Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/5/16


Episode # 10958 ~ Nick & Victoria press Victor to admit he's out for revenge; Sharon makes a promise to Mariah; Paul & Dylan work together to save Nikki.

Provided By Jim

Victor: Why are you even here? You know how embarrassing it was for your father to be denigrated this way, to end up in court, in handcuffs, because of your testimony? My children's testimony, my wife's testimony? That's why I'm in here. Then back to prison, courtesy of my loving family. Was willing to take a bullet for my wife, to save her. I would do the same thing for you. I wouldn't even think about it. Not give it a second thought. I'd do everything for my family, because you mean everything to me. Do you know what it feels like to be abandoned by you now? I was in court just now, testifying so that my son Adam would be saved. I will do everything in my power to save your mother from that lunatic.

Nick: I think that's something we all agree on. The police need to find Mom and get her home safely as fast as possible.

Victoria: In the meantime, could you stop making this sound like such a contest?

Victor: What is so --

Victoria: Who loves who more, what they'll do to prove it. Why do you have to do that? It's embarrassing. It's really embarrassing. Obviously, we're here because we care about you.

Victor: That is so hard to swallow after everything you have done. Please.

Victoria: I understand that you're furious at us for testifying against you. I get it. I get it, dad.

Victor: I'm going back to a cage because of you! I go back to behind bars because of you!

Victoria: Will you please just admit that you've been working from prison to try to wreak havoc in our lives? Why don't you just admit that?

Victor: What if I did? What if I did?!

Nikki: I couldn't possibly have heard you right. Did you just say you would shoot me to save yourself?

Phyllis: Don't take it personal. It's called survival.

Ian: [Laughs] Not to worry, Nikki. She won't get the chance. Nobody touches this gun but me. Although, I suppose, it is the thought that counts. [Laughing]

Nikki: I'm gonna remember that, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, please, Nikki. Like you wouldn't do the same to me in a heartbeat? You don't give a damn if I live or die.

Nikki: Likewise.

Ian: [Laughs] As amusing as this is, ladies, I have work to do, and you're keeping me from it. So, quiet.

Phyllis: Word to wise, "Fred" -- you may think you're in control, but none of this is gonna last.

Ian: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Yeah. People are searching for you all over the state -- you and Nikki. And you know what? Jack's gonna start wondering where I am.

Ian: [Chuckles] Well, the latest news report here says that Genoa's Finest have no leads as to my whereabouts. And since no one has come through that door, evidently, your hubby has other fish to fry. Huh?

Nikki: So, what did you mean when you said you had work to do? What are -- what are you planning on doing with Phyllis and me?

Ian: What a very astute question, Nikki. Very good. Now, why would I take a hostage -- oh, make that two hostages -- when I could just drop you off at the side of the road and drive off alone, by myself, into the night?

Phyllis: Ransom.

Ian: Bingo! Give the lady a cigar. [Laughing]

Billy: You know who you remind me of, Jack?

Jack: Who?

Billy: Me, sounding invincible about my marriage.

Jack: Phyllis and I have good reason to feel that way. We've been through the wars. We've earned our happiness.

Billy: Yeah, that's exactly how Victoria and I felt, too. Like we could weather any storm -- Victor's meddling, my gambling...Delia. Even after the divorce, we were drawn back together, convinced that we were meant to be, like we had, you know, fixed all our problems. Everything that we were struggling with, it just continued to drive a stake, little by little, breaking us apart, until there was nothing left to put back together.

Jack: What are you saying? That that's gonna happen to Phyllis and me?

Sharon: When I heard that someone opened fire at the courthouse, I was terrified.

Dylan: Okay. Let's talk about that. Mariah said that you were frantic because you thought I'd been shot and you needed to be sedated.

Sharon: Well, I -- I'm fine now that you're here.

Dylan: Uh, okay. But the courthouse was full of people, so what made you assume that I was the one that was shot?

