Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/7/16
Episode # 10960 ~ Hilary pushes Jack's buttons; Abby confides in Ashley about her marriage; Nick worries about the future of Newman Enterprises.
Provided By Jim
Nick: Got to hand it to you, Dad. You went from escaped convict to hero in less than a couple hours.
Summer: You know, Grandpa saved Grandma and Mom because that's just who he is. He's not some dangerous criminal.
Luca: But Ian Ward is, and now he's back in lockup where he belongs.
Summer: Yeah, speaking of, have you talked to Grandma at all? Is she okay?
Nick: Yeah. She's a little shaky, but she's tough. Your Aunt Victoria's with her now.
Luca: No fun time with Travis? That's a change for Victoria.
Nick: She's fine. But she is concerned about your grandfather. I mean, it was a pretty big move. He tracked Ian down a couple hours after he was shot and went after him.
Luca: Not to mention breaking out of custody to do it.
Summer: The courts can't hold that against him, can they? Add more time to his sentence?
Nick: Mom and Phyllis are fine. Ian's locked up. But keep in mind, Adam got out of his sentence in a very similar situation. Your grandfather's case for appeal has never been stronger. I mean, this couldn't have worked out better even if he'd planned it.
Esther: Amazing that Victor saved Nikki and Phyllis after getting a GSW. GSW. Gunshot wound.
Billy: Oh, yeah. I think you've been watching a little too much CSI: Genoa City.
Esther: Oh, just imagine what Phyllis and Nikki were going through, being trapped by that lunatic. Oh, my God. I have been there. Your whole life just flashes before your eyes. Thank God that Victor broke out of the hospital to save them. And poor Jack! He must have just been worried sick about Phyllis. How horrible to realize that the fate of the woman you love is trapped in some other man's hands, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Jack: I brought you some coffee.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] You sure did. [Sighs] I need it. I didn't get much sleep last night.
Jack: Yeah, you tossed and turned all night.
Phyllis: Did I keep you up?
Jack: No, no, no, no. I woke up early, and I just... wanted to watch over you, I suppose, 'cause I wasn't there yesterday. It was with you all night, wasn't it? In your dreams. What happened at the cabin.
Phyllis: Yeah. The cabin. It sure was.
Jack: Well, you're safe now. Everything's okay. Nothing like that's gonna happen again.
Hilary: Hey, Jack. It's Hilary. I am so relieved to hear that Phyllis is home safe. I won't bother you, so I'll make this quick. I had my first treatment. Now all that is left is to pray. Call me when you can, okay? Foundation business. All right. Take care.
[Knock on door]
Hilary: Maybe you can't stay away. Devon.
Devon: Hey. Can I, uh, come in? These probably need water.
Hilary: I-I know that this is your place, but, um... I didn't invite you in, so...
Devon: I know you didn't. But I told you that I wanted to be by your side during your recovery. Whatever it takes, and whatever you need.
Hilary: What makes you think that what I need is you?
[Door opens]
Ashley: [Gasps] Hi! You're back!
Abby: Hi.
Ashley: Oh, I missed you.
Abby: Oh, I missed you.
Ashley: How are Ben and Max?
Abby: Um, we will get to that. Uh, have you seen Dad?
Ashley: No. I'm not exactly on the visitor's list.
Abby: Well, neither am I. I have to wait for permission. I went straight to the hospital as soon as I got back in town, and they turned me away.
Ashley: That's not very surprising considering he is still a prisoner. Even though he managed to escape custody because of that sympathetic female visitor.
Abby: Mm, yes. The prison doctor.
Ashley: Yeah.
Abby: I heard. Dad's still got it, even in jail.
Ashley: Yeah, and then he went and, uh, saved Nikki and Phyllis.
Abby: Yeah.
Ashley: He's nothing if he's not capable, right?
Abby: Well, so is my mother. You look great.
Ashley: Oh, thank you.
Abby: You look healthy, and...
Ashley: I am. You know, I love that you're back at Jabot, but I just hope that it's not because Hilary forced you out of the lab.
Ashley: No. No, no. I'm here because I want to be. But I don't want to talk about myself. I want to talk about you. Is Max on his way home?
Abby: Well, Mom, um...
Ashley: Honey, I don't understand. I thought you said that the surgery went well. Max's tumor was removed, and he got through the surgery okay.
