Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/21/16


Episode # 10970 ~ Cane makes a power play. Billy defends himself. Hilary wants someone out of her life.

Provided By Jim

Nick: Summer wants no part of you. Or didn’t she make her feelings very clear?

Luca: We both did, after we each confessed what we'd done.

Nick: Confessed?

Luca: I gave the press some inside information that made Victoria look bad. Once I told Summer that, she admitted that she tried to set me up. That's right. I told her I wanted a job at Newman and was willing to do anything to get it -- anything but hurt her. Like it or not, Nick, I love your daughter.

Nick: Well, if that's the case, there’s only one way to prove it.

Luca: And what’s that?

Nick: Pack your bags and leave town.

Summer: You moved out? Mom, that makes no sense. You and Jack, you guys are amazing together.

Phyllis: Okay, nobody can understand what’s going on in a relationship except for the two people in it. Things aren’t always as they appear.

Summer: Okay, so does that mean you're not gonna try to give me all this advice and pretend to know what's happening with me and Luca?

Phyllis: No. You cannot compare your troubles with Luca to me and Jack taking a break, okay?

Summer: You guys are married. Taking a break -- What does that even mean?

Phyllis: It means that I need time to think, honey.

Summer: About what? What happened? What did Jack do?

Phyllis: It's nothing Jack did. It's what I did.

Jack: Phyllis flew to Canada that day for some business meetings, only it doesn’t show up in this monthly flight summary. Could that be an oversight or maybe a last-minute change in the flight plans or -- She never got on the plane? You’re sure? Okay. Thanks, Howard.

Ashley: Hi.

Jack: Hi.

Ashley: Just checking on you. I hope you spoke to Phyllis and took my advice. You got to keep the lines of communication open. What's the matter?

Jack: I think Phyllis has been lying to me.

Devon: "The pair were also spotted looking very cozy at the Polo Lounge, along with several members of the diva’s entourage. Her jilted hubby responded by dumping her entire shoe collection into the pool of their Bel Air mansion."

Hilary: Oh, no! No, Jimmy Choos and chlorine? No, that does not mix.

Devon: Yeah. It says here he’s checking her out, along with the shoes.

Hilary: Well, it serves her right for not appreciating the good man that she had.

[Door opens]

[Knock on door]

Dr. Neville: I’m sorry to interrupt. I just thought I would, uh, check on the patient. How are you feeling today, Hilary?

Devon: Didn't Ashley tell you that my wife is no longer your responsibility?

Dr. Neville: Ashley told me what you said, Devon.

Devon: Good, good, because we've brought in a new doctor, one who doesn’t experiment on his patients.

Dr. Neville: I understand you don’t want me to continue with Hilary's treatment. There’s only one problem. What happens if it's our only chance to save her?

Hilary: To kill me, you mean? Because I am not giving you another chance to finish me off.

Cane: Shhh.

Lily: [Chuckles] Hey.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: [Sighs] Don’t you wish we could just stay like this forever?

Cane: Yeah. Why can’t we?

Lily: You know why.

Cane: Oh, that’s right, 'cause you're worried in Hilary's settlement, she'll get the club and fire you.

Lily: Yeah, I'm sure she’s counting the days until she can make it happen. I heard her on the phone with moving companies.

Cane: Well, didn’t Devon have a plan to stop the divorce?

Lily: I guess he can’t change her mind, so what Hilary wants Hilary gets.

Cane: Okay, but she's been sick and Devon's been spending all his time, you know, by her bed in the hospital, so maybe she has a change of heart. Think of it that way.

Lily: You are such a romantic. But in the real world...

Cane: Oh, in the real world, I have a job that I have to go and do. And when I come back... I’m gonna have a surprise for you.

Lily: [Gasps]

Cane: [Gasps]

Lily: A good one, I hope.

Cane: Oh, a great one, and you are gonna love it.

Lily: Okay, I could use some good news right now.

Cane: Let me go and renovate this house.

Lily: You're gonna make me wait? Really?

Cane: Yeah. You know why? 'Cause I like to keep you in suspense.

Lily: Yeah, fine, fine. I’m glad that you’re helping Jill renovate Katherine’s house. I really hope that Billy appreciates it.

Cane: Yeah. I love you.

Billy: This has got to be a mistake, Vick. I-I-I didn't sell Brash & Sassy, okay? This has got to be some sort of rumor or something.