Sharon: Well, you know how anxious I can be about your work, and it was just like the shootout with Detective Harding all over again.

Dylan: Well, I mean, it was really nothing like that.

Sharon: Okay, but I didn't know that. You know, I -- I think you take risks with your work, and I was holding Sully at the time when I got the news, and I'm sorry, but my mind jumped right to our child growing up without a father, and I was overwhelmed. But...it's okay. The doctor gave me something for my nerves, and I'm fine now.

Dylan: Okay.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Paul: Hey, there.

Dylan: Hey, Paul. Any news?

Paul: No, not yet. Mariah told me you were here.

Sharon: Oh, yeah, I'm fine, thank you. Please, stay.

Kevin: Sharon has been hallucinating? For how long?

Mariah: She's been having dreams about Sage, having nightmares about her. And then, apparently, she stopped taking her medication, and it started happening during the day. Sharon would be going about her business, and then poof -- Sage would show up and start harassing her, saying things that would make her feel guilty. When Sharon clocked me in the head with a bookend, she wasn't aiming for me. She was aiming for --

Kevin: Sage. I get it. This is worse than I thought.

Mariah: Yeah, it hasn't been fun.

Kevin: Well, you're lucky she didn't give you a concussion. She could hurt herself or one of the kids, and Dylan has no idea.

Mariah: No, and he's not gonna find out.

Kevin: Oh, forget that. He needs to know.

Mariah: Kevin, stop. You cannot say anything.

Mariah: You have to keep this to yourself, at least for now.

Kevin: Why?

Mariah: Because I said so. This is a big enough mess as it is.

Kevin: Mariah, listen to me. Sharon's your mom. I know that you worry about her, but this is way too serious to keep secret. And the way you're acting -- not telling me the whole story first, wanting me to be quiet about it now -- makes me wonder what else is going on that you're not telling me.

Mariah: Kevin, you saw the state that she was in. Even if the doctors gave her medication, she's still fragile. I would hate to think what would happen if she was forced to tell Dylan everything.

Kevin: [Breathes deeply]

Mariah: Do you really want to do that to her? I am telling you, she couldn't handle it.

Dylan: Sharon knew I was at the courthouse, and when she heard about the shooting, her mind went to the worst possible place.

Paul: Oh, I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

Sharon: You know, I try hard not to worry about Dylan's work, but this time, I don't know what came over me. I'm just thankful Mariah was there.

Dylan: Yeah, so am I.

Sharon: Anyway, enough about me. You two are in the middle of a major investigation. What did you want to see Dylan about?

Paul: Well, first, an update. Victor is stable. Looks like he's going to make a full recovery.

Dylan: Okay. Well, that's good news.

Paul: And one of the men I had canvassing the area around the courthouse found an eyewitness -- a homeless man. He saw Nikki's car.

Dylan: Was Ian with her? Where were they headed?

Paul: We don't know. We need to question this guy as soon as possible, try and get a line on where Ian took Nikki.

Sharon: You should go.

Dylan: You sure?

Sharon: I'll be okay. And Mariah will take me home.

Dylan: Okay. Where is he?

Paul: Coffee house.

Dylan: All right, let's do this.

[Door opens]

Sharon: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Mariah: Hey.

Sharon: I'm ready to go home now. And I'm sure you have places you'd rather be.

Kevin: Don't even think about trying to brush me off.

Mariah: He knows about Sage.

Jack: This is your idea of how to be a supportive brother, telling me why relationship with Phyllis is doomed?

Billy: I'm not. I just want you to benefit from my experience. Look, just because you paper over the cracks in a relationship, it doesn't mean that they're not still there.

Jack: You think I haven't figured that out yet?

Billy: Victoria couldn't forgive me for wanting to best her old man, right? It's the same reason you're struggling with Phyllis.

Jack: Okay, I understand that your story and my story are different. Phyllis and I have found a way to work through our issues, to reconnect, to trust again, and thank God for that. If I ever lost Phyllis, I don't know what I'd do.

