Y&R Transcript Friday 7/1/16


Episode # 10956 ~ Sharon is backed into a corner; Adam is blindsided at his trial; Victor makes a shocking announcement.

Provided By Jim

Adam: Oh, honey. Uh, according to this article, it's so obvious that I'm guilty, why waste the taxpayers’ money on a trial?

Chelsea: Don’t go there. We're staying optimistic, remember?

Adam: Yeah, I don't know, though. I mean, that article is pretty convincing, you know? It's got other people convinced, too. I mean, I’m actually doubting myself. Did I kill her?

[Knock on door]

Adam: Did I poison her? Am I a cold-blooded killer? What the hell’s going on here?

Chelsea: Stop. Stop. Just -- [Sighs] I’ll get it. Stay positive, remember? Positivity.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Oh, thank God. We've been climbing the walls. Please tell us you have some good news.

Adam: What now?

Michael: Kevin has been up all night trying to ID the woman in the security footage.

Adam: Okay, let me just take a guess. Uh, you have no idea who the hell she is, and no idea why the hell she's visiting my father.

Kevin: Guys, I tried.

Chelsea: Well, try harder. This woman is the key to proving that Victor is framing Adam, Kevin.

Kevin: That may be, but she ducked every camera. We can't see her face in a single shot. All we have is the back of her head and a phony name -- Dorothy Gale.

Adam: Dorothy Gale. There it is again. Sweetheart, maybe if you click your fancy heels three times, the answer will appear.

Michael: Okay, okay, okay. You know what? Under the circumstances, I think our best option is to ask for a postponement.

Adam: No. No. Hell no. We're not doing that. Let’s get this whole charade over with, all right? The trial starts today.

Summer: So, you're here to support Adam, I assume?

Jack: Adam has been there for me many a time.

Summer: Well, Mom's coming too, right? What? Is something wrong? You had a nice birthday, didn’t you?

Jack: Had an eventful birthday. Y-your mom's staying up at the cabin, though.

Summer: Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.

Jack: So, what are you doing here? I’m surprised to see you. You and Adam were never that close.

Summer: Yeah, um, I'm just hoping to see Grandpa when they bring him in to testify.

Jack: After everything he's put your family through, you're still rooting for him?

Summer: Yeah. Somebody has to.

Christine: I’m happy to look into it as soon as the trial's over, okay?

Paul: Yeah. Uh, Nikki.

Nikki: Paul.

Paul: Hi.

Nikki: Hi. Christine.

Christine: Nikki.

Paul: Are you sure you want to be here for this? It could get ugly.

Nikki: Well, thanks for the heads up, Paul, but it's not going to send me screaming to a vodka bottle.

Paul: Even so, I-I don’t know why you’d want to put yourself through this. I mean, when your divorce is soon to be finalized.

Nikki: Oh, like I'm free and clear? I wish.

Christine: I know it’s not easy letting go.

Nikki: I’m not here for sentimental reasons. I want to see Victor's face. I want to hear his testimony with my own ears, this man who claims to love family more than life itself.

Paul: You want to see if he's telling the truth.

Nikki: Or if he's willing to lie to destroy his son.

Dylan: [Sighs] Kid’s down for the count.

Sharon: Oh, good. Yeah, he was a little fussy this morning, and he needed his nap. You on your way to the courthouse?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah. It could be a late one.

Sharon: That’s fine. I’m thinking about taking the kids to the park for the pre-4th of July festivities.

Dylan: Aw, that sounds fun. I wish I could join you.

Sharon: Oh, the trial's got you pretty torn up.

Dylan: Look, if Adam’s innocent, it needs to come to light.

Sharon: But if he's not innocent?

Dylan: [Sighs] I mean... If that’s the case, if Adam really is a murderer, and Sage carried the secret to her grave, then I feel like I owe it to her to see that justice is done. Look, whatever -- whatever happens is gonna happen, okay? I don’t want you to worry about it. It's all gonna be over soon. See ya.

Sharon: If only.

