Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/27/16
Episode # 10974 ~ Phyllis is forced to defend her actions; Billy is shocked to encounter someone from his past; Devon & Hilary make plans for their future.
Provided By Jim
Lily: You know, I notice that you don’t wear your rings anymore.
Cane: Yeah. You know, when I broke my elbow, my arm swelled up, my hand swelled up, so I had to take them off ’cause they didn’t fit.
Lily: Well, that was a long time ago. If they don’t fit, we should get them resized. Where are they?
Cane: I lost them. I’m sorry. I-I-I had them on the bedside table, and I went to look for them last week, and I just... I’m sorry.
[Both laugh]
Cane: Oh, my God. Ohhh. Where were they?
Lily: Uh, I think Mattie found them, 'cause I saw them on Bessie Bear’s paw the other day.
Cane: So, Bessie the Bear stole them, huh?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Well, I trust she took good care of them?
Lily: Yeah, she did.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: We’ve been through a lot the past year. You sure about this?
Cane: You know what this is like? A new beginning for us and our love. Yeah, I’m sure. I do, Mrs. Ashby.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Cane: I do.
[Door opens, closes]
Phyllis: Jill, you gave me a heart attack. How the hell did you get in here?
Jill: I have a better question. What were you doing in my son’s bed?
[Knock on door]
Chloe: What are you doing here?
Billy: What are you doing here?
Ashley: Phyllis must have been so upset. Victor released with only two years’ probation?
Jack: Yeah. She was pretty upset.
Ashley: [Sighs]
Jack: You seem upset yourself. What's going on?
Ashley: Just this meeting I have coming up with Neville.
Jack: Is it the lab trials?
Ashley: No. He's leaving town. I think he wants to say goodbye.
Dr. Neville: Hilary. How good it is to see you up and about.
Devon: We didn’t think you’d be here.
Dr. Neville: I won’t be in a moment, and then I'll be out of your lives for good. You can consider this farewell.
Hilary: You're leaving Genoa City?
Dr. Neville: I am.
Devon: That's great to hear, because you and your methods don’t have a place here, Neville.
Dr. Neville: Well, I’m sorry to hear you say that, considering once upon a time, my methods saved your wife’s life.
Devon: The only reason my wife is alive right now is because of conventional medicine.
Dr. Neville: I am... sincerely sorry for my recent failing with Hilary. I hope you know that all I ever intended to do was to save you. With every treatment, all I wanted was... what's best for you.
Devon: You almost killed her.
Hilary: Yes, Simon.
Cane: I still haven't heard from Lauren. I left her several messages. She hasn't called me back.
Lily: So, she doesn't know that you're leaving to run Brash & Sassy!?
Cane: Look, it’s not personal. It's business, all right? She’s a businesswoman. She’s going to understand.
Lily: Well, I hope you’re right, ’cause here she comes.
Cane: Hey. Um... I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.
Lauren: Yeah. I got your messages. It's been a crazy couple days. Hi.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Yeah. Can I talk to you for a minute?
Lauren: What’s going on?
Cane: [Exhales sharply] Um, listen... I want to thank you for the opportunity you’ve given me to work with you at Fenmore's.
Lauren: Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving my company?
Hilary: Like my husband, I am relieved that you are leaving town. You went too far this time, and it almost cost me my life.
Dr. Neville: I thought you just said you understood.
Hilary: I shouldn't have accused you of trying to kill me. I was furious. I was scared out of my mind. But now that I am better... I haven’t forgotten that you were the one that brought me out of my coma. And I do believe that you thought you could save me again.
Dr. Neville: If only things had been different.
Devon: Well, they weren't different, so... have a nice day.
Devon: You were pretty easy on him.
Hilary: Well, that was for me. I can’t get dragged down by past resentments -- not when I need to focus on moving forward.
Devon: That's a really good attitude to have, honey, especially since I know you have to be disappointed that this research project is over. I know you had high expectations for what you could accomplish.
Hilary: Oh, I still do. We can turn the situation around. We can make this company bigger and better than it ever was.
Devon: Without a doctor like Neville, how do you plan on doing something like that?
Hilary: Anything is possible, as long as you want it bad enough.
Ashley: So that's why I encouraged Neville to stay -- to continue to do his work, our work.
Jack: But after what happened with Hilary --
Ashley: There's no bouncing back from that one. The drug trial is officially over, and I guess so is my Dr. Simon Neville phase of my life.
