Y&R Transcript Monday 7/11/16
Episode # 10962 ~ Chelsea & Kevin follow a lead about Victor's accomplice; Phyllis is torn between Jack & Billy; Nikki asks Michael for a favor.
Provided By Jim
Victor: It’s a "yes" or "no" proposition. You shouldn’t take such a long time to think about it. While I’m in here, you run Newman Enterprises. When I get out of here, I resume my rightful place. And you’ll be assured of your freedom. How’s that? If not, you take your chances in court.
Adam: So, all this evidence that makes me look guilty -- This -- This evidence is just gonna...disappear?
Victor: The scales of justice can always be tipped...
Adam: Oh, okay. I see.
Victor: ...one way or the other, okay?
Adam: Right, right, right, right.
Victor: So, yes or no? It's up to you.
Adam: So, all I have to do is swallow my pride, right? Along with every single vow I ever made to my wife, and then just agree to come work with you.
Victor: Well, think about it. One day soon, these restraints will no longer hold me back. I’ll be back running my company. And you will have your freedom. Do we have a deal?
Kevin: It's a dead end.
Chelsea: Seriously? There’s no other footage of this mystery woman?
Kevin: I really thought we were on to something, but I have checked every frame from every camera on the route from the prison front door to the visiting room.
Chelsea: Okay, well --
Kevin: "Dorothy Gale" never lifts her head once and always turns her back in the visiting room.
Chelsea: Well, there has to be some other way we I.D. her. Maybe we shouldn't be focusing on her face. Maybe we should be focusing on her motive. I mean, who would want to help Victor take down Adam?
Kevin: Someone who needs a lot of cash. I know Victor pays well for this kind of project.
Chelsea: Yeah, or maybe somebody he’s blackmailing.
Kevin: Well, it doesn't really narrow things down much. When you add up the list of people that Victor has leverage on or could buy off or intimidate...
Chelsea: It could be anyone. [Sighs]
Nikki: Working late again, huh?
Victoria: Oh. Hey, mom. No, I’m just covering for Nick. He's out of town, inspecting the damaged oil rig.
Nikki: Yeah, I know. I just hung up with him. But I thought I would give you my news in person.
Victoria: What news?
Nikki: Well, your father and I have called off the divorce.
Victoria: Are you sure? I mean, you had a lot of good reasons for wanting to end things.
Nikki: Yes, I did then. But everything has changed. This is definitely the right thing for both of us.
Victoria: [Sighs] All right. Well, if you and Dad are happy, then I'm happy. I’m very happy.
Nikki: Honey, that means so much to me. Thank you.
Victoria: I love you.
Nikki: I just wish he were coming home, you know?
Victoria: I know. I’m so grateful that he saved you and Phyllis. Who knows -- Maybe they’ll -- Maybe they'll shave a few months off of his sentence.
Nikki: Oh. I can’t believe that you said that, because I firmly believe that his actions are an excellent case for an appeal.
Victoria: An appeal? As in getting his conviction overturned?
Nikki: Well, maybe. Or possibly reducing his sentence. At -- At least then there would be some hope. But he can't do this on his own. We would have to get together and unite and be willing to stand up for him.
Jack: We should have ridden that carousel one more time.
Phyllis: Oh, after that banana split, I think it would have been a bad idea.
Jack: Absolutely gorgeous.
Phyllis: It was beautiful, wasn't it? The stars were out. It was the perfect temperature.
Jack: Actually, I wasn’t talking about nature. Thanks for playing hooky with me. We were running around that park like a couple of teenagers.
Phyllis: What do you mean "like"? I’m not a day over 17.
Jack: You make me feel like a kid. You really do.
Phyllis: It was a wonderful night. But now it is time to get some real work done.
Jack: In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s late. There’s no one here. We're all alone.
Jill: [Clears throat]
Billy: Geez. Mom.
Jill: Would you relax, please? Why are you so jumpy? [Gasps] Billy, do you have company again?
