Y&R Transcript Friday 7/22/16


Episode # 10971 ~ Victor fights for his freedom. Phyllis loses her cool. Chelsea wants revenge.

Provided By Jim

Adam: Wow. Looking slick. What's the occasion? You headed to prom?

Victor: [Chuckles] My appeal hearing is today.

Adam: Oh, I see. You feeling good about your chances, are you?

Victor: Oh, yeah. I’ll be out of here in no time.

Adam: Well, I wouldn’t say goodbye to us just yet.

Nikki: Well, thank you for meeting with me.

Victoria: Yeah, of course.

Nikki: I just wanted to make sure that we're all on the same page before we walk into that courtroom.

Nick: Well, I'm not recanting any of my earlier testimony. Facts are facts.

Victoria: She's not asking you to lie, Nick.

Nick: Well, aren’t we?

Nikki: No. Victor's crimes stand. But that doesn't mean that we can let it stop us from building a strong case on his behalf.

Victoria: Well, let's just hope it’s enough to get his sentence reduced.

Nikki: It will be. It has to be.

Phyllis: Well. Here they are. The united Newman front, banding together to ensure justice isn't done.

Abby: [Sighs] Good morning.

Stitch: Hey. Big day today. Your dad's appeal, right?

Abby: Oh, uh...yeah.

Stitch: Don't tell me it slipped your mind.

Abby: No, I was just thinking about something else. About that conversation we never finished last night. About having another baby. I really want one, Ben. So, just level with me. When you said "not right now," did you really mean "not ever"?

Dylan: Hey, Chelsea. There you are.

Sharon: We went by your house but no one was there.

Chelsea: Well, I came right straight here after I dropped Connor off at camp. What's going on? Do you have an update on Adam?

Dylan: Uh, no, we just came looking for you, see how you're doing.

Chelsea: Oh, I’m -- I'm terrible. Completely freaking out. My son had to say goodbye to his father, and it was pretty awful, I got to tell you.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Sharon: We’re so sorry, and I know it doesn’t fix everything, but I don’t want you to worry about work. I’m prepared to take over, and I can hold down the fort at Chelsea 2.0 for as long as you need.

Chelsea: Thank you, Sharon, but right now, my focus is on clearing Adam’s name. And I’m hoping it’s your focus, too. Tell me you’re still looking for Sage's real journal pages. Or have you given up?

Nikki: Phyllis, you need to remember what we went through up at that cabin. We both thought we were going to die. Victor rescued you.

Phyllis: Yeah, Nikki, I haven’t forgotten what happened at that cabin. That macho dog-and-pony show was not for my sake. Victor couldn’t have cared less if I made it out of there alive.

Nikki: Oh, really? So, when he barked at you to save yourself, that was all just for show? I don’t think so, Phyllis. Every move he made was to ensure that we escaped that hostage situation.

Phyllis: Yeah, it doesn't give him a pass, and it doesn’t erase all the other atrocities he has committed.

Victoria: We know that.

Phyllis: Do you?

Victoria: Yeah, we do. We're not gonna rescind our testimony. What happened happened. That doesn't mean that the motivation behind what we said -- Okay, look. We went too far.

Nikki: Yes, and the court needs to know that.

Phyllis: Well, they are not going to hear it from me. Am I grateful that Victor saved my life? Fine. He is my hero. Do I think I owe him one? No. Because nothing that man can say or do will make up for what I went through, and I thought you all understood that. Not that it surprises me the two of you have fallen back in line with one another. I guess it was only a matter of time. But you, Nick -- I expected more from you. I thought you still had your principles.

Nick: I do.

Phyllis: Really? Because I’m not seeing them. Because I cannot believe that you’re okay with this. The things your father did to the mother of your child, and you’re acting like it’s water under the bridge.

Nick: Not even close.

Phyllis: Well, then, correct me, please. Because from where I'm standing, Victor's only six months into his prison sentence and you think that that is punishment

Stitch: Do we really need to talk about this right now?

