Y&R Transcript Friday 6/17/16
Episode # 10946 ~ Dylan & Nick confront Sharon, Ashley defends her family, and Billy & Phyllis give into temptation!
Provided By Jim
Billy: So, listen, Johnny. I’m really sorry that I can’t hang out with you this weekend. But what I got planned next weekend’s gonna be even better. You know why? What's your favorite thing to do in the world? [Chuckles] That's right -- dinosaur park. Me, you, and T-Rex, all right, all weekend. It's gonna be a blast. Yes. Okay. Listen. I love you. Be good. Give your sister a kiss for me, too. Okay. Bye. Hi, Hannah. Uh, yeah, yeah, thank you for that. Um, and you’re gonna tell Victoria that the plans have changed, correct? Okay, great. Okay, good. Um, that's it. Okay, thanks. Bye. [Sighs]
Billy: I would give anything to just wake up and hold you in my arms away from prying eyes.
Jack: Phyllis? Hello?
Phyllis: I’m sorry. What was your question?
Jack: Wow. I lost you there for a moment. No, I was just wondering if I knew any of these new Pass Key investors you’re meeting with in Montreal.
Phyllis: No, I doubt it. They're contacts I networked myself.
Jack: I am so proud of you. As you know, Pass Key was not my favorite project for quite a while -- off to a rough start. You’ve grown it in ways I never could have imagined.
Phyllis: Don’t be proud of me, Jack. It's just business as usual.
Jack: Are you kidding me? You are a star. You’re beautiful. You’re smart. How did I get so lucky?
Devon: Hey, it’s my two favorite people. Happy to be home.
Lily: Yeah, you cut your trip short?
Devon: No, why?
Lily: Hilary didn't tell you.
Devon: Didn't tell me what?
Cane: She collapsed the other night right here in the club.
Devon: Is she okay?
Cane: Well, she claims it was low blood sugar because she hadn't eaten all day.
Devon: Did she go to the hospital?
Cane: No, she refused.
Devon: Well, why am I only hearing about this now?
Lily: Because the only thing wrong with Hilary is Hilary. She faked a fainting spell to get Jack's attention.
Hilary: Please tell me that you perfected your miracle drug.
Dr. Neville: Progress, not perfection.
Hilary: [Sighs] I cannot believe that this is happening.
Dr. Neville: Unfortunately, the tremor in your right hand proves that it is.
Hilary: And the longer it takes you to figure it out, the greater the chance that I end up back in a coma. Though some people may not think that's so horrible.
Ashley: Please. I never wanted you to relapse, Hilary, although now maybe you can understand why Neville and I were fighting you pushing that drug trial through, especially after the second patient had a negative reaction.
Hilary: But not you. You seem fine.
Ashley: Just lucky, I guess.
Dr. Neville: No, your pathologies are completely different. A traumatic injury --
Hilary: Just fix it, all right? You owe me.
Nick: Sharon is having nightmares about Sage?
Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah. You know, with me, uh, working Adam's case and all this talk about Sage's journal, it just brought up a lot of stuff for Sharon.
Nick: Sharon said she wasn’t sleeping, but it was because Sully’s teething.
Dylan: Nah, it’s not about Sully. It's all about Sharon.
Nick: Well, Sharon did find Sage the night of the accident. That's got to be a tough image to shake. I hate that it's haunting her, but why wouldn't she just tell me that?
Sharon: Nick knows me so well. Of course, he could tell something was wrong.
Mariah: Because you're acting like a crazy person. You have to stop letting your fear call the shots.
Sharon: How? I go to bed with this every night. I wake up with it every morning. I-I have to tell him. I have to. But I can’t. I mean, how?
Mariah: This is why you need to see a shrink. But you won’t, so your only option is to peel yourself off the ceiling. Go feed the horses. Do yoga in the park -- something, because this is not working for you.
Sharon: What if Nick just figures it out?
Mariah: Oh, God. Please don't get me started with the whole Sully cowlicks thing again. The only thing that is gonna give this away is your guilt. It's like a tattoo on your forehead. So, please... let’s go get out of the house, because being inside is making you loony.
