Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/16/16


Episode # 10945 ~ Chelsea makes a dangerous decision; the evidence continues to build against Adam; a plan to breakup Summer & Luca backfires.

Provided By Jim

[The last eight minutes of today's episode of the The Young and the Restless was cut off for a live special CBS news coverage of the President in Orlando. We will add it as soon as possible.]

Sharon: Okay, time for breakfast, sweet boy! Today we have sweet potatoes and apples. How does that sound? [Laughs]

[Door opens]

Mariah: Sharon! Sharon, there’s been an accident! It's awful!

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Okay. Slow down. Are you hurt?

Mariah: No, no, no. It's not me. It's the other driver. She needs help. You have to call 911 right now!

Sharon: Okay, okay.

Mariah: Hurry!

Sharon: [Sighs] Wait. There’s no dial tone. There’s no service! My cell. Get my cell.

Mariah: Sharon, there's a baby in the other car. A woman and a baby!

Sharon: All right. Oh, my gosh. I can’t find my cell. Where is it? Mariah, use your phone! Call for help! [Footsteps approach] Oh, my God.

Sage: You were supposed to help me and my baby.

Sharon: Sage. I’m sorry. Please. I’m so sorry. Sage. Sage, I’m sorry.

Nick: Vick late again?

Luca: Are you worried about how your sister is spending her time?

Nick: It’s her business, not ours.

Luca: Well, I just wanted to reassure you. Victoria's probably lost interest in her favorite bartender since she saw this.

Nick: And what is "this"? More spying?

Luca: Research. And it's compelling material.

Nick: Is it now?

Luca: Turns out our friendly neighborhood bartender isn't as honest and simple as your sister thought.

Summer: Hello.

Luca: Summer.

Nick: Hey, kiddo. Glad you're back.

Summer: Hey. Wasn't gone that long.

Luca: Felt like forever.

Summer: Well, long enough for me to see you two in the same room together. You know, side by side, heads together. And, uh, not just side by side, but keeping secrets apparently. What's going on?

Victoria: [Panting] That was, um...

Travis: Yeah, we’re really good at that. [Sighs]

Victoria: Yeah. Um, it's daytime.

Travis: We could pretend it isn’t.

Victoria: Yes, but pretending would mean not facing the real world, and we agreed that we would.

Travis: Life outside the bar and this bed. You sure you're brave enough for that?

Victoria: Me? Brave enough? Really? I don’t know if you realize this, but some people are afraid of me.

Travis: Oh, I realize that.

Victoria: And I can be completely fearless and in control of any given situation.

Travis: Well, this I want to see.

Victoria: Well, you will. We just have to figure out where we're gonna make our mark.

Travis: It’s your show.

Victoria: I think I know just where we can make a splash.

Chelsea: So? Do you want to talk to me today, or are you just gonna shut me down like you did last night?

Adam: Listen, you know the truth, right? I want to be able to talk to you about everything.

Chelsea: Okay, so then why don’t you start by telling me what you were talking about with Ian Ward at the prison?

Adam: Why can't you just trust that some things are better if you don’t know? Why can’t you trust that?

Chelsea: Okay, so obviously it's dangerous. Why don’t you tell me what it is?

Adam: Because I don't want you to wind up in prison!

Dylan: Sharon. Hey, sweetheart.

Sage: You swore you'd set things straight. You live a lie every second of the day.

Sharon: It’s not a lie. Not in my heart. I love Sully like any child I could ever have.

Sage: His name is Christian.

Sharon: And Dylan. He's given his whole heart to Sully. If I tore them apart now...

Sage: You don't care about your husband or my baby. All you care about is yourself.

Sharon: Mariah. Mariah, tell her that’s not true.

Sage: You know this pain, Sharon, wanting to hold your baby, needing to be with your baby. You’re torturing Nicholas. He's grieving a son who’s alive. Now my baby’s gonna grow up and have his father’s smile and my eyes, and everyone's gonna know and everyone's going to hate you.

Sharon: If I tell them now, if I lose Sully...

Sage: There is no Sully, Sharon. It's Christian. And I know what you did, and I will never forget. And I will haunt your nights until you make it right.

Dylan: Hey. It was just a dream. You were talking in your sleep. Do you even know what you said?

Nick: You wanted me to give Luca a second chance, so that’s what I'm doing.

Luca: And I'll take it gladly.

Summer: Well, how did that happen in such a short time?

Nick: Your boyfriend can be useful. At times.

Luca: I just -- I want to prove myself. Nick sees that. And your father wants you to be happy. Hopefully he sees that I want the same thing.

