Y&R Transcript Friday 7/15/16


Episode # 10966 ~ Jack makes an important business decision; Hilary receives a wakeup call; Stitch opens up to Abby about their relationship.

Provided By Jim

Neil: Jack. I got here as fast as possible.

Jack: Yeah, thanks for coming by so quickly.

Neil: You sounded upset. What's going on? I mean, is everything okay with -- with Phyllis, or...?

Jack: Why would you ask that?

Neil: After what she went through --

Jack: Oh, the -- the whole hostage thing. Yeah, that... It was hard on her. Stirred up a lot of old emotions about Victor, things she's been struggling with.

Neil: Yeah. Little overwhelming, huh?

Jack: So much so she took a room upstairs.

Neil: She moved out?

Jack: She said she needed some time alone.

Neil: Wow. I’m sorry to hear that, Jack.

Jack: Well, thank you. That's not why I called you here. Uh, I’ve been doing some thinking. Um... There are some things I want to change at the foundation, and I want to run them by you first.

Neil: Really? What -- what kind of things?

Jack: I think it’s time we let go of Hilary.

Devon: Hey.

Hilary: You're still here.

Devon: Where else would I be?

Hilary: [Sighs] God.

Devon: Hey, take it easy.

Hilary: Why am I so weak?

Dr. Neville: So. How is my patient today?

Devon: Well, she’s alive, no thanks to the damn drugs you've been giving her. What exactly do you plan to do about this, Doctor?

[Knock on door]

Lily: It’s the manager. You called? Is there an issue with the room?

[Knock on door]

Lily: Hello? Something that, uh, requires... my assistance?

Cane: Yeah, um... I require your assistance.

Lily: Oh. Do you, uh, have a problem?

Cane: Why, as a matter of fact, I do have a problem. It's a, uh, huge problem. And it's gonna need a lot of your personal attention.

Sharon: Wow. I told you it would be beautiful up here.

Dylan: Yeah. Nice idea.

Sharon: Once the sky’s clear, we could come up here for a post-picnic drink and have a nice nightcap to our night.

Dylan: Mm. You know, uh, with my workload lately, I would have been more than happy to stay home with you and the kids. And that's usually where you want to be. Why were you so bent on getting out of the house?

Sharon: Well [Sighs] You know I really love our family time, but I love time alone with my husband, too. And how often do we ever go out?

Dylan: Never. Hey, Abby. Hi. How you doing?

Abby: Hi. Um... Dylan, Sharon, um... Hey, I'm -- I’m good. Good.

Sharon: I'm -- I was sorry to hear about Max.

Abby: Thank you. Um, he has a long way to go, but Ben and I are staying positive.

Dylan: Yeah, I guess it's probably been pretty intense since, uh, Max's operation, and you and Stitch coming back to town and trying to get back to normal.

Abby: You talked to Ben, didn't you?

Dylan: I know that he is struggling with what's happened, and that he’s closing himself off to you.

Sharon: Abby, it’s the situation. It has nothing to do with you.

Abby: I feel like it has everything to do with me.

Ashley: Hey. Wasn't expecting to see you, but I’m so glad we ran into each other.

Stitch: Actually, I was just, uh --

Ashley: How are you doing with everything?

Stitch: Max is looking a little bit better, and I think this new facility will be good for him. He'll be home before we know it.

Ashley: That’s fantastic. I -- you know, I spoke to Abby.

Stitch: Yeah, you know -- you know what, Ashley, I've got some more rounds I’ve got to make.

Ashley: She said that you've been really upset. And that you've been... really distant.

Stitch: She's got it all wrong. I’m just processing things.

Ashley: Processing. Come on. You don’t have to put on an act with me.

Stitch: It’s just not the best time to get into this, you know? I’ve got a couple things I need to wrap up, so --

Ashley: No, no, no, no, no. Not until you tell me what's really going on with you.

Ashley: Are you aware that Abby thinks that you're blaming her for what happened to Max?

Stitch: Okay, that’s not true.

