Y&R Transcript Monday 6/27/16


Episode # 10952 ~ Victor & Nick revisit their painful past; Mariah resorts to extreme measures to protect Sharon; Adam is given devastating news.

Provided By Jim

Dylan: Adam, you want to explain to me how this vial was found in a storage unit you forgot you rented -- the very unit we opened with the key that we found inside of your house?

Michael: Ah. We don't know what's in that vial, Detective.

Dylan: No, we don't, but it's going to be tested, Michael. Adam, any idea how it got there?

Michael: My client respectfully declines...

Dylan: Any idea how it got there?

Adam: I'll give you an explanation.

Michael: Uh, no. No. No more talking.

Adam: Victor Newman.

Michael: Ah.

Adam: Not only wants me convicted, but he’s obviously planted enough evidence... that I'll wind up rotting and dying in a prison cell.

Nick: I came here to ask you for your help. You think that was easy for me?

Victor: Clearly. Did you have to wait about five minutes at security? Must have been a hell of a hardship.

Nick: You know what I'm talking about -- sitting here in front of you, asking you, begging you.

Victor: This is where your mother and your siblings wanted me to be.

Nick: What Mom wanted is what we all want -- is for you to stop trying to destroy everyone's lives just because you feel like it.

Victor: Ohh. You accuse me of playing God? -- Is that it? -- whereas you all decided where I should spend the next 10 years of my life?

Nick: You know, you always say everything you do is to protect the family. Then tell me something. Why are you working so damn hard to deliberately rip this one apart?

Natalie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. In what universe would I willingly team up with Victor Newman again?

Kevin: I-I know. You hate him. He doesn't trust you. It's not the most natural relationship ever. But someone is sabotaging Newman's oil division. Victor's the most likely suspect, but there was computer work involved.

Natalie: So you thought, "Oh, well, no one else in the entire world knows how to work a computer. It must be the girl I’m sleeping with." I’m legit now, Kevin. Pass Key made me a player, not a hacker. And let’s go back to the part where I hate Victor Newman.

Kevin: Which I just said, but here's the thing, Natalie -- why does all the cyber evidence lead directly to you? [Door opens]

Mariah: Sharon, you okay?

Sharon: Uh...yeah. Oh, you know, I keep forgetting to tell you -- Chelsea thinks it's a great idea for you to come on board and help with the company.

Mariah: Really? You actually asked her?

Sharon: Yeah. She’s got a lot on her plate, with Adam’s trial, but we’re going to put you to work. I thought you’d be happy.

Mariah: Yeah. That's amazing. I just thought it was a cover story you made up for Dylan.

Sharon: Oh, well, however it came up, this is happening, and you need to be ready.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: I think this is gonna be very good for you and for Chelsea’s company. You know, you’re very smart, you’re creative, and you know how to follow through with things, and that's important in any business.

Mariah: Thank you so much. I-I really mean it. It's gonna be awesome to feel like I'm actually accomplishing something.

Sharon: Oh, sweetheart, you are always such a big help. This job is yours!

Mariah: Sharon?

Sage: My baby, my job. You won’t stop until you take everything that’s mine.

Mariah: Sharon?

Sharon: You know, I-I was just...thinking. Chelsea and I never talked about your salary and your benefits. But you can talk to the business manager about that.

Mariah: That’s why you spaced -- 'cause you were worried about my 401(k)?

Sharon: It’s important that you’re compensated.

Mariah: Well, thank you. I appreciate it. Oh, by the way, I called the therapist to talk.

Sharon: Mariah, no. No. That's not happening. That's too risky. If I tell the therapist the truth, they will call the police.

Mariah: No, I know. Right. Right, which is why it's not going to be the whole truth. And you’re not gonna be the one going. It's gonna be me. I’m going in your place.

Dylan: Get this to the lab. Make sure they know it's a rush for a case that’s going to trial right away. Thank you.

Chelsea: You know, you’re accusing my husband of murder, and you don’t even know what's in that vial yet, Dylan. It could be anything.

Michael: Excellent point. It's premature to think that this adds to the case against my client, unless you're psychic.

Adam: He doesn’t need to be. He knows what’s in that vial. So do I.

Michael: Is that an admission?

