Y&R Transcript Monday 7/25/16
Episode # 10972 ~ Victor's act of revenge backfires; Phyllis speaks her mind; Jill shakes things up in Genoa City.
Provided By Jim
Judge Gates: ADA Whitbeck, do you have any testimony from the victims to share with us?
Phyllis: I most definitely have something to share.
Jack: Could we please discuss this --
Phyllis: Let me speak. My name is Phyllis Abbott. I am one of Victor Newman’s many victims and, without a doubt, the most wronged in this criminal case.
Your Honor, this kind of spectacle is highly unorthodox.
Phyllis: No, sir. What is unorthodox is having your husband kidnapped on your wedding night and replaced by a deranged criminal.
Judge Gates: I’ll allow Ms. Abbott to speak, as this is an opportunity for both sides to be heard. Please step forward. And...keep it civil.
Phyllis: I’ll do my best. Your Honor, this man who sits before you has destroyed my life, and that is not an exaggeration. My world has existed in two parts -- life before Marco Annicelli and after, and the after has been a living hell, and that is on Victor Newman, which is why he needs to serve every second, every minute of his sentence and let it be only the beginning of his suffering. ♪
Billy: Hey.
Cane: How was your swim? Was it good?
Billy: It was fantastic. So, to what do I owe the pleasure, Cane? Here to steal something else from me?
Cane: No, Billy. I’m not stealing anything. Just doing a little bit of prep work before we start the renovation.
Billy: It's a big job.
Cane: Oh, in case you were wondering, Brash & Sassy's! doing well.
Billy: I wasn't.
Cane: You know, I got some good ideas for the company.
Billy: It's like déjà vu all over again, isn’t it?
Cane: Isn't it?!
Billy: Yeah, us jockeying for control, just like we did at Jabot.
Cane: Those were good times. Remember?
Billy: Yeah. I wouldn't get too comfortable, Cane. It's pretty clear this wasn’t a simple business acquisition, as far as Mom's concerned.
Cane: You think she's got some ulterior motives, huh?
Billy: Doesn’t she always? I just got to figure out what they are.
Lily: Jill, hey! I thought I saw you check in. Are you staying with us for a while?
Jill: You really want to know if Billy kicked me out of the house, don't you?
Lily: Well, the thought did cross my mind, yes.
Jill: Billy cannot kick me out of that house. I’m only staying here while it's being renovated.
Lily: Okay, good. I thought things would be intense with Billy after the surprise Brash & Sassy! takeover.
Jill: Oh, they’re very tense. He can't stand the sight of me. But he'll have to deal with it. And as for surprises, my takeover was just the beginning. There’s a lot more around here I’m gonna shake up.
Chelsea: What are you talking about? What do you mean, you don’t want Connor to come visit you? You mean, like, ever?
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Adam, that's -- No. No. He can barely get through the school day without seeing you, but weeks, months...
Adam: Years?
Chelsea: What will that do to him?
Adam: I think he’ll be better off.
Phyllis: What Victor saw as a business ploy... wreaked havoc in my life. It made me question my sanity, and part of the torture is having to relive it, having to remember... the feeling of his hands on my body, the smell of his skin, the look in his eyes when he would smile at me. He lived with me for months. He was a stranger. And he lied to me, hu-- humiliated me... and he had sex with me, whenever he wanted, however he wanted, and having to replay that in my mind... makes me sick. But if it helps keep this man from walking free, then I will do it, because he should not be able to get away with what he has set in motion. He cannot get away with it.
Summer: Mom?
Phyllis: I am speaking out against your grandfather's appeal because it is my right.
Summer: I know it's your right, but --
Phyllis: But nothing. I have been wounded in ways that I can’t even express, and the court needs to hear it!
Summer: They have heard it.
Phyllis: Yes, they have. Victor went to prison. Because of all of you, we’ve got to go through this all again. So, what do we say, huh -- that Victor has been misunderstood, that he is a man who lives by his own code, and the poor guy has just gone through too much? Maybe you went a step further. Maybe you made him a hero? You know, the man -- he loves his family, saved his wife.
Nikki: Phyllis, that’s enough. Victor saved your life, too. Is that not good enough for you?
Judge Gates: I’ll have order in my court.
