Y&R Transcript Friday 6/24/16
Episode # 10951 ~ Victor plots revenge; Kevin makes a startling discovery; Dylan confronts Adam with damaging evidence.
Provided By Jim and Suzanne
Proofread By Suzanne
Travis: Forget what Luca filled your head with and think about what you know is real. Victoria, it wasn't me.
Victoria: I don't know what to believe.
Travis: Then I'm sorry for you.
Nick: Do not try and work her.
Travis: I'm here with the truth. That's all I've got. I'm not responsible for the oil spills. Now, if you can't see that...
Nick: Wouldn't be the first time a guy you cared about has looked you in the eyes and swore he was telling the truth. And it's not like this one has a merit badge for honesty.
Travis: You think Santori does? I've worked with guys like him before. He will say or do anything to get what he wants.
Nick: We know what Luca's about. You, not so much.
Travis: Is that how you feel?
Victoria: There are too many unanswered questions, Travis.
Travis: Then ask yourself this -- who has the most to gain here? Luca didn't just falsely accuse me. He lied. He provoked me, and then shifted the blame. Then he came running to you to play the hero, when he's the biggest snake of all.
Luca: You can trust me. You do trust me, don't you?
Summer: It's just all really confusing.
Luca: No, it's not. It's simple. You either trust me, or you don't. If you don't, I'll pack my bags right now. There's either complete honesty between us.... or we have nothing.
Summer: No. Oh-- okay. I'm sorry, okay? I'm--I'm sorry. I have zero reason to doubt you. You've been so good to me, and ever since all this sabotage started, I... you've just...you've stepped up.
Luca: [Sighs]
Summer: I mean, you even took on Travis for Victoria and all you've done is try to find the truth for Newman. Look at what happened to you. Hey.
Kevin: Hey, Nat, uh, weren't we supposed to have a date right about now? 30 minutes ago, actually? Uh, well, I'm at Crimson Lights, and I'm waiting. So why don't you give me a call back. Or, better yet, just walk through the door.
Michael: Hmm. So, Natalie is gonna put an end to your "soul-crushing losing streak," I take it? Our conversation. About you taking chances?
Kevin: Oh! Right. Yes. Natalie and I have made it official. But for the record, Mariah and I are still friends. Totally solid. Always gonna be.
Michael: Mm-hmm. I'm glad you've convinced yourself.
Kevin: What is that supposed to mean?
Michael: Well, um... I hope that Natalie's not standing you up. It's a bit early in the relationship for that.
Kevin: She'll be here. It's Pass Key. She's been coding a series of patches. She's just swamped. Uh, so how is it being back in the legal saddle? Have you worked your mojo to get Adam exonerated?
Michael: Oh... Not even my gift for legal abracadabra can do that.
Adam: Come on in.
Chelsea: What -- what is it? What now?
Dylan: Well, uh, Nick changed his mind. [Sighs] He gave his permission to exhume Constance's body for a second time.
Chelsea: Okay. See? I knew your brother would come through for us. So, this changes every--
Dylan: We already exhumed the body. And we tested it.
Chelsea: Oh, well, why -- why didn't you tell us?
Dylan: Well, because we don't know if Victor still has somebody on the inside, so we wanted to do it on the down-low to avoid any potential tampering.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Good.
Chelsea: Okay, well, that's -- that's a good thing, right?
Dylan: Her body was riddled with poison.
Chelsea: No, that -- No, that's not possible. That's not -- That -- [Sighs] There's got to be some explanation, right? Tell him. There's some explanation.
Adam: You're already filling in the blanks, aren't you? You think I did this. You think I murdered that poor old woman. [Sighs] And so will the judge, and so will the jury, right?
Luca: [Sighs]
Summer: You know what I'd love right now?
Luca: Some of this?
[Both chuckle]
Summer: Yeah. That definitely works. But, uh... No, I was kind of thinking food.
Luca: Yes, that definitely works, too.
