Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/20/16
Episode # 10969 ~ Victoria receives shocking news. Jack makes a startling discovery about his wife. Luca goes to battle for Summer.
Provided By Jim
[Door opens]
[Computer keys clacking]
Victoria: I could have swore I booted you and Summer out of here yesterday. What part of "get out" did you not understand?
Luca: You need to give Summer her job back.
Victoria: No, what I need to do is maybe call security have them toss you out.
Luca: She's your niece, Victoria. She belongs here.
Victoria: Yeah, she does. And if I rehire Summer, then what happens next? You start hanging around and whispering in her ear like you did before?
Luca: Look, this isn’t some ploy so I can come back, too.
Victoria: After all the games you’ve played and backs you stabbed and palms you’ve greased, why should I believe you?
Luca: You only fired Summer because she was defending me. So, yes, if the only way you'll let her come back is without me, then yes, I’ll step away. This is all about Summer.
Summer: Hey. Welcome home.
Nick: It’s good to be back.
Summer: Rough trip?
Nick: Well, after dealing with the oil crisis and the employee revolt and the media, yeah, it's brutal. Can I have two coffees, please?
Summer: Make you long for the high-pressure days of The Underground?
Nick: Well, let's see. There I dealt with such issues as napkin shortages and making sure the cash drawer was even.
Summer: Hmm.
Nick: What’s been going on here? Any progress with Luca?
Summer: Yeah, things went exactly how you and I planned them.
Nick: You came to his defense?
Summer: Yes, with Victoria, and he believed it when she fired me.
Nick: So you’ve fully gained his trust. Thank you.
Summer: Yeah.
Nick: Good job.
Summer: Uh, but as soon as we both got fired, I got a real look at what, uh, what his agenda was. Right away he started laying out a plan for me to take over Victoria's job.
Nick: With him at your side?
Summer: Yeah. He was just so harsh and... calculating about it.
Nick: You cared about him.
Summer: Yeah, but he’s not the guy I thought I fell for. He's a user, and I am done being used. I’m done with him.
Abby: Hmm. [Chuckles] That -- That was good.
Stitch: Yeah, it was.
Abby: Yeah. I was thinking we could go to a movie this weekend. I was just reading about that new one with Sandra Bullock. It looks really funny.
Stitch: Yeah, we should -- we should see it.
Abby: Really?
Stitch: Absolutely. Oh, you know, the, uh, the Cubs are playing the Brewers this weekend in Milwaukee. We should see that, too.
Abby: Oh, cool. Yeah. We should definitely go.
Stitch: Yeah, yeah, definitely. [Clicks tongue]
Abby: [Laughs]
Stitch: So...
Abby: Um, or... I wanted to show you this.
Stitch: A hotel.
Abby: Um, it’s a spa. Yeah, and it's not too far from here. It's close to Max’s facility, too. Um... I just thought that maybe, uh...
Stitch: Looks romantic.
Abby: [Sighs]
Ashley: Hi.
Phyllis: Oh, hey. You can finish what you were doing.
Ashley: No, that’s okay. I’m just texting Abby. It can wait. Did you get those files I sent over to the house about the Kravitz issue?
Phyllis: If they were sent to the house, uh, they are probably still there. I am not living there these days.
Ashley: Because you left Jack? Oh, my God. You left Jack. Why?
Phyllis: I just wanted to tell you that I’m gonna be going out of town for a few days.
Billy: With Jack?
Phyllis: I was planning to be with you, spend the weekend together.
Billy: I love how sexy you are. I love how smart you are. I love how you make me feel. I’m feeling pretty good right now.
Phyllis: I feel really good, too. I can’t get enough of you. [Doorbell rings]
Billy: And reality steps in, huh?
Phyllis: Yeah. [Knock on door] It's always gonna butt in. That's what reality does.
[Door closes]
Billy: Go away, Cane.
Jack: You were expecting Cane?
Billy: No, not exactly. I wasn't expecting you, either, though.
Jack: Well, sorry to come by unannounced, but there have been a few developments I think you need to know about.
Billy: My mother’s exercising some previously hidden clause that she had in the contract when she signed the house over to me, so she’s taking back the place.
