Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/30/16


Episode # 10955 ~ Billy & Phyllis play with fire; Ashley worries about her family; Hilary suffers a setback.

Provided By Jim

[Blender grinding]

Phyllis: Please! Stop! Stop!

[Blender stops]

Ashley: You look like hell. Ooh, make that hell squared.

Billy: I had a long night.

Ashley: Obviously not slaving over Brash & Sassy into the wee hours.

Billy: Actually, I spent the whole day yesterday procuring funds for expansion into the European market, so last night I celebrated.

Ashley: You're taking out loans to expand? Do you really think that's a wise move?

Billy: Ash, I can feel a lecture coming on, and as much as I would love that, can you just get your coffee to go? Or not. Have a seat.

Ashley: I'm not gonna come down on you, Billy.

Billy: Praise the angels.

Ashley: But I am worried about you, honey. You’re drinking too much. You were in a motorcycle accident! And all these women that you're "dating"? I mean, come on.

Billy: Oh, come on. If I stop drinking, if I promise to not drive my motorcycle to do whatever --

Ashley: Billy, you’re obviously not happy.

Billy: What about if I smile really big? Will you go away, please?

Ashley: Why are you doing this to yourself? You’ve got to curb this self-destructive behavior. Why do you always have to punish yourself?

Phyllis: Oh! The couch is my friend. It feels so good not to stand.

Jack: How much do you remember of yesterday?

Phyllis: Well, I was sitting on this couch wishing you happy birthday, and then...

Jack: And 3/4 of a bottle of champagne? Ringing any bells? You passed out.

Phyllis: Yeah, I must have. I woke up here in the middle of the night, and I stumbled back to bed and promptly passed out again. Did I wake you?

Jack: It’s okay. It was nice having you next to me. Here. Drink. It's a hangover cure.

Phyllis: Hmm. It's actually kind of tasty.

Jack: Glad to be of service. Come on. Drink that down. You’ll feel a whole lot better. And then we got to get back to town.

Phyllis: I can’t, Jack. I’m sorry. I can't go with you.

Hilary: Right on time.

Neil: Yeah, well, I had to see it to believe it. Last I checked, you were packed and headed out of town.

Hilary: Yes, well, I’m sorry to disappoint, Neil, but I've invested way too much in this town to leave it all behind.

Neil: Yeah, Hilary, if I can --

Hilary: Now to business. There are some foundation issues that need to be resolved while Jack is unavailable.

Neil: You're funny. Why did you choose to have the discussion here?

Hilary: I'm not running from your daughter, Neil.

Neil: Since Lily made it clear that you --

Hilary: I have work to do, issues that need to be resolved here and now. But if you can't bring yourself to work with me, then you are more than welcome to leave this meeting, as well as your foundation.

Lily: So, have you spoken to Hilary?

Devon: She sent me a text message saying that she’s decided to stay in town and she’s gonna get her own suite here at the club.

Cane: Do you have any plans to talk it out?

Devon: I don’t know how, 'cause she wants me to respect her privacy and she keeps ignoring my calls and texts. [Sighs] What?

Lily: I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Hilary is planning to file for divorce.

Devon: Wow. That’s very fast.

Cane: I'm sorry.

Devon: I can’t say it doesn't hurt that she’s moving so quick, but I’m really not surprised after the way we left things, so...

Lily: No, I don't think you should be surprised, either, when she takes you for all you’re worth.

Devon: Lily.

Lily: This isn’t Hilary bashing. She said that she’s gonna sue you.

Devon: She said she's gonna do what?

Cane: She wants to own the club.

Devon: So she's not just trying to hurt me. She’s trying to hurt you.

Cane: And next she’ll go after your inheritance from Katherine, and you cannot let that happen.

Lily: Listen, Hilary has to

Neil: As much as I hate having to deal with you -- you are a blackmailer, remember that? -- let's be clear on something. I would never, ever walk away from a foundation with my name on it. I believe there’s too much good work being done there.

Hilary: Well, Jack believes in me. He believes in my contribution, so I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. So you need to check your personal feelings at the door and focus on the work.

Neil: Oh, yeah? Just like that?

Hilary: You don't see me letting my impending divorce interfere with my work.

Neil: Divorce?

Hilary: Why do you seem so shocked, Neil?

Neil: Well, I -- Since you stayed in town, I-I guess I just assumed that you -- What about Devon? How’s he taking this?

