Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/28/16
Episode # 10953 ~ Victoria puts Billy on notice; Lily plays hardball with Hilary; Kevin is pressured to find Victor's accomplice.
Provided By Jim
Phyllis: I see you’ve hit the ground running.
Ashley: Hi! Yeah. It's my first day back. I don’t want anybody to accuse me of being a slacker.
Phyllis: That you have never been.
Ashley: So, Phyllis... I know about Billy. I know... that he asked you to talk to Jack on my behalf about coming back to Jabot.
Phyllis: Yes. He did. And here you are, burning the midnight oil.
Ashley: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, I wasn't sure how you’d feel about that, frankly. I was a little harsh on you and Billy when you went after Victor the way you did, and I wasn’t sure you'd want to work with me again, let alone pitch me to Jack, so thank you very much for getting past all the drama.
Phyllis: Jabot needs all the Abbotts it can get.
Ashley: Yeah, except Billy, right?
Phyllis: So, how is it, being back?
Ashley: It’s great. It really is, although I was a little surprised to see that the profits have dropped last quarter in a couple of the divisions.
Phyllis: Pass Key revenue stream has put Jabot back in the black in a big way.
Ashley: Oh, I know. I think that everybody was focused on Pass Key and a couple of the divisions got a little neglected. To get those numbers back the way I’d like to see them, I’m thinking about rebranding a couple of the products. What do you think?
Phyllis: I wasn't aware the place was such a disaster.
Ashley: I didn’t mean it that way. Thank you so much for meeting me tonight. I know you've got a very big day tomorrow. Jack's birthday. Did you forget your husband’s birthday?
Billy: How’s this for a spontaneous boys' night out? Good times, huh? Let’s take a picture for Grandma and Katie. Ready? Smile. Say, "Rooster." Roos-- Say, "Cheese."
Both: Cheese.
Billy: Okay. Make a funny face. Ahhhh. Good one. That's a keeper. Just like you, my boy. You’re a keeper. How’s your fries? Are they good?
Hilary: Jack, hey.
Jack: Hilary.
Hilary: I just wanted to thank you for talking me out of leaving town. I’m gonna think about my options, and I'm gonna get the help that I need.
Jack: Good. I’m glad to hear that. Any chance of you and Devon reconciling?
Hilary: I wish, but...no.
Jack: Okay. Just remember, you do have a friend. And your most important priority right now is halting this relapse.
Hilary: Yeah. I have complete faith in Dr. Neville.
Jack: So do I. So do I. Excuse me, please.
Hilary: Jack, um, one more thing. You came to my rescue once again, so I wanted to do something special for your birthday tomorrow.
Jack: How did you know it was my birthday?
Hilary: Well, I was your assistant once upon a time, and I never forget important dates. But I’m sure that, you know, Phyllis has something amazing planned.
Jack: No. My wife has a very full plate these days, and making a big deal out of my birthday does not need to be a priority.
Hilary: So, no plans?
Jack: No, none at all.
Luca: Your family's smart to consider every possible suspect in the sabotage. Until this thing gets nailed down, no one should be ruled out.
Summer: Okay. So, you’re not mad anymore?
Luca: I overreacted. I wish the list didn't include me, but I get it. As long as you believe in me, I’m good. So, let’s get the bad guy.
Summer: Okay. Where do we start?
Luca: Right here. Come here. We will tackle the computer logs, databases, security footage -- whatever it takes to prove to your father and aunt that I'm innocent and... for you to know that you were right to put your trust in me.
Summer: Well, Newman is getting slammed in the press, so I just hope we find something soon.
Luca: All we have to do is connect the dots to Crawford. He's the only logical suspect.
Victoria: You can keep your logic to yourself, Luca. Travis is innocent.
Luca: Because he told you?
Victoria: Where's Kevin?
Summer: The office was empty when we got here. Why? Do you have a meeting with him?
