Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/23/16


Episode # 10950 ~ Jack bonds with Hilary; Paul comforts Nikki; Summer questions Luca's loyalty.

Provided By Jim

Victoria: I need this down in P.R. immediately. Thank you.

Nick: Just call me back as soon as you hear anything.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Nick: Look, I know you don’t want to think about this right now, but do you think there’s a chance there's a link between Travis and these oil-rig spills? I mean, was there anything he said, anything he did?

Victoria: Well... he lied about who he was. He hid the fact that he had been a commodities broker.

Nick: Yeah. Yeah, he traded oil futures. And now he runs a bar. Why, exactly?

Victoria: I don't know, Nick. He hated his life. He wanted to get as far away from it as possible. I-I think you’d understand that.

Nick: Yeah, I do.

Victoria: [Sighs] Do you think that Luca could be right? Do you think that Travis knew who I was the minute that I walked in to his bar? Or shortly after that? That maybe because of Dad or maybe because of something --

Nick: I can't believe that he acted on his own.

Victoria: But you can believe that he’s involved.

Nick: It’s a possibility.

Victoria: [Sighs] [Cell phone rings]

Nikki: Hi, Amanda. Oh. Oh, no, th-- Okay. Yeah. Thanks for the update. We'll talk soon. Bye.

Nick: Hey, Mom.

Victoria: Oh, hey, Mom. I assume that you heard about the latest oil crisis.

Nikki: Yeah, it's hard not to. It's all over the news.

Nick: The first time, we could blame human error. Two times in a month? It's got to be sabotage.

Nikki: And I think we all know who's behind it.

Luca: They know you sabotaged the Newman oil storage tank.

Travis: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Luca: Yeah, making a buck off a disaster you created in criminal. Using your relationship with Victoria to do it? That's pathetic.

Meredith: Is your wife still here, I hope? We had a meeting scheduled, and I’m just running late.

Paul: Uh, no, I'm sorry. Have a seat. She had to get back to the courthouse, so, uh... I’m assuming this has to do with Adam's case.

Meredith: Uh, turns out I am no longer able to testify for the prosecution.

Paul: [Chuckles] You want to tell me what changed your mind?

Ian: [Whistling] Victor! Hey. Glad to see you back among the masses. Amazing, isn't it, how you can so deeply crave something you thought you loathed? Solitary can be quite the eye-opener in that way. Perhaps now you’ll keep your hands to yourself.

Victor: My time away was well worth it.

Ian: Yeah? Well, I wouldn't get too used to the sunlight. 'Cause once I testify, you'll be back in that abyss before you know it. [Chuckles]

Victor: Scares you, doesn't it? Hmm?

Ian: Where are the guards?

Victor: Oh. All alone in that solitary cell. No one to manipulate. No one to listen to your screams. Scares you, doesn’t it? It should. ♪

Jack: Neil.

Neil: Yeah?

Jack: If you’re considering confessing to Paul --

Neil: And why shouldn't I? If what I did to Hilary’s gonna come out anyway, I want to control the situation, and I want the police to hear it from me.

Jack: Fair enough. But before you do that, you should know one thing. They're not gonna hear it from me. [Door opens]

Devon: Going somewhere?

Hilary: I am moving out, leaving town. I am just -- I'm done with all of them.

Devon: You mean you're done with me. Done with us? You want to bail on our marriage? Is that what it is? You can do that, but not until I get some answers out of you.

Nikki: Somehow, Victor found a way to create these oil crises.

Nick: We are looking at every possibility.

Nikki: Including your father.

Nick: Yes, of course, Mother.

Victoria: Look, the motive is there. He would stop at nothing to pay us back for testifying against him. But the means...

Nikki: Listen. Where your father’s concerned, means are not an issue.

Summer: Hey, what's this about Grandpa?

Nick: Uh, we were just discussing the possibility of Dad being involved in these oil-rig leaks.

Summer: Right, because everything is Grandpa’s fault.

Victoria: Summer...

Summer: I stayed quiet when Luca put it out there, but the more that I think about it, the more I know that Grandpa had nothing to do with this, and you guys should know this, too.

Nick: We appreciate your loyalty to your grandfather.

Nikki: But sometimes blind loyalty is not a good idea. Now, Victor has said often and clearly that he wants to punish this family. Honey, think about it. If he’s capable of doing what he did to your mother --

Summer: No, no. What happened to my mom is not on Grandpa.

Nikki: Well, then who is it on?

