Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/22/16
Episode # 10949 ~ Adam & Chelsea worry about their future; an unexpected crisis blindsides Victoria; Victor's plan takes a dangerous turn.
Provided By Jim
Chelsea: Where’s Connor? [Gasps] Peek-a-boo!
Adam: There he is! All right!
Chelsea: Where did he go? Oh, there he is!
Adam: Look at that! Up and ready to face the day. World’s most successful camp-out ever.
Chelsea: Yes. Yes, it was. Who ate more s'mores? You or Daddy, Connor? You tell me.
Adam: Sweetheart, I'm -- I’m 10 times his size.
Chelsea: So you ate 10 times as many?
Adam: Well, it’s simple math.
Chelsea: [Laughs] I think I’m ready for my close-up.
Adam: Oh.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: [Sighs] You’ll be happy to know that I'm one heck of a camper. So is your son.
Chelsea: Yeah. I know. I saw. You’re quite the outdoorsman.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: You limited yourself to electricity and running water and Wi-Fi and some TV.
Adam: Well, I wanted to keep it real.
Chelsea: [Laughing] Yeah. Well, as long as Connor had fun...
Adam: [Laughing] He did.
Chelsea: ..that's all that matters.
Adam: He had a great time. We both did. How could we not? We had, uh -- We had each other. We had s'mores. We had campfire stories. Babe? What's wrong?
Chelsea: No, it's -- it's good. You guys -- You and Connor deserve nights like these. It's important to make these memories because your -- [Sighs] because your trial's right around the corner.
[Door opens]
Victor: There you are.
Meredith: You're out of solitary.
Victor: And I needed medical attention immediately.
Meredith: Well, I was expecting you days ago. When I sent you my note, I figured you’d find a way to --
Victor: What do you mean, you sent me a note? What note?
Meredith: I put a note in with your medication. You never got it.
Victor: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Now I get it. I got a note from Ian Ward trying to provoke me. That son of a gun must have convinced the guards to switch those notes.
Meredith: You know what? I should have him reported. That was a personal note from me to you.
Victor: What did it say?
Meredith: It said -- It just talked about Ian Ward himself and your son Adam.
Victor: Huh. Tell me everything.
Phyllis: It was a bumpy ride, but I made it. Hey, I'm gonna grab my things and I’ll meet you at the club?
Jack: I told you last night, you didn't have to rush home.
Phyllis: You need me. I heard it in your voice.
Jack: I always need you. It doesn't mean I couldn't wait until you were finished with your Pass Key business.
Phyllis: Keep arguing, I’ll take the next plane back to Montreal, if that’s what you'd like.
Jack: Don't you even think about it.
Phyllis: You need me, and I am here because I love you. I’ll see you soon.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Travis: Ooh, watch out. Hot java.
Victoria: [Sighs] What time is it?
Travis: You probably need this.
Victoria: I have to check in with, um, the -- the nanny and the office.
Travis: And you don't need this.
Victoria: Hmm? Why not?
Travis: Kids and work will be just fine without you. Everyone can survive a little longer.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Travis: How can anyone wake up this beautiful?
Victoria: Stop flirting with me.
Travis: Then you stop looking like that.
Victoria: Can't help it.
Travis: Neither can I.
Victoria: [Sighs] You know, um, I have meetings. I have meetings.
Travis: Or you could play hooky and delegate, like the CEO you are.
Victoria: [Giggles] That's not fair.
Travis: I'll work on that.
Summer: Straight to voicemail. I mean, there’s only so many messages I can leave. Victoria's phone must be off.
Luca: Yeah, or the battery’s dead.
Summer: Okay, well, who doesn’t plug their phone in overnight? You plug it in, go to sleep. How hard is that?
Luca: There must be a good explanation for why she’s not answering her phone.
Summer: Okay, well, we need to find her. This new oil spill is worse than the first one.
Luca: It’s a different situation. This is a storage container, not a rig.
Summer: It doesn’t matter what the source is. The media is gonna be all over this. Our most lucrative division, and we are sprouting leaks like a watering can.