Ashley: Well, that’s what I told her. I told her that in spite of how painful all this is, I mean, dealing with Max's condition, that you love her just as much as you always have.

Stitch: She shouldn't be dumping this on you.

Ashley: Of course she should. I’m her mother. It's part of my job.

Stitch: Yeah, well, um, what else did you tell her?

Ashley: I told her that she needs to have faith in her marriage, and that the two of you will work it out together. Was I wrong to say that to her?

Stitch: I don't blame Abby. I blame myself. I feel so damn guilty.

Ashley: Why? Ben, what happened with Max was not your fault.

Stitch: I'm the one who signed off on the surgery.

Ashley: That was to make it better for him, to save his life.

Stitch: Yeah, and it hasn't helped. Look, I can intellectualize this all I want. Tell myself it was the right thing to do. But this is my kid we’re talking about.

Ashley: You have to give it more time. I mean, the therapist just started working with him.

Stitch: There are no guarantees the treatment will work. And that -- that terrifies me.

Ashley: Why aren’t you talking to Abby like this?

Stitch: Abby’s my wife. She’s not my shrink. I don’t want to unload this on her and drag her into this black hole with me.

Ashley: You're shutting her out of your life.

Stitch: It’s a burden. Okay? I’m supposed to -- I'm supposed to take care of her.

Ashley: You're supposed to be taking care of each other, Ben. That's what you’re supposed to be doing. She wants to face this with you.

Stitch: Okay. What do I do?

Ashley: Well, you know what you have to do. You have to go talk to your wife. Tell her that you’re gonna work on this together and get through it.

Dylan: Look, Stitch isn't actively trying to shut you out. He's just having a really hard time coming to terms with what happened.

Abby: He keeps saying that he doesn’t blame me, but --

Dylan: Okay, then he doesn’t.

Abby: [Sighs]

Dylan: What, you don’t believe him?

Abby: He won’t even talk to me. I-I practically begged him to open up, to tell me whatever he was feeling, that we could work through it, and he -- he just won’t do it. And every day, the distance between us --

Dylan: Okay, but you can’t give up on him. You got to make him answer questions about Max and the hospital. Go with him whether he wants you to or not.

Abby: So you’re telling me I should be pushy?

Dylan: You got to get him to talk. No hiding out from each other. Sharon and I, we have, uh -- we have no secrets. We make it a point to put everything out in the open.

Abby: Everything?

Dylan: Yeah. It's not always easy, but you cannot have a strong marriage if you're not honest with each other.

Lily: What’s, uh -- What's all this about? I mean, not that I'm complaining. But are you feeling neglected?

Cane: No. I’m feeling lucky.

Lily: We are lucky... especially when you think about what Devon's going through, trying to keep --

Cane: Who is in this room?

Lily: Us.

Cane: And what are we?

Lily: Getting luckier?

Cane: Now you're talking. Come here.

Lily: Well, you, Mr. Ashby, are looking very, very sexy.

Cane: Yes. So are you, Mrs. Ashby.

Lily: What?

Cane: I don't want you to come over here for a quickie.

Lily: Okay, but I thought the point of all of this was --

Cane: No. The point of this... is that I want to make love to you.

Lily: Always.

Neil: Hey. You’re gonna fire Hilary?

Jack: That’s right.

Neil: You've always been a big advocate of Hilary's. What changed?

Jack: Neil, she crossed the line. She kissed me. Look, for a long time now, despite all the warnings, I had believed that Hilary was only pursuing a friendship with me. This kiss throws everything into a completely different light. It is possible I inadvertently encouraged her affection by being too sympathetic, too understanding. I don’t know.

Neil: Kissed?

Jack: Yet I was completely oblivious. And the thing that bothers me now is... she’s playing me. She’s using this illness, making it seem worse than it is, to get my sympathy.

Neil: Uh, well, if that's what she's --

Jack: That is exactly what’s happening, and it’s gonna stop right now. When we set up this foundation, our mission was to help people who were sick, people who needed our help.