Billy: No. I don’t have company. I’m by myself. What, did you fly in from Chicago just to check up on me?
Jill: Honey, if you will recall, when I signed this house over to you, it was with the proviso that I could drop in at anytime, that I would always have a suite here. Although, with recent events, maybe I should employ that loophole.
Billy: What loophole? What are you talking about?
Jill: Oh, you don't remember? The one that says I can take this mansion back at any time, for any reason, and you get the
Lauren: Your mind is on Adam's case.
Michael: If Judge Walker doesn’t declare a mistrial, Adam can still be tried for murder. And our star witness, Ian Ward, has been thoroughly discredited. Turns out he was a complete loon. Who knew?
Lauren: Mm, I think we all did, honey.
Michael: There’s a good chance this case could go to the jury. What am I supposed to do then?
Lauren: You, my love, are supposed to be grateful for our lives. When I heard about the shooting at the courthouse, I thought that you could get caught in that crossfire. I-I mean, the thought of losing you --
Michael: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I’m not going anywhere.
Lauren: Promise?
Michael: Oh, yeah.
Billy: You’re joking about that loophole, right?
Jill: Oh, dear. Does this mean that you didn't read the contract we signed?
Billy: Obviously I should have.
Jill: You know what? This is more than a house to me. All right? This stands for something, and if you're gonna continue to turn it into a swinging bachelor pad, I’m gonna have to take it back.
Billy: Come on, Mom. You want to go check the master suite, go ahead. Be my guest.
Jill: Darling, I don’t have to snoop.
Billy: Why do you say it like that?
Jill: Because even in Chicago, I hear things.
Billy: Oh, you hear things?
Jill: Yes, for example, that you have been neglecting Brash & Sassy!, and I have no doubt it's because you're distracted by some... entanglement.
Billy: Okay, so just because you hear things, I'm gonna set the truth here. I’m not entangled in any sort of relationship. Don’t worry about that.
Jill: What would you call it, then?
Billy: I would call it a grown man that has kids of his own that doesn't need his mother telling him how to live.
Jill: Okay. Point taken. Point taken. Now, would you mind tucking in that shirt and try to look presentable? 'Cause you're taking mama out to dinner. Frankly, I'm getting just a little bit nauseated looking at this hideous paint color.
Phyllis: Okay. Obviously you’re not interested in me getting any work done, so let’s just go home. Let’s call it a night, okay?
Jack: You're not in the mood. Again.
Phyllis: Jack...
Jack: I know why. You feel guilty.
Phyllis: Why would you say something like that?
Jack: You're still blaming yourself for what happened on my birthday when you drank a little too much and fell asleep at the cabin. And you think I’m holding it against you.
Phyllis: You were excited to get away. I drank too much. I passed out.
Jack: No, no, no. If anyone should feel guilty, it's me for leaving you alone there the next day. If I'd been there when Ian got there --
Phyllis: Jack, that's over now. And I told you, I want to forget about the cabin and everything that happened in the cabin, okay? Just everything.
Jack: Helping you forget is my top priority. I want to wipe every bad memory from your brain. I want you to know how much I love you, how grateful I am to have you in my life, in my arms... [Whispers indistinctly]
Phyllis: [Chuckles] Here? Now?
Victoria: You want us to take back what we said at the trial? Come on, Mom. It was all true. You’d be asking us to perjure ourselves.
Nikki: No, no, no. It wouldn’t be like that at all. The way Dylan explained it is we would go as a group to a review board, and we would not deny any of the facts. I mean, your father did break the law, and -- and that's that. We can't change that. But we explain that, at the time, we were very, very angry with him. We wanted to see him punished, and, therefore, our testimony was quite emotional and perhaps that swayed the jury more than it should have.
Victoria: And Dylan thinks the review board will go for that?
