Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/14/16


Episode # 10943 ~ Victoria discovers a new side of Travis, Victor is backed into a corner, & Jack gets closer to the truth about Phyllis.

Provided By Jim

Chelsea: Please tell us you have some good news.

Michael: I do not.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Michael: Uh, the lab technician we were hoping had doctored Constance's toxicology reports has no link with Victor -- not socially, not monetarily, not zip.

Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. How is that even possible? The guy just purchased, cash, a 22-foot boat. Someone with that job doesn't make that kind of money. Someone's paying him off.

Michael: Not for that.

Chelsea: Then for what?

Michael: Well, apparently, his sudden run of good fortune came about through -- Get this -- Dr. Neville's research project.

Adam: The drug trial.

Michael: I wasn't made party to the particulars, but, uh, I assume that he was guilty of fudging data and committed suicide once he was found out.

Adam: What about the journal? What about -- What about Sage's journal? Tell me that you proved that it was forged.

Michael: I'm sorry. My experts have hit a wall. It's simply too well-made.

Chelsea: So, you're saying Ian's testimony is all we have left.

Michael: Ian's testimony is gonna be very powerful.

Adam: Well, it better be.

Victor: [Breathing heavily] [Grunting]

[Cell phone rings]

Travis: [Sighs] Here we go. James. Yeah, look, I just need one more week, then I promise you'll have the money. Okay, I -- No. Ye-Yeah, I know I paid in full. I just -- I didn't realize the check would get there that fast. Great. Um, you have my word this will be the last time that I'm behind on payments. Okay.

Travis: You know, I have no problem if you want to just mix things up and live a little dangerously, but I have a business to run. I have bankers screwing me left and right, and unlike the big company that you run, they're not smiling on me every time I need a loan to stay afloat.

Victoria: Okay. You're having some financial difficulties. I understand.

Travis: Don't. I shouldn't have said anything. You wouldn't understand.

Victoria: No, of course. I understand perfectly. Thank you very much. I'm not some trust-fund princess who spends her life partying. I happen to be a very important businesswoman who -- who works insane hours, week in and week out. So, if you're having some struggles with your business, then why don't you fill me in on the particulars and maybe I can help you. [Telephone rings]

Victoria: Hey. What's going on? Is something wrong, Hannah? Is it the kids? Oh. No. I just -- I -- You're calling so late, I thought something was wrong. No. Yeah, I-I-I'll take care of it. It's not a problem. Okay. I'll see you soon.

Bethany: I knew you had feelings for Phyllis. I just --

Billy: You didn't know that I loved her. Surprise.

Bethany: [Sighs] Then why aren't you fighting for her? She's with her husband right now. She's probably confessing everything.

Billy: Yeah, that's the plan right now.

Bethany: So, that's it? You just forfeit?

Billy: Did you miss the part where she's married to my brother, Jack, who I love very much, who she loves very much?

Bethany: She loves so much she's cheating on him.

Billy: Hey. Just because their marriage is broken right now, it doesn't mean that she's not doing the right thing, okay? She's -- She's trying to fix this.

Jack: Not that I'm complaining. Getting a text from you to meet somewhere is always a good thing. But I'm curious. What's going on? Obviously you're upset about something. Is it work?

Phyllis: No.

Jack: Is it Summer? Did something happen with Luca?

Phyllis: It has nothing to do with them.

Jack: Then what?

Phyllis: It's about Billy. Okay, it's about Billy.

Chelsea: There must be another strategy -- I mean, a way to help Adam's case, right?

Michael: Our options are extremely limited at this point.

Chelsea: So, this guy -- the lab tech --

Michael: Alan James.

Chelsea: He wasn't the one to fake the tox screen?

Michael: He might have been. But the big deposits into his bank account were not from Victor. And Mr. James is not telling us anything, being dead and all.

Chelsea: So, this means the person that messed with the lab results is still out there.

Michael: Possibly. We're searching for him or her, but we have yet to come up with any leads.

Adam: What about me?

Michael: What about you?