Hilary: I don't know. I haven’t told him. I’m sure that Lily is taking care of that, though.

Neil: Lily? You let Devon find out through his sister Lily?

Hilary: I am just shocked that you are so alarmed and so concerned, especially since this is exactly what you wanted.

Neil: No, no, it’s not. Not even close.

Hilary: You sabotaged my honeymoon to break us up.

Neil: Hilary, that was then. You --

Hilary: Why can't you just be honest? You never accepted me being with Devon. You wanted to demolish my marriage. You finally got your wish.

Devon: All right, you need to just back up for a second, please.

Lily: Devon, we're just saying --

Cane: Give him a minute. Just give him a minute.

Devon: I barely had a chance to wrap my head around the fact my wife is leaving me, and you’re talking divorce strategy.

Cane: All right, listen, I know this is hard for you. I know you're going through a lot, but you have to get in front of this while you still have the chance. Do you understand that?

Lily: The one thing that we are sure of is Hilary will go after your financial jugular.

Devon: I’m aware of what I have to do to protect my interests, and I'm also aware it's gonna be very difficult to fight Hilary when she decides to go after half of my stuff.

Lily: I know. Because of the blackmail.

Devon: Her telling the cops that Neil kidnapped her is kind of just icing on the cake.

Cane: Please tell me you signed a prenup.

Devon: No, I didn't have her sign a prenup.

Lily: Oh, my God.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: I was afraid of that.

Devon: So she's definitely gonna try and get as much as she can out of me.

Cane: The thought of Hilary getting her hands on Katherine's money... She never even met her, let alone has any respect for her legacy.

Lily: Well, she definitely enjoys the benefits of being in the Chancellor family. She had no problem throwing Katherine’s name around at the dedication of the wing.

Cane: Right, so she could land herself in the spotlight. I mean, she does not deserve a penny from Katherine's estate.

Devon: She sure as hell doesn’t, and I'm not just going to roll over and give it up, you know? I’m going to fight her in court with everything that I have.

Lily: Everything? Do you mean that?

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: Well, I think there's another way to stop that conniving witch from getting what she wants out of the settlement.

Devon: And what's that?

Lily: Change Hilary's mind about the divorce.

Jack: Honey, we agreed we were gonna stay here one night.

Phyllis: And we were gonna go back together today. Yeah, I know.

Jack: Yeah, Adam’s trial is starting, and --

Phyllis: And you should be there to support him. You should. But I don’t want to be anywhere near that trial. Victor's gonna be there testifying, and I don’t want to see him.

Jack: Afraid you’re gonna lose it?

Phyllis: I don’t want to listen to him and see him gloat, trying to nail Adam to the wall, and I -- Yeah, I think it’ll set me off.

Jack: I was under the impression you were getting past this.

Phyllis: I am. I think I’ve truly moved past the need of getting back at Victor.

Jack: But you don't want to face him.

Phyllis: I’d rather not test it. I don’t think I will ever forgive Victor for what he did to me, to us. And I think it is best for my state of mind and for the safety of those around me to create as much space between me and that man as possible, so I hope you understand.

Jack: Well, now that you’ve explained it, I understand why you don’t want to be in court.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Jack: What I don’t understand is why you want to stay up here in the cabin without me.

Billy: You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not on the verge of some downward spiral.

Ashley: You're drinking too much.

Billy: All right, could I practice a little more self-restraint? Yes, sure. But I’ve never lost sight of the fact that I have kids to raise and a company to run.

Ashley: I hope that's true.

Billy: It is true. Last night I was unwinding, okay? So you don't have to micromanage me. Plus you have bigger things on your mind, like -- like Jabot.

Ashley: It’s really nice to be back in the company.

Billy: See? That’s good. Let’s talk about that.

Ashley: It’s good. I mean, you know, mostly. I don’t think Phyllis is exactly 100% thrilled, but...

Billy: Why do you say that?

Ashley: Oh, just little things, nothing we can't work out.

Billy: Like?

Ashley: I sensed that maybe she was a little hesitant to leave me in charge when she went off with Jack to the cabin for his birthday.

Billy: Right, well, I mean, she had to go, right? She had to celebrate. Thank you.

Ashley: Are you kidding? Romantic getaway as a birthday gift? It's perfect. I’m sure Jack is enjoying every second of it.

Billy: I’m sure he is.

Dr. Neville: Forgive the intrusion, William. I’m afraid I need to have a confab with your sister.

