Y&R Transcript Monday 7/4/16
Episode # 10957 ~ Nikki's life is in danger; Phyllis takes a big step in her relationship with Billy; Adam's scheming backfires.
Provided By Jim
[Heartbeat, labored breathing]Victor: Absolutely. That is the only explanation. Because my son is not a murderer.
Michael: Nothing further.
Judge Walker: The witness may step down.
Victor: Don't! [Gunshot]
Nikki: Victor! [Screams]
[Courtroom doors open]
Nick: Dad? Dad?
Dylan: We need an ambulance at the courthouse. Victor Newman’s been shot.
Nick: Open your eyes.
Jack: Is he breathing?
Nick: Open your eyes.
Victoria: Daddy? Daddy!
Dylan: Okay.
Nick: Oh, thank God. Here we go. Okay.
Victoria: Is he...?
Nick: Okay. Come on.
Victor: [Groans]
Nick: Okay. We'll take it easy, Dad. Take it easy.
Paul: Somebody tell me what happened.
Victor: Ian Ward shot me. He took Nikki.
Nick: All right, I’m going after Ian and Mom.
Dylan: Stay put. I’m on it.
Paul: Okay. Call for backup. Block the exits. I don’t want Ian Ward getting out of this building.
Chelsea: What could have happened?
Adam: I'm gonna find out.
Chelsea: No, you’re not. Paul says we're on lockdown. We can't leave until it’s safe.
Meredith: I'm a doctor, so perhaps -- No, I-I can help --
Christine: We don't even know if anyone’s been injured. Just wait here.
Michael: Victor's been shot.
Billy: I could stay here all day.
Phyllis: Or you could go.
Billy: [Sighs] Are you kicking me out?
Phyllis: What if Jack comes back?
Billy: Jack's at Adam's trial. He's not coming back any time soon.
Phyllis: Anything could happen. He could walk through that door any minute.
Billy: Or I could do this. Or this.
Phyllis: I can’t do this.
Billy: Or this.
Phyllis: I can’t do this.
Billy: But we have. Several times.
Phyllis: I came up here to celebrate my husband's birthday, and I end up naked with you. It is wrong. Wrong.
Billy: But it's right.
Phyllis: On so many levels.
Billy: On so many levels. You know it.
Phyllis: It's Jack’s birthday, and he had gifts for me. What did I do? I lied. I got drunk to avoid having sex with him. And... When he touched me, I just...
Billy: You what?
Phyllis: I kept thinking about you. And all of these moments that we have together. It just -- it gets harder and harder to say goodbye, you know?
Billy: So let's not say goodbye.
Phyllis: That's impossible. It's impossible to be honest with Jack. This whole thing is just feeling impossible.
Billy: It's not impossible. It's actually quite simple. I want to be with you. And I know you want to be with me. You keep showing me that you do. So just say the words. It's three simple words.
Phyllis: I love you. I love you. I love you.
Kevin: What happened?! Sharon, tell me what happened!
Sharon: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Mariah. I-I didn't mean to hurt you. You -- you know that. You know that, right? I-It was her. I-I had to get rid of her.
Kevin: Who’s her? Who are you talking about?
Nick: I'm having trouble stanching the blood.
Jack: Use this.
Paul: Where the hell is that ambulance?
Victoria: Hang in there, Dad.
Victor: Please find Nikki.
Meredith: Let me help him, please. Thank you.
Nick: Is he gonna be okay?
Meredith: Yeah. All right, his pulse is thready. He's lost a lot of blood. Okay, I need you to put more compression on the wound.
Nick: Right here?
Meredith: Yes. Yeah, right here.
Adam: What the hell? Dad? Victor! Hey!
Michael: You are under house arrest, you’ve got to come with me. Adam!
Adam: Hey, you listen to me. You don’t die on me, okay, you son of a bitch? You understand? We're not done here, okay?
Michael: There’s nothing you can do.
Kevin: You hit Mariah?! Mariah? Mariah, wake up!
Sharon: I didn’t mean to.
Kevin: How long has she been out?
Sharon: Not long.
Kevin: This is bad. I’m calling 911.
Mariah: What happened?
Sharon: [Gasps]
Kevin: Oh! Okay, take it easy. Take it easy. Not so fast.