Jack: Well, maybe that’s a good thing. I know you care about the guy, but he lied to you about some pretty significant things, Ash.
Ashley: I know. I haven’t forgotten. Believe me.
Jack: But you have forgiven him?
Ashley: He’s a good man.
Jack: And that’s all there is to it?
Ashley: My heart’s not broken, if that’s what you mean. I didn't completely fall for him.
Jack: Just partially?
Ashley: That was the thing between us. We just... never really knew where we stood with each other, Jack.
Jack: Oh, boy. There’s a lot of that going around these days.
Ashley: Uh-oh. Things aren’t any better with you and Phyllis?
Jack: Well, for starters, I didn't take your advice.
Ashley: You talked to her about the Canada trip?
Jack: I had to know! And, yes, she flew to Canada. Yes, she took a commercial flight, and she was deeply offended that I questioned her honesty.
Ashley: Not surprising.
Jack: And then after Victor's hearing...
Ashley: You argued?
Jack: It wasn't just about our differences and how we handle things with Victor. It was about how we see each other, how we see our marriage.
Ashley: So, where did you leave it?
Jack: Well, I insisted we could find a way to work through this together. She... she pushed me away again, Ash. And I still don’t know why.
Ashley: Phyllis knows that you love her so much. She knows that you will always be there for her. And I know... that she loves you, Jack.
Jack: I hope you’re right.
Ashley: You know what? Whatever it is that’s making her pull away from you, I just don't believe it's gonna keep you two apart forever.
Billy: Please come in. This is, uh -- This is my house, or I guess it was. [Chuckles]
Chloe: Wow. Well, I-I just came back here just to grab some stuff I have stored in the attic.
Billy: I’m sorry, Chloe. I, uh -- I didn’t even know that you were, uh -- I don’t know.
Chloe: I think the word you’re looking for is "released."
Billy: Yeah. That's the word. I guess I should say congratulations.
Chloe: Yeah. Well, it was a long time coming, but after intense therapy and good behavior, I am no longer a threat to society.
Billy: Well, I’m glad you're doing better, but...
Chloe: But why did I come back here?
Billy: Yeah. You have to admit, this place kind of sets you off a little bit. It's not the best memories here.
Chloe: Yeah. After Delia died, I went to a really dark place.
Billy: We both did.
Chloe: Yeah, but I stayed there. You know, that's why I ran out of town, but... you know, I worked really hard at letting go of all that anger, and... I’m better now. [Laughs] Hooray!
Billy: Did you, uh -- Did you hear that Adam was convicted of murder?
Chloe: Um, yeah. Yeah, I did. Sorry. If you’re expecting me to do a happy dance, it's just not gonna happen. No, I’ve -- I’ve finally learned to channel my energy in more productive ways.
Billy: Well, you really are doing better, aren't you?
Chloe: Yeah. I am. I’m healthy.
Billy: That's good.
Chloe: I mean, that's why I’m -- I'm okay to come back here. I’m finally ready to come back to Genoa City and face the past. That's actually why I want to grab that stuff up there.
Billy: What's in the boxes?
Chloe: Mom put some of Delia’s things away for me -- you know, just... old gifts and, uh, some art projects -- things that... I couldn't face back then, but I’m ready now.
Billy: Healthy.
Chloe: So, what about you, you know? You’re -- You’re here.
Billy: Yeah.
Chloe: No Victoria?
Billy: No. Uh, about that -- Vick and I put it back together for about a minute and a half, and then I pulled a classic Billy Abbott. Crashed and burned.
Chloe: Oh, wow. Didn't see that coming.
Billy: Yeah. Surprising to everyone.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Billy: Yeah, no. It got pretty dark there for a second. I alienated my family, and I ruined my relationship with Vick.
Chloe: That sucks, Billy.
Billy: It did, yeah, but, once again, the future is bright.
Phyllis: I don’t know what kind of dirty rumor you heard.
Jill: No, don't do this. Don’t do this. I saw with my own eyes.
Phyllis: You are mistaken.
Jill: Really? Earlier tonight, in my house? Does that ring any bells, Phyllis? I came this close to calling Jack, but I decided to come to you and hear you out. How could you and Billy be so stupid and so reckless?!
Phyllis: [Crying] I don’t even know where to start. We have only slept together a few times.
Jill: Don't give me that! I overheard you saying that your marriage was over. That clearly means this is more than just about sex. Okay. When did it start?