Luca: Yeah, the press will be bad, but the regulators will be worse. They might force us to shut down all Newman oil operations until this is rectified.
Summer: Okay, we are gonna lose a fortune, not to mention our credibility. We need to fix this. We need our CEO here right now.
Luca: No, it’s too big this time. We're gonna need a heavy hitter to help us. We need your father. Get Nick on the phone.
Summer: [Sighs] Okay.
Nick: Sorry to just drop by. I wanted to talk to Faith about this Dancing Daddies thing, see what I'm really signing up for.
Sharon: Oh, well, I wish I knew you were coming. Faith had an early carpool today.
Nick: Oh, I guess I should have called first.
Sharon: Well, you know you’re always welcome here, right?
Nick: Yeah. Can I buy you breakfast, you know, we can talk, catch up?
Sharon: I'd have to take a rain check. I have a meeting with Chelsea.
Nick: Striking out all over town today.
Sharon: Well, maybe check with Summer, see what she’s doing.
Nick: Oh, I'm sure she’s in the office already, but... Before I go..
Sharon: What is it?
Nick: I may be out of line. I really hope I’m not. But these nightmares you're having about Sage... Sharon, I really hope you can
Sharon: I really wish Dylan wouldn't talk to you about my nightmares. You know, he's giving you information you don’t need to have and I don't want to share.
Nick: Look, please don’t be mad at him, okay? My brother knows I just -- I always worry about you, Sharon. We got a lot of history together. I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?
Sharon: How could I, Nick? Here you are, sad and you’re grieving, and I’m not gonna make it about me and my nightmares.
Nick: You were Sage's friend. And you were there the night of the accident. That's got to be traumatic as hell. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Sharon: The nightmares are over, Nick, okay? Last night went fine. I’m sure it was just a phase. You don’t have to worry about me, I swear.
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: I'm sorry. It's Newman Enterprises.
Sharon: Go ahead and take it. It might be important.
Nick: [Sighs] Hold on. Sorry. This is Nick.
Summer: Dad, hey, it’s me. Um, there’s been another oil spill. Can you come to the office?
Nick: Yeah. Hold on. I’m never gonna not worry about you. Never. So you might as well accept it. Summer, walk me through this.
Billy: So I guess this is the end of our fabulous getaway in which we didn’t actually get away.
Phyllis: Jack needs me.
Billy: And reality steps in, huh?
Phyllis: Yeah. You know, what we have, what we're doing, it... It's always gonna butt in. That's what reality does. We're gonna have always awkward goodbyes because we never know when we’re gonna see each other again.
Billy: Part of the package. Worth every moment. Hey, I don't want you to feel awkward about this. Or guilty. Okay?
Phyllis: Leaving you isn’t easy.
Billy: Being left behind is no great shakes, either. Well, those are lovely. Where did those come from?
Phyllis: Took a walk when you were in the shower. Katherine has always had the most beautiful garden. I wanted to leave something behind.
Billy: You are. Me. Till you come back to me again. If you got to go...
Phyllis: I do. You take care.
Billy: You, too.
Phyllis: Okay.
Adam: Honey, you brought up the trial, you implied that, you know, afterwards, I’m not gonna be around.
Chelsea: We have to acknowledge that it’s a possibility.
Adam: Oh, come on. Connor and I are gonna have countless adventures, countless camp-outs -- hopefully even outdoors, eventually.
Chelsea: Yeah, but Adam, your freedom is counting on the fact that, uh, Ian Ward comes through for you on the stand.
Adam: He will.
Chelsea: We don't know that.
Adam: [Sighs] I do. I’m sure of it.
Chelsea: What if he gets up there on that stand and it's all been a bunch of lies? I mean, what are the odds that Victor would actually admit to setting you up and, of all people, he would tell Ian Ward?
Adam: And Ian could just get up there for the sake of making sure I'm convicted as payback, or I could get caught colluding with him and go to prison for that. The possibilities are endless.
Chelsea: Yeah, they are, and that absolutely terrifies me.