Mariah: Oh, I'm fine. Oh, my God. My head.
Sharon: Sweetheart, I -- I’m so sorry. I -- thank God you're okay.
Kevin: Sharon, I got this. Get some ice and some Aspirin.
Sharon: Okay. Yeah. I’m gonna do that. All right.
Kevin: All right, come here. All right.
Mariah: [Grunts]
Kevin: Okay. Have a seat right here. Are you okay?
Mariah: [Groans]
Kevin: What the hell? Sharon hit you? She said she was trying to get rid of her. Who was she talking about?
Mariah: "Her" is in her head. She freaked out, and I was in the way.
Kevin: So, your mom is off her meds. We have to get her to the hospital. She could have killed you.
Mariah: She's not gonna go. [Sighs]
Kevin: Well, what if we don't ask her?
Mariah: If it gets my mom the help that she needs, then let’s do it.
Victoria: You're gonna be okay, Dad. I’m coming with you.
Paul: I-I'm sorry, Victoria. An officer has to have that spot in the ambulance.
Victoria: But he’s my father.
Paul: He’s a prisoner.
Victoria: Okay, Dad, I’ll see you at the hospital.
Victor: [Weakly] Okay.
Victoria: Okay?
Nick: Gonna all right.
Meredith: Victor’s strong. He'll pull through.
Nick: Thanks.
[Cell phone rings]
Paul: Williams.
Nick: Did they find her?
Paul: Put out a BOLO. I want every available man we have on this. Ian escaped the building.
Michael: Oh!
Jack: Any sign of Nikki?
Paul: No.
Nick: I'm going after Ian.
Paul: Leave it to the police.
Nick: You mean 'cause they’ve done such a great job already?
Paul: You'll serve your family better you stay here. We will find your mom and Ward.
Victoria: Nick, stay with me. Please.
Nick: All right. Let’s go to the hospital. If you hear anything, I want to know about it.
Paul: I promise you, you’ll be in the loop.
Jack: I'll leave with you. Come on.
Billy: Say it again.
Phyllis: If I say it 100 times, if I say it 1,000 times, it's not gonna change the facts.
Billy: Yeah, it will. It'll change everything.
Phyllis: I am still cheating on my husband. Sneaking behind his back. It kind of takes the joy out of those three little words.
Billy: I have no worries that we will find joy.
Phyllis: It's kind of hard with all this guilt. [Chuckles]
Billy: Look, I don’t like lying to Jack.
Phyllis: Yeah, well. He's so good to me. You know, the first person I see in the morning and the last person I see at night is Jack. And every word, every little pretense about being the happy, faithful wife has been a lie.
Billy: Then we tell the truth. Tell the truth. I love you.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Billy: I want to be with you. I want a life with you. A future. And there’s only one way to do that.
Phyllis: There’ll be no going back if we do that.
Billy: That's okay. It's not gonna be easy, but if that means that we get to spend the rest of our lives together?
Phyllis: Decision like that would affect a lot of people.
Billy: I understand that. We get to live the life that we choose. On our terms.
Phyllis: I have to think it through. And you have to go.
Billy: Let me help you.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I look into your eyes, and the decision is very clear. But I have to use my head on this. I have to think. I have to think about my family, and I have to think about Jack. Please, the -- the time up here alone will do me good.
Billy: Okay. I’ll go. Only because I think this is the last time that I'm gonna say goodbye to you.
Phyllis: [Scoffs]
Sharon: Here. Take these.
Mariah: [Sighs] Thanks.
Sharon: I'm so sorry. I-I -- I can't believe that I hit you.
Mariah: It’s all right.
Sharon: No, it’s not all right. You know how much I love you, right? I would never do anything to hurt you.
Mariah: It wasn't me that you were trying to hurt.
Kevin: [Clears throat] How are you feeling?
Mariah: Not so good.
Kevin: You know, Sharon, I think she needs more than ice. We should take her to the hospital, get her checked out, make sure she doesn’t have a concussion.
Sharon: Of course. Yeah. But we should see if the Aspirin do the trick.
Mariah: You know, it’s -- it's really, really hurting.
Sharon: O-okay, then. Okay, then -- then you should go. Um, Kevin can drive you.
Mariah: But, Mom, I-I need you with me. Please.