Neil: I know.

Jack: I need to stay focused on that, not on Hilary, who’s using us and faking her illness.

Neil: Okay. Jack, I mean, look, I’m not one to defend Hilary, but in this case, I feel like I have to.

Jack: Because she's holding something over your head? No. That doesn't --

Neil: Hilary is not pretending here. I just came from the hospital. She’s not improving. It's possible that... she might not recover from this.

Dr. Neville: Hilary was responding well. I have the bloodwork to back that up.

Devon: Obviously, the bloodwork was wrong, or else she wouldn't be here right now, would she?

Dr. Neville: It's just some side effect. If I adjust the medication...

Hilary: No. I’m not gonna let you play fast and loose with my life.

Dr. Neville: I’m not playing anything. Please. You have to allow me to adjust the protocol.

Hilary: Just get out!

Devon: Neville, you heard her.

Ashley: I came to see how Hilary was doing, but I can tell this is not a good time.

Devon: No, it sure isn’t, actually.

Ashley: Neville? I think it's better if we go. Let her rest.

Dr. Neville: I don’t know what happened in there, but whatever it was, I am counting on you to work your magic again. You’ve got to get through to her. You’ve got to convince her to allow me to continue the treatment.

I'm not doing one more damn thing for you till you answer some questions.

Dr. Neville: What? I don’t --

Ashley: That woman’s life is in your hands, Neville. Now, you tell me the truth about what's happening to her before this spins even more out of

Cane: Mnh-mnh. You don’t have to do that. Come here. Stay with me. Stay with me.

Lily: No, trust me. No, I want to. I really, really do. But I have actual guests downstairs who need my actual attention.

Cane: Okay. All right. Well, I’ll, uh -- I’ll see you when I get home tonight, okay?

Lily: Why don't you come down with me?

Cane: And just watch you work? No. I don’t want to do that.

Lily: No, no. Have a bite to eat, you know, and then we can steal kisses at every opportunity.

Cane: Oh, yeah?

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: Sounds tempting.

Lily: And then, when I’m done with work, we can come back up here and we can really take our time.

Cane: I like the way you think, Mrs. Ashby. No, I love the way you think.

Lily: And I love you. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. Later. Later. Later.

Stitch: Hey.

Abby: Hi.

Stitch: I got your text you'd be here.

Abby: I'm so glad that you came. Hi.

Stitch: Hi.

Abby: Do you want to get dinner, or...?

Stitch: I could use a drink first. Join us?

Sharon: Oh, wouldn’t you two rather...?

Abby: No. Um, no. That's -- That's great. Yeah. We can do a whole double-date thing.

Dylan: All right. All right. Let’s get a drink.

Stitch: Sure. Hey, thanks, man.

Dylan: Yeah. I mean, you’re off to a good start. You know, you showed up, reaching out to her.

Stitch: Yeah. I'm trying.

Dylan: Well, she -- she wants to be there for you.

Stitch: Yeah? And why did she practically beg you and Sharon to stick around?

Dylan: Uh, the same reason you did -- because you don't know how to start the conversation, okay? So we’re gonna have a drink or two, and you can have a heart-to-heart with your wife.

Stitch: Did you and Ashley decide to tag-team it today, or is it just coincidence I'm getting the same words of wisdom from the both of you?

Dylan: Well, if the people who care about you the most are telling you the same thing, you might want to listen.

Stitch: Oh. Well, I must be so lucky that I’m surrounded by all these people that are experts in my relationship. It's just not that easy, okay?

Dylan: I know it’s not that easy. I know it’s difficult to talk about things that hurt, okay? But keeping it inside -- you’re delaying the inevitable. What you're feeling is gonna come out some way, somehow.

Stitch: You speaking from experience?

Dylan: Unfortunately. And you trust Abby, right?

Stitch: With my life.

Dylan: You got to tell her you’re scared.

Stitch: [Scoffs] All right. I suppose I can, maybe, you know, after dinner, dessert... a few drinks.

