Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/26/16
Episode # 10973 ~ Chelsea's world spirals out of control; Victoria and Nick fight for their positions at Newman; Jack offers Victor an olive branch.
Provided By Jim
Victor: [Sighs] You shouldn’t be here.
Chloe: Well, I am. Bravo, Victor. You pulled it off. You’re walking free and Adam is locked up in your place.
Victor: I want those two journal pages. Where are they? I want them now.
Chloe: You just got out of prison. You shouldn’t be worrying about the details. You should be having a nice steak with a hot woman. I mean, you got some tequila. That's a good call.
Victor: Listen to me. You’re in my territory now. You hold up your end of our bargain. I want those two pages. You got that?
Chloe: Why do you want those pages so badly? That's a rhetorical question. I mean, I know you want them to clear Adam's name. You know, it just makes you a lying liar, because you told me that you wanted him to suffer. So I said, "Please sign me up." And then you used me, all that talk about Dee Dee.
Victor: Keep your voice down now.
Chloe: Good for you, Victor. You’re free. But I am going to make sure that Adam serves every single day of that 30 years.
Victor: You're playing a very dangerous game, girl. I want those pages.
Chloe: You keep on talking about the pages. I mean, I told you I was gonna burn them.
Victor: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. What do you mean, you’re gonna burn them? What the hell are you talking about? It's a bluff.
Chloe: Well, it was. And then it wasn't. Because I burned the pages.
Victor: You did what?
Michael: There were some surprises, but at the end --
Adam: He just let him go. Judge Gates just let him go right now. And then my father's at home and he's just enjoying his life. He's free as a bird. He's reveling in it. And I’m stuck in here, right? We got to prove that he set me up, Michael, all right? We got to find those pages, and he'll be back in here where he belongs, and I’ll be free!
Michael: You know what? I appreciate your determination. And, as always, I need you to know what we're up against. Now, Victor clearly did a good job of hiding these pages. Natalie and Kevin have used their not-inconsiderable brain power to try to locate the evidence, but they have nothing. We need a cohort, the forger, something --
Adam: No, or, you know, Victor could just admit that he set me up, tell us who he’s working with.
Michael: Well, you know, that doesn’t seem likely because he would have to implicate himself. [Clears throat] And the truth is, Adam, we may never find those pages.
Adam: That is not what I want to hear you say, all right? Not right now. I’m not gonna rot in here! Michael, my family needs me!
Anita: Baby, I just heard the news. Victor's out roaming the streets. [Scoffs] Does Adam know?
Chelsea: It's awful, Mom. He's already shutting down. He told me he doesn’t want me to bring Connor to visit him. What am I supposed to tell my son? "Daddy doesn't want to see you"?
Anita: No! No, that's not it. He wants to see Connor. He just doesn’t want Connor to see him in there. And can you even blame him, trying to explain why he can't go home with mommy and Connor?
Chelsea: What am I supposed to tell my son, though, Mom?
Anita: Well, we'll just think of a cover story. That's what we're gonna do. Daddy went away for business for -- for 30 years.
Chelsea: No, I’m not lying to Connor. It just teaches him that he can’t trust the things I say. I have to tell him the truth. I have to tell him daddy has been framed and daddy is a loving, kind, amazing man who is innocent.
Anita: Okay, kiddo. I know you're in love. But let’s not go crazy here. Adam is not innocent! And Connor is gonna know that the minute he figures out the Internet! Okay, so he didn't murder Old Lady Bingham, but he did plenty enough to land his butt in jail!
Chelsea: Do not speak that way about Adam. He's still my husband.
Anita: And I’m your mother. And I’m just telling you the truth. 30 years is a long time to be alone, Chelsea!
Chelsea: It's not -- I’ve been telling you, Mom! It's not gonna be 30 years! It's not! I-I’m gonna find this evidence to clear Adam’s name, and then he will be home. He will be back with me and Connor in this room where he belongs, okay? And then you'll do your thing. You’ll fawn all over him, and then you'll lie and say you had faith in him and in us the entire time. I can see it happening already. You know what you are? You are a hypocrite.