Adam: Use me. Put me on the stand. I'll testify in my own defense.

Chelsea: Not a bad idea. Adam's very convincing.

Adam: It's a great idea.

Michael: I know exactly what Adam is capable of on the stand, and him testifying is a huge risk. It would open the door to all sorts of curveballs from Christine. She could demonstrate a history of bad behavior. She'll make you talk all about it. No. We'll lose the jury. I advise against it.

Chelsea: Okay. So, we're doomed.

Michael: What?

Adam: Doomed? Whoa. Hold on, sweetheart. We're not doomed.

Chelsea: What other word should I use, Adam? Victor has boxed us into a corner. Even Michael says we have nothing.

Michael: No, I didn't say that.

Adam: He said we have Ian's testimony, right?

Chelsea: Ian is our best shot? Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Adam: Babe, it made you feel better before.

Chelsea: That was before he was our only defense. Before, we had other evidence. Now we don't. This man is a sociopath, babe. He lies.

Adam: I know. I understand that. I understand that you're worried. I'm worried, too, okay? I'm not saying that he's dependable.

Chelsea: He's a psychopath.

Adam: He's a psychopath. Yes. Absolutely. But he's our psychopath, all right? He's our only hope.

Chelsea: Okay, just hear me out. I know what I'm talking about here. Ian is conning us.

Meredith: I need an escort to deliver these pills to a prisoner in solitary.

That's not gonna be possible, Dr. Gates. You're not allowed on solitary.

Meredith: Well, I understand that, but I need to instruct the prisoner how to take the pills.

Not in solitary, ma'am.

Meredith: Okay. Fine. I'll just call the warden, and he'll fix this. Mitch, it's Meredith. I would like to deliver pills to a prisoner personally. Victor Newman. Well, yes, I understand that, but this is very imp-- Yes. I've got it. Good night. Uh, I'm going to be staying here, but the regimen for this medication is very complex, so I'm gonna need a little bit of time to write out detailed instructions. And then I'd like you to get them to Mr. Newman.

Jack: You're upset about Billy? What has -- Has he done something to you? Red, talk to me.

Phyllis: No. It's not about what Billy is doing to me. It's about what he's doing to himself. I'm concerned about this Bethany chick.

Jack: I thought there weren't enough brain cells there to merit worrying about her.

Phyllis: Well, I think I might be wrong.

Jack: You?

Phyllis: It's been known to happen. So, do you think that Bethany really is trying to trap Billy?

Jack: Okay, for starters, I never said trap.

Phyllis: Okay, well, cleverly reverse-psychology him into marriage.

Jack: You know that's not a verb, right?

Phyllis: So, you're not worried?

Jack: No. I'm not. A beautiful, wonderfully smart, sexy goddess told me not to worry.

Phyllis: Goddess. Should I be jealous?

Jack: Never ever.

Phyllis: I'm so sorry.

Jack: Sorry? What are you sorry about?

Phyllis: I'm just -- I know I give you whiplash the way I go back and forth with things.

Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You're concerned about my brother, and I'm grateful for that. You want the same thing for him that I want -- for him to find a woman who loves him, who really loves him.

Phyllis: I think maybe that's too much to ask.

Bethany: Look, I know I'm new to the party --

Billy: You're very new.

Bethany: Well, that may be, but I do like a party, and I happen to be pretty good at sizing people up. You're scared.

Billy: Of what?

Bethany: Of screwing up your life. But most importantly, you're scared that it will be your fault. So instead of making your own decisions about what happens to you, you let other people make them for you.

Billy: This is ridiculous.

Bethany: Is it? I mean, whose idea was it to make me the passenger on your bike? Who marched out of here to tell your brother about your affair? Not you.

Billy: Just because Phyllis is a force of nature doesn't mean that I --

Bethany: What about your divorce?

Billy: What?

Bethany: I mean, did you tell your wife or was it the other way around?

Billy: That's none of your business, Bethany.

Bethany: So, ending the marriage was Victoria's doing?

Billy: You want me to make a decision?

Bethany: Are you capable?

Billy: Get out.