Summer: Well, you still didn't answer the part about the secrets, so, uh, what’s going on?

Nick: [Sighs] Nothing. It's just some details on a deal that need to be clarified. It's really not a big deal.

Summer: Well, something that Victoria should know about? Is she running late again?

Nick: She'll be here. I got to go. Thanks for the research, Luca.

Luca: Anytime, Nick. I think he's coming around, yeah?

Summer: Yeah, maybe.

Luca: Gosh, your timing's perfect. I missed you so much. If you were gone much longer, I was gonna fly to Georgia and bring you back myself.

Summer: Yeah, you still are not answering me about the secrets. What was my dad just trying to hide from me just now?

Luca: [Sighs] Okay, look, you’re right. There is something Nick wants to keep private. Doesn’t affect you, okay? You have my word. But it is a test of my loyalty. Look, if I blow it this time, I won’t get another shot with him, Summer, and I want your father on our side.

Summer: Okay. Okay. I will drop it for now. But only for now.

Sharon: What did I say, anyway?

Dylan: Well, it was weird. You were talking to Sage.

Sharon: What about her?

Dylan: You said you were sorry.

Sharon: Oh, God.

Dylan: Do you know why? Do you know what was happening?

Sharon: It was Sage's accident. I tried to help her, but Sage died and there was nothing I could do.

Dylan: I mean, Sharon, you tried. You did your best. You did everything you could. You have nothing to feel guilty about. Sage is probably at peace now knowing that you tried your best and how you’ve been looking out for Nick.

Sharon: I don't know. I don’t know.

Dylan: I do. You were Sage’s friend, and that matters. What is it? Please tell me what else is going on.

Sharon: It’s just Adam’s murder case. It's just all so dark. Everything's about death and loss. You know, you -- you live it at work, and Nick is upset about Sage's name being dragged into this.

Dylan: I know. And you’ve been really worked up since Sage's journal came out. It makes a lot of sense. Either the journal is real and Sage has been holding on to an ugly secret or it’s fake. Either way, I’m gonna tell you right now -- I am gonna find the truth, okay? I promise you. So you won't have anything to worry about. Love you.

Adam: It was Michael. He thinks that, uh, if Meredith testifies, he’s gonna remind the jury that she’s changed her story from not knowing anything about Constance’s death to now all of a sudden she has all this inside information about Constance’s murder. He's also gonna bring up the fact that he thinks she’s developed an attachment for her patient. Maybe she’s covering for him.

Chelsea: Do I even want to know what kind of an attachment?

Adam: Well, you know, I mean, Victor -- he can be pretty -- pretty charming if it means him getting out of prison. She’s probably in deep.

Chelsea: Then she's an idiot and I don’t pity her. So why don't we get back to the fact that you are once again digging yourself into another hole entirely with Ian Ward?

Adam: It’s not what I'm doing.

Chelsea: Yet it is what you’re doing. You said that you didn't want me going to prison, which means... what exactly? What are you planning to do? And I swear, Adam, if you tell me one more time to trust you... Please. Trust me.

Adam: That’s fair. Okay, fine. Uh, you want to know? Ian agreed to testify that Victor set me up as long as I help him... escape from prison.

Travis: I forget what it’s like.

Victoria: Oh, you've been here before?

Travis: No, I forget what it's like to overpay for a beer. They must charge twice what I do.

Victoria: At least three times, and they don’t even have a jukebox or a sticky booze-soaked floor or anything. They just have a pool and an amazing view.

Travis: The view is excellent. You’re right about that.

Victoria: Are you flirting with me?

Travis: I'm just stating the facts. And my floor is not sticky, okay? I mop it every night.

Victoria: It’s a little sticky. [Chuckles]

Summer: Okay. This is where we finally find Victoria. And she has a friend with her. This is why she’s always late for work? Hi.

Victoria: Hi!

Summer: I was wondering when I’d finally get to see you.

Victoria: Uh, yeah. How was Savannah? How is Daniel and Lucy?

Summer: Everyone is doing really great. Uh, who -- who's your friend?

Victoria: Um --

Luca: Victoria, is this that meeting you mentioned you needed to take?

Victoria: No, no. This isn't business. This is personal. Summer, I’d like for you to meet

Luca: You know, I just remembered I need to give you an update on that Callahan account. Do you mind?

Victoria: Uh, I think that can wait.

Summer: You know what? No, you go and handle business, and I am gonna talk to...?

Travis: Travis Crawford.

Summer: Travis. Okay. Travis and I are gonna get to know each other. You can go and handle that update.

