Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/29/16


Episode # 10954 ~ Jack's romantic evening with Phyllis hits a roadblock; Billy confronts Travis about his intentions towards Victoria; Chelsea pulls out all the stops to protect Adam.

Provided By Jim

Victoria: Billy denied having anything to do with the oil spills.

Nick: Well, of course he did. The question is, do you believe him?

Victoria: Well, not that I get the chance to say anything to him because he stormed off so quickly, but, yes, I do.

Nick: Vick --

Victoria: Look, Billy is capable of a lot of things, but he wouldn’t do something like this.

Nick: You mean like wreak havoc on Newman Enterprises? Vick, it's what he lives for.

Victoria: Okay, look, I know Billy better than anyone. And despite his mistakes, there are lines that he won’t cross, and this is one of them.

Travis: You're early for a drink. Or did you come here for something else?

Billy: You always try and talk your customers out of drinking? Must be good for business.

Travis: What do you know about good business?

Billy: What's that supposed to mean?

Travis: Nothing. Just seems like you have a lot on your mind.

Billy: I do.

Jack: And we made it. I cannot believe how grateful I am to steal time away with you. You, me, a secluded cabin in the woods -- Does it get any better than this?

Phyllis: Yep. Drop your bags. We're going for a walk.

Jack: Wait, right now?

Phyllis: Yeah. The woods are calling. I can hear them.

Jack: Wa-Wait a minute. Come here. I have something for you to open.

Phyllis: Jack, come on. It's your birthday, not mine.

Jack: Actually, it’s a little something for both of us.

Phyllis: I feel terrible. The gift I ordered you didn’t show up on time.

Jack: Would you just open it? I cannot wait to see it on you. More importantly, I can’t wait to take it off of you.

Michael: Hello, little brother. Is that what I think this is?

Kevin: Uh, what do you think it is?

Michael: Illegally obtained footage of inmates, Victor Newman in particular, in the visiting room at Walworth.

Kevin: Could you be more specific?

Michael: No, I can’t be more specific. What in God’s name are you involved in now?

Adam: Yeah, that’s right. Ian Ward. Yes, I understand he's a prisoner. Yes, I understand that you don't allow prisoners to -- This is an emergency, okay? I’m a close family friend. Can you -- Hello? Hello?

[Jail cell door slams]

Chelsea: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up on you.

Adam: That’s okay.

Chelsea: Um, I-I made you breakfast.

Adam: Don't you mean my last

Chelsea: Oh, and I got that melon baller that we saw on TV. So, that's exciting, too. See? Thinking positive. What?

Adam: That’s -- I mean, you’re so sw-- What do -- Um...

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: What am I looking at?

Chelsea: Seriously? You’re looking at -- at how much I love you.

Adam: ’Cause it looks like I’m looking at reconfirmation that you -- you -- you still can’t cook, baby.

Chelsea: Oh, that is --

Adam: But you're so pretty.

Chelsea: That is just negativity right there. You really don't want any -- any toast or...?

Adam: Um, that’s not toast. I’m not -- I'm not eating that. [Chuckles]

Chelsea: I made it by myself.

Adam: Sorry. Tell me how it is.

Chelsea: Actually, you know what? Maybe -- Maybe I don't have an appetite, either. It's fine. Maybe we should talk. You have a lot going on in your head right now. Do you have the Victor show just spinning around? Is that where this is coming from?

Adam: Maybe. I just figure he's -- he's outdone himself this time, you know? You know how hard it is to set someone up like that? He exhumes a body, riddles it with poison, reburies the body, plants evidence, forges a journal, he does it from a prison cell?

Chelsea: Well, Victor is nothing if not meticulous. We know that. But Ian is gonna get on that stand, and he’s going to expose Victor for the twisted revenge seeker that he really is.

Adam: Ian is a wild card, sweetheart. You know that.

Chelsea: You had a deal.

Adam: Yeah, we did. We had a deal. You know, not too long ago, we were -- we were ready to kill each other. Now my life is in this man's hands? How the hell did I end up like this?

Chelsea: Well, your father. That's how. But it's gonna be okay. It is. Ian will stick to his word.

Adam: His word doesn’t mean a damn thing. Babe, you know that. I mean, you were the one that told me I was crazy to get involved with him in the first place.