Jack: Wait, she's kicking you out?
Billy: I wouldn't say kicking out. More pushing me aside to the guest suite. Cane's overseeing the renovation because obviously she thinks I need a handler. Jack, you said that you got news. What's going on?
Jack: Well, come here. Sit down. First of all, I owe you an apology.
Billy: Uh, that can't be true.
Jack: Uh, the other day when you tried to help, told me I should be anticipating some trouble with Phyllis, remember?
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: Yeah, well, I shot down everything you said, said that Phyllis and I were rock solid. It appears I was living in some denial.
Billy: What's going on?
Jack: Phyllis... just took a room at the Athletic Club.
Billy: Really? Wow. I, uh... I really don-- I don't know what to say to that.
Jack: Well, Phyllis didn’t, either. She had a lot of trouble explaining to me exactly what was going on.
Billy: So you don't know why?
Jack: I know she feels lost. I know she wants some time to think. And I know she needs that time away from me, and... [Sighs] I want to come through. I want to give her the space she needs.
Billy: I think that's a good idea.
Jack: It’s just hard, especially when I don’t know where any of this is going. I-I’m not saying I didn’t do anything wrong. I-I didn't support her the way I should have during that whole Victor thing when she wanted nothing but revenge. All I did was tell her to calm down, to not be so crazy and... and I should have been more supportive, and... [Sighs] I lost her trust, Billy, and I don’t know how to get it back.
Billy: I think you should keep doing what you’re doing.
Jack: What? Stay away? It just feels so...
Billy: That's what she asked you to do, isn't it? I mean, it's -- I just don't see the purpose of crowding her right now.
Jack: You really think that's the right move?
Billy: It's what she asked you to do, isn't it? That's -- That's all I'm saying.
Jack: It’s just so hard, especially when I-I get this sick feeling that she’s leading to some bigger decision. Just praying it’s not divorce.
Billy: I’m sorry, Jack. I mean that.
Jack: I know you do. Thanks. Listen, I got -- I got a meeting I got to get to. I got a senior executive staff meeting, so...
Billy: So you are gonna see Phyllis again. I’m assuming that she’s not gonna take time off work.
Jack: No, she wouldn’t do that. Maybe I should take your advice and steer clear, miss the meeting myself.
Billy: Yeah, I just think that's a good idea.
Jack: Yeah, maybe. Anyway, thanks for listening to all this. You’re a good brother.
Billy: Not as good as you.
Jack: Well, I'll keep you posted.
Billy: Yeah.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Ashley: But what happened between Jack and you?
Phyllis: It's married-couple stuff. You know how it is.
Ashley: Can't be inconsequential, Phyllis. You moved out of the house. This is very upsetting. I thought the two of you were happy.
Phyllis: Well, there were times that we pretended everything was fine, and we needed to stop pretending.
Ashley: That’s it? I’m not trying to pry. Can I help you in some way?
Phyllis: Things have been difficult between us for a while, Ashley. Probably started when Victor put Marco in my bed.
Ashley: Well, that wasn't Jack's fault.
Phyllis: No, it's not about fault. It is and it isn't. That is why I’ve decided to move into the Athletic Club so I can sort things out and try to understand why everything has happened.
Ashley: Forgive me. I don’t understand. Is this Jack's fault? Is it not Jack's fault?
Phyllis: There’s enough blame to go around for everyone.
Ashley: Okay, there's something you’re not telling me.
Phyllis: Okay, I cannot do this. I have a killer headache that I’ve been fighting since I woke up. I will upload the Kravitz file. I will shoot my comments to you, and that'll be that.
Ashley: What about the executive meeting, Phyllis? You should be there.
Phyllis: With the way things are with Jack right now, I don't think I should attend. It'll be awkward.
Ashley: Uh -- But --
Abby: I'm not gonna lie. It was the romantic vibe that sold me. I thought that maybe... Never mind. It was a bad idea.
Stitch: I think it’s a great idea.
Abby: You do?
Stitch: It’s been a long couple months. I don’t want to wait till the weekend.
Abby: You want to go now? I mean, it might be tough to get reservations, but --
Stitch: I don't want to go anywhere.