Victoria: All right. Um, sure. Why don’t you all go and chat?

Summer: Okay. Perfect. Come and sit. The iced tea here is amazing. Uh, can we get two, please? Thank you.

Luca: What the hell are you doing with that guy? We think he tried to bring down our company.

Victoria: Our company? Who the hell do you think you are?

Luca: Victoria --

Victoria: I don't need to hear this right now. I don’t know why you think you still have a vote in my personal life. I talked to Travis about what you told me about his past.

Luca: Well, then I guess he had some slick story about why he's hiding behind a bar pretending to be someone he’s not. And it's a total coincidence that he was a big-time commodities trader investing in oil. You meet him, and the Newman oil rig springs a leak. Look, this guy's up to something, Victoria. I can feel it.

Summer: Thanks. I’m sorry if that was pushy of me back there. It's just Aunt Victoria’s not dated anyone since her divorce, and everyone is gonna want to meet you, unless they already have. So, are you a member here?

Travis: No. First time. But it's a nice place.

Summer: Yeah. So, um, how did you guys meet? Have you met her kids?

Travis: No, I haven't, but I’d like to. And I know Victoria just went through a rough break-up.

Summer: Yeah, that is an understatement. She and Billy -- Well, we were hoping that they could work things out, but that did not happen. Uh, so, you know, we're just very protective of Victoria.

Travis: Yeah. That's the impression I get.

Summer: Mm-hmm. We just want her to be happy. So, you didn't tell me. How did you guys meet?

Dylan: So, where are we at with Adam being framed or not?

Paul: Well, since the lab tech's money came from pharmaceuticals and not Victor, I had the team look at, uh, anybody else who might have had contact with the tissue samples or the toxicology report.

Dylan: Well, if anybody can cover their tracks, it's Victor Newman. Which is why I'm working another angle.

Paul: Right. Forgery.

Dylan: Forgery.

Paul: We have nothing to indicate forgery.

Dylan: Well, that doesn't mean that we can't find the actual forger. Okay, I got three guys right here in the system who have the skill set to accomplish exactly that. These guys right here. Have you ever heard of any of them?

Paul: Uh... Well, I know that guy. And more importantly, so does Victor.

Chelsea: You want to help Ian Ward escape again? Are you out of your mind?

Adam: Well, at first glance, honey, it would appear so.

Chelsea: That is insane!

Adam: Yep.

Chelsea: Adam, that's breaking the law. No, that's -- that's breaking the law in front of the law’s face. Are you asking to be thrown in jail?

Adam: You know what? In case you have missed it, I’m already facing a prison sentence. Victor's done a bang-up job of setting me up. I need Ian's testimony to establish reasonable doubt. It's the only way I’m gonna be able to stay here with you and Connor! Do you understand that?

Chelsea: So lie. Tell him it’s a deal and then let him rot in jail.

Adam: I can't lie! You understand? If I do that, he's gonna do the exact same thing. He's gonna take the stand and he's gonna testify that I colluded! I’m not stupid. I understand this is not an ideal situation, but it’s all we've got. It's our insurance policy, all right? We have to act on it.

Chelsea: Ian Ward is insane. If you help him go free, you do realize nobody's safe. He could come back for you or -- or for us or for anybody in Genoa City. And, Adam, if that happens, it will be on your head.

Mariah: And Sage was here? How did she look after the accident?

Sharon: [Sighs] Mariah, it was -- it was so real. And the worst part was, I was talking in my sleep. Dylan heard me. He heard me say "I'm sorry" to Sage.

Mariah: This is -- This is not good. You have a legit mental illness that you're treating. You add on all of this -- stress, the guilt -- it’s eating you alive.

Sharon: I don't have a choice.

Mariah: Yes, you do! You deal with the guilt! Don’t let it come after you in your nightmares. Go see a psychiatrist.

Sharon: And then what would I tell her, Mariah? That I'm committing a crime of fraud, that I’m lying to everyone about my baby? She would break the doctor-patient confidentiality, go straight to the police, and I would lose Dylan, we would lose Sully, and I would have nothing.

Mariah: We’d find somebody who won’t do that.

Sharon: What are we gonna do? Interview them all in advance "Where do you draw the line on crimes? If I've done something terrible, will you expose me?"

Mariah: You need someone to help you get through this.

Sharon: No stranger is gonna be able to do that. [Sighs] I know exactly what they would tell me. They'd say the same thing. My nightmares are coming from the guilt. In order to handle the guilt, I have to expose my secret. If I just tell the whole world the truth, the nightmares will go away.

[Knock on door]

Mariah: I'll get it.