Adam: I see that. But here's the thing, all right? None of that's gonna happen. Last night, this campsite -- this is something Connor and I are gonna remember forever. We're gonna talk about it. The three of us are gonna have adventures for the rest of our lives. We're gonna have adventures until he goes away to college, and then we’re probably gonna, you know, follow him wherever he goes.
Chelsea: You really believe that, don’t you? Through college, through all the years, we’re gonna -- we're gonna stay a family.
Adam: Yes. I do. Life is unpredictable. I-I’ve recognized that. But you got to make memories when you can, you know? And right now, we have this.
Chelsea: Yeah, we do.
Adam: We have us. That's not gonna change, right?
Chelsea: Right. So, what should we do today?
Adam: Okay, well, I thought you had a meeting with Sharon today.
Chelsea: I’ll cancel.
Adam: You're not canceling. No. This is your career, you know? This is your job. I’m not going anywhere, babe. We have plenty of time, okay?
Chelsea: How can you be so positive? If I was about to go on trial --
Adam: Well, this isn’t my first rodeo. And I’m still free, aren't I?
Chelsea: I love you.
Adam: I love you, too. You know what we can do?
Chelsea: What?
Adam: If you want -- I don’t know, I’m just spitballing here -- we could have our own camp-out. You know, I could protect you from wild bears.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Adam: Cling to me in gratitude. How’s that sound?
Chelsea: Okay, well, maybe we should skip the bear part.
Adam: Ooh, even better.
Chelsea: Mm.
Meredith: After you and Ian fought, you were sent to solitary and he was sent to me, and I had to treat him while he snickered at me and made these insinuations. He tried to convince me that, uh, you’re out to set up your own son.
Victor: He was playing head games with you.
Meredith: Well, he was very convincing.
Victor: Well, that doesn’t surprise me. You know, he was the leader of a cult for years. You didn't believe him, did you?
Meredith: Not entirely, but I needed time to think. And you didn't answer my note. Ian is going to take the stand for Adam's defense. He plans on lying and saying that you confessed to framing your own son.
Victor: Why, why, why, why, why, why, why. Well, there’s nothing I can do from inside these walls here.
Meredith: Well, I am not bound by these walls. I can do something, and I did do something.
Victor: What do you mean, you did something?
Meredith: I went and I spoke to Chief Williams and his wife, the district attorney, and I told them what you told me, that Adam is guilty and you’re protecting him.
Victor: But, Meredith, with all due respect, I didn’t ask you to do that. It was not your place.
Meredith: They’re going to ask me to testify, to be a witness. Now, I can't let Ian Ward make you out to be the criminal. If he gets his way, the jury will believe that you framed Adam.
Victor: They won’t. Not if I get up on the stand and tell them it's a damn lie.
Travis: Nothing bad ever came out of taking the morning off. Trust me on this.
Victoria: I do trust you. You’re an excellent role model.
Travis: [Laughs] Our only mistake was actually getting out of bed.
Victoria: [Laughs]
Travis: The pool does look good, though.
Victoria: Yeah, it looks nice. Up for a swim? That would be fun.
Travis: Yeah? There’s no one else here.
Victoria: I know. [Laughs]
Travis: What do you think?
Victoria: It’d be good.
Billy: It's a nice day for a swim.
Victoria: Billy. Hi. Um... Uh, this is Travis.
Billy: Yeah, we've actually -- We've met. How are you? Do you have a minute?
Victoria: Um, would you mind getting us a drink?
Billy: [Clears throat]
Travis: Iced tea?
Victoria: Yeah, that’d be perfect, thank you.
Billy: Office closed today?
Victoria: I don't punch a time clock, Billy.
Billy: No, you don’t because you’re the C.E.O. That's right. It's a nice day. It's a nice pool. That's -- That's a nice guy. It's nice to have a little "me" time, or should I say "we" time? You know what would be great, is if the kids were here to enjoy it.
Victoria: Are you actually calling me out as a mother right now? Don’t do that, Billy. You’re the one who bailed on the kids last weekend, last minute, okay? You don’t get to judge me. Are we clear on that?
Jack: Good to have you back. But you did not need to come home early for me.
Phyllis: Well, I did. And I’m here. You can’t get rid of me.