Victoria: I hired him to go in to our system and do some cybersleuthing to try to figure out who’s trying to take down our oil division. So, why would he just disappear?
Nick: Why would you think Natalie is the one who tampered with the oil-tank security system?
Mariah: Why not? She’s worked for Victor before, and he would need a world-class hacker to pull it off remotely. So who better than the self-proclaimed genius behind Pass Key?
Natalie: Come on, Kevin. Tell me you know it’s not me.
Kevin: I don’t know. The hair.
Natalie: The hair? Really? Mine's so much sassier.
Kevin: Maybe. What else you got?
Natalie: Well, apparently, my word's not good enough?
Kevin: I’m trying to protect you.
Natalie: By not believing me?
Kevin: Timestamp. Let’s compare your calendar to the date and time.
Natalie: Fine. I’ve been crazy busy the past few weeks.
Kevin: Great. Let me see.
Natalie: Right to privacy? [Scoffs]
Kevin: You can’t account for
Nick: So, you don't have any solid proof that Natalie's working with my father?
Mariah: No. It's more of a gut feeling.
Sharon: Or maybe it's just wishful thinking. Natalie’s not been your favorite person.
Mariah: Natalie came out swinging to make herself look like the victim. She’s never had a problem playing all the sides, and who's closer to her than Kevin? If Kevin thinks that she hacked in to Newman to spill some oil for Victor, that's good enough for me.
Nick: You know, you're right. If Kevin thinks Natalie’s the culprit, it’s worth checking out. I’ll get to the bottom of it.
Natalie: No one can account for every single minute of every single day. And if I was guilty, why would I help you hack in to the prison security system to find incriminating evidence against me?
Kevin: Here's the thing, Natalie -- you kind of lied to everyone in Genoa City. You’re really good at it. And how many times have I believed you only to have my butt handed to me?
Natalie: We're dating now. The whole relationship thing doesn’t seem like some complex algorithm I’ll never crack because of you. There’s no way I'd mess that up for some stupid lie. [Cell phone chimes]
Kevin: Victoria's looking for me. Okay. Maybe this isn't the only time our mystery woman dropped in on Victor. Go through the security footage and see if you can find any more.
Natalie: Does this mean you believe me?
Kevin: If there are more visits, make sure you have alibis for those dates and times, okay? I’m gonna stall Victoria as long as I can.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Luca: Just like that? You’ve just decided that Travis isn’t the culprit? How is that possible? The man had access to your laptop and code the night of the oil spill. That's hard to ignore.
Victoria: You yourself said he never admitted to anything.
Luca: Would an innocent man have punched me in the face? Would a simple conversation turn in to an attack?
Victoria: You know, about that conversation -- it seems that you left out a very big part of what went down.
Luca: I told you the truth.
Victoria: Really? Travis told me that he punched you because you were trash-talking me.
Hilary: Are you sure that Phyllis doesn’t have some fabulous surprise party planned?
Jack: Believe me -- I know my wife's schedule. She doesn’t have time for anything but Jabot tomorrow, and that's fine with me.
Hilary: So, no cake? No candles? No wish?
Jack: Maybe next year. If you'll excuse me, my nephew is flagging me down.
Hilary: Hi. It’s Hilary. I know that this is last-minute, but I need to have a small surprise birthday party catered tomorrow. Just something intimate.
Lily: You are unbelievable.
Phyllis: I did not forget my husband’s birthday. I was in the middle of a thought.
Ashley: [Laughing] Oh. Sorry. So, what are your big plans?
Phyllis: We're gonna lay low. You know Jack. He's no-fuss, and he knows my crazy workload.
Ashley: Let me cover for you. That way you and Jack can have the entire day to yourselves.
Phyllis: Ashley, you do not have to do that.
Ashley: I want to do it. I know how hard you’ve been working, Phyllis. And you know what else? What you and Jack have is really rare, and you’d better not be taking it for granted.
Phyllis: We don't. We are just married and boring.