Adam: No, it’s common sense. Come on. We know Victor, right? He dotted all his "I's." He crossed all of his "T's." Whatever's in that vial is the exact same thing they found in Constance’s body.

Michael: Okay, okay. Are you incapable of keeping your mouth shut? Do I have to forcibly remove you from the room?

Dylan: Okay, wait. Hold -- Maybe you two should talk alone. Consider the plea deal.

Chelsea: You want him to plead guilty when he's innocent?

Dylan: Well, I’m the one who’s been trying to prove that Adam is innocent. The D.A. has evidence now, and she’s ready to go.

Chelsea: Right, because Christine is buying what Victor is doing, and she should know better.

Dylan: Well, it's gonna be hard for people to believe that Victor orchestrated this whole thing from inside a cell.

Michael: Yeah, well, no one expected Victor to find someone who looked just like Jack and install him in this city without anyone being the wiser, and yet he did.

Dylan: Okay. So, why don’t you give me some evidence that leads to Victor, other than Ian Ward’s words, which we know, Michael, is not gonna fly?

Chelsea: And Victor's words mean more? Are you kidding? He's been furious at Adam for going to Judge Gates to make sure that Victor stays in jail longer. Even before that, he was furious with Adam for not taking over at Newman Enterprises. He's probably been planning this for months.

Adam: You know, babe, I just -- I think Detective McAvoy has already made up his mind.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Michael: Well, luckily, Detective McAvoy is not the judge and jury. And now, since my client isn't talking -- not anymore -- are we done here?

Dylan: [Sighs] Not quite.

Natalie: Proof? Actual legitimate proof that I sabotaged the Newman oil division?

Kevin: The trail leads right back to you.

Natalie: Great! There you go.

Kevin: What? I-I just said that --

Natalie: That you had proof I did it, which is actually proof that I didn’t do it, because I would have bounced like 6,000 I.P. addresses if I really had anything to do with this hot mess. Amateur hour. And you would be questioning some old man in an ice-cream shop in Berlin right now, because that's how good I am.

Kevin: Sure, in theory, or you could just be rusty.

Natalie: Are you serious? [Scoffs] I might be legit now, but I’ll never be rusty.

Kevin: In theory.

Natalie: Can you stop saying that? It's like you don’t even know me. Yeah, I have new hair. I eat caviar now. But I’m still me. And I don’t work for Victor Newman -- ever. Oil tankers and stuff -- does that even sound like me?

Kevin: Could have been very lucrative.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Is this really about evidence, or are you trying to get out of dating me by deciding I’m a criminal?

Sharon: Mariah, no. This is ridiculous. You can’t talk to the doctor yourself.

Mariah: What choice do I have? If it can’t be you, it has to be me.

Sharon: Okay. What are you going to say -- that you were handed a baby that wasn't yours by some deranged psychiatrist and now that you know the truth, you’re not gonna give the baby back?

Mariah: No. I was gonna be a little less specific than that, like, "I'm having nightmares, lots of guilt." Sharon, coming clean is impossible, but so is living with the lie. We need to get you help, and this is the answer.

Sharon: We already know what the doctor is going to say -- that the truth is the only way.

Mariah: But you don't want the truth!

Sharon: [Sighs] Every time I think about giving the baby back, tearing him away from Dylan, it just -- it makes my heart ache to think about it. But then I see Nick, and I know somehow, some way, the truth is going to come out, and I have to be the one who tells him.

Victor: I put my family first every day of my life. When have any of you ever done that for me?

Nick: Come on. You know we’ve been there for you. But you cannot commit crimes like this and completely disregard the consequences. How do you not see that?

Victor: And you all live by such high standards? Is that it? Huh? Boy, oh, boy. All proud of yourselves. Model citizens. How often have I bailed all of you out of some kind of trouble, either with relationships or with the law?

Nick: It doesn’t give you the right to act the way you do.

Victor: Where the hell would any of you have been... without your father? I forgave you many a time, son. Do you remember when you went to the feds, squealed on your dad's business practices, ended up in lawsuits where I owed all of you $500 million? You and your siblings were responsible for that. Before you come here and criticize me, you try to be half

Mariah: We can’t do nothing. That is what we have been doing, and it's not working. We are living in this huge, horrible secret, and it can’t go on forever. I see you, Sharon. You’re not sleeping and you’re stressing, and every time Nick walks through the door, I think you’re gonna fall into a million pieces.