Kevin: I gather this isn’t a
Jack: I admit to being surprised how quickly this trip to Montreal got thrown together, but I respect your judgment, and I have all the faith in the world in you.
Phyllis: Just doing my job.
Jack: Nah, you’re doing more than your job. You’re going the extra mile. Look, you could do this over a conference call, but you wanted to make it personal, let these investors know what the Abbott name stands for, that we don't just talk about loyalty.
Phyllis: Wow. Look at the time. I-I really do need to go.
Jack: Okay. I’ll get you to the airport. I’ll see you off.
Phyllis: No. No, no. You have your hands full juggling the foundation and Jabot. I-I called a car.
Jack: Always thinking about me. Promise me you'll call when you get there?
Phyllis: Of course, I will.
Jack: I know you’re only gonna be gone for a few days, but I miss you already. I love you.
Phyllis: It's only Canada, Jack. I’ll see you in a few days.
Ashley: Neville owes you?
Hilary: He used me as a guinea pig in his Frankenstein experiment.
Dr. Neville: That's a little harsh, isn't it? If it wasn't for my work, you wouldn't be here to toss around demands or insults.
Hilary: I protected you.
Dr. Neville: You blackmailed me.
Hilary: I convinced my husband to fund your research.
Ashley: For the greater glory of you.
Hilary: I took control of my life. I won’t apologize for that. But you. You go on and on about your genius, how us mere mortals should bow to your brilliance, how the medical community is too closed-minded to appreciate your gift. Well, it is now time that you live up to your own hype. Perfect this drug. Make it work before this gets worse, or I swear to God, I --
Ashley: Okay, is this actually happening right now? You’re threatening the man who holds your life in his hands. That's not really effective management style. Do you see that?
Hilary: Exactly. My life is on the line. And the two of you do nothing but fight me. I swear to God, you probably want me to die.
Dr. Neville: That's enough. Ashley didn’t pay off the lab tech. You did. But she is willing to take the fall. So instead of badgering her, why don’t you try a little gratitude? And while you’re at it, you could take a few steps back from me, because thanks to your mistakes, I no longer have time for anything but my work. And I’ve had enough of your self-destructive narcissism. I want nothing more than for you to live a long life. Whether or not it’s happy is up to you. But I-I give you my word I'm doing everything to make it happen.
Hilary: You have work to do, Doctor.
Ashley: And you and I have a deal, don’t we, Hilary? You stay away from the lab. You stay away from my brother. Do we understand each other?
Hilary: Perfectly.
Dr. Neville: What deal?
Devon: So let me just understand what you’re saying. Because -- Because Jack was present when my wife collapsed, you’re gonna spin that into she’s cheating on me now?
Lily: I didn’t say that she's cheating on you. She’s just lining up her next conquest.
Devon: Do you hear yourself?
Lily: There is nothing wrong with Hilary.
Devon: She passed out.
Lily: Yeah, and so beautifully, right into Jack's arms.
Devon: I’m -- I'm not gonna argue with you about this, okay? I know that my wife has flaws. My eyes are wide open about that. But I-I love her. She loves me, okay? And that's what you do. You love the whole package of who you’re with.
Lily: Well, the whole package is making you out to be a fool. And I can’t stand to watch it.
Devon: And I-I mean, I-I assume you agree with her.
Cane: I think your sister's concerned about you with good reason.
Devon: Well, let me assure you guys we’ve gotten past all the distrust, and we're on a path to actually have a happy life, okay? My wife ended up at the bottom of a cliff on our honeymoon because of things our father did, so if you want to blame someone for what she's doing or going through, blame him.
Lily: Yeah, what Dad did was horrible, but you can’t blame him for Hilary's behavior.
Devon: I sure can, yeah. She was a victim through it, and so was I. He and Neville let me think that she’s dead. You don’t just get over that.
Lily: Well, she has a very proactive way of getting over it -- by blackmailing us and showing us who she really is, which is a money-grubbing tramp.
Cane: All right, there’s no reason to --
Lily: W-What, to -- to speak the truth? I mean, you need to hear it.
Devon: I need to check on my wife. That's what I need to do.