Summer: Marco. Grandpa never intended for things to get that far.

Nikki: [Sighs] Honey, I know that you want to believe that, maybe you even need to believe that. But the truth is --

Summer: You know, maybe you need to believe the worst in him.

Nikki: Why?

Summer: I don't know. Justify divorcing the man while he's in prison?

Nick: Summer.

Nikki: That's okay. [Clears throat]

Summer: I'm so-- I’m sorry, Grandma.

Nikki: It's okay. You love your grandfather.

Summer: And I love you, too. I-I’m sorry. I handled security at the site. And investigators are there, and cleanup’s underway, so...

Victoria: Thank you. And, Mom, we're not glossing over the whole Dad angle, trust me. But Dad doing this from Walworth and all of the multiple safeguards that he'd have to get past -- It's just --

Nick: Look, I think it’s a real stretch -- Dad creating these oil leaks and a security breach at a storage tank? It's just -- I mean, ecoterrorism? It's not Dad's style.

Nikki: His style is revenge. And you just said he would do anything to get back at us.

Victoria: Yes, but engineering something so complicated --

Nikki: Child’s play.

Summer: So, you really think that Grandpa did this?

Nikki: Yes, I do. And there’s only one way to find out.

Summer: God, I feel terrible for what I said to Grandma back there, but, I mean, hearing her blame Grandpa when we know who's really responsible? I mean, why didn't you bring up Travis?

Luca: Kind of masterful, actually. Getting Victoria in bed, waiting until she falls asleep, and then using her computer and I.D. to gain access.

Travis: Access to what?

Luca: You overrode the safety, making the storage tank vulnerable.

Travis: [Laughs] You’re out of your mind. Maybe that tie's cutting off oxygen to your brain.

Luca: Where the hell are you going?

Travis: To see Victoria, make sure she's not buying any of this crap.

Luca: Oh, no. She's buying. And she never wants to see you again. In fact, she's the one who sent me here to give you some money to disappear. You do that, we won’t press charges.

Travis: Press charges?

Luca: Yeah. How much is it gonna take for you to leave town?

Travis: I would never take Victoria's money. She knows that. She knows me.

Luca: Oh. Because you two are so close? Hey, look. Get it through your head, Crawford. You were a distraction, that's all. And now you’ve become a liability. Victoria never wants to see you again.

Meredith: I don't think I should say anything more until I speak with Christine.

Paul: [Chuckles] So, what happened? Victor convinced you to take the stand and -- and spin a story on Adam?

Meredith: No. No, no, that's not --

Paul: A story that you couldn't swear to under oath?

Meredith: You're misunderstanding. The only reason that I'm not testifying is because it's not my story to tell.

Paul: [Scoffs]

Ian: I’d control that temper, Victor. I mean, you want to enjoy your freedom, such as it is, for as long as you can. Now I have to clean that up.

Victor: Listen to me. You’re making a very grave mistake interfering in my life.

Ian: Me? Interfere? Never.

Victor: You think you can hurt me?

Ian: [Chuckles]

Victor: You want to hurt me, don’t you? But you can’t, can you?

Ian: You just wait till I take the stand.

Victor: No. You wait. Because I’ll take the stand to set the record straight.

Summer: Now, Grandpa is out for blood. No one is denying that. But you two just said how difficult it would be for him to pull this off out of prison. Whereas Travis...

Victoria: Had access to my laptop.

Summer: Yes.

Nick: It doesn’t make sense to me. The guy I talked to seemed like he was all about ethics. He didn’t like the way you were dealing with the oil-rig spill.

Summer: It could have all been a part of his cover.

Nick: [Sighs] I guess, but the guy gave up a big-time, high-paying job for a simpler life.

Summer: A big-time job trading oil. Maybe he has a vendetta against oil companies. I mean, that's his motive.

Nick: I just didn't get that from him. I told Victoria to give him a chance. I have a better read on people than that.

Summer: Maybe he’s just that good. I don’t know.

Victoria: Well, I guess he’d have to be for Dad to trust him to do his dirty work. Look, we're forgetting something here. It doesn't have to be either/or. Travis and Dad could both be responsible with Travis taking Dad’s orders.

Nick: No matter how you slice it, whatever we’re suggesting is pretty horrendous.

Victoria: I still just can’t see it. I mean, I just keep thinking about every single conversation that we had.

Summer: Is there anything popping out at you?