Phyllis: The beginning of the year, Victor was driving me mad, and I wanted him to pay, and Billy understood that better than anyone.
Jill: Really? Better than Jack?
Phyllis: Especially Jack.
Jill: Oh. This is about revenge.
Phyllis: No.
Jill: So then explain it to me, okay? You and Billy were spending all this time together, plotting away, and all of a sudden, you just gave in to your baser instincts, risking losing Victoria and Jack? I knew my son has a self-destructive streak a mile wide, Phyllis, but I expected more from you. What is wrong with you?
Phyllis: We were attracted.
Jill: So the hell what?! You know better than this. You know how much you hurt Jack all those years ago when you slept with Nick, and now you're doing the same thing with his brother?!
Phyllis: Where do you get off being so self-righteous?! You slept with Katherine's husband. You slept with Jack when you were with his father!
Jill: Yes, I did. And I know firsthand how devastating that wound can be. And, God, I wanted better for my son -- better than some sordid little affair with his sister-in-law.
Phyllis: We know it's wrong, which is why I intend to walk away from Jack tomorrow.
Jill: You don't love Jack anymore?
Phyllis: [Voice breaking] Jill... it's not that simple. I love Billy, too.
Lauren: You should have come to me immediately about leaving Fenmore’s.
Lily: How did you find out?
Lauren: A business reporter. Can you imagine my embarrassment? He asked me to give a quote about your move to Brash & Sassy!
Cane: I'm sorry that that's how you found out. I’m really sorry about that.
Lauren: You know, after Jill came to you, I should have been your first phone call.
Cane: She made me sign a nondisclosure agreement till the buyout was complete, okay? No one knew about this. I didn't even tell Lily.
Lauren: You know what? Rationalize it all you want. Clearly, you don't value our friendship and our working relationship...
Cane: That’s not true.
Lauren: ...the way I do.
Cane: That’s not true.
Lauren: Then why are you leaving?
Cane: Listen, Lauren, I gave you 100%. I did.
Lauren: Yeah, and you got a lot in return.
Cane: Yes. I feel like we've achieved everything we can working together.
Lauren: Ahh. So, my company's not enough of a challenge for you?
Hilary: We can still develop groundbreaking medical treatments, but we can also move in to other arenas, like vitamins and supplements and herbal remedies. And we can recruit noted doctors to lead our teams -- you know, such as...Barton Shelby. Come on. Can’t you imagine what we could do now?
Jack: I was relieved to hear you’ve been released from the hospital, but I didn't expect to see you back here.
Hilary: Well, I am better, and I am ready to get back to work.
Jack: I was under the impression that Neville’s research team was closing shop.
Hilary: We had a few missteps, but I have learned from them, and you're never dead until you’re dead. I wrote the book on that.
Devon: We do have some incredible things headed our way, but you actually are correct, Jack. This particular business venture is over.
Billy: Ta-da!
Chloe: Thanks.
Billy: Yeah.
Chloe: Okay. So, you have to tell me... who is responsible for putting that big, happy smile on your face.
Billy: It's not just one person.
Chloe: Really? Ooh, this is getting so racy. I didn't know you became a swinger.
Billy: Oh, yeah, yeah. Settle down.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Billy: No, it's nothing like that. It's -- It's the kids. Johnny and Katie -- they deserve more from me. They deserve a better father.
Chloe: Yeah. Having kids around does make all the difference.
Billy: You’re right about that. Sorry, Chloe. I-I-I didn't mean to --
Chloe: No, no. It's okay.
Billy: Are you sure? 'Cause I know that you wanted to have another child... with me, even. But we both know there's no replacing Delia.
Chloe: It's okay. Really. I know why you couldn’t do that. And as much as I love catching up like this, um... I-I really got to go, and I want to go grab those things upstairs.
Billy: Wait. Hold on a sec. Are you -- Are you home... for good?
Chloe: Yeah. I’m home.
Jill: So, what are you gonna tell your husband?
Phyllis: We are going to take our time.
Jill: Oh. Well, that sounds like a foolproof plan. I can’t wait to hear how you're gonna pull this off.
Phyllis: After I leave Jack, Billy and I will slowly start being seen in public, and we will let people think that a new relationship is developing between us. Jill, we have thought this through. We have, and we certainly don’t want it to be any more painful that it has to be.