Chelsea: I know I did, but now he's our only hope, so we have to be positive. He's gonna get on that stand, and he's going to expose Victor, okay? [Sighs] He has to.

Adam: He has to. He does have to, doesn't he? I need to talk to him, you know? I want to get him on the phone. They won't let him on the phone. I-I need to, like, resell him on this lie, you know, tell him what's at stake. He testifies, I help him escape. And I can’t get out of here. There’s a guard at the front door. I-I --

Chelsea: I’ll go.

Adam: You'll what?

Chelsea: I’ll go see Ian.

Michael: Victoria hired you?

Kevin: She believes the Newman oil facilities were sabotaged by Victor.

Michael: With help from the outside.

Kevin: Clearly.

Michael: So, you are viewing the surveillance equipment at Walworth to find out who visited Victor. As someone who just recently had his law license reinstated, I can’t know how you managed to get ahold of this footage. Got it?

Kevin: Got it.

Michael: So... as somebody who knows nothing, what did you find?

Kevin: See this woman? She’s visited with Victor a lot.

Michael: Do we ever get to see her face?

Kevin: Never. I thought it might have been Natalie.

Michael: I can see that. Same shape, similar hair.

Kevin: Yeah, it's definitely not her.

Michael: Are you sure?

Kevin: I’m positive. Whoever she is, though, I believe she’s the one Victor used to --

Michael: Frame Adam.

Kevin: Not at all what I was gonna say.

Michael: This is the first time I've heard the theory of Victor being responsible for those oil disasters, but it makes sense. It makes perfect sense. Why not try to punish Victoria the same way he’s trying to punish Adam? Revenge against the children who turned against him. But he can't do it on his own. This woman -- This woman could be the key to it all.

Nick: The answer is staring you right in the face. It's Billy.

Victoria: How can you say that?

Nick: How can you not? He enlisted Natalie’s help.

Victoria: To look into it, not to commit an act of ecoterrorism.

Nick: Don't pretend this is the first time that Billy’s come after this company.

Victoria: Look, Dad hates Billy, okay? He would never work with him on something like this. He would never do something like this on his own.

Nick: You mean because he's incapable?

Victoria: [Sighs] Because he wouldn’t want to hurt me. That's why.

Nick: Did he say that?

Victoria: Yes.

Nick: Well, isn't that rich. This coming from the guy who has hurt you how many times?

Victoria: Yes, okay? He's hurt me. We've both hurt each other. But that was never his goal.

Nick: Oh, so, what was his goal when he stole Brash & Sassy! from you?

Victoria: To hear Billy tell it, he was trying to help me, to keep the division from falling into the wrong hands.

Nick: I don't know why you keep making excuses for this guy, just willing to accept Billy’s word on anything.

Victoria: That is not true.

Nick: Why can't you get over him?

Travis: Care to share what’s on your mind?

Billy: Trying to figure out how you got into Victoria’s life and what the hell you’re doing in it.

Travis: Is that a problem for you? I’m in her life?

Billy: Yeah, it is, actually. A big one. See, everything was fine. We'd split up, but it was amicable-ish. Business was good for the both of us, and then in walks Travis.

Travis: And it all falls apart.

Billy: For Victoria, yeah, it did.

Travis: That mess going on at Newman's got nothing to do with me.

Billy: Jury's still out on that.

Travis: Well, for the record, Victoria's life is way more than her job.

Billy: For the record, you don’t know anything about Victoria.

Travis: Look, I'm sorry your marriage ended, but that happened long before I entered the scene. Things not going well with your new girlfriend or something? Is that what's pissing you off this morning?

Phyllis: Guess I know what’s on your mind.

Jack: Guilty as charged. So go ahead. Put it on.

Phyllis: Let’s take that walk. Let’s see where the day takes us, okay?

Jack: I'm hoping the day takes us to the bedroom.

Phyllis: Jack...

Jack: What? Why are you in such a rush to get out? I’ve been waiting all this time to be alone with you.

Phyllis: Okay. You’re gonna get me out in the great, big outdoors. I mean, isn’t that why we came?

Jack: No.