Nikki: We won't know if we don’t try. But the thing is this -- It has to be all of us -- me, you, your brother, Abby, even Adam. Honey, do you think that you could join me in this? Please, say yes.
Victoria: I don't know, Mom. I mean, despite everything, he's still my father, and 10 years behind bars is -- It's an eternity. Not that our testimony would sway anyone. Dad would need somebody that hated him that would be willing to say that he'd earned his freedom.
Nikki: Okay, well, now we're talking about Phyllis. And he saved her life, too. I would hope that she would be willing to put her hurt and anger aside just to repay him for that.
Victoria: Yeah, well, that’s the best-case scenario, Mom. If we approach her with this, there’s an excellent chance she’s gonna laugh in our faces.
Nikki: Well, I’m really glad that you said "we," because she hasn't been answering my phone calls. But I was thinking if you went to her alone and -- and spoke with her as a woman who has also been hurt by Victor’s machinations...
Victoria: Do you really think she’ll listen?
Nikki: We give it a shot.
Adam: You know, I've shaken hands with the devil before.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: And surprise, surprise, son of a bitch always wins.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Adam: What do you think about that?
Victor: Well, if you agreed to work with me, we’d both win.
Adam: How's that?
Victor: You'd go free, and you and I would both run the company. Because you are as ambitious and driven, and you have the intestinal fortitude to keep this company on top.
Adam: I see. I feel like you’re underestimating Victoria. You always have, you know? Which is a shame, because she’s the one who wants everything that you have to offer. You know, she wants to be exactly like you, Dad.
Victor: Hold on a minute. Don’t tell me about Victoria. I adore Victoria. I love her with all my heart. And she is certainly capable of running this company. She has only one flaw.
Adam: Enlighten me.
Victor: She's emotionally involved and susceptible to that useless Billy Boy Abbott.
Adam: Mm.
Victor: You, however, are not held back by emotional feelings, are you? You’re as hard-ass as the man you’re looking at right now.
Adam: You never understood me, did you?
Victor: [Chuckles] Probably not.
Adam: Probably not. You probably never will, either. You see, I have my own life, my own dreams, my own goals. I have my own family, so you went to all this trouble, you know, and you dragged me back here, and you indict me? And it's useless. It's a waste of your time, so you can take your deal, Dad, you know, and you can go straight to hell, all right?
Nikki: Michael, I see that it's date night, and I'm sorry. I don’t mean to intrude.
Michael: Oh, it's no problem. What's up?
Nikki: Did you get my message about calling off the divorce?
Michael: I did. The papers were already on the judge’s desk, waiting for his signature.
Nikki: Oh, my God. What does that mean? I-Is it too late to call it off?
Jill: Lauren.
Lauren: Oh, my goodness! I’m so happy to see you!
Jill: Whoa! You look fabulous.
Lauren: Oh, so do you. Hi, honey.
Billy: Hey. How are you?
Lauren: I didn’t even know you were in town.
Jill: I just got in. I mean, somebody's got to keep this one from going completely rogue.
Lauren: Uh, yeah. So, then you know about Brash & Sassy! The first quarter wasn't great.
Billy: All right. I’m gonna go sit over here.
Lauren: No, no. You’re gonna come sit with your aunt. Michael’s doing a little business with Nikki.
Jill: That sounds lovely. Let’s do it.
Lauren: And, you know, honey, it happens. It's probably just a speed bump, a little dip in sales.
Billy: You know, that's how I look at it.
Lauren: Good.
Jill: I would really like your take on how Billy could bump up his market share. And I’m sure that Victoria would have some ideas. I mean, the youth line was her baby.
Billy: Okay, I’m not going to pester Victoria with this. The reason why I bought this division was to keep Victor from selling it to somebody outside the family, all right? It's Victoria that doesn't want to work with me on it.
Jill: Tell me something, sis. Are all men this thick, or is it just my son? Does he not realize that Victoria is crazy about him?
Lauren: And I think she has a new man in her life.