Abby: Well, nothing happened during the surgery, but after... Max started having seizures. And the doctors can't figure out how to control them, so he has memory loss, and his motor skills are impaired.
Ashley: Oh, my God. That poor little boy.
Abby: [Sighs]
Ashley: Oh, Abby, he's been through so much in his short life. Isn't there therapy or rehabilitation?
Abby: Well, the doctors and nurses are trying to figure out a treatment, but they can't promise anything. Mom, Max should be here. He should be at day camp, or he should be at the Club swimming, or at the ranch learning how to ride. Max doesn't deserve this life. And watching him go through all of this feels like I've lost two children. My baby and Ben's son.
Ashley: Oh, honey.
Devon: Well, it seems like you're getting back to your old self. Does that, uh, mean that Neville's protocol is working?
Hilary: We don't know. Okay? I don't know. Sometimes I have good days, and then I have...other days.
Devon: Let me be there for you for all the days. Good or bad. Let me help you.
Hilary: [Scoffs] Save it. Your help, it comes with strings. You want to change me. You think I'm such a horrible person because I told Jack what Neil did to me. I'm so awful because I fight for what I want. If I have leverage, I use it. If I have information, I use it. That's the kind of person that I am, and you can't stand it.
Devon: I have always loved exactly who you are. That's not true.
Hilary: [Scoffs] Wow. You know, you're a pretty good liar, Devon. You're trying to stay on my good side so you can hold onto your billions. That's what this is about.
Devon: All right, this --
Hilary: [Scoffs]
Devon: This has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with our marriage. Okay? For better or worse, for richer or poorer, for sickness and in health, we said.
Hilary: Yeah, I know the words. You know, it never meant that much to you when I was married to your father. Yeah, I guess it didn't mean that much to me, either.
Devon: Honey, that's not true. All right? You and I got together because we couldn't be apart. That hasn't changed for me. I know that you're a strong woman, but no one should have to go through what you're going through right now alone. Okay? It's okay if you need me. I need you.
Hilary: I'm gonna get through this the way that I've gotten through everything else in my life. On my own. Now get out. Get out!
Summer: Grandpa saved Grandma because he loves her. It wasn't just some plan to get him out of jail.
Nick: Yes, but now he has grounds for appeal, and he knows that.
Summer: Okay, Adam is free because he helped at some tower fire. Grandpa is way more of a hero than Adam will ever be. And if the review boards can't see that, I will go down there and tell them that myself.
Luca: Summer, you are the most loyal person I've ever met.
Nick: Yes, she is. But here's the thing. Once Dad gets out of prison, he's gonna march right back into this office. And once he does, everything's gonna change. For everyone. Including everyone in this room.
Summer: What are you trying to say? That you think he's gonna fire us?
Nick: Summer, Dad already admitted he's trying to teach everyone in this family a lesson, and that was from inside prison. Once he gets out and it's up close and personal, things are gonna get messy fast. Just ask Jack and Phyllis and Billy, people who have crossed him in the past. Victor Newman never forgives. And he never forgets.
Billy: Yes, Victor played the hero twice in one day. Not only did he save Phyllis and Nikki, but he testified that Adam is no killer.
Esther: You know, I don't know if Adam killed that poor Bingham woman, but he did take a life. Our little Dee Dee. A perfect, sweet, innocent little life. And not even Victor Newman can rewrite that sad story. But Adam's gonna get away with it again, isn't he? The Newmans always win out.
Billy: Yes, they do. Adam will probably walk. Victor will maneuver his way out of prison somehow. And the rest of us are gonna have to duck and cover, because there's gonna be hell to pay.
Esther: Well, who doesn't Victor hate at this point? You're gonna have to wear a helmet.
Billy: [Scoffs]
Esther: And Phyllis, too. I just hope he just didn't save her life to make it more miserable. She deserves better than that.
Billy: You're a wise woman, Es. Don't let me forget that.
Esther: What'd I say?
Phyllis: I can't just sit here and wallow all day and think, especially when I need to be at work.
Jack: Wait a minute. You don't have to prove how tough you are. You are unbreakable. Just like our marriage. As I told Billy.
Phyllis: You talked to Billy about our marriage? Why?
Jack: Oh, he was making a lot of noise about marriages failing, couples growing apart. He's in a very dark place. Convinced that all marriages lead to divorce. Even you and me.
Phyllis: Why would he say something like that?
