Y&R Transcript Monday 7/18/16
Episode # 10967 ~ Adam's life changes forever. Dylan encourages Victor to make a confession. Chelsea comes up with a dangerous plan to help Adam; she threatens Victor with a scalpel. Chloe looks at a photo of Delia & anticipates their "big day." Michael tells Natalie & Kevin that Adam is taking a plea. Mariah decides to move out of Sharon's house after a conversation with her about the secret.
Provided By Jim
Adam: I think we should probably get up, huh?
Chelsea: No. No. [Sighs] It we don’t move and don't think, maybe we can just... stay like this forever.
Adam: I'd love that. Of course, the little guy in the next room might have something to say about that, right?
Chelsea: This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This is not how it's supposed to be. We've come too far. We did everything right. You’re innocent. We deserve our happy ending. And now...
Adam: This plea bargain, babe, it's our best hope.
Chelsea: Our best hope was yesterday. Before Victor broke his promise. I mean, how could he do that to you? How could he do that to us? I mean, we have so many plans. We have... We have -- we have a life to live.
Adam: Look at me.
Chelsea: No, I can’t look at you, because then I’ll cry, and we said no tears.
Adam: Hey. Hey. Look at me. It's not the end of the story, okay? All right? It's a new chapter. Evidence that proves I'm innocent is still out there somewhere, right?
Chelsea: You’re right.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: And I’m gonna find it. I’m gonna find that evidence, and I’m gonna make sure you come back home to us.
Adam: Okay. Come here.
Nikki: Oh, I wish you didn’t have to go back to that horrible prison. But it's just temporary. In a few days, your appeal will be heard, and you’ll be released.
Victor: And then what? We're gonna have that candlelight dinner?
Nikki: Yes, we are.
Victor: Wish it were all that simple.
Nikki: It is that simple. I believe in you with all of my heart, and I will fight for you. And I know the kids will fight for you. Darling, you just have to believe in yourself. Don’t give up hope now.
Victor: I will do everything I can to get out of this hellhole.
Dylan: Hey.
Sharon: You should have woken me.
Dylan: Whoa, I wasn't gonna wake Sleeping Beauty. You were sound asleep.
Sharon: Well, how could I not be after a romantic dinner out with my husband, and then more romance when we came home?
Dylan: After all the craziness with Adam’s case, last night was exactly what I needed.
Sharon: You've been working so hard lately. Someone has to make sure you have a little fun.
Dylan: Yeah, I know. I know. But I can’t help thinking, you know, at the end of the day, I get to come home to you and Sully. Adam may not be going home to Chelsea and Connor.
Nikki: You sound so certain.
Dylan: It's not looking good.
Sharon: Well, you know he's not guilty, right? Because I know Adam, and I know he didn’t kill that woman.
Dylan: All I know is there are way too many questions and not enough answers.
Paul: Hey, there.
Christine: Hi.
Paul: Got you coffee.
Christine: Thank you.
Paul: Ready for the big day?
Christine: Uh, yeah. It's just not what I expected. When Michael called last night and said Adam accepted the plea bargain, I thought I was dreaming.
Paul: Right. Yeah, I know. Dreaming for you, but the nightmare just begins for Adam and Chelsea, right?
Christine: Oh, no, no. It's not gonna be easy, but it was the wise choice.
Paul: Yeah, I guess. I mean, uh, everything points to Adam's guilt. I get that. I just...can't be 100% sure that Victor wasn’t behind the frame-up just as Adam claimed.
Christine: Look, Dylan investigated all of this. And he found nothing to suspect that Victor set up Adam.
Paul: That doesn’t mean he didn't do it.
Kevin: You see it? That's right. That's a wig. Whoever this Dorothy Gale is, she’s hiding her true identity.
Michael: Well, good eye, Natalie. If only, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this woman is wearing a wig" were enough to get the case thrown out.
Kevin: [Scoffs] But we're definitely onto something. Can’t you get a -- whatever you call it -- a continuance and buy us some time?
Michael: [Clears throat] That's not gonna happen. We've been on an extended recess since the shooting, and I’m sorry to say we’re out of time. We're due in court this morning. Adam is taking the plea.
Natalie: He can't do that.
Michael: Well, I appreciate your concern, but there’s very little choice.
Kevin: Yeah, but we know Victor did this, and we’re getting closer to nailing him.
Michael: Closer isn't good enough. And a plea beats life in prison.
Kevin: Okay. You keep doing your thing. I’m gonna keep digging. And if I can ID this woman, I will let you know ASAP.