Jill: Whoa. That means Billy has to fight for her.
Billy: Wow. How did I make it through life without your advice?
Jill: Well, I do not know, but you have us now.
Lauren: It’s true.
[Lauren and Jill chuckle]
[Knock on door]
Victoria: Oh.
Phyllis: Victoria.
Victoria: Uh...
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. It's okay. Come on in. Come on in. It's fine.
Victoria: Sorry. I --
Phyllis: No, it's okay.
Victoria: I guess I should have called first. Um...it’s about my father, and so it couldn't wait.
Jack: What has Victor done now?
Victoria: He’s mounting an appeal, and in light of everything that’s happened, we're rallying around him to help.
Phyllis: You want to help Victor?
Jack: Well, the family’s there to support him. Yeah, I-I respect that decision.
Phyllis: You do?
Jack: Well, it isn’t like it's been easy for the family with him in prison. They've all suffered in their own way.
Phyllis: Because of Victor.
Victoria: Well, he’s suffered as well, and it needs to end.
Phyllis: We are his victims. Have you forgotten that? If you've come here for sympathy, I’m sorry --
Victoria: I've come here to ask you to join my family and to speak up for him at his appeal.
Phyllis: Are you seriously asking me this right now, Victoria?
Victoria: He just saved your life.
Jack: And I, for one, am eternally grateful.
Phyllis: He did what he needed to do for himself. He is no hero, and I do not think that he needs his freedom back.
Jack: Okay. Let’s all take a deep breath and calm down.
Phyllis: My answer’s no. Hell no.
Victoria: I hope you reconsider.
Phyllis: The woman’s delusional. So much for you showing me how much you love me. You just took Victor's side without skipping a beat.
Victor: It’s good to see you.
Meredith: I've been worried.
Victor: No more than I’ve been worried about you. I hope your helping me to escape didn't get you into trouble.
Meredith: Well... [Chuckles] I knew the risks. Don’t think I’d do it again, especially if they're going to try me as an accessory or fire me. I don’t know.
Victor: If that happens, I’ll hire the best defense team money can buy.
Meredith: Well, I appreciate that gesture.
Victor: I mean, who knows what Ian Ward would have done to Nikki had I not been able to interfere.
Meredith: I saw how much you loved her.
Victor: I meant it when I said I cared for you.
Meredith: I know you did. But you risked it all to rescue Nikki. That told me everything that I needed to know. I’ve made peace with it. I’m fine. Your family means -- Gosh, they just mean everything to you, even more than your own life. It's who you are.
Victor: You're a very warm-hearted person. You’re a very kind person.
Adam: Kevin, what --
Kevin: Uh, we've just been doing some research.
Chelsea: How did it go with Victor? Don’t worry. Kevin’s on our side. We can trust him.
Adam: Well, uh, my father's the one who framed me, that’s for sure.
Chelsea: He admitted that?
Adam: Well, not in so many words, but he did reference the fact that the original pages of Sage's journal are out there somewhere, which means the ones incriminating me are forged.
Kevin: [Sighs] Okay. I’m gonna check all the obvious hiding spaces -- safety deposit boxes, storage units.
Chelsea: That's a good idea.
Adam: Thank you.
Kevin: Yeah. Okay.
Chelsea: Thank you, Kevin. Okay. So, if Victor can get these charges dropped, he’s obviously gonna expect something in return. So, what is it this time?
Adam: Well, he wants me to
Chelsea: Let me get this straight. Your father played God from inside of a prison cell all just to get you back to Newman Enterprises?
Adam: Well, it’s more than just a job to him. Right? It's an act of love. It's his way of making me his heir apparent.
Chelsea: While also making you indebted to him for the rest of your life. [Sighs]
Adam: If I hadn't found you, if we didn't have Connor, I might be tempted, you know? But thank God I had enough common sense to throw his offer back in his face.
Chelsea: Wait. You did what?