Summer: Yeah, and we only have yogurt in the fridge, so...
Luca: Oh. Let's go out.
Summer: What? No. No, no, that's not gonna happen. You need to rest right now.
Luca: Well, after all that TLC you just gave me, I'm ready to take on the world. Or maybe a burger and fries. Or maybe a swim.
Summer: The Club? They do have amazing fries, so we could do that.
Luca: [Chuckles]
Summer: Okay, let's go.
Luca: Hey, Summer.
Summer: Yeah?
Luca: Uh... Thank you. For trusting me.
Travis: What possible motive would I have to set up not one but two oil spills?
Nick: Money.
Travis: It's not my thing.
Nick: Used to be.
Victoria: And your debts were paid off.
Travis: I thought you did that. If I was taking a payoff to sabotage you, why would I ask you about it?
Nick: It's all part of the game if you're working for our father.
Travis: This is the closest I've ever been to Victor Newman.
Nick: It doesn't mean his money didn't find its way into your bank accounts. Look, you orchestrated the oil spills. You contained them quickly to minimize environmental damage, yet engineered for maximum damage to Newman Enterprises.
Travis: So, I'm a bartender by night and eco-terrorist by day? Is that it? I'm happy with my bar. With my life. My integrity. Luca's the one out for something he doesn't have -- to be part of this company, this family. And what better way to show his loyalty than to come to the rescue in a crisis? A crisis that he set into motion? Before he baited me into hitting him, he told me that you never wanted to see me again. Did you say that?
Victoria: [Sighs] No.
Travis: He said he was your messenger. You wanted him to give me money to go away.
Victoria: That's not true.
Travis: But you give credence to his lies about me.
Nick: We're gonna keep investigating this until we get to the answer.
Travis: Do that. Use every asset at your disposal. There has to be a trail, and I guarantee it's not gonna come back to me. You said you want to do business differently. Hold yourselves to a higher standard. It's not gonna happen if you keep doing business with guys like Luca Santori.
Victoria: Ugh. What a mess. I really want to believe him, Nick.
Nick: Me too. He's got motive, means, opportunity. But he makes a very valid case against Luca.
Victoria: Luca did work for Dad at one point. He was very eager to be a good little soldier. Maybe he's back on Dad's payroll.
Nick: Luca, Travis... Look, don't worry about it. We will get to the bottom of this, one way or the other.
Meredith: I'm just really worried about you, Victor. You have so many people against you.
Victor: But I have you. And I have the truth. What else do I need? [Door opens]
Mitch: Prisoner looks exceptionally healthy, Dr. Gates. What am I interrupting at this hour?
Meredith: Oh, uh, just a routine exam. Mr. Newman thought he was feeling the beginnings of an infection.
Mitch: Is that so?
Victor: I owe my seemingly-good appearance to the expertise of Dr. Gates. And, by the way, uh, so that you know, the stab wound inflicted by one of your guards has healed rather miraculously.
Meredith: I was just sending him back to his cell.
Mitch: No need. He has a visitor.
Victor: Oh.
Mitch: The guard outside will escort you.
Meredith: Uh, don't forget your antibiotics.
Victor: All right.
Meredith: They'll help stave off any infection.
Victor: Okay. Warden Pulman, you have a nice day.
Mitch: Mm-hmm.
Meredith: So, okay.
Mitch: I warned you to keep your distance from Newman. Why is that so hard for you?
Meredith: Because he doesn't belong here.
Mitch: Because that's what he tells you?
Meredith: Because that's what I believe.
Mitch: This prison is full of innocent men claiming they've been wronged. Newman is no different. I thought you of all people understood the importance of maintaining professional distance.
Meredith: I do.
Mitch: Good. Then act accordingly, or I will have you transferred. The choice is yours.
Chelsea: You can't actually believe that he's guilty?
Dylan: I'm trying to keep an open mind. But right now, it's not looking good.
