Y&R Transcript Friday 7/8/16
Episode # 10961 ~ Adam faces off with Victor; Sharon & Dylan's date is interrupted by Nikki; Chelsea enlists Kevin to uncover the mystery woman's identity.
Provided By Jim
Abby: Paul. Hey. Um, thank you for letting me see him.
Paul: Hey, Abby. Sure. As long as you have no plans to, uh, help the prisoner escape.
Abby: "The prisoner"? Really?
Paul: That’s what he is, Abby.
Abby: He’s also my father, and I’ve been worried sick about him. Not to mention, he didn’t leave the hospital to try to escape. He was going to rescue his wife. Nikki and Phyllis owe their lives to him.
Paul: That might very well be true.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart. How are you? How are you, my sweetheart?
Adam: Thanks to my father, "the hero," Ian’s back in custody.
Chelsea: Well, Ian’s not the one I’m worried about. He can claim all he wants he testified in exchange for us helping him escape, but nobody's going to listen.
Adam: No, they won’t. Not after my father’s testimony. He gets up there and he tells the judge and the jury that I’m no murderer, and that I was set up.
Chelsea: Yeah, by him. He conveniently left that part out.
Adam: Let me ask you a question. Do you suppose there's a family on the face of the planet that is more jacked up than mine?
Chelsea: Maybe somewhere, but I’m having trouble thinking about one at the moment.
Adam: Yeah, me too. Of course, I guess it’s probably not fair to blame the entire family, right? I mean, it was just the one guy. He's the whole reason why we were there in the courtroom in the first place. And then he changes his story, right, and he comes to my aid. What the hell is he thinking? It makes you wonder why he went to all the trouble.
Chelsea: And it makes me wonder, what is he planning next?
[Vacuum whirring]
[Whirring stops]
[Door opens]
Mariah: Hey, there. I come bearing work. I thought Chelsea would appreciate us taking care of business, what with everything else that’s going on. Just trying to keep it normal. Or not.
Sharon: Hmm?
Mariah: How are you? Feeling good?
Sharon: Great.
Mariah: Okay.
Sharon: Oh, no, no, no! Not there. [Chuckles] Dusted. Not dusted. Let’s just put these away over here for now, okay?
Mariah: You've been, uh, real busy.
Sharon: Yeah. You have no idea. I even put this back in its rightful place. Because I had tried it over there, and I tried it over there, and then ended up right back in its own home. Um, I’m really sorry, by the way, that I hit you with that.
Mariah: Sharon?
Sharon: Yeah?
Mariah: Are you sure that you’re back on your meds?
Esther: Hey.
Paul: Hey.
Esther: Hey, Doc. You just missed your wife.
Stitch: Oh, yeah?
Esther: Oh, she is such a beauty, that one.
Stitch: Yeah, well, you're not so bad yourself, you know.
Esther: [Laughs]
Dylan: Hey.
Stitch: Hey.
Dylan: It's been a while, man.
Stitch: Yeah, man.
Dylan: So, uh... How are things going with Max since, uh, the surgery?
Stitch: If I could go back in time, Mac, I'd do so much differently.
Nikki: Oh, Paul. I called your department. They said I could find you here.
Paul: Yeah, what’s up?
Nikki: I’m ready to give my statement. It's time for the world to know how Victor risked his life to save mine.
Paul: [Laughs] The world? Or the appeals committee?
Nikki: Well, i-it's going to have some kind of a positive impact, don’t you think? It might, you know, lessen his sentence, or maybe possibly overturn it.
Paul: [Sighs] Nikki...
Nikki: What?
Paul: Victor is in prison in large part due to you. Because you believed that he should be held responsible for his actions.
Nikki: I am very aware of what I believed, Paul. But my God, he has been punished
Chelsea: Victor's words won't carry any weight with the jury. Besides, all he actually said was he thought you were being set up by some mystery person.
Adam: Mm. Better than him saying the opposite.
Chelsea: Well, yeah, but it still doesn’t help us. And he knows that. [Sighs] The key to getting you off is proof. We need a name, Adam. We need a face. We need to identify this mystery woman who’s been working with Victor to set you up.
