Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/19/16


Episode # 10968 ~ Nikki calls on Paul for a big favor. Summer tells Victoria she's going against Luca. When Paul enters Victor's hospital room, Chelsea hides the scalpel. Mariah will not help Sharon.

Provided By Jim

Nikki: Oh! Paul, thank goodness. I know that Victor is scheduled to be transferred back to Walworth shortly.

Paul: Yes, he is. And as per the court order and the attending physician at Memorial, there’s not a damn thing I can do to stop that from happening. So if that's why you're here, to get me to pull some strings, I'm sorry, because Victor is going to be with his son in lockup very soon.

Mitch: Inmate.

Adam: Warden.

Mitch: Must be a complicated transition for a man like you, a man that's used to controlling everything around him to the point where he can get other inmates to testify on his behalf. Newman and Ward? Hmm. Well, at least you already have friends in here.

Adam: They’re not my friends. Neither one of them. They're complete frauds, but I tell you what -- they told the truth on the stand. I didn't kill that woman. I’m not a murderer.

Mitch: I know. You’re innocent and pure, just like everyone else in here. This isn't your first time in prison, but it will most likely be your last. You see, you're young now. But 30 years in prison can really age a man. Don’t expect to see the outside ever again.

Chelsea: You did this to my husband.

Victor: Be careful now.

Chelsea: You set him up. But you can prove that he’s innocent, so you tell me where those journal pages are or I swear to God I will --

Victor: Slow down. I don’t have those pages, and I don’t know where they are.

Chelsea: You are lying.

Victor: I will do everything I can to save Adam, but right now, I can't.

Chelsea: Well, then you know what?

Victor: What?

Chelsea: Then you're no use to me. Or anybody else.

Mariah: Hi!

Sharon: Hi, Mariah.

Mariah: I got some boxes. Uh, Kevin gave me the new security code to his place, so that way when I move in, since he's not gonna be there, the cops won't think I'm pulling a B&E. Anyway, I’ll be out of here in no time.

Sharon: Well, there's no rush. Dylan went to pick up Faith, and I’m sure she's gonna want to say goodbye. I mean, not goodbye, but she's gonna want to talk to you.

Mariah: She's gonna see me around, you know.

Sharon: She's used to having her big sister in the house.

Mariah: Squirt won’t even notice I'm gone. Anyway, this was a temporary thing. And it's over. You can have your household back to normal, just like you wanted, and I can be out on my own again. You know, the "big, happy family" thing, it’s -- it’s just not for me. It was great being here. It was weird, but it's time to get back to reality.

Summer: I don't think I have on enough sunscreen.

Luca: I have more. And I am ready to serve all your needs.

Summer: [Laughs] I don’t think that sounded the way you wanted it to.

Luca: Or maybe it did.

Summer: You are awful.

Luca: Am I really?

[Both laugh]

Summer: [Gasps]

Victoria: Well, I'm so glad you two found some time to work on your tans. Why don’t I catch you up on the news? There’s gonna be a walkout and a protest over safety issues at the oil refinery.

Summer: I thought we addressed the labor issues.

Victoria: No, no, no, no. We put the labor issues off until today. So my next question is, what are you doing here instead of the office? Is this how you support Summer? By dragging her away from work when she's needed most? It's no wonder this company is falling apart.

Summer: Okay, uh, Luca did not drag me away from anything. I am here because I want to be. And if you're looking for someone to blame because of things at Newman, then you should take a look in the

Summer: I've had enough of everyone going after Luca. And considering you should be thanking him.

Victoria: For what? For clinging to you and this company because he's been fired from every other company.

Summer: No, you should be thanking Luca because he cares more about this company than you do, evidently. When the first spill happened, Luca was the one who stepped up. He had a plan. You were MIA with your new boyfriend, the bartender. And then when the oil workers planned a sickout, Luca was the one who offered advice on how to handle it, and you chose to ignore him. And now you want to throw around blame? All I hear you saying is how you are C.E.O. and you're in charge. Then own it already. If Newman Enterprises is screwed up, it's on you, nobody else, so leave Luca alone.