Paul: Frank Ellis. Remarkably skilled forger. Total pro. And Victor would recognize the name, since he was the same guy that Jack and Adam used to frame Victor. I think he's doing time now.

Dylan: According to this, he was released a few years back.

Paul: Victor’s framing Adam using the same guy that Adam framed Victor, using the same method -- confessions in a journal. Doesn’t that seem just a little too ominous? And you know Ellis cut a deal and ratted out Jack and Adam. So Victor knows that he can’t exactly trust the guy.

Dylan: What does Victor have to lose at this point except maybe adding a couple years to his sentence?

Paul: [Sighs]

Dylan: Vengeance means more than anything to Victor Newman. Just let me reach out to Frank Ellis, see if he'll give us anything.

Paul: All right. Let me see if I can find out his latest whereabouts.

Dylan: Okay, you do that, and I’m gonna try another angle.

Adam: Babe, once Ian escapes, he's not gonna hang around Genoa City, you know. He's gonna go off far away and start another cult or whatever the hell he does.

Chelsea: Right, right, Adam. Unless he’s cocky and stays in town. He is a very dangerous person. You know that.

Adam: Well, if he stays in town, then he’s gonna go back to prison, all right? Rather soon, I would imagine.

Chelsea: And then rat you out probably. The last time he escaped, he was caught, so what’s gonna stop him from getting caught this time? This man has no self-control. You don’t know what he's gonna do next. You can’t predict that.

Adam: I actually can, okay? I know him. I’ve worked with him. No one's gonna get hurt. I’m gonna make sure of that.

Chelsea: You’re gonna make sure of that? Okay, so why don't you, um, explain how this break-out is gonna go? Why don’t you tell me then step by step so I feel a little bit better?

Adam: I'm not...gonna do that. And no look that you give me is gonna change my mind. I have been cautious. I’ve been careful. I’m not telling you the details, all right?

Chelsea: And what if something goes wrong, huh? What's gonna happen? What? Like a SWAT team swoops in and there’s, like, a shootout, Adam? Is that what's gonna happen?

Adam: Oh, for Pete’s sake. Give me a break. Like, if that happens, honey, I won’t be anywhere near him.

Chelsea: Life, death, uh, prison, danger. No big deal. You sound exactly like Victor.

Victoria: Hey. Did you two have a nice chat?

Summer: Yeah, well, it’s a start. You know, when you're dating a new guy, someone that you don’t know so well, you can never be too careful.

Victoria: Oh, that’s so cute. My niece is quoting my words back to me.

Travis: Family is the best.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Luca: And now, if the boss doesn’t mind, we're gonna take some time to celebrate Summer coming home today.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Go enjoy.

Summer: Right. It was nice meeting you.

Travis: Nice meeting you.

Victoria: There you go. One family member down and two dozen to go. [Chuckling] I’m kidding.

Travis: Don't forget I met Nick already. I wonder who hates me more -- him or Summer.

Victoria: Oh, come on. Don’t worry about Summer. This had nothing to do with you. She’s just giving me a hard time because I gave her a hard time about Luca and that’s all.

Travis: So you all just go around judging each other’s love interests?

Victoria: Uh, it’s not really judging. It's just, I don't know, it’s being cautious, I guess.

Travis: It’s judging. [Cellphone rings]

Victoria: Ay, yi, yi. It's, uh, the office. I have to get back to work.

Travis: No worries. I can try an overpriced beer another time. So I'll see you later?

Victoria: No. You’ll see me now. You’re coming with me to Newman Tower. Come on. This day is not over yet.

Nick: I come bearing gifts. This was delivered to my place. I’m assuming it’s clothes for Faith’s doll. Just in time for summer, too.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Cute. Super cute. I actually think that doll has more clothes than I do.

Sharon: Uh, thanks for bringing it by, Nick.

Mariah: So, uh, how are things? Life and such.

Nick: Uh, life and such is moving pretty quickly. You know, can we just make a rule now that Faith is never allowed to date?

Sharon: I don't think it’ll stick.

Mariah: Are you talking about Luca? Because that guy is really a tool. You’d think even Snowflake would catch on.

Nick: Yeah, I don't know. Phyllis and I have a new plan, though. We're gonna try and kill him with kindness.

Mariah: That sounds miserable for everyone involved, but good luck with that.

Nick: Well, it’s all we've got for now. It's just too bad we can't keep them little forever, you know? Right, little guy? Keep them little forever. And they never have to move out and leave us behind.

Sage: I look into his eyes, and I think -- And it’s just crazy, you know? I mean, it's been so obvious. How did I not know...