Michael: Kevin.
Kevin: Uh-huh?
Michael: I appreciate this. So will Adam and Chelsea. Sooner than later would be great.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, you got it. Pbht! All right, Dorothy Gale. Who are you? Nobody can hide forever.
In other news, Adam Newman's trial for the murder of Constance Bingham resumes today --
Chloe: [Sighs] This is a big day for us, Dee. It's a big, big day.
Sharon: You sure you don’t have time for a proper good morning?
Dylan: No, don’t tempt me.
Sharon: Why not?
[Both groan]
Mariah: Oooh.
Dylan: Whoa, uh, hold -- party’s over.
Sharon: No, wait, don't stop now.
Dylan: No, no, no. Party’s...
Mariah: No, no.
Dylan: ...over.
Sharon: Oh. Hi, sweetheart.
Mariah: Hi. Um... I’m so sorry that I saw that. Timing is not my thing.
Dylan: Yeah, you really do have, uh, bad timing.
Sharon: Yeah.
Dylan: That's for Sully. For you. I'll see you tonight. You too, Mariah.
Mariah: Bye. You know, I’m starting to think we need some sort of signal or something so that doesn’t keep happening.
Sharon: That is amazing, and I hope that you have that in your life one day.
Mariah: So do I. I need something new in my arsenal to scare innocent bystanders.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Mariah: So, are you good?
Sharon: Yeah. I’m more than good.
Mariah: See? You had nothing to be worried about. Kevin kept his word.
Sharon: You know, I -- [Sighs] I overreacted. And I’m sorry I got upset with you. I was just so worried that Kevin was gonna tell Dylan that I went off my meds, and I was seeing Sage...
Mariah: But he didn't. So you're fine. You’re safe. You can relax.
Sharon: You're right. I’m fine. I’m good. I’m strong. I have everything under control. And when I say that, I mean me. I am under control. So you don't have to worry about me.
Mariah: Well, it’s kind of my hobby.
Sharon: No, Mariah. You know, you’re young. You should be with your friends.
Mariah: Because I have so many.
Sharon: Well, I mean you should be making new friends. You should have a real hobby, not worrying about me. You know, it's wrong that you’ve buried yourself here and given up everything.
Mariah: I'm not buried. And it's not like I have a lot of everything to give up.
Sharon: Well, I just mean you spent so much time making sure that I’m in a good place that you haven't had a lot of time for yourself. And now look at me. I’m good. So maybe it’s time you get back to your own life.
Mariah: What are you saying? You don’t want me to live here anymore?
Chloe: [Singsong] Ashes to ashes. Mm... No, maybe not today. Hm. Now, who will I be today?
Nikki: What are you worried about? Your appeal?
Victor: There's no guarantees in life, you know. One has got to be prepared.
Nikki: Darling, you have come to the rescue of so many of us. It's our turn to help you.
Victor: I somehow doubt that the rest of the family will be as eager to help as you.
Nikki: Well, I’m even optimistic about Adam standing up for you. And that's saying a lot.
Victor: Well, he has to focus on his own problems.
Nikki: But he has Chelsea by his side. Just as you have me by your side. You’re going to win this appeal, Victor. Your sentence will be reduced to time served. Then you will be free. And we're gonna do this the same way we've done everything. We built our lives. We built our family. We did all of that together.
Adam: Glad I got you alone for a little bit. I want to have a... Sort of like a... Like a man-to-man. You know what a man-to-man is? Like a conversation? Between two guys, you know? There’s no easy way to say this, but, uh... Daddy’s gonna be leaving for a little bit. There’s no way around it. And so, um... I was sort of hoping, you know, that you could take care of Mommy for me. You know, maybe an extra hug here and there, an extra kiss. She likes those. Makes her feel good. And the hide-and-seek, I mean, I-I’m not gonna be around to -- to play hide-and-seek with you, but, uh, Mommy will. You’re so good at that game. I was hoping, you know, maybe let her win every once in a while. You know, just to... Makes her feel good. Do that for me? Thank you. Tell you what, if you can do that, if I know you’re walking through life with Mommy and you’re taking care of her, then I’m gonna be fine. I’m gonna be just fine. All right? Take all that with me.
Chelsea: How do -- how do we do this?
Adam: Together. Together.
[Knock on door]
Michael: Hi. [Clears Throat] Ready?
Chelsea: This isn't -- is this really it? I mean, there’s really nothing else -- nothing else we can do?