Adam: Yeah, you're right. I need to see him.
Chelsea: What? Who? Victor?
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: No. No, that's not a good idea.
Adam: What do you mean? Why?
Chelsea: Really?
Adam: I need answers, right? Victor had every chance to bury me on the stand, right, and he did the opposite. He came to my defense.
Chelsea: So now you think he has a conscience suddenly?
Adam: No, no, no, no. I’m not going crazy. I think he has a plan.
Chelsea: Well, of course he has a plan. He always has a plan.
Adam: Which is why I need to see him face to face.
Chelsea: So he can stonewall you again? Every time you go see him, you come back here, and you are upset, you're frustrated --
Adam: Frustrated and I throw things. Yes, I know.
Chelsea: Exactly. And aside from the fact that this is a truly terrible plan, you’re also forgetting the fact that you're under house arrest. So going to see your father’s impossible.
Adam: Maybe not.
Dylan: Stitch, I-I’m so sorry. I had no idea things had gotten this bad.
Stitch: I just -- I just feel like I relegated my son to this life. This smaller, limited life, and I hate it.
Dylan: You had a tough decision to make, and you made the best one that you could for Max.
Stitch: Yeah. Is growing up in a facility what's best for Max?
Dylan: Compared to the alternative? Yeah, I-I think so. 'Cause right now he’s getting great help by professionals, people who, God willing, they’re gonna help him recover.
Stitch: Hey, I want to believe that. I really do.
Dylan: How’s -- how's Abby? I mean, you guys hanging in there?
Stitch: I can't expect her to understand.
Dylan: Well, I’m sure she does want to understand. She’s your wife and she loves you. Shutting her out is just gonna make things worse. Does she ask you to talk about it?
Stitch: Yeah, but... It's just -- it’s hard, you know?
Dylan: Yeah, yeah. No, I know it’s hard. I know that. But you have to try. I believe that 100%.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: Oh, sorry. [Sighs] I just -- I need to take this one.
Stitch: Yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Go.
Dylan: Adam, what's up?
Adam: Dylan, I need to see you. It's, uh -- it's about my case. It's important.
Dylan: All right. I’ll be right there. Hey, uh, I'm sorry to cut this short. It's -- it's about a case.
Stitch: Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. Hey, I-I get it. You got your hands full, man. Just... [Sighs] Thanks for listening to me, Mac.
Dylan: Hey, I'm here any time. Talk to your wife.
Abby: Are you okay? Are you in pain? Can I get you something?
Victor: Mm, no. Sometimes it just hurts more than others.
Abby: You're sure? You’re sure you don’t need anything?
Victor: I'm fine. I’m just fine. I really am. Okay?
Abby: Yeah. You are fine. [Sniffles] Dad, I wasn’t able to breathe since I heard, and now here you are. You -- you're fine. But I was so scared.
Victor: It’s over now.
Abby: Is it? They're gonna send you back to Walworth, and then what? Ian’s gonna be waiting for you, waiting to pounce.
Victor: I'm not going to go back to that hellhole. I’m going to reclaim my life. Starting... starting now.
Nikki: What Victor did was very heroic. Even you have to admit that. He wasn’t thinking about himself. He wasn’t even thinking about Ian, for that matter. He had every opportunity for revenge, and he didn't use it.
Paul: Well...
Nikki: Instead, he just focused on me.
Paul: Nikki, y-you should listen to yourself. That doesn't mean that we can forget about --
Nikki: It means everything, Paul! It means that he's not this vengeful monster that everybody thinks he is. He's a proud man, yes. He's complicated, and certainly over protective. But it just shows that he is willing to put his life on the line for the sake of his family, and I think that the appeals court should know about that.
Paul: Mm.
Nikki: He has paid his penalty. He -- he -- he's suffered enough.
Paul: I see. So, that's it. After everything he’s put you through, you are really ready to forgive and forget.