Victoria: These guys are never wrong. Don’t make it worse by lying, okay? You -- Obviously you cut your losses and you dropped it like a hot rock! A brand that means more to me than anything in the world!

Billy: I know how much this brand means to you, and I didn't sell it, okay?! If -- If this is true, this is a hostile takeover! And I know exactly who is behind it.

Victoria: Okay, don't try to blame someone else. You took your eye off the ball. It's too late to do something about it.

Billy: Don’t say that. Vick, don’t say that.

Luca: I thought you learned by now that you can’t control Summer. If she decides to forgive me, she won’t let anyone keep us apart, not even you.

Nick: If Summer isn't a means to an end, if you truly do care about her, then you need to do what's best for her. Because, Luca, when you go down -- and you will go down -- you’re gonna drag her down with you.

Luca: I didn’t think making threats was your style.

Nick: It’s more my dad’s. He always makes good on it.

Luca: Victor’s in prison.

Nick: For now. But his hearing to appeal his sentence is tomorrow, and when he gets out, he’s not gonna like hearing that you've been shacking up with his granddaughter or how hard you’ve been working to undermine Victoria.

Luca: I'll take my chances.

Nick: Then you are a fool.

Luca: Look, if Victor dotes on Summer, once he realizes how much I mean to her --

Nick: Why don't you ask Billy Abbott how that logic works out?

Luca: This is a very different situation of what he had with Victoria.

Nick: No, actually, it’s not. See, my dad doesn’t trust you. He never has. When he gets out and he finds out how deep Summer’s gotten, he's gonna question her judgment, maybe even lose some respect for her. Luca, is that how you’re gonna prove to Summer that you care about her? By destroying her relationship with her grandfather?

Summer: What was so bad that you had to move out instead of staying and sorting things out with Jack?

Phyllis: It's complicated.

Summer: Okay, you realize I'm not a kid anymore, right?

Phyllis: [Chuckles] No, you are definitely not a kid anymore. Look, things have been strained between Jack and me for a while, okay?

Summer: Okay, is it because Pass Key? Because I know Jack was against you and Billy trying to buy it out from under Grandpa.

Phyllis: It was more than that. It had a lot to do with Victor.

Summer: Okay, and Jack wanted you to drop it.

Phyllis: Yeah. Honey, look, I know that you love your grandfather and you are gonna support him at that hearing. But I cannot forget what happened. That is too much to expect from me.

Summer: Okay, so then tell Jack that.

Phyllis: I did. And he seems to understand, which makes this all very difficult, because if he was being insensitive or intolerant, that would be one thing. But he is not. He is being good, true, and wonderful Jack.

Summer: Okay, so what's wrong with that?

Phyllis: Nothing. But, you know, even when two people love each other, sometimes it isn't enough. Not if they want different things.

Jack: The pilot said Phyllis never even ordered the jet that day. What am I supposed to do with that? Track down these foreign investors and see if she showed up at their meeting? I mean, assuming they do exist. What's that say about Pass Key, much less my marriage?

Ashley: What exactly are you suggesting, Jackie? That Phyllis invented this trip so she could rob a bank or she's covering up some torrid affair? I’m joking.

Jack: I'm not.

Victoria: I'm not interested in your bogus story about some kind of hostile takeover, Billy.

Billy: Even if it's true, Vick?

Victoria: Tomorrow’s a big day for my family. We're going before a judge and speaking up for my father so we can try to bring him home. I’m sure you'd prefer to see him rot in jail, right? Maybe that's what this is about. Maybe you’re just taking your anger out on me. Is that what you're doing? If that’s the case, I feel really sorry for you, Billy.

Billy: Vick.

Victoria: [Scoffs]

Cane: Hey.

Victoria: Hi.

Cane: Hey. Oh, it's good, man. Looks like you got some samples on the wall. So things are moving along, huh?

Billy: Yeah, they are. You’ve been busy, haven’t you, Cane? Not only are you overseeing the renovation, but you had enough time to steal my company out from under me. You son of a bitch.

Victoria: Oh!

Cane: [Laughs]

Summer: What is wrong with this picture? Me giving you relationship advice?

Phyllis: You are wiser than you think, my dear one.

Summer: Yeah, I do not feel it, especially after that talk I just had with Luca.

Phyllis: So it didn't go well?

Summer: I mean, at least we got all of our issues out on the table. But here you are saying all this vague stuff about how you and Jack want different things, whatever the hell that means.