Abby: I want to know how you feel. Because I know how I feel.

Stitch: Okay. Tell me.

Abby: Things have been hard since the miscarriage. I mean, I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much, someone that I had never even laid eyes on before, but I did. I really did. Getting pregnant with our daughter was the best surprise of my life. And suddenly, the world -- it just opened up, and it seemed more exciting and full of possibility, and... I had never been happier.

Stitch: And now?

Abby: And now it’s just -- it's just gone. We're just left with reminders, with onesies and baby blankets and baby furniture that we never got to put together, and I think about it -- I think about it all the time, how it could have been if just one thing had gone differently.

Stitch: There's no point in looking back, okay?

Abby: I know we can't change what happened, but I want to look forward to our future -- a future with you and me and Max and hopefully a little brother or sister. If it’s too soon, I get it. I get it, but I -- I just want to know if it’ll ever be the right time.

Stitch: Hey, you know, you’re gonna be late for court if you don’t get dressed.

Abby: Ben.

Stitch: Look, you want to be there for your dad, right?

Abby: Don't shut me out.

Stitch: I'm not. I’m just tabling this discussion for a later time, okay? A time when you don’t have somewhere you need to be.

Victoria: Back off, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Name one word that wasn't true.

Nikki: Nicholas is simply standing by his family.

Nick: Look, I hate everything my dad did to you.

Nikki: We all do.

Nick: Mom, please.

Nikki: Okay.

Nick: There's a lot to take into account here.

Phyllis: Like what?

Nick: Like our daughter. You know how she feels about her grandfather.

Phyllis: Summer is being naive about her grandfather. She wants to believe in him so badly that it is clouding her vision.

Nick: I actually think Summer's grown up quite a bit lately. She’s learned the hard way that you can’t trust everyone.

Phyllis: So, she’s gonna trust Victor?

Nick: She thinks he deserves another chance.

Phyllis: And I’m sure she will be telling the judge that today.

Nick: Actually, I don't think she’s gonna make it. She’s not feeling well.

Nikki: Oh, really? I’m sorry to hear that.

Phyllis: You sure it’s not her conscience?

Nick: Just look at everything that has happened to my dad since he was convicted. He's been shot and stabbed. He was sentenced to prison, not the death penalty. If he stays at Walworth, that’s what's gonna happen.

Phyllis: I-I’m sorry. Do you want me to feel sorry for your father? He is a criminal. I mean, forget about what he did to me emotionally. I could have died every single night that Marco Annicelli was in my bed. Jack. You here to get on the pro-Victor bandwagon?

Jack: I'm here to keep the peace.

Phyllis: Well, then, please tell them that they are crazy for setting this into motion.

Nick: I'm not trying to defend my dad’s actions.

Phyllis: Well, that's exactly what you're doing, and I am here to say that there’s no justification for what he did.

Victoria: Are you not listening? We're not justifying anything.

Phyllis: Well, see, you're excusing it. I don’t know which one is worse, Victoria.

Nikki: I don’t think this conversation is getting us anywhere, so let's, uh, be off.

Jack: Yeah, that’s a good idea.

Nick: I'm really sorry. I wish I could make you understand.

Phyllis: Me too, but I don’t think that's possible.

Victoria: Come on.

Phyllis: Thank you for not taking their side.

Jack: I am always on your side. Always. Red. I’m with you, no matter what.

Phyllis: Even if I go to that courthouse and crucify Victor?

Victor: That almost sounded like a warning.

Adam: Well, let's just say I’ve gotten off the "Free Victor" bandwagon, you know? I’m not gonna be testifying. I really don't care what you say about missing journal pages at this point. My point is, you cannot count on me.

Victor: That’s your prerogative, son.

Adam: That’s it?

Victor: Yep, that's it. Fortunately, I have other children who will support me.

Adam: Right.

Victor: And my wife.

Adam: Yes, your loving family. Huh.

Victor: That’s right.