Abby: I don't know if Dylan's right about trying to force a conversation with Ben.

Sharon: Might be worth a try.

Abby: I did try, yesterday, and he basically told me that work is the only thing that helps, and then he just walked away. But then tonight... I mean, he did leave the hospital to come see me.

Sharon: So, you think pushing him now might backfire?

Abby: I'm just afraid if I don’t handle it the right way, if I pressure him, then the gap between us will grow even wider.

Sharon: Then I agree with you. Don’t do it. Leave it alone.

Abby: This coming from a woman in a marriage where everything is up front -- no secrets?

Sharon: Some things are better off left unmentioned.

Jack: Wait. How is that possible? I spoke to Dr. Neville. I saw Hilary's test results. They said she was doing much better.

Neil: Okay, Jack. I can’t explain it. But I was with Devon when Hilary collapsed. I was at the hospital when I heard the prognosis.

Jack: Oh, I feel terrible that I did not believe her.

Neil: Why? Why would you feel terrible? You have every reason in the world to doubt her. She’s told a lot of lies. She’s used blackmail to get exactly what she wants. Jack, I would love nothing more than to have this woman removed from the foundation. Do you know how much easier my life would be if she were gone? But I’m telling you, firing Hilary at this point -- that could be bad business. It's a wrong move.

Ashley: How is it possible that your lab results are showing that Hilary’s making a remarkable recovery when, in fact, she’s suffering from a severe decline?

Dr. Neville: The bloodwork was accurate, okay? It was not the result of shoddy procedure or some suicidal lab tech swapping out slides.

Ashley: That’s good to know. So, explain to me her horrible state, please.

Dr. Neville: Some kind of... delayed reaction. I don’t know. It's the only possible explanation.

Ashley: Actually, it’s not.

Dr. Neville: So, you -- you think I lied? Oh, yeah. Rather than face another setback, you're assuming that I would just adjust her test results and, on top of it, that I would tell you and her and the FDA that there was improvement when there wasn’t?

Neil: Jack, despite what Phyllis said, I think you should run by her room. Maybe you can try to work on making your marriage work out.

Jack: That may take some time, Neil.

Neil: You got to start somewhere.

Jack: I'll take all that to heart. Listen, in the meantime, we will take firing Hilary off the table?

Neil: Despite the kiss?

Jack: Well, we’ll have to work through that issue on our own, but this doesn’t seem the right time, right?

Neil: Yeah. Probably for the best.

Jack: Yeah. We'll touch base later, all right? Neil...

Neil: Okay.

Jack: ...thank you.

Neil: Yeah, Jack. Remember, you and me -- we're in it together.

Lily: Did I really just hear you convince Jack to keep Hilary on the foundation? If he wants to get rid of her, let him. Good riddance.

Neil: Wait. There’s more to it than that.

Lily: No. How could it be wrong for Hilary to be knocked down a notch? Have you forgotten that she’s evil and trying to take your son for all he's worth?

Neil: Lily, she's sick.

Lily: Oh, my God. What is it with you men and her? It's like she has you all under a spell.

Neil: I'm well aware of what Hilary is capable of. But in this case, you’re wrong. She’s in trouble.

Cane: Are you saying the treatment isn’t working?

Neil: Apparently not. And what's even more disturbing... I don’t think Neville knows how to fix it.

Dr. Neville: The fact that you could accuse me of this, after everything that we've been through --

Ashley: Please just be honest with me.

Dr. Neville: I am being honest with you. I did not, nor would I ever, falsify a test result -- indicate improvement if there was none. I swear it. You’ve got to believe me.

Ashley: I really want to believe you, Neville.

Dr. Neville: You’ve got to. Look, if I've done anything underhanded in the past, it was for the sake of my patients. If I am guilty of anything in this situation, it's of having a little too much hope. I saw improvement, and I latched on to it [Sighs] because the only thing I want, more than anything, is to save Hilary.

Ashley: Okay. So, were you aware that there were any... debilitating side effects?