Phyllis: You’re so beautiful. You’re 21 years old, and you're more grounded than I am. And I don’t know when that happened. And I hope I can learn from you before it’s too late.

Summer: Mom? Mom, wait. [Sighs]

Luca: Something changed along the way. The feelings I pretended to have for you to gain your trust, they became real. Look, I know this explanation isn’t an apology. I-I wanted to apologize, but no matter how many times or how many ways I could say that, it wouldn't change anything.

Summer: No, it would not.

Luca: I have to show you. I’m determined to make you see how sorry I am, because I can’t bear to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don’t know how to be any more honest than what I've been with you here today.

Summer: Luca, I...

Luca: Look, don't say it now, okay? Take some time. Take some time. Just sort it all out.

Summer: What will you be doing?

Luca: Hoping you can forgive me, even if I don’t deserve it.

Luca: We need to talk.

Summer: Look, I heard what you had to say, but I need more time to think about it, Luca.

Luca: No, I've thought about it for the both of us. You’re a Newman entitled to your birthright. That's why I've come to say goodbye.

Dr. Neville: Devon, please.

Devon: Neville, listen, get out of here before I call security.

Dr. Neville: Hilary, you’ve got to understand. I would never intentionally do anything to harm you. Ever since the day you first came under my care, you were unconscious at the time. All I’ve done is try to restore your health.

Hilary: Health? Well, do I look healthy to you? [Scoffs] This is what your medical miracle -- This is what it did to me!

Devon: Baby, calm down.

Hilary: I'm --

Dr. Neville: You are having a negative reaction to the medication. That's all. And it makes sense. I mean, we're in the experimental phase. If I adjust the protocol, you’ll be --

Devon: Neville, there is no more adjustments, no more treating my wife like a guinea pig. The FDA suspended your trial. Do you know what that means? You’re done.

Barton: Don't worry. Dr. Neville won’t be treating Hilary or any other patient, at least not here. In case you’ve forgotten, Simon, you don’t have any privileges at this hospital.

Dr. Neville: Dr. Shelby --

Barton: If you don’t walk out of that door now, I will throw you out.

[Door closes]

Billy: Admit it, Cane. Admit it. You stole the company that she created.

Cane: No one stole anything, Billy. This is business.

Victoria: It’s a hell of a lot more than that to me.

Cane: If you want to blame somebody, blame him 'cause he’s negligent -- as usual. You took on too much debt, and you left the company ripe for the picking, ’cause that's what you did.

Victoria: Is that true?

Billy: To build the brand, to move into emerging markets, you need capital to do that.

Cane: But you didn’t have the financing, did you? So you overextended yourself and you took out too many loans.

Billy: And you swooped in and stole the debt, didn't you?

Cane: Billy, what do you want me to say to you, okay? I saw an opportunity to consolidate your debt, and I took it. 'Cause you know what the problem is with you? You are a gambler. But when you gamble, you like to lose.

Billy: You insufferable --

Victoria: Oh, no. Wait a second. Hold on. Look, you may have the ego to pull off a stunt like this, but I created Brash & Sassy, and I'm the only one that knows how to run it.

Billy: Oh, no. Cane's not gonna be running anything, because he's a little errand boy. He's gonna be overseeing the takeover, just like he was overseeing the renovation for Mommy, right? 'Cause you're a little Mommy's boy. That's who you did this for, right? You bought the company for Chancellor, didn't you?

Cane: Who knows a son's weakness better than his own mother? And don’t look so surprised. This is not the first time she's replaced you with me, so... It looks like you’re out and I'm in. I like the yellow.

Victoria: Oh, no. No. Just let it go. Let it go!

Billy: Are you kidding me? Let it go? After what he just did?

Victoria: Cane’s right. There’s nobody to blame here but you.

Ashley: Jack, I know you’re upset, but for you to think that Phyllis is actually being unfaithful to you, I just don’t see it.

Jack: You know what? You’re absolutely right. I-I don’t know what I -- [Sighs] I love my wife. I trust her implicitly.

Ashley: I know you do. It's a confusing time. You’re letting your imagination get the best of you, Jackie.