Bethany: Are you seriously asking me to leave right now?

Billy: No, I'm not asking you. That was not a question. Get out.

Bethany: [Scoffs] Okay. You know what? It really is a shame, Billy. I thought we actually could have been good for each other.

Billy: Well, I guess we'll never know.

Victoria: Oh. Uh, sorry. Is this a bad time?

Bethany: Not at all. I Was just leaving.

Billy: Victoria, this is --

Bethany: You know, it's fine. I'm sure we both know who the other is. [Chuckles] You must be thinking, "Wow. That didn't last long." How could it when Billy's in love with someone else?

Billy: [Sighs] I'm sorry about that. Bethany has a flair for the dramatic. What brings you by?

Victoria: One-Eared Willy.

Billy: Pardon me?

Victoria: You know, Johnny's bear. Hannah called, and, uh, he's looking for the bear, and you know how it goes. No bear --

Billy: No sleep. Yeah. I, uh, meant to bring it by when I realized that he left it here. I'm sorry about that.

Victoria: It's fine, Billy. Clearly, you had a lot going on.

Billy: [Chuckles] Give me a second. Here you go. One-Eared Willy for the little man.

Victoria: Thanks. You know, if you want, I could go after her, make her realize that it's over between us.

Billy: Bethany?

Victoria: Yeah, I mean --

Billy: It's not necessary.

Victoria: Well, if she's important to you --

Billy: She's not important to me.

Victoria: Well, you don't have to be defensive.

Billy: I'm not being defensive, Vick. I just -- I don't feel like going down this road, okay?

Victoria: Yeah, you're right. We have.

Billy: Say good night to the kids for me, please. Give them a kiss.

Victoria: Billy. One question.

Billy: As long as it's not about Bethany.

Victoria: Why don't people just tell the truth?

Phyllis: I really am the worst person I know.

Jack: Hey, wait. You are talking about my wife, young lady.

Phyllis: I know. We just -- We made vows. We made a promise that we would move on with our life and let Billy manage his own, and I don't even know if it's been five minutes before I'm getting all worked up about his problems. So, I'm just gonna cut it right here. Billy's not gonna be the topic of this conversation or any conversation.

Jack: Okay. Deal. So, what are we gonna talk about?

Phyllis: Actually, I need to go.

Billy: What? Wait.

Phyllis: I know. I know. Actually, I have a friend who I need to talk to about a generous donation to the foundation.

Jack: Oh? Anyone I know?

Phyllis: No. Yo-You haven't met her, I don't think.

Jack: I'll tell you what. Why don't I go along with you? I'll give her the pitch. I-I must say, I'm getting pretty good at it.

Phyllis: I know you are. And I thought about it, uh, believe it or not, but I think a softer approach is gonna work with this one.

Jack: So, sell without her knowing she's being sold.

Phyllis: [Chuckling] Exactly. I knew you'd understand.

Jack: Good luck.

Phyllis: Thanks. I'm gonna need it.

Meredith: [Thinking] I'm hearing disturbing things about your son's murder charges. Ian Ward says you're setting Adam up. I can't believe that. Whatever's going on, we need to talk. Since I can't come to you, say you're sick. They'll bring you to me. I'll be here for another hour. Please. This needs to happen tonight. Here you go.

I'll get them to him right away.

Meredith: Thank you.

Adam: I, of all people, am not naive when it comes to Ian. I used to work with him, remember?

Chelsea: Oh, I do.

Michael: Not your best judgment call.

Adam: Okay, listen, my point is there's only so much he can ask for, right, only so much he can bargain for -- a less restricted facility.

Michael: Done.

Adam: Which we gave him. Some semblance of a normal life when he's temporarily released to testify.

Michael: Yeah, it's also done.

Adam: Which we gave him. That's my point. We can't give him much more. It's not like we have the power to -- to overturn his sentence or get it reduced, for that matter.

Chelsea: You guys are forgetting something. I was a con artist my entire childhood. I know how these things end. At the end of all this, there will be one man standing, and Ian is going to make sure that that is him and not you.