Ian: And once I get the ransom money, I will leave the two of you here, safe and sound and untouched. [Chuckles]

Phyllis: What makes you think that you're going to even make a dime out of this? You think the cops are gonna negotiate with you? I think you've been sadly misinformed.

Ian: Oh, my dear, you have such little regard for your own value and for my skills at getting what I want.

Phyllis: I'd match my skills against yours any day.

Ian: Oh, a contest of wits and wills. I look forward to that, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Really?

Ian: Yes.

Phyllis: Kidnapping for ransom? That's out of the 19th century. I thought you were a big more contemporary.

Ian: No, I prefer the classics.

Phyllis: Hey, you know what? If it's cash you want, there is a better way to go about this.

Ian: Well, hey, if you have a plan -- What? What? [Laughing] What is this? Oh. Well, Nikki, it's a phone. How thoughtful of you. And contemporary. Well, we'll be able to make good use of this, I think. Let me see. All right, ladies, this is how this is going to work.

Phyllis: We know how it's gonna work. You're gonna call Paul Williams and tell him that we're here.

Ian: No. Only a fool would get in contact with the authorities. No, no, no. I'm gonna call the one person I'm certain will negotiate with me.

Nikki: Victor.

Ian: [Laughing] Yes. Yeah, I'm sure my bullet only grazed him. He should be somewhat recovered by now. And he's gonna want to arrange a reunion with the love of his life. Oh, yes. [Chuckling]

Victoria: Dad, we've all taken turns trying to reach out to you. Tried to build a bridge. And all you do is shut us down.

Nick: You've alienated us even more. Do you remember me telling you that? But you ignored me and said you didn't care if you wound up alone.

Victor: All my life, I've given you everything -- every opportunity. I worked my ass off so that you could have a good life! And now you come in here, blame me for everything that went wrong?!

[Monitor beeping loudly]

Victoria: Dad...

Victor: How dare you!

Victoria: Just calm down.

Meredith: You two shouldn't be bothering your father. Please get out.

Everything all right in there?

Victoria: Fine.

Sharon: Occasionally.

Kevin: Is she here now? Can you see her?

Sharon: No! Will you please lay off? And for God's sake, do not tell Dylan.

Kevin: Sharon, look. Mariah told me you and Dylan... that you've been having some marital problems and that you didn't want him to know about what's going on with you. But he still is your husband, and if you're in distress, he has a right to know about that. That -- that's what a marriage is, being honest with each other, being there to help each other when there's an issue.

Sharon: Kevin... It's not that simple. You don't understand.

Kevin: Then help me understand so that I can help you. Why have you been thinking about Sage so much, having these dreams and visions? Explain that to me, and then maybe I'll understand why you two are so anxious to keep this from Dylan.

Jack: Your story with Victoria, it can change, you know.

Billy: Come on. How many times have we gone over this? Yet I will say it again -- Victoria and I are done, so you can stop playing matchmaker.

Jack: That is not what I'm doing.

Billy: It sure sounds like that's what you're doing, Jack.

Jack: I am suggesting that -- that you can change the dynamic of the relationship. You want to spend the rest of your lives pointing fingers, feeling hurt and resentment, or do you want to find a way to support each other, to be friends? Speaking of friends, looks like Victoria could use a friend right now.

Meredith: Okay. Well, everything looks stable. I think we just need to keep your heart rate down. I think no more visitors for a while.

Victor: I agree. It's been very upsetting. But I want to thank you... for your kindness. I really appreciate it. You didn't have to be that kind, especially not considering how...upset you are with me.

Meredith: Well, that's true. But... I think I understand you a little bit better now.

Victor: Mm. Why is that?