Victoria: You're right. I am C.E.O., and I do run Newman. And I want you back in the office and back to work now.

Summer: [Sighs]

Luca: I can't believe you just did that.

Summer: Neither can I. [Sighs] My heart is racing, but I couldn't just let her blame you for her mistakes like that. I mean, why you? How is anything at Newman Enterprises your fault?

Luca: You got me. Victoria just thinks she can't trust me.

Summer: Yeah, she's made that really clear. I mean, it started to get to me, mess with my head. I told you that.

Luca: Newman is being attacked from the inside and outside. You have every reason to question loyalties. There’s too much at stake. Your last name is on the company, for God's sake.

Summer: Yeah, well, the problem is I questioned my own instincts. Every crisis, every issue, you stepped up. You protected Newman's best interests. You protected Victoria in spite of how she treats you. Look, you are the best thing that has happened to Newman. You’re the best thing that's happened to me. So I'm not gonna let anybody attack you. Not again. Okay, now I really do have to get back to work.

Nikki: Okay, Paul. Relax. I know that you can’t keep Victor out of prison. I was just gonna ask you if I could see him one more time.

Paul: Oh. So, I went a little overboard.

Nikki: Well, yeah. A touch.

Paul: Come here. Sit down. It's just this whole thing with Adam. It doesn't sit right with me. I am not convinced that Adam deserves to be in prison, at least not for the Bingham death.

Nikki: Well, Victor defended Adam in court. He's not going to send his own son to jail for a murder that he didn't commit.

Paul: And yet there is a chance that is exactly what he's done.

Nikki: Oh, my God, Paul. Sometimes you are so stubborn. Even Chelsea says that Victor has done everything he possibly could to help Adam.

Paul: Right.

Nikki: In fact, she came by the hospital to make peace with him.

Paul: She has good reason to suspect Victor.

Nikki: Everybody does, Paul. We all know that he has done some terrible things in the past. Nobody is arguing that. That's why I was on the stand at the trial. I thought that I was losing the wonderful, kind parts of my husband, but I was wrong. And prison isn't the answer. I know that now.

Paul: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: So does everybody else.

Paul: Okay. So that -- that’s really all that matters to you, isn't it? Getting Victor out of prison. So forget about Adam and save Victor.

Nikki: I will always fight for Victor. And if this appeal doesn't work, I will wait for him as long as it takes.

Paul: I know how much you love Victor. But as always, I hope it's not a mistake for you to trust him.

Nikki: Oh, Paul. [Sighs]

Mitch: Your father can tell you being Newman won't get you any special treatment in here. In fact, it’ll put a target on your back.

Adam: Yeah, I know how it works.

Mitch: Hmm. Then you'll want to stay out of trouble, follow rules, do your time, years and years of it. Hell, I’m gonna retire before you get out of here. But until that happens, I’m gonna be watching you every damn day.

Adam: It seems like I have no choice but to look forward to that.

Chelsea: You set up your own son for murder.

Victor: That is --

Chelsea: It's disgusting. And to do it, you had to desecrate Constance Bingham’s corpse with poison.

Victor: You're making --

Chelsea: And then you desecrated Sage’s memory. You desecrated her memory.

Victor: You're making unproven claims.

Chelsea: And her private thoughts. And then you forged her journal.

Victor: You don't know that.

Chelsea: And then you made the police accuse your own son of murder. And what's worse is in those final hours, you actually let Adam think that you were gonna save him.

Victor: It’s a lot of -- lot of unproven -- unproven allegations.

Chelsea: Is that what it was? Yeah, you’re right. It was all lies. You abandoned him and betrayed him yet again! Why?! You needed to punish him again?!

Victor: Because he needed to be taught a lesson! But I didn't want him to end up in prison! I didn't want that! You’ve got to believe me.