Jack: Yeah. Now. You gonna have to go back and finish what you started?
Phyllis: I don’t know. I don’t know, but this is where I’m at, so... I was worried. After our talk.
Jack: All I said was it was a long day.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know, but your long day sounded ominous. What's going on?
Jack: Oh, it’s complicated and, frankly, disheartening. People are gonna get in real trouble. All of the details are ugly and shocking and I suddenly was faced with having to decide how to handle it.
Phyllis: So I take it you're not gonna give me any names or specifics?
Jack: I hope you’re okay with that.
Phyllis: Well, knowing you and understanding how much you always want to protect me, yes, I understand. So what did you decide?
Jack: I decided to help. Not that I approve, but it seems the right thing to do in the present circumstances. Sometimes good people do bad things. I guess you have to know that their heart’s in the right place.
Sharon: So, here are some new possible vendors to look over. You were saying that you needed some higher-quality cashmere for the winter line. This company is widely respected.
Chelsea: Wow. Have I mentioned you're a godsend? Because you’re a godsend. I really needed some help right now.
Sharon: Uh, well, I'm happy to do whatever it takes. And I’m grateful for the opening because I didn't know how to bring this up.
Chelsea: Bring what up?
Sharon: Well, since Sage is gone, there’s a hole in the company, both emotionally and logistically. We need help. So I was going to suggest bringing Mariah into the company, if it's not too soon to talk about it.
Chelsea: No, you’re -- you’re right. I mean, it's -- it's been hard, you know? Thinking about Sage being gone, but we need somebody, especially since... [Sighs] since I’m gonna be splitting my time again very soon.
Sharon: Oh, because of the trial? How are you and Adam doing?
Chelsea: Uh... [Sighs] It's kind of like one extended mood swing, you know? Some days are hopeful. Other days are not-so-hopeful. We just keep trying to bolster each other's spirits and be brave. But it's hard, you know. Like, I watch him with Connor, and I know what he's doing. He's imagining his future and he's imagining all of the time he's gonna miss out on, potentially, with his son. He's thinking about all of the moments he could lose, the big ones and the small ones. And then I think about Connor. Without his father. I mean, we already lost Adam once, and now we have him back, and we could lose him again. It's just not right. I mean -- It's not right. They need each other. Their bond is so real and so special. It is a father-son bond, and that should be honored, you know? That should be respected, and it feels -- I’m so sorry. You know what? I’m rambling. I shouldn’t -- I’m sorry. I'm rambling.
Sharon: No. No, you make perfect sense to me.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Yeah. I mean, you understand, of course, because of Sully and his daddy.
Sharon: Yes. I do understand.
Chelsea: Sharon? Are you all right?
Sharon: Um, yeah. I'm fine. I just -- I got distracted. Sometimes I make lists in my head, and I was just thinking, we might need to order that cashmere soon. Just something to think about.
Chelsea: Okay. Well, you have a lot on your plate and I do appreciate all of your hard work, and I think your suggestion about Mariah is a good idea. I think that we should move forward with that. Are you sure you're okay?
Sharon: Um... I’m fine. Everything... Everything's fine.
Summer: Yes, we will update you as soon as we can.
Luca: No, don't even mention it to your lunch meeting. Not a word until you hear from this office.
Summer: Yes, we'll keep you posted. Oh, thank God you’re here.
Nick: What have we got?
Luca: The spill was at a refinery up north.
Summer: A valve from a storage tank was locked into the "open" position.
Luca: And the oil just gushed right out. As of right now, it’s unclear how it all happened.
Nick: Any word from Vick?
Summer: Um, no, she's not answering her cell phone. I spoke to the nanny that stayed with the kids overnight. I mean, what if something happened to her?
Nick: Something probably did happen -- Travis.
Summer: Yeah, we actually ran into him at Crimson Lights, and I kind of got the impression that things were over for them.
Nick: Yeah, well, I heard they weren't going well. I just told her to patch things up.
Luca: Why would you do that?
Nick: Because it’s her life. She likes him. He likes her. Being with someone is better than being alone. That's a fact.