Anita: Listen, you. I’m on your side. Don’t you see that? Don’t you get it? I am your mother. We are family.
Chelsea: Family. Yeah. Well, Victor and Adam are family. Sometimes family tears you apart.
Victoria: [Sighs] Come on. One more.
Nick: Mm, no, no. I think we've celebrated Dad's freedom enough.
Victoria: It’s not for a toast. It's liquid courage. If I'm lucky, maybe I’ll be so hung over tomorrow that I won’t know when Dad fires me.
Nick: Ah, there's that bright-eyed optimism you're famous for.
Victoria: I'm a grown woman terrified that my daddy’s gonna be mad at me. How is this my life, Nick?
Nick: They named you Victoria Newman. You never had a chance.
Victoria: Very helpful. I appreciate that. I’m sure Dad is plotting a dozen different ways in which to punish us right now.
Nick: Look, Vick, Dad's gonna do what Dad’s gonna do, and whatever it is, we'll deal with it. Trust me -- morning’s gonna be here soon enough.
Victoria: No, it won’t be. I’m gonna be staring at the ceiling all night dreading sunrise. I’m gonna go talk to him tonight.
Nick: Hmm, no, no. That idea is just the worst.
Jack: Billy is a grown man. He doesn't need his mommy playing matchmaker between him and his ex-wife.
Jill: Victoria is the only one that's ever been able to get Billy to grow up.
Jack: Yes, and Billy blew it up again, and here we are. You can’t force them to be together any more than you can force him to make nice and work with Cane.
Jill: I don't want him to make nice! I want him to remember that he hates to lose. I’m trying to light a fire under his competitive instincts, okay? Maybe once he claws his way to what he wants, he’ll be ready to do the same thing with the woman he loves.
Billy: Want to hear you say it. I want to hear you say that you’re here to be with me, not to get back at Jack.
Phyllis: You need proof I want you? Take me upstairs. I’ll give you all the proof you
Victor: For your sake and your other daughter’s sake, you better be bluffing.
Chloe: Delia lived inside of my heart. And do you know what exists there now? It is a white, burning hate for Adam. So I took those damn pages, and I burned them, and now Adam will pay for everything that he deserves.
Victor: What about your other daughter? I had her taken care of. That was our agreement. I have the ability to take her away, as well.
Chloe: Yeah, go ahead. You try and take Bella away from me, and I will tell every single person that you hired me to frame Adam. I mean, how many laws did we break together? Um, uh, too many to count. And all of this? All of this will go away for good. No one can hurt me, Victor, not even you.
Victor: You have overstayed your welcome, okay?
Nikki: Victor, dinner's ready!
Chloe: Oh! You know what? I'm starving. Should we just have a nice homecoming dinner?
Victor: Get out. Now. Get out.
Nikki: Victor, who are you talking to?
Michael: We're fine. My client had a very emotional visit from his wife, but he’s under control now. You have my word.
Adam: All good.
Michael: You want to get written up already?
Adam: I'd like to kick the walls down and get out of here is what I’d like to do.
Michael: Yeah, well, as your lawyer, I would suggest that that would not work. Day at a time. Yeah, I know. It sounds impossible. But right now, you don't have any other options.
Adam: Just tough it out, right? Chelsea said she wanted to bring Connor by.
Michael: And you said never. And that didn’t go well.
Adam: You've spoken to her?
Michael: Hmm. I’ve sat in this chair. I’ve sat in that one. You do what you have to to survive -- emotionally, mentally, physically. To see your son, to have him see you --
Adam: I'm not gonna let him see me like this.
Michael: I understand that.
Adam: Look at me.
Michael: I understand that. But Chelsea only sees Connor's confusion. And she -- she wants to fix it. She wants to fix your confusion.