Nikki: I’m sorry, Your Honor, but it's important to know the history here. This woman here -- this Phyllis Abbott -- her tug-of-wars with Victor are legendary. It's time for forgiveness now, Phyllis. We have managed to find ways from our hearts to do that. Why can’t you do that?
Judge Gates: Ladies, you will address me, not each other.
Phyllis: I’m sorry. Are you putting your pain and my pain in the same category? Victor turned his back on you because you spoke the truth. That is nothing compared to what I went through -- nothing.
Judge Gates: If I have to reschedule this hearing, I will.
Phyllis: Why -- Why does Victor get to pull all the pieces of his life back together again, and my life, my reputation, my marriage have all been but destroyed?!
Jill: Do you think so?
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Jill: Ah, there he is! So, honey, what do you think of these new paint colors?
Billy: Well, Mother, I’m having a hard time deciding between Betrayal Beige and Dysfunctional Dark Blue.
Jill: Did Billy get his feelings hurt?
Billy: What are you thinking, having him stage your big coup? It's one thing to paint the place, but to take my company?
Cane: I took Brash & Sassy!
Billy: Yeah? With whose money, Cane?
Jill: I don't give a damn if the Tooth Fairy paid for it. You were the one who got distracted. You were the one who dropped the ball.
Billy: I was not distracted.
Jill: Oh, please! You left Brash & Sassy! so vulnerable, and you didn't even realize it. You had it so leveraged, it was sitting there plump and round and ripe for the picking.
Billy: Well, how 'bout giving me a heads up? You’re worse than a bookie or a loan shark that beats me up in a parking lot. At least they give you a courtesy call.
Jill: Yeah, well, you would know, wouldn't you, honey?
Billy: Yeah, I would, and they wouldn’t take something that means so much to me and give it to him.
Cane: Well, maybe she wanted the company to succeed.
Jill: Bingo!
Billy: Thank you. Bingo.
Jill: And you know something else? I have decided to make a change in the management. I want Brash & Sassy! to be run by partnership.
Billy: [Chuckling] Oh. Oh, that's kind of got to hurt, right? Co-C.E.O. doesn’t really have the same ring.
Cane: Oh, no. It's kind of better than "no C.E.O.," don't you think, Bill?
Billy: Is it?
Cane: Yeah.
Billy: Sharing a title with your stepmom?
Jill: Ah. I will not be running Brash & Sassy! with Cane. You will.
Chelsea: Connor needs you in his life.
Adam: We’re sort of stuck, then, right? Because I don’t want him to see me like this. He deserves better than that.
Chelsea: He deserves you. You’re innocent. And we'll make sure he knows that. We will tell him every single day, and he’ll believe us.
Adam: Believe us for how long?
Chelsea: For...forever.
Adam: And even if that were true, he's gonna grow to resent me, hate me. I don’t want that.
Chelsea: You are his father, okay? It doesn't work like this. You, of all people, know that. You can’t just abandon him.
Adam: I'm not abandoning him. I’m protecting him.
Chelsea: I am not gonna act like you just disappeared. This is crazy. So if you want to be a good parent, what you do is you see your son and you tell him the truth.
Judge Gates: This is the deal. I want to hear from all sides, but I will not let you turn this court into a battle royale. Understood?
Nikki: I’m sorry, Your Honor.
Phyllis: Well, I’m not going to apologize for anything because this has cost me so much already. I hope you took my words to heart and that you do not show him any mercy, because that man has never shown me any.
Jack: Phyllis...
Phyllis: I don’t want to talk about it.
Judge Gates: Before we rest for my deliberation, do you have anything to add?
Victor: I do, indeed, Your Honor. If fate has me go back to prison for the next 10 years, then I must say I will take great solace from my family’s testimony. I was very touched by it. I did not expect it. As far as Phyllis Abbott is concerned, I want her to know that I have taken no pleasure in her suffering -- none whatsoever. Your Honor, I’ve had a rather adventurous life -- lots of ups and downs. But this period in prison... has changed me as a man. And I would look forward to the opportunity... to prove that. Thank you.
Judge Gates: Thank you, Mr. Newman. At this time, I would like to --
Jack: Excuse me, Your Honor. I didn't intend to speak today. In fact, I never intended to be here today. But since I am, I don’t want you making any decisions without
Judge Gates: Go ahead, Mr. Abbott. Please come forward.