Ashley: Oh, yeah, right -- the way he looks at you, the way he talks about you? I’m so happy to have at least one of my brothers crazy in love, unlike Billy. [Sighs] It's so tragic, watching him go off the rails with yet another flavor of the month. You want to hear something really sad? I stopped by his house the other night, and he had this romantic picnic all laid out in the living room floor for some poor woman who I’m sure has convinced herself that she's more than just a rebound.
Phyllis: You know Billy.
Ashley: I know Billy very well. That's my whole point. This isn't gonna be good for that girl, whoever she is. So, let me do this for you and Jack, okay? Let me be part of your celebration. [Gasps] Why don’t you take him to the cabin?
Hilary: Phone, please. I will call you back.
Lily: You have a hell of a lot of nerve.
Hilary: Yeah, I do, don't I?
Lily: You should have a cameraman follow you around, because if you could see yourself, you’re beyond shameless.
Hilary: My own reality show. What -- What a great idea. I could -- I could have all of the haters hating because I am smart, I am beautiful, and I know what I want, and then we can have all of the drab little wannabes just hanging on my every move. Not that I need the money, but think about the branding.
Lily: What would it be -- cheap and trashy or pathetic and transparent? Jack's a smart man. There is no way that he’ll fall for your mind games.
Hilary: Jack is a friend.
Lily: Oh, yeah. I’m sure you just can’t wait to pop out of the birthday cake, can you?
Hilary: Well, I have been told that I look delicious covered in icing.
Lily: I am so happy that Devon finally sees you for what you are, because when he kicks you to the curb, I am gonna throw a huge party.
Hilary: I guess you didn’t hear the latest news. I left him. What? No clever comeback?
Lily: He must be devastated. He put so much time into making your marriage work, and all you did was make his life hell.
Hilary: I didn’t mean to hurt him, okay?
Lily: Oh, I'm sure you didn't. Look at you. You bounce back already. My brother's heart is broken while you’re planning Jack Abbott’s birthday party.
Ashley: Let me look that up for you real quick.
Jack: Oh! Big jump! Hey, you know what? Um...Phyllis has been so busy lately, she hasn't had time to see Johnny. She’s barely had time to see me. How 'bout saying hello?
Billy: I got to check about a breakfast meeting, and I got to get him home. It's getting a little bit late.
Jack: Okay. How about a hug for Uncle Jack? Ahhhh! Ohh! Doesn’t get better than that. How 'bout one more for Aunt Phyllis? Ohhhh! Great. I will pass that along. Tell your dad to be good. See ya.
Billy: See ya.
Phyllis: It's impossible, Ashley. I can’t do it.
Jack: Can't do what?
Ashley: Hi. Take the day off tomorrow so the two of you can celebrate your birthday at the cabin.
Phyllis: You’ve seen my schedule.
Ashley: Yes, and I can cover for her, because guess what -- I used to be the C.E.O. and I’m still on the board, so I kind of know what I’m doing. Besides, you know what? You’ve been through so much lately. You need to get away and relax, don’t you think?
Jack: You know what? We did miss out on Barbados, and you had that business trip in Montreal. Might be fun, just the two of us, cavorting around the cabin.
Ashley: Oh, no. Did you just say, "Cavorting"? Seriously, you absolutely need a getaway.
Phyllis: Okay. There it is. Will you do me the honor to whisk you away to the Abbott cabin to cavort and eat birthday cake?
Jack: I wholeheartedly accept.
Ashley: Okay. Guess what. I’m gonna leave you two to work out the details, and I'm gonna take this party upstairs. Excuse me.
Jack: See ya. Hey, listen -- there is one catch. I do want to be back in time for Adam's trial. I think he needs a friendly face in the courtroom.
Phyllis: You are his rock. That's for sure. You know, if you don't want to go, I mean, that's all right. It's -- It's okay with me.
Jack: I would like nothing more than some time alone with my wife, but I just want to know that Ashley didn't twist your arm. Is it something you really want?