Adam: Well, I'm sure he would love that very much, sweetheart, but how?

Chelsea: Just because we can't see his endgame right now doesn't mean he doesn't have one.

Adam: Wait. You're awfully quiet over there, which is --

Michael: It's weird, huh?

Adam: It's weird. Yeah. What do you think?

Michael: Oh. I think you should listen very

Michael: You make an excellent case for Ian having a hidden agenda.

Chelsea: Do I really need to make a case? This is Ian we're talking about.

Michael: Duly noted. But keeping our eyes open is always a great strategy, no matter who we're dealing with.

Adam: But...?

Michael: But we really should take into consideration that Ian's goals do not necessarily have to conflict with our own.

Adam: That's actually an excellent point. I mean, who the hell cares what he wants, right, as long as he testifies.

Chelsea: This is such a gamble, babe. This is your life we're talking about here, our life with our son. I just wish there was a way that we could be certain.

Adam: I think there might be.

Michael: I can practically hear the gears turning.

Chelsea: What -- What are you talking about?

Adam: What if I confront him?

Chelsea: No.

Adam: No, yes. No, listen. What if I look him in the eye, right? I get him talking, get him to say something that -- that we can use against him. We can beat him at his own game.

Chelsea: Are you sure this is a smart idea, showing our hand?

Adam: I wouldn't be showing him anything. With that guy, all you got to do is wind him up and let her spin around in a little circle and start talking. Listen, we both agree that Ian can't be trusted, all right? There are no guarantees with him. But if I can sit down with him and I can get him talking, maybe he'll reveal his hidden agenda. And if he has one, maybe we can use it.

[Keys jangling]

[Door closes]

Ian: Vic, you having a good time in there? Missing our chats in the cafeteria. Get out soon, won't you? I'm bored. P.S. How's the family?

Travis: Tori, it's -- Sorry. Victoria. It's Travis. I don't know why you took it upon yourself to pay my debt, but I want to discuss it as soon as possible. Call me back.

Billy: Why do people lie? There's a lot of good people out there, Vick. A ton of them. I think. But this isn't a random person thing, is it? This is a man thing. Or maybe it's a me thing. You want to know why we always screw it up.

Victoria: Do you actually have an answer?

Billy: Women.

Victoria: Oh, I see. It's our fault.

Billy: No. It's definitely our fault. It's like every sad country song, you know? A cowboy loses the love of a good woman, so he drinks and gambles his life away. [Sighs] Been there, done that.

Victoria: Maybe you're right. Maybe we shouldn't do this.

Billy: Or maybe the cowboy wants someone that he can't have. It's wrong in so many ways, but in some ways, it feels so right. That fire, that desire is all-consuming, and he's oblivious to the consequences. He's in over his head, doesn't realize all the people that he's hurting around him until it all comes crumbling down. Or maybe he has a heartburn and he needs an antacid.

Victoria: I'm sorry.

Billy: For what?

Victoria: I didn't come here for you to bare your soul. I think we're past that.

Billy: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. I'm sorry. Hey. I didn't mean to run you to the door. You okay? You look a little torn up. Is -- Are you all right?

Victoria: I'm fine.

Billy: So, once again, I couldn't give you the answer you were looking for.

Victoria: That's okay. I have someone else that I can ask.

Jack: Could I get another --

Bethany: Martini straight up, pl-- [Chuckles] Jack. Sorry.

Jack: Hi, Bethany.

Bethany: Hi. [Sniffles] So, I guess you know.

Jack: I should have seen it

Bethany: Well, I'm not sure how you could have seen it coming unless you're some sort of a mind reader.

Jack: I'm sorry about all this. I don't know that this helps or hurts, but yours is not the first heart my little brother has broken.

Bethany: My heart? Unbelievable.

Jack: Or maybe I-I got things wrong. I was under the impression that Billy broke things off. Maybe it was you.

Bethany: What? N-No, he did, it's just -- I'm shocked that you'd be concerned about me right now.

Jack: Who else would I be concerned about, Billy? Trust me, Billy can take care of himself.