Phyllis: All right. Look. I have -- I’ve been going through a lot at work and everything else.

Jack: I know that. You’ve had a very full plate.

Phyllis: Yes. And it would be good for me to decompress.

Jack: I get it. I get it. Some fresh air, sunshine, breeze in your face.

Phyllis: Exactly. So, let’s throw on your sneakers and go.

Jack: But I feel like I haven’t even seen you lately, much less been with you. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. There’s this business trip to Montreal. I-I want today to be all about us. And in case no one's told you, there’s more than one way to

Phyllis: You know what I need? I need food.

Jack: Hungry?

Phyllis: I'm famished.

Jack: Then you're gonna love my next surprise.

Phyllis: Oh, Jack, now, come on. I'm the one who's supposed to be doing the gifting and the surprising here.

Jack: I couldn't help myself. Actually, my assistant, Amy, arranged for this, Red, from your favorite little gourmet place on Broad Street. Wow. These strawberries look like they were picked today. That's how fresh they are.

Billy: You know, I picked those strawberries myself. I was walking down the aisles, trying to figure out what was gonna put a smile on your face, and I didn't know if it was foie gras and toast or chips and dip. I realized that I don't know that much about you. And I want to know more.

Jack: Good. They remembered the foie gras. Who knows you better than I do, right, Red?

Travis: If you're here looking for a fight, you came to the wrong place.

Billy: You always answer questions with questions, Travis? That's not a very good sign for someone who's trying to be honest.

Travis: I don't remember a question, Billy.

Billy: What are you doing with my wife?

Travis: Ex-wife.

Billy: Are you part of some ploy to take down Newman Enterprises? Are you using her for that? Or are you just having fun?

Travis: Wow. I'm gonna give you the bottom line. A woman walked into my bar. We talked, we danced, and what happens between us is just that -- between us.

Billy: Okay, listen to me, she is not just my ex-wife. She is the mother of my kids. I am always going to protect her. I'm always gonna do anything I can for her. So, if you think that you can take advantage of her, you better think again.

Victoria: I am over Billy, okay? I am -- I am very accepting of the fact that we don't have a future together. I am just looking at this pragmatically. I know Billy.

Nick: Exactly. Which is why you jumped to him immediately being behind the sabotage.

Victoria: Um, Luca, Dad, Travis? Do those suspects ring a bell? Billy only came to mind because Natalie was brought up.

Nick: Yeah, well, after you did, you jumped on it.

Victoria: Yes, because it raised some red flags, okay? But then, once we talked and --

Nick: You mean after he pleaded his case, probably played on all of your history together.

Victoria: Nick, think about it. Why would Billy do something like this? Or Natalie, for that matter? She's already cashed in on this idea of hers. I can imagine the last thing she would want is to get embroiled in some Newman/Abbott drama again.

Nick: Well, Billy can be pretty persuasive.

Victoria: Would you please stop with Billy? Newman is in crisis. We need answers.

Nick: Agreed.

Victoria: Thank you. We need to be really smart about this and leave our emotions outside of it or we might miss out on who's really behind this oil spill. For all we know, Dad could just be getting started, Nick.

Nick: You're right. And if you're convinced that Billy's not involved --

Victoria: Yes, I am.

Nick: Well, that's good enough for me. So, what are we gonna do? How are we gonna figure out who is working with Dad?

Chelsea: Then Ian can head north to Canada or south to Mexico. I mean, it sounds like a pretty legit plan, right? Am I -- Am I leaving anything out?

Adam: No, that -- that's pretty spot-on perfect. It's just -- It's a risk, you know, you talking to Ian.

Chelsea: Babe, I know how to work a con.

Adam: Yeah, but that was like a lifetime ago.

Chelsea: Are you calling me old?

Adam: No, no. I'm just saying that was before you had so much to lose. You're a wife now. You -- You've got a family, our son.

Chelsea: It's the same for you.

Adam: Which is exactly what I'm getting at. I don't know if I'd be able to pull it off if I was in your shoes. You know, one tiny little tell and he's gonna be on to us, babe.

Chelsea: Okay, wait. Just listen to me. I can do this. Us being together relies on Ian, so I am going to sell this phony escape plan as if my life depends on it because it does. You are my life. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine. I promise.