Sharon: Mariah, I told you. I’m back on my meds. I am. And guess what? I feel amazing. You know, I stopped seeing Sage, and I’m much more in control, and... What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Mariah: Nothing. I guess I’m just -- I’m glad you’re feeling good.
Sharon: Well... But...?
Mariah: Well, I'm not gonna lie, you're acting a bit frantic. You’re kind of talking at warp speed.
Sharon: Well, that’s because I am in a hurry.
Mariah: Why?
Sharon: Well, Dylan has been so busy at work lately, and today he finally has time to be able to come home for lunch. So I just wanted to get this place in shape before he gets here. I mean, I’ve really let the place go with this whole Sage business.
Mariah: Yeah, seeing dead people can be a real time suck.
Sharon: So I figured, you know, let’s just have a nice afternoon. We really deserve it, especially after that hospital episode.
Mariah: Oh, you mean the episode where you went off your meds, thought you were seeing Sage, and clocked me in the head with a bookend? Yeah, that was my least favorite episode ever.
Sharon: Mariah, thank you so much for covering for me. And...lying for me, because I know Dylan, he would just -- if he found out I went off my meds --
Mariah: He would freak out.
Sharon: Right. But that's not gonna happen, because everything's fine now. I’m fine. You’re fine. And Nick is out of town, which means there is no chance of the secret coming out, and it feels amazing. [Pounding on door] Oh, my gosh, he’s here? Wait! No, no, no! I’m not ready.
Mariah: Hey, hey, hey. Chill out. Why would Dylan be knocking at his own house? Hey.
Kevin: Hi.
Mariah: Come in.
Sharon: Kevin, hi!
Kevin: Oh. Hi. Uh, should I be taking my shoes off?
Sharon: What? Oh, no. Don’t be silly. I’m just tidying up.
Mariah: Sharon and Dylan are gonna have a day date, so she wants the house to set the mood.
Kevin: I smell bleach. What kind of mood are we going for?
Sharon: [Chuckles] You know, would you help me with something? Could you help me move this sofa? Because I have just been dying to clean under this thing for months. [Gasps] Oh, wait, no! I forgot the lunch. The quiche! I’ll be right back.
Kevin: Are you telling me that woman's medicated?
Dylan: What's going on?
Adam: Well, I guess I'll just get right to it. Uh... I need to see my father.
Dylan: Uh-huh. I’m not sure that’s gonna be possible.
Adam: I know. Exactly. So, uh, you know, how do we do it?
Dylan: Well, house arrest aside, we are limiting Victor’s visitors, because obviously one helped him escape.
Adam: Oh, come on, Dylan. I’m not gonna cut the man’s cuffs off. I want to talk to him, you know? I want to find out why he changed his story on the stand.
Chelsea: What makes you think he's gonna tell you the truth?
Adam: Well, I don't know if he will or not.
Dylan: But you still want to try.
Adam: Yeah, I need to see him face to face to know whether or not he's telling the truth. Now, listen, I can't thank you enough, Dylan, for even entertaining the thought that I might be innocent, all right, let alone going above and beyond for me.
Chelsea: Because you really have. Thank you.
Adam: And I know I’m in no position right now to ask you for even more, but I'm running out of time here, all right, and I need to prove this theory. That Victor went to great lengths to set me up.
Dylan: And you think confronting Victor's the only way to do that.
Adam: Short of finding his accomplice, I think so, yeah. So, when can you get me to that hospital?
Dylan: Well, I’m not gonna promise anything. But I’ll see what I can do.
Adam: Thank you.
Dylan: Yeah.
Abby: I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you win on appeal. I miss you. And I hate seeing you like this.
Victor: [Chuckles] Not any more than I hate living it. You know, cut off from everyone, cut off from the world. [Sighs] Cut off from my family.
Abby: It must be torture.
Victor: I have so much to get back to. So much to do. Although I seriously doubt the rest of my family shares the same enthusiasm for my release. Ooh. [Inhales sharply] [Groans]
Abby: They might be a tough sell. But I have a feeling that I won’t be the only one who will celebrate.
Paul: Okay, Nikki. Listen, I just want you to hear me out. You have been through something incredibly traumatic. You could have died.