Victoria: [Sighs] I don’t know. I heard Travis on the phone with his creditors more than once. I think he was having trouble with his bar. I offered to help him, but he wasn't having it. And then, suddenly, the debt was just gone. Travis accused me of paying it, and he was furious. I don’t know. He acted furious. I just don't know.

Summer: I get it. It's an awful feeling, thinking that the person that you care about has just been lying to you, that they're not at all who you think.

Victor: What brings you by?

Nikki: I just came to appeal to whatever is left of the man I fell in love with. To warn him that he risks walking out of this prison with nothing. And I’m not talking about Newman Enterprises. As far as I’m concerned, you can blow that place to the ground while you’re still in here. Be my guest.

Victor: What a way to talk about a company that gave you everything -- a lifestyle so lavish you're envied by millions.

Nikki: The kids will be fine, you know. They will go on without you, and they will thrive. But if you are insisting on continuing with this ridiculous revenge plot, do you think you could find a way to destroy the company in a more environmentally responsible way?

Victor: Are you talking about the oil spill or what?

Nikki: Yes. The rig and the storage tank that you sabotaged.

Victor: I had nothing to do with that. Someone else is trying to bring down the company. The fact that you’re here means you have no idea as to who that might be.

Nikki: Well, I’ll say this for you. You’ve always been one to stick to your story.

Victor: When you testified against me and made sure that I ended up in this hellhole, you left the company wide open for attack from all sides. Now you want me to sit in here and be sad that things are falling apart, as I predicted?

Nikki: Victor, it's not too late. You can still stop this.

Jack: I've thought long and hard about this, and I've come to a decision. I’m not going to the police.

Neil: Hold on a second. You were absolutely furious, and rightfully so.

Jack: You did not push her off that cliff, and you fought hard to fly her back to the states to get help.

Neil: Jack, I kidnapped her, my son's wife. And then I let him believe that she was dead. On top of that, I brought in a doctor that gave her a treatment I knew nothing about.

Jack: A treatment that saved her life. You are responsible for getting her out of that coma.

Neil: Why are you doing this? Are you trying to convince yourself?

Jack: No, because you're a friend. And the alternative -- I think you deserve a chance to start over again.

Neil: Sounds like pity to me.

Jack: No, no. It's not pity. I’ve weighed all the outcomes, and in doing so, I've seen who suffers most from the truth coming out.

Hilary: I figured you'd be relieved. I know that your father will be along with, um, Lily and Cane and Ashley and Phyllis -- pretty much this whole town. You know, maybe they will throw me a "We're Rid of Her" parade.

Devon: You’re being ridiculous.

Hilary: Am I? Ambitious monster one day, social climbing my way to the top, and then gold-digging whore the next, chasing after Jack? And you -- You bought into all of it. So, what's the point, huh? There’s obviously no love left.

Devon: Really? So, everything that we've shared, everything that we've been through, all the feelings we've had for each other -- All that is just gone? That's what you’re saying? I don’t believe that at all.

Hilary: Well, it’s not my problem.

Devon: I am your problem. You and I said vows in this building and promised to love each other and be together for the rest of our lives.

Hilary: Well, promises are made to be broken. Isn’t that what they say?

Devon: Honey, who the hell are you right now? Why are you saying this stuff to me? Seriously, is this an aftereffect of the drugs that Neville’s given you or...?

Hilary: I am who I’ve always been. And you’ve just refused to see that. And then, when you finally did, we grew apart.

Devon: Grew apart? You’ve been pushing me away. You’re doing it right now. And I want to know why. I think you at least owe me that.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Devon: Honey, don't ignore me.

Hilary: I'm not ignoring you. I just -- I don’t know what to say.

Devon: Say something. Say anything. And don’t tell me that we just grew apart. Okay, there’s more going on here than just that, and I want to

Hilary: [Sighs] You’re not being fair.

Devon: I’m not being fair?

Hilary: I have tried, Devon. I’ve tried to be the woman that you want me to be, the woman that you expect me to be, but I am tired.

Devon: Are you talking to me right now? 'Cause I have never tried to force you to be anyone else than who you are. I love who you are. You’re a beautiful, strong, intelligent, ambitious woman.

Hilary: Oh, but not too ambitious, right? As long as I don't step on any toes or ruffle too many feathers?

Devon: Honey, this is insane. I’ve done nothing but defend you this whole time to everyone. And not just with the small things, but with the big things, too. And at some point, you need to look at your behavior and the people that you’re hurting.