Sharon: That is because the situation is impossible -- trying to decide between Dylan's pain and Nick’s. And, yes, I know that Nick is in a lot of pain right now, but maybe one day he will heal. But to take another child away from Dylan...

Mariah: A baby you love.

Sharon: Yes. I love Sully so much.

Sage: Stop calling him that. His name is Christian.

Sharon: I know all of his sounds and what they mean and his gestures. I know what blanket he needs to take a nap. I-I’m his mother. I’m the only mother he's ever known. I’m the only mother he's ever going to know. I can’t lose him.

Mariah: You're not gonna lose him. You won’t. But we have to deal with this. So let me go see the shrink, see if she can give us some answers, because we need that right now. We need solutions. I have to go.

Sharon: Now?!

Mariah: Yes. I told her this is when I get off work, and I begged her to fit me in. So, I will be back as soon as I can. Just try not to think about it for a little while. [Door opens, closes]

Sage: So, you're gonna send your daughter to a shrink because you don’t have the guts or the decency to tell the truth about my son? You are so pathetic.

Sharon: [Gasps]

Sage: You used to love Nick, and this is how you repay him -- by stealing his child and watching him suffer?

Sharon: You are not here. It is the meds. The meds are still in my system, and once they are gone, you will be gone, too.

Sage: That’s right.

Sharon: [Gasps]

Sage: You stopped taking your meds. Sharon, good call. Make yourself go crazy so I’ll go away. But you didn't tell your husband and your daughter about this, did you? Oh, no. That's just one more little dirty secret that you and I have, one little dirty secret that's gonna tear your world apart. You think going off your pills is gonna make me go away?! I’m gonna haunt you every day until Christian is in his father's arms!

Sharon: Go away! Just go away!

Faith: Mommy. Who are you yelling at?

Nick: Yes, Dad, you have saved us all -- more than once. You’ve taught us and you have protected us. But somewhere along the line, something changed. You turned against the people you love the most. We're used to it, you know? We have felt your control and your disappointment and your wrath. But it's the other people. It's Jack and Phyllis and Kelly. You have crossed the line a million ways, and the only person you cared about was yourself. And now you sit in here, and all you care about is blowing up everyone's lives.

Victor: You blow up your own lives. Do you think I give a damn about Jack and Phyllis and all the others? But I care about my family! You blow up your own lives! Now you come here whining? Now you know what it is -- life without Victor Newman, life without Daddy.

Nick: All you care about is having people who do what you need. You need a staff, not a family. Let me ask you something. What are you gonna do when we’re all gone? Who are you gonna lean on?

Victor: I don't need anyone to lean on. I survived a damn orphanage alone... I made it in life alone... I built this empire alone... and I will get out of these damn walls alone. And when I do, I take back everything that belongs to me. Remember that. Now get out of my sight. [Door closes]

Kevin: Yes, I trust you. Or I would, normally, under different circumstances.

Natalie: Well, that's not technically trust, then, is it?

Kevin: You know, I don’t know what you've been up to. We haven't exactly spent a lot of time together lately.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Because you convinced me to tweak Pass Key! I was being a responsible programmer, doing an actual job, which, F.Y.I., isn't that fun to do. It reminds me of when I worked for Victor and it reminds me why I hate him. And you think I’m in cahoots with that maniac -- actual cahoots.

Kevin: The trail leads back to you.

Natalie: Because someone is setting me up.

Kevin: Why you? Who would do that?

Natalie: Just every software designer ever, because I'm huge, because I’m filthy rich and most of them are just filthy. But then again... maybe it wasn’t some jealous code jockey. Maybe it was just a jealous redhead.

Adam: We’re not done? Well, goody, goody. What more could there possibly be?

Chelsea: How much worse could it get, Dylan?

Dylan: Well, uh, the reality is that Adam is a flight risk.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Dylan: And evidence like this...

Chelsea: Come on.

Dylan: ...has been known to cause defendants to run before.

Michael: That's absolutely ridiculous. Adam returned to his wife and son at great risk to his personal freedom, which is the opposite of a flight risk.

Dylan: He impersonated another person to avoid prosecution. Now, after doing something that extreme, hopping on a plane probably seems pretty easy. The judge is not gonna want to risk you being off the grid again.