Adam: Why don't you fix it? You’re the one who can help me. Figure out a way, Michael. Find those pages. Get me out of here, man. I’m begging you.
Nick: Look, Dad just got home, all right? Let’s give him a little time to get settled in, at least for Mom’s sake. You know, they could use some time alone. With any luck, tomorrow morning Dad will be focused on Newman Enterprises and not us.
Victoria: Is that what you expect or just what you hope? In court, you said that you wanted to fix things with Dad, and that's great. But what if he was behind the oil spills? Maybe he's trying to see how we would handle things. And he'll say that we failed.
Nick: Newman Enterprises is still afloat. We did not fail.
Victoria: What if Luca gets to Dad and tells him that I wasn't around and that he had to fill in?
Nick: So what? You’re gonna get to Dad before Luca does? Dad knows Luca is full of it. We can't go around scrambling for Dad’s approval. That'll look weak. Dad hates weakness.
Victoria: Yeah, but he also hates excessive confidence.
Nick: True. So basically we can never win with him.
Victoria: The question is, what dad are we getting? The loving and protective father [Sighs] or the wrathful one?
Nick: Impossible to predict, so we stay hopeful but wary.
Victoria: Then we don't predict. We go right now.
Nick: No, no. Sit down.
Victoria: I will go without you if I have to.
Nick: [Sighs] Well, you know I'm never gonna let you do that alone 'cause I'm a sucker, so let's go. Hey.
Jack: There was a time I thought Billy and Victoria had a chance to put things back together. They have tried time and again. They make each other miserable, Jill.
Jill: Ah. Look at that lonely, unmarried woman. Does she look happy and content to you?
Jack: Her father just got out of prison. I’m sure she has more on her mind than just romance.
Jill: You know, Billy used to be Victoria’s support system against Victor, which she sorely needs. And Victoria was Billy's common sense, which obviously he needs. The truth is, the two of them are better together. They're just too stubborn to admit it.
Jack: If he figures out what you are up to, he is going to run in the other direction. And God knows how badly he's gonna spin out this time.
Jill: As far as I'm concerned, things couldn't get any worse. >> You’re every fruit on the vine Intoxicating, so sublime Oh, oh, oh You're the ecstasy I’m searching for You're the fire burning through my core You're my ecstasy and so much
Michael: I’ll make a deal with you. I will go to Dylan. I will appeal to him to redouble his efforts to find the woman who met with Victor, the missing journal pages, whatever it takes to prove that you were set up. But you have to promise me something in return.
Adam: Anything.
Michael: Stop punishing yourself for being in here.
Adam: I'm not punishing myself. This is Victor's doing. I know that.
Michael: No, no, no, no. You know that intellectually. But every time you push Chelsea away, you’re beating up on yourself, not Victor. Know who the real enemy is here.
Adam: The real enemy is Victor. And right now, he’s at home at the ranch enjoying it, enjoying his maids and his -- and his -- and his home-cooked meals and his tequila and his...family. I’m stuck in here. You know, it makes me miss the days when Sharon set that place on fire. Makes me want to do the same, actually.
Michael: [Chuckles] Not quite the things you want to say within earshot of a guard.
Adam: I'll be on my best behavior, all right? You have my word. Just get me out of here.
Michael: No one's giving up on you. Not me. [Chuckling] And certainly not Chelsea.
Anita: Baby, you can’t avoid the inevitable. That's why it’s called the inevitable.
Chelsea: You really don't think Adam is coming home, do you?
Anita: No. No, I don’t. And neither does the judge, and neither does the prison warden.
Chelsea: Okay, you know what? I can’t be around this right now, Mom. I can’t be around this negativity.
Anita: It's reality!
Chelsea: Adam and Connor need positive thoughts. We need to work together as a family, to stick together.
Anita: Okay, sweetie. Whatever. Fine, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Okay, don’t humor me.
Anita: No, I’m not. I --
Chelsea: Don’t! Adam is coming home. And as for me, I'm gonna go see my son and kiss him good night. You should go.