Phyllis: Of course.
Ashley: Mwah! You’re getting so big, Johnny. Did you have a fun day with your dad? Did you? Mwah! Hold on.
Billy: You’re upbeat.
Ashley: Well, yeah! I mean, I just gave our big brother the best birthday present ever. Thanks to me, he and Phyllis are gonna have the most fantastic, romantic getaway ever. Right?
Jack: Yeah, absolutely. I’m interested. No. Tell him to call me.
Summer: You trashed my aunt to Travis? Why would you do that?
Luca: It’s not what he made it out to be.
Victoria: Oh. So you're denying it.
Luca: Did you come up when I confronted Travis? Definitely, because I had one goal -- to find out if he’s behind the oil spills, to see if he's using you to do that.
Victoria: Ah. So you insulted me to protect me.
Luca: I questioned him about his feelings for you. It got tense, obviously. He didn’t like my questions. I didn't like his attitude. Things escalated. He ended the conversation with his fist -- not exactly the actions of an innocent man, right?
Summer: Okay. Did Travis hit you because you accused him of criminal activity, or did Travis hit you because you said horrible things about my aunt?
Luca: "Po-tay-to," "po-tah-to." [Chuckles] Look, I was there, all right? I know what Crawford said and did, how he reacted, and why. If he wants to spin it that he was protecting your honor, he’s welcome to his point of view. But the man reeked of guilt. [Knock on door]
Kevin: Hey. I got your text.
Victoria: There you are. Do you have any leads?
Kevin: Uh, well, I did a lot of digging. Uh, I found some anomalies here and there and a couple of red flags, but, at this point, I can’t really point the finger in any direction in particular.
Nick: You know exactly who did this, and you’re covering for her.
Sharon: Okay. Take your time. Thanks for calling. Love you. Bye. Dylan and Faith ran in to some of her friends at the store, so they're going out to get some froyo with them.
Mariah: Perfect. Then we can talk about the advice that I got from Dr. Miller -- how to get rid of your nightmares.
Sharon: Ohh. I was so hoping you would not go through with that.
Mariah: No. I played it perfectly. Horrible secret, lots of guilt, terrible nightmares -- how do I cope? Sharon, if you're gonna sit on this Sully secret forever, then you need to make the nightmares go away.
Sharon: If only it were that simple.
Mariah: What does that mean?
Sharon: Nothing. I’m just -- I’m overwhelmed. I’m just exhausted. You know, sleeping -- the idea of even closing my eyes -- I see Sage every time. And the way she looks at me and things she says -- it's just got to stop. It has got to.
Mariah: All right. So, we try some of the doctors' techniques, and it's hello,
Mariah: Okay. The first thing that Dr. Miller suggested was hypnosis.
Sharon: Oh, I don't think so.
Mariah: Just because it didn't work with Dr. Mead doesn’t mean it’s not gonna work this time.
Sharon: What if they hypnotize me and I say something about Sully’s paternity? I can’t take that chance.
Mariah: Okay. So, that's a no to hypnosis, which leaves meditation -- clearing your mind, visualizing.
Sharon: No. No visualizing.
Mariah: Okay. Fine. Let’s focus on your breathing. [Inhales deeply] Deep breaths in. [Exhales sharply] Deep breaths out. Let the thoughts float by. No obsessing, no attachments. You know, I could meditate with you, kind of like the buddy system, not that "ohming" it out is my kind of style, but the disciples of The Path were really fond of it. That's not really a good recommendation, then. Sharon?
Sharon: What?
Mariah: Have you been listening to anything that I've been saying?
Sharon: Yeah. Meditation.
Mariah: Could you please try to pay attention? I’m trying to help you.
Sharon: Well, this is not helping! Don’t you see that? I can’t take this anymore, so just leave me alone.
Hilary: Jack is happily married.
Lily: Yeah, and you're working on ways to make it unhappy.