Abby: Okay.
Stitch: Just home. Let’s go home. We'll be there in a couple minutes.
Summer: You handled it just right. You nudged me in the right direction and let me realize what Luca was all about.
Nick: I had my suspicions about the guy, but I didn’t have any proof.
Summer: Until you found that reporter.
Nick: We knew he was getting inside information about Newman, and since all the tips were skewed to undermine Victoria and the way she was handling the crisis...
Summer: Luca was the logical source. But I wanted to be wrong about that. I mean, even yesterday when I was setting everything into motion, I just -- I kept hoping. God, why am I so dense?
Nick: Look, you want to see the best in people. That is an admirable quality.
Summer: Yeah, till it's not.
Nick: Don't be so hard on yourself, okay? You are who you are. And I love who you are. Don’t ever change. But we're gonna have to figure out how you’re gonna handle the situation with Luca.
Summer: Oh, no, that decision has already been made.
Luca: I took an informal role here because I was hoping it would lead to bigger things.
Victoria: "Hoping"? Uh, that makes it sound like you were leaving things open to chance when you weren’t. You played every angle.
Luca: This conversation isn't about me. It's about Summer, all right, and what an incredible asset she is to this company.
Victoria: Not anymore.
Luca: Look, yesterday Summer stood up for me because she thought you were giving me a raw deal. That kind of integrity in someone is all too rare in this business. She can be extraordinarily invaluable to you, Victoria.
Victoria: As she was to you, leaking secrets about my business?
Luca: I used her, yes. What I wasn’t expecting was... her, the kind of person she is. She loves her family. And since I’m the one standing between the Newmans and Summer, I will happily remove myself from the equation.
Victoria: [Sighs] And you expect nothing in return?
Luca: Oh, I want something. I want you to give your niece another chance. She’s the only reason I would ever stop fighting for this. Take her back, Victoria.
Summer: I pretended to be on Team Luca long enough to see what he was really after, but that was yesterday. Today is a new day.
Nick: Time to cut him loose. And I would be very happy to deliver this message for you if you want.
Summer: I'm pretty sure I have to handle this myself, Dad.
Nick: Summer, if you think you owe Luca Santori some tender farewell, you don’t.
Summer: I have to take responsibility. I brought Luca into my life, so it's up to me and nobody else to boot him out of it.
Stitch: [Laughs]
Abby: I want you.
Jack: Good morning.
Ashley: Jack, Phyllis told me. I’m so sorry.
Jack: Oh. Thanks.
Ashley: Why didn’t you tell me?
Jack: Well, I was going to. Today. In fact, I just came from telling Billy. It actually felt good to talk about it, to get it all said out loud. It's better than my trying to wrap my head around all of this on my own.
Ashley: I still don't understand what really happened.
Jack: Phyllis didn’t explain it?
Ashley: Well, I'm sure she thinks she did, but she was so vague. When I tried to get details, she got upset and ran out of here with a headache.
Jack: Well, that explains it. I called ahead of time, found she’d been here and left. I wouldn't be here otherwise.
Ashley: Why? You don’t want to see her?
Jack: Of course I do. I just don't want to... don’t want to crowd her. I’m trying to be careful about that. And Billy seems to agree that that's the right move.
Ashley: That is the worst advice I've ever heard. You can’t listen to Billy. Are you nuts?!
Billy: Not so fast.
Phyllis: Why are you doing here?
Billy: That's a wasted question, 'cause we both know the answer to that. The real question that needs answering is when you were gonna tell me you moved out of the house.
Phyllis: What do you care? You need a place to live now that Mommy's taking your house away?
Billy: I care because I should have been the first phone call when you decided to close the door and walk away.
Phyllis: I don’t like the way you’re talking to me right now.
Billy: And I don’t like it when the woman I'm having the affair with, the woman that I want to be with doesn’t tell me when she decided to leave her husband.
Phyllis: Was having an affair. You were the one who walked away. Do you remember that? And I never said I was leaving Jack. I just said I needed some time, because I needed a break.
Billy: Well, he thinks it's a lot more serious, Phyllis. He mentioned the "D" word.
Phyllis: I never said that.