Luca: Yeah, but this guy Travis? How can he be good for Victoria when it means she’s MIA during yet another crisis? Look, this is her office. She’s CEO. Instead, she's off doing God knows what with her bartender boyfriend.
Billy: That's interesting, because you come into my house and judge me nonstop, except you and your behavior is off limits? That's good to know, Victoria.
Victoria: You know what? I’m fine with you moving on. In fact, I want you to move on, but not if it means my kids walking in on a weekend with you and wine and women. So, yes, I had legitimate concerns about Johnny and Katherine. You’re just pissed off because I’m dating a new guy.
[Cell phone rings]
Travis: Hello?
Luca: Travis. This is Luca Santori. It's very important that I speak with Victoria now. Is she with you?
Travis: How did you get this number?
Luca: From whoever was manning your bar. Is she with you or not?
Travis: Hang on. Victoria. It's the office for you. Is your phone dead?
Victoria: Um, I don't know. Hi. Uh, this is Victoria.
Luca: There's been another oil spill. We've been trying to call you all morning.
Victoria: Uh... My, um... [Sighs] My -- My battery's dead. Okay. I’ll be right there. Don’t do anything until I get there. Okay. Bye. I have to go.
Travis: Do you what you got to do.
Billy: You know, Victoria playing hooky at Newman Enterprises is not the same as you skipping out on your bar.
Travis: I'm aware of that.
Billy: I used to own a little, uh, drinking establishment myself. It's not a lot of customers this time of the day, so it's easy to kind of bail on your responsibilities. Except you never know whose lives you’re affecting when you do that.
Travis: Look, Billy, between her work and her kids, I don't want to make Victoria’s life any more complicated than it already is. So, if we could find a way to get along, I'm in.
Billy: Yeah, that's really sweet, Travis, but you and I are never gonna be buddies, so you can dump that where it belongs.
Meredith: Oh, sorry.
Adam: Here you go.
Meredith: Oh. Thank you.
Adam: Surprised to see me here, I bet, right?
Meredith: A little bit. [Laughs]
Adam: Not that this isn't sufficiently awkward, being that you’re the star witness in the prosecution’s case, so I'll go.
Meredith: Um, I'm not. I’m not anymore. I actually have a meeting with the DA to retract my statement. I won’t be testifying in your trial.
Adam: Suppose you tell me
Jack: Thank you for not needing more details about this little disaster.
Phyllis: I know all I need to know -- that you are a good and generous man and a better friend than most people deserve.
Jack: Wow, you came all the way back from Montreal to tell me that.
Phyllis: To be with you. I’m here with you. It's a wife thing. It's what we do.
Jack: No, it’s a Phyllis thing -- it’s what you do. You’re tough, you’re ornery sometimes, but... you’re loving and loyal like nobody I know, and I can't tell you how grateful I am for that. And I never want you to think I take it for granted for one second.
Phyllis: Just too good for words.
Jack: Hey! Billy!
Billy: Hey. How are you two?
Jack: Good. Phyllis just got back from a trip to Montreal.
Billy: Is that right? Uh, yeah? How was your trip? It was good?
Phyllis: Yeah. It was Pass Key business.
Billy: Oh, look at that. I suddenly lost interest.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: My wife went to one of the most beautiful cities in the world with great restaurants, and she comes back with no details at all. Please tell me it wasn't all work, that you had some pleasure mixed in there.
Summer: No, just focus on your own department. You will get an update from us when we’re ready.
Nick: There she is.
Victoria: All right, Luca gave me the overview, but now I need specifics.
Luca: The focus is on the open valve. I just learned that the valve-control backup and security systems were both disabled remotely, giving anyone access to the valve. So there was someone off-site and someone on.
Summer: Which means that it was not an accident. One leak can be explained, but two in one month -- that's just sabotage.
Nick: There's really only one suspect.
Victoria: Dad. I just don't know how he could arrange for this from inside prison. I mean, he'd have to gain access to the software to shut down two systems and somehow arrange for the physical opening of a valve.
Luca: They have internet access in prison.