Chelsea: Okay, that -- there's got to be something we can do.
[Knock on door]
Adam: It's beginning to feel like a party in here. You even bring company?
Dylan: Yeah. Come on in. This is Officer Zavala. He's gonna, uh, search the premises.
Chelsea: Is this a joke? Dylan, why are you treating him like he's a criminal?
Dylan: Here's the paperwork.
Chelsea: I'm calling Michael.
Adam: Thank you.
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Ah. Hello?
Chelsea: Michael, we have a problem. Dylan is here with a search warrant. You have to do something.
Michael: I'm on my way.
Kevin: Client emergency?
Michael: Yeah, it's more of Victor's handiwork. Well, good luck on that date.
Kevin: Mm.
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Ah! Say hi to Natalie for me.
Kevin: Yep.
Chelsea: Michael's on his way.
Dylan: Uh, Chelsea, look, I'm sorry, but we don't have to wait for Michael. The judge already signed off on it.
Adam: Oh, yeah, no, I see that right here. Judge already signed off -- well, hell with it, then. You know, I mean, let's start now. No, let's search the joint. Dylan, let's do it.
Chelsea: Adam --
Adam: I'll tell you what, I'll do it for you. Let's look in here. What do we got? We got, uh -- I don't see any vials of poison. I see some -- oh, look, remember the greeting cards that you made, honey? You spent all that time on that. That was fun.
Chelsea: Adam. Adam!
Adam: Let's look at that. Here's some work stuff. Oh, my God. Family photos. I don't see any poison, though.
Chelsea: Wait --
Adam: Of course, maybe my son's an accomplice, you know what I mean? This is his toy. I mean, let's look in here. Let's -- let's make sure he didn't put any poison in his stuffed animals. Are you kidding me?! This whole thing is stupid! You search this place top to bottom, man. You're not gonna find a damn thing.
Summer: Oooh! I am so hungry.
Luca: Well, why don't you order? I think I'm gonna do just a few more laps.
Summer: What? No, you're supposed to be relaxing right now.
Luca: Okay, well, I'll make them slow laps.
Summer: Okay, you can't go too long, or else I'm gonna eat everything.
Luca: You know I can't stay away from you for long.
Summer: Mm. Hmm. You got me kind of feeling -- feeling naughty.
Luca: Really? Well, what should we do about that?
Summer: Hmm. I don't know. Maybe...
Luca: Aah!
Summer: ...this! [Laughs] [Sighs]
Nick: Hey.
Summer: Oh, hey, Dad.
Nick: Hi.
Summer: Hi. Sorry. [Chuckles] Sorry, it was Luca's idea. He just wanted to decompress a little bit.
Nick: Ah. Glad you're having fun, and that I ran into you.
Summer: Do you want to stay and eat with us?
Nick: No, I can't stay. I just wanted to update you on the situation at Newman Enterprises.
Summer: Yeah, I -- I just feel so bad for Aunt Victoria. I mean, that jerk Travis, the way he lied to her, it just... Are we gonna press charges or anything?
Nick: It's not that simple. Travis showed up at the office. He denied everything that Luca said.
Summer: Okay, of course he did. I mean, he beats up Luca, he claims that he's innocent. What, does he expect Victoria to just forgive him like that?
Nick: We don't know what happened at that bar. Luca is saying one story, Travis is saying another.
Summer: Okay, a story. So now you think that Luca's lying?
Nick: No, I didn't say that.
Summer: No, this is unbelievable. Dad, I-I finally thought that you had accepted Luca, and now some jerk makes false accusations about him, and that's all it takes for you to turn against Luca again? Turn against us?
[Knock on door]
Victoria: Oh! Thank you for coming.
Kevin: Well, after the whole Pass Key thing, I was surprised to get your call. I hope there's no hard feelings.
Victoria: No, it's been resolved in the best interest of all parties concerned. Even if you did lie under oath.