Meredith: I overheard your conversation with Nick and Victoria. In all the time that we've known each other, you always spoke about your family. I could see your pain. That part I believe. Because I have come to realize that not everything that you have told me is true. But seeing you with your children... I think I see the real you. A man who loves his children -- mm -- enormously... and who won't give up on them, no matter how many times they betray you. They're your whole world.

[Telephone rings]

Victor: Hello. This is Victor Newman.

Nikki: Victor, it's me. I'm with Ian. I'm fine. But you need to do exactly as I say.

Victor: I'm listening.

Nikki: You're to wire $5 million into Ian's account. And once the transfer is complete, he'll release me. I -- I'm gonna give you the number. Do you have a pen?

Victor: Yeah, one second. There's a piece of paper. Thank you. Could you hold the phone for me?

Meredith: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Victor: Thank you.

Meredith: Okay.

Victor: Okay, go ahead.

Ian: Yeah?

Nikki: Um...it -- it's an offshore account in the Cayman Islands. The bank routing number is 612, B as in boy, 145...

Phyllis: I'm claustrophobic! You need to take these off me right now!

Ian: Shut up!

Phyllis: You need to take them off!

Victor: Who's this?

Nikki: Ian has Phyllis, too. We're at the Abbott Cabin.

Ian: You keep your mouth shut! All right.

Nikki: And, um... And then 4618.

Ian: Yeah.

Nikki: Did you get that?

Victor: Yes, I did.

Ian: Give me this. Give me it. Victor, you have two hours to transfer that money. You hear me? Make it happen, Victor, or this is the last time you're gonna hear your sweet Nicole's voice.

Victor: Okay. [Breathes deeply]

Jack: Any word on Nikki?

Victoria: No, not yet.

Billy: How's your dad doing?

Nick: Bullet passed through his shoulder. No major damage.

Billy: Lucky.

Victoria: He's fine. He will be fine. He's as stubborn and infuriating as ever.

Jack: Hey, having been shot and forced to watch his wife dragged away by Ian Ward at gunpoint, I'd say he has good reason to be upset.

Victoria: Well, in spite of all the awful things he said, I'm sure he's as scared as we are. If anything happens to my mother...

Billy: Come here.

Dylan: Okay. Just let me get this straight. So you're not sure if the man or the woman in the car were Nikki or Ian from the pictures that we just showed you, and you have no idea which direction the car was headed.

Well, uh, seemed like the car was going away from the courthouse.

Dylan: Oh, okay. Yeah, of course the car was going away from the courthouse. But what direction was the car going?

Paul: Listen, don't worry. Take your time. Is there anything else you can remember? Anything at all?

Uh... I-I've told you everything I know. C-can I get my coffee now?

Paul: Uh, sure. Just go tell the lady what you'd like, and we'll take care of the rest.

Dylan: Unbelievable. No information. We're chasing down worthless leads while my mother's life is at stake.

Mariah: Why do you think that Sage is weighing on Sharon's mind? The woman died in her arms. She was there, she couldn't save here. That is a horrible, traumatic experience.

Sharon: Yes, it was. I had nightmares for weeks. They got worse and worse, to the point that I was desperate to make them stop. I hadn't had a decent night's sleep in a long time. So I went off my meds, thinking that once all of the drugs are out of my system, then Sage would disappear.

Mariah: But the opposite happened. She started seeing her in the daytime.

Sharon: Yeah. So put the hallucinations together with the not sleeping for weeks, and is it a wonder why I haven't been myself?

Kevin: Well, I hope you realize now that wasn't the right way to handle things.

Sharon: If I admit that you're right, will you please let this go?

Kevin: Look, you probably think this is none of my business, right? I'm -- I'm not part of your family, and you might think I'm overstepping.

Sharon: Gee. You think?

Kevin: But I am involved now, Sharon, and I cannot unknow what I know. And you're asking me to lie to Dylan about really serious stuff.

Sharon: I'm asking you to respect my privacy. That's not the same thing as asking you to lie.

Kevin: Mm. Semantics, Sharon.