Mariah: So you’re not just lying to Dylan and Nick? You’re lying to me now, too?

Nick: You ready to go?

Victoria: Is it time? Uh, I’m really buried here, Nick.

Nick: So, you want me to let you off the hook, tell you you don’t have to go so you can keep cranking away, not interrupt your day?

Victoria: Look, the thought of watching Dad get on the witness stand and try to sabotage Adam the same way that he's tried to sabotage everything that I’ve done here at Newman, I just can’t.

Nick: That’s why you go, then, Vic. You help present a united front. You show Dad that if he messes with one Newman, then he messes with all of us.

Victor: I'm not used to buttoning this style shirt anymore.

Meredith: [Chuckles] Wow. Boy.

Victor: I don't have much time. They're gonna take me to the courthouse now.

Meredith: Oh, I can't let you face that one all alone. I’m gonna be there.

Victor: No, no, no, no. I don’t want you to come at all, okay?

Meredith: Well, don't you want me there for moral support?

Victor: No. Please. I’d spare you all that unpleasantness.

Meredith: That’s all the more reason for me to be there. You’re gonna be surrounded by people who are just out to get you.

Victor: Not unless I get them first.

Meredith: I thought that you were trying to protect Adam.

Victor: Mm.

Meredith: Has your family been right all along? That you're just out to bring down everybody who ever loved you?

Sharon: I don't know what you’re talking about, Mariah. What do you think that I'm lying to you about? [Pills rattle]

Mariah: Your medication. You said that you were still taking it.

Sharon: Give me that.

Mariah: It’s full. If you were on your meds, you wouldn't be having mood swings or panic attacks.

Sharon: Firstly, if you noticed, this is a brand-new refill, and that's why the bottle is full. And secondly, if you're referring to the other day when I lost it a little --

Mariah: "A little"?

Sharon: Well, I didn’t like it that you were playing amateur psychiatrist and telling me what to do, and telling me what's best for me. As if I can’t be trusted to take my own medication? I’m sorry, but can you blame me for raising my voice?

Mariah: That is not the first time that you’ve shouted at me.

Sharon: Excuse me?

Mariah: Faith told Nick that she heard us arguing about your medication before he stopped by. The trouble is, I know that that never happened, because I wasn't here. So, if it wasn't me, who were you yelling at?

Victoria: What’s this really about, Nick? You’re not usually the circle-the-wagons type.

Nick: I am when the situation calls for it. That's why I came back to work here with you, remember?

Victoria: True.

Nick: Look, we don’t owe Adam anything. And I’m still not completely convinced he's innocent. But if Dad is working with someone on the outside to tank his own company, there's a chance he’s also working to frame Adam.

Victor: I thought you trusted me.

Meredith: I want to, Victor.

Victor: You know what it’s beginning to sound like? As if my enemies got to you and turned you against me.

Meredith: Oh, I can make up my own mind about people. But there are just certain things that I can’t reconcile.

Victor: Like what?

Meredith: Like why you didn't want me to testify. Why don’t you want me in court?

Victor: Meredith, I don't want you to get involved in this ugly family business in a courtroom scene. That is not gonna be pretty, I promise you. It's my problem, not yours.

Meredith: Yeah, well, you know what, I think that there’s something more that you’re not saying.

Victor: Okay. Want to know the truth? You went to the authorities without my permission. You talked on my behalf. You shouldn’t have done that. What I told you was said in confidence.

Meredith: I tried to help you. And if I could take back the fact that I told them that you had proof of Adam’s guilt, well, I would, but --

Victor: Everything is all right. Everything is all right, okay? I’ll go to court and make sure that justice is done.

Ian: What a coincidence. We both want the same thing. Justice. See you in court. [Laughs]

Victor: You son of a bitch.

Chelsea: At least hear Michael out. He's giving you good advice.

Michael: We need more time to gather evidence.

Adam: Okay, right now that mystery woman is just that. She’s a mystery woman, right? And even if we are able to positively identify her, we’re still gonna have to prove that she worked with my father to plant all that evidence.