Kevin: Way to move on. So, why am I here? You have a speeding ticket you need to go away?
Victoria: What? No. There's a situation with one of our divisions.
Kevin: The oil spills.
Victoria: Someone is deliberately trying to sink our reputation, and I need someone with outside-the-box hacking skills to figure out who's responsible.
Kevin: And you're bypassing your own IT department in case someone's dirty.
Victoria: Exactly. Full disclosure, I did contact Natalie, but she never responded. And I need this to be taken care of right away.
Kevin: Yeah, Nat's been off the grid lately. Not sure what that's about.
Victor: You understand, of course, why I didn't want to discuss this over the phone. It has come to my attention that Constance Bingham's body has been exhumed again. So, thanks to your dedication, your hard work, we can proceed. Put the final nail into my son's coffin.
Adam: Oh, no, no. Please, sweetheart, no, no, no. You don't want to do that. Let the, uh -- let the police officers do their job. Here. This is yours. Killing an old woman for no reason? Are you serious?
Dylan: Well, then we'll find nothing, and it works in your favor, Adam.
Michael: Nothing better to do than harass my clients tonight, Detective? Warrant.
Dylan: Everything's by the book, Michael.
Michael: Do you really think that, if Adam were guilty, he would keep incriminating evidence in his home for over a year?
Dylan: We're also searching Constance's estate.
Adam: Oh, that's great. No, that's wonderful. You're gonna find absolutely nothing there.
Dylan: Well, I hope we don't find anything.
Adam: You won't. Uh, looks like we'll also be searching Adam's storage unit.
Adam: Oh, just -- okay, this is another piece of brilliant detective work on your part. I don't have a storage unit.
Dylan: According to this you do.
Victor: So, you do understand what needs to be done? You've been invaluable, eh? My son will finally understand what it means to betray me, and to break all kinds of people's hearts. Now... Here's all the information you need. All right? So, Adam's future, or the lack thereof, depends on your flawless execution. Whatever you do, do it expeditiously and immediately, all right? Now, listen. Be very careful. This is extremely lethal.
Nick: I didn't accuse Luca of anything. And if he's innocent, he'll understand.
Summer: You are making a big mistake. Luca loves me. He would never do this to me or to Newman. I mean, what is it gonna take for you to realize that Luca has changed? He only wants to do the right thing here.
Nick: I want more than anything to believe that he is not the same guy he was when he first came to town. I am hoping he has your best interests at heart.
Summer: Okay, well, he was trying to prove that to you, but you're not letting him.
Nick: This is business. It's not personal. You work at Newman now. You need to be involved in this process. I want you to make your own judgment. Follow your gut.
Summer: Yeah, the way I trusted my gut with Austin?
Nick: You're a lot more mature now. Summer, I trust your instincts. I want you to trust them, too. If you feel like anything -- anything -- comes up with Luca, any alarms are set off, I want you to talk to me about it, all right?
Summer: You want me to spy on him.
Nick: I want you to be aware.
Summer: Okay, fine. Yeah, I can do that. But there's not gonna be anything for me to report to you.
Nick: Well, we'll see. I love you. Go back to having fun, all right?
Summer: Yeah. Love you.
Luca: Whew! I am ready for that burger.
Summer: What? No -- Oh. No, um... U-uh, sorry, I haven't ordered that yet.
Luca: Was that your dad?
Summer: Yeah.
Luca: Hey. What's wrong?
Victoria: We believe that someone infiltrated our computer network and remotely shut down the security system so that a valve at the oil-storage-tank facility could be opened. It's the second time within the last month, and I need to know who's responsible for this subterfuge.
Kevin: Wow. Okay. Are there any suspects I should be looking for? Anyone with a grudge? Well, it's Newman. There could be dozens, hundreds.
Victoria: [Sighs] Not to mention the man with his name on the building.
Kevin: Victor. Well, the man does love revenge. But I don't know that he could have pulled this off from a computer inside the pen. They're monitored 24/7. Unless he had outside help.
