Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/15/16


Episode # 10944 ~ Victor puts his plan in motion, Paul & Christine receive surprising information, & Phyllis makes a painful decision.

Provided By Jim

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: Billy? You home? We need to talk! I see your car's out front! I know your motorcycle's out of commission! Come on. I need to talk to you. I’m sorry for coming by so late. I...was concerned. Or...maybe I'm interrupting.

Billy: [Sighs]

Adam: Ian, why do you look so shocked? I’m using your testimony to avoid a prison sentence, right? Why not use my help in your escape plans?

Ian: Well, at the risk of, uh, sounding cynical, dear boy, when have you ever helped me?

Adam: Well, it’s a matter of survival, right? The way I look at it is neither one of us wants to grow old in prison. So once you testify that Victor framed me, I'll return the favor. I’ll help you disappear, unless, of course, you've had a better offer.

Chelsea: Relying on Ian Ward. How is that possibly a good idea? We are putting my family's future at risk. We are gambling with Adam’s freedom, Michael.

Michael: Chelsea, we have been through all of this already. Your husband's prepared to take those odds.

Chelsea: Well, maybe I’m not. If Ian gets on the stand and lies and Christine catches him, this whole thing is over.

Michael: All right, Christine is a sharp attorney, but as I keep reminding you, so am I.

Chelsea: Can you guarantee me that this plan will work? Can you guarantee me that Adam will get out from under these charges?

Meredith: Victor?

Meredith. Still here, I see. I thought you were headed home for the night.

Meredith: Yeah, well, I was concerned about a certain patient. Uh, I got some lab tests back that I went over.

Victor Newman.

Meredith: Look, I know that you had your reasons for sending him to solitary.

Very good reasons.

Meredith: But he has still not recovered from the stabbing incident, and there is an infection that I can't really seem to get rid of, so I've changed his medication, but --

Doctor. I appreciate your dedication, but the prisoner's responding to treatment and much-needed discipline. In fact, the guards haven’t heard a peep out of him all night. [Knock on door]

Victor: Tell the warden I need to see him! He has the wrong man in solitary!

Ian: [Laughs] And they call me a fraud.

Adam: They do.

Ian: [Laughs] You know, it's always so hurtful, those names. Swindler, con man, scam artist.

Adam: Oh, you know, I mean, Ian, if the shoe fits.

Ian: Ah. But compared to you, I'm a rank amateur.

Adam: Oh, please, no. No, no, no. I’m just a businessman sitting over here negotiating the terms of our deal.

Ian: Oh, I know how you Newmans do business. Once I'm on that stand and I point the finger at Victor, you’ll have what you want, and you have no incentive to help me escape.

Adam: Well, that’s always a possibility, I guess, but what other option do you have? Right? Either you trust me, you take your one shot at freedom, or you sit here and you rot.

Ian: Mnh.

Adam: At which point all deals will be off the table, including that country club prison you're so excited about. That's gone.

Ian: Oh. Oh. You have me at a disadvantage.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Ian: But I still have an ace up my sleeve.

Adam: And what would that be, Ian?

Ian: Without my testimony, you’re as good as convicted. Oh, Victor made damn sure of that.

Adam: Well, I'm damn sure that you can get a jury swayed in my favor, but I'm also aware that you can get up on that stand and you can just all of a sudden forget certain details, right? Blow my case? You would do that just for your personal amusement, wouldn't you?

Ian: [Laughs] I’d be cutting off my own nose to spite by face.

Adam: Well, you're kind of a spiteful guy, though, aren't you?

Ian: You wound me.

Adam: How do I know I can trust you to keep your word?

Ian: Well, how do I know I can trust you to keep yours?

Adam: That’s the million-dollar question, isn't it?

Ian: You have my word as a gentleman.

Adam: And you have mine.

Christine: We need to do this more often. Late-night dinner. Or, in fact, you know, we could just do late-night dessert. I like that idea. No shop talk, just the two of us.