Adam: This is really disappointing, actually. It's so obvious what you're doing. You’re clearly using them to get out of here, and then once you do, there’s gonna be hell to pay, right? By them, of course.

Victor: You're wrong.

Adam: I'm wrong. I’m glad I'm not gonna be around to see it, to tell you the truth -- your family groveling at your feet, apologizing for ever turning their back on you while you systematically shove a knife in theirs.

Dylan: Yes, I'm gonna keep looking for the diary entries and the woman who was visiting Victor.

Chelsea: Really?

Dylan: Yeah, really.

Chelsea: Okay. I’d really like to believe that, Dylan. I’d like to believe that you're making my husband a top priority, but, you know, here you are, grabbing coffee with your wife, when you could be out there investigating.

Dylan: Chelsea, we were looking for you.

Chelsea: Yeah, because you wanted to check on me, not because you had any information or leads or anything to help me.

Sharon: Okay, Chelsea, that's enough. Dylan has been sacrificing a lot for your family. He's put a ton of personal time into trying to exonerate Adam when he could be at home with his own son, so you should be thanking him, not attacking him.

Chelsea: All right, well, that's easy for you to say, Sharon, because you’re actually with your husband. While mine is serving 30 years for a crime he didn’t commit because his father is a vindictive bastard. Well, you know what? I can be vindictive, too.

Dylan: Chelsea, where you going?

Chelsea: Victor better watch

Victor: Be careful, okay? You’re sounding like a man on the outside. If I were you, I'd watch my tone.

Adam: Mm. Watch my tone.

Victor: Yeah.

Adam: What the hell are you gonna do to me in here?

Victor: It is what I can do for you on the outside. Now, if you’re a smart boy, you get on your knees and you pray that I win my appeal, because that's the only way that I can get you out of this hellhole.

Adam: [Scoffs] So, you’re gonna spend all your time on the outside worrying about -- worrying about getting me out of here?

Victor: Who did you inherit your stubbornness from? You bet. I’m the only one to get you out of here. Because I love my family. And you’re part of my family. Remember what I said.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Stitch: Hey.

Dylan: What's going on?

Stitch: Uh, just grabbing a quick caffeine fix before Abby has to get to the courthouse.

Dylan: Big day for the Newmans.

Sharon: Um, Abby, you're a fashionable woman.

Abby: Thank you?

Sharon: I was just wondering if you could help me with something I’m working on for Chelsea.

Abby: Oh. Okay.

Sharon: Okay, uh...my laptop's on the patio.

Abby: I don't see a computer.

Sharon: That’s because I don’t have it with me. Um, I just wanted to get you alone for a moment. How are things going with you and Stitch? It seemed like maybe you were in a better place the other night when we went out for drinks.

Abby: We were, and then we weren’t.

Sharon: What happened?

Abby: I brought up the prospect of having another baby.

Sharon: And Stitch doesn’t want to have another baby right now. Well, that's probably temporary.

Abby: Well, I realize that the timing is terrible, but, I mean, Ben was so happy to be a dad before, before I lost the baby. I thought it was at least something we could talk about.

Sharon: And he didn't want to talk about it.

Abby: He didn't say it out loud, but it was almost as if having another baby was off the table forever and that I was wrong for even bringing it up.

Sharon: You're not wrong.

Abby: I'm not?

Sharon: No, I know what it’s like to lose a child. You go from being so hopeful and so full to feeling impossibly empty.

Abby: Yeah. Yeah, that's almost exactly what I said to Ben this morning. It's like part of my heart is missing.

Sharon: Well, I can only speak from my own experience, but having another baby helped me immensely.

Abby: It did?

Sharon: Yeah, I mean, it -- it doesn't replace the child you lost, but Faith has really filled a void, and so has Sully. And my life is full of joy again.

Abby: That sounds nice.

Sharon: Having a baby can change so many things, Abby.

Abby: Hm. Could you tell that to my husband?

Nikki: Chelsea. I didn't know you would be here.