Victoria: Oh, my father's already pulled off a few stunts using his minions on the other side of the prison bars.
Kevin: None of that is at all surprising.
Victoria: I have a few suspects in mind. [Sighs] They could have working independently, or in collusion with my dad. I hope I'm wrong. But I need to know for sure.
Kevin: Okay. Names?
Victoria: I don't want to influence your search.
Kevin: Oh, you want an impartial hunt for the hacker.
Victoria: [Sighs] This code will give you access to the entire Newman network. Although I'm sure you could hack into it without any help from me.
Kevin: Well, I could, but that would just be showing off.
Victoria: Let me know what you find out as soon as possible.
Kevin: Yeah, I'm on it. Whoever this is, they're not gonna get away with it.
Victor: Oh, Dr. Gates. Um...would you mind taking another look at my wound? I am still hurting.
Meredith: Well, you've been prescribed medication, so if you're still in discomfort in the morning, you can make an appointment.
Victor: [Sighs]
Mitch: Mr. Newman.
Victor: Warden.
Mitch: I need a minute with you.
Victor: All right.
Mitch: Shall we?
Victor: Sure. What is this about?
Mitch: I understand you're planning on testifying in your son's murder trial.
Victor: I intend to tell the truth, yes.
Mitch: Ian Ward is also testifying.
Victor: Ohh. Well, good for him.
Mitch: If it was up to me, neither one of you would leave these walls. But it's out of my hands.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Mitch: But I understand what you're both capable of. That's why you're both going to enjoy a heavily-armed escort to and from the courthouse. If you're planning anything, I would advise against it. I've told my guards to shoot to kill.
[Chair scrapes]
Travis: What can I get you?
Victoria: How about a bartender who pours a generous tequila and knows his way around the dance floor?
Travis: And an oil-storage tank?
Victoria: I'm sorry.
Travis: But you're still not sure you can trust me.
Victoria: I really want to.
Travis: I told you the truth.
Victoria: Why can't we just go back to being Travis the bartender and Tori the receptionist?
Travis: Definitely sweeter days than the C.E.O. and the saboteur.
Victoria: Like I said, I'm sorry.
Travis: But I'm still on your suspect list.
Victoria: Well, we have to explore every possibility. We don't have proof one way or the other. But once we do --
Travis: But right here, right now, my word's not good enough for you.
Victoria: I'm sorry. [Sighs] I've just been lied to so many times in my life. And I have a really bad track record of letting my heart overrule my head.
Travis: What if your heart's right?
Victoria: What if it's wrong? It's not just you and me. I am responsible for a multi-national corporation. Company's best interest is my first priority. There's no room for my heart.
Travis: But there's room for Luca Santori. Yeah, I can recognize slime like that a mile away. This guy will sell out his mother for a promotion. Or date the C.E.O.'s niece.
Victoria: Okay, look --
Travis: It doesn't matter. Anything that gets him a seat at the table.
Victoria: I know that Luca is no saint. I know that. But he came back to us bruised and beaten. Once he confronted you, you hit him. Why would you do that if you're innocent?
Travis: He disrespected you.
Luca: This Travis guy is so going down for this. You should've seen his face when I busted him. He couldn't deny it, so he hit me in the face. Talk about a coward. I thought you were starving. Why aren't you eating?
Summer: Just my family's being targeted, and... Someone really wants to hurt us, and it's definitely working.
Luca: Summer, it's over. This Travis guy will probably be in handcuffs tomorrow. All right? So relax. Come on. Grab a fry before they're all gone.
Summer: Do you think that Travis was working alone?
Luca: You can't suspect he's working with your grandfather.
Summer: No, of course not. I mean, my grandfather would never do something like that. But do you think that he had a partner or... maybe it wasn't Travis?
Luca: What, you don't believe me?
Summer: No, of course I do. It's just, he never really admitted to anything.