Billy: Please. Please, your timing couldn't be better. I am going to go to, uh, the gym.

Ashley: Oh, great. Sweat it out.

Billy: Right. Bye.

Ashley: See you.

Billy: Bye.

Ashley: Mwah. Take care of yourself.

Billy: Love you.

Ashley: What’s going on?

Dr. Neville: Maybe we should find a less public place to have this conversation.

Ashley: Why? Is it about the drug trial?

Dr. Neville: For God’s sake, have the decency to speak in code. What about the FDA investigation?

Ashley: What are you talking about? There’s no police here. There’s no FDA officials. I think we're okay.

Dr. Neville: Ever heard of a parabolic microphone? Even as we speak in an unmarked van meters away.

Ashley: Neville, I really appreciate the fact that you feel the need to protect me, but I don’t think it's necessary. Neville?

Dr. Neville: Hmm?

Ashley: Is there something new?

Dr. Neville: Yeah, of course there’s something new. It's news. There’s been a break-in -- down -- through. There’s been a breakthrough. I figured out why Hilary and the other two patients relapsed.

Ashley: That’s very promising!

Dr. Neville: No, it's better than that. I found a cure.

Ashley: Oh, my God. Thank God!

Dr. Neville: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don’t go thanking me or God just

Dr. Neville: Now, I've already worked out the new formula for, uh, for treatment. I’ve got the -- the medication lined up.

Ashley: Well, then why aren't you at the hospital running the tests?

Dr. Neville: Because I can’t test the new protocol on the old drug trial patients. There’s too much red tape.

Ashley: Right, because of the investigation. I can’t believe Hilary put us in this situation.

Dr. Neville: Hence to our next port of call. Speaking of Hilary...

Ashley: Why? What has she done now?

Dr. Neville: Nothing. But I have no idea when we're gonna get the official go-ahead to restart the drug trial, ergo the only person I can test the drug on --

Ashley: Is Hilary.

Dr. Neville: Ah.

Ashley: She's still your patient. She’s not in the drug trial.

Dr. Neville: Exactly.

Ashley: So she must be so grateful that you’ve actually refined this cure.

Dr. Neville: Kind of a trick question. She doesn’t know.

Ashley: Why not?

Dr. Neville: Because I don’t know how to approach her. That's why I need you. [Sighs] I mean, come on. The first time around, the woman was in a coma. She didn't have a choice. Do you honestly think she’s going to agree to be a guinea pig all over again without a guarantee of success?

Ashley: You go to the hospital. You make all of the arrangements. I’m gonna talk to Hilary.

Dr. Neville: So you think you can get her to agree to it?

Ashley: She damn well knows that she could go back in a coma or die if she doesn’t get your treatment, and sometimes in a situation like this, the risk is just worth taking.

Devon: So you, of all people, are suggesting that I stay in my marriage?

Lily: This is a desperate situation. Hilary could go after your inheritance. That cannot happen.

Cane: It is a logical suggestion.

Lily: See? Cane agrees.

Cane: Okay, it’s logical but not workable because he is condemned to a lifetime of emotional hell.

Lily: I'm not saying it's gonna be easy.

Devon: Easy? I don’t even know if it’s doable.

Lily: Okay, do either of you have a better solution?

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: I'm not saying stay in the marriage forever. Just until we can figure out a way to outmaneuver her and declaw her, and then you can just cut her loose.

Devon: I mean, that makes sense. It could work.

Lily: So you’ll do it?

Devon: Well, I-I’m not really sure if I can pull it off, even if I could get over how upset I am that she wants to be with Jack.

Lily: Okay, lucky for us, Jack still loves his wife. I know for a fact that he blew Hilary off yesterday to go spend time with Phyllis. So I'm sure Hilary is worried concerning her plans with Jack, which makes her vulnerable to you.

Cane: Because she wants to be part of a powerful family, any powerful family, than be on her own.

Lily: Exactly. So all you have to do is just apologize to her, tell her how much you love her, that you can’t live without her, and that you love her too much to let her go.

Cane: And that you understand why she did what she did.

Devon: And that we want to start fresh and new and be the big power couple she's always wanted, right? I think actually that could work.

Cane: Yeah, it could work, but you have to keep your guard up.

Lily: Do not get sucked back in. If Hilary starts changing her ways and acts like she's all madly in love with you again, don’t think that things will be how they were before.

Devon: There’s not a chance of that happening.