Jack: Thank you, Your Honor. I’m honestly not here to argue for or against Victor’s release. A large part of me thinks he deserves to stay in prison. Maybe he deserves worse. Maybe he deserves to be tied in a bed and starved, the way he saw to it I was.
Judge Gates: But there’s a part of you that doesn't feel this way?
Jack: There are people I care about, people in this room who, for better or for worse, love Victor, who need him in their lives. And I have to admit I am grateful to him. Were it not for Victor, my wife might not be here today. But I’d like to make one thing crystal clear. We all just heard how he is a changed man. Do I believe that? Absolutely not. Victor Newman hasn't changed. His family has changed. They finally see the truth. They finally see him for what he is capable of, and they were appalled -- so much so, they cut him out of their lives. Yes, I know they have reconsidered, but I know that wasn't easy. I honestly don't believe Victor could ever do anything this heinous again. His family wouldn’t allow it. And they certainly wouldn’t give him another chance -- not after this. So, Your Honor, this is your decision to make, whether he stays in prison or not, but [Voice breaking] could I ask... one thing, please?
Judge Gates: I’m listening.
Jack: My wife is living a nightmare she cannot get out of. Every time Victor Newman makes a play for freedom, it all blows up again. Old nightmares come back. Old wounds are opened. Battle cries ensue, and my wife pays the biggest price of all. So, whatever you decide, please make it a final decision. This has got to come to an end. I don’t forgive you. I never will. But I refuse to let your actions impact my life for even one more second.
Billy: You got to be kidding me.
Cane: Are you serious?
Jill: Oh, as a heart attack. As a matter of fact, I think the two of you are gonna make a real formidable team.
Billy: Yeah, that's not gonna happen. I don’t have to accept the position. I appreciate it, but I'm good.
Jill: There we go again.
Billy: What is that supposed to mean?
Jill: It means that I've been here before, Billy, standing here watching you running away from a challenge.
Cane: Trust your instincts, Billy. It's gonna make it easier on you. Run. Run.
Jill: Easier for you. Where it leaves him is going down the wrong road again. But I guess you’re used to that, aren't you?
Cane: It’s settled, huh?
Jill: Apparently, it is.
Cane: All right. So, while I got you, I have a proposal for you.
Billy: Yeah, not so fast. Any sort of proposal's gonna have to be run by your partner, which, if it's not clear, is... me.
Jill: Wow.
Cane: Hmm.
Jill: That’s quite a turnaround. Just so you know, I am thrilled that you're staying on board, and I see really good things ahead for you. Listen, Cane, could you give us a few moments? We haven't really had a chance to catch up on things.
Cane: Sure. Do you have any other surprises for me?
Jill: [Chuckles] Not today, no.
Cane: All right.
Billy: See you later, partner. Okay. So, now that he’s out of here, you can tell me what the hell is going on. [Cell phone rings]
Jill: Saved by the ringtone.
Billy: Hello?
Phyllis: It's me. Just got back form Victor’s appeal hearing, and it was absolutely awful. He's gonna walk. Just...I needed to talk to someone who understands.
Billy: Yeah, I understand, Bethany.
Phyllis: You’re not alone?
Billy: No.
Phyllis: Sorry.
Billy: No, no, no, no. I’ll talk to you soon, okay? Bye-bye.
Jill: So, how's Bethany?
Billy: Yeah, she’s fine. She wanted to apologize for canceling plans.
Jill: That’s too bad.
Billy: Yeah, it is, but let's get back to what we were talking about. You were gonna tell me what the hell is going on here.
Jill: Just as soon as you tell me who was really on that phone.
Judge Gates: Thank you, Mr. Abbott. Unless anyone has something else to add... then I'm off to deliberate. The prisoner may stay put. Everyone else, please wait in the corridor. I’ll be as expedient as possible.
Victor: Thanks for what you said.
Nick: Well, I meant it. And I hope you did, too -- that you learned a lesson, that you weren’t just saying those words so you could get out, that you will never, ever again hurt anyone the way you hurt Jack and Phyllis.
Victor: I thought I'd erased your doubts after I saved your mother's life.
Nick: Well, we all want to believe that.
Victor: What do you mean, "we"? Your siblings have the same doubts? Is that it?
Abby: Thank you for not going off on my dad. You were fair and reasonable.