Chelsea: Then what, hmm? What? You wanted to scare him into submission? You wanted to force him to do things on your terms yet again, Victor?! But what happened? Something went wrong, didn't it? Was it this woman you’ve been working with? Who is she? Who is she?! I know she visited you in prison! I know all about it, Victor! So why don't you just tell me who she is? You are going to help me undo all of this damage that you’ve

Mariah: Is this the part where you’re gonna tell me how much alike we are?

Sharon: You're not gonna get me to walk away. You’re my flesh and my blood. You’re my daughter, Mariah.

Mariah: You know, with everything that’s been going on lately, the horrible stuff, this is exactly where I want to be. And thank you so much for letting me move back in. I’m sorry if I upset you earlier with mentioning the... No. I’m just happy that you can trust me with your secrets.

Mariah: So, it turns out I am a bit of a hoarder. But I didn't purge in case there’s some stuff that Faith might want.

Sharon: Are you sure you can’t wait until Faith gets home? She doesn’t even know you’re moving out.

Mariah: She'll be fine. Just tell her that the TV remote is all hers and she can turn my room into a dance studio or a crafting room, all glitter, all the time. I already said goodbye to Sully upstairs. He was a little emotional, but I think he'll be okay.

Sharon: [Chuckles] Okay. He should be sleeping.

Mariah: He was. Well, I’m out of here.

Sharon: Mariah, don't go.

Victoria: Yes, I appreciate your position as foreman, as I'm sure you appreciate mine as C.E.O. How nice to see you both clothed. Here are the bullet points for the press release. Please take them to P.R. and have them clean it up.

Summer: Um, Luca, will you take these for me just to make sure they finesse it to your standards? I have some things to discuss with Victoria.

Victoria: Keep me posted. Thanks. Summer's right. Go on. Is there something that you want to say to me? Because we have real work to do here. If you're not up for it, I need to know.

Summer: I'm sorry about earlier, but you should know I did not mean a word of it.

Victoria: What?

Summer: When I was defending Luca earlier, that was for his benefit. My dad told me that he overheard a reporter bragging about a source inside Newman, and then I heard Luca making a call that was very suspicious as soon as things were spinning out at the oil refinery.

Victoria: So you’re with us against Luca.

Summer: Yeah. My dad told me to keep my ears open, and he was right. I mean, if Luca thinks that it's us against the rest of you, then maybe I can find out what his endgame is. I brought him into Newman Enterprises, so it’s my responsibility to nail him against the wall.

Victoria: Summer, I appreciate what you’re doing, but I want you to be careful. Being cornered brings out people's true personalities.

Chelsea: Where’s Connor? [Gasps] Peek-a-boo!

Adam: There he is! All right!

Chelsea: Where did he go? Oh, there he is!

Adam: Look at that! Up and ready to face the day. World’s most successful camp-out ever.

Chelsea: Yes. Yes, it was. Who ate more s'mores? You or Daddy, Connor? You tell me.

Adam: Sweetheart, I'm -- I’m 10 times his size.

Chelsea: So you ate 10 times as many?

Adam: Well, it’s simple math.

Chelsea: [Laughs] I think I’m ready for my close-up.

Adam: Oh.

Chelsea: Mm.

Victor: You know if I had one hand free, you and I would not have this conversation now.

Chelsea: Hmm. Well, you don’t, though, so here we are. Tell me where the journal pages are hidden.

Victor: I am telling you honestly. I don’t know where those pages are. There’s nothing I can do to help Adam.

Chelsea: [Voice breaking] Connor needs his father. I need my husband.

Victor: I understand that.

Chelsea: Don’t act like you can’t help us, because I know you can!

Victor: I understand that.

Chelsea: 30 years, Victor! 30 years in prison for something he didn’t do. This is all your doing. So tell me who this woman is and tell me what she knows.

Victor: Take this out of my face. Don’t do anything stupid with this knife. All I have to do is yell. The guard will come in.

Chelsea: Yeah, right, or maybe you won’t be able to. [Sniffles]

Victor: You want your little boy to grow up alone? What do you think will happen when both his parents are in prison, huh?

Chelsea: You are vicious and evil! You’re pure evil!