Billy: Well, that's what he thinks. You packed up your stuff and moved in here, so I’m getting the distinct impression that you finally decided to stop hedging. You make your choice between
Jack: Why wouldn’t I listen to advice from Billy?
Ashley: Well, let me ask you this. When you saw him, did he seem happy and well-adjusted, or did he wake up on the sofa with a hangover, surrounded by chaos?
Jack: He actually had some good insights.
Ashley: About what?
Jack: About Phyllis! They are friends. And what he said made sense.
Ashley: Jack, please. I am not an expert on relationships. We all know this. But Billy takes it to a whole different level. You cannot listen to him on this subject.
Jack: He knows Phyllis. Oh, God, Ashley, if you could have seen how upset she was last night. It was like whatever feelings she’s struggling with, they’re causing her physical pain.
Ashley: Is that what she told you?
Jack: Well, she told me she feels like she's living in a pressure cooker. That's how unhappy she is.
Ashley: With you?
Jack: You know, I'm part of it. Maybe a big part of it. She’s unhappy with a lot of things, including herself. I just don't think she knows what she wants.
Ashley: When I saw her, she was definitely not herself. She was distracted, unsure of herself. Your marriage is in crisis, Jackie.
Jack: How the hell do I fix that?
Ashley: The one thing I know for sure -- that when things are bad, you don't just sit back and wait for them to get better. You’ve got to be proactive.
Jack: Go find a counselor with or without my wife?
Ashley: Absolutely. Absolutely. And you have to make sure Phyllis knows how passionately you feel about her.
Jack: She knows how I feel!
Ashley: She's alone in a hotel room, Jack. The last thing you need is for her thoughts to be going around and around in her head. She needs to know that the man who loves her wants to work things out. And you need to tell her until she gets that.
Jack: You really think that's the best choice?
Ashley: It’s the only choice, Jack. Phyllis might not be sure how she feels, but you can't let her forget how you feel.
Jack: [Sighs]
Stitch: Hmm.
Abby: I miss this.
Stitch: Oh, me, too. We won't miss it again. I promise, okay? Whatever we do, whatever happens, we can’t lose our connection.
Abby: [Chuckles] You know, I was just thinking that maybe...
Stitch: Oh, yeah? "Maybe"? Maybe what?
Abby: [Chuckles] That maybe next time we won’t need protection. You know, just see where it leads. [Chuckles]
Stitch: [Sighs]
Abby: I-I didn’t mean to...
Stitch: No, you just -- You caught me by surprise. That's all.
Abby: You don't want...?
Stitch: I didn’t know you'd been thinking about that.
Abby: Well, yeah. Of course I have been. Ben, you were so happy when I got pregnant before. Before the miscarriage.
Stitch: Everything is so confusing right now.
Abby: I know, but I thought that maybe this could be a sort of healing thing for us, maybe, you know?
Stitch: This just feels like too much right now, Abby. I mean, we don't even know Max will even recover and --
Abby: He will, he will. I know he will.
Stitch: Look, I'm just -- Come here. I’m... I’m just saying that right now everything is so uncertain. You know, I-I know you're disappointed. And we can talk about this some other time. Just not now, okay? [Sighs]
Victoria: You worked fast.
Nick: Well, I knew I needed to wrap things up quickly so I could get back here in time for Dad’s appeal, which I’m really looking forward to.
Victoria: You're not thinking about backing out of testifying, are you?
Nick: Look, I said I would do it, and I will. I just hope we're doing the right thing.
Victoria: Hmm. You don’t think he's changed.
Nick: Let's just say you have more faith in him than I do, and we'll leave it at that.
Victoria: Okay. Oil spill and Summer. Did you meet with her?
Nick: Yeah, I did. I’m proud of her. She’s being strong.
Victoria: Hmm. She must be heartbroken.
Nick: Well, she's determined to deal with Luca herself.
Victoria: I had my own conversation with him, and he’s concerned about her.
Nick: Yeah, right.
Victoria: Well, it seemed genuine.
Nick: He’s working you.
Victoria: Of course he’s working me. Luca's always working me. It's who he is. But as for his feelings for Summer, I think that might be a different story.