Dr. Neville: There’s always a chance of an adverse reaction. You know that. You’re a chemist, a scientist.

Ashley: Instead of waiting to see if there were, in fact, some glitches in your process, you called the FDA. You told them that your new and so-called...improved medication was a success.

Dr. Neville: As far as I knew, it was a success.

Ashley: But you didn’t know -- did you -- 'cause you couldn’t? You rushed the study so you could get approval and move forward, using your brand-new test on those trial patients.

Dr. Neville: In retrospect, I-I admit I may have been a little too optimistic.

Ashley: At the very least, you are extremely careless -- and not just with your patients. I put my entire reputation on the line for you. And now we are no better off than we were when I first covered your ass.

Devon: Honey, try and relax.

Hilary: How am I supposed to do that, hmm?

Devon: I can, uh... order some Chinese for you from that place you like.

Hilary: Here in Genoa City?

Devon: No, in Chinatown.

Hilary: In New York?

Devon: Yeah. I’ll have a messenger take a private jet and have it for a midnight snack. I know how much you like those chow fun noodles I had there.

Hilary: That was -- That was a really fun night. I’m surprised you remember that.

Devon: I remember everything about that trip.

Hilary: Well, thanks, but... I think I’ll pass. Okay? Just go. You don’t have to be stuck here with me, and you definitely don’t have to take care of me.

Devon: You’re still my wife. And, more importantly, you're still the woman that I vowed to love for the rest of my life. So since you need me --

Hilary: I don't need you.

Devon: You need me. I’m not gonna let you go through all this alone.


Dylan: We should do this more often -- get out and have some fun, man.

Sharon: Oh, finally -- he admits that my dragging him out was a good idea!

Dylan: It was an excellent idea. After all, we’re all still newlyweds.

Stitch: That’s right.

Abby: Yeah. I forget that you guys were married within a month of us.

Dylan: That's right.

Sharon: You two looked so amazing at your wedding.

Dylan: Well...

Stitch: Yeah. I don’t know about me. [Laughter] You looked so beautiful, though, I couldn't stop smiling.

Abby: I remember.

Stitch: Yeah. One of the best moments of our lives, babe.

Abby: Uh... [Laughs]

Stitch: What?

Dylan: What?

Abby: Just thinking about this wedding video that someone sent me today.

Stitch: Yeah? What about?

Abby: This girl -- she was dancing in a red dress. There was a pole.

Dylan: There was a pole?

Abby: [Laughs]

Stitch: I guess I'll have to find the link and send it to you later.

Sharon: You know, that reminds me -- I was gonna post this funny thing that Sully does all the time. You know how boys can be. You know, I-I-I didn't even think. Um...

Stitch: It’s all right.

Sharon: I-I was just... telling you a funny story about our son.

Sharon: Um, after Abby’s miscarriage and everything with Max, I-I should have, um -- I should have been more sensitive.

Dylan: Not at all. I’m sure Stitch and Abby didn’t take offense.

Abby: Of course we didn't.

Stitch: We understand, Sharon.

Abby: Yeah, and, besides, you shouldn’t have to stop talking about your kids around us. We want to hear about your family. We want to know that they’re doing well.

Sharon: Well, thanks for that. Speaking of family, we have --

Dylan: Yeah, we should -- We should head home.

Sharon: Yeah.

Dylan: I’m sure you could use some time alone.

Abby: Good night.

Stitch: All right.

Sharon: Thanks.

Stitch: Hey, thanks.

Dylan: Yeah. No problem. Talk to her.

Stitch: I will.

Dylan: Thanks.

Sharon: Thank you.

Dylan: Come on.

Stitch: [Sighs]

Neil: You know, um, I have to do an interview for the foundation, but I plan to run by the hospital later. Do you want to meet me there?

Lily: Uh, no. I have no interest in doing that.

Neil: For your brother’s sake.

Cane: You know what? I think the three of us in the same room’s just gonna guarantee a scene, and Hilary doesn’t need any more stress. Maybe we should -- We shouldn't go.