Jack: Why indeed? After everything you and I have been through, Billy can't even begin to comprehend what we've endured. And somehow we came out stronger because of it.
Phyllis: Did Billy back off?
Jack: Well, I made my point. But you know what, the truth is Billy is jealous. He sees what we have, he sees who we are together, and he wants to have that for himself. And he could. He very well could if he'd stop that bimbo-of-the-month club and start rebuilding something with Victoria.
Phyllis: Okay, look, I don't want to talk about your brother anymore, all right?
Jack: Okay. Okay. Anything more I can get you? Anything at all, as long as it keeps your right here.
Phyllis: Okay, you just said I was unbreakable.
Jack: You are. I meant it.
Phyllis: You know what, Ian does not get to take anything away from me, especially a day of work. So I am gonna go ahead and get to Jabot, all right?
Jack: Okay. I can't stop you. On one condition. No more thinking about the cabin.
Phyllis: You have my word.
Nick: Victoria's gonna need some support. She's very concerned about our parents right now, so she's gonna need some backup while I'm gone.
Summer: Wait, gone? Where are you going?
Luca: What, are you backing away from the company?
Nick: No. I'm gonna go to the oil refinery. I'm gonna check things out for myself. See who opened that damn valve and is trying to tank our business.
Summer: Well, that's good, 'cause I'm sick of everyone trying to blame Grandpa for that.
Nick: Look, I hate to break it to you, kiddo, but this still could lead back to your grandfather. I mean, he didn't take credit for this specifically, but he did admit to trying to teach us all a lesson.
Luca: Yeah, but Victor protected Adam. He's clearly not trying to punish anyone now.
Nick: Whoever planned this sabotage, there is at least one traitor on the inside. And I'm gonna figure out who it is.
Luca: Yeah, but if you go in yourself, the press will pounce on it. They'll -- they'll assume it's an ongoing threat.
Nick: Yeah, I don't think a little media would be the worst thing. I want the world to know this company will not stand for one more round of sabotage.
Summer: Yeah, I mean, you know, that's something that my grandpa would do. Go there and make his presence felt.
Luca: Well, there is another option. Let me go in your place.
Lily: Oh, God. What happened?
Devon: Save these for a funeral.
Lily: What, did she die? Don't get my hopes up. Okay, I'm sorry. That was wrong. Sort of.
Devon: My marriage is dead, and any feelings that Hilary had for me are gone.
Lily: No, you have not lost her or your marriage yet. And you won't if you want to keep what's yours.
Devon: Oh, man. What are you talking about, this place and your job?
Lily: No, I can find a job anywhere, but... I mean, this club is my home. You know, the staff is my family. I'm not gonna lose that because Hilary is some vengeful shrew. So go back up there --
Devon: And do what? What? Fight for a loveless marriage 'cause it makes you feel better?
Lily: Please don't tell me that you're still in love with her.
Jack: Hey, Devon. Oh, beautiful flowers. You taking those up to Hilary?
Lily: Uh, no. These are actually for the front desk.
Jack: How are things with you and Hilary? Any improvement?
Devon: Well, I'm sure you're here to speak to her, so I'll let her fill you in.
Lily: Wait. Here. For luck.
Devon: Thanks.
Jack: Do I have to worry about Devon's mood?
Lily: No, he'll be okay. I'll work on him.
Hilary: Jack. I'll see you at the bar.
Lily: Is there a meeting for the Foundation? 'Cause I didn't see my father this morning.
Jack: Actually, Neil is not going to be a part of it. Uh, if you'll excuse me.
Lily: Uh, Jack...
Jack: Yeah?
Lily: Never mind.
Jack: Hey, I got your message. I was worried about you, but... Wow. Looks like the new medication is really working. You look wonderful.
Hilary: No, it's makeup and sheer willpower. Willpower that I needed to tell Devon to leave me alone.
Jack: And why would you do that?
Hilary: Because I don't want his pity, Jack.
Jack: That man loves you, Hilary.
Hilary: He did. And now it's just pity and resentment and disgust. That is all that is left. I just -- I... I'm tired. It's over for me and my marriage.
Jack: No, no, no. I'm not gonna let you talk that way. I'm not gonna let you give up on your life or your marriage.
Hilary: What is the point of fighting if there's nothing to fight for?