Sharon: Okay. Well, then I-I guess I can get a sitter.
Mariah: And -- and don’t worry -- [Groans] I’m gonna tell the doctor that it was just an accident, okay? Everything will be fine.
Sharon: Well, I-I didn’t do it on purpose, so that -- that's not entirely a lie, right? Let’s get you taken care of.
Victoria: [Sighs] They should let us see him.
Nick: Doctor’s got to do his job. We'd just be in the way.
Victoria: When I saw him lying on the ground bleeding, so still... Nothing else mattered, Nick. Not these oil spills or stupid revenge plots. I just wanted him to be okay and open his eyes.
Nick: And he did.
Victoria: I know he did. But did you see the way that he looked at us? Like we were strangers.
Nick: He’s just in shock, that's all.
Victoria: [Sighs] Or maybe he can’t forgive us. He needs to be okay, Nick. There’s just too much left unsettled.
Nick: He’s gonna be back trying to ruin our lives in no time, all right? I promise you. Mom’s the true victim in this.
Victoria: [Sighs] I hate this. Damn it. I hate feeling so powerless.
Nick: I should be out there trying to find him. Instead, I'm here doing nothing.
Victoria: What if you find him? What if you find Ian? He has a gun. I don’t want you hurt or worse. Just stay with me. Please. Paul and Dylan have this under control. They'll find Mom. But I need my brother right now.
[Cell phone rings]
Victoria: Maybe it’s about Mom.
Nick: Hello? The reception’s terrible. I’m gonna take this outside.
Adam: Nothing here. Not a word. A-a woman is kidnapped, a man gets shot, we live in the day and age of the 24-hour news cycle, and not so much as a word. How is that even possible?
Chelsea: I know.
Adam: And Nick’s not answering the phone. Victoria won't return my phone calls.
Chelsea: Okay. Okay. Well, they will return your phone calls, and there's nothing you can do right now, anyway --
Adam: No, I can't do anything. Not when there's a guard outside the door, that's for sure. I’m stuck.
Chelsea: Is it selfish that I’m glad we’re home and Connor's safe upstairs and the world is on the other side of that door? [Sighs]
Adam: Oh, I'm sorry. Come here. I love you.
Chelsea: I love you, too.
Adam: I'm glad you’re safe. What the hell is going on, though? I mean, that man -- like, what -- what was that, right? He -- he -- he says he wants me ruined, he wants me to spend the rest of my days in prison. He takes the stand, and under oath he says I'm not a murderer. He really knows how to mess with my head, doesn't he? And I’m starting to wonder. I mean, maybe he's not the one that set me up in the first place.
Chelsea: No, I mean, who else would go to these extremes? Who else is capable of doing something like this?
Adam: I don't know, honey. I thought I hated that man. I swear to God, I... Prison wasn’t even enough. You know, I wanted him to die in there. And now he just might, actually.
Chelsea: No. Listen to me. Victor hates Ian Ward. Okay? He's not gonna give him the satisfaction of letting Ian be the one to kill him.
Adam: If he does, though... Or if something happens to Nikki, that’s on me. [Knock on door]
Chelsea: Hi.
Dylan: Hey.
Adam: Dylan, hey. What's up? what's the word? Anything?
Dylan: Uh, no. No word on Victor, no sign of Nikki and Ian.
Adam: So what the hell are you doing here, man? You should be out there investigating, right?
Dylan: That's exactly why I’m here. Because there’s no way Ian could have pulled off an escape unless he had help.
Jack: Billy. Hey. Join me.
Billy: Take it the trial is over today? How did it go?
Jack: Not as you would have expected. Victor got shot.
Billy: What?
Jack: By Ian Ward, who then abducted Nikki.
Billy: Nikki?
Jack: Yeah. Victoria is a wreck, as you would understand, waiting for news about her father, waiting to find out if her mother was rescued. And she could use some support from you specifically.
Billy: Well, I mean... You know, obviously I care about Victoria that way, but it’s not -- not really my place anymore, Jack.
Jack: Billy, it -- It's your call.
Billy: Yeah, thank you. Could I get a Scotch, please? So, where’s Phyllis?
Jack: She's still up at the cabin. And I left my phone up there. You know what, do you have your phone with you? Can I use it for a second? I just want to call and check on her. I’m not gonna break it.