Nikki: So, what does that mean? I-I don’t know what I’m talking about?
Paul: No, it just means that all your emotions are on edge.
Nikki: They sure as hell are. My husband, who I believed loathed me, risked his own life for me.
Paul: And he’s also done unconscionable things. To you. To your children. To other members of our community. And he deserves to be punished for that.
Nikki: Paul, he has been.
Paul: And has it made any difference? I mean, has Victor shown one ounce of remorse for his actions? No. It's just the opposite. He has been exacting retribution on his "loved ones." You. All of you. Because in his mind, you all are the problem. May I remind you, that's why you filed for divorce in the first place. It's almost finalized, isn't it?
Nikki: Yes, very soon.
Paul: Well, this is your time, Nikki. So travel the world. Or don't. But you’re free of Victor, right? That was your goal.
Abby: Um, Dad wants to see you.
Paul: [Sighs]
Nikki: Me? He does?
Paul: Everything in me wants to say no.
Nikki: Oh, Paul, please. Please.
Paul: Go on.
Nikki: Thank you. Hey. How are you feeling?
Victor: I'm fine, physically.
Nikki: Thank you. For saving my life. And Phyllis’.
Victor: Ian Ward is behind bars. I hope he stays there for a long time.
Nikki: [Sighs] So many thoughts went through my head living through that terror. Who we are. How we got here. How I could... even want to walk way from you. And I just have to say... I don’t want this divorce.
Nikki: You know, when you walked into that cabin without a gun, without any kind of weapon, I knew I should have been terrified, but I wasn’t. 'Cause I knew you were gonna stop Ian. I knew you would get the upper hand, and you did. But you also really... You just surprised the hell out of me, Victor. You could have killed him. And I know you wanted to. But you didn't. To watch you exercise that kind of restraint... for the sake of your family... I just thought, "Wow. There he is. There’s the wonderful man I fell in love with." The man that I was afraid was gone forever. But he's not. You’re right here.
Nikki: I don’t want to walk away from you. And I know that that's up to you, really. If you want to go ahead with the divorce... if you don't want to be with me, I understand.
Victor: I don't want to divorce you.
Nikki: You don’t?
Victor: From the first moment I laid eyes on you, till the last breath I will take... It has always been you. And it will be forever.
Nikki: [Sobs]
Victor: I love you. What I would have done if I had lost you... I honestly don't...
Nikki: You’ll never have to find out. Never.
Abby: Ben. Hey.
Stitch: Hey. Hey. Hey.
Abby: Hey.
Stitch: You here to see your old man?
Abby: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I actually just saw him. He looks great, considering everything he went through. Um... I didn't know that you had picked up a shift today. You didn't say anything over the phone.
Stitch: It was -- it was kind of last-minute, so... so it just...
Abby: Uh, well, how was your visit with Max?
Stitch: Not much changed.
Abby: Did the neurologist say anything? Did you talk to them about what the next step was?
Stitch: No specifics yet.
Abby: Well, um, how's Max doing?
Stitch: How do you think he's doing, Abby?
Mariah: I know that it looks like bipolar behavior...
Kevin: Really looks like.
Mariah: But I asked Sharon point-blank, and she said that she’s back on her medication. And I believe her.
Kevin: Or she's covering, and something else is going on.
Mariah: Stop.
Kevin: I’m serious, Mariah. You owe it to your mom to find out the truth.
Mariah: Kevin! This is not another case for you to crack, so please drop it.
Kevin: The woman is seeing dead people.
Mariah: Was.
Kevin: There has to be a reason for this.
Mariah: There is, and we already discussed it. Sharon was there when Sage died. Traumatic doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Kevin: Yeah, I get that. But people go through traumatic things all the time. They don't start having visions.
Mariah: They might if they’re bipolar and they become unbalanced.
Kevin: I don’t know. I think there’s something else going on.
Mariah: Kevin, I am begging, pleading with you to let this go. Sharon made a mistake going off her meds, and she corrected it almost immediately. I said "almost." If I thought that Sharon was a danger to herself or anybody else, I would blow the whistle. But she’s not. Sharon is fine.