Michael: I-I wish I could wave a wand, but... I’m sorry, Adam.
Adam: You remember what we talked about, all right? [Sniffles] Take care of your mom, yeah? [Voice breaking] All right. Mwah! I’m gonna hold onto that, all right? That'll last me a good long time, that right there. [Chuckles] God, he’s beautiful, huh? Can you do me a favor? Can you take him upstairs? I don’t want his last memory of his father to be me walking out of the front door of our home. So...
Chelsea: I love you.
Adam: I love you. [Sighs] [Slams table, groans] Let’s do it.
Michael: Thank you. Paul. Christine.
Paul: Morning.
Christine: You made the right decision.
Michael: Why doesn’t it feel better?
Christine: It was a good choice.
Michael: Yeah, all wrapped up in a box. Except for the fact that my client is innocent. Thank you.
Adam: Just so we’re clear, this deal that we made... I don’t have to admit that I'm guilty, right?
Michael: It's called an "Alford Plea" -- the defendant does not have to admit guilt to any offense, but you do have to admit that the guilty plea is in your best interest because the prosecution has sufficient evidence to convict. In this case, you will plead to a lesser charge -- second-degree homicide rather than first.
Adam: Even though technically I don’t have to admit that I'm guilty, because I’m not, I still have to say the word "guilty," right?
Michael: You do.
Adam: Even though I'm not.
Michael: I understand how difficult this is. But it's a step, Adam. It doesn't have to be the end.
Adam: Let's get it over with.
Chelsea: Dylan! Hi. Thank God you’re here. Adam's gonna accept a plea bargain. He's going to prison today.
Dylan: Oh, man. I was afraid of that.
Chelsea: No, no, I jus-- I need your help. We have to prove that he's innocent.
Dylan: Chelsea, I followed every lead. I can’t find anything to corroborate that Adam was framed.
Chelsea: You believe me. You believe that he was set up, don’t you?
Dylan: It doesn't matter what I believe. I need the proof. And it's hard to find the proof when the people I’m trying to help leave out bits and pieces of the truth, okay? Without the whole story, I don't know how much help I can be.
Chelsea: O-okay. There -- there is more. There are real pages to Sage's journal, and Victor has them.
Dylan: Why -- why didn’t you guys tell me this?
Chelsea: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Adam made a deal with Victor. If he went back to Newman, the pages would suddenly materialize.
Dylan: Okay. That's the anonymous tip. You wanted me to find them.
Chelsea: Yes, but all you found was an empty envelope.
Dylan: So, what -- what happened? Did Victor back out?
Chelsea: We don't know. We don't know why. Michael went to talk to Victor. He wouldn’t speak. He wouldn’t say anything. So I'm hoping maybe you can talk to Victor.
Dylan: Oh, I can’t imagine Victor admitting any of this.
Chelsea: You’re family, Dylan. You’re Nikki's son. And I am running out of options here.
Dylan: Yeah, but if he has the pages, why wouldn’t he give them up? I mean, he defended Adam on the stand. It's much more like Victor's style to play God, dangle the pages, and then get Adam released, not bury him behind bars.
Chelsea: I know. But something’s happened. And we have to find out what it is. Please, Dylan. We need to find those pages.
Dylan: [Sighs] Okay. I’ll do what I can.
Chelsea: Thank you. Thank you so much. Please.
Dylan: I’ll let you know what I find out, okay?
Chelsea: Okay.
Sharon: Of course I want you to live here.
Mariah: Because it kind of sounded like an invitation to not live here.
Sharon: Then you misunderstood.
Mariah: Is it because I walk in on you and Dylan too often?
Sharon: No, of course not. I love you. We love you. We're a family. And you’ve been so supportive and protective lately. All I’m saying is, now that I’m back on my meds, and I'm feeling stronger -- no more Sage sightings -- you don't have to take care of me anymore.
Mariah: Because if I weren’t here, you could tell yourself that you're just a normal mom raising her kid with her husband.
Sharon: You're twisting things around.
Mariah: Sharon, I'm a reminder. Every time you look at me, you see the only other person who knows the truth about Sully. Admit it.
Sharon: Okay, maybe a little. But that doesn't mean I want you to leave.
Mariah: If I weren’t here, the big bad secret goes away with me, right?
Sharon: [Sighs]
[Sully cries]
Sharon: I'll be right back.
Kevin: This is crazy. I’m a genius. You’re a genius. And we haven't cracked this.
Natalie: So far.
Kevin: People are counting on me.
Natalie: Us.
Kevin: And I’ve got nothing.