Neil: Hilary, I am well beyond any resentment that I've had for you and Devon.

Hilary: Why can't you just admit that you never got over my affair with Devon?

Neil: Hilary --

Hilary: I'm not blaming you. What we did to you was awful, especially considering your disability at the time.

Neil: Yeah. Yeah. What you did to me was awful. In fact, it was shameful and lowdown.

Hilary: Yeah. And you admitted that you wanted revenge, so...

Neil: And that was then.

Hilary: You were so angry for so long. You expect me to believe that all of those feelings, they just evaporated?

Neil: My anger left me the minute that you woke up. Do you realize how grateful, how relieved, how thankful I was? When I said to you that all I wanted was for you and Devon to live a long and happy life, I meant every word I said.

Hilary: Yeah, that’s because you felt guilty for what you did to me.

Neil: You're damn right. I did feel guilty. But more importantly, I realized how -- how you and Devon were meant to be together. I didn't want to stand in the way of my son’s happiness, and I know how much he loved you. He loved you with all his heart and soul. And for a while there, I thought that you loved him like that, too.

Hilary: I did. But we grew apart. People change.

Neil: No. You changed. You broke the kid’s heart. You betrayed him.

Hilary: Yeah, because I am just -- I am such an awful person, right? I am sorry that it didn’t work out with Devon. I truly am. But looking back now, I was naive to think that we could live happily ever after.

Neil: But you loved each other so much.

Hilary: Being with you and then Devon, all of this emotional baggage, the complications of this -- this twisted family triangle... How could any relationship survive that?

Phyllis: Jack? There are other reasons why I want to stay at the cabin.

Jack: Perhaps you should explain those to me. How is it we came up here to celebrate my birthday and I’m going home alone?

Phyllis: I think having physical distance from the circus of the trial, from Victor, will help me from getting worked up about it.

Jack: Yeah, so you said.

Phyllis: Being up here makes me feel peaceful, like I'm unplugging from everyone and everything. And there is one other embarrassing reason.

Jack: Yeah? What is that?

Phyllis: A drive back trying to recover from this hangover just makes me nauseous, and I thought I was made out of tougher stuff than that.

Jack: So when do you think you’ll be coming back? Later today? Tomorrow?

Phyllis: I’m not sure.

Jack: Okay. You stay as long as you like. Enjoy. Read. Relax. I -- Whatever. When you need to come back, call me. I’ll come pick you up, and, uh, thanks for a great birthday. I got to go.

Phyllis: Okay. You’re making it worse by thanking me. I know your celebration didn't go as you hoped.

Jack: I told you it was all okay.

Phyllis: And I don’t believe you.

Jack: We had some time together. That's all I really cared about.

Hilary: Think Jack will be happy with what we decided.

Neil: Then nothing else matters.

Hilary: You can go now.

Neil: [Laughs] Gladly.

Ashley: Hilary, are you all right?

Hilary: You don't care about my wellbeing, Ashley, so just take your phony concern somewhere else.

Ashley: The only reason I'm asking is because I’ve actually got something to say --

Hilary: I am not in the mood to go another round with you, okay?

Ashley: Well, then take your things and go. Go on. Pick up your tablet and leave. [Sighs] Look, I’m not here for another argument. I’ve actually got good news.

Hilary: That would be a first.

Ashley: Neville has adjusted the drug, Hilary. It looks like he's found the cure.

Hilary: A cure?

Ashley: Yes, but it hasn’t been tested yet. That's why you've got to get to the hospital right away.

Hilary: Well, if Neville hasn't tested it, then how does he even know it will work on me? He doesn't. [Scoffs] He wants me to be his guinea pig -- again. Thanks, but no thanks.

Ashley: Just wait a second. Your symptoms are definitely getting worse, and you could be dying.

Hilary: Or Neville could kill me with his new test drug.

Ashley: Or he could save you again.

Hilary: That’s easy for you to say. Neville’s not pumping some mystery potion into your body.

Ashley: He has done that, and it saved me. Look, I can tell that you’re getting worse. You don’t know if you have days or weeks or even hours before your situation becomes dire. Neville’s treatment is your only chance.

Hilary: Only chance. All right.

Ashley: That means you’ll go to the hospital?

Hilary: Do I have any other choice? Just tell Neville I’ll be there soon. Just I need a few minutes.