Bethany: [Sighs]

Jack: Did I say something wrong?

Bethany: You know what? I-I'm just still shaken about everything. That's all.

Jack: You really cared about him, didn't you?

Bethany: I did. Your brother's a good guy. But what can I do? He -- He's into someone else, even though he's not willing to do anything about it.

Jack: It's an awful position to find yourself in. At least you found out the truth before it was too late.

Bethany: I guess that is an upside.

Jack: Hold on to that, huh? Really.

Bethany: You're a good guy who deserves good things, Jack.

Jack: Wow. Where did that come from?

Bethany: You just are.

Jack: Well, I guess the universe agrees with you. I'm the luckiest man I know. Got a family and kids and a great job and a wife who keeps me jumping and guessing and loved me enough to marry me.

Bethany: [Chuckles] You're right. I guess you have everything that you need. [Doorbell rings]

Billy: Hey, what happened? Phyllis. What did Jack do? Did he go off on you? Hey, stop. What did he do? What did he --

Phyllis: No.

Billy: What do you mean "no"? Did what he -- So, he just stared at you, saying nothing, making you feel even worse?

Phyllis: That's --

Billy: Damn it, I should have trusted my instincts. I shouldn't have let you go there alone.

Phyllis: Just stop. Just stop.

Billy: Where is he? I'm gonna go talk to him.

Phyllis: Stop it. Jack didn't do or say anything awful. I didn't tell him.

Billy: What?

Phyllis: He still doesn't know.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Travis: Decide to do this in person, huh? Guess I can give you credit for that.

Victoria: Give me credit? [Scoffs] What did I do?

Travis: Are you serious?

Victoria: Are you?

Travis: I left you a message.

Victoria: I haven't checked my phone.

Travis: Who the hell doesn't check their phone?!

Victoria: I had a teddy-bear crisis! It doesn't matter. What is your problem?

Travis: It's you and those deep pockets of yours. Is that how you thought you'd fix this? By bailing me out? I told you -- I don't want your damn money.

Victoria: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Travis: Oh, so you just have no idea how my debt just magically disappeared?

Victoria: You think I paid it?

Travis: Yeah. Who else?

Victoria: I don't know, but it definitely wasn't me. I mean, why would I? Clearly, you have money from your days on Wall Street, Mr. Commodities Broker. Unless everything that I read about you was a lie. I can list your company, the name of your partners, all of the deals that you scored, in case you're having trouble remembering.

Travis: I remember.

Victoria: You just felt like you didn't need to share that with me? God, you are such a hypocrite. I felt terrible! You made me feel terrible about who I really was. I was embarrassed and -- and I was devastated and I was very remorseful.

Travis: You weren't that remorseful.

Victoria: All I could think about was how to fix it, and I tried. I came back here with my heart in my hand. And even then, you made me work for it. Meanwhile, you were lying to me behind my back -- and here's the very best part -- about who you really were. So, tell me, Travis, have you been honest with me about

Michael: You want my advice, Chelsea?

Chelsea: Please.

Michael: Trust your husband. I know that's a 180 coming from me, having railed against him for visiting Ian the last time, but the circumstances have changed.

Chelsea: Adam's not the one I don't trust.

Michael: Hmm. You heard him. He says he can handle Ian.

Chelsea: And do you believe him?

Michael: I take it you don't.

Chelsea: I want to.

Michael: But something's stopping you.

Chelsea: Okay, I'm just gonna put this out there. I'm gonna say the thing that we're all too scared to say.

Michael: Hmm. Sounds like a fun game.

Chelsea: Ian knew what we were looking for. Right? This confession from Victor. And then, suddenly, he gets it in record time. And by doing so, it puts him in a position where he can start making demands. Ian gets everything he wants.

Michael: So do we.

Chelsea: Well, no, not really. Because what if he didn't get the confession, huh? What if he went to Victor, he tried, and he ultimately failed?

Michael: And came back and lied to us?