Sharon: Thank you, Mariah. I am. And I’m sorry that you had to walk in on what you did, seeing Mariah injured like that.
Kevin: Yeah, it wasn’t my best day ever.
Sharon: Nor mine.
Sharon: The thing is, about my condition, is you experience these highs and lows. Like everything is amplified or intensified, for better or for worse. And when I was first diagnosed, I felt that my meds might be robbing me of something, like my feelings. But I later learned that I was wrong about that. What the disorder was doing to me and to my relationships, I never want to live like that ever again. But the way that I was seeing Sage all the time, it just -- it really got to me. And now I’ve learned my lesson, and I’m back on track, and I'm gonna stay that way.
Mariah: And I believe you.
Kevin: I believe you, too. What I can't believe is that Mariah is now voluntarily hugging people.
Mariah: Okay, shut up. [Cell phone rings]
Kevin: Excuse me. Hello?
Chelsea: Kevin, it’s Chelsea. Um, I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m really freaking out, here.
Kevin: Let me guess. Victor?
Chelsea: He may actually get away with it. Send Adam to prison for something he didn’t do. And you may be the only person
Abby: I know this is hard for you, watching your son struggle. But we're a family. We're all going through this. This is hard for me, too.
Stitch: It’s not the same.
Abby: Why not?
Stitch: Because you can't understand.
Abby: Yeah, you're right. I can’t understand, because you won’t talk to me. And all I can do is imagine. And I got to tell you, it’s taken me to some pretty dark places. Places where you blame me for what happened to Max. That he decided to have the surgery because of me, not because it was his best shot at having a normal life. Because it was some sort of penance for me losing the baby.
Stitch: Normal life, huh? Yeah, some normal life. His body's betraying him. His mind's betraying him. The only thing left of my kid is his soul. It shouldn't be this way.
Abby: No, it shouldn’t.
Stitch: I'm not -- I’m not trying to shut you out. And I don’t blame you. You understand? I just... I’m having a hard time. And I don’t know what to say.
Abby: I do. You’re not going through this alone.
Mariah: Well, it looks beautiful, if I do say so myself.
Sharon: Thanks, Mariah. And not just for the flowers. For everything. For backing me up. For keeping my secret. And I know it’s not easy to lie to Kevin.
Mariah: No, it’s not. But I believe in you, Sharon. I understand what you’re fighting for. You, Dylan, Faith, Sully. It's -- it's exactly the way that it should be. The perfect, beautiful family. God knows those are hard to come by.
Sharon: Well, you left something out of your perfect little picture.
Mariah: Me? [Both chuckle]
Sharon: Sully and Faith's awesome big sister. You and Noah are just as much a part of this family as anyone else, and we wouldn’t be us without you. [Door opens]
Sharon: Oh.
Dylan: Whew!
Sharon: You're home!
Dylan: I think so. Is this, uh, 421 Larkspur Trail?
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Mariah: Welcome to your dust-free palace.
Dylan: What's all this?
Sharon: It’s lunch. You like?
Dylan: Uh, I love.
Mariah: And on that note, I am gonna go up and play with Sully. You won’t even know that we’re here.
Sharon: Thanks, Mariah.
Mariah: You're welcome.
Dylan: Wow. I-I can’t believe you did all this. Thank you.
Sharon: Well, I had some help.
Dylan: Yeah, still.
Sharon: You hungry?
Dylan: Uh, yeah. I’m starving.
Sharon: Okay, well, let’s sit. I just wanted to do something special to celebrate this whole kidnapping ordeal being over, and Ian was caught, and everyone's safe.
Dylan: Mm. Amen. Uh, but I have a secret.
Sharon: What?
Dylan: I don’t want to talk about work.
Sharon: You don't?
Dylan: No. I want to talk about you. How your day is, and how you've been doing.
Sharon: I'm good.
Dylan: You’re good?
Sharon: I've -- I've been doing a lot better. I’m feeling better.
Dylan: Okay. That's great.