Victoria: But that wouldn't give him direct access to the facility. There are safeguards and firewalls. You know, there are only a couple of computers with direct access, and my laptop happens to be one of them, but even then you need a correlating I.D. card to send out and activate the correct codes.
Luca: Did anyone have access to that computer since last night?
[Door opens]
Adam: Thank you.
Victor: What do you want?
Adam: Well, that’s not a very nice way to greet me. Was I interrupting an intense game of solitaire? It's a little joke. I came to see what your next move was.
Victor: Queen of Clubs on King of Hearts.
Adam: Okay. Meredith is recanting. She’s refusing to testify against me, and since I know damn well she’s dying to get me behind these bars... I’m curious to know -- what, did you tell her to back off?
Victor: All you need to know is that she will not contradict your witness Ian Ward’s testimony. That should make you happy.
Adam: Yeah, but I -- I sort of figured there was no way in hell you're gonna let Ian’s testimony go unchallenged, so what's -- what's your big secret? What do you got up your sleeve? You got a fake maid that saw me put some poison in poor old Constance’s tea, or do you got a security guard that doctored up some footage? What's -- What's going on?
Victor: I will testify.
Adam: You?
Victor: I'll be there to reply to Ian Ward’s claims. I’m complying with the District Attorney’s Office to give my testimony.
Adam: Oh, your testimony. Which is what, exactly?
Victor: Oh, the truth.
Adam: You're gonna -- [Laughing] You're gonna tell the truth -- all right. So you're gonna -- you're gonna say that these murder charges are bogus, that you set me up, that you're blackmailing me? I don’t see that happening.
Victor: I don't know what you did or didn’t do, okay? But I know that Meredith, the prison doctor, had no right to go to the Chief of Police with information I did not give her.
Adam: So now you’re gonna testify. You’re gonna testify because you are so hell-bent on ruining my life because you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions, and you think I'm responsible for you being in here, don’t you?
Victor: You certainly contributed to my being in here, didn't you? Hmm? But I can tell you with all sincerity... I have a perfectly clear
Adam: Your conscience is clear.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: How could it not be? You don’t have one, right? Because whatever it is that you want, you think you’re entitled to it. It doesn't matter, collateral damage. You’ve ruined another man’s life? Who cares, right? You got what you wanted. You destroy another man’s family? Who the hell cares? Victor Newman got what he wanted. He's King of the Universe, right?
Victor: If you end up in here, that's your fault, no one else's.
Adam: Why, because I wouldn't kowtow to every single thing that you wanted? Be your lap dog?
Victor: How can I frame you from in here? Be serious.
Adam: You do it the same way you do everything else, Dad. You get somebody else to do your dirty work for you. And this time, you've figured out someone who doesn’t give a damn about me or my family, for that matter.
Victor: I don't give a damn about my family? Talking about family, how’s your son? How’s Connor, my grandson? How’s he?
Adam: I'll show you, actually...how he’s doing.
Chelsea: Where’s Connor? [Gasps] Peek-a-boo!
Adam: There he is! All right!
Chelsea: Where did he go? Oh, there he is!
Adam: You know what you're looking at there? Ready to face the day. That's a son that loves his father.
Chelsea: Yes, it was.
Adam: When was the last time you experienced something like that? Probably can't remember, right? Because you managed to take every single person that ever cared about you, including me, Dad, and you pushed us away.
Victor: Get out.
Adam: Familiar words. "Get out." I will leave. I’ll tell you what. I’m not gonna abandon my son. No matter what. So whoever the hell you’re working with... I’m gonna find out who it is.
Victor: Good luck to you.
[Door closes]
Billy: I’d like to stick around, but I got some Brash & Sassy! stuff to take care of, so, uh... Have fun catching up.
Jack: We will.
Phyllis: See you soon.
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: I am not picking up a Montreal vibe from you at all. You know what? The next time you have a meeting there, I think you need to bring me with you.
Phyllis: Well, I would be working, and you would be bored. Besides, we are both right here, right now.
Jack: So, what do you say we follow Billy's advice, then, and spend a little time catching up? At home. In fact, we could spend the whole day catching up. What do you say?