Billy: Go for it.
Jack: Thank you. [Cell phone ringing] [Door opens]
Phyllis: Oh, my God!
Ian: Ah! Oh, sweet serendipity! [Chuckles] My fellow stargazer.
Phyllis: What the hell?
Ian: Lucky me, to go from a-a cold, square cell of solitude to a "red" hot love triangle. [Laughs]
Kevin: Dr. Lamb. Thank you for meeting us.
Sharon: You called in advance to tell him we were coming?
Kevin: Uh, the sooner our patient gets seen, the better. Don’t you think?
Dr. Lamb: You'll come with me. Everything will be okay.
Sharon: Um, I'm not the patient. My daughter is. What's going on?
Kevin: Dr. Lamb is a friend.
Mariah: He’s very discreet.
Sharon: I don't need a doctor.
Kevin: You do.
Dr. Lamb: Going off your medication could have serious consequences, Mrs. McAvoy. You pose potential danger to yourself and those around you. I strongly advise you to take your medication.
Sharon: You -- you tricked me! How could you do that to me? I trusted you.
Dr. Lamb: Or we could sedate you.
Ian: Ah. Ahh.
Phyllis: Put the gun down.
Ian: No, it goes with the suit. You like?
Phyllis: What the hell is going on?
Nikki: He shot Victor, and then he escaped.
Phyllis: You what?
Ian: I thought you’d be pleased. Huh? And you, my dear, I did you a favor. If Victor doesn’t make it, you stand to inherit a lot more money than you would from that divorce settlement.
Nikki: Sick son of a bitch.
Ian: Oh, it's a joke. Come on. You never did have a sense of humor. Move! Fun’s over. Get over there. Yeah. You stay right there.
Victor: Am I back in prison?
Meredith: Not yet. But you’re still breathing. Which means you can answer my question. Why would you humiliate me in court?
Adam: You think that we would help Ian escape? Why the hell would I want a maniac like that roaming the streets?
Dylan: Because you needed someone to refute everything Victor's done to frame you. So you made a deal with the devil.
Adam: Well, that devil tried to kill me and my family last year.
Dylan: But you needed his testimony, Adam. And we know that slimeball doesn’t do anything unless he gets something in return.
Adam: Okay. Okay, look. I-I may have made arrangements for him to move to a better prison w-with better food, a softer pillow.
Dylan: Come on. There’s got to be more than that. It's got to be more than that.
Adam: Why don't you ask Michael?
Chelsea: Adam --
Adam: He’s the one that arranged it.
Dylan: Okay, just stop messing around. My mom's life is on the line. And I want the truth right now.
Chelsea: Adam, just tell him.
Dylan: Tell me what?
Adam: Okay. I told Ian that -- that I would help him escape. And -- and I said that -- hold on a minute. I said that with no intention of ever following through with it.
Dylan: You expect me to believe that?
Chelsea: It's the truth. Dylan, whatever deal we made with Ian, he was not supposed to escape. We didn’t have anything to do with this.
Dylan: You had nothing to do with this? My mom is his hostage because of you two.
Ian: You tie her up to this chair. Come on. And then I'll do the honors with you, okay, and I'll enjoy it immensely. Come on. Chop, chop! Move it! No tricks. You tie it nice and tight, you hear? Don’t you make any fast moves.
Phyllis: Jack went to the grocery. He is gonna be back any minute.
Ian: [Laughs] You used to be such an accomplished liar, sweetheart. No, Jack is front and center at the courthouse. No groceries in sight.
Nikki: Well, you’re never gonna get away with this. Because the police are already looking for me.
Ian: And my pal Paul will be leading the charge, huh? But you have a point, Nikki. Paul would shoot to kill to save you. That makes you a liability. So maybe the right move would be to get rid of you so that I can be alone with Phyllis, here, enjoying some quality time.
Ian: Yeah. My beauties. Oh, God, I have such great taste in hostages.
Phyllis: You know what? When this is over, you are never gonna see the light of day.
Ian: Hey. Don’t you make me regret I didn't gag you.
Nikki: If Victor dies, I hope you rot in hell.
Ian: The man dumped you. Get over him! Phyllis, where's your laptop? I want to check to see if I’m on the news. Breaking news.