Anita: Listen, you want to be mad at me, go ahead. Be mad at me. You want to cry to me, that’s okay, too. But whatever you do, Chelsea, don’t shut me out, because you cannot do this alone.
Chelsea: You’re right, Mom. I can’t do this alone. That's why I need Adam to come back.
Anita: [Sighs]
Phyllis: You still think I’m here to get back at Jack?
Billy: If you are, good job.
Phyllis: [Chuckles]
Billy: So what happens now? You bolt for the door again? Say this is a mistake?
Phyllis: No. It's not a mistake. It's incredibly selfish and incredibly dishonest, but it is not a mistake. You know, I realized tonight that Jack isn’t the man I married. That man would have cheered me on. He would never have let me go after Victor on my own. He would have smashed that mustache right into the dust before I even said a word. This Jack thinks everything is about revenge, and the old Jack would have just called it justice, you know?
Billy: It's still all about Jack.
Phyllis: That's because he’s not you. You don’t treat me like I’m damaged.
Billy: You’re not.
Phyllis: I’m serious. You’re not trying to cure me.
Billy: You’re perfect... in your fired up, brilliant, pissed off, sexy way.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] We want the same things. Including each other.
Billy: [Sighs]
Victor: That was my assistant. I just wanted to make sure that she had all the necessary files on my desk in the morning. Would you kindly tell Celia I don’t feel like dinner tonight? Sit down, sweetheart.
Nikki: Really?
Victor: I'd rather have a drink with my wife.
Nikki: Your wife. Still and always. I like that.
Victor: It was touch and go for a while, wasn’t it?
Nikki: I don’t know. Was it?
Victor: Yeah. It was.
Nikki: Did you and I both know deep down that we would end up together like this?
Victor: [Sighs]
Nikki: So many times we've filed divorce papers. I just can't picture my life without you in it.
Victor: Why do we do this?
Nikki: I don’t know.
Victor: Why do we get into these fights? Don’t you think we've reached an age where we should get over that?
Nikki: You’d think.
Victor: Or is it so deeply ingrained?
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victor: Huh? You know why we have these fights?
Nikki: Why?
Victor: Because we feel passionately about each other. That's why.
Nikki: No one can deny that. So, what's gonna happen tomorrow at the office?
Victor: I don't know. I’m just out of prison. You want to talk about business?
Nikki: [Chuckles] I just want to make sure that you understand how hard the kids worked for Newman. And it would be very important that they understand that you appreciate their hard work.
Nick: Is that how it’s gonna go, Dad?
Victoria: Before you answer, there’s a few things that you
Jack: Focus on Chancellor. Take Colin for a cruise. Start a hostile takeover. Leave Billy and Cane alone.
Jill: I don't worry about Cane.
Jack: Has it ever occurred to you to just tell Billy you want him to succeed and forget this puppet show, yanking his chain?
Jill: Of course I've tried that, Jack.
Jack: Let Billy live his life the way he sees he needs to.
Jill: You really love your brother, don't you?
Jack: Yes, I do. And I have faith in him. Can you say the same?
Jill: [Scoffs] How can you be all daffodils and sunshine when your own personal life is so --
Jack: In flux.
Jill: Well, it’s fluxed, all right. You know something? Phyllis better straighten out or some other woman's gonna snap you up.
Jack: I'm not interested in some other woman. Phyllis is it for me. And deep down, I know she knows that.
Billy: There it is.
Phyllis: What? [Laughs] What's what?
Billy: That look.
Phyllis: Hmm?
Billy: The look in your eye I’ve been waiting to see, that you’re here, that you’re all in. Every other time you've been holding back, but now I can see in your eyes that... you’re here.
Phyllis: It's gonna be so hard telling Jack it's really over. I don’t know what choice we have. We can't keep lying and hiding this way, you know? I want this. I want you. And I want a life and a future and everything that comes with it.