Nikki: You were the exact opposite of Phyllis. You’d think she could have conjured up a little bit of graciousness for the man who saved her life, but no. She would rather ignite another full-on war.
Jack: Can you blame her?
Nikki: I can. It's time to put this in the past.
Jack: That’s easier for some than others.
Nikki: Apparently.
Jack: I hope you were all listening in there. You can’t let Victor get away with any more stunts.
Victoria: Well, we’ll keep an eye on Dad, as long as you promise to do the same with Phyllis.
Summer: She's still really angry.
Nikki: Is that even possible, under the living conditions you have right now?
Jack: Phyllis and I are a package deal. Whatever issues we have, we’ll work through them. Just see to it Victor steers
Judge Gates: I wanted to speak with you before I called in the others. It's about my daughter. Remember -- the woman you used?
Victor: I didn’t use your daughter. But I assume my fate is in her hands.
Judge Gates: A fate I haven't yet decided. She pleaded with me to hear your case.
Victor: And you agreed.
Judge Gates: On one condition -- that my daughter never see you again. However, it’s gotten more complicated. Phyllis Abbott's emotional outburst -- well... it's quite a compelling case for you to stay behind bars.
Adam: My son can’t see me in here.
Chelsea: So, is it better for him to think that you abandoned him, Adam?
Adam: I'm not abandoning him. I’m protecting him.
Chelsea: Well, he won't understand that.
Adam: Look at me in here. Look at this. You want him to see me like this -- a place that's a colorless, hopeless pit of despair?
Chelsea: He won't be here to look at the walls. He will be here to look at you.
Adam: He’ll look at me just like you did when you walked in here, right?
Chelsea: That -- That's not fair. I’ll be stronger when he's --
Adam: It’s not about being stronger. You see me like this. It's breaking your heart. I won’t do that to my son.
Chelsea: What about your heart? How long can you survive in this hell without your son?
Billy: I have an idea. Let’s not talk about my persona life, because -- newsflash -- it's none of your business. Let’s talk about you.
Jill: Oh, goody. I love being the center of attention.
Billy: I know you do. Why are you pushing me to work with Cane?
Jill: ’Cause you need a wakeup call, Billy. You need something to shake some sense into you, and this is it.
Billy: Yeah, stealing my company -- that’s a new spin. I’ll give you that. A little over the top, no?
Jill: No, because Cane will be an excellent, excellent role model for you.
Billy: [Laughs] Oh, you’re -- I’m sorry. You’re serious.
Jill: You don't like that idea, do you?
Billy: No.
Jill: Okay. All right. I got another deal for you. You work with Cane for a few months and you get Brash & Sassy’s! numbers up, okay? And, at the same time, you work on your own you-know-what. And then I will step back and I will give Cane a brand-new division, and you will have the company again. How’s that sound? [Knock on door]
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: May I come in?
Phyllis: I...am not up for any more lectures. I did what I had to do, so... tell me, is the verdict already in? Let me guess -- is Victor walking and toasting...
Jack: I'm not here about Victor. I’m here about us.
Judge Gates: Hypothetically speaking, if I did grant you clemency, would you agree to the same terms as Meredith? Would you stay out of her life for good?
Victor: You know what I like about you and respect about you? Your wanting to protect your daughter, as I protect my family.
Judge Gates: And that is not an answer, Mr. Newman.
Victor: Second chances aren't given very often... so I would not waste mine. I promise you.
Judge Gates: And why should I believe you?
Victor: ’Cause you’re a wise man. That's what your daughter tells me. I will not disappoint you.
Phyllis: I need some time still.
Jack: No. Time’s up. I’m not gonna let you throw your life away because you’re fixated on revenge.
Phyllis: You’re not getting it.
Jack: I get it -- more than you know. But sometimes it's better to walk away from a fight.
Phyllis: And just let Victor win?
Jack: He’s already won! Look at you! Look at us! We're hanging on by a thread because you’re hanging on to all this anger and resentment.
Phyllis: [Scoffs] Fine. [Crying] So, this is all my fault?
Jack: No. I'm saying sometimes it takes more strength to let it go.
Phyllis: Why don’t you take your own advice, Jack? If I'm such a disaster, then why don’t you walk out that door?
Jack: That’s not gonna happen.
Phyllis: Why don’t you abandon ship before I drag you down?
