Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/14/16
Episode # 10965 ~ Victor's accomplice surfaces in Genoa City; Michael offers Adam sound advice; Sharon struggles to keep her secret.
Provided By Jim
Chelsea: Time to celebrate!
Adam: You sure about that?
Chelsea: Oh, I am sure. I am sure, because it is happening. You made a deal with --
Adam: With the devil.
Chelsea: With Victor. Suddenly Dylan gets new evidence. I think it means that Victor finally decided to step up and clear your name, which means... we drink champagne.
Adam: Okay, yeah. No, I guess it would numb the pain of Victor's boot on the back of my neck. I tell you what -- I'd like to think that Dylan's out there not only finding the pages, that -- that he’s reading them.
Chelsea: Well, yeah, and that's good news, right?
Adam: Yeah, too bad I just had to sell my soul to get it.
Chelsea: No, you didn't sell your soul, Adam. It's just a job.
Adam: It’s a job at Newman, babe.
Chelsea: It wasn’t so long ago that you wanted a job at Newman.
Adam: Well, it wasn't so long ago that I was a self-destructive idiot. Thing is, I can’t afford to act like that anymore. I’ve got people counting on me. I’ve got you, Connor.
Chelsea: Okay, listen to me. Listen to me. You are a wonderful person. You are a wonderful father. You are a wonderful husband. You’ve finally become the man that you were always meant to be. Victor is not gonna be able to take that away from you. [Knock on door]
Adam: I'll get it.
Chelsea: Besides, I think it's a good thing, you know? Maybe, uh, you could go back to Newman. You can make it into a better company. Maybe you can turn Victor into a nice person, you know? It's possible. Maybe.
[Cork pops]
Chelsea: Ooh! Oh!
Michael: [Chuckles] Should I have worn my flak jacket?
Adam: That was a cork, not a bullet.
Chelsea: Yeah, we are celebrating. Dylan found new evidence to clear Adam. He's as good as free.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah. Detective McAvoy.
Sharon: This is the detective’s wife calling, and since lunch didn't work out, she would like to invite you for a picnic. It's just a little break, Dylan. You need it.
Dylan: You know what? I have to, uh, meet Kevin. It's important.
Sharon: Kevin? What's going on with him?
Dylan: Well, I got to find out if somebody’s lying to me.
Sharon: What -- What? I-I don’t understand.
Dylan: I got to go. We'll talk later.
Sharon: Dylan? Dylan?
Mariah: Sharon. What’s wrong?
[Door closes]
Sharon: Your friend is what's wrong. Kevin is going to tell Dylan about Sage! My husband's never going to forgive me!
Natalie: You’re obsessed.
Kevin: I’m working.
Natalie: Well, take a break.
Kevin: Hey, this woman, whoever she is, could be the one who made the IP trail from the oil spills lead back to you, as in wanted you busted for a crime you didn't commit. You want to let that slide? Because I don’t.
Natalie: You’re married to your mission because of me. It's nerd romance.
Kevin: And because a guy is being framed for murder. So yeah, two people are being set up, one who kind of deserves it, even though no one really deserves it, not even Adam, and you don’t deserve it at all.
Natalie: You’re protecting me. It's...
Kevin: Overbearing? Presumptuous?
Natalie: Nice. I was gonna say nice.
Kevin: Oh.
Natalie: [Chuckles] Still no clear image of her face?
Kevin: [Sighs] No. It's like she knows every single security camera in town. I’ve got shots of her hair and her hat but no facial features ever.
Natalie: But how could she avoid every camera in town? It's not possible.
Kevin: She’s working for Victor Newman. Anything is possible.
Victor: What are you doing here?
Chloe: I'm asking the questions. What happened in court? Why did you say that Adam isn’t a murderer? Because yeah, he is. That's not up for debate.
Victor: Adam did not kill Constance Bingham. She died of natural causes.
Chloe: [Scoffs] But he's still a murderous sack that deserves to rot. Adam is the reason my little ??
Mariah: No, Kevin said that he wouldn’t say anything to Dylan about you or what you’re going through. He said he wouldn’t, so he won’t.
Sharon: Dylan just got through telling me that he needs to talk to Kevin about lies, about somebody who's lying to him. What else could that be about?
Mariah: In this town? Literally anything.