Jack: You think I like being suspicious? I hate it. Ash, she moved out for a reason. She said she's unhappy. And I don’t think it's a giant leap to think I may be part of that unhappiness. Maybe she’s looking elsewhere, looking for someone else --

Ashley: Okay, could you not do this to yourself? Whatever she's going through, let her work through it. Just be patient. And don’t bring this up to Phyllis. [Footsteps approach]

Phyllis: Don’t bring what up

Phyllis: Is there a problem?

Ashley: No, I was just talking to Jack about the Classic line --

Jack: Uh, uh, Ash, I can -- I can take care of it. Thanks.

Ashley: Okay.

Jack: Don't you have a meeting you have to get to?

Ashley: Yes, thank you. Okay, bye.

Phyllis: Well, she’s never been a very good liar. This isn't about focus groups, is it?

Jack: No, it’s not.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, now you’re worrying me. How bad could it be?

Jack: I'm hoping it's nothing at all.

Phyllis: So talk to me.

Jack: My assistant asked me to sign a, uh, a flight log for the corporate jet. There was a flight missing -- the one you were supposed to have taken to Montreal. I was confused, so I talked to Ashley about it.

Phyllis: Because you thought I lied to you about it.

Jack: I don't know what to think anymore. Ever since you left, nothing makes sense. I try to give you space, I try to give you understanding, but somehow it still feels like you’re not telling me something. Now this happens.

Phyllis: Nothing happened.

Jack: Then why did the pilot tell me you never stepped on the plane?

Phyllis: Because I didn't. I flew commercial. And we're not exactly swimming in cash these days, and I did not want to waste the money or the fuel taking the jet all by myself.

Jack: I'm sorry. I... I don’t know why I-I went there. Can you please forgive my doubting you?

Phyllis: It's just -- It’s clear that we can’t have a relationship ’cause we don't have trust.

Jack: No, I can trust y-- I trust you. Can you trust me to tell me why we are apart?

Phyllis: What I need to do is focus on work. I am clear I need to do that.

Jack: Phyllis, all I’m ask--

Phyllis: Jack, please just -- Please.

Jack: Fine. I have a meeting to get to.

Summer: Goodbye?

Luca: I'm leaving town. It's best for both of us.

Summer: No, you can't. You can’t just leave, not if there’s a chance for us to work things out.

Luca: There isn't. I won’t be the one responsible for your grandfather turning against you.

Summer: What are you talking about?

Luca: If Victor's sentence gets overturned and he gets out of prison and discovers that you and I are living together...

Summer: Luca, there is nothing to worry about, okay? He loves me.

Luca: Yeah, but that won’t stop him from denying you what is rightfully yours because of your association with me. It's like Nick says.

Summer: Wait, is this all coming from my dad?

Luca: He’s right, Summer. You’re a Newman just starting to carve out your place in the family business. But as long as you're with me, all your choices, all your decisions, they’ll be suspect. Victor will never trust you. And I love you too much to let that happen.

Summer: Luca --

Luca: No, look, I'm gonna pack my things, and I’m gonna take a suite at the club until I can make arrangements to go back to Madrid.

Summer: Luca, no. Luca, no! Please, you can’t end it like this, Luca! No! Luca! No.

Nick: Hey. Let him go. Let him go.

Lily: Hey. What happened? Was there an accident at Jill’s?

Cane: Uh, you might say that. I, uh, I walked into a fist.

Lily: Whose?

Cane: Billy's.

Lily: What? Why?

Cane: Well, uh... 'Cause he’s kind of furious I’m working for Jill and he has the emotional impulse control of a toddler.

Lily: Wait, Jill asked you to supervise. Why would Billy resent that?

Cane: Well... Actually, the whole thing was a cover so I could buy up his debt and Chancellor can acquire Brash & Sassy. So he didn't like it and -- pop! -- sucker-punched me. So, uh, surprise! I’m heading up the new line at Chancellor. Okay. Are you -- Are you happy for me?

Billy: You’re blaming me for this?

Victoria: You made it possible for Jill and Cane to do this. If you hadn’t been so distracted by so many other things and focused on my brand that you took from me!

Billy: How many times do I have to tell you that I bought Brash & Sassy to stop your father from selling it to a stranger?

Victoria: Now it belongs to Jill! Your mother! And -- And I just want to know why! I can understand her taking this house back from you, but why would Jill make a play for my company?

Billy: I have no idea, but I’m gonna call her and get some answers.

Victoria: No, I don't want her excuses! I don’t want to hear your excuses! You can both go to hell for all I care!