Victor: Stop it! You want your little boy Connor to grow up without his parents? Is that it? He doesn't deserve that. He's a helpless little boy!

[Knock on door]

Paul: All right, just let me take care of this first.

Paul: Sorry to interrupt.

[Door closes]

Paul: But, Victor, I am here to see your transfer back to prison.

Victor: Well, I've been waiting for you, Paul.

Paul: Chelsea, uh, Nikki told me that you came to make peace with Victor. I want you to know I understand how difficult that must be. But in... Are you okay?

Victor: Chelsea and I discussed everything we need to discuss. Chelsea realizes that I love my son and my grandson and that that little boy is all of our priority, isn’t he?

[Door opens]

[Knock on door]

Paul: Hey, Nik.

Nikki: Hey. Thank you for letting me spend time with Victor. I just want to say goodbye.

Sharon: If you leave...

Mariah: We agreed. This makes sense.

Sharon: But why does this make sense? Faith’s already gone through a lot of changes in her short, little life. So have you and I, for that matter. You know, your little sister, she -- she adores you. She looks up to you.

Mariah: I'll explain it to her.

Sharon: How? You gonna tell her that we made a terrible mistake out of panic?

Mariah: I'm a constant reminder of the secret that we're keeping about Sully.

Sharon: But that’s not all you are. You’re the one person that I can be completely honest with about my son. You tell me when I'm acting irrationally. You know, we have no secrets between us. That means something for both of us.

Mariah: Sharon, if I stay, what if we talk about Sully? What if Dylan or Faith hears? I know that you worry about that.

Sharon: I worry about everything. I want you to stay.

Mariah: You will be relieved when I'm gone.

Sharon: I have already missed out on so many years of your life, Mariah. I don’t want to miss any more. You’re a piece of my heart. I can’t just let you go.

Nikki: Can I have a few minutes?

Paul: Of course, but that's all the time he has.

Chelsea: Excuse me.

Nikki: I hope today helped.

Paul: Two minutes, Nikki. That's all you got.

Chelsea: Nothing.

Nikki: Well, it seems we have two minutes right now. But soon we’ll have the rest of our lives. I talked to the family about your appeal. I was hoping if we could get everybody who testified against you to take back those words, but the Adam thing --

Victor: He is in a cell right now, you know? I mean, I understand that Chelsea is very, very upset, because Adam is innocent.

Nikki: It was nice that she came to make peace. You know, if we could get Chelsea to get on the stand --

Victor: She won't come before the judge. She’s too upset. But I certainly hope that you and Nicholas and Victoria come to court and testify on my behalf.

Nikki: Yes. And we simply say that we were careless, we -- we weren't really thinking it through, and that just horribly stupid. And we beg that your sentence be reduced. I don’t know how the judge can deny that. You have laid down your own life to save people that you love. I want you back so much, but safe, away from hospitals, away from prisons, away from danger. I want you to be with your family, who loves you. All of us together... at work and at home.

Victor: I, too, want this to go back to normal. But you have to give me time.

Victoria: Summer, listen. I hope you know how much you mean to me and to Newman Enterprises. I’m really grateful to you. I’m sure it doesn’t make it any easier to learn the worst of somebody that you care about.

Summer: Yeah. What hurts the most is that Luca thought he could play me. [Scoffs] Which I guess he was right. You know, I guess it was worse with Austin. I didn't even realize he betrayed me until after he died. Luckily with Luca, I figured it out sooner.

Victoria: That performance that you put on in the club, the way you ripped into me, you were on fire. I have to admit, it stung a little bit.

Summer: I'm sorry.

Victoria: No, it’s great. Luca will never know that you’re on to him, and he will show his hand soon thinking that you have his back.

Summer: Okay, but one thing worries me. How much longer am I gonna have to keep this up?

Victoria: I don't know. It's hard to say. Maybe there’s a way that we can speed things along, though.

Summer: Okay, how can we --

[Knock on door]

Luca: All right, they're fixing the copy --

Victoria: How dare you insult the way that I run this company in public?! That kind of insubordination is not acceptable!