Hilary: Why don't you just focus on running this place instead of spinning your conspiracy theories? Because a woman falling down the stairs, a fire -- I mean, you’re just doing such a great job.
Lily: Didn’t stop you from staying here.
Hilary: Well, what it lacks in charm, it makes up for in opportunity.
Lily: Actually, not anymore, because it turns out we’re fully booked. We have a huge conference, so you’ll have to check out of your room.
Hilary: You can't do that.
Lily: Oh, I can. I don’t even know why you want to stay here. I mean, you are done with this family, and we are so done with you.
Hilary: You are such a pathetic, vicious bitch.
Lily: Yeah. I’m also the manager. So, please pack your bags and leave -- now. Oh, and tip housekeeping!
Ashley: Oh, my. Hilary does not look happy.
Lily: Yeah. Well, there’s a lot of that going around here.
Nick: Go ahead, Kevin. Tell ’em about Natalie.
Victoria: She's behind the oil spills?
Kevin: No. Maybe. I don’t -- I don't think so.
Nick: Mariah seemed to think you were pretty convinced.
Victoria: Why do you suspect her?
Kevin: I hacked in to the security footage at Walworth.
Victoria: She's working with Dad.
Kevin: Okay. There’s a woman. You can’t see her face -- mostly just from the back -- but from that angle... she is a ringer for Natalie.
Luca: Makes perfect sense. Natalie’s a master hacker, a master liar, and she's worked with Victor before.
Victoria: I don't see it. No. I’m sorry. She double-crossed Dad. He would never reach out to her, and she doesn’t need the money.
Nick: Hackers hack for the thrill of it. You know Dad's gonna use whatever means necessary.
Victoria: Well, we all know that she doesn't have any scruples. She’ll do whatever it takes to get what she wants.
Kevin: Look, all we have is security footage.
Nick: So far.
Kevin: And her word.
Summer: Oh, yeah. That means so much.
Kevin: Look, Nat it adamant, and I believe her.
Summer: I had a front-row seat of her playing every side she could, so I’m sorry. I don’t believe any word that comes out of her mouth.
Natalie: Thanks for the vote of confidence, ex-roomie. [Scoffs] So, you’ve already decided it was me? Well, undecide, because I have proof.
Summer: Oh, well, this should be great.
Natalie: Oh, it's better than great. I documented every time that Victor was visited by this woman who definitely isn't me, and except for that one time, I have alibis -- receipts, witnesses.
Victoria: Wow. How convenient, and not that hard to manufacture. And not the first time that Kevin’s lied for you.
Natalie: I have zero connection to this oil spill -- zero -- and only the teeny, tiniest connection to the first one.
Victoria: What?
Nick: Start talking -- now.
Natalie: It was nothing. I was hired to do a little digging. It wasn’t like I was the one who unleashed an ecological Armageddon. I -- It was harmless -- totally after the fact.
Luca: Who hired you?
Victoria: Billy.
Phyllis: Hey. I thought you left.
Billy: Okay, Johnny. You just wait here for a second, okay, buddy? Thought I left or hoped I’d left?
Phyllis: Why would you say that?
Billy: I heard about your big plans. You got to get out of it.
Phyllis: I don’t have a choice.
Billy: Yes, you do have a choice.
Phyllis: Don’t ask me this. That is not fair.
Billy: I know that it's not fair, but I’m not really in the mood to be fair right now.
Phyllis: I am not doing this here.
Billy: Put him off, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Put him off? I have. Montreal? I can’t keep making up fake reasons to avoid being with my husband.
Billy: Yet the idea of you two being together -- it makes me sick.
Phyllis: I’m in bed with him every night.
Billy: It's not -- It's not the same, and you know that. There’s gonna be expectations. Don’t go.
Phyllis: It's his birthday. It's Jack’s birthday -- my husband's birthday, your brother's birthday. You’re asking too much.
Mariah: Leave you alone? I thought that you wanted my help.