Paul: Yeah, me, too.

Christine: Well, okay. It's decided, then. I will resign as D.A. and open up a pie shop so we can have dessert together every single night.

Paul: Oh, I'm sorry. I’m just distracted.

Christine: Mm-hmm. Anything I can help you with?

Paul: No, I don't think so. I was just checking my e-mails to see if I had any more information on Alan James. I just can't seem to get that guy out of my mind.

Christine: Hmm. The lab technician who committed suicide.

Paul: Yeah. I mean, Dylan and I were absolutely certain that Victor had paid him off to alter the Bingham toxicology reports. But when we traced the large influx of cash to his bank accounts, it led us to Hilary. [Sighs] I know I'm supposed to remain objective in this job, but I would love to find proof that Adam was set up. My gut keeps telling me that he didn't kill anyone, especially not an old woman who, well, quite frankly, was on her way out anyway.

Christine: And I wouldn't put anything past Victor. I’m just saying, if he framed Adam, he did a damn good job, because I have a solid case. The best play that Michael could do right now is just ask for a plea deal.

Paul: You know, even if you could convince Michael to go along with it, I doubt he’d be able to sell the idea to Adam. I mean, he is hell-bent on clearing his name.

Christine: Well, then maybe he should try and sell the deal to Chelsea.

Michael: I would be lying if I said I can guarantee an acquittal. Look, but I’ll tell you what I can promise. I promise you that I will defend Adam to the best of my ability, and I will create reasonable doubt in the minds of those jurors.

Chelsea: What if it's not enough, hmm? What if Ian double-crosses us and a jury decides that my husband is a murderer?

Michael: Then we’ll appeal.

Chelsea: Adam could spend the rest of his life in a jail cell. He will be cut off from me, he will be cut off from his son, all because Victor is framing him for a crime he didn’t commit!

Michael: Or Ian will come through for us and I will persuade the jury that Adam is being framed by his vengeful father and all this will go away. Chelsea, can you at least allow for the possibility of a favorable outcome? Can you do that for me?

Chelsea: I don’t know what’s worse. Putting all my hope in a lunatic like Ian Ward or watching Victor destroy the man that I love.

Meredith: You know that I can’t be held responsible for my patient’s health if he remains in solitary. I need to be able to treat him here in the infirmary. A change of medication, that's just -- that's nothing. It's not enough. Without the proper testing and monitoring, it --

Duly noted, Doctor, but you need to go home for the night. I’ll call if there's any reason to reassess the prisoner's confinement.

Meredith: Okay. Okay.

Meredith. Walworth is like a small town. Everyone who lives and works within these walls knows each other’s business.

Meredith: Meaning?

I've heard rumors about your interest in a particular inmate. It's even been suggested that your brief leave of absence had something to do with that.

Meredith: [Chuckles] Come on. Well, I really don't know what you want me to say to that, Mitch.

Nothing. I want you to listen. You’re an intelligent, savvy woman. I have no doubt you’ve read all about Victor Newman. And not just his medical record. But for all his charm and his polish, he's not to be trusted. He's locked in here for a reason. Please don't forget that, Meredith. Good night.

Billy: I’m kind of in the middle of something, Jack.

Jack: I won't stay long. I just want to know that you are okay. Wow. Hit you harder than expected, didn't it?

Billy: What are you talking about?

Jack: I ran into Bethany at the club. She told me you broke things off and, uh, that she didn't want to compete with someone who so obviously still had feelings for someone else.

Billy: Yeah, what do you want me to say? Bethany’s not the right woman for me.

Jack: Meaning what? She’s not Victoria?

Billy: Stop, Jack. Stop with -- You got to stop with the Victoria stuff, okay? What we had, we’re through. It's over. And I’m not looking for a temporary fix with Bethany, so you can stop that, too. I want someone who gets me, Jack, who wants me for who I am, that's not trying to change me, not trying to fix me, somebody who loves me and accepts me with my flaws, not in spite of them.