Sharon: Okay. What do you want to keep your mouth shut?

Mariah: Sharon...

Kevin: Are you asking for a price? Wow. You have spent way too much time dealing with the Newmans.

Sharon: That's probably true. So what do you want?

Mariah: Sharon, it's not like that. Kevin actually wants to help.

Kevin: What I want is for you to promise me right now you're gonna go back on your meds so that Mariah and the children will be safe. Otherwise, I'm gonna go right to Dylan and tell him everything that I heard today.

Victoria: I'm sorry.

Billy: It's okay.

Victoria: No, I -- I need to stay positive for mom.

Jack: Right. We're all gonna try to do that.

Victoria: Right.

Nick: Can I get you anything? Some water or something?

Victoria: Um... I'll -- I'll grab something. I actually could use a minute.

Billy: Forgot my handkerchief.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: Can I get two waters over here, please?

Victoria: Why are you being so nice to me?

Billy: Your father was just shot, and your mother was kidnapped. I think "nice" is the least that I could do.

Victoria: I meant, after last night. We had an argument. You walked out on me twice.

Billy: Last night, I was being a jerk.

Victoria: Is that an apology?

Billy: [Chuckles] I'm being nice. Let's not get crazy about this.

Victoria: Yeah, of course not.

Billy: Not gonna lie to you. when you accuse me of sabotaging your company, it hurt.

Victoria: Oh, true. I guess I owe you an apology.

Billy: See, that's the problem when two people like you and I, the kind of history that we have, we -- we still care what the other person thinks... even when it's over.

Nick: My mom hates Ian so much. She's got to be terrified that she's at his mercy.

Jack: Your mother is a very strong, very resourceful woman. Ian's gonna have his hands fall. In fact, my betting money is on Nikki. And don't forget -- Paul and Dylan are gonna do everything they can to bring her home safely.

Nick: God, I hope you're right. They need to find her fast. Maybe she can escape on her own. I just can't believe this day is happening.

Jack: Well... you handled yourself brilliantly. I watched the way you rushed to your father's side. It was very impressive.

Nick: It was real, you know? It felt like time stood still. The whole time, I just kept thinking that this can't be it, you know? My dad and I, we need some time to make things right between us.

Jack: I know you and Victoria spent a little time with him at the hospital just now. I take it things didn't go that way.

Nick: I want to believe our family can be whole again. But I don't know how that's gonna be possible. My dad is so hurt.

Jack: If history tells me anything, he's gonna make you beg and grovel for forgiveness as if he's the victim.

Nick: I'm just so sick and tired of the constant battle.

Jack: I understand that, but -- and this is gonna sound strange coming from me, given how I feel about Victor -- I know how much he means to you and your siblings. I also know what it's like to lose the only father you have.

Nick: I feel like I already lost him.

Jack: No, you haven't. No matter what Victor says, no matter what he does, he loves all of you. You have to find a way to reach out to him. Don't give up. Not now.

Nick: Thanks.

Meredith: Ian threatened to kill Nikki?

Victor: Yeah. And I have very little doubt that he'll follow through.

Meredith: Well, Victor, I think we should call the police.

Victor: No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. That's the worst thing we can possibly do. Now, he may want the ransom money, but... he wants to get even with me even more. Okay?

Meredith: Yeah.

Victor: So, if -- no. Listen carefully to what I'm saying. If he feels that the cops are surrounding he cabin, he will kill Nikki just to spite me. I promise you.

Meredith: Yes, so this is a very dangerous situation.

Victor: You have to listen to me. No. I know what I'm doing. All right? No cops.

Meredith: You've been shot.

Victor: It's all right.

Meredith: You've lost a lot of blood.

Victor: It's okay. I'm okay.

Meredith: No, because if something goes wrong, then I'm responsible, too.

Victor: Meredith... The authorities must not get involved. I'm telling you, I know what I'm doing. You've got to trust me.