Chelsea: Exactly. Ian has nothing to lose here, but Adam does. So he could be walking into that courtroom with a defense that doesn't even exist, Michael. Don't tell me you haven't thought about this.

Michael: No, I-I've -- It's crossed my mind.

Chelsea: But you don't care, do you? You're gonna put Ian on the stand no matter what.

Ian: Adam.

Adam: Whoa, what the hell happened to your face? Meet new friends?

Ian: [Chuckles] No, I had a little run-in with Victor today. He ambushed me. I kept hitting his fists with my face.

Adam: Good for you.

Ian: [Chuckles] Sit down. Sit down. It's delightful to see you.

Adam: Yeah, well, I wish I could say the same.

Ian: Oh, now, come on. Don't tarnish this visit right at the start. I'm glad you're here. See, I've been giving a lot of thought to my accommodations during your trial.

Adam: Trial -- Let's -- Let's start there. Uh, why don't we put all the cards on the table right now, Ian. You, uh -- You got something up your sleeve?

Ian: Me?

Adam: You.

Ian: All I have up my sleeve is Victor's confession.

Adam: See, I'm having a hard time believing you. I'm wondering why that is.

Ian: Because you can't take "yes" for an answer. And that's all right. I mean, the only people who need to believe me are those 12 men and women on the jury.

Adam: The 12 men and women on the jury? Let's talk about them for a second.

Ian: All right.

Adam: Shall we? How do you think they're gonna feel or react when you throw me under the bus during your testimony, huh? Now, I don't know them, obviously. But I'm guessing they're not gonna react well.

Ian: Wh-Wh-What are these riddles? You accusing me of something? Just say it.

Adam: Is this your way of getting revenge for me leaving you in that fire? Is that what you're doing?

Ian: Well, that was rude.

Adam: Are you gonna show up at that trial, you're gonna sit there on the witness stand, you're gonna say, "Confession? I-I don't know anything about any confession."

Ian: [Chuckles] Adam. My dear Adam, my partner in crime, do you really think that lowly of me?

Adam: Well, no. No, ac-actually, I don't, because, uh... you would aim much higher, wouldn't you? I mean, screwing me over would definitely get you revenge, but, uh, you got something much bigger planned, don't you? You planning an escape, Ian?

Ian: That sounds lovely.

Adam: Doesn't it?

Ian: Uh-huh.

Adam: You're gonna be a no-show at the trial, right? That's the cherry on top? You're gonna disappear, just poof, you're gone, and leave me holding the bag. Call me a liar.

Victoria: I mean, the things I said to you about how you made me feel and how you would never hurt me or let me down -- You must have just been just cracking up at me.

Travis: I wasn't laughing. What you said meant a lot to me.

Victoria: Yeah, just it meant so much that you just kept lying.

Travis: Yeah, I kept that part of me hidden.

Victoria: While shaming me for being exactly the same thing. [Sighs]

Travis: Wait, wait, wait. How did you find out, anyway? You can't find that information on a regular Internet search. Did you have me investigated?

Victoria: You know, we're talking about you right now.

Travis: Okay. You're right. And I'm sorry. I really am.

Victoria: Why?

Travis: You want the short answer or the long answer?

Victoria: I just want the truth.

Travis: Look, my time on Wall Street -- It -- At first, it was like a dream -- the fast pace, the power, the money. Oh, the money. I never felt a high like that before. And I got caught up. I just lived and breathed my work. If you weren't talking about the market, I just wasn't interested. And this went on for years. It just -- I became someone that I didn't recognize. I became someone I didn't like very much.

Victoria: So you left.

Travis: [Sighs] And never looked back. And the irony is not lost on me, learning that the world that I cut ties with is the world that you lived in, this woman I was coming to care about.

Victoria: If cared so much, then why did you tear me up about it, huh? Especially given who you -- who you used to be?

Travis: It's 'cause I'm an ass, and I'm dealing with some self-esteem issues or...image issues. Just issues. God, I should probably see a shrink. [Sighs]

Victoria: I know a few.