Billy: No doubts?
Phyllis: No doubts. I’ve made so many mistakes in my life. I made so many. But this, you... This is not one of them.
Nick: Sorry if we're interrupting. We wanted to see you tonight. Hope you've been celebrating.
Nikki: Everything's back to normal. It's even better now that you’re here. We can have a real celebration. We have champagne and sparkling cider on ice, so let's do a toast.
Victor: Uh, you have something on your mind? You want to tell me something?
Victoria: Yes, actually. Um, I have -- These are the company actions regarding the oil spills, the press releases, and the transcripts, et cetera, et cetera.
Victor: Okay, well, together we'll sort out this mess.
Nick: It’s clear someone was trying to damage Newman Enterprises, but Victoria would not let it happen.
Victoria: Yes, well, that doesn’t answer the question -- Who wants to see us fail?
Adam: Anita, what are you doing here? Is something wrong? Something happen to Connor or Chelsea?
Anita: No, they're fine. This is just me visiting you. Oh, brings back memories. Old boyfriends.
Adam: Oh, oh. Okay. Well, you know, I’m not -- I'm not gonna be here very much longer anyway, so...
Anita: Yeah, I’ve heard. Chelsea’s all fired up about proving you’re innocent.
Adam: Yeah. She will. The thought of going home to her, that’s -- that’s what keeps me going.
Anita: I hear you. The thing is... What does that mean for Chelsea, waiting alone at home for the next 30 years?
Adam: That’s not gonna happen. I told you. I’m not gonna be in here much longer anyway.
Anita: Adam... You’re a realist. And realistically speaking, you are stuck. And that means Chelsea is stuck, too. I am watching my tough, little girl crack into a million pieces. [Voice breaking] Adam, I can’t... I can’t watch her just shrivel up and wait for a day that's never gonna come. [Sighs] I’m sorry. I just... Do you see what I’m saying?
Adam: You want me to let her go?
[Knock on door]
Chelsea: [Sighs] Mom, I told you I don’t feel like talking about it anymore
Chelsea: Chloe.
Chloe: How great is this? Oh! Reunited, and it feels so good! I know. I’m sorry. I should have called. But then I just thought that this would be so much more fun. So, surprise!
Chelsea: I can’t believe -- Uh, when did you --
Chloe: When did I get sprung from WhackoLand? Um, I did the work. It was hard. It was a lot. A lot of therapy. [Chuckles] One on one, group, music therapy, art therapy, talk therapy. Therapy, therapy, therapy. But then the doctor said that I was okay finally and ready to go back into the world.
Chelsea: Good for you. Um, when did you get back into town?
Chloe: You’re my first stop.
Chelsea: You came here first. Because of me or because of --
Chloe: I’m not here to cause any trouble with Adam, if that's what you're asking. Listen, I’m never gonna forget what he did, but I've learned that hate is toxic and it poisons the brain. It also makes you want to run down people with your car, which is illegal and generally not a very good idea.
Chelsea: Well, I-I do understand the feeling. Recently I was tempted to do something not so great to Victor, so...
Chloe: [Chuckles] See? We still have so much in common.
Chelsea: Hurting Victor's not gonna bring Adam back.
Chloe: Back? From where? Did he -- Did he go somewhere?
Chelsea: You haven’t heard?
Chloe: No.
Chelsea: Adam is in prison. He was convicted for a murder, a murder that he did not commit.
Chloe: Adam was punished for something that he didn't do? [Laughing]
Victor: You know, of course, I had nothing to do with those leaks.
Nikki: Oh, they know that. It was never even a possibility.
Victor: Is there anyone you think might have caused the sabotage?
Victoria: Luca Santori has been on the list, but he was also very helpful in handling the fallout.
Victor: Oh, yeah? Well, that's why he probably caused it -- because he wanted to seem like a hero afterward.
Nick: It’s a fair point. Summer believes in him, though. Just when I thought she was done with him, she now thinks he is reformed.