Jack: I am not gonna let you go. I am not going to stop loving you. [Sniffles] It's not gonna happen. I’m gonna have you by my side for the rest of my life. I can’t do that if you keep pushing me away. You know you're doing that. You’re chipping away at this marriage from the inside out. I don’t know why! Why are you so intent on destroying what we have?
Billy: All right. I’ll accept your deal, for one reason only -- to prove you wrong, to show you that I'm not the mess you think I am.
Jill: [Laughing] Oh, my baby, I will be thrilled if you prove me wrong on this, believe me. Aw, honey. Mwah! You do know that I love you, don’t you?
Billy: In your frustrating, crazy kind of way, yes, I do.
Jill: Well, I keep things interesting, though.
Billy: That you do.
Jill: Hmm. [Sighs]
Jill: Katherine? Do you want me to help you up the stairs?
Katherine: I believe I can manage. Thank you, though. Good night.
Jill: This is the one. Forget-Me-Not Yellow.
Judge Gates: Please rise, Mr. Newman. You were sentenced to Walworth for a reason, Mr. Newman. What you did to Phyllis and Jack Abbott was reprehensible. I listened very carefully to their words, and I took them to heart. But we're dealing with more than words here. Prison is about as much rehabilitation as it is punishment. It's about learning a lesson and changing because of it. Rehabilitation -- that is always the goal. And in your case, Mr. Newman, I feel that goal has been reached. I will rule in favor of your appeal, and I hereby reduce your sentence to time served and two years’ community service.
Nikki: I can’t believe it! [Gavel bangs]
Judge Gates: Before you resume your celebration... I trust you’ll hold up your end of the bargain. There will be periodic reviews of your behavior, and if a court-appointed officer deems you to be in violation, you can be taken back to prison at any time during the next two years.
Victor: I understand, Your Honor.
Judge Gates: In that case, you’re free to go.
Victoria: He’s free.
Abby: [Laughs]
Nikki: I’ve never been so relieved in my life!
Summer: Congratulations, Grandpa.
Victoria: I'm so happy for you, Dad.
Abby: For all of us. So, what's your first move as a free man?
Victoria: He’s gonna relax and enjoy his freedom. Don’t worry about anything. We'll hold down the fort at work.
Summer: Well, they will. I’m not at Newman anymore, so...
Victor: A lot to catch up on. What I want most of all is to reclaim my life. That means after a good night’s sleep... I will reclaim that chair behind my desk and run this company with all the vigor in my
Phyllis: I’m sorry. I have been pushing you away. And I can’t imagine how much that hurts you, 'cause you've done nothing but love me.
Jack: All I want is what is best for you.
Phyllis: I just need to figure out some things right now. Maybe we could figure it out together. [Cell phone chimes] Forget that. Forget that.
Phyllis: You should take it. It's important, I’m sure.
Jack: No, nothing's more important than this.
Phyllis: Just answer it, all right? I won’t be able to concentrate. He got out, didn't he?
Jack: Yeah.
Phyllis: [Crying] I knew this was gonna happen.
Jack: Honey, honey, calm down.
Phyllis: Don’t tell me to calm down!
Jack: This is not the end of the world.
Phyllis: Yes, it is!
Jack: Only if you let it be.
Phyllis: Because I’m a weak and damaged woman -- is that why?!
Jack: Wait. Where is this coming from? No!
Phyllis: You have to go. You have to go.
Jack: No. Absolutely not.
Phyllis: Yes, because no matter how much you want to fix this, no matter how devoted you are to us, it will not change the fact that we are on a different page from one another.
Jack: So I’m the enemy because I love you, because I want you to be happy and have peace in your life?
Phyllis: On your terms, not on mine! And they will always be different. So you need to go.
Jack: Red...
Phyllis: Jack, please. I can’t talk about this anymore. Please don't.
Jack: Don't do anything you’re gonna regret.
Chelsea: There must be some way we can make it work.
Adam: There's not.
Chelsea: A way that Connor can visit without scaring him or upsetting him.
Adam: No, there's not. There’s not.
[Cell phone chimes]
Chelsea: I don’t believe it.
Adam: What?
Chelsea: Victor wins again -- guilty yet free... while you’re innocent and trapped in here.
Nikki: This must seem like a dream to you.
Victor: Yeah. It does.
Nikki: Well, this room and all of the rooms are very real. But I have made a few changes.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Didn't realize how much... I missed all this.