Adam: What do you mean I did what? The man framed me, sweetheart. I’m not gonna reward that kind of viciousness.
Chelsea: No.
Adam: Right?
Chelsea: No, not right at all. Adam, come on. Better an office at Newman than inside of a prison cell.
Nikki: There has got to be some way of retrieving those papers. We don't want this divorce.
Michael: It's okay. It wasn’t easy, and I may have to lose a lot of rounds of chess to the judge, but, um... here they are.
Nikki: Oh, my God. I was gonna kill you. I-I hate you. I love you! Thank you.
Michael: All right. First, I need to make sure that you’ve thought this through. I mean, you’ve just survived a traumatic event. I-I want the reassurance that you are thinking with your head and not just acting impulsively.
Nikki: I hear you loud and clear. Yes, my heart has been known to get me into trouble in the past. But this time, I'm very certain about something, and that is my love for Victor. And when he risked his life for me, that just confirmed it.
Michael: Not too long ago, you were done with him.
Nikki: Michael, I know. I’m not naive. Victor is always going to be Victor, and he's no saint. But you know, neither am I. We've discussed it. We agree that the divorce was a mistake, and more importantly, we have found true forgiveness.
Michael: All right. In that case, enjoy burning these together.
Nikki: Oh, thank you! We will. We will.
Michael: [Chuckles]
Nikki: Oh. Thank you so much. I’ll talk to you later.
Michael: Okay.
Lauren: So, why don't we do a Brash & Sassy! tie-in with Fenmore’s?
Jill: I love that idea.
Lauren: Thanks.
Billy: Yes, all fantastic ideas. I really do appreciate them. Will you excuse me for a second, please?
Jill: Oh. He doesn't fool me. He just wanted to get away from us.
Lauren: Well, at least he's with Victoria and not some, uh...
Jill: Some bimbo?
Lauren: Exactly. The more those two spend time together...
Jill: You just gave me a great idea. See, all Billy needs is a little nudge in the right direction, and I’m going to use Brash & Sassy! to do that.
Victoria: You know, I'm really not in a mood for an argument tonight.
Billy: That's wonderful. That makes two of us. So, let me buy you a drink. Anything to not go back to the "fun" table.
Victoria: Are you telling me that Lauren and Jill are not fun?
Billy: They're trying to tell me how to run my business -- your business.
Victoria: Oh, what’s the matter, Billy? Is the sweet fragrance of success harder to come by than you thought?
Billy: You just said you didn't want to argue, so why are you needling me right now? What's going on with you?
Victoria: I stopped by Jabot to talk to Phyllis, and I-I walked on her and Jack.
Billy: What do you -- When you say that, what do you mean?
Victoria: Exactly that. I walked in on them, behind closed doors, acting like newlyweds, and you can imagine how embarrassing it was.
Billy: I’d rather not, actually.
Victoria: Well, I asked Phyllis to join my family in speaking up for my father at his appeal hearing, and the woman is as vengeful and as irrational as ever.
Billy: Come on, Victoria. What do you expect her to do?
Victoria: My father saved her life. Phyllis doesn’t have to accept that, I guess, but thankfully, your brother understands the importance of forgiveness.
Billy: Oh, yeah. Of course he does. You can always count on Jack to be holier-than-thou.
Victoria: Well, at least your brother has a heart, which is a lot more than I can say for Phyllis. Or you.
Jill: Hi. Everything okay over here?
Billy: Why don’t you ask her?
Jack: I was not taking sides.
Phyllis: Well, see, it sounded that way. "I respected their decision." "Let's discuss this calmly."
Jack: Sweetheart, you misunderstood.
Phyllis: You want me to go to the appeals board, and you want me to tell them that I am okay with what Victor did. And I am not okay with it, Jack.
Jack: I am not asking you to do anything blindly. In fact, I asked Nick not to cave in to whatever it was Victor wanted. At the same time, if the Newman family is rallying around the patriarch because of what he did for Nikki, isn't that a good thing?