Victor: Oh, boy. I will talk to her tomorrow. I guess I’m gonna have a busy schedule. [Doorbell rings]
Nick: You expecting someone, Mom?
Nikki: No.
Nick: I'll take care of it.
Victoria: Those files include a proposal for further action.
Victor: Thank you, sweetheart. I will deal with it in due time, okay?
Victoria: How? What's the plan?
Victor: We will discuss it tomorrow.
Victoria: We’re all here now, Dad. I have a right to know what the plan is.
Jack: And hopefully that plan includes an end to Victor’s feud with my wife.
Jill: Billy! [Laughs] Billy. Are you and Bethany having one for the road, honey? Ooh. That's too upscale for that little ditz. Who is she this time, son?
Phyllis: I have to leave in a couple hours.
Billy: No, no, you can stay.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] You’re not gonna get sick of me?
Billy: We'll play it by ear.
Phyllis: You love me.
Billy: So bad.
Phyllis: [Laughs]
Billy: You have no idea. I don’t want you to leave. Even if when you get back, I know that you’re gonna be here for good.
Phyllis: Tomorrow I'm gonna be free, and then there will be nothing that will be keeping you and I apart.
Jill: [Breathing heavily]
Michael: I spoke with Dylan.
Adam: And he’s gonna help us find the pages, right? He's gonna continue to look for them?
Michael: Officially this case is closed. You have been convicted. Word has come down that the officers need to focus on other cases.
Adam: But he knows I didn't do this. He knows that. And those pages, they’re out there, Michael. I’m telling you.
Michael: Unless they aren't. You’re forgetting Victor is not incarcerated anymore. He can come and go as he pleases, which means he can hide these pages for as long as he wants -- if they haven't been destroyed already.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no. He didn’t destroy anything. Listen, that's not how he works. His partner that he’s working with, something went wrong there, okay? They're not seeing eye to eye.
Michael: Well, did he give you any indication that was the case? Listen to me. Natalie and Kevin haven’t come up with any new information. Until something changes, Dylan has nothing to go on and he is not permitted to investigate further.
Adam: You said you weren’t gonna give up on me, too. Remember that? You remember you said that to me?
Michael: And I meant it. I’m not giving up on you. There’s no way. Look, we just... We just have to face reality here.
Adam: I am facing reality, which is why I need one more thing from you.
Victor: I don't think anyone invited you over, now did they, Jack? Next time you come over, kindly make an appointment with my secretary.
Nick: You know, Vick and I were just heading out. Jack, why don’t you come with us?
Jack: I'll leave as soon as I’ve had a chance to talk with your father.
Nikki: See? Your father’s not angry with you.
Victoria: Uh, yeah, well, just because he’s not yelling doesn’t mean he’s not angry.
Nick: All right. Vick, let’s go. Jack, I know you're not staying too long, right?
Victoria: Coming.
Victor: How dare you come here and defend your wife after she nearly ruined my appeal?
Nikki: Victor, Jack has made it very clear he's not interested in a war.
Victor: I'm asking you again. What are you doing here? You just said your piece in front of the judge.
Jack: I just counseled a friend to be up front and honest whenever it truly mattered. What matters to me is Phyllis. And here's the truth. She is scarred, deeply scarred, and your saving her from Ian Ward doesn't undo the damage.
Victor: What’s your point?
Jack: Even if Phyllis isn't ready to move on, you can be. Call it a truce. Walk away. This feud has gone on too long.
Victor: A truce only works if both parties agree. Now, I have better things to do than discuss your wife. But for your information, if you think that she is not contemplating revenge, then you don’t know your wife.
Phyllis: I don’t want to go.
Billy: Then stay.
Phyllis: No. I need some time alone to think about what I want to say to Jack. And when you kiss me like that, I really can't think.
Billy: You already moved out. Jack knows that things aren’t right. Tomorrow you'll tell him that your marriage is broken and that there’s no way to fix it.