Natalie: We've got a wig.
[Cellphone rings]
Kevin: Mariah?
Mariah: Do you remember how you said you'd keep my room waiting if I needed it? I need it.
Kevin: Is everything okay?
Mariah: Once I get some breathing room, yes. So, you’re good with this?
Kevin: Yeah. Whatever you need.
Mariah: Thank you.
Natalie: Mm, what was that about?
Kevin: Uh, Mariah's moving back in.
Victor: To what do I owe this visit?
Dylan: I’d like to talk to you about Adam's case. Uh, Nikki, would you mind?
Nikki: Anything you have to say, I need to hear it, too.
Victor: Okay. Go ahead.
Dylan: All right. Well, you made a deal with Adam.
Victor: Mm.
Dylan: You claimed that you could provide real pages of Sage's journal to prove that he was framed. In exchange, Adam would come back and work for the family company. But you reneged.
Victor: Michael Baldwin came by earlier to make the same kind of accusation. I thought you were too smart to buy into that nonsense. If you don't mind, I just have a few minutes left with my wife before I go back to the cell.
Dylan: Adam and Chelsea are at the courthouse. Adam's about to take a deal that's gonna land him in Walworth with you. So if you have any desire to save your son, now is the time.
Sharon: Sully just needed a change. He went right back to sleep.
Mariah: He is a champ.
Sharon: So are you.
Mariah: Don't do that extra-nice thing, please.
Sharon: I couldn’t have gotten through all this without you. You’ve been my rock.
Mariah: Except for the part where I’m a constant in-your-face reminder of this terrible thing that could blow up your whole life.
Sharon: Okay, hear me out. I am trying to gain some sense of normal. I want this family to be perfect for Dylan and Sully and Faith. But I’m worried that Dylan might pick up on something.
Mariah: Is this about the cowlicks again? Seriously, you need to let it go. It's just hair.
Sharon: But what if he senses something? You know? Or -- or what if you and I are talking, we accidentally slip, and then there's Dylan?
Mariah: I get it. Two people with a secret in a house is two too many.
Sharon: I'm just saying it’s a tough situation. But I’m fine with it. I really am. I love having you home. We'll just be careful.
Mariah: Or I could go. No me, no worries. You can focus on having the perfect family with Faith and Sully and Dylan.
Sharon: And you.
Mariah: This is good. I’m glad that we talked. Really. Because as great as this has been, honestly, I’m not used to being in a party of five.
Sharon: Mariah, don't make a decision today. Think about it.
Mariah: I already did. Kevin says he has my room waiting for me.
Sharon: Oh. Are you sure you want to live with Kevin? Will you two be able to get along?
Mariah: Kevin and I, uh, we've worked out our issues. It's good.
Sharon: Okay. That's wonderful. Well, then, our lives will go back to the way they were before Sage's accident. For both of us.
Mariah: Yeah. Exactly like it was. [Chuckles] I'm not so good with hugs still, so...
Sharon: Come here.
Victor: I understand that my son and his wife are desperate to absolve the charges against Adam. That's why they came up with this story.
Dylan: Well, is it true?
Victor: You think it’s true? You think what you want. There’s nothing that I can do to help them.
Dylan: Are you sure about that? Because Chelsea’s convinced that you hold the key to Adam's freedom.
Victor: Because she's desperate. She has no choice.
Dylan: Okay, but from the beginning, Adam has insisted that he was set up. And I got to tell you, it seems plausible.
Nikki: Look, Victor has been locked up for months. To try to set up Adam under those circumstanced would be almost impossible. And if he does know where these pages are, he would give them up. He loves Adam. He would do anything he can to help him.
Dylan: Unless he thought Adam needed to be taught a lesson.
Nikki: This family has been through so much. All we want is the chance to be together and heal. Victor loves his son. He doesn't want him to have to go through anything more than he already has. He doesn't want to have him ripped away from his wife and his little boy.
Victor: Everything Nikki says is true.
Dylan: Or as much truth as I’m gonna get. [Sighs]
Chelsea: Hey. Um... Uh, Dylan just... [Sighs] Dylan just texted. I had asked him to go talk to Victor about those pages. But Victor's sticking to his story. He says he doesn't know anything.
Michael: Well, if Victor’s anything, he's consistent about his lying.
Judge Walker: [Raps desk] Court is back in session. I understand that the prosecution and the defense have come to an agreement, and that the defendant will be entering an Alford Plea.
Michael: Yes, Your Honor.