Ashley: Okay. [Cell phone rings]

Phyllis: [Sighs] [Sighs]

Hilary: Hey, Jack, um, I know you’re probably busy with Phyllis, but, uh... I thought you’d want to know that I am going to the hospital and I, uh... Just call me when you can.

Jack: Billy! Hey!

Billy: Hey. Happy belated birthday.

Jack: Thank you.

Billy: Didn't expect to see you back so soon.

Jack: Well, I wanted to get a bite to eat before Adam’s trial begins a little later.

Billy: Adam's trial. That time of year already, huh?

Jack: Yeah, it does kind of feel like that sometimes. You know what, though? This time I don’t think he's done anything wrong. I think he's being set up.

Billy: Is that right? Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Where’s Phyllis?

Jack: She decided to stay up at the cabin for a while. Any chance you want to join me at the courthouse?

Billy: No, no. Uh, no. Not a chance. Victor's gonna be there, and me and my blood pressure don’t need that.

Jack: That is just what my wife said.

Billy: Well, Phyllis and I have been lined against Victor for a long time. We've worked really hard to get rid of the vendetta.

Jack: So you have. Still another thing you two have in common.

Billy: Right. Hey, listen, thanks for the invite, but I’m not going anywhere near that courthouse. I got somewhere to be. I’ll see you.

Devon: Hey. Hilary. Do you have a minute? 'Cause I really need to talk to you.

Hilary: Not now, Devon, okay? There’s someplace that I really need to be. And besides, there's nothing else to say to you.

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: Whatever it is, you can talk to my lawyer.

Lily: And if Devon plays this right, we’re hoping it'll block Hilary from getting half of what he's worth.

Cane: It’s the best plan we got so far.

Neil: Wait a minute. That's your best? I sure don't like your chances. I just had a meeting with Hilary, and she seems totally determined to move on. And there... she goes.

Hilary: Jack, hey. Um, I left you a message.

Jack: [Sighs] I left my cell phone at the cabin. W-What is it?

Hilary: Um, well, I am gonna check myself into the hospital. It turns out that Dr. Neville has found a cure.

Jack: Well, that’s great news.

Hilary: Yeah.

Jack: Is Devon gonna meet you there?

Hilary: No, I'm -- I’m on my own.

Jack: No, that’s unacceptable. I’ll go with you.

Hilary: You sure?

Jack: No, you can't go through something like this alone. Come on. We’ll go.

Devon: [Sighs]

Lily: Hey.

Devon: I ran into Hilary upstairs and she barely let me get three words out.

Lily: Well, she had plenty to say to Jack. She just left with him.

Devon: Oh, thanks.

Lily: Are you gonna follow them?

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: God, can you believe that witch? She just blew off Devon and then strolls out of here with Jack.

Cane: At least Devon went after her.

Neil: Yeah, but what’s he gonna do when he catches her?

Lily: Okay, let's just stay optimistic, please.

Neil: I don't see any upside in this. Either Devon ends up in a shell of a marriage.

Cane: And keeps his money.

Neil: Or he loses his marriage and half of Katherine's fortune.

Cane: I feel for Devon, all right? But Katherine would roll over in her grave if she thought that Hilary was gonna get half her money.

Lily: I just had a horrible thought.

Cane: What?

Lily: What if she doesn't stop at Katherine’s money?

Neil: What do you mean?

Lily: Well, she always wants bigger and better and more. I mean, divorce or no divorce, Jack or no Jack, I'm sure she’ll set her sights higher than the foundation or the medical project.

Cane: You think she'd make a power play for Chancellor?

Lily: She lives for money and power.

Cane: No, Jill wouldn't let it happen.

Lily: Okay, when Hilary wants something, no one can stop her. And I’m sure we can all see her wanting this.

Cane: Okay, then I wouldn't let it happen, ’cause I would step in and team up with Jill to make sure I can protect the company from her and do it at all costs.

Neil: Okay. Don’t you -- Don't you two think you’re getting way ahead of yourselves? Don’t you think you should wait until you see what happens with Devon and Hilary?

Dr. Neville: You’re still experiencing fatigue. How about the headaches?

Hilary: Practically every day.

Dr. Neville: And the tremors?

Hilary: They’re getting worse.

Dr. Neville: Hopefully we can get you back to your healthy self soon.

Jack: Hold on to that.

Hilary: I'll try.

Devon: What are you doing here in the hospital?

Hilary: You followed me?

Devon: Why is she here?

Jack: This is something Devon and Hilary have to discuss privately.