Jack: I've seen the love that you and Devon have. It didn't just go away. You hit a rough patch. That's when you double down. That's when you love a little harder. Believe me, it would have been a whole lot easier for Phyllis and me to throw up our hands and walk away many times. We didn't. And look what we have. Look, if we can do it, so can you and Devon.
Hilary: Can we not talk about this here? With Lily just staring, judging me?
Jack: Okay. How can I help?
Hilary: Can you take me back upstairs?
Jack: Yeah. Come on.
Abby: Thank you.
Phyllis: Abby? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Abby: No, um, it's fine. Everything's fine. And, um, you're fine, which is a huge relief.
Phyllis: Yeah, it is good. It's good to see you back.
Abby: Thank you.
Phyllis: You know, if you want to catch up with your mom, I'm happy to go to another office.
Abby: No, um, I was just leaving.
Phyllis: On your way to see Victor? Is he able to see visitors?
Abby: I haven't seen him yet, but I've been trying. And I will keep trying until he knows how relieved I am that he's safe.
Phyllis: And I suppose I should give him a big thank you.
Abby: Well, I can pass that along for you.
Phyllis: Well, you better not. It might send him into shock.
Abby: Well, um, I will let you two get back to work.
Ashley: Um... Could you cover for me here for a little bit?
Phyllis: Yeah, absolutely.
Ashley: I'm coming with you.
Abby: Mom...
Phyllis: Better not argue. I think she's gonna win this one.
Abby: Bye.
Phyllis: Bye.
[Door opens]
Abby: Mom, you don't have to hold my hand. You have a job, and I just showed up a weeping mess.
Ashley: It's okay. Phyllis can handle everything on her own.
Abby: But you just started back at Jabot.
Ashley: And you just got back into town.
Esther: Ohh!
Ashley: Hi, there.
Esther: Hi. Look who's here. How are you, Abby? Oh, and that poor little boy. I --
Ashley: Thank you so much for asking. Could you get us a couple of iced cappuccinos?
Esther: Oh, of course. Extra creamy.
Ashley: Thank you so much.
Abby: I don't even know what to say to people yet.
Ashley: I know. I take it Ben's with Max right now?
Abby: We found him a long-term-care facility closer to home, so Ben's with Max now, and I'm here to see Dad.
Ashley: How's Ben holding up with everything?
Abby: It's hard on him. I mean, he wants to fix his son, and he can't. And the more I try to help, I just make things worse.
Ashley: I'm sure he feels like he has to be strong for everybody, don't you think?
Abby: I think he blames me. I think that Ben feels like what happened to his son is all my fault.
Nick: You go in my place? How exactly is that a better option?
Luca: Well, first of all, I've been right beside Victoria since the first leak. Hell, I-I knew about it before she did. I have as much information as anyone. But here's the key. I'm nobody. I'm just a random suit. I can visit the facility, ask some questions, look around. Nobody will bat an eye.
Summer: Okay, have you been thinking about this? Planning on going?
Luca: No. Honestly, it didn't occur to me till Nick mentioned it. But, really, it makes sense, right? If and when your grandfather gets a new hearing, you all need to be here for it. I'm not a Newman, so I'm expendable on that front.
Nick: Well, I don't think Summer would agree with that. And I certainly disagree with some random suit going and not me. I want everyone in that company to know that we're not blaming anyone but the person who did this. I want them all to know their jobs are safe. And that message needs to come from me or someone else in this family. Trust is everything, and sneaking in and out will just blow that all to hell.
Luca: Just trying to be useful.
Nick: And you can be. By staying here and supporting Victoria. Unless you have a problem with that.
Phyllis: Jack isn't here.
Billy: I didn't come here to see Jack. You know that. I had to see you. You know I wanted to race back to that cabin when I heard about Ian Ward. I shouldn't have left you there in the first place. I'm sorry about that.
Phyllis: I told you to go because I needed to think.
Billy: Yeah, and what did thinking get you? A standoff with Ian Ward.
Phyllis: Why did you say what you said to Jack?
Billy: What are you talking about?
Phyllis: You told him you thought our marriage was doomed.
Billy: That's... That's not what I said. Not exactly.
Phyllis: But you said something close to that. You wanted to give him a subtle heads up that you were thinking I was getting ready to end my marriage.
Billy: What is this? You're staying with him? You're not gonna leave him to be with me?
Hilary: This isn't my room.
Jack: You just said upstairs. Fresh air, sunshine, and no Lily lurking.