Judge Walker: Will the defendant please rise? Before I can impose sentence, I am required to ask you the following questions. Do you now consider it to be in your best interest to enter a guilty plea?
Adam: I do. I do.
Judge Walker: Do you understand that upon your Alford Plea, you will be treated as guilty whether or not you admit guilt? Mr. Newman?
Adam: I do.
Judge Walker: Then we will proceed. On the charge of second-degree intentional homicide, how do you plead?
Adam: Guilty. [Stammers] But I didn't do it. I did not kill that woman, Constance Bingham.
Judge Walker: Your statement will be duly noted in the record. Per the agreement between your counsel and the state, the plea bargain is hereby in effect. Adam Newman, I sentence you to 30 years in prison, effective immediately. Court is dismissed. [Raps desk]
Chelsea: Oh, Adam... It's gonna be okay.
Lois: Oh, oh! Mr. Newman, why did you take the deal?
Michael: Mr. Newman is not guilty.
Lois: He took the deal. That's got a guilty ring to it. Mr. Newman, is there a way that you --
Michael: There’s no comment.
Lois: He had a comment for the judge. He said, "I’m guilty." You did say that, didn't you, Mr. Newman?
Michael: No comment.
Lois: Listen here, Michael, he's gonna answer my questions.
Michael: Lois, no comment!
Michael: It's time to go, Adam.
Adam: I love you.
Chelsea: I love you.
Lois: Mrs. Newman, how do you feel about your husband taking that plea?
Michael: Look, it's been a very emotional day. Could you please have some respect?
Lois: Do you believe your husband killed that sweet old lady?
Michael: All right. You know what, ignore her.
Chelsea: My husband is innocent. He's not a killer. He is a good man who is being set up, and I am going to prove it. I will find the evidence to clear his name and bring him home to me and our son.
Michael: Let’s go.
Lois: Mrs. Newman, he said himself that he was guilty. Mrs. Newman!
Nikki: You must be tired. I’m gonna get out of here and let you rest.
Victor: [Inhales sharply]
Nikki: Oh, be careful. Be careful.
Victor: It still hurts sometimes.
Nikki: I know.
Victor: It’s gonna be a long road. But I think we'll get there.
Nikki: We'll get there. We have forever. Okay. I promise I will be back before they transport you, okay? [Cellphone chimes] [Gasps] I don’t believe it.
Victor: What? What?
Nikki: Adam took the deal. He's on his way to Walworth right now.
Victor: [Exhales deeply] You know I would have saved him if I could've.
Nikki: I know you would have.
Victor: I don't know where those journal pages are. I really don't.
Nikki: I believe you.
Victor: [Sighs]
Kevin: Look, Mariah's had my back more times than I can count.
Natalie: But Mariah as a roomie means... that when I do this... ...or this... She’ll be on the other side of the wall. Or at the end of the couch.
Kevin: Look, we're geniuses, right? We're gonna figure this out.
[Cellphone chimes]
Kevin: Oh. Court’s out. Adam's going down 30 years. That sounds about right. Too bad he's probably innocent.
Dylan: Which is why we need to ramp up the investigation. And I’m assuming you're part of the "we"?
Kevin: Well, yeah. And two-heads work better and faster than one, especially when one of those heads has Nat’s brain. What's up?
Dylan: Well, I was hoping that you had something for me. Did you find out who, uh, bought the burner phone or made the anonymous tip?
Kevin: Nothing yet.
Dylan: Nothing yet. Okay. Well, I have another angle. Check this out. There are real journal pages out there, suppose--
Kevin: Oh, yeah. I’m already on that.
Dylan: You’re what?
Kevin: Well, I said I would track them down for Adam and Chelsea.
Dylan: And you didn't think I should know about this?
Kevin: I couldn't say anything, all right? It's a complicated situation.
Dylan: Oh, come on, Kevin. If we’re gonna work together, you can’t have any secrets, no agendas, no complications, okay?
Kevin: Yeah, okay.
Dylan: Okay. There’s something else I need. I need you to pull up the surveillance footage at the bus station in Spring Grove, see if we can ID who accessed that locker.
Natalie: How much you want to be we’ll see the woman in the wig?
Dylan: What woman?
Natalie: Just...a woman. Who’s definitely not me.
Dylan: In a wig? Kevin? What the hell's going on?
Natalie: There’s a woman who’s been visiting Victor.
Dylan: I knew it. I knew it was you. You hacked into the Walworth security footage. And I’m not gonna say anything else, but do you know how illegal that is?