Phyllis: He's -- He's not gonna let go easily.
Billy: I don’t blame him. I know this is gonna hurt him. But in time, we’ll be together and be out in public, and he'll see us and he’ll accept it.
Phyllis: He's gonna accept that his ex-wife and his brother have fallen in love?
Billy: Well, maybe not accept it. Does it change your decision?
Phyllis: No.
Billy: I love you. I wish I could tell everybody I know, but I love Jack. And I don’t want to hurt him unnecessarily.
Phyllis: This is gonna hurt him.
Billy: I know. And I’m sorry. But you and me are necessary. We need each other.
Jack: You're finally home with your wife, with your family. Focus on them rather than giving me marital advice. [Cell phone rings]
Nikki: Please answer that, Jack. And remember, I-I’d like to be alone with my husband on his first night home.
Jack: I know you think you deserve her. I hope you're right. This is Jack. Yeah.
Nikki: You almost make it sound like you're not interested in revenge.
Victor: Jack and Phyllis Abbott are hypocrites.
Nikki: What about the kids? You holding a grudge against them?
Victor: They did well by Newman Enterprises, you know? But now I’m back.
Nick: Dad seemed...calm.
Victoria: Yeah, like a cobra about to attack its prey.
Nick: You know, Dad is who he is, all right? He's either gonna freak out or he's not. He's either gonna make our lives a living hell or he’s not.
Victoria: Adam’s in jail. We're about to be fired. Because, of course, at the end of the day, there can only be one Newman standing when everything's said and done.
Chelsea: This isn't funny.
Chloe: [Laughs]
Chelsea: Victor framed Adam. No matter what you may think of my husband, he's not capable of premeditated murder.
Chloe: I know what he's capable of.
Chelsea: Chloe.
Chloe: I mean, how did Victor even frame him? I heard that he’s in jail.
Chelsea: Well, apparently he got out today. You know Victor and his money. He can pay for whatever he wants, including some jerk who wants to frame an innocent man, and now Adam is in jail.
Chloe: [Laughs]
Chelsea: Stop. This isn't funny. Chloe, you can't come into my house and laugh about my family's tragedy. Think about my little boy. I know how you feel. I know that you hate Adam. I’m just asking you for a little bit of support right now.
Chloe: I’m sorry. How -- How is Connor?
Chelsea: He's sweet and perfect and innocent, and he's wondering where his dad is. So what am I supposed to say to him? [Voice breaking] How am I supposed to tell him that he can’t see his dad because there are vicious people out there in the world that want to hurt people, selfish people? [Sniffles] What do I say? That he’s gonna have to grow up without his dad for the rest of his life. I don’t know what I’m -- [Sniffles]
Chloe: I-I, um, I-I shouldn't have come here.
Chelsea: Chloe. [Door closes]
Adam: I was on edge all evening, and the guard, he was baiting me and, uh, waiting for me to snap, and I did.
Michael: Okay, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Adam: And I threw a punch. I threw a punch and it was a bad idea. He got his -- his help. The other guards, they threw me in solitary and I can’t have visitors.
Michael: Really, Adam? That's -- That's the story you want me to tell Chelsea?
Adam: Yeah.
Michael: The reason Connor can’t come visit? You realize that will keep Chelsea away, too. You think of that?
Adam: I don't want her here. Not like this. What? It's a year, turns into 10, then it’s 20 years. I don’t want her wasting her life in here.
Michael: That's not for you to decide.
Adam: I love her, but she deserves more than this. [Sighs] I got to set her free, Michael. I need your help.
Billy: Whatever color you want, Mom. Go for it. 'Cause after tomorrow, I'm gonna have everything I need. [Sighs] The rest is window dressing. [Sighs]
Phyllis: Hello?
Jill: Do come in, Phyllis. Let’s chat.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lauren: Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving my company?
Chloe: What are you doing here?
Billy: What are you doing here?
Jill: What were you doing in here?
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