Sharon: No. I think that Kevin changed his mind and he is going to tell Dylan that I went off my meds and I was seeing Sage, how I hit you -- by accident. And then once that starts, all the rest of it will come out -- my guilt, Sullivan, Christian.
Mariah: Sharon, look at me, please. Kevin doesn’t know about Sully, and he's not gonna know unless you tell him, so saying the name Christian doesn’t help anyone.
Sharon: I swore to Dylan that I didn't stop taking my meds. If he finds out about Sage, he's gonna know that I went off of them. He's gonna ask me why I went off of them, and he’s not gonna let up until he gets the whole truth!
Mariah: Hey. Listen to me. You are overreacting.
Sharon: I lied about our baby.
Mariah: And we’re handling it! I know that you think that the world is caving in, but it's not. Your brain chemistry is still adjusting to being back on the meds, okay? You are back on them, right?
Sharon: What? Now you don't believe me?
Mariah: No, I'm just saying. I know how you act when you’re on them. And this is not how you act when you’re okay. You just need to calm down, take deep breaths, go to your happy place. Try to act...
Sharon: What? Sane? Are you saying --
Mariah: No, just try to be yourself, please. The only way that Dylan is gonna find out about any of this is if you tell him, and you said that you wouldn't do that. Now, if you’ve changed your mind, that's something that I need to know -- now.
Sharon: I haven't.
Mariah: Then please calm the hell down.
Sharon: Okay, I am. I will. Could you please just talk to your friend Kevin to make sure he hasn’t ruined everything, if it isn't too late already?
Natalie: So, what are you saying? Whatever hacker Victor used to frame me is now erasing lady ghost from all footage in town?
Kevin: That, or she is a ghost or a mass hallucination, both of which seem unlikely.
Natalie: As opposed to Victor teaching some random to duck security cameras and delete camera footage?
Kevin: What? You don’t think Victor would go to extremes? Allow me to tell you a story about a drug lord he found in a Peruvian prison.
Natalie: Fine. So what do you have? Lady ghost is vapor, as far as footage goes. What are you gonna do about it?
Kevin: I don’t know. But she had to have left a digital trail somewhere. I just have to find it.
Natalie: You’re worse on reading social cues than I am. That was me offering to help. Let me give it a shot.
Kevin: I got it.
Natalie: Yeah, I can see that you think you do.
Dylan: Kevin. The station said you were here. I need you to do a job for me.
Kevin: Yeah. What do you need?
Dylan: Okay, I need you to trace an anonymous tip that came in on Adam's case.
Kevin: A tip? Who’d have information like that?
Dylan: Uh, or better yet, who would pretend to have information like that?
Kevin: A false lead?
Dylan: Yes. But they definitely want us to know that they know something about the case, but I don’t know why.
Kevin: Wait, was this an anonymous man or an anonymous woman?
Chloe: We had an agreement, Victor. A verbal contract that did not include you defending Adam in court. So please explain to me why.
Victor: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Chloe: Explain to me why I framed the guy when you were just gonna get up there and say, "Oh, no, he’s my son. He's my son, and yeah, I think that he’s actually a sweet, decent, non-murderous person," because that's a lie.
Victor: Lower your voice. That's not the only reason you agreed. You agreed because I upheld my end of the bargain. I gave you all the tools you needed.
Chloe: And then you yanked it all away in court with one little phrase. You know, I-I think that you're playing me, and I don’t like it.
Victor: Listen to me. I told you, and you and I agreed, that you would do what I asked to do -- to go away, far away from here, and start a new life. We agreed.
Chloe: It's not happening. Our agreement was rendered null and void when you got up on that stand and acted like nice daddy. I’m staying right here in Genoa City, and this time, well, I’m gonna make sure that Adam pays.
Adam: Not really how I wanted you to find out, but, uh, I went ahead and made a deal with Victor.
Michael: Of course you did. Go on.
Adam: Well, once he and I reached an agreement, he said there would be some evidence that would, uh, you know, just, poof, appear, evidence that would prove that I'm innocent. And then shortly after that, Dylan got a phone call, anonymous phone call, about what we presumed to be that, you know, said evidence.
Chelsea: Yeah, so now we’re drinking champagne. So I'm gonna get you a glass. I’ll be back.
Michael: Thank you. Not right now.
Chelsea: Uh, yeah, but it's good news.
Michael: Yeah. I can tell by the look on Adam's face we’re all ecstatic.