Lily: Devon, open your eyes. Hilary knows exactly what she’s doing. But Jack is too good of a guy to see it. And so are you. [Sighs]
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: You’re not changing your mind, are you?
Phyllis: Maybe I should.
Billy: You can’t. [Scoffs]
Phyllis: I lied to Jack.
Billy: Look. Phyllis, I know how hard this is, but --
Phyllis: It's wrong, Billy. This is so wrong. What the hell are we doing?
Billy: Hold on a second. There’s somebody at the door.
Phyllis: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Before you answer it, just answer me this. What we’re doing, what we’re about to do, is it worth risking everything?
Mariah: It’s so beautiful out, I was suggesting Sharon get some fresh air.
Kevin: Oh, 'cause you're all about fresh air now? That's your new thing -- the great outdoors?
Mariah: I hear it's very good for people -- endorphins and all that crap. So, tiptoe among the tulips, run your errands, because you’ve been cooped up in here all day long.
Sharon: Sully is still taking a nap.
Mariah: I can manage a game of peek-a-boo when he wakes up.
Sharon: Okay. Nice seeing you again, Kevin.
Kevin: You, too.
Mariah: What are you doing here?
Kevin: I miss you.
Mariah: Mm. When do you have time for that, high life you’re living with the new and improved swizzle stick?
Kevin: Forget about Natalie for a minute. Look. I haven’t been a very good friend lately, but I am your friend. And I want you to tell me what's going on here.
Mariah: Here? This house?
Kevin: Yes. Sharon's clearly very upset. You’re on edge, acting weird.
Mariah: No, I'm not.
Kevin: You just kicked her out of the house and told her to go tiptoe through the tulips.
Mariah: Everything is fine, perfectly fine. We are just your normal, average, all-American family. So if that's really all you wanted, I have a game of peek-a-boo to prep for.
Kevin: Here's -- Here's the deal. I am not leaving until you tell me what’s going on.
Dylan: [Sighs] I think the reason Sharon didn't tell you about the nightmares she was having about Sage, besides not wanting to burden you -- Sharon feels guilty.
Nick: About what?
Dylan: Just, you know, just about life moving on when you’re dealing with such a huge loss. Apparently, uh, Chelsea and Sharon, they have to fill Sage's job, and Sharon asked Mariah to take the position.
Nick: Uh, it did seem a little off when I walked in. Maybe that was the conversation I stepped into the middle of. Why wouldn't they just tell me that, though?
Dylan: She doesn’t want to do anything to make it harder on you.
Nick: Well, that might explain why she’s been acting so strange around me, almost uncomfortable... especially if I’m around Sully.
Billy: You know, I picked those strawberries myself, fresh, straight out of the basket at the market. I was walking down the aisles, trying to figure out what was gonna put a smile on your face. I didn't know if it was foie gras and toast or chips and dip. I realized that I don’t know that much about you. And I want to know more. Maybe I should have just went with potato chips, huh? Salt and vinegar, maybe?
Phyllis: Yeah, I love salt and vinegar.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: No, this is beautiful. This is delicious. I just -- I’m not that hungry. I had...lunch with Jack.
Billy: Oh.
Phyllis: How’s Brash & Sassy?
Billy: [Chuckles] Brash & Sassy! -- It's not what I expected. I mean, you know, I-I did my homework, the fundamentals, the -- the numbers. I implemented strategies for growth, of course. [Sighs]
Phyllis: That's good. That sounds good so far.
Billy: Yeah, but I overlooked one thing. Victoria built that business not just on P&L numbers, but on relationships... with the vendors, with the VPs, with the guys at the loading dock. They love her. You know, you should hear what they say about her, how well she treats them, tough but fair. What's not to love, you know?
Devon: Hey, babe.
Hilary: Oh, my gosh. Hey.
Devon: Hey.
Hilary: You're home early. [Chuckles]
Devon: Couldn't stay away from my beautiful wife.
Hilary: Aww. I missed you, too, mm, so much.
Devon: I missed you. How you doing?
Hilary: I'm good.
Devon: You okay?
Hilary: Yeah, of course.
Devon: You sure?
Hilary: Yeah.
Devon: 'Cause I heard that you, uh -- heard that you collapsed.
Hilary: Oh.