Sharon: Most of all, I’m just really grateful to have this time with you.
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Oh, please tell me that is not happening.
Dylan: Ahh. I’ll get rid of them. [Sighs]
Nikki: Hi, sweetheart. I really need your help.
Chelsea: I need to determine who that woman is in the prison-surveillance footage.
Kevin: The one who’s been visiting Victor.
Chelsea: Yes. Please, please tell me you have some leads.
Kevin: I checked every angle on every available feed. There’s no clear shot of her face.
Chelsea: Oh, come on! There must be something else you can do. You’re Kevin Fisher. You know, with your -- with your smarts and your determination...
Kevin: Are you trying to butter me up?
Chelsea: Yes. But, I mean, look at your credentials. Who discovered it was Victor behind the real-estate project set to destroy the whole warehouse district?
Kevin: Me.
Chelsea: Yes. And who solved the mystery of Avery’s stalker?
Kevin: Also me.
Chelsea: Right. So... [Sighs] Come on. I -- I mean, why won’t you help me? Oh. I see. [Scoffs] It's not that you can’t find this mystery woman. It's that you won’t.
Kevin: Why -- why -- why would I do that?
Chelsea: So Adam will go to prison. And finally pay for what happened to Delia.
Adam: How we doing?
Victor: I'll live. Probably not the news you want to hear.
Adam: No. No, no, no. I want you to live for a very, very long time, Dad. At least long enough to clear my name, anyway.
Victor: Well, I told the jury you didn't kill that woman. What else do you want me to do?
Adam: Yeah, no, that’s a good point. Oh, well, here's something. Just came into my head. You know, you could have just not set me up in the first place. There’s a thought.
Victor: You're talking about that again?
Adam: Yeah, I'm on that again.
Victor: Mm.
Adam: You had every chance on the stand to bury me, but you backed off. I want to know why.
Victor: Because you're not a murderer. I wasn't about to let you go to prison for something you didn't do.
Adam: I'm -- that's -- my head is -- It's about ready to explode.
Victor: Mm.
Adam: You go to great lengths to -- to set me up for murder. You plant evidence. You forge a journal. You exhume an old woman’s body, for God’s sakes? That's disgusting. And don’t deny it, ’cause I know it was you. I want to know what the hell you want.
Dylan: The divorce is -- is off?
Nikki: The divorce is off.
Dylan: Okay, are you -- are you sure about this?
Nikki: Dylan, the man that I know and love is back. I mean, you saw him up at that cabin. He put his own life on the line to save mine. Because he loves me, and he’s willing to do anything to protect me. That is a real man. That's an honorable man.
Dylan: You think what happened is gonna affect his appeal.
Nikki: Yes, I do. He saved two lives.
Dylan: Yeah, after fleeing police custody.
Nikki: Oh, come on, now. It's not like you wouldn't break the law to save Sharon. Thank you. I believe that Victor’s heroics could possibly overturn his sentence.
Sharon: Is that even possible?
Dylan: Well, I mean, overturning’s a stretch. Maybe a reduction, but that’s not gonna erase the original charges. Nikki, have you forgotten how we got here? Victor was found guilty of fraud and kidnapping in no small part because... you testified against him.
Victor: There's a way out of this, you know.
Adam: Yeah, no, you are my way out. You go to the police and you tell them that you set me up. That's my way out, Dad.
Victor: The real pages of the diary will show up. And you will be exonerated.
Adam: I'm sorry, what?
Victor: If you come work for me at Newman. And if you follow my rules.
Adam: So, what is that, an admission?
Victor: Let's just say I know how to fix things.
Adam: But it comes at a price, right? That's always what it comes back to, isn’t it? You manipulating me. Fall in line. Be one of your good little Newman soldiers. Of course, there's a problem with your plan this time.
Victor: Really? What’s that?
Adam: You need me to go work at Newman 'cause you can't run your company from a prison cell, can you?
Victor: You made the mistake of underestimating me before. Don’t ever make that mistake again.
Kevin: You think I’m tanking the investigation so that Adam will go to prison.