Kevin: Okay, look. Um, I know this is a long shot, but I’m willing to stay on this until we can track her down. Then Michael can do his thing and get her to confess.

Adam: Thank you. That's nice of you.

Kevin: I’m not doing this for you. I don’t care what happens to you. In my alternate universe, you’re in the second year of a 10-year sentence.

Adam: Oh, shucks, honey. I mean, when you have friends like these.

Michael: All right, Kevin may not be your biggest fan, but he is committed to this investigation, and we need to get him more time to uncover this woman's identity.

Adam: And then in turn, what, give Victor more time to cook up more false evidence against me? No, thank you.

Chelsea: I can’t believe you’re giving up.

Adam: I'm not giving up, sweetheart. I’m fighting with the best weapon that I have. And right now, that’s Ian Ward's testimony.

Michael: You have more confidence in Ian Ward than I do.

Chelsea: When Victor gets on the stand, he’s just gonna refute everything that Ian says, so we need more, Adam.

Adam: Well, let him testify. I’m not afraid of that. He tried to control his own trial before. Look where that ended him up. Look, this is my best shot, okay? I’m taking it.

Michael: All right. Let’s do this.

Adam: Okay. [Sighs] Can I get a moment with my wife?

Michael: Yes, of course. We'll wait for you outside.

Adam: Thank you.

Chelsea: No more goodbyes. I am gonna be in that courtroom with you until...

Adam: Come here. [Sighs] Sit down with me for a second, okay?

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Adam: This is gonna work. All right? Ian Ward is gonna testify, and thanks to you, he’s gonna walk out into that corridor, and he's gonna see an accomplice dressed like a janitor.

Chelsea: And you’re really not worried about Victor testifying?

Adam: Let him say whatever he wants to say. No one's gonna believe him. They didn’t believe him before, they're not gonna believe him now.

Chelsea: Adam, I know I-I told you to be positive, but --

Adam: Listen to me. I’m gonna be exonerated. Because I didn't do anything. I’m gonna walk out of that courtroom a free man. And I’m not accepting any other outcome, believe me. [Knock on door]

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Michael: Sorry, guys. It's time to go. Adam, the guard will escort you to the courthouse. We'll meet you there.

Adam: It’s gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Be strong, okay?

Chelsea: I know. I know it will be.

Adam: Okay. [Sighs] I’ll see you in a bit.

Sharon: Faith has a very bad habit of eavesdropping and misunderstanding.

Mariah: See, I don’t think she misunderstood. The way that Nick tells it, Faith heard you arguing with somebody over your meds. And since I wasn't here at the time...

Sharon: You know what? It was the TV. That's what Faith heard.

Mariah: Can we please not do this? It's bad enough that you're having nightmares about Sage, but now it's affecting you in the daytime. And Faith is starting to catch on, so it’s only a matter of time.

Sharon: [Sighs] Okay. I lied.

Mariah: [Sighs]

Sharon: I lied, all right? The nightmares were getting worse, so I went off my meds to see if they would stop, and guess what? They have.

Sage: Oh, give me a break. You are such a liar.

Paul: Oh, so, wait a minute, Nikki. Are you suggesting that Victor would lie if it served his own interest? I’m shocked. My knees are a little weak right now.

Christine: Stop.

Nikki: Oh, laugh it up, Paul. Your wife is trying his son for murder, and is counting on Victor to discount Ian's testimony.

Christine: I have a strong case with or without Victor’s help. And I would reserve judgment on Adam's guilt or innocence until I’ve presented all the facts to the jury.

Dylan: I hate to say it, but all the evidence does point to Adam.

Nikki: Well, this evidence could have been planted, it could have been fabricated.

Paul: Right, and we all know that Victor is capable of that. But for our suspicions to stand up in court --

Nikki: You need proof. Yes, I understand how the system works.

Christine: Well, if Ian's sworn statement is the best Michael’s got...

Dylan: Paul gave me free reign to continue investigating, and we were totally transparent with both sides. It's all been done by the book.