Hilary: The people that I’m hurting? We fell in love when I was married to your father when the man was blind, for God’s sake. You don’t get over that kind of guilt, okay? I know that we said that we could, but it’s impossible. And because of that, this was never gonna last. Deep down, I knew that. I think you did, too. Isn’t it just better if we end this now instead of later? Come on. Isn’t it a relief? You said you would let me go if I was honest. I did my part, so...do yours.

Neil: Well, I'm really glad that you can see the bigger picture here. But I know you, Jack, the kind of moral, ethical man that you are. I mean, these crimes that I committed -- They’re pretty serious. Are -- Are you sure, absolutely sure, that you're willing to accept the fact that I committed them?

Jack: Maybe I couldn’t if I thought you hadn't already paid a hefty price in guilt alone.

Neil: It is very, very suffocating.

Jack: Look, you did something you’re sorry for. You’ve done everything you can to fix it. What more can I ask?

Neil: Well, a prison sentence, for one.

Jack: You know, maybe it’s time you look at the bigger picture. Think about this. If you hadn’t made that fateful decision, my sister might not be alive today. Because of you, because of Dr. Neville, she has decades ahead of her, as do thousands of other people.

Neil: But only if the truth stays buried.

Jack: You know what? We can't focus on the past. We have to focus on the future, getting Neville through these trials. Lives depend on it.

Neil: Hey, Devon. What's wrong with you?

Devon: Hilary is leaving town.

Nick: Okay, thanks. Keep me updated.

Victoria: What did they say?

Summer: Oh, my God. Luca, what happened? Are you okay?

Luca: Travis. He was the one behind the sabotage.

Nikki: Don’t you understand what you're doing to the kids? They're devastated.

Victor: Oh, really? What happened to them thriving without me?

Nikki: They will. Eventually. But not before you break them. And that's exactly what’s gonna happen if you don’t stop this. I-I don’t understand why you would want to wish pain and suffering on them any more than they would do it to you.

Victor: All of you wish pain and suffering on me! That's why I'm here!

Nikki: You know, deep in your heart...

Victor: The hell are you talking about?!

Nikki: ...they did not do it with malice.

Victor: How dare you come in here?!

Nikki: They simply couldn't lie for you, Victor, the way I have lied all these years, knowing the lines that you crossed, trying to justify reasons for why you did it. And I always told myself I was doing it for the good of the family. The family that you claimed to love.

Victor: I loved my family. I did love my family. How the hell do you expect me to love them now? Or you?

Nikki: I am just looking at our life realistically. All those years, the bad and the good -- Victor, there was good, lots of it. The bond that you’ve formed with the kids -- It was incredible. And you were always there for them, all of them, including Adam. When things got rough, you were right by their side, giving them your strength, your support, and they needed that.

Victor: Correct.

Nikki: You can still be a father to them, even if you and I aren't together.

Victor: Don't give me this babble. Why are you here?

Nikki: Before I got here, I heard from my attorney.

Devon: It was like I was talking to a stranger. I have no idea what happened to my wife.

Neil: Okay. Let me understand this. She said it’s over. That's it?

Devon: She’s upstairs packing right now, getting ready to take off.

Neil: I am so sorry, son.

Devon: I’m sorry.

Jack: I'm so sorry you are sitting here doing nothing about this. Why aren't you upstairs trying to talk her out of it?

Devon: You think I didn't try and do that, Jack?

Jack: Apparently not hard enough. This is your wife. It's like you don’t give a damn what she's going through.

Devon: What she’s going through? She’s walking out on me. It's not the other way around.

Jack: Because she's scared. Because she’s alone. She feels deserted.

Neil: What are you talking about here?

Jack: Well, clearly you guys don’t have a clue what is --

Hilary: Jack. Don’t.

Ian: Oh, not another love note to your favorite inmate, I hope.

Meredith: And that’s my cue to call the guard.

Ian: Oh, you’re wasting your time, Doctor.

Meredith: Really? Well, I am listening to you.

Ian: No, by helping Victor, imagining that the two of you have a life outside these walls. You’re nothing more than a means to an end.

Meredith: Right. And you came in here to tell me that because you're so worried about me. Get out of here.

Ian: No, you’ve got me all wrong, Doctor. I have a heart. Just ask Nicole Yes, she's one of the few who’ve touched it. That Nicole -- Nikki Newman. She’s in visiting Victor as we speak. He'll always love her. Incredible woman. I can’t blame him. The kind that you can’t get out of your system, no matter how hard you try.