Chelsea: I came to testify, actually. Against Victor. I want to remind the judge of every horrible, heinous stunt he's ever pulled.

Victoria: You can't do that.

Chelsea: Oh, but I can, actually.

Nikki: Look, we know that you’re going through a very difficult time. But you seem to forget that we're still family, and we are going to get you and Connor through this, every step of the way.

Victoria: She's right. Whatever you need.

Chelsea: Oh. Whatever I need? That's so sweet. Where was this grand show of support when Adam was on trial for his life? I’m just curious --

Victoria: We were in that courtroom supporting our brother.

Chelsea: Oh, no, no, no. You were there to stick it to Victor. Let’s be honest. Oh, how times have changed. Now you’re here to show support for a man who has added "framing his son for a murder he didn't commit" to his long list of crimes.

Victoria: Do we know that for sure?

Nick: Vick.

Chelsea: Know what?

Victoria: Oh, come on. It's not like Adam is a saint. Not even close.

Chelsea: If you're implying Adam actually killed that woman, Constance Bingham, you better stop right there. Adam is innocent.

Victoria: Are you positive about that?

Chelsea: I’m positive. Your father on the other hand? Guilty as sin.

Abby: Hey, um, Sharon's on a work call. She should be right in, but I should get going.

Stitch: Yeah, it’s about that time.

Abby: I don't suppose you'd want to come with me to the hearing?

Stitch: Yeah, you suppose correctly. After everything that went down with my sister, I don’t think I can go and support your dad. I’m sorry.

Abby: Don't be. I totally get it, and you’re certainly not the only one who's conflicted about the appeal. So, I’ll see you later?

Stitch: Absolutely.

Abby: Okay. Bye.

Stitch: What?

Dylan: What? Just, you know, wondering how you guys are doing.

Stitch: Good. You know, we're not 100%, but we're getting there, you know? It's a day-by-day kind of thing.

Dylan: Really?

Stitch: No. Not really, Mac. My happy family’s gone to hell.

Jack: I have no intention of going anywhere near that courtroom. I suggest you do the same.

Phyllis: Jack.

Jack: Phyllis, we have had our say. Anything that happens after this has nothing to do with us.

Phyllis: How can you say that?

Jack: Well, look at you. You’re coiled, ready to pounce. This isn't healthy.

Phyllis: Oh, so now I'm not healthy?

Jack: I didn’t say that.

Phyllis: You are able to turn the other cheek. You have turned the other cheek, but I cannot.

Jack: I have not forgiven anyone, anything. The mere mention of Victor's name makes my blood boil. I am not letting him off the hook for anything he's done to you or to us.

Phyllis: But?

Jack: But we have a choice here! We can either live a life mired in fantasies of revenge, or we can live our life! To be happy. To not let him win. Isn’t that the ultimate vengeance?

Phyllis: You know what the ultimate vengeance is? To make him suffer, make him suffer the way he --

Jack: Even though he saved your life.

Phyllis: Oh, let’s throw him a party, Jack!

Jack: Come on. How is it we are so far apart? Even now, after all this time?

Phyllis: I don’t know.

Jack: You had moved on. I’m not making this up. You agreed that revenge had gotten the best of you and you moved on!

Phyllis: I had because I thought I had some semblance of justice, but he is gonna walk, Jack. He's gonna walk. He's gonna show up here, he’s gonna show up at the coffeehouse, he’s gonna show up at the dry cleaners.

Jack: I seriously doubt Victor brings in his own dry cleaning.

Phyllis: He's gonna pick up right where he left off. He's gonna rule the universe like nothing has happened. He was supposed to pay. And he didn’t. And I don’t know if I can live with that.

Victor: Uh, may I have a moment to speak with my family, please? Thank you.

Chelsea: What, is he on your payroll?

Victor: If he is, his instructions are to protect Adam, as well.

Chelsea: Have you seen him?

Victor: Yes, I have.

Chelsea: How is he?