Luca: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, can we focus on the real issue here? We have a crisis to deal with.

Victoria: No, I have a crisis to deal with. You have a desk to pack up.

Mariah: I... I love you, too, I guess.

Sharon: Then you’ll stay?

Mariah: I can't.

Sharon: You can. You can. Look, all you have to do is take your things and put them back up in your room.

Mariah: I'm a grown woman living with my mother. What if I want to drink wine and blast hip-hop at 3:00 a.m.?

Sharon: Do you really do that at Kevin's house?

Mariah: Yes, all the...time. Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Really? Okay, look, is living with Kevin really an ideal situation for you? I mean, here's a guy you used to have feelings for, and now he’s dating someone else. You guys are living together, what, sitting on the sofa watching TV at night, all three of you?

Mariah: People have roommates. It happens. It's fine.

Sharon: It’s not fine. It's not fine enough for you. You need more than that. You need to be here with us, with people who love you... who might like hip-hop, too.

Mariah: Really? Okay, name one hip-hop artist. Just one.

Sharon: DJ JD.

Mariah: DJ JD?

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: That’s what you came up with? That doesn't sound made up at all. [Chuckles]

Sharon: Well, that’s not the point.

Mariah: What is the point?

Sharon: [Sighs] We love you. And yes, you would be a grown woman living with her mother... and her stepfather and her little brother and her little sister.

Mariah: Yeah.

Sharon: I know, but it’s your family. It's messy, okay? It's complicated. It's scary because that’s how family can be and you’ve never had a family before. But I promise you it can also be really wonderful.

Chelsea: Mom. What are you doing here? Where’s the nanny?

Anita: Oh, I sent her home. Connor's fine. Don't worry. I’m here for you. I heard the news about Adam’s plea. Is he in prison already, baby?

Chelsea: Yes, Adam is in prison for 30 years. 30 years for something he didn't do.

Anita: If you need to go cry it out or -- or go to your room or go for a drive, I've got Connor.

Chelsea: No, no, I don’t need to cry. I don’t need to cry. What I need to do is -- is -- is rip Victor apart. I need to destroy that man.

Anita: You need your mommy.

Chelsea: No, Mom, I'm fine, I’m fine. I have Connor. I'm fine.

Anita: Is that a... What the hell are you doing with a scalpel?

Adam: Welcome home. Kind of funny, right? This is what you've been waiting for. This is the moment you wanted me back behind bars. You just stand there and, you know, soak it in like an art exhibit.

Victor: I tried to save you. This is not what I wanted.

Adam: It’s a poetic kind of revenge, though, really, isn't it? I mean, a diary, prison sentence, a death.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Adam: You win. All because you wanted me to pay.

Summer: Just wait until my dad hears about this. Aunt Victoria’s completely lost her mind.

Luca: Well, she seemed pretty damn sure of herself when she told me not to come back.

Summer: Yeah, because she knows that you see through her. I mean, you protected her when she was off with her boyfriend, and now she’s gotten rid of him, but now she wants to get rid of anyone that doesn’t bow down to her.

Luca: I'm used to people not trusting me. I can handle it. But the way she treated you? Ignoring your hard work, your instincts, and everything you’ve done for the company? You were right. She is threatened by you.

Summer: Yeah, which doesn't make any sense. I’ve always supported her and Newman Enterprises.

Luca: Yeah, but you're smart, you’re talented, and with good instincts. And Victoria knows that you stepped up and saved the day when she hasn’t.

Summer: Yeah, well, so have you, but not that she’s gonna give either of us credit for that.

Luca: Look, Victoria is failing, Summer. The division heads were already worried when she took over, and she’s proven them right by making mistake after mistake. Now they have no faith in her at all.

Summer: Wait. Is that true? They said that to you?

Luca: I hear things. They feel her leadership is too unpredictable. And she’s proven that she’d rather be anywhere but in that office.