Devon: Why didn't you call me?
Hilary: Because it was -- it was nothing, okay? I-I was just so busy, I forgot to eat, okay? And it was really embarrassing, so please, please, can we just pretend like it never happened?
Devon: No, babe, I don’t want to pretend that it didn’t happen. I think that you should actually see a doctor to make sure it's not something serious. I might insist that you do that.
Hilary: Devon, I’m fine, okay? And I would much rather hear about your trip, hmm?
Devon: Honey, I know how strong you are, and I know how much you can handle, ’cause I’ve literally seen you take on the world without missing a beat, which makes me feel like there's more to this that you’re not telling me. [Knock on door]
Billy: I-I mean, I know cosmetics from being at Jabot. I get it, but being in the driver's seat at Brash & Sassy!, it's different. And it's on me now. I got to choose between Sultry Sienna lipstick and Vixen’s Violet...
Phyllis: Oh.
Billy: ...I mean, which one makes the new fall lineup. That's a tough decision. And I can’t necessarily take Vixen’s Violet for a test run. I don’t know if it lasts all day.
Phyllis: Right.
Billy: Maybe I should. And then there's the ad campaigns. It's up to me. I got to choose between beautiful and beautiful.
Phyllis: I don’t know how you do it.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Phyllis: That's very difficult. I mean, photo shoots are hard, you know, with gorgeous women? I don’t know. It's just another tough day at the office, I guess.
Billy: It is.
Phyllis: You bought a cosmetics company. What did you expect?
Billy: Well, when Brash & Sassy! came on the market, I... [Inhales sharply] ...couldn’t resist.
Phyllis: Oh.
Billy: Thought it was the karmic pendulum swinging back at Victoria.
Phyllis: Knocking her down for the count, huh?
Billy: Well, she did have me fired from Pass Key. And Jack was quick to comply.
Phyllis: They... did not get you off of Pass Key because they hate you. It was just the opposite.
Billy: More wine?
Phyllis: They did it because they love you.
Jack: I'm sorry for interrupting. I didn't realize you were back from your trip, Devon.
Devon: It's not a problem. We were just catching up.
Jack: Uh, I don't want to put a crimp in your homecoming. I --
Devon: No, no, please. What brings you up here?
Jack: Just checking on Hilary. Uh, foundation business. But, you know, it can wait.
Devon: No, actually, we were just talking about, um, Hilary's workload and how, uh, I think she might be overdoing it, 'cause I found out she collapsed. What do you think about that?
Hilary: Devon, I told you, I just -- I forgot to eat. That's it.
Devon: You were there, though, when it happened, Jack. Do you -- You know, what do you think about it?
Jack: I think your wife throws herself heart and soul into anything she gets involved in, and she needs to remember to eat a sandwich once in a while.
Hilary: [Chuckles] All I need is my husband. And you know I don't sleep well when you're away. And now that you're home, I will be fine, okay?
Jack: That’s my cue.
Devon: Uh, hey, listen. You wouldn't have come up here if it wasn't important, so stay, and you guys can discuss whatever business you need to.
Ashley: So now do you understand why I made that deal with her? You have to be able to perfect your formula. You and your beautiful mind have to be free so you can get that drug trial through. You can save other lives just like you did mine.
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] I deeply regret that you felt compelled to act in a manner that was so against your nature. But I promise you, I am doing my utmost to live up to the faith that you have in me.
Ashley: I thought there were no promises in medicine.
Dr. Neville: No, there aren't. But there are between friends. I intend to keep this one.
Nick: Does Sharon think I begrudge your happiness, the fact that you have a healthy baby and a happy marriage? Do you, Dylan?
Dylan: Uh, no. I -- Nick, I want you to be happy.
Nick: Yeah, but if I’m making Sharon uncomfortable just by being around her, then maybe I --
Dylan: Okay, just -- just stop right there, because you know Sharon cares about you. We care about you. She’s concerned. She knows what it’s like to have a child taken away from her.
Nick: Sharon, don't you know that by now? You can be honest with me about
Mariah: I hate to burst your inflated sense of yourself, but there is nothing going on. And even if there was, I have no burning desire to share it with you.