Jack: Okay, I understand. I do. You want what I have with Phyllis.

Billy: [Sighs]

Jack: When you’re with the right person, it's like the whole world just falls into place. I wish everyone could experience that. I mean, it's no secret Phyllis and I have made our share of mistakes, but you know what? It's not easy. It takes commitment, it takes perseverance, but luckily Phyllis and I both feel it's worth it.

Billy: Yeah, I hope I find that, too, one day. I’m just not sure if I'm worth it.

Jack: You're worth it. You do deserve it, Billy. You do. Why would you say that?

Billy: [Scoffs] How much time you got?

Jack: I know I am judgmental sometimes. I know I've been your harshest critic lately, and that’s part of why I'm here tonight. I want to -- I want to put that behind us. I want to get a fresh start, and that begins with you knowing I have your back, no matter what. So does Phyllis.

Billy: [Sighs] Thank you, Jack. I-I -- Thank you. I appreciate it. I’m fine now. Really, I’m -- I'm good.

Jack: You sure?

Billy: Yeah. I’m positive.

Jack: The right woman's out there, Billy. She’s probably closer than you think. You’ll find her. [Door opens]

Billy: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Billy: I-I don’t --

Phyllis: I-I can’t stay. I... [Voice breaking] My shoe. Where’s my other shoe? [Sighs]

Hey! There’s no need to shout. You’ll wake the other prisoners.

Victor: I don't give a damn if I wake up the dead. You’re being played by Ian Ward. Don’t you realize that?

The last time you accused him of some nefarious plot, Ward landed in the infirmary, you landed here in solitary with your privileges taken away. Whatever it is, you need to let it go.

Victor: Now, you listen to me. Ian Ward is aligning himself with the worst elements of my family. He will do everything he can to get the hell out of this hellhole while I rot in here. Do you understand that?

Ward isn’t getting out of here for years.

Victor: He is working right now to get out of here much sooner than that. I promise you.

Do you have proof of this, or just more wild accusations?

Victor: Warden... You know who I am. I’m Victor Newman. And I’ve done a hell of a lot of good in this world, and I will continue to do a lot of good in this world.

You already have. With Dr. Gates.

Meredith: Hi.

Paul: Hi. Dr. Gates.

Meredith: Hi, Chief Williams, Mrs. Williams. I, uh, I need to speak with you both. I have vital information that I think that you need to hear.

Paul: Okay, I can see that you’re upset, but it's also very late. Why don’t you come to the department in the morning? I’ll make time for you then, all right?

Meredith: No, no, no. When you questioned me about the case against Adam Newman, you seemed to think that I knew more than I was telling. You were right. Do you -- Do you both want to hear what I have to say?

Christine: We're -- We’re listening, yeah.

Meredith: I know for a fact that Adam killed Constance Bingham.

Christine: How?

Meredith: His father told me he had proof.

Michael: Finally. How did it go with Ian?

Chelsea: Did you ask him point blank if he’s gonna stick to his story?

Adam: Uh...

Michael: What are your instincts telling you? I mean, does it seem as if he’s gonna pull a fast one? What?

Adam: Guys, you know, Ian was... Ian was Ian.

Michael: What does that mean exactly?

Chelsea: Did he admit to having his own agenda or...

Adam: Well, no, I mean, I think he's too clever for that, but, uh, suffice it to say, I think we came to an understanding, you know. He realizes testifying on my behalf is in his best interest.

Chelsea: Okay, well, um, but it might not be in yours, you know? I mean, I asked Michael this question earlier, but I didn't like his answer, so I’m gonna ask you. What if Ian’s lying? What if he never even got this confession from Victor? You know, what if he changes his story on the stand?