Phyllis: Go to hell.
Ian: Oh. [Chuckles] All right. I’ll find it myself. Oh, you two gals don't go anywhere now, you hear?
Phyllis: We need to get out of here.
Nikki: He has a gun, and we are tied up. What do you suggest?
Phyllis: My cell phone. I dropped it. It is under the table. Can you see it? It is closer to you. Can you reach it? It's right there.
Nikki: Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, shoot! Wait a minute.
Phyllis: Oh, come on!
Billy: She must be communing in nature.
Jack: Phyllis is under a lot of stress these days. I hope she is. I hope she's enjoying herself.
Billy: Is everything okay between you and Phyllis, Jack?
Jack: Why would you ask that?
Christine: Sorry you didn't get your mistrial.
Michael: If only you said it as if you meant it. Judge Walker's holding out on his decision. Things could still go my way.
Christine: Hmm. Or not.
Michael: Really? You think the jurors can unhear a gunshot outside of the courtroom and still render an impartial verdict?
Christine: The only reason why you want a mistrial is 'cause your case was going out the door with your gun-toting star witness and his hostage.
Michael: And if even one juror has that thought bubble over his head, my client can't get a fair trial. And that is why I will be fighting for a mistrial.
Christine: Oh, gosh. You just want to buy some time. Look for a little crumb so you can build a defense.
Michael: One man’s crumb is another man’s honest evidence. Look, I will find this. I will get to the truth of this.
Christine: Oh, God. I don’t think you know the meaning of the word anymore. After you made a mockery of the legal system when you defended Victor. Hi. Any news?
Paul: No, nothing. It's like Nikki and Ward vanished into thin air.
Christine: [Sighs]
Michael: I have every confidence you and your men will find them.
Paul: Thank you, Michael.
Michael: But whatever Ian has done, no matter how outrageous, that doesn't make my client any less innocent. Excuse me.
Christine: Hey.
Paul: [Sighs]
Christine: You seem concerned.
Paul: Yeah, I am. The longer Ian goes missing, the slimmer our chances are of a good outcome.
Christine: Well, Michael and I may not agree on much these days, but I do agree with him on this. I have total faith in you.
Paul: Thank you. I need a lead. I'll get one. I’m just gonna start by retracing Ward's steps. And one of those steps includes Victor.
Christine: Okay. You think he knows something?
Paul: The hospital’s my next stop.
Christine: You’re not going alone.
Meredith: Well, your wound isn’t life-threatening.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Meredith: You've lost a lot of blood, though. So, do you think that you can tell me why you told the court that I was a liar? Why you would diminish whatever feelings we had? I don’t --
Victor: Meredith, I'm sorry, okay? I-I didn't mean what I said in court. I care for you.
Meredith: Stop it. You lied on the stand, and you’re lying now.
Victor: What I’m telling you is that I had no intentions of ever hurting you. You’ve been very, very nice, and very sweet with me. I care for you. But you know that I’ll do anything to protect my family. And I said what I said because I wanted to make sure [Sighs] that my son Adam does not go to prison.
Meredith: [Scoffs]
Victoria: What are you doing here?
Nick: You had no right.
Victor: Wait, wait, wait. This wonderful woman saved my life. She has every right.
Meredith: I spoke to Dr. Gold. His wound is through-and-through. There’s no major organ damage. The tissue damage is minimal. He'll be just fine.
Victoria: [Sighs] I’m so glad you’re okay.
Nick: You had us really worried.
Victor: Where's your mother?
Victoria: We don’t know yet.
Nick: Police are out there looking without a clue. Meanwhile, she's being trapped by some monster.
Victor: If anyone is to blame for what happened to your mother, it's -- You better start looking at your brother Adam. He's the reason that Ian Ward came to court.
Adam: Ian's a wild card. You know that. We had no intention of helping him escape.
Dylan: What the hell were you guys thinking? You made a plan!
Adam: We made a fake plan.
Dylan: Well, he escaped, so some part of it must have worked, and I want the details right now.
Chelsea: Listen to me. I’m the one that talked to Ian, okay? I convinced him that somebody would be waiting for him outside the courthouse to help him escape. But there wasn't.
Dylan: And you swear to that?
Chelsea: Yes, I swear.