Paul: Right.

Nikki: This is --

Paul: And as hard as Dylan has worked, he has been unable to implicate Victor or exonerate Adam.

Nikki: We are talking about Victor Newman here. He's very smart. He's cunning. He has unlimited resources. And he's never gonna forgive his family or me for testifying against him and putting him away. And when Adam went to see that parole-board official and walked all over Victor’s plan for an early release, I think he sealed his own fate.

Christine: Oh, you think Adam has a raw deal, maybe you should look in the mirror. You’ve been forgiving Victor's sins and enabling him longer than Adam’s been alive.

Jack: I appreciate you wanting to give your grandfather the benefit of the doubt, but you do realize supporting Victor means you believe Adam is capable of cold-blooded murder?

Summer: Well, does supporting Adam mean ignoring every terrible thing he’s done?

Jack: Adam came back to Genoa City on his own to be a better man. That's why I cannot believe he is any way responsible for taking Constance Bingham's life. It's not the Adam I know. But a man who would set up his own son, who would want revenge at all costs, that does sound like someone I know. Someone you know. A-ask your family, here. Ask Nick and Victoria if that’s the Victor they know.

Summer: Okay, so you guys agree with -- with Jack. You’re gonna take Adam's side against Grandpa.

Nick: I'm leaving that for the jury.

Victoria: Walk in with me, will you? Let’s find a seat. Come on.

Nick: See you inside.

Adam: Jack. Hey. It's good to see you. I wasn't sure you’d, uh... you’d show up. I’m glad you did. Thanks.

Jack: Well, I figured you could probably use a supportive friend.

Adam: You figured right.

Jack: It is clear to me that you’ve been set up here. It is also clear to anyone who knows Victor who's responsible for it.

Adam: [Sighs]

Adam: Well, I appreciate that, your support. I just wish I could sneak you onto the jury, you know what I mean?

Jack: Yeah, if only. Good luck.

Adam: Thank you.

Victor: Hello, Jack old boy. Where’s your wife? Knowing Phyllis, she would never miss a chance to watch the Newman family tear each other apart.

Jack: Unlike you, my wife no longer lives for revenge.

Victor: Uh-huh. Then what is she living for? You?

Jack: [Scoffs] It's odd, isn’t it? Last time you were here, you were fighting for your future. Now you’re here fighting to destroy Adam's. You failed last time. Hopefully you will this time, too.

Victor: Well, I'm fighting for justice, Jack.

Chelsea: Huh, look who it is. The heartless man out to teach us all a lesson. Tell me, Victor, is hurting your own grandson part of our education?

Victor: Hi, my boy.

Chelsea: Take a good look, Victor. You’ve come here prepared to tear my family apart, to tear a father away from his son.

Victor: I don't want my grandson to see me in handcuffs.

Chelsea: I hope it’s been worth it. [Sighs] Your daddy would be so proud of you, do you know that? [Smooches] He's so proud of you. Hi.

Michael: He'd be proud of Connor's mommy, too. But do you really think seeing Adam's son is gonna affect how Victor behaves on the stand?

Chelsea: I don’t know. I thought it was worth a shot. If you'll excuse me, I have to drop him off with his babysitter. She’s waiting.

Kevin: Oh, well, wait, is that her in the blue?

Chelsea: Oh, yeah. Monique.

Kevin: I can take him on my way out. I’ve got a lot of work to do.

Chelsea: Thank you, Kevin.

Kevin: Come here, bud. Let’s go. All right.

Chelsea: Bye, baby. I love you.

Michael: See ya.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Michael: All right. You ready?

Judge Walker: [Raps gavel] We will now move on to opening statements. Ms. Williams?

Christine: Thank you, Your Honor. The defense attorney will try and tell you that his client, Adam Newman, is the victim here. That Mr. Newman was framed. The truth is there was only one victim in this case. Her name was Constance Bingham. She was murdered. Poisoned to death. Her only crime was to love this man as if he were her grandson, because Adam Newman led her to believe that he was. So, to convince her that he wasn't the late Gabriel Bingham, and to keep her from unmasking him as a fraud, Adam deliberately took her life.