Chelsea: So, what does that mean?

Adam: I think what it means is my bail's being revoked, right? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna haul me off to jail tonight, Dylan?

Michael: Come on, guys. Dylan can speculate all he wants about how the judge will rule, but the reality is you were granted bail pending trial. Nothing’s changed. The judge hasn't revoked your bail. You’re not going to jail.

Dylan: Michael, you know it's a distinct possibility in this situation.

Chelsea: Oh, my God. What -- now you think he's guilty, too? And you want to take him away tonight, now? Please, Dylan. Adam didn’t kill this woman. He's being set up. But Victor's so good that he may be convicted for this, which means these may be the last few days I get to spend as a family with my husband. [Voice breaking] So, please, don’t do this.

Adam: No, no, no. Hold on. That's not all we have, okay?

Dylan: Chelsea, it’s out -- it's out of my hands.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Hi!


Michael: Hey! Hey!

Chelsea: Hi! My sweet boy is home! Come here. Oh, my sweet boy.

Adam: Was he good? Yeah? Of course he was.

Chelsea: Please.

Kevin: Mariah framed you? No.

Natalie: Why is it so hard to believe?

Kevin: She’s a bartender, not a hacker.

Natalie: Well, who says it was just her and Victor? Maybe Victor gave her the pertinent Newman information and Mariah just hooked up with a hacker? Perfect setup for her. She makes money, and she gets to torture me for not cutting her in to Pass Key.

Kevin: Mariah would never work with Victor.

Natalie: Except for when she did, to haunt her own mother.

Kevin: She didn't know Sharon was her mother then, and I told you that in confidence.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Excellent. So, she worked with Victor to torment a stranger. That really boosts her credibility.

Kevin: She’s not that person anymore. And you don’t know her life -- how she grew up, how she had no one she could depend on. You’re not being fair right now.

Natalie: You accused me of sabotaging an oil rig.

Kevin: I’m just saying if you are being framed, it's not by Mariah.

Natalie: But I’m still the bad guy here. Good to know.

Kevin: Forget it, okay? I’m not accusing you of anything -- not anymore.

Natalie: Good.

Kevin: I’m just gonna have to dig a little deeper.

Natalie: So, you just accuse and run? Where are you going?

Kevin: I’m going to talk to the mastermind. If you don't hear from me, send a rescue team -- and snacks.

Mariah: Thank you so much for meeting me. I know that it's late, and this is just a get-to-know-you session, but I need help. I can’t do this on my own. It's even harder than I expected, and as smart as I like to think that I am, I don’t know how to fix this.

Dr. Miller: You mentioned nightmares on the phone?

Mariah: Yeah, yeah -- big ones, bad ones. Here's the thing. I did something wrong, something terrible, and the guilt -- it never leaves me. It is always there. And before you say anything, there’s no going back. I can’t undo what’s been done. But it's haunting me.

Dr. Miller: This is something we should pursue in a more formal setting, with a full session.

Mariah: Which is great. I need that -- therapy, lots of it. But I also need sleep. Please, is there any way? How do you make the nightmares go away?

Sharon: Sweetheart, no. No. I-I-I wasn't yelling. I was just calling after Mariah as she left.

Faith: Did you two have a fight?

Sharon: What? No! Nothing like that. Hey, don't you have a dinner date with your dad? I think I hear his car. Better go wash up.

Faith: Okay.

Sharon: Faith's almost ready.

Nick: Thank you. [Sighs] You have no idea how much I need this time with Faith.

Sharon: What’s wrong?

Nick: Just saw my dad.

Sharon: And that didn't go well?

Nick: Well, he thinks he is the master of the universe, and we have allowed him to think that all these years. We've enabled him. And now he wants revenge.

Sharon: I know everyone hoped that prison would be a reality check for him.

Nick: He wants us all to suffer. He expects me to be the same kind of father he is.

Sharon: Well, that’s impossible. Even Victor knows what a wonderful father you are.

Sage: If he's such a good father, then why won't you let him raise his son? Why are you keeping him apart?

Nick: Sharon? Is something wrong?

Sage: Tell him the truth, Sharon.

Nick: Sharon?

Sharon: What?

Nick: It looked like you froze or something.

Sharon: Uh, yeah. I just -- I thought I heard Sully.