Adam: Well, I made it very clear to him that if he tries to tank me in court, we pull the plug and there goes his transfer to Camp Cupcake. I don’t think he's gonna risk that. That guy's getting his ass kicked every single day at Walworth. He wants out of there. Trust me.

Chelsea: So you really think he'll keep up his end of the bargain?

Adam: I think he’d be a fool not to.

Michael: I guess that's good enough for now. Uh, why don’t the two of you try to get some sleep? I will talk to you in the morning.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Adam: Thank you. That's good advice, you know, he just gave about the sleep part. Want to go upstairs, get some rest?

Chelsea: Uh, no, not until you tell me the truth.

Adam: Honey --

Chelsea: Don’t. I know you, Adam. Something happened with Ian and you’re not telling me.

Adam: You know what I think you should do? I think you should take Michael’s advice. Stop worrying, okay, please?

Chelsea: Hold on, hold on. Ian has the power to either vindicate you or have you convicted. And yet you’re acting like you have the upper hand. Why is that?

Adam: ’Cause I feel like I do.

Chelsea: Can you elaborate for me, or...?

Adam: Listen, I understand that you're skeptical of him. So am I, okay? But when we go to trial and it's his turn to take that witness stand, it’ll be up to me to determine whether he's trustworthy or not.

Chelsea: So if you feel like he's about to stab you in the back --

Adam: If I feel like he's about ready to stab me in the back, I give a signal to Michael, right, and we don't put him on the stand and he can traipse all the way back to his jail cell for all I care and say goodbye to all those special favors that he wanted. Listen, babe, I’m in control here, okay? We have all the power, not him. I just had to go down there and remind him, that's all.

Chelsea: [Sighs] I’m -- I'm just still worried.

Adam: I know you are. I can tell you are. Hey. Don’t be. All right? Let Michael worry. It's what we pay him for.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Adam: We’ve got tonight, right? Got the rest of our lives. Me and you. I’m not really interested in wasting another moment, to be honest with you. Hmm? Come here. See? This better? That smile.

Victor: Has Ian Ward been spreading lies about Dr. Gates, as well?

I spoke to Meredith tonight. She’s taken quite an interest in your welfare.

Victor: She's concerned that I keep on taking my medication, all right? I’m very appreciative of her concern.

I'm sure you are.

Victor: What are you implying?

While the patient is getting better, the doctor is getting worse. Do we understand each other, Mr. Newman?

Victor: I would never do anything to harm that woman. What are you talking about?

Dr. Gates is a very compassionate physician.

Victor: Yes.

And she's also a valuable asset to this facility. I won’t let anyone take advantage of her. No more protests, no more promises. Okay? Just do your time, stay out of trouble, let me worry about everything else, including Ian Ward and Dr. Gates. This prison has boundaries, Mr. Newman. If you cross them, your stay in solitary will be extended.

Christine: So you think you know the real Victor Newman?

Meredith: Yes. Yeah, I do.

Paul: Victor is a master at getting people to believe him.

Christine: It's sort of like his superpower.

Meredith: Is that a joke?

Paul: No, it’s not a joke. In fact, I'm gonna give you some very serious advice. Don’t let Victor fool you.

Meredith: Okay, you're not getting it. You’re not understanding. I am trying to keep someone from making fools of you.

Christine: How?

Meredith: Ian Ward bragged to me that he was going to take the stand in Adam’s defense. He was going to say that Victor framed his own son.

Paul: Ian Ward isn’t even on the list of potential witnesses.

Meredith: Well, he will be. Ian is a liar, and he will do anything to further his cause and make sure that Victor never leaves prison. He's already goaded him into a fight. That's why Victor is in solitary, and that is why I came forward tonight -- because my patient can’t.

Christine: Will you be willing to say all of this under oath?