Nikki: The divorce will be final in two weeks. Oh, don’t sit there and act like it doesn't matter to you, not after all the years we had together, the life we built.

Victor: The life you destroyed.

Nikki: You see? There it is right there. This is the reason why I filed for divorce from you -- your unwillingness to forgive your family.

Victor: Your family, as it was when you filed for divorce. I was not included in that, was I?

Nikki: You gave me no choice, Victor.

Victor: And now you're free. You’re free of me. Hallelujah. Be happy.

Nikki: Exactly!

Victor: Good.

Nikki: I will be free.

Victor: Good for you.

Nikki: Free as a bird.

Victor: Good. Guard! Get out!

Nikki: Concoct any horrible scheme you want! My conscience is clear. You’ll never be able to say that.

Victor: You're pure as the driven snow.

Nikki: Bye!

Victor: Right. [Door closes]

Luca: I told him I needed to follow up on all possibilities, that no one else knew I was coming to him, but that I had to ask if he had any information about the tampering.

Summer: And Travis said yes?

Luca: No, he immediately got defensive and denied knowing anything about it. But when I pressed on for more specifics --

Victoria: What kind of specifics?

Luca: Well, that he was with you last night and had access to your computer and your I.D. He threw a punch without warning.

Victoria: Travis getting violent? I mean, come on. It just doesn’t sound like him at all.

Summer: I mean, it sounds like there's a lot you don't know about him.

Luca: And he obviously has something to hide. I tried to walk away, but he said he wasn't done. He said this is just a taste of what he’d give me if I ever gave voice to my suspicions. Look, I’m sorry this is how it played out. I know you cared for him.

Summer: Look, Aunt Vicki. I’m sorry. It just sounds like you’re better off without him. Come on. Why don’t I take you home, get you cleaned up, okay? Bye.

Nick: Bye.

Victoria: I can't really remember the last time I felt so stupid. [Sighs] I had no idea, Nick.

Nick: None of us did.

Victoria: Luca did.

Nick: Forget Luca.

Victoria: [Sighs] I allowed a stranger to do damage to this family.

Nick: Well, I was right there with you. I mean, I told you to give the guy a chance. I-I can’t believe he'd pretend to care about you just to get to your computer.

Victoria: It just -- I’d rather not rehash the details right now.

Travis: Especially when it’s not true.

Hilary: I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Jack, but it's too late.

Jack: No. As long as you are breathing, there is still hope.

Hilary: My marriage is over. And I’m done explaining why or trying to justify my actions. Please just let me leave.

Jack: Oh, my God.

Neil: Hey. Hey, kid. You just gonna let Jack go after her like that? What are you doing?

Devon: Well, someone should. She sure as hell doesn't want it to be me. I feel like an idiot.

Neil: No, no. Devon, come on. You’re not an idiot.

Devon: How many times did I put myself on the line for her and defend her against... indefensible things?

Neil: You want to know why? Because you love her.

Devon: She was right to ask me to let her go, because our marriage and our life together is over.

Paul: Hey, Nik.

Nikki: Oh, hi, Paul. I was just getting some water from the bar.

Paul: Yeah, uh, you mind if I join you?

Nikki: Of course not.

Paul: So, catch me up. How are you doing?

Nikki: Oh, boy. [Sighs] It's been a very eventful day. I heard from my attorney. Divorce will be final in two weeks.

Paul: Oh, wow.

Nikki: Yeah. So, I dashed off to see Victor.

Paul: What, just now?

Nikki: Yeah.

Paul: Hmm. So, maybe you weren’t just coming to the bar for water.

Nikki: No, no. I wasn't gonna have a drink. And I’m very glad you’re here.

Paul: So, tell me something. Did -- Did, um, seeing Victor make you have second thoughts? I mean about the divorce.

Nikki: To the contrary. It reminded me why I filed in the first place. Yet I still stayed and tried to get through to him. I’ll give you one guess how that turned out.

Paul: I'm sorry.

Nikki: I’ve been Mrs. Victor Newman for so much of my life.

Paul: Yeah, I know. But it's just a name. And in a couple of weeks, you know, you -- you're not gonna have to carry that burden. You’ll be free to be who you want and do anything you want. See, there? I’m happy for you.

Nikki: Well... I think I am, too.

Meredith: Thank you so much. You have got to stop overusing these medical excuses. The warden has already warned me about paying you too much attention.