Chelsea: This is what it takes to keep my husband out of prison, Michael, so I don’t really care. I’ll drink the whole bottle if I have to. It's good news. It is.
Michael: It's promising.
Chelsea: Exactly. Thank you.
Michael: I’ll talk to Dylan to see what we have to do to resolve this quickly. What kind of evidence are we talking about?
Adam: Uh, the, uh, the missing pages from Sage’s journal, the one that Victor replaced with the forged ones, the ones that say I’m a killer. You -- You were there. You know the story.
Michael: All right, you'll need the handwriting specialist and some tech analysis for the ink and paper. Got it. All right, um... [Chuckles] Listen, Adam. I know this isn’t what you wanted, a deal with Victor instead of vindication with no strings attached, but Chelsea’s right. Better to have you out here than in a cell, no matter what it takes.
Chelsea: Thank you, Michael. Keep me posted if you talk to Dylan.
Michael: Sure.
[Door closes]
Chelsea: [Sighs] It was the right thing to do.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: You know that, right? I mean, Victor -- he holds the key to your freedom. This was the smart and rational choice, really your only choice.
Adam: Yeah. Babe, you remember a couple years ago Victor offered you $10 million to leave town? $10 million. You told him to go spit, right, 'cause you didn’t want him to control your life.
Chelsea: Completely different scenario, Adam. That was a lifetime ago. This is a different situation. Right here, right now, that is all we worry about.
Adam: I agree. This is all that matters -- my family. And now every waking moment that I spend with you two I'm gonna owe to Victor Newman.
Chelsea: Just don't look at it like that.
Adam: Well, how am I supposed to look at it? What other way am I supposed to look at --
Chelsea: It's a means to an end. Keeping you out of prison. That's how you look at it.
Adam: And all it cost me was a little piece of my humanity.
Chelsea: No. No.
Adam: [Sighs]
Chelsea: Victor can't change the kind of man that you are. You’re an amazing person. Victor can't change that. He won't.
Adam: You sure about that?
Chelsea: I am sure. And my heart is connected to your heart, so yes, I’m sure.
Adam: Thank you. [Sighs]
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Adam: How about some of that ??
Chelsea: Mmm. Think about all the things we’ll get to do after you’re cleared. Get to go to dinners again, get to, um, oh, say goodbye to your guard waiting outside.
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. You make it sound like house arrest is a bad thing. I, for one, am gonna miss the smell of his cologne, that tacky whatever it is he wears.
Chelsea: [Laughs] I know. I’m gonna miss it, too. I’m pretty sure it's soaked into the carpet.
Adam: Hmm.
Chelsea: But the guard will be gone.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: However, you will be right here with me.
Adam: Hmm. All that time, what, uh, what will we do?
Chelsea: What will we do? What won’t we do? You know, dishes.
Adam: Uh-huh.
Chelsea: Laundry. And then sometimes out of the blue, I’ll just, uh, I'll just look at you like this.
Adam: That -- That is -- That is a good look.
Chelsea: It works for you, does it?
Adam: That, uh... Yeah, that works, too.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Adam: Ah. Wow. This is... definitely a celebration.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. You can celebrate with me all you want.
Adam: Yeah?
Chelsea: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Adam: Hmm?
Dylan: Whoever called in the tip used a voice distorter, so it could have been a man or a woman.
Kevin: Well, those are the two main choices. I was hoping we could narrow it down from there.
Dylan: Okay, you asked me for a reason, so what do you know?
Kevin: About the caller?
Dylan: About any of it.
Kevin: Nothing specifically.
Dylan: Okay. Uh, off topic, it turns out somebody hacked into Walworth Penitentiary's security footage.
Kevin: Huh. Really?
Dylan: Yeah. Really. And that's all I'm gonna say about it because I don't want to know, Kevin.
Kevin: Funny. You sounded just like Paul. Like father, like son, I guess.
Dylan: [Chuckles] Get on the trace.
Kevin: Yeah, I’m on it.
Michael: Dylan, a word?
Kevin: Hello to you, too.
Michael: I was getting to you. Natalie.
Natalie: Yep. It’s me.
Michael: I understand you received a phone call about evidence pertaining to my client's case.
Dylan: Yeah, I did.
Michael: And what? You were gonna make me wait until you file it with the station? I’m gonna need that with my discovery materials.