Adam: Look, we just needed to get him on the stand, that's all.
Chelsea: Yeah, we -- we never meant for any of this to happen.
Dylan: But it did. Maybe you didn't have a plan. But you gave Ian Ward the opportunity. You’re the one who got Ian Ward out of prison. And now Victor and Nikki could end up dead because of it.
Nick: Look, I don't give a damn who's to blame and for what. All I care about is Mom home and safe.
Paul: We all want the same thing.
Victor: Why the hell aren't you out there looking for her?
Paul: I've got every man I can spare on this.
Victor: Your men allowed Ian Ward to escape with my wife. Out of the courthouse. How much more incompetent can it get?
Victoria: Dad. Now’s not a good time.
Paul: I'm giving your father a chance to help find your mother. Could we please have a few minutes?
Victoria: [Sighs] Okay, just please don’t get him too worked up.
Victor: [Groans] Paul, do me a favor. Just get out of here. Start looking for Nikki, please. I have nothing to say.
Christine: Victor, we're usually not on the same side, but this time we are. We need your help.
Victor: I can't help you.
Paul: Did you help Ian Ward escape?
Victor: Why the hell would I do that, for heaven’s sakes?
Christine: Maybe you and Ian planned to run together, and the plan fell apart?
Victor: Why would I do that? You’re asking me dumb questions.
Paul: One of the state police officers told me he was trying to stop Ian Ward and you shoved him.
Victor: Because that state police officer was about to shoot my wife. She was held hostage by Ian Ward. Kept as a human shield. That's why I pushed him away.
Nikki: Come on. Oh, I just can't get it!
Phyllis: Push! Push! Use your leg.
Nikki: [Strained] It’s going the wrong way.
Phyllis: Do it! Nikki! Come on!
Nikki: I can’t. I can't.
Phyllis: Yes, you can. This is your problem. You always give up.
Nikki: Really? What, you want to start something right now?
Phyllis: No, I want to get out of here before that sick bastard decides that we are both liabilities and uses that gun as more than just a prop!
Ian: Hey, hey, hey. Ho. What is all this, uh, whispering about, huh? My dimples? My baby blues? Who likes me best? [Chuckles] You know what I think? I think you ladies should wrestle for the honor of being my number-one hostage. My number-one. Or only one.
Billy: What Phyllis went through because of Victor, I mean, that's unspeakable. She may be over wanting revenge, but I don’t know if you ever really move on from that. I don’t -- I don't... I don’t know if that's possible.
Jack: I like to think Phyllis is on her way to recovery. She tries so hard to be the woman I know and love. And yet I can... If I was completely honest, I can feel the strain in our relationship. Not that the love isn’t there. Don’t get me wrong. It's just... I don’t know, it's just like she still has her guard up. She isn’t willing to just let go and let me in.
Billy: Well, maybe getting drunk last night is a sign of a deeper issue.
Jack: How did you know she got drunk last night?
Sharon: I can't believe you lied to me.
Mariah: If I had asked you nicely, would you have come?
Sharon: You told Kevin?
Mariah: That you went off your meds.
Kevin: You taking a bookend to Mariah’s head was a clue that something was screwy.
Mariah: Okay, but everything is gonna be fine now.
Sharon: He gave me pills. Dr. Anderson gave me pills. What if it doesn't work?
Kevin: Dr. Lamb is one of the best. And he prescribed based on your records and your history. So whatever -- whoever is bothering you, it’s in the past.
Sharon: I want to be alone.
Mariah: Okay. I’ll stay with you.
Sharon: No. Please.
Mariah: Um... Fine. I’ll -- I’ll be outside.
Kevin: Hey. You did the right thing.
Mariah: Even if my mother never speaks to me again?
Kevin: You’re the best daughter ever. She’s gonna come around.
Dylan: Mariah. What are you doing here? Is everybody okay? Sharon? What happened? Are you okay?
Mariah: Um, Sharon heard about the shooting at the courthouse, and she thought it was you that had been shot, so she had a panic attack, and we brought her down here so they could give her something to calm her down.
Dylan: It's okay. I’m here. I’m fine. Everything's gonna be okay.
Sharon: Dylan, I can’t lose you. Or Sully.
Dylan: I’m not going anywhere.