Adam: Okay.

Chelsea: It's gonna be a-okay.

Michael: Oh, hey.

Chelsea: Hi!

Michael: You headed out?

Chelsea: Yes, I signed up to read a story at Connor's preschool. We're trying to keep things as normal as possible for him leading up to the trial. Excuse me.

Michael: Oh, yeah. Sounds good. Uh, is Adam inside?

Chelsea: He sure is.

Michael: Bye. Have fun with your story.

Chelsea: Oh, I will.

Michael: [Chuckles] Oh. Thank you. Hey, yo.

Adam: Hey, yo. Should I be sitting down for this?

Michael: No. You can stand up for this news. [Sighs] We have a lead on the person who helped Victor frame you, and it [Knock on door]

Nick: Hey. Any luck on tracking down the woman who’s working with my dad?

Kevin: No, not yet, but I ran into my brother.

Nick: Okay.

Kevin: He caught me looking at the prison surveillance footage.

Nick: So, what? Is he gonna report on you or something?

Kevin: No. No, nothing like that, but Michael has this theory that the person we’re looking into is the same person involved with what's going on with Adam and that Victor is using her to frame him.

Nick: Look, Adam killed Constance Bingham. And he's gonna pay for it.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Ian: [Chuckles] As lovely a change of scenery as you are, I-I can't help but wonder what you’re doing here. Where’s Adam?

Chelsea: Adam wanted to be here, but unfortunately, he’s under house arrest.

Ian: Oh. He's a flight risk, huh? Understandable.

Chelsea: I’ve been updated on everything -- the what, the where, the when, and the how.

Ian: You know, I have to say I’m extremely disappointed.

Chelsea: I’m sorry?

Ian: I can’t believe that you could let this happen considering your area of expertise is this. How could a designer such as yourself expect me to wear a cheap, ill-fitting suit that they brought me? I’ll look like a rube. I’m sure that Victor will be wearing, you know, something Italian that'll make him look very regal. No one in that courtroom will take me seriously.

Chelsea: Okay. I will see what I can do about your attire.

Ian: Good. The suit makes the man. Now, on to more pressing matters. My escape. [Cork pops]

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Jack: For you, Madame.

Phyllis: You didn't have to do that. I -- [Chuckles] would have been fine drinking sparkling water.

Jack: I know you would, but this is more fun, don’t you agree?

Phyllis: Thank you.

Jack: You're welcome. Your favorite vintage. And what better way to mark an occasion than with champagne?

Phyllis: We should make a toast.

Jack: Okay. I’m all ears.

Phyllis: To the man who can still surprise me.

Jack: Even after all these years.

Phyllis: You are kind and patient, filled to the brim with integrity.

Jack: Eh, not always.

Phyllis: Most of all -- Most of all, you are the most loving, [voice breaking] loyal man I've ever known. I don’t think I’ve known anybody I could count on the way I can count on you.

Jack: Hey. This is supposed to be a celebration, remember?

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Happy birthday, Jack.

Jack: It is now. Well, let’s see what we got here. Um...move this over. Little foie gras, my dear?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Travis: I'm not taking advantage of Victoria. I’m not even sure it's possible with a woman like her.

Billy: She’s tough in business, but in her personal life, she’s all heart. Which is exactly why she can get sucked in to some...story about a hard-working bar owner that’s struggling to make ends meet. But that's actually not true, is it? No, you conveniently left the part out about being a Wall Street shark.

Travis: Ex-shark.

Billy: Whatever.

Travis: Not whatever. You keep trying to paint me as a manipulative jerk because you don’t want to see the truth. Victoria likes me.

Billy: [Scoffs]

Travis: Knowing who I was then and knowing who I am now. And I like her, too. Is it gonna lead to more? We don't know. We're both up to finding out.

Billy: That's good for you.

Travis: But not so good for you, right?

Billy: Mnh-mnh.

Travis: ’Cause this has nothing to do with Newman Enterprises. Victoria's on the verge of having something real again, and

Billy: Victoria might be buying this line of garbage, but I know a con when I see one, Travis.

Travis: This is all in your head.

Billy: Is that right?