Hilary: True. Or maybe you're just afraid to be alone with me in my suite.
Jack: If you're trying to avoid Lily's judgment, being alone in your room with me is not gonna make it easier.
Hilary: Yeah, because if we're alone together, it couldn't possibly be friendship.
Jack: Okay, you said you had Foundation business to catch me up on. So catch me up. We said we wanted to help people. Let's find a way to help them. Hilary? You okay?
Hilary: Yeah, um... I don't know.
Jack: What is it? You want me to call Dr. Neville?
Hilary: I don't think Dr. Neville could help me with this.
Jack: What's going on? What are you feeling?
Hilary: I'm feeling...
Jack: Um... If -- if I sent the wrong signals, I'm very sorry.
Hilary: I don't know -- um... This -- this must be Simon's protocol or something. I-I have -- I've been having mood swings and lack of self-control and -- oh, my God. In a public place. What is wrong with me?
Jack: No -- no one saw anything. It's -- it's -- it's all right.
Hilary: Jack, you are my friend. You're my colleague. You're the first person that I told when I relapsed. I don't want you to think that I would jeopardize -- I just -- I hope that you know that I would never risk our friendship.
Jack: No, no. I do know that. It's obviously this new medication. But you need to tell Neville about the side effects.
Hilary: No, I will tell him. I will tell him right away.
Jack: But tell him you want to get healthy, but you can't have the cure trash the rest of your life. You need to protect your marriage.
Hilary: My marriage is over. But what you and Phyllis have, it's a sacred thing, and this will -- will never happen again.
Jack: No, it won't. Listen, I think maybe I should go. You take care. We'll talk later, okay?
Hilary: Okay. Jack, you're a good man. And a good friend.
Abby: After the surgery, Ben just shut down. He told me I didn't need to go with him when he visited his son, and then he would come home, and he would refuse to talk about what happened. I thought that finding a facility closer to Genoa City, I thought that maybe we could find our balance, that we could be a team again. But I just -- I don't think that's gonna happen.
Ashley: Honey, Ben is hurting for his son, and he's scared. But he doesn't blame you. I mean, that doesn't make any sense. Max had a brain tumor. That's nobody's fault. Least of all yours. I mean, you were the victim here. You lost your baby. Ben knows that.
Abby: Yeah. Max doesn't have that memory anymore. Which is a blessing for his sake. I mean, to live with that? That would just be awful.
Ashley: Well, Ben remembers. I'm sure it causes him a lot of pain. And guilt, because he didn't listen to you long before that happened.
Abby: Ben said that Max wanted to have the surgery so he wouldn't be bad anymore, so that I wouldn't be afraid of him. And everything that's happened since then, Ben holds me responsible. I know it. I can feel it.
Ashley: Honey, Ben is not cruel, and he's not selfish, and he's certainly not irrational. Surgery was the logical next step to take. And he knew the risks, as well as the benefits. And, by the way, Max could still heal and recover. Just like your marriage. It's just gonna take some faith and a love of love. The two of you can get through this together.
Luca: I have no problem supporting Victoria and Summer. Whatever they need, that's what I'm here to do.
Nick: Good.
Luca: You know, since, uh, Victoria will probably get sucked into Victor's legal issues, I might as well start pitching in now. One of, uh, Newman's petroleum partners needs some reassurance. What do you think about me taking that meeting now? Unless you both think I should stay out of it.
Nick: Uh, that'll be just fine. Just don't mention my trip to anyone.
Luca: Of course. I'll keep you both posted.
Summer: Okay.
Luca: See you later.
Nick: Before I go, I want to go over some details with you.
Summer: Do you really need to go to the refinery, or do you just not want Luca to handle it?
Nick: Now, that's funny, because I was just about to ask you the same thing.
Phyllis: When you left me at the cabin, I thought that I had made my decision. I knew it was gonna be ugly. I knew that it was gonna be painful. But I was ready to go back to town and tell Jack about us. About what I wanted. And then all of a sudden, Ian bursts in with Nikki and all hell breaks loose.
Billy: So, if I would have been there, if I would have stayed --
Phyllis: It doesn't matter. Nikki and I were dealing with a lunatic. And then, of all people, Victor decides to come in and save us. The one guy that trashed my life.