Hilary: Jack, you -- you don’t have to go.

Jack: I'll be right outside, okay?

Dr. Neville: Watch your blood pressure. Don’t get agitated. I’ll be back to start your IV.

Hilary: You followed me?

Devon: Yeah, I followed you. I wanted to talk to you. And when I heard that you left with Jack, I really wanted to talk to you.

Hilary: Our marriage is over, Devon.

Devon: You know what? I thought so, too, until I came downstairs to the lobby to find you, ’cause I figured you’d be discussing the foundation with Jack, and I ran into a nurse from here. Her name is Erica. Do you remember her?

Hilary: No, I don't. And, Devon --

Devon: Well, she remembers you, and she remembers us, and she told me, "Mr. Hamilton, your wife is already in her room, so there’s no need to worry." Why are you here in the hospital being treated by Neville? I thought you said that you were fine.

Hilary: I was fine, and then I wasn't. Turns out that my miracle cure was only temporarily miraculous.

Devon: And what's the prognosis?

Hilary: Neville -- He's -- He's found a solution, okay? So everything --

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: I could die. Or my prayers could be answered and Neville could get it right this time.

Jack: This was not the way for Devon to find out about this.

Dr. Neville: No, it wasn’t. Then again, Hilary doesn't seem to have much regard for her husband’s feelings these days.

Jack: What? You’re really going to criticize her? Now?

Dr. Neville: No, I’m simply stating a reality, Jack. She’s a very complicated woman. If I'm gonna save her life, I best get to it. Ah.

Ashley: Hey. Hilary?

Dr. Neville: She’s all checked in and ready to go, thanks to you.

Jack: I didn’t realize -- I thought you were done with all of this.

Ashley: I'm officially keeping my distance from the drug trial. I just wanted to check on Hilary.

Jack: I wasn’t aware you knew about her situation.

Ashley: I didn’t know you were aware of it, either.

Jack: Oh, I've known for some time, since she passed out at the club.

Ashley: What are you doing here?

Jack: I'm here to support her.

Ashley: Bad move. This is the last place you should be, Jack. [Knock on door]

Phyllis: Jack? Is that you?

Billy: It's not Jack.

Phyllis: How did you know I was here?

Billy: I saw Jack at the club. He told me that you were here alone, and I-I couldn’t stop thinking about what you and my brother might have been doing last night, so...

Phyllis: Did he tell you?

Billy: No, he told me that you didn't come home with him. And I was hoping -- I was... hoping that things didn’t go as planned last night.

Phyllis: This is none of your business.

Billy: Isn’t it?

Phyllis: I don’t want to do this.

Billy: There’s no "this." There’s no -- There’s no yelling. There’s no blame. I just -- You just need to finish the sentence for me, okay? "Last night, I..."

Phyllis: Last night, I got drunk and ruined my husband’s birthday.

Billy: What do you mean, you got drunk? What about Jack?

Phyllis: He stayed sober. Want me to elaborate? I will. I will. There was champagne. I overpoured. I got sloppy. End of story.

Billy: Well, my brother doesn’t drink, and -- and you -- you don’t get sloppy for no reason.

Phyllis: I wasn't thinking, okay? I wasn't thinking. Now, I chose to be up here alone for a reason. Please just respect the alone part.

Billy: You knew exactly what you were doing, Phyllis. You didn't want to have sex with

Phyllis: It wasn’t calculated. It just happened. Or didn’t happen, I guess.

Billy: The whole point of a trip like this is to make sex happen, Phyllis, so...

Phyllis: I am done talking about this. Now, please, have a safe drive back.

Billy: I need to know.

Phyllis: I couldn't do it. I couldn't. I felt like having sex with Jack would be cheating on you, and that makes no sense. And I’m feeling really confused right now. [Voice breaking] I feel like I’m going crazy.

Billy: Me, too.

Phyllis: Which one? Crazy or confused?

Billy: Both. A little. And a part of jealousy. I was so upset last night thinking about you being here. Didn't get any better. I ended up drinking, almost getting in a fight. Phyllis, I can't stop thinking about you, okay? I can’t -- I can't get you out of my head. And now that I know that you can’t get me out of your head, either...

Ashley: You should be with your wife and not here holding Hilary's hand.

Jack: Not that I owe you an explanation, my wife is up at the cabin still while I’m down here for Adam’s trial. Now, what is your explanation?