Victor: Doing all right. Hopefully, he won’t have to spend too many years behind bars. But once I go free, I’ll do everything in my power to free him.

Chelsea: That's what you promised last time. Why should I believe you now?

Nick: You have every reason to be skeptical.

Chelsea: You think?

Nick: I actually believe he's telling the truth.

Victoria: Antagonizing my father might be a bad idea, Chelsea. He may be Adam's only chance at freedom.

Victor: It’s all right. Chelsea’s simply expressing her frustrations. At least now she's not carrying a sharp object.

Chelsea: If you don't come through for him, come through for us, I swear, I will make you wish you were back behind bars.

Nikki: Thank God she’s gone.

Victoria: That’s one obstacle down.

Nick: Who knows how many more are to come?

Nikki: Sorry. I-I know it’s against the rules. Couldn't help myself.

Abby: Well, I'm glad I’m not late.

Nick: Hey.

Abby: Hey. Dad. You look great.

Nikki: He really does, doesn’t he?

Abby: You ready to kick some ass in there? 'Cause that’s what we’re gonna do.

Victoria: All of us. Together.

Victor: We’ve been here before, haven’t we? Hopefully this time, the outcome will be different. I have a feeling that, with all of your support, things will go all right.

Judge Gates: Court is now in

Stitch: I just don’t see how it's anywhere near the right step at this point. I mean, we barely had time to grieve, let alone plan another kid.

Dylan: I know. I know it’s overwhelming.

Stitch: You should see our place, Mac. Covered in unopened gifts from the baby shower. And who knows what's in them? Clothes, rattles, diapers. Abby looks at them, and she wants to put them to use.

Dylan: What about you?

Stitch: It’s like a glaring reminder of what life was supposed to be like before everything went wrong. I’m not ready.

Dylan: Okay. Okay. Have you told Abby that?

Stitch: I don't have the words for her. I don’t know why. I just keep telling her we'll talk about it later.

Dylan: I’m sorry, man. But if you want some advice...

Stitch: I don't, but I know it's coming, so let’s hear it.

Dylan: Here it is. Don’t entirely shut the door on the idea of having another kid, because you and Abby could have what you had. You can be happy. And it's not gonna mean that you’re gonna love your son any less.

Stitch: I don't know, Mac. Maybe I’m not cut out to be a dad at all.

Dylan: I was exactly the same way after losing Connor, okay? I thought that this was my last chance at being a dad and it didn't work, so that was it. You know, I couldn't imagine ever loving anybody like I loved that little kid. But then Sully came along. And it's not like he was a replacement. I-It was just the opposite. Sully was just this -- I mean, he was this bright light all on his own, and he pulled me out of this place of darkness... and it made me love this woman even more.

Stitch: You're a lucky guy, Mac.

Dylan: Yeah, I am. You can be lucky, too.

[Door opens]

Adam: Baby.

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: Adam.

Adam: It’s okay. It's fine.

Jack: Don't forget -- justice comes in many forms. Yes, prison is one of them, but I think the far deeper cut for Victor is having his family turn against him. That is indescribable pain for him.

Phyllis: And you would know that because you think I'm turning against you.

Jack: That is not what I -- When will you stop misinterpreting everything that I say?

Phyllis: [Sighs] I would if I could just figure you out.

Jack: What, figure -- You figure me out?

Phyllis: Yeah, pick a side, Jack. One day, it’s you and me against the world, specifically Victor, and then the other, you want me to kiss and make up.

Jack: I never suggested that you kiss and make up.

Phyllis: You know what I mean.

Jack: No, I don't know what you mean! That is the problem here!

Phyllis: Yeah, well, it probably is one of the reasons why I moved out. Yes, you're right.

Jack: Okay. With all these misunderstandings, I want to make one thing very clear. My life without you is hell right now. I miss you every minute of every hour of every day. I’m giving you the space you need because I love you... because I am always on your side, whether we agree or not.