Michael: It was premeditated murder. That's what the District Attorney would like you to believe. A killer so -- so brilliantly diabolical that he left a trail of evidence so obvious that a fifth-grader could follow it. "What?" you ask. "Is -- is there a contradiction there?" Yes, of course. Because someone diabolical is involved in this so-called murder. But it isn't Adam Newman. It's the man's father, Victor Newman, and we will prove it.

Christine: We've heard the forensics experts verify the authenticity of Sage Newman’s journal, including the entry where she named Adam Newman was the killer of Constance Bingham. Do you have any cause to doubt the veracity of that evidence?

Dylan: Uh, no, I don’t.

Christine: And how about the postmortem that was done on her body not once but twice, which proves she actually died from poisoning and not heart failure, as was originally reported on the death certificate. Do you have any cause to doubt those new findings?

Dylan: Uh, no.

Christine: Then let's talk about the vile of poison that was found in the storage unit registered to Gabriel Bingham, the name that Adam Newman used to pose as Constance's grandson. How did you obtain that evidence?

Dylan: Well, uh, we were executing a search warrant of Adam Newman’s home and the Bingham storage unit, and, uh, one of the officers found the vial in the storage unit.

Christine: Where did the police find the key to the storage unit?

Dylan: It was in Adam's bedroom.

Christine: And was the same type of poison in the vial as in Mrs. Bingham's remains?

Dylan: Yes.

Christine: I have no further questions.

Judge Walker: Mr. Baldwin.

Michael: Detective McAvoy, please bear with me. Um... Why do they call it circumstantial evidence?

Dylan: It's when a fact or an event seems to --

Michael: "Seems." Seems. Yes. That is indeed the heart of the matter, isn’t it? Adam Newman seems to be the killer. But do you believe he is? Do you believe that a murder even took place?

Christine: Objection.

Michael: Your Honor, Detective McAvoy is an officer of the law. I believe his professional opinion should not be off limits.

Judge Walker: I want to see where he's going with this. Overruled. The witness will answer the question.

Dylan: Yeah.

Michael: I’ll clarify. After my client was arrested, were you content to let circumstantial evidence speak for itself, or did you quietly continue to investigate this case with the full blessing of your superiors?

Dylan: I was just doing my job.

Michael: I’ll take that as a yes. So, you kept trying to figure out whether the journal was a forgery. You kept pressing to have the body exhumed a second time because, what, you were just doing your due diligence? Or did it seem to you that some pieces were missing?

Dylan: Uh, actually, both.

Michael: So much so that you continued to investigate this case right up until this very day, correct?

Christine: Your Honor...

Judge Walker: I think you've made your point, Mr. Baldwin.

Michael: One more question, Your Honor. Detective McAvoy, do you honestly believe that Adam Newman is guilty of murder, or do you know him to be innocent?

Dylan: [Sighs] My job is to gather evidence. Jury's job is to weigh it. And then decide.

Michael: No further questions.

Judge Walker: You may step down, Detective. Ms. Williams, call your next witness.

Christine: The state calls Nicholas Newman.

Mariah: Going off your meds without a doctor's okay is one of the worst things that you could do. Do you want to end up back in Fairview?

Sage: That’s where you belong. Locked up.

Sharon: I am not going back to Fairview. Ever.

Mariah: Nobody wants you to. That's where all of this mess started. But you need to take your pills. For your own well-being. For Faith, for Sully, for Dylan. If he thinks that you have gone off your meds... He has to think of what’s right for the kids.

Sage: And that’s sure as hell not you. You’re the last person who should be raising my son.

Sharon: I am his mother. The only mother he has.

Mariah: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Sage. You’re not just having nightmares about her, you’re seeing her now, aren't you? Sharon, don’t you realize how far this has gone? You have to do something now!

Christine: Do you recognize this journal?