Jack: Pam. Jack Abbott. Uh, fine, thank you. Listen, I’m sorry for the short notice on this, but I want to plan a romantic weekend getaway with my wife. Yeah. You know, the honeymoon we never had. Here's what I want. I want to set up the corporate jet, have it ready, champagne on ice, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and then book us an oceanside room in Barbados. Fill it with flowers. You think you can do that on short notice? Okay. Keep me apprised of the developments, okay? What? No, no, no, no. Phyllis isn’t the lucky one. I am. And I want her to know I'm never gonna forget that. Thanks.

Billy: Phyllis...

Phyllis: I’ve got to get going. Jack's gonna be wondering where I’m at.

Billy: Phyllis, just...

Phyllis: What?

Billy: Stop, stop, stop.

Phyllis: What?

Billy: You can’t just run away, okay? We tried that, and it didn't work. Here we are.

Phyllis: We need to try a little harder. I can’t keep sneaking behind his back and acting like I'm a naughty child.

Billy: You were supposed to tell him, remember?

Phyllis: I know I was supposed to tell him, but he never needs to know, ever. He deserves better than this, damn it.

Billy: Well, so do we, don’t we? I mean, don’t we? So, what are we supposed to do? We -- we just make a wish, blow out the candles, and hope that it -- that it all goes away?

Phyllis: Just stop.

Billy: We can't. I’ve tried, you tried -- we can’t do that. Look, I don’t know the future. I don’t have a crystal ball, but all I know is that something is pulling us together. And if it’s just lust, well, it's highly underrated.

Phyllis: Billy...

Billy: Look... This is more than chemistry, and I think we both know that. This isn't about Jack. It's not about sneaking around. I would give anything to just... wake up and hold you in my arms, away from prying eyes.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Victor: As you can see, I'm in a rather bad situation here. I hope you can help me set it right. Now, if you don’t want to commit to that, I understand that. You should know what I'm asking of you, okay? I’m here because some rather bad people... want to see me ruined. And they testified against me... with trumped-up charges. But the unkindest cut of all was that my family members, who I trusted the most... went along with that testimony against me. I saw them convince the jury to convict me. Arguably, the most painful thing that I have ever had to endure. But in spite of all that, I want justice. I want those who testified against me -- I want them punished. Most of all... that applies to a person that you hold in as much contempt as I. My son Adam.

Meredith: I have been advised more than once that I shouldn’t trust anything that Victor says. But after treating his physical and emotional scars from the callous way that his family abandoned him... I won’t turn my back on him. Ian Ward is a liar. So in answer to your question, Mrs. Williams, yes, I will say that under oath. Here is my card. And... thank you for listening, and I hope to hear from you.

Christine: Mm-hmm, thanks.

Paul: Wow. So, either Victor has her completely brainwashed or... she’s telling the truth.

Christine: Yeah. Hey, listen, I don't want to talk about Ian or Victor or anybody anymore.

Paul: Oh, that’s right.

Christine: Yeah, let’s go home, right?

Paul: That can be arranged right now. As a matter of fact --

Michael: I’m glad I caught you.

Christine: Oh, no.

Paul: Oh, Michael, not now. We're off the clock.

Michael: You’re gonna want to hear this, I guarantee it.

Christine: Déjà vu all over again.

Paul: Then make it fast. Or better yet, why don't you come to my office in the morning?

Michael: I am trying to spare you further embarrassment if Adam stands trial.

Christine: Embarrassment?

Michael: I have a star witness, a prison insider, who will testify that Victor set his own son up for murder.

Christine: Ah, your star witness wouldn't happen to be Ian Ward would it?

Michael: Uh... How did you know?

Christine: Word travels. Listen to this -- I have my own prison insider, a much more credible witness.

Michael: Mm. Who we talking about?

Paul: Just missed her, actually. Victor's doctor... Meredith Gates. Shall we?

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Oh, I think that's you.

Adam: Ai... I’ll just let it go to voicemail.

Chelsea: Oh, it -- it says it's Michael. Could be important.

Adam: All right. Hey, I thought we were done for the night.

Michael: I’m sorry, but this won’t wait. We have a problem, and it’s a big one.