Summer: Yeah, I mean, all my life, Aunt Victoria’s always loved being in charge, but you’re right. I mean, the focus just is not there. She’s not calm and confident like she used to be.

Luca: Yeah, and it’s affecting the company. Your legacy. Look, she needs to step down, let someone else take over.

Summer: Okay, but my dad’s not interested. He's only back at Newman because Victoria needed backup.

Luca: No, I'm not talking about Nick or Victoria. I have someone else in mind.

Victoria: So tell me what worries you about when Dad gets out. Do you feel like he’s not being totally honest with you?

Nikki: It's not about our relationship. I know him so well. I know he will do his damnedest to put our marriage back on track and that he will try to forgive me for betraying him. I will forgive him for shutting me out, keeping secrets that ended up hurting a lot of people. But, you know, it’s always been like this with us. It's always a cycle. Things are fine, and then we drift apart from each other, and then something will happen, like he saved me from Ian. And in that moment, all I could think about was the love. And in that second, I realized what a mistake it was to play out our problems in the courtroom. That should have been handled privately. So I need to undo that damage and then bring your father home where he belongs.

Victoria: But you have concerns. Is it about the rest of us?

Nikki: Well, yes, it is. As well as I know him, I'm not certain if his forgiveness will extend to the rest of the family.

Adam: My goodness. Look at you. You finally admitted it. Huh. It's all about payback, wasn't it?

Victor: Was about teaching you a lesson.

Adam: What was the best part for you? What'd you enjoy more? Uh, using my old tricks against me or was it the whole "dangling hope in front of my son" just to rip it away again? What -- What did you get a kick out of most? Just out of curiosity.

Victor: I wanted you to sweat a little.

Adam: Hmm.

Victor: Because you testified against me. And no one gets away with that. But I didn't want you to end up in prison.

Adam: Well, I mean, here we are, so...

Victor: Uh-huh.

Adam: Let me guess. Your plan was, um, you were gonna set me up and then you're gonna swoop in and be the hero? Is that it? Except someone screwed you over, right? Didn't uphold their end of the bargain? Yeah, that's it. Who was it?

Victor: When I get out of here, I will see to it that you get out of here, as well.

Chelsea: I held it right up to Victor like this. I needed him to think that I would do it. I needed him to think that --

Anita: That you'd murder a man handcuffed to a hospital bed?

Chelsea: He set up Adam, Mom. I needed him to admit it, and I needed him to admit to doing something, confess, so I could take the recording to the judge. [Sighs]

Anita: Listen to me, Chelsea. Whatever Victor did to frame him, it’s Adam who pled guilty.

Chelsea: No, Mom! No! He agreed to this because he didn't have a choice! And now he is in prison for the next 30 years, so I need to fix this now, or else Connor grows up without his father, and he doesn’t deserve that.

Anita: What about you? What do you deserve? You’re a young mother with a child.

Chelsea: What -- What -- What are you talking about? What do you mean?

Anita: I’m saying that Adam got 30 years, but that doesn't mean you did, too. You need to think about

Sharon: I know it's not cool or hip here. But it's your home. And I know you're not used to having people hovering and tea parties and glitter fights, but too bad. This is the family you ended up with, and you are needed and loved and wanted, and I’m not ready to let you go.

Mariah: Look, it’s not like I’m resigning from the family. You’re gonna see me all the time. But, Sharon, you have to be honest. It's too hard having me here.

Sharon: It’s too hard not having you here. Yeah, the truth about Sully, it eats away at me, but you've been so good to me, sharing that burden. I know I'm selfish, but... [Voice breaking] Having you here just makes it all a lot more bearable. But if you need to go and you’re doing that for yourself, then please go ahead and do that. But if you're doing it for me, then don't. Because I need my daughter with me. I need you, Mariah.

Luca: Every step of the way, you have been more focused, more proactive than Victoria. And no, Nick doesn't want to run Newman, but guess what? He's not the only Newman. Look, talk to your grandfather, Summer. Tell him it’s crucial at this point that Victoria either back away or be forced out by the board. And ask him and see what he thinks about you taking over.