Nick: It’s my wife’s. I saw her writing in it sometimes.

Christine: How did it come into your possession?

Nick: Well, after she died, it was in her things.

Christine: You’ve read it?

Nick: Yeah.

Christine: You wanted to feel close to her.

Nick: Yes, I did.

Christine: How did you react when you saw the entry where Sage talked about Adam poisoning Constance?

Nick: I was shocked. I was angry.

Christine: Not disbelief?

Nick: No.

Christine: Even though Adam's your brother?

Nick: No.

Christine: Is that because you knew he was capable of doing something --

Michael: Objection! Your Honor!

Christine: I’ll withdraw it.

Michael: When you realized Sage had kept this from you, what went through your mind?

Nick: Well, it was hard to take. It was real hard. I thought my wife knew she could talk to me about anything.

Michael: You were very open with each other.

Nick: I thought we were.

Michael: So, her sitting on the knowledge that her husband's brother was a cold-blooded killer and had murdered someone she loved... That's pretty unthinkable, wasn't it?

Nick: Absolutely. The idea that someone could use my wife’s death for some sick, twisted reason...

Michael: Someone like your own father?

Nick: It was easier for me to see the worst in Adam than some forger, some stranger going through my wife’s private thoughts and turning them into something ugly.

Michael: Is that why you objected to exhuming Constance's body one more time to determine if the evidence was falsified? Because you preferred the thought of Adam being a murderer to the thought of your father defiling your wife's memory?

Nick: I guess you could put it like that.

Michael: And yet you allowed the body to be exhumed again. Why?

Nick: I felt like I owed it to my wife to get to the truth.

Michael: Even though all the evidence seems to point towards your brother. Is that the reason you're really here, Mr. Newman? To make sure Adam gets what he deserves?

Nick: No. No, I’m here because my father is looking for revenge. I’ve come to believe that he will do just about anything to destroy my brother's life, and mine, and my mother’s and sister's. He wants to make us all pay for putting him exactly where he belongs, which is in a prison cell. And if anyone can frame Adam for murder, even from behind those walls, it is Victor Newman.

Christine: Objection. Objection! I demand his testimony be stricken.

Nick: Why? You know I'm telling the truth, Christine. [Gavel raps]

Judge Walker: Call your next witness.

Christine: The prosecution rests, Your Honor.

Judge Walker: Very well. Uh... Then we’ll hear from the defense now. Mr. Baldwin. The defense calls Ian Ward to the stand.

Ian: Oh, thank you. Do I swear to tell the truth? By all means. Bring me a Bible. Bring a whole stack of them. This jury deserves to know the truth.

Sharon: Sage is dead, Mariah. And it's one thing for me to be seeing her in my nightmares, but to believe that I’m seeing her walking around in daylight haunting me, like --

Mariah: Like when you thought you were seeing Cassie.

Sharon: That is completely different, and you know it. Victor used you and made me believe that I was seeing Cassie. And I was grieving, so I believed it.

Mariah: And now you're drowning in guilt, so you’re seeing Sage. It's your conscience that’s keeping her alive. Because you’ve kept her baby from Nick.

Sage: Well, now she's got it, doesn’t she? I always liked Mariah.

Sharon: All I'm saying is Dylan does not need to protect the kids from me. I’m their mother. I love them.

Sage: No, you don't know what love is, Sharon. You just don't want to be alone with no man in your life. First Nick, now Dylan. You’ll do anything to hold onto him. Anything.

Sharon: Shut up! Shut up!

Michael: Would you consider yourself a friend of the defendant’s?

Ian: Adam? Well, we were once business associates. Didn't end well.

Michael: Mm. Could you be more specific?

Ian: Well, he left me to die in the fire at Top of the Tower. How’s that?

Michael: So, there is no particular reason for you to be here on Adam Newman’s behalf. Is that right?

Ian: I only want to see justice done.

Michael: There’s nothing in it for you.

Ian: Only on a spiritual level.

Michael: So, please, tell the court what compels you to be here.