Phyllis: Thank you. I know this isn’t just about me. I know this is incredibly difficult for you. And I appreciate your understanding more than you know.

Jack: Enough to do one thing for me?

Phyllis: What is it?

Jack: For our family’s sake, for the Newmans’ sake, but most of all, for your sake, please, please don't go near that courtroom.

Judge Gates: I understand you’re seeking a reduction of sentence on your convictions of kidnapping and fraud.

Victor: That is correct, Your Honor.

Judge Gates: Is there any new evidence to present on these counts?

Nothing physical, Your Honor, but I would like to remind the court the original evidence was all circumstantial.

Judge Gates: Noted.

Today, Victor's family would like to speak on his behalf and clarify their original testimony, which I think we can all agree unduly influenced the outcome of this trial.

Judge Gates: Well, first up on my list here is Victoria Newman, the prisoner’s daughter.

Victoria: Good morning, Your Honor.

Judge Gates: Good morning, Ms. Newman. What is it you feel this court needs to hear with regard to your father’s case?

Victoria: When my family took the stand against my father, we were coming from a place of anger. We were...desperate to teach him a lesson. And, in turn, our words were harsher than they should have been and certainly far more cruel. I can’t tell you how much I regret that, knowing the effect that our testimony may have had on the jury’s decision. With time and distance, I’ve come to realize that my father's truest intention was to protect his family. Just as it was recently when he risked his own life to save my mother and Phyllis Abbott. My father loves his family. It's why he does anything. And the truth is, we love him, too.

Sharon: I just feel so bad for them.

Dylan: Yeah, I know. Between Max’s recovery and the miscarriage, Stitch lost two kids in one year.

Sharon: That’s too much.

Dylan: He's strong, but I mean, that kind of pain is enough to break anybody. What's wrong? You thinking about Cassie?

Sharon: The pain of losing another child -- it’s with me every day. I just have to hope that God would never be that cruel.

Stitch: Antibiotics aren’t gonna take care of this.

Abby: Okay, not funny. Is this because I wouldn't wear a hospital gown?

Stitch: Abby...

Abby: No, come on! You’re starting to worry me. Is it something serious?

Stitch: [Laughs] You’re pregnant.

Abby: Shut up.

Stitch: No, i-it’s here. It's so here! They even noted that they ran it twice.

Abby: [Laughs]

Stitch: No wonder the lab tech was smiling at me.

Abby: So, wait, you and I, we, uh...

Stitch: [Laughing] We're having a baby, baby!

Abby: We’re having a baby. We're having a baby! [Both laugh]

Abby: My father is a man who doesn’t show weakness. He had to learn that early on. Where he grew up, it put a target on your back and because of that, he can come across cold and unfeeling. But nothing could be further from the truth. My father -- he feels guilt and he feels remorse. But most importantly, he feels love. And I know that because I’ve been a recipient. I wouldn't have survived half of what I have if it wasn't for his protection and devotion. In the trial, I spoke about him acting in self-defense, but he wasn't defending himself. It was us. His family. It's always been about us.

Nick: My relationship with my father is rocky, at best. We've had several major fallouts over the years. And I’m sure that affected my testimony. I just wanted my father stopped. I never even considered an alternative. But that changed when I walked outside of this room and I saw my father laying on the ground. He had been shot trying to protect my mother. I saw my dad again -- the man I love, the man I respect. And later on, something remarkable happened. Jack Abbott, one of the victims of this case, came to me and told me that I should never give up on my dad. I know Jack’s not here. I just thought his advice should be heard. I guess all fathers and sons have this battle, but that battle should be settled at home as a family, not played out in some court. So, Your Honor, I would ask that you let us settle this battle once and for all.

Chelsea: I promised myself I wouldn't get emotional.

Adam: It’s all right.

Chelsea: [Sighs] [Sniffles]

Adam: I'm actually okay in here, you know? It's not as bad as it looks. Although, I mean, the uniform’s pretty, you know, bland. Maybe they should hire you as a fashion consultant, you know? You could come and give this thing a little personality.