Dylan: I won’t be filing any evidence.
Michael: [Chuckles] If it has bearing on the case, yes, you will.
Dylan: Why -- Why are you so eager to hear about this alleged evidence? You act like your client's gonna get good news.
Michael: Since my client is innocent, any legitimate new evidence would have to be in his favor, eh?
Dylan: There is no evidence, okay? I got played. Nothing but an empty envelope.
Michael: Nothing?
Dylan: Nothing.
Michael: That's unfortunate.
Dylan: That's one word for it, Michael. Somebody's wasting my time, and I’m gonna find out who. Excuse me.
Michael: Yeah -- Yes, hello, Adam, this is Michael. I know it’s too late to shove that cork back in the bottle, but, uh, it turns out that Victor's lead led to nothing. And, uh, I'm not gonna let him get away with this.
Kevin: Bye to you, too. Okay, so I'm tracing a garbage anonymous call that led to no new evidence? This doesn't sound like a waste of time at all.
Dylan: Hold on, it wasn't just a crank because they led me to a location. They wanted me to think I was getting something. And considering the fact that Chelsea, Adam, and your brother all seem to know something that they're not telling me --
Kevin: Who’s the best? I am. Your call came from... a burner phone. Well, that was more anticlimactic than expected.
Dylan: So you got nothing?
Kevin: No, I got that the call came from a burner phone. If you want, I can try and find out where it was purchased, but that hardly ever pans out.
Natalie: And even if it does and you get the point of purchase, then we have to track down the security footage. And we know that's always productive.
Dylan: I don’t want to hear anything about security footage, okay? You know what? My wife mentioned a picnic. You keep working. I’m gonna take a break to go see my wife and kid.
Kevin: Good idea. Do it. I mean, not that we don’t enjoy your company. We do, but I'm sure your wife enjoys it more. I think it'll be good for her and, uh, good for you.
Dylan: Well, that's one thing you’re right about today, Kevin.
Sharon: I love you. And I’m never going to leave you. It's my job to protect you, because I’m your mommy and I always will be. And even if it didn’t start out that way, even if something happens, even if they find out... we'll go away somewhere. All of us. You, me, Daddy, Faith. And I’ll make Dylan understand. He wouldn’t want to lose you, either. You’re the child he’s always waited for, a baby he deserves. We'll all be together, all of us.
Victor: Listen. You cannot stay in town. Someone will see you. They'll realize that you're no longer in that psychiatric facility.
Chloe: [Scoffs] Where I never should have been in the first place because I'm not crazy, technically. Running down Adam was a perfect, rational response to that bastard being alive. And you more than anyone understand the need to make others pay, Victor.
Victor: I do. I do. And that's why we agreed to work together, because I understood and you understood, you know? But, I mean, this latest maneuver of yours won’t work. You need to leave town.
Chloe: Well, I want to see him pay because it's what he deserves.
Victor: Wait a minute. Don’t you understand that if we frame him for murder, that's a crime. You and I will be charged and convicted. And then what will happen to your relationship with your ??
[Door opens]
Sharon: Mariah?
Dylan: Hey.
Sharon: Oh, you're home.
Dylan: Yeah.
Sharon: You -- You said that you had to go see Kevin.
Dylan: Yeah, I did. Uh, the problem is, it didn’t really solve anything because I don’t know who to believe or who I can trust. I can usually trust my instincts when somebody’s lying to me, but I don’t know. Maybe I’m just too close to it or I just don’t want to see it.
Sharon: Okay, w-what did Kevin say to you? Because you know you can't trust him. He's totally unpredictable. His history is shady. He'll say whatever he wants to say, whether it’s true or not, so, Dylan, please just forget about what he said.
Dylan: Since when do you feel like this about Kevin?
Kevin: I’ve got nothing. No idea where that burner phone was purchased.
Natalie: But we still think this leads back to the great Victor Newman, right?
Kevin: I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I am without thought.
Mariah: There you are. Oh.
Natalie: "Oh," what?
Mariah: I didn’t expect to see you.
Natalie: You mean here? 'Cause you see me here a lot. Or did you mean you didn't expect to see me here with Kevin since you tried to squeeze me out, suddenly needing his help and his attention and a shoulder to cry on?
Kevin: Oh, whoa. I didn't say anything about the crying.
Natalie: But she did try to squeeze me out.