Phyllis: No. No. What would be good is if Victor stayed in his cell and rotted. If he is looking for some sort of mercy, he needs to look somewhere else and not from the woman he abused by sticking a sick psychopath in her bed. Maybe you have forgotten that, but I never will.
Jack: Why are you doing this? Why -- Why are you doing this? We were so close just now, closer than we've been in a long time. Why are you turning this into a
Phyllis: Is this your way of telling me I'm overreacting or that I am not entitled to my reaction?
Jack: Now you're twisting my words again. All I said was I understood where Victoria was coming from, and now I’m accused of not supporting you.
Phyllis: You just don't ge-- I mean, maybe, seriously, you’re never gonna get it.
Jack: Wait. Where are you going?
Phyllis: You know, I’m going somewhere where I don’t have to explain myself or connect the dots for my husband.
Adam: Babe, if I accept his deal, I’ll be trading one kind of prison cell for another. You understand that? It wasn’t too long ago, by the way, that you were willing to move all the way to Paris to avoid his trap. Have you forgotten that?
Chelsea: We don't have that luxury anymore, Adam. And I’ve learned to recognize when it’s time to fold.
Adam: Fold? So, he wins just like that?
Chelsea: Yeah. For now, he wins. Because I’m not gonna let you spend the rest of your life in a prison cell for a crime you didn't commit. At least this way we can still keep our home and our family and our future. I mean, isn’t that what matters?
Adam: Yeah. You and Connor -- That's all that matters. And I go back there, and I start working for him again, right? You know what happens? He takes control of our lives, every waking moment. And then you know what happens? I become a man I don't want to be. I become a man that sure as hell doesn’t deserve you. And worse off, I become a man that you don't want to be around. That's why I said no.
Michael: I hope this is decaf.
Lauren: It’s espresso. Double strength. All part of my evil plan to keep you up all night.
Michael: [Chuckles] Tell me more of this evil plan.
Lauren: Well, it starts like this...
Kevin: Whoops. Bad timing.
Lauren: Oh.
Kevin: You got a sec?
Michael: No. Um...what do you want?
Kevin: Well, I have an update for you to pass on to your client.
Michael: Which one?
Kevin: Adam. I ran a search to see if Victor had any safety deposit boxes or security units rented out under his name, and so far I haven't found anything.
Michael: Safety deposit boxes?
Lauren: What’s up with that?
Kevin: You know, a place where he could be keeping those missing pages. Or do you think Victor's bluffing?
Michael: Wait. Back it up. What pages? What are you talking about?
Lauren: And what does this have to do with Adam's case?
Kevin: Uh...nothing. [Chuckles] Maybe you should talk to Adam.
Michael: Too late. Talk.
Kevin: Um, well, he went to the hospital to see Victor.
Michael: I’m not liking the sound of this already.
Kevin: Who implied that there were missing pages to Sage's journal.
Lauren: Missing pages?
Kevin: Stolen and replaced, pages that could replace the forgeries and clear Adam of murder. So, I offered to find out where Victor might be hiding them.
Lauren: Oh, yeah, but with, you know, Victor, it could be a bluff. The man does like to play mind games.
Michael: Still, still, if there’s even a chance that these pages exist...
Kevin: You want me to keep at it?
Michael: Absolutely. Uh, sweetheart?
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be keeping your espresso hot, waiting for you.
Kevin: Sorry.
Lauren: It’s all right.
Michael: You’re the best.
Lauren: I am.
Michael: Mm. Wait! [Music playing]
Billy: Whoa, hey, hey. What happened? [Volume decreases]
Phyllis: Victor is appealing his sentence, and Jack thinks I should consider it.
Billy: What are you talking about?