Luca: Yeah, because he's a coward. Look, where are all these suspicions coming from?
Summer: They're not suspicions. They're just questions.
Luca: So, what did you and your dad talk about?
Summer: He and my Aunt Victoria are launching a full investigation, and they're gonna follow every lead they have until they get the answer.
Luca: But I gave them the answer, Summer. Wait a second. Am I a suspect, too? How much more do I have to do to make them believe me? I've stepped up. Done the extra work to keep their company from a P.R. nightmare, proven my loyalty time and time again. And this is how they thank me?
Victor: Are you threatening me, Warden Pulman?
Mitch: Oh, that would be unprofessional.
Victor: It certainly would.
Mitch: I'm just telling you that I've told my guards to use any means necessary to prevent an escape.
Victor: If I were you, I would give that sermon to Ian Ward. Only guilty men run.
Mitch: Maybe in your mind, you're not guilty.
Victor: You bet I'm not.
Mitch: Maybe in Dr. Gates' mind, as well. But you had your day in court, Mr. Newman. You were found guilty. That's not going to change.
Victor: I got news for you, Warden Pulman. Things do change. Very often.
Chelsea: This storage-rental bill is in Gabriel Bingham's name. That means the real Gabriel Bingham rented this, not Adam.
Dylan: Well, that's not really possible. If you look at the dates, the unit was rented after Gabriel died, and right after Constance passed.
Adam: Yeah, there was a storage unit.
Michael: What?
Chelsea: What?
Adam: I-I forgot about this. After Constance passed away, Sage couldn't bear to throw away all of her stuff, so we needed a storage unit to put it in.
Michael: Sounds like a perfectly logical explanation.
Dylan: Okay, hold -- hold -- Come on. You're telling me that you forgot about a storage unit?
Adam: Yeah, I've never even been there. I never stepped foot in the place.
Dylan: Why do you have the key?
Victor: So, let me guess. [Sighs] Your mother came running to you after visiting me, and complained to you about the fact that I didn't confess sabotaging my company and my family. I didn't go to my knees and beg her for forgiveness, and swear eternal contrition for having been betrayed by her, and by all of you. So. Why are you here? What do you want?
Nick: I'm here to ask you one question. Will you help me?
Luca: This Crawford character is so obviously guilty. Look, I did the legwork. I flushed him out. Confronted him to spare Victoria, and was attacked for my efforts. Now she and Nick are investigating me?
Summer: Okay, look, it's not just you. They are checking on everyone in the company who could have had access to the computers, okay? No one is above suspicion, not even my grandfather.
Luca: They shouldn't question my loyalty.
Summer: Look, okay. Luca, you're innocent. Why are you so upset? They just want real proof. Solid evidence.
Luca: I guess I was hoping they'd come to trust me. That they feel the need to put me under a microscope after everything I've done to help them, it feels like a personal attack.
Summer: Okay, well, my dad promised me that it is not a personal attack.
Luca: Kind of feels that way. They're saying my word isn't good enough. I'm not good enough. [Sighs] I'm so tired of your family seeing me as the bad guy. No matter what I do, it's never enough. At least you believe in me. Right?
Summer: Yeah, of course I do.
Luca: That's all that matters. That the woman I love sees me as the honest, loyal man that I am. Come here.
Dylan: Can you explain why you have a key to a storage unit you claim you don't remember renting?
Michael: You don't have to answer that.
Chelsea: Oh, come on. Dylan, this is ridiculous. You're trying to pull a conspiracy out of thin air. Sage and Adam were friends. She and I were friends. She worked with me. Oh, she spent the night here a few nights. Maybe she forgot and left the key here. I don't know.
Adam: Listen, here's the thing. I understand how this looks, okay? But I'm gonna tell you again, I don't remember anything about that key. I've never been to the storage unit.
Dylan: Okay. Still have to follow up. Go search the storage unit. It's on Delancy.
Michael: You're gonna need a warrant for that, and good luck finding a judge to sign one this time of night.