Adam: Chelsea, baby, you tell me at least twice a week that I’m nothing like my father.

Chelsea: Yeah, and then you say things like, "Ian Ward might get shot. These things happen."

Adam: Well, you know what? He's a big boy, all right? He can take care of himself. My job is not to take care of him. It's to take care of you and Connor. And the best way for me to do that is to be here, so if this is the way it’s got to be, then, you know, it's the way it’s got to be.

Chelsea: You’re right. You totally don’t sound anything like your father. Not at all. [Knock on door] Dylan, please tell us you have some good news.

Dylan: Well, I am following up on a lead that could prove Adam was framed.

Adam: Really? What lead?

Dylan: Does the name Frank Ellis mean anything to you?

Adam: Yeah, uh, right. That's -- That's the, uh, the forger that Jack and I used to set up Victor.

Dylan: Right. Paul and I were thinking that Victor might have thought it was poetic justice to hire him to return the favor.

Adam: That’s smart, but I'm way ahead of you.

Chelsea: What do you mean?

Adam: Well, I thought the same thing awhile back. It took me a bit, but I tracked him down.

Dylan: Where’d you find him? We need to talk to this guy.

Adam: Found him in a coffin. Yeah, so he’s dead. You got any other leads that are a little more, you know, maybe alive?

Dylan: That was the best lead. I mean, we're gonna look into the other forgers, but everything's pretty much a dead end.

Chelsea: I mean, there’s got to be something else, right? Something solid?

Dylan: For your sake, I hope so. But the reality is... This is when you might want to start considering a plea.

Victoria: So, this is it. Uh, well, this is my office.

Travis: Wow. You ever think about switching this out, maybe dogs playing poker or something?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, I sure do. On a daily basis, actually. But, you know, this is the safest way to meet my father. He can't give you his death stare or say anything brutal to you.

Travis: Because he wouldn't approve of me.

Victoria: Don't worry. He doesn't approve of anyone.

Travis: Hmm. It sounds like a lovely guy. Wish I could meet him. It's too bad he’s, you know, incarcerated.

Victoria: It’s been difficult, but I know deep down he loves us all. [Sighs] I sure have learned a lot from him.

Travis: Like how to pass the buck?

Victoria: What?

Travis: "For immediate release -- the investigation into the recent accident on an oil rig owned and operated by Newman Energy is now refocused on faulty parts installed by a third party contractor."

Victoria: It’s the first draft. Confidential first draft.

Travis: It’s also a lie.

Summer: Are we terrible for not being in the office?

Luca: We have the boss’s blessing.

Summer: [Chuckles] So, what do you think of Victoria's new friend?

Luca: Hmm, he's a bit rough around the edges, but she seems to like him.

Summer: Yeah. She seems a little, I don’t know, standoffish and defensive.

Luca: It’s in the early stages. Victoria might lose interest sooner than you think.

Summer: Yeah, I hope so. A rebound is not the answer. Just, there’s something about that guy.

Luca: Hey. Did you come back to town to worry about Victoria's boyfriend or your own?

Summer: [Chuckles] Okay, you are right. You’re right. I’m sorry. I missed you. A lot. I think maybe it was a good thing being away. Made me realize what an important part of my life you are. And, hey, I mean, how amazing is it that you and my dad can now be in the same room together? Maybe he just needed to realize that we are for real and we have a commitment together. Maybe it'll rub off on my mom. Who knows.

Luca: [Sighs] It won't.

Summer: Why? You don’t know that.

Luca: Summer... Do you ever wonder why your brother Daniel called you out of the blue for a visit? Your mom arranged it to get you out of town and away from me.

Nick: So, he’s a kicker, huh? Did you know that when you were pregnant with him, that he'd a soccer player? Yeah, I know. Could we get him out of his cage?

Mariah: Um, actually, he needs to go upstairs for his nap 'cause he’s getting really sleepy. Yes, he is.

Nick: Oh, yeah. Sure.

Sharon: [Sighs] She’s so attentive and helpful with him.

Nick: Yeah, Sully really hit it big in the big-sister department, huh?

Sharon: He’s lucky.

Nick: Yeah. Are you okay? Yeah, you look tired. I mean, I know women don't like to hear that. It's just...

Sharon: Um, just late nights, you know. Sully’s teething. It'll pass.

Nick: Is that the only thing that's keeping you up?

Sage: Will you promise me you’ll tell Nick that it's his baby?

Nick: Ooh. Sharon, are you okay? Look, if you need to tell me anything, you know you can trust

[Missing portion]

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