Meredith: [Scoffs] [Sighs] Okay. No police.

Victor: Thank you. Do you want me to transfer the funds into Ian's account?

Victor: Um... But there's something else you can do for me.

Ian: Victor's gonna do it for us, I'm telling you. You'll see.

Phyllis: How? He's in the hospital under guard.

Ian: Oh, ye of little faith. He'll get one of his kids to play hero. Or maybe the lovesick Dr. Gates. Nobody will pay any attention to her. She'll be able to do the transaction unnoticed. [Chuckles] There. My account is on screen. Now, I'm gonna go brew some coffee. It's been a very eventful day. Yeah. I'm gonna brew some coffee, and then I'm gonna watch for the glorious moment when $5 million suddenly appears. Oh. It's gonna be glorious. Ha ha ha Ha ha ha

Phyllis: Do you think Victor's gonna pay the ransom?

Nikki: I doubt it. But I told him where we were and that we needed help, so I'm sure the police are coming.

Phyllis: I sure to hell hope you're right.

Nikki: Well, Victor's not gonna leave us up here to die.

Phyllis: I hope not.

Nikki: Well, then what are you afraid of?

Phyllis: That he's gonna take matters into his own hands and that we're gonna get caught in the crossfire.

Meredith: I'm taking the prisoner for an MRI.

I'll have to come with you.

Meredith: Of course. It shouldn't take long.

Phyllis: [Grunting]

Ian: [Chuckles] [Laughing] Oh, you! [Chuckling] You! Just -- [Laughs] Oh, God. [Laughs] I need coffee. [Chuckles] Oh!

Paul: I will authorize the overtime. Just do it.

Dylan: Still nothing from the canvass surrounding the courthouse. You would think that they'd be able to find one reliable witness.

Paul: We've got checkpoints on all the major roads. I just got off the phone with Erickson. He's going to add eyes to the team that's reviewing the surveillance footage.

Dylan: Okay, all right. What about SWAT?

Paul: SWAT is on standby. As soon as we get a location on Ian and Nikki, they're ready to roll.

Dylan: All this manpower and we have no idea where Ian's taken her. How is that even possible?!

Paul: Listen, son, you've got to take it easy. We have got our entire force working on this. The media is getting the word out. A credible lead will come in.

Dylan: Okay, when?! I understand. I'm -- I'm trying to stay calm, okay? I'm trying to focus on the job. But it's hard as hell when I know my mother's out there with that psychopath.

Paul: I understand your frustration, but you've got to stay calm and you've got to stay focused.

Dylan: How? How do you do it? How do you not have emotion or let emotion get in the way? Because right now, all I'm thinking about is Nikki. She's out there somewhere, and I'm sitting here powerless.

Mariah: Kevin, look, I don't think it's fair of you to be putting my mom on the spot like this, make her promise things when, like you said, you're not even family.

Kevin: You know what you remind me of right now? An enabler. You're enabling an addict.

Mariah: Excuse me?

Kevin: Yeah, you're rationalizing her bad behavior. You're part of the problem. You're covering for her, you're protecting her.

Mariah: I agree that Sharon needs to go back on her meds and stay on them! My problem is the way that you are pressuring her, so back off, please.

Kevin: This isn't a decision that can wait! Look, it's time for you to realize that going off your medication was a bad idea. Look at how you went after Mariah, clocking her in the head. What if instead of a bookend, you had a gun and you started shooting at your hallucination?

Mariah: We have kids living here!

Kevin: I know. I'm trying to protect those kids.

Mariah: What I'm saying is we don't leave guns lying around.

Kevin: You wouldn't because you're rational. That's exactly my point. Going off your medication was irrational, so it is time for you to go back on your medication and stay on it this time for good.

Sharon: You're right. Everything you're saying is true. I need to keep myself together. I need to protect my family and keep them safe. So I will do what you ask, Kevin. I promise I will stay on the medication that the doctor prescribed to me. But right now, I'm tired. I'm gonna go upstairs and lie down.