Ian: Well, Victor Newman and I reside in the same cellblock at Walworth Penitentiary. And just recently he told me that he was reserving a cell there for his son, Adam.

Michael: So, Victor Newman just let it slip that he's framing his son?

Ian: Slip? Hardly. He bragged about it.

Michael: Why? Is Victor a friend of yours?

Ian: [Chuckles] No. We despise each other.

Michael: Then why would he confide in you?

Ian: Well, because as much as Victor hates me, he hates his family even more. Ask them. He couldn’t bear the thought of them getting the last laugh on him. And after all, what good is revenge if no one else knows about it?

Michael: Indeed. Go on.

Ian: Well, one night, it was just the two of us, and Victor said it was so easy.

Michael: To do what?

Ian: To, and I quote, "nail Adam's hide to the courthouse door."

Michael: Colorful.

Ian: [Chuckles] Well, prison will do that to you.

Michael: You know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Victor Newman framed the defendant?

Ian: As God as my witness.

Michael: He's all yours.

Christine: I have no questions for this witness.

Judge Walker: You're letting his testimony stand?

Christine: I didn't say that, Your Honor. I would like to call a rebuttal witness. Victor Newman.

Judge Walker: Very well. Mr. Ward, you’re excused.

Ian: Thank you, Your Honor.

Victor: Get out of my way.

Ian: Sorry, old boy. Good luck in the next life.

Christine: You took an oath to tell the truth.

Victor: Is that a question?

Christine: No. But this is. And a man’s life depends on your answer. Do you love your son Adam?

Victor: With all my heart.

Sharon: Oh, God. Oh, God. Mariah? Mariah, can you hear me? Mariah, say something.

Sage: Well, now look what you’ve done. How many more people are you gonna hurt, Sharon?

Sharon: Mariah? Mariah, wake up. Talk to me, okay? Oh, my gosh. [Knock on door]

Kevin: Hey, Mariah, are you home? I can -- Sharon, what happened?!

Victor: Ian Ward is a pathological liar. As many in this courtroom can attest.

Caroline: So, then, you didn't brag about setting up your son.

Victor: Absolutely not. In fact, I knew nothing about the alleged murder of Constance Bingham.

Christine: That's not what you said to the prison physician, Dr. Meredith Gates. Didn't you tell her you had evidence to prove that your son was guilty?

Michael: Objection, Your Honor. Dr. Gates recanted that statement.

Christine: Well, Dr. Gates is not on the stand. Mr. Newman is.

Judge Walker: I'll allow it.

Victor: Dr. Gates was mistaken. I never said such a thing.

Christine: Why would she lie about something like that?

Victor: Because... I think Dr. Gates has developed feelings for me. And therefore she wanted to help.

Christine: You say you love your son with all your heart. Do you love him enough to lie for him?

Victor: I would if I could. Unfortunately, there's a lot of evidence against him.

Ian: I knew it! [Struggling] [Grunts]

Michael: So, it is your testimony that you weren't involved in any way in setting up Adam.

Victor: That is my testimony. I knew nothing about the alleged murder of Constance Bingham. I think Ian Ward is the one who set up my son.

Michael: So... You believe he's being framed?

Victor: Yes. That is the only explanation. My son Adam is not a murderer.

Michael: Nothing further.

Judge Walker: The witness may step down.

Victor: Thank you, Your Honor.

Nikki: [Gasps]

Victor: Don't! [Gunshot]

Nikki: [Screams]

Victor: [Groans]

Nikki: Victor! Victor! [Screams]

Nick: Dad? Oh, my God.

Dylan: Yeah, we need an ambulance at the courthouse. Victor Newman’s been shot. Come on, guys.

Victoria: Daddy? Daddy!

Dylan: Okay.

Nick: Please, please...

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: I didn’t mean to hurt you! You -- you know that. You know that, right? I-it was her! I-I had to get rid of her!

Kevin: Who’s her?

Nick: I'm having trouble stanching the blood.

Jack: Use this.

Paul: Where the hell is that ambulance?

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