Kevin: I know you better than anyone.
Mariah: Then you’d know that I don’t miss your smelly socks or your half-eaten kung pao shrimp that you leave in the sink.
Kevin: That was one time.
Mariah: I have a question. How does the designer version of Natalie deal with your man-slob habits? Is she trying to change you, or is she just gonna buy a brand-new house to go with the brand-new you?
Kevin: T-This is classic you! You can’t take the heat, so you change the subject. Guess what? It's not gonna work this time. I don’t leave until you tell me what's going on. Well, whatever it is, it has you in knots, because you haven’t been the same since you moved in with Sharon.
Mariah: I moved in with Sharon because my roommate became a rich jackass.
Kevin: But you stayed because of Sharon. So whatever this is, it has to do with her. That's not a question. Tell me.
Sharon: Well, of course I know I can talk to you, Nick.
Nick: Apparently not about this. I mean, Dylan told me that you’ve been having nightmares about Sage.
Sharon: Wha-- Why would you tell him that? Uh, I mean, why would you share something so upsetting with your brother?
Dylan: Because Nick is worried about you.
Sharon: I-I'm fine.
Nick: Sharon, we’ve known each other for too long. I can tell when you’re fine and when you're not. Look. It might be these nightmares or -- or Sage haunting you. I’m having the same sleepless nights. But when I was over at your place hanging out with you and Sully, you could barely look me in the eye or hold a conversation. I couldn't help but think that...
Sharon: Think what?
Nick: Maybe you were backsliding on your medication. I mean, the early signs were there.
Sharon: A bipolar episode.
Nick: But Dylan corrected me. He said that you've been keeping up with your meds. And I’m sorry that I assumed the worst.
Billy: I have to say, though, heading up Brash & Sassy! gives me a whole new appreciation for what, you know, women [Chuckles] go through to feel good about themselves.
Phyllis: It's a 24/7 job.
Billy: It is. It’s insane. I don’t know how you guys do it.
Phyllis: [Chuckles]
Billy: I will say, though, there’s nothing -- There’s nothing more beautiful than a woman when she just wakes up in the morning, or when she's hanging out, all relaxed, no makeup on, just feeling good about herself.
Phyllis: You’ve never seen me when I wake up. I’m all bed head.
Billy: I’m looking forward to seeing that. You are so beautiful.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I -- [Sighs] I can’t do this. I can’t do this.
Billy: It's easy. You just put your lips on mine, and we go from there.
Phyllis: I’m -- I'm feeling awkward, and I just -- I’m awkward.
Billy: Well, maybe we just need to relax. Maybe we both just need to relax and keep the rest of the world on the other side of that door.
Phyllis: Or maybe we just come to our senses, and we end this. We end this before there's no going back.
Jack: The fundraiser and the dedication put the Abbott-Winters Foundation on the map, but I want to build on that momentum. I want to build relationships with the community. These are the people we’re gonna be partnering with in the future.
Hilary: The stronger our ties with the community, the broader the scope of our outreach. I will make it a priority to liaison with all community leaders, business and civic.
Jack: Good, that’s exactly what we need. And if you can manage Jill, you can manage all of the above without breaking a sweat.
Hilary: [Chuckles] I’ll get started on a list right now. I like Jill, even if, um, the feeling isn’t mutual. How can you not admire a woman who went from manicurist to CEO?
Jack: That’s the spirit.
Hilary: [Sighs] I’ll get started on this list later. And, you know, um, I really -- I look forward to the challenge.
Jack: Yeah, well, thank you for all of your hard work. And, Devon...
Devon: Hmm?
Jack: ...I’m sorry to have, uh, messed up your return. Welcome home, huh?
Devon: Thanks.
Jack: Talk to you later.
Devon: So what was that
Mariah: Look. You’re reading way too much into this. My mom just had a baby. I needed a place to stay because I didn't want to live a wall away from you and Natalie jumping each other's bones.
Kevin: There is no bone-jumping.
Mariah: Okay, I think that’s enough sharing for today, so you can go.
Kevin: Nope. It's your turn.
Mariah: Do you really want to know? Okay, fine. Here it is. I didn't get a lot of time growing up with Sharon. And I wasn't in the best head space when I came here. But I get it now, the whole family thing. And I would really like to be a part of it.