Billy: So, is that how you celebrate being alive, then? You run back into Jack's arms? Not mine? Y-you don't -- you don't come to me? Were you sitting in the cabin thinking about your life, thinking about what's most important to you, what you have to live for? And, what, I-I didn't make the cut?
Phyllis: You don't know what I thought. You don't know what I felt. Jack and I made it back from a misery you can't even begin to understand. I don't even understand it. What we have is real. And it is special.
Billy: Is that why you want me so much, Phyllis? Because what you have with Jack is real, and it's special?
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Billy: You're willing to risk your -- your special marriage to sneak off to my house? What we have is real. When we're together, that is real. When you say you love me, that is real.
Phyllis: I love you both.
Billy: You know, if Jack's not good enough for you now, he's never gonna be good enough. You understand that, right? When you're with me, do you think about being anywhere else? Do you think about being with anyone else?
Phyllis: I'm asking you. I need time. I need to know I'm making the right decision.
Billy: Okay. Fine. You want time, I'll give you time.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Billy: I'll leave you to it.
Jack: Hey, I could hear your voice halfway down the hall. What -- What are you so worked up about?
Billy: I'm not worked up. My voice carries. I came here to see Ashley, and I...ran into Phyllis. I did not expect to see her here after everything she's been through.
Jack: Well, you know Phyllis.
Phyllis: And there is work to be done, so I am not gonna let the thought of a gun-waving lunatic keep me from it.
Jack: I rest my case. So, what'd you stop by to see Ashley about?
Billy: I'm not here to steal trade secrets if that's what you're worried about, Jack.
Jack: I hadn't even considered that till you mentioned it. I'll tell Ashley you dropped by.
Billy: Thank you. Phyllis. I meant it. Take your time. Don't rush into anything until you're good and ready.
Phyllis: I never do.
Jack: He seem a little off to you?
Phyllis: Who can tell? I don't know.
Jack: I can tell when you're off. And you do seem off. You want to tell me what really happened with you two?
Lily: Uh-oh. How does Dr. Neville feel about you mixing medication with some bubbly? Will you pass out and hit your head? 'Cause that'd be a shame. For the floor.
Hilary: I appreciate your concern. But I intend to live a very long and healthy life. And I will definitely be getting everything that's coming to me.
Lily: Oh. [Chuckles] Yeah, fingers crossed on that last part.
Hilary: Can I buy you a drink? Especially since this might be your last one, because soon I will own this place, and the security, they will be under strict instructions to keep you out.
Lily: Aww, look at you, counting your eggs before they hatch. See, this place still belongs to Devon, and Jack still belongs to Phyllis. And all you have is your sparkling personality. So drink up.
Esther: Hey, Devon. Can I get you anything? Coffee? Maple oat cake? It's got flaxseed. It's very healthy.
Devon: Is a, uh, different life on the menu?
Esther: Now, if you had a different life, you wouldn't be Mrs. C.'s grandson, and that would be a shame.
Devon: Yeah. She was a-a wonderful woman who knew how to handle any and everything, and I really could use someone like that right now.
Esther: You know, I'm not Mrs. C., but if you need someone to talk to, I'm -- I'm happy to listen.
Devon: I appreciate that, but I think I'd be too ashamed to ask Katherine even if she were here.
Esther: Ashamed? Why?
Devon: Why? Because, um, she left me a fortune, and I've done nothing with it. You know, I-I haven't made the world a better place. Just drove some people crazy with greed. That's about it.
Esther: That's not true. Look at all the work you've done with that odd doctor, and -- and the Foundation with your father and Jack.
Devon: All I do is write checks. You know, and sometimes that's just not enough for people.
Esther: You know, I think Mrs. C. would say that you're learning something very important.
Devon: And what would that be?
Esther: You know, money can bring out the worst in some people. But it can also bring out the best in others, too. And it's up to you on how you use it, who you use it for, and the people you surround yourself with. At least, I think that's what she would say. [Chuckles]
Devon: Yeah.
Esther: What's that for?
Devon: Uh, it's -- it's for you being you.
Esther: Ah.
Ashley: I mean, honestly, Abby, you and Ben have survived the worst that life can throw at a couple. And what Max is suffering doesn't have to break the two of you.
Abby: But Ben won't lean on me. He won't let me in.
Ashley: You need to keep offering. Or maybe you should start demanding. 'Cause you know what, you can be a pretty willful person. Maybe it's time to put that to good use. You have to make sure that Ben knows you're not giving up, and you're not backing down. [Cell phone rings]
Ashley: Answer it. He needs you.