Nikki: Welcome home, darling.
Lily: Well, Jill knows that you don’t need anyone. She, on the other hand -- I don’t think she would have been able to acquire Brash & Sassy! without your work behind the scenes.
Cane: Yeah, but pitting Billy against me isn't how I thought she would say thank you.
Lily: Trust me -- in no time, you will be running the company, Billy, and Jill.
Cane: Oh, yeah?
Lily: Oh, yeah.
Cane: Oh, yeah?
Lily: Now, why don’t we go celebrate your first step back to the top?
Cane: I think you should lead the way.
Billy: Hey. Sorry about that. I’m sorry that I couldn’t talk earlier. Are you okay?
Phyllis: I think my marriage
Jill: Ahh. Are you celebrating Victor's imminent return?
Jack: I asked for a pink umbrella. All I got was this damn lime.
Jill: Oh, lord. Who’s running this place anyway?
Jack: I'm more interested in who’s running Brash & Sassy!
Jill: You heard.
Jack: Sneaky little takeover. What's next?
Jill: Having Cane and Billy run the thing.
Jack: Together?
Jill: Oh, yes, together. I told Billy that he should be looking up to Cane.
Jack: Oh, I'll bet he loved that.
Jill: Oh, I don't give a damn if he loves it. He has got to get his act together, Jack.
Jack: In business?
Jill: In life. See? If he continues on down the road he's on, he will never get Victoria back.
Phyllis: I just lost it. I unloaded on Victor, on all of them. I couldn't help it. It just came out. And all of my rage and my anger just was as fresh as it ever was.
Billy: And Jack doesn't understand?
Phyllis: He wants to. He keeps offering to help and trying to fix things, but the more he does that, I just want to scream.
Billy: It's okay.
Phyllis: No. No. It's not okay. Things are not okay between Jack and me, and -- I don't know -- maybe he's right. Maybe I’m spinning out of control. Because I’m just feeling like I don’t care anymore.
Billy: I care... because it brought you back to me.
Victoria: I came here because I thought we should toast, but now I’m wondering if maybe I should go in to the office and do some last-minute damage control.
Nick: You think that’ll change anything?
Victoria: No.
Nick: Look, Vick, you've done an amazing job with the company.
Victoria: Yes, so amazing that I managed to lose an entire division and fall prey to ecoterrorism.
Nick: None of that was your fault.
Victoria: Really? Try telling that to Dad. You heard him. He's back in full force. Newman is his. I have a feeling that, one way or another, he's gonna make sure that we remember that.
Chelsea: Maybe your father will live up to his word and find a way to get you released. And if not... Adam, I am never gonna give up on you. I will find a way to get you out of here.
Adam: I know it. You should go.
Chelsea: What? No. No. I still have time.
Adam: No, you should go. Connor's probably wondering where you’re at.
Chelsea: I know what you’re doing. Don’t do this. Connor is fine, and I’m not leaving. We don't even have to talk. [Voice breaking] I just want to be around you. I just want to spend time with you to make sure you're okay.
Adam: I can't do this right now.
Chelsea: Adam, just stay.
Adam: I'm sorry.
Chelsea: Adam, don’t! I know what you’re doing! Don’t do this!
Adam: Guard.
Chelsea: No, no! Wait! Wait just -- Wait. [Stomps foot] Ugh! [Crying]
Nikki: I have to tell you, the ranch wasn't the same without you. Coming home together like this seems so right.
Victor: It does.
Nikki: Well, just relax. Make a drink if you like. I’m gonna go check on Celia -- see how she’s going with dinner. Bet you must be starved. You haven’t had a decent meal in months.
Victor: Sweetheart... [Sighs heavily] ...you and I have gone through a lot. But I think this was the biggest test of them all. And I think we have conquered it.
Nikki: Thank goodness. Yeah. The...taste of life without Victor -- I didn't like that at all. This truly is a fresh start for us. Let’s not waste it.
Victor: Never.
Victor: You shouldn't be here.
Chloe: No. But I am. Bravo, Victor. You actually pulled it off. You’re walking free, and Adam is locked up in your place.
Victor: You should not be here. Where the hell are the two journal pages? I want them.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: And if you think that she is not contemplating revenge, then you don’t know your wife.
Phyllis: We want the same things.
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