Kevin: So we’re lying to Dylan now? He needs to know that his wife went off her medication.
Mariah: Why? So he could freak out? Send her back to Fairview?
Katie: He wouldn’t do that after everything that Sharon went through. But she tried to kill you.
Mariah: Oh, my God. It wasn’t that bad.
Kevin: And what if she takes another swing at you?
Mariah: She won't. It was a one-time deal.
Kevin: How do you know that?
Mariah: The "her" that she was trying to get rid of, it was Sage. She thought that she was hitting Sage.
Michael: As of now, Judge Walker is undecided about granting a mistrial. So you are under house arrest until he makes that decision. But I will keep pushing for that mistrial, and for your freedom.
Adam: Thank you.
Michael: What's going on with you? Or don't I want to hear it?
Adam: We have a problem.
Michael: We have lots of problems.
Adam: Well, we have a, um... We have a new problem.
Chelsea: Uh...we may have made a, um, secret deal with Ian, so...
Michael: You know, I was just so looking forward to practicing law again. [Chuckles] Um... So, speak slowly -- very slowly -- so my brain doesn’t explode.
Adam: I told Ian I’d help him escape.
Chelsea: We would help him escape. I’m the one that set it up with Ian. But everything I told him was a lie. It was all just to make sure he would testify for Adam.
Michael: A lie. And yet Ian managed to escape anyway. I assume you're sitting here thinking that it's not your fault? Do you have any idea what the hell you've done? This stunt could have cost you your last shot at freedom.
Victoria: Dr. Gold says you were lucky.
Nick: It’s good to know you’re gonna be out of here soon.
Victor: Why are you even here? I’m alive.
Victoria: We love you. We love you. You could have died. And Mom is God-knows-where with some maniac.
Victor: Do you know how denigrating it is to be put in this position... because of your testimony against me? How can I ever forgive you? I was willing to take a bullet for your mother. [Voice breaking] I'd do the same thing for you. How long will it take you to realize that? Everything I do, I -- I do for my family.
Billy: She texted me in the morning to get my famous, uh, hangover cure.
Jack: Oh, I guess my fruit smoothie didn’t exactly do the trick.
Billy: Well, fruit’s always good, Jack, but there’s nothing like the hair of the dog.
Jack: Oh, boy, she needed it. She was drinking champagne like there was no tomorrow. One minute we were dancing, the next she was out cold.
Billy: I’m sorry. That your, uh, birthday celebration got cut short.
Jack: Ah, there's always next year. And the year after that. It may take Phyllis some more time to get past what Victor and Marco did to her, but as far as we're concerned, we’ve already been to hell and back. Somehow, the tougher it gets, the closer we get. Just makes us stronger. So, thank you for worrying, little brother, but nothing is gonna come between Phyllis and me. Nothing.
Phyllis: All right. Busted. Nikki here does not believe that you and I shared a real connection.
Ian: Oh.
Phyllis: Ian’s the one who told me to love myself for who I am. Isn’t that right?
Ian: Mm-hmm. And there was a time when Nikki took my word as gospel, too. Never again alone. Remember? When I spoke those words to you? Never again alone.
Nikki: Yes. They -- they changed my life. They saved my life, actually.
Phyllis: Did you record every bit of Ian's wisdom in your secret sex-cult diary, Nikki?
Nikki: Shut up.
Phyllis: What? You just called him a psychopath.
Nikki: No! That was you.
Ian: [Laughs]
Phyllis: Now, he knows what you’re doing, Nikki. You’re sucking up. He knows that you are trying to say all the right things enough times so he lets you go.
Nikki: That's exactly what you’re doing.
Phyllis: You’re damn straight. Ian knows that two hostages is one too many. Isn’t that right?
Ian: Nobody comes sharper than you do, kid. How would you remedy this situation?
Phyllis: Oh... That's easy. Because I’m not just talk like some people. You give me that gun, and I’ll shoot Nikki to prove it.
Ian: [Chuckles] Ohh. Well, this is gonna be more fun than I thought.
Next on "The Young and the Restless" --
Dylan: We're chasing down worthless leads while my mother's life is at stake.
Adam: I'm surprised we haven't heard from Phyllis. I think I'm gonna go up to the cabin.
Nikki: I'm with Ian. You need to do exactly as I say.
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