Summer: Me? Run Newman as C.E.O.?

Luca: Absolutely. With me by your side supporting you. Imagine us together, making the decisions that need to be made. We could do it, Summer. I know it. And I think deep down, you know it, too.

Summer: Okay, it’s just so much responsibility and so many employees and investors.

Luca: Exactly. And we need to step up for their sake. Can you see it?

Summer: [Sighs] Yeah, I-I think -- I think we can do this.

Luca: [Chuckles]

Summer: Yeah, we -- [Chuckles] We have to do this. Yes. Yes. [Chuckles]

[Cell phone rings]

Luca: Oh. Let me take this.

Summer: Okay.

Luca: And then we'll figure out where to start.

Summer: Yeah.

Luca: Hello?

Victoria: Mom, we're all on Dad’s side now. We even agreed that we will testify that he deserves an early release, even if that means lying to the court. We didn’t get on that stand out of spite. We did it because we felt that he truly needed to be held accountable for what he did to Phyllis and Jack. But we'll get on the stand again and we'll say that we’re wrong because that's how badly we want Dad out of prison.

Nikki: And I’m sure that your father realizes that. It's just that you know how stubborn he can be, especially when he feels that he has been misunderstood or attacked.

Victoria: And you don't think he'll be able to let it go.

Nikki: Well, I do know him well, but some things I can’t predict.

Victoria: Let me ask you a question, Mom. Do you think that Dad framed Adam?

Nikki: No.

Victoria: And do you think he was behind these oil spills?

Nikki: Absolutely not. He would never do anything that would damage his own company like that.

Victoria: I suppose there's no point in mentioning again that Nick told us that Dad wants to teach us all a lesson.

Nikki: That wouldn’t involve hurting Newman.

Victoria: Okay. So if you don’t believe that Dad is behind all of that, why are you nervous about his release?

Nikki: I just hope that he appreciates the fact that the family is banding together for his sake and that he's ready to accept and forgive us like we are ready to accept and forgive him. Victor's gonna come home soon. I feel it in my heart. And I just hope that he’s ready to bring the whole family together like we should be.

Adam: You're never getting me out of here. You don’t give a damn.

Victor: You haven't learned a damn thing, have you? You haven’t realized that family means everything to me.

Adam: Hmm.

Victor: And you're part of my family, for better, for worse.

Adam: Which is why you committed a dozen crimes to get me locked up in here, right?

Victor: I will get you out of here.

Adam: But you lost control of the situation, didn’t you? Huh? Like I said, someone screwed you over. Either that or this is what you wanted all along and you're lying to me right now. Either way, there’s something you didn't think about. My wife. Chelsea -- She's out there somewhere, and she wants me out of here just as badly as you want me in here.

Victor: [Sighs]

Adam: She's gonna find the proof that you set me up, and she’s gonna figure out who it is that you're working with.

Anita: The way you love Adam, it's sweet, baby. But 30 years is a long time. 30 years as a single mother on your own like a nun?

Chelsea: Stop it, Mom. You’re -- You’re focused on being negative.

Anita: No, I’m not! I’m thinking about you and Connor all alone in this place with no one to look out for you or love you. And I have been there, Chelsea. Believe you me, you do not want that for your life.

Chelsea: I want you to leave.

Anita: Chelsea.

Chelsea: Mom, I want you to go. Really.

Anita: Honey, I love you.

Chelsea: Mom, I want you to leave now, okay?! [Sighs] [Sighs]

Adam: Well, now you've really done it. You’ve made a dangerous enemy in my wife. This is so far from over.

Victor: She's angry now. She’ll get over it.

Chelsea: [Sobs] [Shouts]

[Glass shatters]

Chelsea: [Sobbing]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Summer: He’s not the guy I thought I fell for. He's a user, and I am done being used.

Luca: The only way you’ll let her come back is without me? Then yes, I’ll step away. This is all about Summer.

Billy: You finally decided to stop hedging. You make your choice between Jack and me.

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