Phyllis: It's late. I have to go.

Billy: Phyllis, we can stay together.

Phyllis: How?

Billy: I don’t know how.

Phyllis: We can't even explain this to Jack.

Billy: But we can just make it work. We can find time. You can come here whenever you want. We can get out of town when we can both make it. I don’t want to sneak around, but if that’s the only way, then... Look... I know how hard this is on you. I know what I’m asking. It's hard enough for me to lie to Jack, but you guys share everything. I know that. You share your bed, you share your life. Sneaking around like this has got to be 10 times harder on you, I understand.

Phyllis: Try a thousand.

Billy: I can’t. I can’t make the choice. It's up to you. We either end this tonight, or we keep going the only way that we can. But it's up to you. Phyllis... Whatever you decide... my feelings for you are not gonna change.

Victor: I'm sure you’ve heard that I'm a patron of the arts. But you know this -- one artist who I really, really respect and appreciate, he is able to reproduce other people's writings perfectly. Now, some call this forgery. I call it genius. I will give you the information you need to contact this "Michelangelo." I want him to revise the pages of a woman's diary. And I will pay him handsomely for that.

Chelsea: Honey. Mind if we join you?

Meredith: Yes.

Chelsea: Well, that's too bad.

Meredith: How did you track me down?

Adam: Well, after my attorney called, we figured your conscience must have got the best of you. Probably too agitated to go home and you’re too cautious to go back to work, back to the prison, right?

Chelsea: Call it a lucky guess.

Meredith: Well, listen, unlike you, I don’t have anything to feel guilty for.

Chelsea: Oh, so what Michael Baldwin said was true. You are really going to testify for the prosecution.

Meredith: Well, it’s my right to do so, and it's my responsibility. I can’t let Ian lie under oath when I know the truth.

Adam: The truth? The truth according to whom? My father?

Chelsea: I know you're desperate to see the good and all in Victor, but this man is plotting revenge against his own children. You realize that, right?

Meredith: See, this is where you’re all wrong. Victor, he loves his family, especially you. He loves you. He's not -- he's not framing you. He's covering for you.

Adam: This is what he told you, right? And -- and you believe him.

Chelsea: Oh, my God, Meredith, wake up. Victor is playing you. You are being played. You realize that, right?

Meredith: Well, that’s really ironic, coming from you. Because everything that I have seen and heard leads me to believe that Adam is every bit his father's son. So if anyone's naive, I’d say it was you.

Adam: Okay, hold on a second. Meredith. Come on. That went well. What, babe?

Chelsea: Is Meredith right? Am I being naive?

Jack: Oh, that’s just great. Thanks, Pam. I owe you. Bye.

Phyllis: Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Phyllis: I got your message. What's up?

Jack: It’s Billy.

Phyllis: What about him?

Jack: I stopped by his place after hearing that he and Bethany had split.

Phyllis: Yeah, wouldn't lose too much sleep about that. I’m pretty sure he's not that serious about her.

Jack: Well, that’s what I always assumed, too, that she was somehow a means to get through the pain of losing the real love of his life.

Phyllis: The real love?

Jack: Victoria. Anyway, the more I listened to him, the more I realized I was wrong. He's not looking backward. He's looking to find something that everyone wishes they could find. The kind of love and trust that you and I have. Hey, I -- I don’t want this to upset you. He's going to find the woman of his dreams the same way I did. And if you ever forget that I treasure what you and I have, well, maybe you’ll remember this weekend.

Phyllis: What are you talking about? What's going on this weekend?

Jack: I just hung up with Pam in corporate travel. It's all set.

Phyllis: What's all set?

Jack: I am taking you away to a weekend getaway in Barbados. Come on. We've both been working so hard. It's a chance to have a romantic time together. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to pack a bag. Just take my hand --

Phyllis: Jack, no. No, I -- I can't.