Mariah: You are very, very paranoid, which is fine. Get in line. I’ve had enough paranoia for one day. The reason I'm here -- Dylan is looking for you, but before you say anything to him --
Natalie: Too late. He was here.
Mariah: You saw him?
Kevin: Yeah, but he left to go see Sharon, which was obviously the only choice.
Mariah: What did you --
Natalie: Hey, we’re working here.
Mariah: How could you possibly cave like that? Suddenly you're buddy-buddy, chummy-chummy with Natalie again and your loyalty to me flies out the window?!
[Both laugh]
[Both breathing heavily]
Chelsea: Ooh.
Adam: You're perfect. This is gonna be my new mission, you know? Just do that all the time.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Adam: Take care of you, protect you and Connor. My new goal, okay?
Chelsea: You’re doing a pretty great job of it so far.
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: But your phone is blowing up. Oh, it's Michael.
Adam: Huh.
Chelsea: He left you a voicemail. Do you think he could have gotten the charges dropped already?
Adam: Let's find out.
Chelsea: What? What'd he say? How long until you're cleared?
[Cell phone clatters]
Adam: It’s looking like never. [Sighs] Victor screwed me over again.
Victor: Being with your daughter is very important to you, isn't it? I mean, you hated to be apart, didn't you? Well, that's why I took very good care of her when you were hospitalized. And now you have her back. It's what you wanted. Remember? Why don’t you go somewhere and raise her somewhere else far away from here so she can enjoy her mother and you can enjoy your daughter?
Chloe: That kid is my life. She’s the joy that I never thought that I would have again. But she will also never know her big sister. They will never sleep in bunk beds together, and they will never camp in the backyard. They'll never talk about how bossy I am.
Victor: I understand all of that.
Chloe: Little Bella will never know Delia, and that is because of Adam. And you went ahead and you defend that monster on the stand? Why would you do that? You wanted him to pay because he betrayed you, and I bent over backwards to make that happen.
Victor: Listen to me. You have got to know that whatever I said on the stand didn't clear him, okay? The evidence is overwhelmingly against him because of you. You did a hell of a job.
Chloe: Yeah, damn right I did.
Victor: But don't jeopardize it now by coming here. Go take your beautiful daughter somewhere and raise her. She deserves that. And you deserve that. So don't ruin everything.
[Knock on door, door opens]
Michael: Victor, we need to -- w-we need to talk.
Sharon: I'm sorry. I-I shouldn’t have said it that way. It was just motherly instinct. Because no matter what Mariah says, Kevin did hurt her when he started seeing Natalie. And even before that, he didn’t cut her into Pass Key. You know, when you trust someone that much and then they abandon you, I just -- I have no patience for Kevin right now. But I wasn't wrong when I said he's not trustworthy. I wasn't out of line.
Dylan: Well, I have worked with Kevin enough to know that, you know, he's a good guy with good instincts. And his hacking has saved lives when you get down to it. I mean, this guy never gives up. He keeps digging. And I know that he has a past record, but he has helped the police out a lot.
Sharon: But you were talking about lies and someone you can't trust.
Dylan: Yeah. Or not giving me the whole story.
Sharon: You must have brought it up for a reason.
Dylan: Uh, just a gut feeling about a case.
Sharon: Can't give me specifics?
Dylan: Ah, I didn't come home to bore you with work.
Sharon: I'm not bored. No, I’m... You’re obviously having some doubts about someone or something.
Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah, you know, when -- when I was in combat, I could -- I could anticipate things before they happened. And I guess that's what makes me a pretty good cop. And now I can tell there's more to a story than I’m getting. Doesn’t matter how good a liar the person is. I don’t know. Maybe it's in my blood. You know, Paul has it. His father probably did, too. And I bet Sully’s gonna be the same way. Built-in lie detector just like his old man.
Mariah: You have no idea how hard it has been keeping Sharon calm, convincing her that you are not gonna screw us over!
Kevin: Who said I screwed you over?
Mariah: And the way that I defended you. I swore that you were my friend and there was no way that you were going to go to Dylan and tell him about the meds. And what do you do? You sold her out! You went straight to Dylan, who’s probably on his way right now to confront Sharon, which is going to absolutely send her over the edge! And why am I not surprised? I-I mean, whatever this is, whatever this was, whatever friendship that we are supposed to have --
Kevin: We have a friendship.