Lily: Okay, look -- I'm not happy that Hilary is ill. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But her condition doesn’t erase all the horrible things that she’s done. I’m not gonna hang out at the hospital, pretending like we're all friends.

Neil: You know, your brother’s gonna be there, too. He hasn’t left since she arrived.

Lily: Okay. Well, that's just part of our plan to keep Hilary from getting his money, right?

Neil: Well, no. Wait. It's not that simple. This whole crisis has stirred up a lot of things.

Lily: Oh, my God. Do not tell me that he's falling in love with her again.

Neil: I'm gonna tell you that your brother needs support.

Lily: I will support my brother, but I will not support him standing by a woman who’s just used him and thrown him away.

Jack: Hey. I just heard about Hilary. How is she?

Ashley: Uh, she's stable, but it's pretty rough.

Jack: You stood behind Neville’s test results. You said she was faking it.

Ashley: She was, Jack.

Jack: Well, based on that, I accused her of lying and walked out on her. Now she’s in the hospital?

Ashley: I'm sorry. I really am. The lab results -- Look, I was wrong.

Jack: You know what? There’s enough guilt to go around these days. The important thing is making things right.

Hilary: Even after everything I put you through, you still want to stay?

Devon: Our marriage falling apart isn’t one-sided. And I want to be here for you.

Hilary: Devon...

Devon: I don’t expect anything in return except --

Hilary: Except what?

Devon: Except you do your best to get better.

Hilary: What if I can't? What if I don’t make it out of this hospital? [Sighs] I’m really scared.

[Door opens]

Jack: Hey, I’m sorry to interrupt. I just want to talk to Hilary. I am so sorry I didn't believe you. You have no idea how much I regret that.

Hilary: Thank you... for coming and telling me that, Jack. But I understand why you said the things that you said. You were a victim of Dr. Neville’s lies, just like I was. That man cannot be trusted. I am starting to think that he deliberately tried to kill me.

Ashley: Okay. With all due respect, that is kind of a ridiculous accusation, don’t you think?

Hilary: Is it? Maybe he wanted revenge from me blackmailing him. He had to have known that there were serious side effects, but he pumped those drugs into my system, and he never warned me.

Ashley: Okay, but, you know, he's not a person that goes around trying to hurt other people. He's dedicated himself to saving lives. He saved yours before, Hilary. He wants to save it again.

Devon: He's been gambling with Hilary’s life, and that's why she’s here right now, paying for his mistakes, okay? I’m having a new doctor come and oversee things.

Ashley: I could understand why you feel this way, but in spite of everything, I still believe that Neville's protocol is your best bet.

Devon: Ashley, I don’t want Simon Neville anywhere near Hilary, and if you're as smart as I know you are, you will stop defending the guy and you’ll cut ties before he drags you down

Dr. Neville: Take another.

Ashley: Make that two, please.

Dr. Neville: How’d you find me?

Ashley: Deductive reasoning.

Dr. Neville: I’m unfamiliar with whatever that is.

Ashley: Well, you're easy to find. You should know that about yourself -- you’re easy to find.

Dr. Neville: A more pertinent question is, "Why did you find me?" I mean, why bother? I got the distinct feeling you were thoroughly done with me. And understandably so. Everything you said was justified -- my passion for the work, my arrogance, my desperation for a cure. They all conspired to cloud my judgment, but I never meant to be reckless with Hilary’s life. [Sighs] If only...

Ashley: If only what?

Dr. Neville: If only she’d let me finish the job... she’d let me continue to treat her. Right now, even as we speak, I'm sure that she and Devon are seeking the treatment of another specialist.

Ashley: Yeah. You’re pretty much right on the target with that one. And Hilary also went so far as to say she thought maybe you were trying to kill her.

Dr. Neville: I would never --

Ashley: And I reminded them of that.

Dr. Neville: [Chuckles] Didn't help, did it? Well, to be honest, I can’t say I blame her. If I was in her position, God knows what would be going through my head right now. No, I betrayed her trust. I jeopardized everything we worked on in the drug trial. I should probably resign. Worst of all... you’ve lost faith in me.