Nick: I didn’t hear anything.

Sharon: You know, I think I might have. I’m just gonna go and check. Faith will be down in a minute. Oh, here she is. Faith, your daddy’s here. You two have fun.

Nick: And fun will be had. You ready to go?

Faith: Or...maybe we should go tomorrow.

Nick: What? Are you -- Are you bailing on me? What's going on?

Faith: Mommy needs my help tonight. I think Mommy and Mariah are fighting.

Nick: What makes you say that?

Faith: Mommy was yelling. Before that, she said, "Meds."

Nick: You heard her say, "Meds"? What else did they say?

Sharon: Hey. You’re both still here.

Nick: Yep. And change of plans.

Mariah: That’s amazing. Thank you so much, Dr. Miller, and I’ll see you in your office next week, right?

Dr. Miller: Good luck tonight with the dreams.

Mariah: Thanks. Fingers crossed.

Natalie: Who’s your friend?

Mariah: Her? She’s just some hacker who made a huge security program and wants to cut me in on the profits. She’s awesome. You wouldn't know her.

Natalie: I knew it. You do know hackers.

Mariah: It’s a joke, Swizzle Stick. Do you really not get jokes by now?

Natalie: I can never tell if anything you say is serious.

Mariah: Well, I'm serious about this -- who I meet is none of your business.

Natalie: It is when you try and get between me and my guy.

Victor: Ah! This is a surprise. Kevin, old boy. Did your brother Michael send you here?

Kevin: No. Michael doesn’t know I'm here.

Victor: Really? So, are you here on someone else's behest?

Kevin: I’m here because of Victoria.

Victor: Ahh.

Kevin: Somebody is sabotaging Newman's oil division.

Victor: Oh, yeah, yeah. My son was just here -- accused me of being behind it or using some pawn on the outside.

Kevin: Maybe Luca Santori or Travis Crawford or...Natalie?

Victor: Oh. That little girl who tried to con me -- is that it?

Kevin: She has a very specific skill set you could find useful.

Victor: Oh, yeah. She sold me out to Billy Boy Abbott and to Phyllis. So, you honestly think that I would, uh, use that little waif to destroy my own company?

Kevin: Victor, would you tell me if she was involved?

Victor: Why are you asking?

Kevin: I just need to know if she’s involved.

Victor: Ohh. Are you involved with her?

Kevin: Yeah, something like that. Look, if she is involved and you can’t say out loud, will you give me a hint or something -- a wink or a nod? Just the death stare. Great. That tells me something.

Victor: I'm glad to be of service.

Kevin: How are you, by the way? You’re looking well.

Victor: Oh, I'm feeling like a million bucks, you know? Or a few million. Don’t have them on me right now inside these damn walls, but, otherwise, I'm doing pretty damn well. Yeah. So, if you ever want to come by again to make another baseless accusation or fish for some information, you're welcome. Be my guest.

Kevin: Thanks. I’ll see you soon. I mean, not soon, but...

Victor: Yeah. [Chuckles] [Knock on door]

Kevin: Thank you.

Chelsea: Did you have fun today? I want to hear all about your swim lesson, okay? [Chuckles] Let me see this. Oh, that's cool.

Adam: Hey. Dylan, listen, I'm not going anywhere until I have no choice, all right? You got my word on that.

Dylan: Yeah. If I thought I couldn’t be with my son, I wouldn't go anywhere, either. We can agree on that.

Chelsea: Hey, you know what? I have an idea. Why don’t we race some cars, huh? Why don’t you go pick out some cars for me to race with you? All right.

Connor: Okay.

Chelsea: So? What happens now? Are you taking Adam to jail tonight?

Dylan: Uh... well, the judge is probably home, eating dinner right now, and he really gets ticked off if you interrupt his evening, so... it's probably better I just leave him alone.

Adam: [Sighs softly]

Michael: Thank you, Detective.

Dylan: I’m gonna have to put an officer outside the door.

Adam: Yeah. That's a good idea. Do it.

Chelsea: By all means.

Adam: As long as I can stay here with my wife and son, I appreciate it.

Dylan: Yeah. It's time for me to get home to mine.

Chelsea: Thank you, Dylan.

Michael: All right. Not to ruin the mood, but that vial still exists, and it is gonna figure heavily in the prosecution’s case against you.