Kevin: What do you think? Is she being honest?

Billy: Better?

Victoria: It's water, Billy. It's not gonna solve any of my immediate problems. [Sighs] I'm sorry, okay? I meant what I said. I never should have accused you of being behind any of the oil spills.

Billy: Forget it.

Victoria: It's just that I was furious and I needed answers, you know? I know deep down in my heart you would never do something like that. And I tried to tell you the other night --

Billy: Well, you're telling me now, okay? It's cool.

Victoria: I think we should do better moving forward.

Billy: We have to. We have kids. And when you have kids, that means you're a family. When you have family, that means you have each other's back.

Victoria: Yeah, I guess it does.

Billy: I'm here for you. Whenever you need a friend.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nick: I'm gonna head back to the hospital.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Maybe we'll hear something about Mom.

Jack: Hey, we're rooting for you.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nick: Thanks, guys.

Billy: See you.

Jack: You know what? It's getting late. I'm surprised I haven't heard from Phyllis. I think I'm gonna go up to the cabin.

Billy: No, Jack, that's --

Mariah: Yes, I believe that Sharon will keep taking her meds this time. Because she knows what the consequences will be if she doesn't.

Kevin: Right. I would have to tell Dylan. I wouldn't have a choice.

Mariah: And if he felt like she wasn't stable, he'd keep her from seeing Faith and Sully, maybe send her away to get help again.

Kevin: [Sighs] Would that be such a bad thing if it got her back on track?

Mariah: We'll never know. Because it's not gonna happen again. Sharon will never allow it. She'll do anything to keep her family together.

Paul: Listen, I totally understand, but we beat Ian before, and we will beat him again. He will make a mistake. He can't help himself. We need to be patient and wait for our break. You can't let this guy get in your head.

[Cell phone rings]

Paul: Yes. Williams. That's great news. We're on our way. Okay, we got the break. They got a hit on the surveillance footage.

Dylan: Okay, where?

Paul: It's in a gas station off Highway 12. Nikki's car drove by.

Dylan: Okay.

Nick: They told us our father was taken here for an MRI.

Victoria: Is he all right?

Meredith: Oh, yeah, we're just running some tests. He's doing so much better.

Nick: Then why the scans?

Meredith: We're just covering our bases, just make sure he doesn't need surgery.

Nick: All right. Well, when can we see him?

Meredith: Soon.

Victoria: How soon?

Meredith: Oh, shortly.

Victoria: Well, is he done with the MRI or not?

Meredith: We're just wrapping things up. But I really don't think he's ready for visitors.

He's gone.

Nick: What?!

All units, we have a prisoner missing. Repeat -- We have a prisoner missing.

Jack: Wait, what are you saying? Why would it be a bad idea for me to head to the cabin?

Billy: Because she's there to decompress. She needed some alone time.

Jack: She would also like to know what's going on here, and I'd also like to know that she's doing all right.

Billy: I'm sure she's fine. She might have just turned in early. I mean, it makes sense, right? She just needed some much-needed rest, and I just don't think it's a good idea to bother her right now.

Jack: You are being very protective of Phyllis.

Billy: Yeah, I am. I think she would do the same thing for me.

Jack: You two have developed quite a bond over these past few months, haven't you?

[Cell phone vibrates]

Billy: You ready for this? It's a news alert. Victor escaped the hospital. He's on the loose.

Ian: Money Sweet, sweet money I'm heading for the land of milk and honey With my money [Laughs]  Money Sweet, sweet money I'm heading for the land of milk and honey My money [Humming]

Nikki: [Gasping]

Ian: [Laughs] My old friend. Here we go again, huh?

Victor: Only this time, you will die, Ian Ward.

Ian: [Laughs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: Ian is holding Nikki at the Abbott cabin. We're on our way right now.

Summer: What? Wh-- No. That's where my mom is.

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