Luca: Hey. I’m so glad you’re here.
Summer: Luca, I have something to say.
Luca: Yeah, me, too. But you got to let me go first before I lose my nerve, because the truth is... I’ve been using you, Summer. I’ve been lying to you. I’ve been running my own agenda ever since the news of the oil spill broke. I-I would take things I learned from you or, hell, I would just make things up to try to undermine Victoria in the media. It was all about clearing a path for myself to move up at Newman.
Summer: [Scoffs] Why are you telling me this now?
Luca: In the past, I’ve been willing to do whatever it took to get a top job at Newman, and that included sleeping with you and -- and convincing you that I loved you.
Summer: How could you do that?
Luca: The point is, I couldn't do that. Something changed along the way, Summer. The feelings I pretended to have for you to gain your trust, they became real.
Summer: And when did this epiphany hit you?
Luca: Yesterday.
Summer: And you expect me to believe that?
Luca: I couldn’t believe it, either, but that's the way it happened. Look, when you were caught in the crossfire between me and Victoria yesterday, my first instinct was to use it to my advantage. But then later, I... I couldn't let it go. I stayed awake for hours watching you sleep, realizing how deeply I'd hurt you. I felt ashamed. [Sighs] So I went to Victoria this morning to try and fix things. I-I don’t know how successful I was, but at least Victoria listened, so... Look, I know this explanation isn’t an apology. I wanted to apologize, but no matter how many times or how many ways I could say that, it wouldn't change anything.
Summer: No, it would not.
Luca: I have to show you. I’m determined to make you see how sorry I am, because... I can’t bear to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Phyllis: Billy, you think that I have made a choice? You think that's why I moved out of my home with Jack?
Billy: Looks that way.
Phyllis: It is much more complicated than you know.
Billy: No, it's actually quite simple. You’re here. I’m here.
Phyllis: You walked out. You walked out. You walked out that door. You left me alone to struggle with my feelings, and you did not care what I was thinking or doing.
Billy: Did you really think that I would be done with you, Phyllis?
Phyllis: That's what you said.
Billy: Do you really think that I was out of this? I’m not out of this. I don’t believe that for one second. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I didn't believe them, because we are not done. We're just getting started.
[Knock on door]
Jack: Phyllis, it's Jack.
Phyllis: Jack, what are you doing here?
Jack: You okay? Ashley said you had a headache.
Phyllis: Yes, I did. I... wanted to take a nap, but it didn't work. Still doesn’t explain why you decided to stop by. Don’t tell me it's because of the headache.
Jack: Saw right through that, did you? Listen, when you took this room, I resolved to give you all the time and space you needed.
Phyllis: Then why are you here?
Jack: I'm not trying to crowd you. I just...I realized there’s something I want every bit as much as you want this distance.
Phyllis: What is that?
Jack: I don't want you to forget you're always in my thoughts, that I worry about you, that I love you.
Phyllis: I would never forget something like that.
Jack: Okay. Listen... Are you thinking about divorce?
Phyllis: Did I give you that impression? Because that was not my intention. Coming here was about finding myself. It was not about hurting you. And I have been torn up thinking about you alone in that big house after everything we said to one another and just wondering where all of this is going.
Jack: Where is all of this going?
Phyllis: I don’t know. And the only thing I could ask for right now is just some time, time to be by myself, time to get lonely, time to close the door and shut everything and everybody out so I can figure out what's next.
Jack: Well, that said, I, uh, I guess I should go.
Phyllis: Yeah. You should.
Jack: I want you to know, though, I’m not going because I want to. I’m going because I love you. I love you enough to give you what you want.
Billy: Some of that sounded like it was for me.
Phyllis: All of it was.
Abby: I know that things got off track between us. But we're here now, and we're still together, and that's what counts. I love you.
Stitch: I love you, too, baby. Oh, my gosh. I didn't realize it was so late.
Abby: Hmm.
Stitch: [Sighs]
Abby: Where are you going?
Stitch: I, um... You know, I, um, I forgot -- I forgot I have -- I forgot I have an appointment.
Abby: At the hospital?
Stitch: Right, yeah. It's, um, it's a consult, you know, and if I don't get going, I’m gonna -- I'm gonna be late.