Mariah: ...it obviously means nothing to you. "Trust no one." Those were words that I lived by, and I forgot them because of you, and now I'm remembering them again because of you!
Kevin: Could you freak out a little more for no reason at all? I didn't rat out Sharon. I didn't say anything about the meds, seeing Sage, or sending you to the E.R. I didn't betray you. I didn't betray Sharon. But please, tell me some more about how much I've crushed your spirit.
Mariah: Y-You didn’t say anything?
Kevin: I didn't.
Mariah: Then what were you talking about?
Kevin: Well, I told Dylan I would work on the case he asked me to work on, then he said he was gonna go have a picnic with his wife, who, as far as he’s concerned, is not hallucinating about a dead woman. I said, "That’s a great idea. You should do that." Wow. I hate myself. What a despicable person I am.
Natalie: Who’s your little buddy, Victor? Boom.
Victor: Why did the damn guards let you in here without my permission?
Michael: Because you’re a prisoner, Victor, not their C.E.O. Will you excuse us? I’m here for Sage’s journal pages. Where are they? The real ones, to be specific, with no lies about Adam poisoning Constance.
Victor: If there were real pages, then why come to me?
Michael: Because you have them or you know where they’re being stored.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Look, Adam told me about your deal. He works for you, you clear his name, but you’ve reneged already. Why is that?
Victor: Don't know what you’re talking about.
Michael: Really? [Chuckles] Save that for somebody who hasn't seen you pull stunts like this before. Look, was this deal just to confirm that you could bend Adam to your will? And Dylan -- Why did you send him off on some wild goose chase? [Scoffs] You built Adam up. You built his hopes up just to smash him down again. That's sloppy work, Victor. You sent him out to find something that wasn’t there. He's not gonna forget that, and I’m not gonna forget it, either.
Victor: So now you’ll never represent me again? What am I gonna do?
Michael: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
[Door slams]
Victor: Where are Sage’s diary pages? You’re the only person who knew the location.
Chloe: Oh, that's not true. Your little minion knew, the one who gave that super-secret tip to Dylan McAvoy.
Victor: Where are the pages?
Chloe: You think I have them?
Victor: Uh-huh.
Chloe: Oh, you do?
Victor: Yeah.
Chloe: Oh, you think that I heard that you were defending Adam, and I, oh, I don't know, maybe I decided to make sure that they ended up someplace safe, someplace where no one would ever see them and realize that there's actual proof that Adam didn’t kill that old woman? Well, that would [Chuckles] -- that would be so devious of me.
Victor: Listen to me. I know you're a little cuckoo. But you’re playing a very dangerous game.
Chloe: Old Lady Bingham, she got to do everything that she wanted in life. But Delia, she never got to do anything. She never got to be on a kickass debate team. She never got to be homecoming queen, which she totally would have. You know, she never got to go to high school and she never got to graduate college. She never got to hike the stupid Alps. And somehow Adam can be convicted for killing her after he got away with killing my little girl? Yeah, it's justice. I will take it. Adam will go to jail, Victor, because yeah, I have those pages.
Victor: Now, Chloe, I understand your pain. I really do. But remember, I gave you back your daughter. I could just as easily take her away. So you have to make up your mind. Do you want vengeance for poor Delia, who was killed in a tragic accident, or do you want a beautiful future with your beautiful, new daughter?
Chelsea: No, this can't be happening. Victor wouldn’t do this. He wouldn’t play -- He wouldn’t play games like this. He wouldn’t truly let us think that you were gonna be free only to --
Adam: Every single time I think I know how that man’s brain works, he surprises me. Why -- Why -- Why would I think anything different?
Chelsea: But this whole thing was his idea! He wanted you at Newman Enterprises! He wants you to owe him! He -- He wants to feel like he can control you.
Adam: Yeah, no, that’s what I thought the endgame was, having me work at Newman whether I wanted to or not. Turns out this was the endgame, right? He dangles hope in front of me, and he pulls the rug out.
Chelsea: No, no.
Adam: I've done this to myself. I tell you, I’ve done this to all of us. This is my fault.
Chelsea: Maybe he's just dragging this out, you know? Maybe we'll just, like, find other evidence. It'll -- It’ll -- It'll be okay.
Adam: It’s not gonna be okay. It's never gonna be okay. He won. Chelsea, he won and I lost.