Billy: Vick, wait. Vick. Mother, you always talk about how much this beloved house means to you. If you don't call me back, I swear to God I'm gonna burn it to the ground.

Lily: You're gonna be running a major division for Chancellor? How do you think I feel? I-I think this is amazing. Why didn't you tell me?

Cane: Well, I didn’t want to get our hopes up till Jill gave me the job. I had a chance to close up the deal.

Lily: Yeah, I'm sure you jumped at it.

Cane: Oh, my God. I did. I can’t wait to start. I have so many ideas for this marketing line.

Lily: Oh, I love seeing you like this. I just wish you had told me sooner.

Cane: Well, I'm telling you now. Oh! I haven’t told Lauren. I feel alive. I feel fantastic. You know, I haven’t felt this good in years. I even feel great that Billy punched me and I had a chance to punch him back. [Both laugh]

Jack: You and Billy hit each other?

Cane: All right, listen, all right? I won this deal fair and square, okay, even though Billy doesn’t see it that way. So, Jack, if you have a problem, you want to take a swing at me, go ahead. Go.

Lily: No, no, no, no, no. No one's hitting anyone.

Jack: Not to worry. If I'm gonna knock some sense into anybody, it's gonna be my brother.

Ashley: Neville. What are you doing out here when your patient's in there?

Dr. Neville: I just keep going over and over Hilary's labs trying to figure out why she’s not responding well to the treatment. If I'm lucky, I can help her new doctor find a solution.

Ashley: Wait, wait, wait. You can’t just give up. Hilary's counting on you for a cure.

Dr. Neville: Well, I-I don’t have an option. Dr. Shelby takes great delight in reminding me I no longer have privileges here at Memorial. He's not gonna let me anywhere near Hilary, much less any other patient.

Ashley: Her life is in the balance. You know that. You can’t just back down.

Dr. Neville: I’m telling you, I don’t have a choice. Shelby's in there. I'm out here. I don’t know. Maybe as administrator, he feels it's his job to look out for the interests of the hospital.

Ashley: Neville, it's your job to save lives.

Dr. Neville: Not anymore, Ashley. Not here.

Barton: I've spoken with Dr. Lindros. [Door opens] With proper care and a more traditional approach, I’m hopeful that he’ll be able to treat --

Ashley: Is that in case something happens to Hilary and this place won't be liable? Is that what you're saying?

Barton: This doesn’t concern you, Ashley.

Ashley: I have something to say, and I'm not leaving until I say it. Hilary, Dr. Simon Neville pulled you out of a coma. And if he hadn't continued to treat you, you wouldn’t be here right now well enough to apparently forget everything he's done for you.

Barton: That’ll be enough.

Ashley: I'm not finished. I’m standing here today because of Dr. Neville. He saved my life, too. If anything, this place should be doing everything it can to support him and his work.

Barton: I'm not going to let you upset this patient. Now, by allowing you to defraud the FDA, Simon not only jeopardized his reputation, but he put every patient in his trial at risk. Surely you know that.

Devon: She used to.

Ashley: He’s not perfect. I’m not perfect. Are you perfect, Hilary?

Devon: You’re out of line right now, okay?

Ashley: I'm trying to make a point. I was afraid just like you. I was terrified. I thought I was dying. But I didn't die because of Dr. Simon Neville, Hilary. Are you really gonna punish him? All that man is doing is trying to do everything he can to find a cure for you!

Devon: Ashley, I really think it'd be best if you left right now.

Ashley: Fine.

Summer: I thought you trusted me to handle things with Luca, but instead you go behind my back and tell him to leave town?

Nick: Of course I trust you.

Summer: Yeah, well, you have a funny way of showing it.

Nick: Look, I'm not gonna apologize for asking him to do the honorable thing. But him playing on your feelings like this, it just proves once again that Luca is only out for himself.

Summer: Not only was he trying to live up to your standards, but he also admitted to tipping off the reporter to make Victoria look bad.

Nick: So he knew you were going to accuse him. He owns up to it first. It's a smart play.

Summer: [Scoffs] You have an answer for everything, don’t you?

Nick: Surely you understand he was just using you to get into the company.

Summer: Luca has never denied the fact that he would love to work for Newman. But he loves me more, and now he is willing to walk away from it all, and so am I.

Nick: And what does that mean?

Summer: That I don’t need Grandpa’s approval or yours. Luca loves me, and that’s enough. So thank you for making that clear to me.