Adam: Michael, if you're angling for me to take a plea, I’m not doing it, all right? I’m not having my son grow up to think I’m a murderer, and if that means I got to get a new attorney, I-I understand.

Michael: No. No, no, no. No! I’m not giving up. I’m still fighting. I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure your family stays together. It's just my job to make sure you understand what we're up against.

Adam: I think we do.

Chelsea: Thank you. We're just -- You know, we're just a little on edge, obviously.

Michael: Of course. I understand. Uh, look, yeah. I got to get out of here. Other angles to pursue. I will be in touch.

Adam: Hey. Um... haven’t got a chance to... You’re a good lawyer. You’re a good friend. And, uh... all this hard work that you’re doing is not lost on me. I really appreciate it, man. I really appreciate it.

Michael: Uh, okay. Yeah. Um...sure. I mean, you better appreciate it. Good night.

Adam: Good night.

Michael: [Clears throat]

Mariah: Your guy? Kevin is your guy?

Natalie: He's not yours, is he?

Mariah: So this is what jealousy looks like. It is superattractive. So, you stuck a flag in Kevin and claimed him as your own, and you’re accusing me of... what, exactly? I can’t even tell.

Natalie: Like you're not trying to shove me out of the picture so you two can have mediocre sex again.

Mariah: What did you say to me?

Natalie: It won't work. Tell Kevin I had nothing to do with these Newman oil spills.

Mariah: What oil spills? You did that, or Kevin just thinks that you did that?

Natalie: Is this what playing dumb looks like? Because it's superattractive.

Mariah: I'm not playing. I am dumb.

Natalie: [Snickers]

Mariah: Not -- Not generally speaking. Never mind. As satisfying as it is to watch you implode, I have much more important things to deal with, so tell your guy I said hi.

Sharon: [Chuckles]

Dylan: Hey. What happened to Nick and Faith movie night?

Nick: Change of plans. Change of venue.

Faith: We saved you some popcorn, Dylan.

Sharon: I just love sitting here, snuggling up with you. And you, too. Why don’t you join us? Sit down.

Dylan: Oh, you know what? It's been a long day.

Sharon: Um, Faith, do you want to go pick out your favorite fruit pop from the freezer?

Faith: Yeah! Popcorn and Popsicles in one night.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Is it work? What's wrong?

Dylan: Well, we found more evidence in the Constance Bingham case. And, Nick, when you allowed us to do the second tox screen, we, uh -- we found some things.

Nick: Oh. Well, I'm glad it wasn't for nothing.

Sharon: Will this evidence help clear Adam?

Dylan: Just the opposite. We think we found a vial of the toxin that we found in the tissue sample, and it was in a storage unit leased under Adam's name.

Sharon: What? No! Adam swore he had nothing to do with Constance's death.

Dylan: I-I know. I know, unless Victor did this from his cell.

Nick: I guess it’s possible.

Dylan: I mean, but how likely is it?

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. How is Adam gonna fight these charges? And poor Chelsea.

Dylan: Yeah, and Connor. To have your father ripped away from you like that, twice in your life? The poor kid, man.

Victor: Well, well, well, well. If it isn’t Michael Baldwin. I bet you there’s a long line out there of people who want to accuse me and berate me for all kinds of imaginary crimes.

Michael: It's not a long line, exactly.

Victor: So, what do you want? Huh? After selling me down the drain in that courtroom, you want a letter of recommendation? Is that it?

Michael: [Chuckles softly] I want to know what it will take for you to save your son.

Victor: Ha!

Adam: Do you have any idea how much I love you? Hmm? How much fun it is to be your dad? You and your mother -- it's all I need. That's all I need to be happy.

Connor: Watch.

Adam: And you're growing up, and you’re eventually gonna get to an age where people start talking about me, you know -- start telling you stories. You’re gonna read some stuff -- some of it good, some of it bad. I need you to know... if you ever have any questions, if you ever wonder anything, you can come to me, okay? Come to me, and I’ll always tell you the truth, no matter what?

Connor: Okay.

Adam: I'll always be here for you, all right?

Connor: Okay.

Natalie: So, you visited Victor in his natural surroundings?

Kevin: He was warm and cuddly, and he denied everything.