Ashley: Not entirely.

Cane: Hey. Permission to approach.

Lily: Yes. You are safe. My dad and Devon -- not so much. I just -- I had to walk away. I couldn't stand there and listen to him say how Devon was running to Hilary’s side.

Cane: But she's sick.

Lily: Look, I know I’ve joked about Hilary dying, and, obviously, I want her to make a full recovery. I’m just hoping that Devon stays far away when that happens.

Cane: Well, having been in Devon’s shoes, I don't think that's possible.

Lily: It’s not the same.

Cane: Do you realize it was about seven years ago today that you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer?

Lily: Yes, but you and I --

Cane: We were estranged, and I was on my way out of town.

Lily: And you didn’t go, thank God.

Cane: No.

Lily: You fought for me and for us.

Cane: And every second of the day, you're all I thought about. And I prayed you'd get better, 'cause I knew if I lost you, I'd have nothing. And now I think Devon’s fearful that's gonna happen to the woman he loves.

Jack: Devon, Hilary is young and strong. She’s gonna get through this.

Devon: I appreciate you coming to check on her.

Jack: Hey, look, I’m happy to do anything I can to help. Hilary's a very important part of my life.

Devon: Jack, I can take care of my wife, okay? I think you should focus on taking care of yours.

Dylan: All is well with the kids.

Sharon: I can't believe I put my foot in my mouth right when things were going so well.

Dylan: All right. You beat yourself up the whole way home. I now give you permission to let it go.

Sharon: But things were going so well.

Dylan: Oh, Stitch and Abby are probably already over it. Think about -- Think about the good you did tonight.

Sharon: They did seem to be reconnecting.

Dylan: Yeah, and now they're alone, and maybe they’ll have a real talk and start working on their problems.

Sharon: You're such a good man -- always helping and watching out for other people. I don’t deserve you.

Dylan: Are you kidding me? I mean, you’re the one who makes it easy for me to go out and be a good cop and... know that I have you to come home to. Sharon?

Sharon: I have an idea. May I have this dance? [Laughs]

Abby: It turned out to be a really beautiful night.

Stitch: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's perfect out, right?

Abby: Ben... there’s something I need to say

Dr. Neville: I would think you’d be happy to wash your hands of me.

Ashley: Nope. You’re not finished with me yet, Neville. Mnh. Whew! You can’t walk away from your patients, especially not Hilary. There are no other physicians on this planet that know the ins and outs of her case like you do, so you have to keep treating her.

Dr. Neville: She doesn’t want anything to do with me.

Ashley: I know.

Dr. Neville: You just said she thinks I'm trying to end her life.

Ashley: And you have to change her mind, and you have to convince her that she needs your help, because I honestly believe that you are the only one that can save her.

Devon: I thought this might help.

Hilary: Ohh. Yes. That is exactly what I needed.

Devon: Okay. How, uh -- How do you like the new doctor?

Hilary: He’s okay, I guess. Talks a good game.

Devon: I’m sure you're probably tired. I’ll leave -- stop bugging you.

Hilary: You're not bugging me. I’m -- I'm glad that you're here.

Devon: We're gonna get through this, Hilary -- together.

Stitch: I think I know what you’re gonna say.

Abby: I just -- I wanted to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed tonight.

Stitch: Oh. Really?

Abby: Yeah. I miss this.

Stitch: Oh, my God. Me too.

Abby: [Sighs]

Singer: I don’t think you’re understanding when I tell you That my love for you’s much deeper than you know I think this world has played its tricks on you, kid ’Cause I’d never leave you out there in the cold Please, oh, please listen closely When I say I’ll never leave you here alone Believe me when, when I tell you That your heart is where Where I've made my home Where I've made my home

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chloe: This is a big day for us, Dee Dee. It's a big, big day.

Dylan: If you have any desire to save your son, now is the time.

Michael: Adam is taking the plea.

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