Phyllis: [Sighs] Victoria thinks I should forgive Victor for everything that he has done. She thinks I should rise to his defense and join the chorus of Newmans in asking the review board to forgive that monster and give him back his freedom. And, of course, when I said no, she gave me the evil eye. She said, "How -- How dare you defy me?" And Jack -- Jack thinks I’m being unreasonable. I don’t know what to do.
Billy: I think you should open up your eyes and realize that it’s time to make a choice.
Phyllis: I came here for some advice, not an ultimatum. I told you I need some time.
Billy: How many times are you gonna be reminded that Jack doesn’t understand you, that he's never gonna understand you?
Phyllis: That is not fair. He loves me.
Billy: Yeah, I know that he loves you...when you're being the good wife, when you’re acting exactly how he wants you to act. I would never ask you to forgive your worst enemy. Hell, it's our mutual revenge against Victor that brought us to this.
Phyllis: What is this? Who else is here?
Billy: What are you talking about?
Phyllis: The luggage.
Billy: It's my mom’s. She’s at the club.
Phyllis: Jill's here? Jill could walk in on us at any minute, and she could tell the whole town about us. Were you expecting or hoping for her to walk in so you could take the decision away from me?
Billy: Are you kidding me?
Phyllis: You were. You were.
Billy: Phyllis, wait. Phyllis.
Jill: Hi, there. Mind if I join you?
Victoria: Oh, no. By all means. Um, unless you're gonna try to convince me that Billy and I belong together, because that ship has sailed, you know?
Jill: Sweetheart, I've done a lot of traveling, okay? And I’ve seen a lot of ships. And some of them have a habit of sailing off and circumnavigating the globe and then ending up right back where they started.
Victoria: Not when the ship is the Titanic.
Jill: Oh, the Titanic. Please.
Victoria: Look, can we please talk about something else? Please.
Jill: Okay.
Victoria: How's Colin?
Jill: Aww, Colin’s awesome. He's infuriating, as is Billy.
Victoria: There you go again. You’re doing it again.
Jill: Sorry. I’m sorry. Old habits. Okay. Okay. Have you noticed how badly Brash & Sassy! is doing? As are your other former lines. The company is not the same since you let it go.
Victoria: I did not let it go. My father sold it out from under me.
Jill: So, are you done with your father the same way you're done with Billy?
Victoria: It’s really not that simple, you know, because my father is my father. I can’t turn my back on him.
Jill: Billy is the father of your children. And he needs you.
Victoria: Oh, nice try. Nice try, but I see what you're doing. My family needs me more, actually, especially my father.
Jill: Darling, you talk about the Titanic. If you try to float Victor again, he will sink you and your whole family at once.
Michael: Please explain to me why I had to hear the latest news about your defense from my little brother instead of you.
Adam: Okay, calm down. You know, I was gonna tell you about the Sage journal pages. It's just, uh --
Michael: Just, uh...? Just because Victor dangled a shiny bobble in front of you in exchange for you keeping your mouth shut and playing along?
Adam: When the hell did I become so transparent?
Chelsea: Out of practice, I guess.
Michael: What she said.
Chelsea: Victor offered Adam a job. That's what this whole thing was about. He wanted to frame Adam to the point where he couldn’t say no. If he goes back to Newman Enterprises and paves the way for Victor's triumphant return, suddenly the pages of Sage's journal will just... reappear and the D.A. has to drop the charges.
Michael: You think?
Adam: And you think he’s messing with me.
Michael: Victor Newman?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Michael: No, no. He doesn't have a track record of that kind of deception, so we can just go -- Oh, I'm sorry! Victor Newman. Victor Newman. Oh, my bad. Yes, he does have a history of that behavior. In fact, every time he opens his mouth, he’s actually trying to deceive someone.
Chelsea: Okay, I understand why you’re skeptical. I do. But think about the day he was on the stand. He could have thrown Adam to the wolves that day, but he didn't. He defended him, which shows me that he’s known he was innocent all along, and now he can prove it.
Adam: Unless we beat him to it.