Sharon: No! Yes. I-I just -- It's...
Mariah: Sharon, are you all right? What's wrong? Sharon?
Sharon: I'm sorry I snapped at you. I know you just want to help. I appreciate that. I do. It just seems pointless.
Mariah: Well, you won't know until you try.
Sharon: And I will try. I promise.
Mariah: I have a question... and I’m really sorry that my mind is even going here, but... you’re stressing, fidgety, all over the place, and this is not the first time that I have seen it, so I have to ask. Are you really, truly, absolutely taking your medication?
Sharon: This is not a bipolar episode. I know how important my medication is, and I love my family too much to hurt them again.
Nick: All right. This seems legit. I guess Mariah was wrong. Sorry.
Natalie: Apology accepted. How do you guys work here? I mean, has anyone noticed how the eyes in this creepy portrait follow you if you move around the room?
Nick: I got to go. All right. Let me know if Victoria checks back in or if there’s anything else I need to know.
Summer: Yes. I will.
Luca: I think you're on to something with this mystery woman. Maybe Summer and I can take it from here -- do some investigating?
Kevin: Knock yourselves out.
Luca: How ’bout some caffeine to kick-start us?
Summer: Yeah. That sounds good. Okay.
Natalie: You and that guy -- I’m a genius, and I still can’t figure it out.
Summer: Why is that so hard to believe?
Natalie: Mm, because he's a lying liar who tells dirty, filthy lies, and you're spoiled, naive, gullible. Oh, my God! I just figured it out!
Billy: Because they just happen that way. Now it's time for bed, okay?
Johnny: Mommy!
Victoria: Hi, baby! Ohh! There you are! Hi! Mwah!
Billy: Hey. Did you, uh, get the message from Hannah that I was gonna take him for dinner?
Victoria: Yeah, I did.
Billy: Okay. And then the dinner was gonna turn in to a sleepover, and then I was gonna take him to school in the morning?
Victoria: That’s very thoughtful of you. Yes. I got that.
Billy: All right. So, why are you here?
Victoria: You look like you had a really long day today. Are you tired? You look tired. Mwah. It's past your bedtime. Let’s get you to bed. Come on.
Billy: I’ll be up in a second, buddy, to tuck you in.
Victoria: Talk to you when I get back down. I need One-Eared Willy. Thank you.
Lily: After the hell she put my family through -- you know, I mean, the blackmail and breaking Devon’s heart and my dad's -- it felt really good to kick her out.
Ashley: I bet.
Lily: I mean, you should have seen her face when she was looking at Jack, trying to plan him a surprise birthday party. It's like the woman has no boundaries.
Ashley: Well, she's out of luck. Jack and Phyllis are celebrating his birthday at the family cabin.
Lily: Good. Jack should be far, far away from her, because when Hilary wants something, nothing gets in her way.
Jack: Hey. I got your message. You seemed upset. What's going on?
Hilary: Well, it turns out that I am going to need to find a place to stay. I thought maybe you might have some recommendations -- maybe the BelleFontaine or the Lake View Towers, if they have any vacancies.
Jack: Well, you couldn’t check in to them tonight. Why did you leave the athletic club?
Hilary: Lily kicked me out.
Jack: I know you two have had your differences lately. That seems a bit extreme.
Hilary: We got into another fight.
Jack: About what?
Jack: Well, I don't like the sound of that. What about me could you and Lily possibly have to argue about?
Hilary: It’s silly, really. When I found out that you didn't have any plans for your birthday and that Phyllis would be busy, I thought it would be fun to surprise you. Lily overheard. She completely overreacted, and now here I am.
Jack: I'm sorry to hear that.
Hilary: Well, I am just sorry that you're ignoring your birthday. You are a kind... and a generous man. If anyone deserves to be celebrated... it's you.
Jack: You know, as a matter of fact, as it turns out, I do have plans. Phyllis and I are getting out of town for a long-overdue getaway.