Jill: Pain is all you're gonna have -- pain for you and all the people you love.
Phyllis: After some time passes --
Jill: A millennium could pass, and there will be no happy ending for you and Billy. The only thing that this relationship guarantees is the destruction of the Abbott family.
Phyllis: That is not true.
Jill: Oh, it’s true. Jack... will never... recover from this betrayal. And Billy -- he may have convinced you that he can deal with it. He can't deal with the loss of his brother and his sisters.
Phyllis: That's not gonna happen.
Jill: Oh, please! They'll never justify this! They will be torn apart! And, ultimately, they will hate you. And, ultimately... they'll hate Billy, too.
Phyllis: His family would never leave him.
Jill: Well, you don't have to believe that. It doesn't make it true.
Phyllis: So, what are you saying here? Are you saying that the whole thing is just hopeless?
Jill: There is one ray of hope. Let me lay it out for you. It's real simple. Stay away from my son. Go back to Jack. Be with your husband and never tell anybody about this conversation today.
Phyllis: If I do not play along?
Jill: Well, then, I will tell anyone who will listen that you’ve been sleeping with your husband’s brother.
Phyllis: You’d do that to your own son?
Jill: You're ruining his life. I would do anything.
Phyllis: You’ve just read me chapter and verse on how much damage this would cause if people knew. You’re gonna cause just as much damage if you go public.
Jill: Don't do this. Don’t you turn this back on me. You are the one that started this whole thing in motion. But I can damn well stop it. I can stop it with one phone call to Jack.
Phyllis: Don’t. Please.
Jill: [Sighs] Phyllis... Billy isn’t right for you. Billy will never be right for you. End this... or I will.
Ashley: So, this is really it?
Dr. Neville: Sadly, yes. Considering my standing with the FDA, I thought I'd go directly from here to the airport.
Ashley: That was so fast.
Dr. Neville: It's best. [Sighs] But now that the moment is upon me, I’m well aware of how hard it's gonna be to leave.
Ashley: Your work?
Dr. Neville: There will be much to miss. But [Sighs] I know that it's time for us to part ways.
Cane: Fenmore's doesn't need my help anymore. The company’s in a great position. You’re turning a huge profit, and you are in charge. This is my time now. This is my chance to take something that's struggling, a company that needs me, and this is something I want to do.
Lauren: [Sighs]
Cane: Please?
Lauren: You know what, Cane? I actually think this is a good move for you. And you and I are gonna be fine. But, frankly, you’re not the one I should be angry at.
Devon: So, after today, we’ll be out of here, and you’ll be free to use the lab for anything you like.
Hilary: Devon, perhaps we can talk?
Devon: I know there's more that we need to talk about in regards to work here, but there’s a question that I have for Jack. I know that things have gotten a bit complicated personally between the three of us lately.
Jack: Yes, but that was based on a misunderstanding.
Devon: All the more reason to clear the air before moving forward. Hilary is on track to make a full recovery, and she and I actually are back together.
Jack: That is great news -- all of it. I could not be any happier for you.
Devon: Thank you. We're very happy ourselves.
Jack: So, what did you want to ask me?
Devon: I’m hoping that you won’t have an issue with Hilary continuing to work with you at the foundation.
Hilary: Devon, you’re -- you’re putting Jack in a really difficult position. And you -- you don't need to decide anything.
Jack: It’s been decided, and you won’t have anything to worry about where I’m concerned.
Hilary: Thank you, Jack. And I promise there won’t be any more crossing of lines.
Jack: I have no doubt about that, and, listen -- I’m very happy that you want to stay with the foundation. I know how much it means to you, and I want you to know how much it means to me to put your mother's name on that new wing at the center.
Hilary: I am sure that we will do good work.
Jack: Count on it.
Hilary: Um, well, I'm gonna check the office and make sure that Neville didn’t leave anything behind.
Devon: That's a good idea.
Jack: So, is it me, or is there a difference between you two?
Devon: No, there definitely is.
Jack: I'm not just talking about the reconciliation. I mean it seems like she's not calling all the shots anymore.
Devon: Well, her medical crisis made me see things a lot clearer and realize that I wasn't being a true partner in our marriage, and that's a mistake that I don't want to repeat.
Billy: That was close. You just missed my visitor.
Phyllis: Who?
Billy: Don’t worry about it. It was nobody. But now that you're here, are you gonna spend the rest of the night with me? Let’s not waste any time.