Abby: I just got butterflies from my husband calling me. Ben? Hi.
Nick: Look, everyone with access to certain Newman computers and the facility is a suspect. So if you have questions about Luca, it's understandable.
Summer: Yeah, but you still think that Grandpa's the one behind it all.
Nick: Summer, he admitted to trying to teach the whole family a lesson.
Summer: Okay, but he didn't admit to being behind the oil spills.
Nick: Okay, well, let's look at the facts, all right? Dad's very hurt, and he feels betrayed by everyone in this family except you. There is a strong likelihood that he has someone here in the company following his orders. Someone who's expecting a big payoff if and when Dad comes back.
Summer: Someone like Luca. God, I just can't help but think about how you told me to trust my gut.
Nick: And I meant that. Look, Summer, do you think something is not right with Luca?
Abby: Oh, they did? They did. Um... Thank you for letting me know. Hey, now that I have you on the phone, do you think you have some time to maybe, uh -- Okay. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. I love yo-- Love you.
Ashley: What did he say?
Abby: Um, the Department of Corrections called. They approved my visit to Dad at the hospital. So, um, I'm gonna go to the hospital.
Ashley: Wait a second. Ben misses you.
Abby: Really? I mean, her certainly didn't say that. He didn't even want to talk to me.
Ashley: Well, maybe he doesn't have all the right words right now, but... He clearly wanted to hear your voice.
Abby: You really think so?
Ashley: Absolutely.
Abby: Bye.
Ashley: Bye, honey.
Summer: I'm not saying that anything's wrong... [Sighs]
Nick: Hey, there's no judgment here. All right? I promise. What do you got?
Summer: Okay, it's just... When Ian kidnapped Mom and Grandma, and Grandpa went to... save them, Luca got in the way of me finding out. Not on purpose, but I'm just saying that I didn't find out until I had missed all those messages.
Nick: So, your family's in danger. You didn't know. And Luca had an explanation for that.
Summer: But, I mean, he knew that I had left Adam's trial to avoid all the family in-fighting. And, you know, he was just trying to protect me.
Nick: Why? Why, because you're a snowflake? Summer, you are tougher than that. You don't need protection. But since I am your old man, maybe you'll allow me to do it sometime? Thanks for humoring me.
Summer: [Chuckles] Uh, yeah, I just -- I want to believe in Luca. I just... You know, things like this make me wonder.
Nick: Look, I cannot go on this trip unless I know you're here keeping your eyes open. Take care of yourself. Trust your instincts. And never, ever, ever forget that you are not a snowflake. You're Supergirl.
Luca: We have a problem. Nick Newman is on his way there.
Lily: I'm not gonna waste perfectly good flowers just because Hilary is the worst.
Devon: Well, good. 'Cause there's no funeral as of yet.
Lily: Oh. This is good. Someone lit a fire under you. Who was it?
Devon: It was Katherine.
Lily: Katherine Chancellor?
Devon: Yeah. I just thought to myself, "What would Katherine do?" And the answer to that question is to fight like hell and not let Hilary destroy our family.
Lily: Well, God bless Katherine. She always comes through.
Devon: Yeah.
Billy: [Sighs] I'll have what she's having, please.
Hilary: Oh, you must be celebrating. Jack has his wife back safe and sound.
Billy: That's right. To happy endings.
Phyllis: There's no point in lying. You deserve to know.
Jack: Go on.
Phyllis: Billy crossed the line. He assumed that our marriage is doomed.
Jack: Honey, he's just projecting his frustration over Victoria. This really wasn't about us.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, I told him to keep his mouth shut. And I made that clear to him just now. This is our marriage. No one gets to speculate. No one gets to pass judgment. That's why you heard the raised voices. That's why he couldn't get out of here soon enough.
Jack: Don't be too hard on my brother. He's not the only one who wants what we have.
Phyllis: What are you talking about? Is there something you want to tell me?
Jack: Just this. Maybe jealousy isn't such a bad thing if it gives Billy something to shoot for. Not everybody's as lucky as we are.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chelsea: I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm really freaking out here.
Kevin: Let me guess. Victor?
Adam: I'm running out of time, here, all right? And I need to prove this theory.
Dylan: And you think confronting Victor's the only way to do that.
Nikki: I don't want to walk.
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