Hilary: That’s wonderful... celebrating your birthday with your wife -- just the two of you.
Phyllis: There you are.
Ashley: Hi. Did you work out all the exciting details of your birthday-getaway celebration?
Phyllis: Yes, we did, and we are looking forward to it.
Ashley: I'm sorry if I upset you earlier, talking about the profits and rebranding right out of the gate.
Phyllis: Oh, that's fine.
Ashley: I get a little ahead of myself sometimes.
Phyllis: Let’s get you up to speed for tomorrow.
Ashley: And I want you to know I think you're doing a great job at Jabot.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Ashley: And I just want the best for our company, you know?
Phyllis: Well, we all do, which is why I'm gonna take your suggestions under consideration and we will discuss them at a later date, but I really want to focus on tomorrow, okay? So, do you have the Bowman file?
Ashley: Right in my hot little hands.
Phyllis: Oh.
Ashley: Here you go.
Phyllis: You’re so quick.
Ashley: By the way, ran in to Billy and Johnny downstairs. Ohh. Johnny is the cutest little kid. I told Billy all about your festivities for Jack's birthday, and he's just as thrilled for you guys as I am.
Billy: Did Johnny go down okay?
Victoria: Yeah, right to sleep. Must have been a long day. I know it was for me.
Billy: What's with the attitude? Hmm? I’m making up for having to cancel on him last weekend, and we had a really good time.
Victoria: I'm sure you did.
Billy: And Katie’s with Nikki. So, is that what it is? I didn't actually check on you? I didn't get your stamp of approval for that?
Victoria: What it is -- What it is is you’re trying to take down Newman.
Billy: What are you talking about?
Victoria: Did you think I wouldn't find out?
Billy: All right. Is this about the oil spills?
Victoria: It has you written all over it, Billy. Wouldn't be the first time. You stole Brash & Sassy!
Billy: I didn't steal it. That was a legitimate purchase.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, because, uh, you were trying to get back at me.
Billy: No, I was trying to protect you.
Victoria: Please.
Billy: I know how much that company meant to you, and I didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands.
Victoria: Right, 'cause you care so much about me.
Billy: Where is this coming from? Why would I be hiding something crazy like that?
Victoria: Oh, I don't know. Pass Key, Paragon. Why not this?
Billy: Okay. So I learned my lesson or 10.
Victoria: The first oil spill, you hired Natalie.
Billy: I hired Natalie after it happened to find out the truth...
Victoria: Right.
Billy: ...because it was obvious somebody was trying to take down your company.
Victoria: Or maybe that was just a cover. It wouldn’t be the first time you lied. You were the person who told me about the spill in the first place, Billy.
Billy: Well, you would have known if you were in the office, where a C.E.O. is supposed to be, not in your boyfriend’s bed.
Victoria: Everyone knows how much you hate my father. I’m sure you would be happy to see his company go up in flames.
Billy: Victoria, this is not his company. It is your company, okay? And I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m trying to protect you.
Natalie: You want to take a look -- verify date, time, and place -- since you think I lied to you?
Kevin: Can I make it up to you? Top of the Tower, caviar, champagne?
Natalie: Boring!
Kevin: Escape room?
Natalie: Oh, so you finally want to go on the date you canceled to hold Mariah’s hand? Pass.
Kevin: I’m sorry -- again. Still. Even more. Where are you going? I defended you in there. I took your side. I stalled so you could come up with proof you're innocent.
Natalie: So, you’re really sorry?
Kevin: Extra really sorry.
Natalie: I’m so gonna enjoy letting you make this up to me.
Kevin: So, is that a yes to caviar?
Luca: I can't believe Victoria would trust those two after what they pulled with Pass Key.
Summer: Hey.
Luca: Looks like you got started without me.
Summer: Yeah. I just want this all to be over.
Luca: I'm with you on that. It would be great if we could nail whoever's trying to undermine Victoria's authority.