Phyllis: I can’t stay. That's not why I came. I need to tell you.
Billy: Need to tell me what? What's going on?
Phyllis: I changed my mind. I can’t leave Jack.
Billy: You can’t be serious, Phyllis.
Phyllis: This is the way it's gonna be.
Billy: Phyllis. Stop, stop, stop, stop. What are you doing? You can’t just drop that on me and walk away like that. Where is this coming from?
Phyllis: I just told you.
Billy: No. No, you didn't just tell me anything. You didn't just change your mind, Phyllis. Did somebody change it for you? Who was it?
Phyllis: Just let me go!
Billy: Stop! We were just upstairs making love. You just said that you were gonna end your marriage and be with me, so what is going on? Was it Jack? Did you run in to him? What kind of hold does he have on you?
Jill: Are we really gonna do this?
Lauren: Ha! You expect me to keep my mouth shut about you stealing employees from Fenmore's?!
Jill: Whoa! Sis, you are a genius, okay? Cane is one little employee. You can easily hire another.
Lauren: Not the point! Not the point at all. You should have come to me, and I should not have found out from some business reporter.
Jill: I did come to you. We had a conversation about it.
Lauren: Oh, you mean you’re talking about when you glommed on to the idea that you would use Brash & Sassy! to get Victoria and Billy closer?
Jill: Yeah, which is exactly what I'm doing.
Lauren: Really? Because you never mentioned buying a company and stealing Cane, because if you had, I would have slapped you so silly until you came to your senses.
Jill: That would have been so selfish of you.
Lauren: Oh. I’m the one who’s selfish?
Jill: [Sighs] Darling, every once in a while, you just have to let people flap their wings and soar on their own.
Lauren: [Chuckles] Says the mother of the year, who bought a company just to manipulate her son.
Jill: Whatever works.
Lauren: You know something, sis? You have to stop using people as pawns on your chess board that you just move around at your will.
Jill: You know something? Once in a while, you have to play the game if it’s good for the people you love.
Jack: Yeah, it’s a terrible thing, feeling you're not in control of your own personal life.
Devon: And I love her fire and independence, but she just insisted on doing things her own way, even if what she wanted was wrong for our marriage.
Jack: You really think she’s just gonna change?
Devon: I doubt it.
Jack: [Chuckles]
Devon: What I've realized is I should have had my eyes open sooner and fought harder back then for what I wanted, you know? But that's what I’m doing now. I’m fighting. When she was in the hospital, I didn't leave her side. I reminded her of everything we've been through, that there's nothing that we can’t beat. And I told her that, at the end of the day, love always wins out. I know that may sound corny.
Jack: No, no, no. No. Not to me. I wish you and Hilary all the happiness in the world. Listen, I got to go.
Devon: I hope you don't have too much work left. It's kind of late.
Jack: No, this isn’t work. There’s someone I have to see. Thanks.
Phyllis: I s-- I swear it's not Jack. It's me. I can’t break his heart. He loves me very much.
Billy: You love me.
Phyllis: No, I don’t.
Billy: That is not true, Phyllis.
Phyllis: I don’t.
Billy: We were just upstairs. We were just upstairs making love. We were making plans for the rest of our lives.
Phyllis: And that was wrong. I was caught up in a fantasy, and fantasies are not real.
Billy: No. We are real.
Phyllis: I will never love you.
Billy: You’re lying. Why are you lying to me?
Phyllis: [Crying] I just didn't want to face it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Billy: You can’t do this.
Phyllis: I already have. We're over. And I want to make my marriage work. I’m sorry.
Dr. Neville: I needed to step back, take stock in myself.
Ashley: What did you learn?
Dr. Neville: That a lot of this was my fault... my arrogance... my hubris, if you will. Like Icarus, determined to soar higher and higher, only to find out he was too close to the sun before crashing back down to earth.
Ashley: [Laughs] No. I don’t think that's an accurate parallel at all.
Dr. Neville: It was thick. A little too elevated?
Ashley: Too fatalistic. Icarus paid the ultimate price. You...are still standing. And you’ve learned from your trials and your errors. You’re gonna go on and do great things. Are you kidding?
Dr. Neville: You really think so?
Ashley: Absolutely. Dr. Neville, you are a man of vision, with a capacity for miraculous, idealistic, and outrageous invention, and the world needs much more of that.
Dr. Neville: [Chuckles]
Ashley: I have personally found you very inspiring.