Chelsea: You told him the other day that you envision him locked up. What better way to make that happen than drag your feet finding this mystery woman?
Kevin: [Sighs] I spent a long time hating Adam, Chelsea. Desperate to make him pay for what he did to Delia.
Chelsea: What happened to Delia was an accident, Kevin.
Kevin: I know. But put yourself in our position, okay? If this were Connor --
Chelsea: No, I-I can’t even think about that.
Kevin: Okay. So imagine living it. You know, it all of Billy’s talk about needing to forgive Adam, how it was the only way to get to the other side, I had a really hard time with that. But I knew it’s what Delia would have wanted.
Chelsea: Absolutely.
Kevin: So I found a way to move on. To accept that Adam was at least willing to take his punishment, even if he never got it.
Chelsea: Trust me, no one could have punished Adam more than he punished himself.
Kevin: I don’t know about that.
Chelsea: Okay, look, I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to make sure you're not sabotaging the investigation.
Kevin: Victoria is the one who hired me, remember? To find out who was helping Victor sabotage those oil rigs. It was Michael who realized there could be a connection between the two cases. And no, I have not been dragging my feet.
Chelsea: What are you doing?
Kevin: I’m trying to find this woman, Chelsea. For Victoria and for you. Thank you, Kevin.
Kevin: I’m running out of options here. This is my last cyber trick. Whoa.
Chelsea: What?
Kevin: This could be it.
Abby: What’s happening with Max, it’s awful and sad and so, so frustrating. But you don’t have to carry it alone. You know that I-I love to talk. But I am willing to listen. And you can talk to me. You can tell me what you're feeling, even if you blame me. Look, I can handle it.
Stitch: I don't want to drag you down.
Abby: Well, too bad. Because you’re my husband, and I love you, and where you are, that's where I want to be. I get it. I know you're still adjusting to this enormous change, but... Hey, maybe you could take a couple days off. I will too. I mean, I think it's important that we have this time together.
Stitch: I truly love what you’re trying to do. But working, helping people, it's what’s keeping me going right now.
[Pager beeps]
Stitch: It's me. Come here. See you at home, okay?
Abby: Okay.
Nikki: Well, there’s got to be something we can do. Something to help Victor.
Dylan: I-I mean, there is. The whole family would have to testify in front of the appeals committee. You would have to take back what you said. I mean, not the facts, and obviously what Victor did will still stand, but, you know, the emotional tone of the testimony. You would have to say that you were angry, and you were trying to teach Victor a lesson.
Nikki: I would be willing to do that.
Sharon: It’s a big request to ask that everyone follow suit.
Dylan: Yeah. But everybody would have to. I mean, Victoria, Nick, Phyllis, and even Adam. The judge needs to see a united front, and he needs to hear that.
Nikki: Victor needs to hear it, too.
Kevin: I didn't even know this camera existed. This is the clearest image we have so far.
Chelsea: This is clear?
Kevin: Well, we got a glimpse of her face. Kind of.
Chelsea: Can you play it back one more time?
Kevin: [Sighs] It's just not enough.
Chelsea: Maybe we're coming at this the wrong way. I mean, a positive ID can be made without seeing her face, right?
Kevin: I mean, she used a fake name, left no prints, and wore a disguise. She didn't give us much to work with.
Chelsea: What about the prison staff?
Kevin: Michael interviewed the guard at the visitor's desk. He wasn’t much help.
Chelsea: Who are you?
Victor: My sentence will be overturned, and I will be released from prison.
Adam: You're pretty confident.
Victor: And when that happens, I will be taking the reins of Newman. And you’ll be at my side.
Adam: Or, more accurately, under your thumb, right? You want to refresh my memory? You want to tell me why I would agree to something like that?
Victor: Because you want to go home to your wife and your son instead of spending years behind prison walls and rot. So, dear boy, this is the question. Do you want to spend your life imprisoned? Or do you want to spend your life working by my side?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nikki: His actions are an excellent case for an appeal.
Victoria: As in getting his conviction overturned?
Adam: He wants me to return to Newman. Work for him.
Billy: It's time to make a choice.
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