Adam: I don't know how the hell you're gonna ask me that.

Chelsea: Well, you haven’t given me an answer.

Adam: I have an answer for you -- no, you're not being naive. How could you be naive, babe, if you’ve been a step ahead of all of us this entire time? Don’t let that woman, Meredith, get to you.

Chelsea: Meredith is not stupid.

Adam: We don’t know that. We don't know her very well. And by the way, you can be book smart and have absolutely no street sense at all, okay? I’ve seen it before, and I suspect that's what that woman has. She got hoodwinked by Victor in two seconds.

Chelsea: She’s not the person putting doubts in my mind, Adam. You are.

Adam: Because you're so convinced that I'm hiding something.

Chelsea: Uh, wouldn't be the first time.

Adam: Well, that’s fair. You know, I deserve that. But I’m not lying to you this time, okay?

Chelsea: Then you're omitting something. Something critical. It's obvious. And the way that you're acting, the way that you sound... even the way you're looking at me, it reminds me of all those times that you were obsessed with one-upping your father.

Adam: That’s not what this is.

Chelsea: Then what is this?

Adam: Look, back then, it was all about Newman Enterprises. It was all about getting control over my father.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: Well, that’s the furthest thing on my mind right now. I’m defending my life. I’m fighting for my family, and if I have to get down and play by Victor’s rules in order to do so to beat him at his own game, then I'm not gonna apologize for it, and I certainly don’t think I should have to explain that to anybody.

Chelsea: So there is something. What is it?

Adam: Baby, I love you, okay? I do. You’re my wife, and I respect that. But you’re gonna have to trust me on this one.

Chelsea: I want to trust you. You have to stop leaving me in the dark.

Adam: There are certain times when things are better left unsaid, okay? I’m trying to protect you. Please.

Chelsea: Adam Newman, I --

Adam: I'm gonna call Michael, and I’m gonna clue him in, okay?

Victor: Once the authorities suspect foul play, they’re gonna have to exhume the old lady’s body. And I want it to look as if she has been poisoned. So, I have... the contact information written down... along with a number of a bank account -- an overseas bank account -- from which you can withdraw funds as you need. I hope that you will help me bring my son Adam to justice. I know that you’re the right person to do the job.

Jack: Hey, hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. No, exactly the opposite. I-I thought maybe a spur-of-the-moment trip to Barbados, I thought it's -- I thought you’d love it.

Phyllis: I love that you thought of it. I love that. I just -- I -- I’m booked.

Jack: This weekend?

Phyllis: I have a business trip.

Jack: What trip? I didn't see anything on the calendar.

Phyllis: The group that I talk to about from Amsterdam, they're gonna be in Montreal at some big North American I.T. conference, and they want me to fly up and go over PassKey with them. So I'm gonna answer some of the questions about the technology.

Jack: What about Natalie? Can’t she handle this?

Phyllis: No, she’s working on PassKey, so I don’t dare take her off of that. You know, I can reschedule. I can do that. I can call them up, if that’s what you want.

Jack: No, no, no, no. You know what? These clients are important, and this is important to you. We can go another time. Barbados will always be there.

Phyllis: You sure?

Jack: While you're gone, I can put all of my focus on the Foundation. But right now, I got to cancel these plans, tell this pilot to stand down. Excuse me.

[Cell phone rings]

Billy: You okay?

Phyllis: Yeah. I just wanted to tell you that I’m gonna be going out of town for a few days.

Billy: With Jack?

Phyllis: No. He's gonna be busy at the Foundation.

Billy: So where will you be?

Phyllis: I was planning to be with you. Spend the weekend together. Unless you have other plans.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: I am following up on a lead that could prove Adam was framed.

Luca: What the hell are you doing with that guy? I think he tried to bring down our company.

Victoria: "Our" company? Who the hell do you think you are?

Mariah: There's been an accident! It's awful. You have to call 911 right now.

Sharon: Okay, okay!

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