Victor: Without having met you in that prison, it would have all been grim and gray and depressing. You reminded me that life is worth living.
Meredith: You gave the same thing to me, too.
Victor: I'm glad.
Meredith: I-I think that you saw that I was hiding behind those same walls. I was holding a grudge against my father and refusing to feel...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Meredith: ...for fear of being hurt.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Meredith: But you know what? I feel good.
Victor: Good.
Meredith: I feel free.
Victor: I'm glad to hear that.
Meredith: And you know what else? I think I might resign from that place before I even give them the chance to fire me.
Victor: I think that’s a hell of an idea. I mean, someone with your abilities, your medical knowledge, and your warmth -- You could find a place of work anywhere.
Meredith: Yeah. I need to find a life far away from Walworth.
Victor: So do I. I’m working on my appeal.
Meredith: And, uh, I think you could use my help.
Victor: Yeah, but I have no right to ask you to intercede on my behalf with your father. I have no right to do that.
Meredith: No, you don't. But I will.
[Door opens]
Nikki: Oh. Am I interrupting?
Meredith: Oh, no. No. We're done. I’m just so glad to see that you’re okay.
Nikki: Well, I have you to thank for that.
Meredith: No, you don't. You can thank him.
Nikki: Dr. Gates is a very gracious woman.
Victor: You know, she offered to appeal to her father on my behalf. It's very nice of her.
Nikki: No regrets?
Victor: No.
Nikki: Well, in that event... what shall we do with
Victor: Where did you get those divorce papers? I guess from Michael Baldwin.
Nikki: Maybe now you’ll be willing to forget about the part he played in sending you to prison.
Victor: Unh-unh. I will never forget that he threw me under the bus during that trial. But obviously this speaks for him.
Nikki: Yeah.
Victor: So, what do you want to do now? Want to keep these on file for next time or what?
Nikki: Oh, no, no. Not gonna be a next time. I’m sure we’ll squabble and have our little tiffs, but divorce is not the answer, not for us.
Victor: Well, then, hell, I'd rip those damn things up if I could, but I can't.
Nikki: My darling, let me do the honors. Oops.
Victor: Come here and give me a kiss.
Nikki: I love you so much.
Adam: So, yeah, my father thinks he’s painted me into a corner, right? But if we can buy a little bit of time while Kevin tracks down those missing pages --
Chelsea: Right. Once we get these missing pages, we can expose Victor, prove that he's been framing him all along. Not only will you be free of the charges, but you'll be free of your father. I think it's brilliant.
Adam: Thank you.
Michael: Wow. Trying to out-Victor Victor. You know, this is all predicated on Kevin's success. I have to tell you -- We don't have time. I received a phone call from Judge Walker's clerk.
Adam: A mistrial.
Michael: There won’t be one. Court will reconvene next week with you on trial for murder.
[Door closes]
[Music playing]
Jill: [Sighs]
[Music stops]
Jill: You know what, Billy? I can understand you being rude to me and blowing off dinner. 'Cause, after all, I'm only your mother. But why do you keep pushing Victoria away when it’s so obvious that she cares for you?
Billy: I’m glad that it's obvious for you, but it’s not for me or Victoria, for that matter. It's actually quite clear that she wants to move on, just like I do.
Jill: I'll tell you what’s clear. That Victoria is your last best hope.
Billy: My last hope for what, Mom? My last hope for what?
Jill: For a chance of happiness in your life, honey, and the sooner you can see that, the better off you'll be.
[Music resumes]
Phyllis: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have stormed out of here without giving you a chance to explain yourself.
Jack: No, no. I’m the one who should be apologizing here. When I said I understood the Newmans wanting to be there for Victor, I didn't mean that you should ignore the pain he caused you. And Victoria's decision to speak up for her father is -- is good for their family. It's dead wrong for you. I should have said that. [Voice breaking] And if you felt for one minute that I'm not 100% behind you, I really blew it. Can you forgive me?
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