Travis: When you came in that first day as Tori, the receptionist at some big, bad company, and you complained about the people you worked for, people that I used to be, I thought if I told you the truth, you'd run. And I really didn't want that. So I kept the past to myself because it's the past. But I -- [sighs] I can promise you the man you met on that first day is not the old me, the one full of swagger and ego. It's the man standing in front of you right now, asking you to forgive him.

Billy: Why didn't you tell him?

Phyllis: Because I couldn't.

Billy: What do you mean that you couldn't? We agreed that this was the only way that --

Phyllis: I know what we agreed to. You weren't there. You didn't see his face. You didn't see his eyes. It's gonna break his heart. It's gonna break your relationship that you have together.

Billy: I don't care about --

Phyllis: And the thought of that -- the two of you not having each other in your lives -- I just -- I couldn't.

Billy: I will.

Phyllis: Where are you going?

Billy: I'm going to tell Jack, to put an end to this.

Phyllis: You know what's gonna end? You and your brother.

Billy: I don't care about that.

Phyllis: You don't mean that.

Billy: Do you understand? If Jack doesn't know the truth, I can't stay away from you. Do you understand that?

Phyllis: Why do you think I came back here? I don't want you to stay away.

Meredith: I trust the medication was delivered properly.

The prisoner got everything you requested.

Meredith: Thank you.

Chelsea: You would put Ian on the stand even though you know his testimony might be a lie?

Michael: Might. Might. We don't know his story is fake, and frankly, it's better not to ask.

Chelsea: This is crazy. Talk about rolling the dice. If we're questioning Ian's claims, doesn't that stand to reason a jury might, too, Michael?

Michael: It's possible.

Chelsea: It's possible. Wow. Well, where does that leave my husband?

Michael: You have to stay calm, Chelsea.

Chelsea: I'm not gonna stay calm.

Michael: Okay, listen to me. Let me put this another way. Look, it is the jury's duty to be skeptical of Ian, yes?

Chelsea: Sure. Yeah, but --

Michael: But I'm prepared for that. But if his testimony causes them to doubt the D.A.'s story, too, even the tiniest little bit, Adam will get that acquittal. That's how it works, Chelsea. That's what decides a case -- doubt.

Ian: The beauty of my position -- I don't have to confirm or deny anything. There's no case without my testimony. Your position is a lot less enviable by a landslide.

Adam: You think?

Ian: Yeah. The risk is yours, Adam, all yours. And it sounds like you have to take it.

Adam: I'll go ahead and chalk that up to the, uh, escape is on category. Here's my thing that I don't -- I don't understand though is why, uh -- why haven't you asked me for help?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Travis: Just please tell me I haven't lost you.

Victoria: I mean, did we ever really have each other? Did we know each other?

Travis: Yeah. Unless you think I'm my job or my bank account.

Victoria: Or my name.

Travis: Actually, I think by cutting out all the other stuff, we know each other even better. Don't you? I mean, I know how you like your drinks.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. That's -- That's hugely important.

Travis: I know what songs to never switch out of the jukebox.

Victoria: [Chuckles] God forbid.

Travis: I know how your face lights up when you talk about your kids. I know there's just something about you. There's just something that struck me when you walked in the door, something I want to explore. So... Victoria Newman, C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises and mother of three, will you go steady with me?

Victoria: You did not just say that?

Travis: I did. I did just say that. And I want an answer.

Victoria: Travis Crawford, former wolf of Wall Street and bartender extraordinaire --

Travis: I like it.

Victoria: Yeah.

Travis: Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah, let's do it. But fair warning.

Travis: Already with the warnings.

Victoria: My family, you know -- They're gonna have a lot of questions. They're gonna have their opinion, all of them.

Travis: I don't care. Do you?

Victoria: No, I don't care.

Billy: We should get dressed.

Phyllis: Yeah.

[Knock on door]

Jack: Billy? You home? We need to talk.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: I know you, Adam. Something happened with Ian, and you're not telling me. What was it?

Victor: You should know what I'm asking of you. I want those who testified against me punished.

Christine: Will you be willing to say all of this under

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