Ashley: For what?

Jack: Well, you obviously have known about her situation for some time now, yet all you’ve done is tell me to avoid her.

Ashley: That’s right, because she was using this health scare as a way of drawing you in and gaining your sympathy.

Jack: How about giving me just a little bit of credit? Yes, she has come to depend on me because she's been dealing with an agonizing situation.

Ashley: Agonizing because she’s been blackmailing people, Jack, and paying off lab techs, by the way.

Jack: Because she's scared she might die. And yes, I have been a friend to her and nothing more than that. And you might follow my lead and show a little compassion yourself.

Ashley: Excuse me? In spite of everything Hilary has done, I am very sympathetic to her situation, Jack, because I haven’t forgotten what it’s like to wonder when your body’s gonna give out and you're done and you’re gone!

Jack: And yet all you have done is distrust her.

Ashley: How the hell am I supposed to trust her?! Have you forgotten she's behind that payoff scheme that I took the blame for so Neville could be free, so he could help her, not to mention the other people that he’s supposed to be saving?!

Jack: I am well aware of what Hilary has done.

Ashley: It seems that Neville has come up with the cure, so maybe I’m asking you to take a step back. Don’t let Hilary lean on you. She should be leaning on her husband!

Jack: No, there we agree. Devon’s with her right now. Now that he knows about it, maybe they can get some perspective and maybe work through this.

Devon: Hilary, I wish you didn't lie to me. Whatever you and I are going through right now, this is much bigger than that.

Hilary: I don't need your pity, Devon.

Devon: But you told Jack.

Hilary: This is about you and me. I didn't want my relapse to be the reason why we stayed together, okay? It's over.

Devon: It doesn't have to be.

Hilary: Stop it, Devon.

Devon: What do you want me to stop? You want me to just stop being your husband? It's gonna take awhile to do that. I’m gonna have to forget a lot of things. I’m gonna have to forget everything, everything we shared, every moment we had, every kiss, every touch.

Hilary: Don't.

Devon: I’m going to have to forget the vows that we said to each other. 'Cause when we made those promises, I intended to keep them, and I know you did, too.

Hilary: [Gasps] Stop staring.

Devon: I don’t mean to stare. I’m just trying to remember the last time I even held your hand. I don’t know how I didn’t notice. I mean, we share a bed. I’m sorry for that. You really didn’t have to go through this alone.

Hilary: You should go.

Devon: Hilary. Finding you here sick, like I found you before when you were missing, that tore me up, thinking that I had lost you forever. But the joy that I felt knowing that I had you back is --

Hilary: Damn it. [Sighs] I don’t need you, Devon.

Devon: I don’t care, 'cause I’m gonna be here, and you're going to live through this.

Hilary: You don't know that.

Devon: Yes, I do know it. Because I refuse to believe otherwise. And I am not gonna lose you to divorce or to this.

Hilary: Devon.

Devon: Hilary, we can have another chance if you’ll let us.

Cane: Okay, call me back when you get the numbers, all right?

Lily: Hey, did I miss anything? Has Devon come back?

Neil: We have neither seen nor heard from him.

Lily: Okay. I’m gonna take that as a good sign. Maybe he got Hilary to listen to him or maybe he’s with her right now making progress.

Devon: You stopped trembling.

Hilary: Don't.

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: Not now, Devon, okay? I am just -- I'm dealing with too much.

Devon: Okay, all right. Then we don’t have to talk. I can just stay here with you.

Hilary: No. [Door opens] No, you need to get out. Just -- God, just leave me alone!

Dr. Neville: Devon, I'm afraid you have to leave.

Devon: But she’s --

Dr. Neville: I’m sorry. The patient can’t be upset. She’s about to start treatment. I’m sorry. [Door opens]

Ashley: We heard Hilary yelling.

Devon: You should have told me she was sick.

Jack: Look, I promised her --

Devon: I don’t care what she asked you. I am her husband.

Dr. Neville: You all right?

Hilary: I just need to know how confident you are in this new cocktail of yours.

Dr. Neville: I’m as confident as I can be at this point.

Hilary: It’s not good enough. This has to work, okay? This is my life. [Sobbing] This is my life. [Gasps] [Exhales deeply]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Mariah: Don't you realize how far this has gone?! You have to do something now!

Paul: You want to see if he's telling the truth.

Nikki: Or if he's willing to lie to destroy his son.

Ian: We both want the same thing -- justice.

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