Travis: Yeah. But good on you for wanting to defend your ex and kids, but they're not in any danger from me. And that's the last you’re gonna hear me defend myself.

Billy: No, this conversation's over when I know there’s not an ulterior motive.

Travis: Hire an investigator. Do a background check or something. I don’t care. You’re not gonna find anything.

Billy: It's just the timing of all this, you know? It raises a couple red flags. You step into Victoria's life, and it all hits the fan?

Travis: Victoria stepped into my life. I didn't go seeking her out. And why don’t you listen to yourself? You can move on but she can’t?

Billy: Oh, no. I never said she couldn’t move on.

Travis: Oh, just not with me.

Billy: That's right, buddy.

Victoria: Stop it. Both of you. What are you doing here?

[Cell phone rings]

Phyllis: That's Jabot. I should get it.

Jack: Not on my watch. Nope, nope, nope.

Phyllis: Hey.

Jack: Ashley can handle it.

Phyllis: Well, I know that.

Jack: But nothing. Today is about us. A time out from the realities of life. No work, no phone calls, no interruptions of any kind.

Phyllis: Fine. You win.

Jack: I always win when I'm with you. So, what do you say? Do we have a deal? The two of us together, nothing to interrupt us, a real escape.

Phyllis: Deal.

Jack: Thanks. Now, I, uh, have a confession to make.

Phyllis: Oh, that sounds ominous.

Jack: I don't want to go on a hike.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Oh, really? I didn't get that vibe from you at all earlier.

Jack: I want to stay here. I want to lock the door and not leave until we have to go back to Genoa City.

Phyllis: Okay. When you put it that way...

Jack: Sounds like bliss, doesn’t it?

Phyllis: It sure does.

Jack: You know what we need right now? Some music. I have the perfect mix. Let me get my tablet.

Chelsea: After you’ve testified to the whole world that Victor set up Adam, the guard will re-cuff you with every intention to take you back to Walworth. At that point in time, you will be taken down to the southwest corridor of the courthouse. There will be a man there waiting for you -- blond, early 40s, about 6'3" -- wearing a janitor costume. As you exit the corridor, the janitor will disable the guard.

Ian: How?

Chelsea: An injection. No noise, no fight. He'll be out pretty much immediately. At that point, the janitor will take you down a stairwell, a private stairwell, where a car will be waiting for you.

Ian: And I assume that we --

Chelsea: You don’t assume anything. You just do. You will have 30 seconds to exit the building and get to the car. You’ll have about four minutes until the SWAT team descends, so hurry. You will get in your car, and you will go to a private location on the outskirts of Genoa City, a motel room. At that point, the janitor will cut off your cuffs, and you’ll never see him again.

Ian: Oh, how sad.

Chelsea: There will be $5,000 for you waiting in the room with a plane ticket, a fake passport, and car keys to a sedan -- a sedan that will be in the motel parking lot -- clean tags, old beater. You get in that car, and you drive west.

Ian: My goodness. To where?

Chelsea: The location of the airport will be on the plane ticket. So, then you board that flight and you disappear. Any questions?

Ian: Just one. You really expect me to believe all this?

Adam: This is fantastic. How did Kevin even get this footage?

Michael: Didn't ask. Don’t want to know.

Adam: Probably a smart move, right?

Michael: Mm. Now, of course, we can't see the front of the woman, but is there anything about her you recognize, anything at all?

Adam: No. How many times did she visit him?

Michael: Whole bunch. Eight, maybe nine times.

Adam: Really? And these visits started...?

Michael: Almost immediately after he was incarcerated. And they were always very brief.

Adam: Well, it doesn’t take that much time to exchange information and arrange a payment, does it?

Michael: No, it doesn't.

Adam: You realize what this is, right? This is it. This is what we’ve been waiting for. I mean, we always knew that Victor pulled it off. We -- We just didn't know how.

Michael: [Sighs] Well, this woman could be the answer.

Adam: We got to track her down, you know, figure out who she is, get her to testify.

Michael: We've only got 24 hours to do that.

Adam: I'm gonna call Dylan or Paul, better yet.

Michael: Already done. Dylan paved the way for me to have access to the prisoners' log.

Adam: I'm guessing she didn't sign in under her real name.

Michael: [Chuckles] She signed in under the name Dorothy Gale.