Kevin: What about the part where you told me you were having problems with Sharon, and that things were horrible and complicated, and you couldn’t un-know what you know?
Mariah: There's nothing going on! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! So thank you very much and goodbye. You’ve done your good deed for the day. You can cross it off the list and go back to doing whatever it is you do with Natalie and your millions.
Kevin: You can trust me with it, Mariah. You can trust me with anything.
Sharon: Don't apologize, Nick. Thinking I could be on the verge of an episode -- That’s not the worst thing you could imagine.
Nick: No, but I should trust your ability to handle your own condition in your way. You’ve been doing a great job, Sharon. And I just want to see that continue. And I think it's great that you offered Mariah Sage’s old job with Chelsea.
Sharon: You told him that, too?
Dylan: This whole thing has been stressing you out. I wanted Nick to understand why you haven’t been yourself lately.
Sharon: Nick, I'm so sorry.
Nick: I'm fine with you filling Sage's position. You have nothing to feel guilty about. You have a beautiful marriage and family and children. You’re living the dream, Sharon. So no guilt.
Sharon: Yes, but --
Nick: No, no "but"s. Enjoy what you have. You hang on to your family with both hands. I know better than anyone that it can be gone in an instant. So keep them close. Hang on to them.
Dylan: The man speaks the truth.
Sharon: It’s just... so unfair.
Nick: It’s life. And you’re not doing anything wrong by continuing to live yours. I don’t want you mired in sadness or grief. Be happy for your blessings. Move on.
Hilary: You heard us. It was just foundation business.
Devon: Well, you know, the thing is, I’ve, uh -- I’ve also heard some other stuff about you and Jack.
Hilary: Okay. Lily has a really big imagination. You cannot possibly believe her.
Devon: My first instinct is, you know, of course not. But, you know, seeing you two with your heads together like this, it, uh, felt like a little more than business.
Hilary: What you probably felt was how uncomfortable Jack was around me. Before I collapsed, Lily accused me of having designs on him right in front of him. It was embarrassing for everyone. I’m not surprised that Jack would tiptoe around me.
Devon: Lily really did that?
Hilary: Devon, she’s still doing it. You’ve been home, what, five minutes, and she has you doubting me. Look, Lily hates me. Okay, I’ve made mistakes. And I regret them. I’ve done everything that I can to make things right. And I’m tired of trying to prove myself... apparently even to my husband, the man that I love. Devon, please. Don’t let Lily do this to us.
Ashley: Oh, great. You’re here.
Jack: Actually, I've been meaning to speak to you.
Ashley: I want to talk to you about Hilary. Just wait. Wait. Wait. She’s got you in her sights, Jackie.
Jack: Stop already. I have heard enough warnings about that poor woman for one day.
Ashley: Did you say "poor woman"? Is it too late?
Jack: It’s a figure of speech.
Ashley: And she's a piece of work, Jackie. Just listen to me, okay? She has mastered the art of playing the victim.
Jack: She is a valued asset.
Ashley: Oh, and she wants to be so much more than that.
Jack: Enough, already. She’s happily married. I’m happily married. I am not being manipulated.
Ashley: You are being manipulated. You are. Just consider yourself warned.
Jack: Okay. Now that I am warned, can we talk?
Ashley: [Sighs] Yes, I want to say one more thing.
Jack: Why am I not surprised?
Ashley: I'm thinking about stepping back from Neville's drug project. I want to go back to work at Jabot.
Phyllis: I don’t even know what I was thinking. I don’t know what I was thinking. I mean, my husband's brother, the weekend, here? My God. He could knock on the door again.
Billy: I want to be with you, Phyllis.
Phyllis: This picnic -- This picnic that you put together... is inside because we can't have people see us together. And that is cheap. And that is dirty. And I don’t know when I became this woman. I don’t. And I can’t do it. I can't. I have got to tell Jack that the flight was canceled or that the investors rescheduled. [Sighs] Look, this lie would not be difficult to tell because I’ve really told some whoppers lately. I even convinced myself that you and I could do this. This whole weekend, we could just be in each other’s arms, and -- [Inhales deeply] It was crazy, and it was a stupid fantasy.