Chelsea: I thought this was gonna be over today. We had champagne.
Mariah: I am a jerk. I am. I just assumed that you ratted Sharon out. That is how twisted my brain has got. I assume the worst about a human being that I actually like. And I hardly like anyone!
Kevin: I’m impressed you called me a human being.
Mariah: And then I make it all about me and obsess about my situation without even saying I’m sorry. And now I’m stalling. I’m sorry. I'm a jerk.
Kevin: Yeah, you are.
Mariah: So are you.
Kevin: [Sighs] Look, we grew up not knowing who to trust, right? So we’re not good at it. But thank you.
Mariah: For screaming at you. You’re welcome.
Kevin: No, for defending me to Sharon. That's -- That's cool.
Mariah: I will always defend you. When I'm not screaming at you. [Chuckles]
Kevin: I know.
Natalie: Enough with your drama. I found something you want to see.
Kevin: Oh. Come on.
Sharon: Well, it’s not the picnic I had planned, but...
Dylan: Well, you know, a picnic this close to the fridge -- perfect.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Faith: If it rained, sandwiches would get soggy.
Dylan: That's right.
Faith: Can I bring a pony to Share Day at camp?
Sharon: Hmm. That's a sweet idea.
Dylan: You gonna put him in your backpack?
Faith: He wouldn’t fit.
Sharon: Well, maybe something else, then.
Faith: I know! I’ll take Sage.
Sharon: What?
Dylan: Faith, you know that Sage is gone, right?
Faith: I see her every day.
Sharon: Faith.
Faith: I’ll be right back.
Dylan: Uh, what was she -- was she talking about? You two see Sage every day? What does she mean by that?
[Footsteps approach]
Faith: No one at camp got to meet Sage, but this way, they can see her. It's like you and Daddy said. Sage will always be with us.
Adam: Tell me something's changed since you left that voicemail.
Chelsea: It was a misunderstanding and Dylan found the pages after all?
Michael: The only thing Dylan found was an empty envelope in a locker. I spoke with Victor.
Adam: Let me guess. He was a ton of help.
Michael: He gave away no information. No reaction whatsoever.
Chelsea: Okay, well, maybe it's a sign. Maybe he wasn’t gloating because this isn't over. Maybe he's just being cautious, you know? He doesn't want things to lead back to him. And then maybe he’ll let the pages emerge when the time is right.
Michael: I understand the need to be hopeful, but no, Chelsea, I don't think that’s gonna happen.
Adam: We’re running out of time here.
Michael: Unfortunately, he’s right. Now is the best time to approach Christine with a plea.
Chelsea: No. No!
Michael: I’m afraid there's no way around it. Adam is gonna spend time in prison one way or the other. A way to lessen the blow is a plea bargain.
Chelsea: No. There has to be another way.
Adam: He’s right, babe. We take the deal.
Natalie: There.
Mariah: The woman who looks suspiciously like you from behind? I see her.
Natalie: The hair, the way it moves. You see it, right?
Kevin: I see hair.
Natalie: It's a wig. She’s wearing a disguise.
Kevin: Which you know because...?
Natalie: I go to a salon now. A lot. Thanks for noticing.
Kevin: Oh, your hair looks great, by the way.
Natalie: You really think so?
Mariah: Okay, it looks amazing and not like a wig. Can we focus, please?
Natalie: My hair never swings like that, not even after an argon treatment.
Mariah: Yeah, it just hangs there. Like hair. Okay, I buy it. It's a wig. So now we just have to figure out who’s under it.
Chloe: I don’t have to choose between my kids, Victor. Do you know why?
Victor: Mnh-mnh. Tell me.
Chloe: How does that handcuff feel?
Victor: Hmm.
Chloe: Does it chafe? Yeah, that's what I thought. Because I’m out there and you’re in here, and I'm out there with the pages with a book of matches. Yeah. Mama likes to play with fire. And I can torch those pages before you can call your nurse. And then guess what? There’s no proof that we were in cahoots with each other. It's a win/win, per our original agreement. You know, thank you so much, 'cause this really worked out great.
Victor: Chloe. You’re playing a very dangerous game.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Stitch: I've got a couple things I need to wrap up, so --
Ashley: Wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no. Not until you tell me what's really going on with you.
Cane: I want to make love to you.
Lily: Always.
Neil: Hilary is not pretending here. I just came from the hospital.
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