Adam: No, you know, just let him go, all right? I got nothing to hide.
Michael: I don't think so. We're going by the book on this one, Detective.
Adam: No, go ahead and search the place. You're not gonna find anything.
Michael: What are you saying?! Can I have a moment please? Okay. I need to know the truth. Not a version. Not the spin. Not a reasonable facsimile. Are we gonna find anything in that storage unit that will compromise our case?
Adam: Well, here's the thing about that. It happens to be the truth. I've never been there, okay? Let them search it. It's clean. It's got to be.
[Glass clinking]
Kevin: No. That can't be. No. No, no, no, no, no.
Victoria: You know, you should put some ice on your knuckles. Looks like it really hurt.
Travis: Ah, it's nothing. You know what really stings? You not believing me.
Victoria: I want to. It's just that --
Travis: You run a big, important company, and that takes priority.
Victoria: Yes.
Travis: And you've been burned before.
Victoria: Yes.
Travis: By idiots who didn't put you first.
Victoria: You're not gonna charm your way out of this.
Travis: Then consider basic logic. You came into my bar. You kept coming back. I didn't plan that. How could I? I didn't even know you were the C.E.O. of Newman until that day at the Club.
Victoria: I can't be wrong again.
Travis: You're not.
Nick: Someone is sabotaging Newman Enterprises.
Victor: Mm. I had this conversation with your mother.
Nick: Yeah, she told me. But this isn't about the company. It's about the family. Look, you're either working with Luca, and that means Summer's gonna get her heart broken, or you're working with Travis Crawford, and that means Victoria's about to be crushed.
Victor: For your information, I don't want that Santori slimeball anywhere near my company nor my granddaughter. I don't know who the hell the other guy is you're talking about.
Nick: Look, if you want to try and destroy Newman Enterprises to teach us a lesson, go for it. We're gonna survive. But right now my concern is Summer and Victoria, because they're both in love with men whose lies could break their hearts. Now, I know how much you care about Summer. And even though you're mad at Victoria, I know you care about her just as much.
Victor: Mm-hmm. This is ironic. All the times you told me to stay out of your business, stay out of your family... And now here you are. Asking me to help you. How does it feel?
Nick: Save the lessons. Are you gonna help me or not?
Victor: I've nothing to do with either of those men you talked about. Now, if you want to help your family, if you want to protect them, you do what you always accuse me of. You go and interfere. Follow in my footsteps.
Michael: Is there anyone who can back up your claims about the storage unit?
Adam: Just Sage.
Chelsea: And, sadly, she's not here to back you up. On a lot of things.
Adam: Exactly the way my father planned it.
Chelsea: It's like he's always one step ahead of us. There's no way he could have found out about the storage unit, right? [Knock on door]
Adam: Here we go. He's back already. What'd you find?
Dylan: Good work. Thank you. Well, I suppose, uh, you have no idea how this got into your storage unit?
Kevin: What have you done?
Natalie: Don't judge. It was just one doughnut. I needed a sugar boost.
Kevin: I'm not talking about the doughnut.
Natalie: I know, I know. I'm sorry about earlier. This whole Pass Key thing is, like, mad crazy.
Kevin: So it's been all about Pass Key. That's what's been keeping you so busy.
Natalie: Uh, yeah. You know that. [Chuckles] But I'm here now. Ready for our date. And technically, I got here first, which means you're the one who was late. But if I had been on time in the first place, maybe your face wouldn't look like that. I should invent an app for getting me to dates on time.
Kevin: How about inventing one for telling the truth?
Natalie: What's that supposed to mean?
Kevin: How long have you been working with Victor?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Go away!
Faith: Mommy, who are you yelling at?
Chelsea: Now you think he's guilty, too? And you want to take him away tonight, now.
Natalie: Like you're not trying to shove me out of the picture so you two can have mediocre sex again.
Mariah: What did you do?
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