Kevin: Well, it's no more illegal than framing someone for murder. Which criminal would you rather see punished?
Kevin: Look, we can argue about this -- legal, illegal, lines crossed, whatever -- or you can pretend you didn't hear Natalie’s big mouth and let me get to work. Your call.
Dylan: Okay. If you can tie this woman in the wig to the bus-station locker, that would be a huge get.
Kevin: [Sighs] Damn. No access. None of their cameras are online.
Dylan: Nothing? Then -- then road trip. Go to the bus station and pull the surveillance video.
Kevin: Okay. I’m on it.
Dylan: But it's got to be by the book. It's too important. I’m gonna call ahead, get the warrant, tell them to expect you. Hey.
Mariah: Hey.
Dylan: Uh, you okay? What's -- what's going on?
Mariah: Nothing. It's fine. I'm -- I’m fine. Everything's fine.
Dylan: Okay. All right, then I’ll see you at the house.
Mariah: Actually... you won’t. I’m moving out.
Kevin: Do you know how much surveillance footage I have to look through? Bus-station footage. It's gonna take forever. And who knows how long ago that empty envelope was left there? It could have been weeks.
Natalie: I’ll go with you.
Kevin: It's gonna be a total bore.
Natalie: Not with me around. And I am the one who saw the wig. You need these eyes.
Kevin: Well, those eyes are adorable. But I think it's gonna be a waste of time.
Natalie: Mm. Or not. All those tapes, all that time. We're probably gonna have to stay overnight. In a hotel. Maybe a couple of nights. Just the two of us. Does that sound like a waste of time?
Kevin: No.
Nikki: Oh, Chelsea. We just heard the news. I’m so sorry.
Chelsea: Adam is innocent.
Nikki: I don’t understand. Are -- are you here to... confront Victor? I mean, he has nothing to do with this.
Chelsea: Really? Is -- is that what he told you?
Nikki: Yes, and I believe him. He's devastated that he can’t do anything to help Adam. If you're here to upset Victor, I’m afraid I can't let you go in there.
Chelsea: No, actually. I’m -- I'm here to apologize. [Sighs] I’ve just been really overwhelmed, you know? So I feel like maybe I've been, um... Uh, projecting all of my fear and all of my anger onto Victor. You know, making him the bad guy in all of this. But I-I know he loves Adam. I know he wouldn't take Connor's Daddy away from him. I mean, come on. That would make him a monster, wouldn't it?
Nikki: Well, that's very generous of you.
Chelsea: So, I just feel like I-I need to be the best version of myself right now. You know, for my son's sake. Which means not harboring any anger. I need to just let all that go. And make amends. To Victor. So... I was just hoping maybe I could have a few minutes with him.
Nikki: Well, I think it would be very good for Victor to hear you say those things. Go ahead.
Mariah: Hey, there. Thanks for letting me stay. I really appreciate it.
Kevin: Anything for my old roomie. FYI, you’re gonna have the place to yourself for a few days.
Mariah: You're going away?
Natalie: We're going away.
Kevin: Well, it's business.
Natalie: And pleasure. So much pleasure. We should really be getting on the road.
Kevin: Uh, we should. Sorry I’m not gonna be there to help you get settled in. But make yourself at home again. And everything's exactly like it was.
Dylan: Hey.
Sharon: What are you doing here? Did you come back to finish that "good morning" we started?
Dylan: I, uh, actually wanted to talk to you in person.
Sharon: About what?
Dylan: Uh, Mariah. I saw her at the coffeehouse. She said she's moving out. What happened?
Sharon: She decided to move in with Kevin again and live the single-girl life.
Dylan: Oh. Okay. Well, she seemed kind of upset.
Sharon: She did? Because she was perfectly fine when she left here. I’ll call her later. What -- what's going on with you? What happened in court today?
Dylan: [Sighs] Adam took the plea.
Sharon: [Gasps]
Dylan: He's probably in a cell right now.
Sharon: Oh, my God. Poor Chelsea. And Connor.
Dylan: Yeah. It's 30 years. He doesn't belong there.
Adam: All right. Mwah! I’m gonna hold onto that, all right? That'll last me a good long time, that right there. [Chuckles]
Victor: Hi, Chelsea. I’m sorry to hear about Adam.
Chelsea: You are a lying bastard. Tell me where those journal pages are. And you better tell me right now.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: So, you're with us against Luca?
Summer: Yeah. Dad told me to keep my ears open, and he was right.
Paul: All right. Just let me take care of this first.
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