam: I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Nick: So, what, you're just gonna sit back?
Adam: What other choice do I have?
Nick: Chelsea.
Adam: Not much she can do, either.
Nick: That's not gonna stop her.
Adam: Well, it's gonna have to.
Nick: Well, if your wife wants something badly enough, she can be incredibly determined --
Adam: I'll tell you something -- stay away from my wife, nick.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Remember this place? [Chuckles] It's been pretty lonely since, um... well, you know. I'm -- I'm just very grateful for the company. And your guest room is ready for you, so...
Chloe: Thanks. I, uh... I'll just go grab our stuff. Do you mind?
Chelsea: Oh, yeah. Oh, let me watch her. Yeah, of course.
Chloe: Thanks.
Chelsea: Hi! Ohhh, you are so sweet.
Chloe: [Chuckles] You know, she didn't grow up with a father, but I think two moms are better than one. Don't you think?
Chelsea: [Gasps] Oh, you're so -- you're a sleeping beauty, aren't you? Oh, you're so sweet. Just like your sister. She is an angel. She really is. I can't wait for her to meet Connor. He's gonna be thrilled that you guys are here.
Chloe: Thank you so much, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Honestly, Chloe, it's -- it's my pleasure.
Chloe: No, really. This is exactly what I wanted when I came back. Just a fresh start. With my friends. And my family. I'm just so thankful. We both are.
Billy: I'm just not interested in sitting on any boards, Jack. It's nothing personal.
Jack: I'm not buying that. The "nothing personal" part. You and I have been growing apart for weeks now. I don't know why, but I -- I hate it. I want to do whatever I can to help us reconnect. Look, we both struggled a lot. But when Neil and I decided to restructure the board, I thought of you immediately. I think you'd make a lot of contribution to the board, and I think you'd be great.
Billy: Because of my experience as a screw-up?
Jack: Because, like me, you know firsthand what addiction is about. You know how it affects people. Look, this is just part of the foundation, but it's a very important part to me. I see it as a chance to give back to all the people that helped me along. Phyllis is at the top of that list, and she'd be part of the board, too.
Billy: You know what, Jack, you're right. I don't know what's wrong with me. You're right. I think I do have a lot to offer, and I would love to join you and the others in this important piece of work.
Jack: Great. I would love that.
Billy: Okay. Well, I'll accept your offer, then.
Jack: Welcome aboard.
Phyllis: I'm getting real tired of your threats. I have done everything I know to do, including slap Billy across the face, to keep him away from me.
Jill: Yeah. Yeah. I saw the mark on his face, okay? He gave me some lame story which nobody in their right mind would believe.
Phyllis: Well, you're his mother. You're the only one who's gonna notice something like that.
Jill: I am gonna ask you one more time. And I want the truth, Phyllis. Do you still love Jack?
Phyllis: Oh, my -- yes. Yes. And I want to make things right with him.
Jill: Okay, good. That's all I wanted to know. I will handle the rest.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chloe: I would dream of Adam begging for mercy, and I would show him the same mercy that he showed my daughter.
Nick: If parts of sage's diary were forged, that means the originals are still out there.
Kevin: I could be a dad.
Mariah: Today's the day we find out.
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