Nick: Summer. Summer! [Sighs]

Billy: No, no, no. Don’t tell me that I don't have any recourse. Everybody has a price, including my mother. I don’t care what you do. Just make a counter offer! Threaten to sue! Do whatever you need to do! Just get my company back! [Sighs]

Jack: Might want to put some ice on that jaw.

Billy: Jack, I don’t want to hear it right now.

Jack: Then it is true. Jill and Cane conspired to take Brash & Sassy away from you.

Billy: Look, I know, okay? You told me not to take on all that debt. But I don’t want to hear your lecture right now. I just got one from Victoria.

Jack: I'll be honest with you. I was gonna give you hell. But you know what? When I walked in here and heard you talking on the phone, you sounded like a man who is willing to fight for what he believes in. And, Billy, that's a man that I admire. So no lectures. How about a job offer? Come back and work at Jabot.

Billy: Jack, I know you mean well, but I can’t accept your offer.

Jack: I'm not just throwing you a bone, if that’s what you’re thinking. Look, you and Phyllis are a great team. Now that she needs time away from me, it would be a great comfort for me in knowing that you are by her side, well, somebody I can count on.

Billy: Well, if Phyllis was standing here right now, she would say that she knows what’s best for herself.

Jack: [Scoffs] Wow. It's like you were a fly on the wall. Those were the exact words my wife used when I visited her at the club earlier.

Billy: It's not that difficult. She values her independence. Anybody that knows her knows that. Besides, getting punched in the face is a wakeup call. Victoria's right. I lost my focus. Now the only thing I want to do is fight to get my company back. Guess you never know what you lost until it’s gone.

Jack: It’s a hard lesson to learn. I’m learning it all over again with Phyllis. God, it’s amazing. I always assumed I would spend the rest of my life with her. Now she’s living at the club and...

Billy: And what?

Jack: Remember that trip she took last month to Montreal? Business trip? She took the company jet? Turns out she never got on the plane.

Lily: Thank you.

Cane: Thank you.

Lily: Wow. That's a very girly drink for a manly man with a cut.

Cane: Yeah, I'm, uh, kind of afraid that the booze might sting my lip.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: Don't laugh at me. Don’t think I’m a wimp, so...

Lily: No, you, my love, are a lot of things, but a wimp is not one of them.

Cane: That’s good to hear.

Lily: Mm-hmm. So, I owe you an apology.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: What for?

Lily: Well, I should have realized that you needed more of a challenge. You know, I just expected you to support me as I fought with Hilary over the club, but I didn't stop to think that maybe you need my support to go after your dreams.

Cane: So you don’t mind if I go back to Chancellor?

Lily: No, of course not, if it makes you happy.

Cane: You know what makes me happy? You and the kids. 'Cause I do all of this for you.

Lily: [Chuckles] You know what? This might sting a little bit.

Nick: For one fleeting moment, I thought I’d finally gotten through to her. Then she starts telling me I'm the one who made her realize this is all about Luca.

Victoria: Well, she and I had it under control until you came back.

Nick: Are you telling me I’m the one who screwed this up?

Victoria: I think I made that pretty clear, yes.

Nick: Well, I don't know what to do now. My only hope is that Summer will wake up and realize that she's got to kick this snake to the curb.

Victoria: She did it once before. Let’s just have faith that she’ll do it again.

Nick: [Sighs] I hope you're right.

Victoria: You're not the only one who had a frustrating day. I just came from Billy's.

Nick: Now what?

Victoria: Guess who let the company that he snatched away from us slip through his fingers?

Nick: Billy lost the whole company?

Victoria: More he had his pocket picked by his mother with a little help from Cane.

Nick: So Jill owns it now.

Victoria: Well, I guess Chancellor's wanting to be a player in consumer products again.

Nick: Man. Dad being on the sidelines so long, when he comes back, he's gonna be itching for a fight with Jabot, Chancellor.

Victoria: Luca.

Nick: I just hope Summer doesn’t get caught in the crossfire.

[Knock on door]

Luca: I didn’t order anything.

[Knock on door]

Summer: Luca, please do not do this. Just get your stuff and come back to our place, okay? Please.

Luca: Summer, it’s your place. It always has been.

Summer: We have been over this. You are not gonna come in between me and my family.

Luca: Look, I know how much your family loves you.