Abby: Yeah, I understand. Go.
Stitch: Hey, come here.
Nick: By far the least important factor in all this is how Luca feels about Summer.
Victoria: So, do you really think that Summer will break up with him?
Nick: She'll do it.
Victoria: Don't fool yourself, Nick.
Nick: About what?
Victoria: Thinking that Luca will completely disappear from her life.
Nick: I don't know. If you heard how angry she was...
Victoria: It doesn’t matter. The way that Summer feels about Luca, it can't be just turned off like a light. Feelings linger. They do.
Nick: Are we talking about Summer right now, or are we talking about you?
Summer: I wasn’t expecting you to say any of this.
Luca: Look, I know it must be shocking hearing what I --
Summer: No, it’s not a shock, not the way that you think, Luca. Everything you just said, I already knew it.
Luca: What do you mean?
Summer: I found out that you had been leaking info to reporters, so I put on this act and set you up yesterday to confirm it.
Luca: No, that’s -- that’s impossible. Victoria --
Summer: No, Victoria never really fired me. We staged it all just to see how you would react. And then when you started making all these plans for you and I to take over Newman Enterprises together, that is the only confirmation I needed.
Luca: [Scoffs] You played me. [Chuckles] Well done.
Summer: Yeah, well, you did it first.
Luca: I'm not faulting you, Summer. I’m just surprised that you would do something like this.
Summer: Yeah, it surprised me, too, Luca.
Luca: Well, okay. I’m relieved that your job at Newman is secure. Even though I truly meant what I said to Victoria about walking away.
Summer: As much as you want the top job at Newman?
Luca: Look, even if you were to somehow forgive me and offer me an executive position, I still wouldn't take it.
Summer: I don't believe you.
Luca: Yeah, and it’s the one time you should. I’m being absolutely honest with you. That company is what came between us, blinded me to what I could have with you, what you and I could have. I don’t want that.
Summer: Well, then I guess we're done here.
Luca: Summer, just -- Summer, Summer. Tell me one thing.
Summer: [Sighs]
Luca: Now that I’ve laid it all out and been completely honest, do we still have a
Summer: My plan was to confront you and then dump you, Luca.
Luca: Has your plan changed?
Summer: I don't know. Okay, I wasn't expecting this. I... I was expecting you to stonewall me and then lie to me some more, which would have been a lot easier. But instead I got this... this declaration.
Luca: I swear it’s an honest one.
Summer: How am I supposed to believe that with all the lies that came before?
Luca: So you can’t trust me.
Summer: I won't. No.
Luca: Look, all I can tell you is I-I don't know how to be any more honest than what I’ve been with you here today.
Summer: Luca, I...
Luca: Look, don't say it now, okay? Take some time. Take some time. Just sort it all out.
Summer: What will you be doing?
Luca: Hoping you can forgive me, even if I don’t deserve it.
Victoria: I wasn’t just talking about Summer. I, um... While you were gone, I ended things with Travis.
Nick: What happened?
Victoria: He wanted to take me away from here. He was worried about what would happen if I stayed.
Nick: What about your kids?
Victoria: He wanted me to bring them along. He was ready to pack them up and hit the road. Or the water. [Chuckles] He wanted to buy a boat and sail around the world.
Nick: [Chuckles] You? A boat?
Victoria: I know. It’s crazy. I understand that. And I actually thought about it for three seconds, but then I realized that I couldn't do that to Billy or J.T.
[Cell phone chimes]
Victoria: [Sighs] Oh, my God. That son of...
Nick: What’s wrong?
Victoria: [Sighs] I have to handle this myself.
Ashley: Hey. Is everything okay?
Abby: Do I need an excuse to see my mom?
Ashley: Okay, sit down. We're gonna pretend now that I’ve been here for an hour pounding you with questions and plying you with tea. Now you feel comfortable enough to tell me what it is you want to tell me.
Abby: Ben and I had a breakthrough. I mean, after months of not talking, after not connecting, I mean, we connected. We really connected. Like, really connected.
Ashley: [Chuckling] Okay, I get it, I get it. I get it. And?