Natalie: You don’t have to say, "Denied" like it was a big fat lie, because if Victor told you it wasn’t me, then that’s the truth. How is that so hard to believe?

Kevin: Maybe because the man lies about everything.

Natalie: Then why even go to him if you were never gonna believe him? Which means you don’t believe me.

Kevin: Wait. Stop! I believe you. But I also believe Victor is behind this oil spill. It makes sense. I just want to know who’s helping him. And if Victor is arranging this with someone, he's not doing it over the phone. He's doing it in person. And since there are security cameras at the visiting room...

Natalie: We hack in and we see who Victor's been talking to. Now, that makes sense.

Kevin: You want to help me?

Natalie: Someone wanted me to look guilty. I want to know who and I want to know why, and I want them to suffer. Here. Give me this. Being rich has made you slow.

Kevin: Okay. Let’s find out who this mystery saboteur is. [Door opens]

Mariah: Hey, Nick. I didn't know that you would be here, but I need to talk to you. It's important.

Sharon: Mariah... Nick was just on his way home.

Mariah: Well, he can wait a minute. This is important.

Faith: It's a disaster. We're out of ice cream and ice pops.

Dylan: Ahh. That is my fault. I was supposed to stock the whole freezer for you. You want to go to the market? You can pick out whatever you want.

Faith: Yes, please!

Dylan: Okay. Let’s go. We'll be back.

Mariah: It’s probably good that Faith is gone, because she shouldn’t hear this. It's about her grandfather.

Sharon: What do you mean?

Mariah: The oil-tanker sabotage at Newman Enterprises -- we all assume it was Victor and that he had a partner on the outside, and now we know who it is -- Natalie.

Kevin: Back up. Back up. You missed a chain.

Natalie: I was gonna do that. Hang on.

Kevin: Wait, wait. Don’t forget. You need --

Natalie: No, you’re right.

Kevin: A third firewall?

Natalie: So we go around it or over it or through it. I’m gonna get this footage if it kills me. We're in.

Kevin: You did it. Okay. We need the visiting room.

Natalie: What day and time?

Kevin: I’m not sure. Why don’t we just scroll through and look for the world's most famous mustache?

Natalie: There we go. It's a woman. Do we know her?

Kevin: I don’t know. Do we?

Natalie: What? No! Don’t even think that! It's not me! It's not! [Sighs softly]

Connor: Oh.

Chelsea: Everything's gonna be okay.

Connor: Mickey flew!

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: We're gonna be like this as a family tomorrow night and the night after that and the night after that.

Connor: Ohh!

Adam: Or maybe not, because Victor is Victor, isn’t he?

Chelsea: It doesn't matter, Adam, because you are you. You’re the man who came back to us. Unless you've given up, too.

Adam: I'm never gonna stop fighting. You know that. I’m just afraid it may not be up to me. I feel like my only hope is to see if Victor actually has a heart in his chest.

Victor: You know what's rather amusing? You almost lost your life in trying to sell me down the drain. And now you’re coming here, asking me for help. it's almost pathetic.

Michael: Mm. That may very well be.

Victor: It is.

Michael: But I’m here on behalf of my client -- your son. The evidence against him is extensive, but we both know it's fraudulent. Adam did not kill Constance Bingham.

Victor: This place is full of wrongfully convicted men, innocent men. My son will get used to it.

Michael: Tell me what it will take for you to admit the truth. Should I issue a heartfelt mea culpa? Or Adam -- do you want him to beg? Maybe you’d like to see his wife cry for you.

Victor: What do you want me to do? Huh? Say that I framed the punk? Add years to my already ridiculously long sentence?

Michael: I’m not asking you to incriminate yourself. You’re a clever man. You can figure out a way to clear your son's name without it costing you a thing. Adam will go to prison, Victor, for a long time -- your son, Connor's father. That is your blood, your family. The Victor Newman I worked for, the Victor Newman I knew and respected -- that would have mattered to him.

Victor: For your information, I know what is at stake. That's why I will go to court and say my piece. And my son will know what I think about him.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: Will you do me the honor to whisk you away to the Abbott cabin?

Jack: I wholeheartedly accept.

Summer: You trashed my aunt to Travis? Why would you do that?

Lily: Please pack your bags and leave.

Hilary: You are such a pathetic, vicious bitch.

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