Summer: Okay, and I love you. I do not need Newman Enterprises. I can get another job, and so can you. We can have everything we have ever wanted if you will just stay here and fight for this, for the two of us. Please.

Luca: Look, you don't realize what you're saying.

Summer: Yes, I do. Of course I do.

Luca: Look, Summer, it’s one thing for me to defy your family. I have nothing to lose. But if you do this, you’d be giving up everything for me. Are you really prepared to do that?

Summer: No, you have it all wrong. I am not giving up anything. I am getting the one thing I want most, and that is you.

Luca: Look, someone has to think for the both of us. If and when Victor comes back --

Summer: He can’t do anything. My family loves me, and I’m still gonna have all the skills that I got from working at Newman. Unless you were just trying to flatter me by saying I was a natural at business.

Luca: No, I meant every word. You have loads of talent.

Summer: Okay, then wherever we end up, I'll learn on the job. I’ll make my own way no matter what my Grandpa does or says to try and stop me.

Luca: But will you be happy?

Summer: As long as I’m with you, yes.

Victoria: Whether Dad comes back now or not, we need to stay strong. We need to defend the business.

Nick: Against Luca.

Victoria: Or whoever else tries to target us. We've survived two catastrophic oil spills, and we're still standing, right? So I say bring it on. As long as you and I are together, then no one can stop us. Why are you -- [Chuckles] Do you think I'm full of it?

Nick: Just the opposite. I think you’re exactly what this family needs. And if you're up for the fight, so am I.

Ashley: You did what?

Dr. Neville: It's the least I could do for you -- and Hilary. So I... I called the FDA and then, what, confessed. I told them I was the one that altered the test results. I had to. I can’t let you go down for something you didn't do.

Ashley: You did that for me?

Barton: I have your latest test results. You’re healthy enough to be released.

Hilary: Really?

Barton: Mm-hmm. Dr. Lindros will monitor your progress, and we're hoping that you’ll continue to respond to treatments.

Devon: That's fantastic news, Dr. Shelby. I really appreciate you taking a personal interest.

Barton: Of course. I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to intervene sooner. I’ll get this paperwork started so you can go home.

Hilary: Thank you. Thank you, Doctor.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Hilary: So, um... Since they're letting me go, I guess everything will go back to normal.

Devon: Yeah, if by normal, you mean we’ll be back at each other’s throats.

Hilary: I wish it didn’t have to be that way.

Devon: It doesn't. It doesn't at all. I want to take you home, back to our home at the penthouse.

Hilary: Devon...

Devon: Unless you want to go back to your own room at the club, then I understand.

Hilary: Can you do me a favor?

Devon: I’ll do anything.

Hilary: Can you stop being so damn understanding? Take me home.

Billy: How did she explain not taking the private jet?

Jack: She flew commercial. I swear I could just kick myself. Why didn't I just assume that? I got so paranoid. I started thinking...

Billy: Thinking what?

Jack: That maybe she never left town, that she was with some guy in a secret hideaway. You hear how crazy this all sounds? With everything Phyllis and I have been through, even if she was tempted, she would tell me. That's who she is. That’s...

Billy: If it was any other woman, I would say that there’s a reason to be worried. But not with Phyllis.

Jack: Really?

Billy: She loves you, Jack. Whatever you two are going through, she wouldn’t mean to hurt you.

Jack: Thank you. I think I needed to hear that.

Billy: I want to be with you. And I know you want to be with me. You keep showing me that you do. So just say the words. It's three simple words.

Phyllis: I love you. I love you. I love you.

Jack: I am not gonna let you walk out of my life again.

Phyllis: Well, that could sound romantic, overbearing, and domineering.

Jack: You didn’t fall in love with me 'cause I'm a pushover.

Phyllis: Maybe I’m not in love with you at all.

Jack: Except you are. You understand that no matter how tough things get, I’m never gonna let you go again.

Phyllis: Do I know that?

Jack: Yes, you do. I think deep down inside you are very confident in my love for you. That's why you can walk out of here and come back and tell me you won’t marry me -- because you know I will never give up on you.

Phyllis: Swear it.

Jack: I do.

Phyllis: I do, too.

Jack: Let's put this back where it belongs.

Phyllis: [Sobbing]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: I'm with you no matter what.

Phyllis: Even if I go to that courthouse and crucify Victor?

Victor: Hopefully this time the outcome will be different.

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