Adam: Dorothy Gale?

Michael: Mm.

Adam: Oh, great. So, that just means we're gonna find her somewhere over the rainbow.

Michael: Look, Dylan is doing everything in his power to ID this woman.

Adam: Good. Okay. It feels good, you know, having the PD on my side. Of course, it doesn’t really matter, because we're running out of time, aren’t we?

Michael: Adam, in spite of all this new information, it still may all come down to Ian's testimony.

Ian: Brava, Chelsea. Brava.

Chelsea: I’m not sure I understand --

Ian: You can go back and tell Adam you gave a riveting performance. I especially liked all the details -- "clean tags, old beater." [Chuckles] All part of a plan you had no intention of -- of going through with.

Chelsea: I-I’m sorry. You think I’m lying?

Ian: I know you are.

Chelsea: No, I’m not. Why on earth would I risk that?

Ian: Because I have no choice but to play along, as Adam so eloquently pointed out to me when we made our pact. But the glaring problem is, you see, my quid has no pro quo. [Chuckles]

Chelsea: No. Adam has no choice in this, either. Without your testimony, he's done for. He needs you just as much as you need him.

Ian: Yeah, yeah. But I give my testimony first, don’t I? I do my thing and then he’s under no obligation to do his and I’m hung out to dry.

Chelsea: Okay, I don’t think you’re understanding the severity of this situation. I lose my husband if this doesn’t go well. And that is an option I’m just -- I’m not willing to face. It's not an option for me. Okay? Adam loves me and our son more than anything, which is why he is willing to do whatever it takes, even if that means throw in with you.

Ian: Oh, how touching.

Chelsea: Well, it's the truth. My husband is innocent, [Voice breaking] and he’s being set up by his own father. Victor has handled this whole thing beautifully. I mean, even if he didn’t admit to you that he set Adam up, he did it. I know he did it. I know that from the bottom of my soul. And if -- if Victor gets his way, my son -- he’ll be growing up without his father, and I can’t have that happen. So, I’m begging you. Please, please just help us. I’m desperate here. Just help us, and you will be a free man. Please. [Sighs] Please. [Sighs]

Ian: Please understand I had to be sure. [Chuckles] But I really will need a better suit.

Nick: The sad reality is Adam killed that woman who was covering for him. It's all right there in Sage's diary, which, by the way, the police have discovered there is zero evidence of tampering.

Kevin: Yeah, I get that, but your brother's pretty adamant he didn't do it.

Nick: Well, of course he is. Adam's whole life is about avoiding punishment.

Kevin: Look, far be it for me to defend this guy, because I hate him, but you have to keep in mind this is Michael’s theory, not Adam's.

Nick: You're right, and I'm sure he’s gonna take it and run with it, paint himself out to be the sad Newman outcast. The crazy thing is, is Dad doesn’t want to punish Adam. It's the rest of us he has his sights on. Dad loves Adam. Think about how many times he tried to bring him in to the company. He sees himself in him. There is no way Dad is trying to frame Adam for murder.

Michael: That's where you're wrong, Nick.

Billy: You’re wrong about this guy.

Victoria: You don't know anything about it.

Billy: I know he’s a liar, Victoria. He painted himself as one thing. He turns out to be another.

Victoria: Well, so did I, okay? What does that say about me?

Billy: Hey, you're not gonna bring a random, unknown guy into our -- our kids’ lives. And I’m not gonna stand back and watch it happen.

Victoria: Oh, really? Okay, what about Bethany? What do you know about her? I’m sure that you have her bra size down pat, but what else do you know? Do you know about her family? Does she have a criminal record? Do you know any of that? No, you don’t. So, you can just stop right now.

Billy: No. You don’t get to shut down a conversation about our kids, all right?

Victoria: This isn’t about them. You are so crossing a line right now, Billy.

Billy: I am?

Victoria: For you to even suggest that I would put our kids in danger is ridiculous. It's outrageous, and not to mention, it’s really insulting. I think you should leave.

Travis: I know you heard her.

Billy: Don’t say I didn't warn you. You should clean your lines. This tastes like sewage.

Travis: Morning. That was fun.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Yeah, it was. I’ll bet.