Victoria: I said you need a proper computer and connections. My computer is obviously not the only option.
Luca: You said you’d need an ID, and yours is right there with the computer --
Victoria: Which is right by my side.
Luca: Was it all night? Even when you slept?
Victoria: What exactly are you trying to accuse me of, Luca? You know, I am the C.E.O. of Newman.
Nick: The valve is shut, the leak is over, but the press issue is just beginning.
Summer: Okay, now, anger is not gonna solve any of this. We just have to be calm and logical. We're just trying to gather facts so we can get to the bottom of this problem.
Victoria: By trying to pin it on Travis.
Luca: I never said Travis --
Victoria: Oh, don't be such a child. Of course you’re trying to implicate Travis. Everybody in the room knows that that's what you’re trying to do, but it doesn't make any sense, does it? He's not a corporate spy. He owns a bar.
Summer: Well, he’s not exactly pro-Newman Enterprises.
Luca: Yeah, and when he was on Wall Street, his focus was oil and energy.
Victoria: Which he tried to get as far away from as he could.
Luca: Look, we had this conversation after the last spill --
Victoria: Yeah, and you were wrong the last time, too, weren’t you?
Luca: These disasters started after you met Travis. You can’t deny that.
Victoria: True, because I went into a bar and I had a drink to get away from this chaos. Come on. It's not like Travis saw me on the street and said, "Come on into the bar and have a drink so I can steal your laptop and create an environmental disaster."
Luca: Well, maybe someone recruited him. Maybe someone hired by Victor, like Nick said. Look, they could have just had you followed and learned how you were spending your time.
Victoria: Yeah, because normal people have other people followed.
Nick: All right, look, this is going off the rails fast.
Victoria: You're right. Let’s end it right now. I’ll go talk to Travis.
Nick: I don't like it.
Luca: Yeah, neither do I. So I'll go. If we’re wrong and he’s innocent, it won't be you he's angry at.
Summer: Yeah, actually, you know what? That's -- That's a good idea.
Nick: Then your relationship is protected.
Victoria: [Scoffs] Fine. Go. Talk to him.
Sharon: Go away, go away, go away, go away.
Victoria: Look, as far as the press is concerned, Newman is either completely inept because we've had two oil spills within the last month, or we’re under siege and being attacked from an outside source and, um, didn't have enough security measures in place.
Nick: We already told the press sabotage was involved in the first leak.
Victoria: But we didn't stop whoever did this. We let it happen again. We need to figure out who did this. We have to find out who’s behind this thing. [Sighs]
Nick: It might not be Travis.
Victoria: I know. But it could have been, and that's the point. I was careless and I was really stupid. I still believe that it probably wasn't him, but... Nick, if it was, how could I be so foolish?
Luca: We need to talk.
Travis: I'm listening.
Phyllis: I would love nothing more than to go home with you tonight, but they need me at the office.
Jack: I am buddies with the CEO. I could probably loosen up your schedule a bit.
Phyllis: Nepotism isn't pretty.
Jack: Okay, I can wait for tonight, if I must wait.
Phyllis: I’ll see you soon.
[Door slams]
[Keys jingle]
Phyllis: Katherine always had the most beautiful garden. I wanted to leave something behind.
Billy: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Meredith: So, your son visited, didn’t he?
Victor: Yeah. And now he knows that you will not testify at his trial, but that I will. Do you mind if I use your phone?
Meredith: The warden has made it very clear that he is watching me. I have to be so careful.
Victor: I understand.
Meredith: I'll give you five minutes.
Victor: Five minutes. I swear. You have done very well, my dear. Just one more request.
Chelsea: Are you sure you want to do that?
Adam: Positive.
Chelsea: What's going on? The nanny called and said that she was at the park with Connor, but I thought you and Connor were having, like, a man date. Did something happen? Adam!
Adam: I hope that son of a bitch dies in prison.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Devon: Don’t tell me that we just grew apart. There’s more going on here than just that. I want to know what it is.
Meredith: How was your visit with your wife?
Luca: Who knew someone so prim and proper
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