Billy: Wait, please.
Esther: On the house.
Nick: Thanks.
Esther: You know, it was really hard for me when Mrs. C died, to move on. [Sighing] Oh, it was... just as hard, too, when I lost my little Delia. Not to mention that Chloe’s not even an active part of our lives anymore. She’s -- She's just gone. And you wonder how the world can go on, but it does. And then one day, you feel the sun on your face. And you look around. And you realize that this is your life... your precious life. And you need to go on, too.
Nick: [Voice breaking] Thanks. Hey, uh, Dylan, it's me. Um... I changed my mind. I’m giving you permission to exhume Constance's body again. I need to move on and get the truth for Sage.
Mariah: Why are you so close to me?
Kevin: I didn't notice. I’m just standing here.
Mariah: Okay. Well, you might want to take a step back, because I might do something crazy like throw a lip lock on you. And we wouldn’t want that.
Kevin: [Sighs] I know that we have struggled to figure out what this relationship is.
Mariah: You think?
Kevin: And the way Pass Key played out, maybe you feel like you can’t trust me anymore. But I’m here to tell you that you can. I’m your friend. I know you inside and out. I know that the more pain you’re in, the more you lash out. And I know that underneath all that snark is this crazy-big heart. So maybe you're trying to help someone or protect someone. And maybe that someone is Sharon. And maybe you feel like you’re in so deep, you can’t see a way out, and maybe it’s tearing you apart.
Mariah: All right! [Sighs] All right. You’re right. I’ll tell you everything.
Lily: I shouldn't let Hilary get to me. And there’s no point in shoving the truth in Devon's face. So you know what? I’m done. [Scoffs] I’m over it. I-I quit.
Cane: So that's it.
Lily: [Sighs]
Cane: You're just gonna quit.
Lily: What else am I supposed to do?
Cane: You don't quit. And you don’t give up. You would take down Godzilla to protect your family.
Lily: Or Hilary. [Sighs] You know what? If telling him about her won't do any good, maybe showing him will. I mean, all I have to do...
Cane: [Chuckles]
Lily: All we have to do...
Cane: Right.
Lily: ...is find a way to get him to see her for who she really is.
Cane: Yeah.
Hilary: I can take the insults and the insinuations. I’ve gotten used to them. But what breaks my heart... ...is the one person that truly knows me, that understands me, would doubt me. Don’t you know -- Don’t you know how much I love you? How much I need you?
Jack: So you want to come back to Jabot.
Ashley: Yes.
Jack: Interesting.
Ashley: It is interesting. I think it makes perfect sense.
Jack: Okay, we can discuss that. But first, there is the matter of your paying a lab technician to alter the results of a medical trial?
Ashley: I figured you were gonna hear about that.
Jack: What the hell were you thinking, Ash? You’re one of the most ethical people I know. Now you’re paying a lab tech to alter the results? You believe in this research. Why would you cross that line? Why would you risk it?
Ashley: Exactly, because I do believe in that research, Jack. It saved my life. And the sooner this drug is on the market, the sooner it’s gonna save a lot of other lives.
Jack: I could almost justify your doing this to give hope to other people -- almost. Cutting corners isn’t just bad business. In this case, it could put lives at risk. This isn't like you, which has me wondering, is this Neville’s influence?
Ashley: Don't blame him.
Jack: Or is something going on that I don’t know about?
Phyllis: I-I need to be with my husband.
Billy: Listen. I know this is crazy. It's crazy. And I know this is a fairy tale. And there’s a million reasons to walk out that door. But I don’t want you to. I want you to s-- I want you to stay here. I want you to stay so we can talk and laugh and... I don’t know, work through awkward silences and uncomfortable pauses. I want to get to know you more. I want to know everything about you. And I want to know what it's like to wake up to you in the morning. And when I open my eyes, I want my eyes to -- to see yours.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Devon: Press now means more sales for us later.
Dr. Neville: Not the kind of press that says our patients are dying.
Jack: You know who abducted you, don't you? Tell me. Who is it? [Doorknob rattling]
Ashley: Billy, let me in!
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