Dr. Neville: And I, you. I’ve never had a partner... or a friend who was... half as admirable... or lovely.
Chloe: Oh, hi, Mom. [Laughs]
Esther: Chloe?! Oh, honey. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God. You look so wonderful! Oh, baby! Oh, baby! Oh, God! I can’t believe I am hugging you! It is so good to see you!
Chloe: Ohh.
Esther: But wait. Should I be seeing you? Because --
Chloe: No, Mom. I-I got out. I’ve been pronounced well and fit for social interaction.
Esther: Oh, thank God, 'cause I was just thinking --
Chloe: Oh, no, Mom. Please don't cry. Don’t cry.
Esther: Honey, they're just happy tears. I have been so worried. Tell me everything.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Esther: You're blond. How did that happen? When did that happen?
Chloe: Oh, this happened a while ago. But... I have something that I really want to show you.
Jill: What happened?
Billy: I won the lottery.
Jill: Billy, what happened?
Billy: The same thing that always happens. I had something good, and I lost it. Now I’ve got nothing.
Jill: All right, sweetie. If this is about Brash & Sassy! it's still within your grasp, so focus on that. Billy, I want you to know I have faith in you. You can take this company and turn it around and make it into something you’re proud of -- that we’re all proud of. I want you to succeed.
Billy: Do you think I give a damn about a company? I couldn't care less about Brash & Sassy! Wait. There’s actually something I care less about -- proving myself to my mother.
Phyllis: [Crying]
[Knock on door]
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: You've been crying. Can I help? I know you weren't expecting me, so I'll be quick. I-I know you need time to figure things out.
Phyllis: No. No, I don’t.
Jack: You don't need time?
Phyllis: I’ve made up my mind.
Jack: All right.
Devon: There will be other companies, honey, but this one was bad for us. We have to let it go.
Hilary: I just -- I hate giving up.
Devon: That's not what we're doing. We're not giving up at all. Okay? You will come up with something else or 10 other something else's, and each one will be more brilliant than the last.
Hilary: And what will you be doing?
Devon: I will be standing next to my wife, supporting her and helping her make her dreams come true because I love her.
Hilary: Well... right now I only have one dream, Devon... and it's you... just you.
Dr. Neville: There is one last thing before I go I wanted to tell you. Just between you and me, I've been working something very exciting. It's a new formula. Hold out your hand. Please.
Ashley: Uh-huh.
Ashley: [Laughs] Well, thanks a lot. It's a breath mint.
Dr. Neville: No, it's not. No, no, no. This is serious. This was compounded and formulated just for you. You take one. All it takes is one. That's right. And before you know it... you’ll be a new woman -- a woman of adventure, a woman who will, doubtless, push the envelope in fascinating, exciting ways... and you’ll be happy.
Ashley: Okay. Any changes?
Dr. Neville: Not yet. It's timed release. You have to give it a minute. And as much as I would love to stick around and observe the results, it’s time for me to go. Ms. Abbott... it has been a true pleasure.
Ashley: Neville...
Dr. Neville: Hmm? God, I hope I wrote that formula down. It's working.
Ashley: [Chuckles] Neville... I’m really gonna miss you.
Dr. Neville: Goodbye, Ashley.
Ashley: Goodbye, Neville.
Jack: When I came here, I never expected... What changed since the last time I saw you?
Phyllis: I had to ask myself some difficult questions about our future... and the answer became clear. I’m so sorry... for what I've put you through. The trouble in our marriage is all because of me.
Jack: No, no, no. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, too. The important thing... is we both want this marriage to work.
Phyllis: Yes. We need to make it work.
Jill: As upset as you are now, this will pass.
Billy: Shh. Shh. I am in no mood to hear you dust off some so-called motherly advice.
Jill: Okay. But I do believe in you. And I have no doubt that you will pick yourself up and you will come to realize what’s really important, Billy, which is your children and your family.
Chloe: Hi. Oh, thanks for everything. Hi. Come here. Aww. Thanks.
Esther: What’s gong on?
Chloe: Mom... meet Bella, your granddaughter.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chelsea: What's with the sippy cup? Is that how you take your coffee to go these days?
Dylan: Adam is innocent, so I’m gonna see this investigation through, with all due respect.
Paul: I'm the one that gives the orders here!
Michael: You and Chelsea -- either you get through this together or you don’t get through it at all.
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