Abby: And it was great, until it went off the rails and I opened my big mouth, and then Ben got that look on his face. Ben doesn’t want to have another baby with me.
Ashley: Wait a second. You’re talking about having a baby with everything that’s going on with Max?
Abby: Well, it was sort of spontaneous.
Ashley: Were you testing him?
Abby: It wasn't like that exactly. I didn't think he would completely reject the idea. I thought if he was somewhat open to it that it would be like an affirmation, like a confirmation.
Ashley: Okay. But instead it was what?
Abby: [Sighs] Instead it just felt like we grew even farther apart, like it was always gonna be that way, like quiet and closed off and weird.
Ashley: Well, honey, you can’t use this as a litmus test. It's gonna take more than one connection for the two of you to feel like a solid couple.
Abby: Okay, well, when do you think I can bring it up again? When would be a good time?
Ashley: Why would you?
Abby: Mom, I want to have a baby with Ben. Ben loves kids, and -- and babies are so cute and cuddly and they make everything better.
Ashley: Come on. With everything that's going on in your lives, having a baby, I mean, even talking about having a baby, it's not necessarily a fix. You know, it could be a major complication.
Abby: It wouldn't be for us.
Ashley: Well, did the two of you at least have a chance to be honest with each other and tell each other what you’ve been thinking?
Abby: We couldn't. Ben had to go to work. He's at the hospital now.
Luca: Can I get a coffee from you, please?
Nick: Have you seen Summer?
Luca: I have.
Nick: Do you need the name of a good travel agent now that nothing is keeping you in Genoa City any longer?
Luca: No, I think I'll hold off on that awhile. Summer and I talked. It's not over. Not yet, anyway.
Nick: My daughter did break up with you, right?
Luca: Yeah, for now. But as long as I have a shot, I’m gonna do everything I can to fight for her. You can count on that, Nick.
Phyllis: What happened?
Summer: Just had a long talk with Luca. It did not go the way I expected.
Phyllis: What did he do to you?
Summer: Lied to me. Used me.
Phyllis: What?! No. No, I am gonna find him. I’m gonna hunt him down. I’m gonna strangle him. That's what I’m gonna do to him.
Summer: Mom, he also admitted to everything. Swore he was sorry and then asked for my forgiveness after.
Phyllis: Did you forgive him?
Summer: No, no yet.
Phyllis: "Not yet"? Summer!
Summer: No, I know, Mom. I know, but... I loved him. And maybe I still do. And I know what you’re gonna say. I know you're gonna say, "Dump him. Never look back. Don’t waste time with someone that you know isn’t right for you." I know.
Phyllis: I’m not the right person to talk to about this right now.
Summer: Sure you are. Look at you. You’re in the perfect relationship with the perfect person.
Phyllis: Trust me. No couple is perfect.
Summer: Mom?
Phyllis: Jack and I are taking a break, baby. I booked a room here, and I’m gonna be staying here.
Summer: What? For how long?
Phyllis: Indefinitely.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Billy: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: Vick, if you're here to do more painting, maybe you can save it for another time.
Victoria: What were you thinking? All that talk about protecting my company by buying Brash & Sassy -- I guess that was all just talk.
Billy: Uh, no, there were other considerations, but --
Victoria: Don't try to play dumb with me, Billy!
Billy: I don’t know what you’re talking about right now.
Victoria: You sold it.
Billy: Sold what? Sold Brash & Sassy? That's insane. I did not sell it.
Victoria: I got a call confirming it. Here's the story. It's in the press. My company, gone, in the hands of some stranger, thanks to you!
Jack: Thank you.
And just one more for you to sign, Mr. Abbott.
Jack: What’s that? Usage report for the company jet.
Yes, sir.
Jack: There's some kind of mistake. Uh, my wife used the jet on the 17th or 18th to go to Montreal.
Uh, no, the report is correct. The jet was here on those dates. It never left the tarmac.
Jack: Let me get back to you with this.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: Nothing happened.
Jack: Then why did the pilot tell me you never stepped on the plane?
Luca: You're a Newman entitled to your birthright. That's why I've come to say goodbye.
Billy: You son of a bitch.
Victoria: Oh!
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