Summer: Yeah, it would.
Summer: What is it gonna take for you to realize that Luca has changed? He only wants to do the right thing here.
Nick: I want more than anything to believe that he is not the same guy he was when he first came to town. I am hoping he has your best interests at heart.
Summer: Okay. Well, he was trying to prove that to you, but you're not letting him.
Nick: This is business. It's not personal. You work at Newman now. You need to be involved in this process. I want you to make your own judgment. Follow your gut.
Summer: Yeah, the way I trusted my gut with Austin?
Nick: You're a lot more mature now. Summer, I trust your instincts. I want you to trust them, too. But if you feel like anything -- anything -- comes up with Luca, any alarms are set off, I want you to talk to me about it, all right?
Summer: You want me to spy on him?
Nick: I want you to be aware.
Nick: I thought I would pop in and give our little ballerina a kiss good night.
Sharon: Well, she and Dylan are still out, so I’ll tell her you stopped by.
Nick: Well, I'll wait if that's okay.
Sharon: Yeah. Of course.
Mariah: Uh, what happened with Natalie? Did she do it?
Nick: Another dead end. Whoever is trying to cripple that division is still out there.
Mariah: I knew it was too good to be true. [Baby fusses]
Sharon: Oh. Looks like someone needs me.
Nick: Everything okay with you and Sharon?
Mariah: Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
Nick: Faith said she heard you guys fighting. The word "meds" was said.
Mariah: No, that was -- That was nothing.
Nick: Are you sure? I know Sharon’s been really stressed out. She’s having nightmares. If she's off her medication --
Mariah: No, no. She wouldn't do that. I-I asked her. She’s definitely taking them.
Nick: All right. Glad to hear it. [Vehicle approaches] It's Dylan and Faith.
Lily: Oh, absolutely not. If you don't leave now, I will have security toss you out.
Hilary: You know, here’s an interesting fact -- according to Wisconsin law, this club is considered marital property. I can tell you're a little confused, so, you know, let me break it down for you. Devon and I both own the club, so you work for me. Make sure you get this to my suite. Oh, Lily, just a little heads up -- as part of my divorce settlement, I will be securing ownership. As soon as I get the deed, you will be tossed out. So, make sure you polish up that résumé.
Jack: I am stealing my wife away. We need to get an early start for the cabin tomorrow.
Ashley: Yay!
Phyllis: And there you have it -- I am officially off the clock and on getaway time with my husband.
Jack: Yeah.
Ashley: Look at you two. Have a wonderful time. Happy birthday, Jackie.
Jack: Thanks, sis.
Ashley: Bye, you guys. Have fun!
Victoria: So, I should just take your word for it...
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: ...you have my best interests at heart?
Billy: You should because it's true. And if you're looking for somebody that doesn’t, you should look at the people you surround yourself with.
Victoria: Luca?
Billy: And this Crawford guy.
Victoria: Oh, I see. So, you’ve been talking to Luca.
Billy: No. That's the last person I would trust with any information. I’m just saying that you spend a lot of time with this boyfriend. Newman Enterprises isn't exactly front and center. This bozo of yours, this boyfriend of yours, has been around for a couple minutes, and all of a sudden, you have two oil spills.
Victoria: Well... Travis had nothing to do with that.
Billy: How do you know that?
Victoria: Because I know him. That's how.
Billy: Are you kidding me right now? You race over here, accusing the father of your kids of sabotaging your company, but this guy that just showed up in your life gets off scot-free because he said so? Wow. Cowboy must be impressive in bed.
Victoria: I had good reason for coming here tonight.
Billy: Not so much, Vick.
Victoria: I shouldn't have accused you.
Billy: No, you shouldn’t. But you did. You let yourself in. You can let yourself out. I’m gonna check on Johnny.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: We have a lead on the person who helped Victor frame you.
Nick: You're just willing to accept Billy's word on anything.
Victoria: That is not true!
Nick: Why can't you get over him?
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