Victor: I don't give a damn about the warden. But I needed to see you.

Meredith: Then at least let me pretend to do my job. What did you tell them?

Victor: That I was feeling the beginnings of an infection.

Meredith: Yeah? How was your visit with your wife?

Summer: Okay.

Luca: [Inhales sharply]

Summer: I'm sorry. Sorry. I just cannot believe that this happened.

Luca: I just feel sorry for Victoria.

Summer: Yeah.

Luca: But, um, at least now we know Travis is responsible.

Summer: Well, do we? I don’t know. He just never really admitted to it.

Luca: Yeah, well, he didn't say the words, but he might as well have.

Summer: Well, I don't know. I mean, I just -- I just find it kind of weird. The guy is smart enough to con both my aunt and my dad, and then with you, he just gave away himself so easily?

Luca: What are you implying Summer? You think I’m lying?

Nick: If I were you, I’d get the hell out of here right now.

Travis: Not until I set the record straight.

Victoria: [Sighs] Fine. Give us your version of events. But make it quick.

Travis: That guy Luca came into my bar, and he started on how I was responsible for the oil spill. I told him he was out of his mind, but he kept on talking about your laptop and -- and I.D. card, how that would give me access. Like I'd even know what to do with it.

Victoria: And then what?

Luca: Did you really think there was something more between you and Victoria? Look, she was using you just as much as you were using her.

Travis: I wasn’t using her.

Luca: Yeah, this would almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Travis: I'm done here.

Luca: Hey, she got tired of her lying, gambling husband, so she needed a warm body to keep her mind off things -- any warm body. I mean, who knew someone so prim and proper would be such a wildcat.

Travis: And now you know the

Victoria: I can't believe you. I can’t believe you’re pretending to be this nice, down-to-earth guy. Meanwhile, the whole time, you’re manipulating me.

Travis: Wait. If you really believe that, then I was wrong about you, wrong to believe a word out of your mouth.

Victoria: Okay. Don’t turn this around on me.

Travis: No, the hell I won’t. What you're accusing me of isn't just criminal. It's morally reprehensible. It would mean that I played you every step of the way, that everything we had was nothing -- every look, every kiss. You really think I could fake all that? Forget what Luca put in your head and think about what you know is real. Victoria, look at me. It wasn’t me.

Luca: I covered for Victoria while she was off with this guy, nowhere to be found, while the company was under a crisis. I bailed her out. I protected her family and got a fist to my face for my efforts. And even after all that, did I ever ask for anything? Look, all I wanted was to prove myself, Summer. To you, to all of you. You know, forget it.

Summer: No. Wait. I’m -- I'm sorry. I’m sorry. I’m not taking Travis’ side, okay? I’m just -- I’m just surprised by how all of this went down. And I feel bad for my aunt, the way that she was lied to like that. And I-I’ve been there. And it sucks not knowing who you can trust. It sucks.

Luca: You can trust me.

Victor: My wife, Nikki, came to grace me with some baseless accusations. Then she had some other news, as well.

Meredith: And...?

Victor: [Sighs] She apparently filed for divorce. It'll be final in about two weeks. So, I’ll be free of my marriage.

Meredith: Wow. [Chuckles]

Victor: I know that we’re in a prison. But I’ve enjoyed my time with you.

Nikki: I’m just so upset with him -- everything he's done to us, the kids, the family. You’d think it would make cutting ties easier, wouldn’t you? I don’t know. May-Maybe it will.

Paul: But it still hurts.

Nikki: Oh, so very much, Paul. Yes.

Paul: I'm sorry.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Jack: Hilary.

Hilary: I wish you hadn't followed me, Jack.

Jack: You can't leave.

Hilary: My marriage is over. Everyone hates me. There is nothing left for me here.

Jack: That is not true. Besides, where would you go?

Hilary: Doesn't matter. Somewhere where I can live in peace for however long I have left.

Jack: You need to think about this.

Hilary: I have thought about it. I can’t stop thinking about it. Jack, I have made so many mistakes. And I’m not gonna make another one by staying in this town, surrounded by people who hate me.

Jack: No, wait, wait, wait. There is a reason for you to stay. Me. I care. So, you stay in Genoa City, and I’ll stand beside you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Adam: Let's make sure he didn't put any poison in a stuffed animal! This whole thing is stupid!

Mitch: If you're planning anything, I would advise against it. I’ve told my guards to shoot to kill.

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