Travis: Safe to assume that Billy’s here because you still think I’m using you?

Victoria: No. Just the opposite. I know you're not. [Slow-tempo jazz music plays]

Jack: Hey. Hey, hey. You all right?

Phyllis: I’m fantastic.

Jack: You sure? Yeah, no. Come on. Let’s get to the couch. Come on.

Phyllis: [Laughs]

Jack: Here we go.

Phyllis: Oh, no. Oh.

Jack: Oh, give me your glass. Oh.

Phyllis: [Laughs] Sorry. The champagne went to my head.

Jack: Oh, I'm so surprised. You barely touched your food.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Jack: What else can I get you? Besides a large glass of water?

Phyllis: You’re so good. Jack, you are just too good. No one's as good as you.

Jack: You already gave a toast.

Phyllis: I know, but I want you to know what kind of man you are.

Jack: A good one, right?

Phyllis: Yes, you're the best. You’re the best.

Jack: Compared to what? Compared to whom? Uh, Victor? I guess everybody compared to Victor is a pretty good guy.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Compared to me.

Adam: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Are you okay? How'd it go?

Chelsea: It was good. It was good. It went really well, actually.

Adam: Yeah?

Chelsea: Yeah. I mean, Ian's no fool, and he's definitely suspicious. And he made sure to test me.

Adam: But you passed with flying colors, right? That's the -- That's the vibe I'm picking up?

Chelsea: I really think so. I think he bought the whole fake escape plan.

Adam: A little evil genius.

Chelsea: I mean, it wasn't hard. All I had to do was, you know, picture my life without you in it. I pretty much just begged him to help us, and you know, the fear was -- was real, so he believed me.

Adam: Come here. You're breaking my heart.

Chelsea: If he doesn't say what we need him to say on the stand, Adam...

Adam: It might not matter, actually.

Chelsea: What -- What are you talking about?

Adam: What I'm talking about is, um -- So, there's a woman, all right, that's been visiting Victor a lot, actually.

Chelsea: Wait, wait. What woman?

Adam: We don't know who she is, but Michael and I -- we think she might be the key.

Chelsea: Oh. This person on the outside. Okay. Then let's go find her.

Adam: Well, Dylan's on it.

Chelsea: Okay. This is good. This is good news, babe. This could be exactly what we need to exonerate you.

Michael: It's an excellent plan.

Nick: It's a ridiculous plan. I'm not working with Adam.

Michael: You've heard of strength in numbers, Nick. You, Victoria, Adam -- You're all living in your own separate little worlds. You're wallowing in old wounds and arguments and -- and pain trying to best your father. It's not gonna work that way.

Nick: But fighting alongside Adam will? Look, I get it. You're Adam's attorney. It's in your best interest to get him off.

Michael: No, no, no. Look, I want a check in the "win" column always. But that doesn't make this a bad -- Talk to him.

Kevin: Uh, look, you're facing a common enemy, a formidable one at that. If you really want to stop Victor, it makes sense for you to band together.

Michael: Look, if there was ever any bond between the siblings, now is the time to take advantage of it and do the right thing.

Victoria: So, I came here because I needed to see you. I'm sorry about Billy. I'm not really sure what he was thinking. Actually, that's not true. I-I know why he got in your face the way that he did. Because he can't stand that I'm falling in love again.

Billy: I want to get to know you. I want to know everything about you. And I want to know what it's like to wake up to you in the morning. And when I open my eyes, I want my eyes to -- to see yours.

Billy: [Sighs]

Jack: What did you mean by that? That I'm good compared to you?

Phyllis: [Scoffs] Look at me.

Jack: You're the most beautiful thing in the room.

Phyllis: [Scoffs] I'm the drunkest thing in the room.

Jack: Yeah, maybe that, too.

Phyllis: It's your birthday. It's your birthday today, and we were supposed to celebrate. And I can't even stand up.

Jack: Oh, it's okay. It's okay.

Phyllis: No, it's not. It's not okay. None of this is okay.

Jack: Hey. Don't beat yourself up. Just consider this one of those things that happens that we're gonna -- [Chuckles] we're gonna laugh about one day, right? Red? [Sighs] [Smooches] Sweet dreams, Red.

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