Chelsea: Stop, stop. You and your stupid jokes.

Adam: Come on, you love my stupid jokes.

Chelsea: I love you.

Adam: I love you, too. What's going on out there, anyway? You, um -- You probably heard about Victor's appeal. He -- He saw me this morning. He couldn’t help but rub my face in it.

Chelsea: Are you serious?

Adam: Are you surprised?

Chelsea: I shouldn’t have let up.

Adam: Let up? What are you talking about? What did you do? Chelsea, what did you do?

Chelsea: I, um... I went a little extreme.

Nikki: It's no secret that I had been drinking when I testified at my husband’s trial. And because of that, I lashed out, as alcoholics are prone to do. I even said I didn't even know the man. Of course I do. Better than anyone. He's proud, he is complicated, and loyal to a fault, but... that is the man that I married all those years ago. Why did I turn on him the way I did? I don’t know, maybe we know each other too well. Victor has always been the mirror into my soul, but I sure wasn't interested in looking at my issues, so I just turned the blame around on him. Looked only at him -- what he did, what he did wrong, instead of looking at what I may have done. And what I should have done is I should have taken the time to really take a good look at his actions. And then I would have seen what he was insisting at the time -- that the reason that he did all of these things, the reason he went to such extremes is because he was defending his family. Just like he defended me and Phyllis Abbott when we were held at gunpoint by Ian Ward. Now, that evening could have turned out very differently. But Victor risked his life to save two women that sent him to jail. I think that is incredible. And, also, he didn't attempt to run at any time before or after the rescue, and he could have easily. No. Victor decided to stay and take his punishment because, despite what I said when I was under the influence, he has a great respect for the law. Your Honor, please. Give me back my husband... my children’s father. We, and the system, have

Dylan: Okay, new rule.

Sharon: Okay. What?

Dylan: No negative thoughts when things are going so well for our family.

Sharon: I want you to know something. Losing Cassie was the worst moment of my life. Watching my baby slip away -- I-I couldn't breathe. There was no air. Until I could breathe. I survived. I had to dig down deep and find a way. I had to.

Dylan: And look where you are now. You have two amazing sons, two incredible daughters.

Sharon: And a husband I would crawl on broken glass for. I hope you know that.

Dylan: You are not gonna lose anybody, okay? The worst is over. That's a promise.

Adam: And the whole time, your phone was recording the conversation?

Chelsea: Yep. But, of course, Victor admitted nothing, so I failed.

Adam: That’s not true. You didn't fail. I mean, what you did was... It was borderline insane, actually, babe, but brave. Very, very brave.

Chelsea: I don’t know about brave. He was handcuffed to the bed and his other arm was in a sling, so that helped. [Sighs] I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get you out of here, so if Victor goes free, you can count on the fact that I am going to hound that man until those missing journal pages show up.

Adam: I know. Just do me a favor, though. Maybe no more weapons, no more wielding scalpels, if you could. I mean, Connor's already down one parent. He really needs you right now.

Chelsea: Don’t talk like that. Connor still has you. And, hopefully, you’re getting out of here soon. Hopefully, this is the last time I have to visit you, but if I do have to come back, I'm gonna bring Connor.

Adam: No, you're not. No, no, no, no. There’s no way in hell I'm letting that happen. You’re not bringing him anywhere near here.

Judge Gates: Your heart must be warm by all of this support.

Victor: It means a lot to me, Your Honor. My family has always meant everything to me.

Judge Gates: Will there be anyone else who will be speaking on your behalf today?

Victor: No one that I can think of.

Judge Gates: Except those that are against the appeal. A.D.A. Whitbeck, do you have any testimony from the victims to share with us?

Phyllis: Your Honor, I most definitely have something to share.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: How long can you survive this hell without your son?

Jill: I will not be running Brash & Sassy! with Cane. You will.

Judge Gates: Phyllis Abbott's emotional outburst -- it's quite a compelling case for you to

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