Y&R Transcript Friday 6/10/16
Episode # 10941 ~ Ashley is backed into a corner; Hilary gets Jack's attention; Billy wants Phyllis to come clean.
Provided By Jim
Paul: Okay, so, we have a name at the end of the money trail. But it just raises more questions.
Dylan: Yeah. With our lab tech dead, we're just gonna have to go straight to the source for the answers.
Paul: We were so certain it was Victor Newman. Now that we know that it isn't, we're gonna have to regroup and figure out what answers we need to conclude this investigation.
Dylan: I mean, as far as I’m concerned, there's only one question that we need answered. Why was Hilary Hamilton paying this guy off?
Ashley: How could Hilary possibly believe that we're gonna get FDA approval in the next few months? Thank you. Two of our patients have relapsed, Neville.
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] I know.
Ashley: This drug is farther away than ever from doing what it's supposed to do. And she’s telling the world that it's gonna be on the market by the fall. What the hell is she thinking?
Dr. Neville: Personal glory? What she's gonna at the press conference? The cover of Vanity Fair?
Ashley: It’s always about her ego. Always. And she’s determined to -- to push this drug trial. And there’s people's lives at stake.
Dr. Neville: [Sighs]
Ashley: You know what we have to do? We have to put out a new press release. We have to say that due to unforeseen problems with the drug testing, this drug will not be on the market by fall.
Dr. Neville: Without consulting Hilary?
Ashley: She never consults us. I’m supposed to be the C.E.O. She never consults me. Ever.
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] With all due respect, we have more immediate concerns than a press release. Two of our patients are suffering from severe side effects. And there is going to be a third.
Ashley: Hilary.
Dr. Neville: Mm.
Ashley: Are you sure of that?
Dr. Neville: Well, vitals are stable, her memory isn't impaired. But that tremor is a clear indication. Not that she'd listen to me.
Ashley: Because she thinks that you're tricking her.
Dr. Neville: We have to get her to see the truth. Make it about her. Make her realize that her life is in danger. Maybe that will get it through her head -- the drug isn't ready. Won’t be without a lot more testing. We might be saving her life.
Ashley: God knows I don't like her very much, but I don’t want to see her slip back into a coma.
Dr. Neville: I almost believe you.
Ashley: I mean it. And you’re right. Maybe we have to convince her what's at stake, right? She won’t be so stupid.
Dr. Neville: Give it a go. [Cell phone rings]
Hilary: Hello?
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] Uh, Hilary. It's Neville. I’m with Ashley. I want you to listen to me very carefully.
Hilary: Did you fix the problem with the drug?
Dr. Neville: N-- not yet. It -- th-this is about your health.
Hilary: Then we have nothing to talk about.
Lily: He seemed so nice. I mean, he was so excited to be here. It was his first time. I mean, for him to commit suicide doesn’t make any sense.
Cane: I don't know. Maybe some people are good at hiding what’s really going on, I suppose.
Lily: It’s just -- it's awful.
Hilary: Yes, it is. Especially since it’s the second tragic event recently.
Cane: You know what, right now is not the right time for this conversation.
Hilary: First Abby’s fall down the stairs, her miscarriage, and now a suicide? This is gonna be a real problem.
Cane: Okay, a man has died. Would you mind showing some respect? Can you do that?
Hilary: Yeah, absolutely. But this is gonna be a PR nightmare. We need to get in front of it.
Lily: Dealing with the media is my job, which means it’s none of your business.
Hilary: This is very much my business.
Cane: Oh, it is? Really? Since when, exactly? 'Cause, I mean, you’re so busy with the foundation, or pushing Dr. Neville’s protocol for its FDA approval. And when you're not doing that, you’re climbing and clawing your way up the, uh -- what, the social ladder here in Genoa City. When's the last time you actually cared about the club? Why do you care?
Jack: Thanks for agreeing to meet me here. We still have some Foundation business to finish up, but it’s a beautiful evening. I figured I should spend part of it with my beautiful wife.
Phyllis: Yeah. I need a break. And some drinks. Luca Santori's living with my daughter. I just... want to snap his neck.
Jack: You did talk to Nick, though, right?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, we got a plan to get Luca gone. I’m gonna kill that peacock with kindness.
Jack: Interesting approach.
Phyllis: Yeah, what I really want to do is kill him and put him on a platter, but... Sorry.
Jack: Thank goodness for Nick's calming influence, huh?
Phyllis: And yours. So, now I am gonna take a deep breath, I’m gonna think happy thoughts, and I’m gonna focus on my husband.
Jack: You really think you can do that?
Phyllis: Yeah. What am I doing right now?
Jack: Um, you're drawing an imaginary circle.
Phyllis: I’m making a bubble. And from this minute on, it’s just you and me. Nothing can touch us. [Bethany laughing]
Billy: That's a big laugh for a mediocre joke.
Bethany: I am getting paid 10 grand to play your girlfriend. I am going to laugh at every knock-knock joke you have.
Billy: Let’s not overdo it, okay?
Bethany: Oh, why not? If it were up to you, we'd be moping around your shack of yours. Isn’t this more fun? We have an audience.
Billy: Yeah. We do.
Bethany: Let’s go say hi.
Billy: No, let’s -- let's not.
Bethany: Hey, guys!
Phyllis: Hi, Bethany.
Jack: Hi, Bethany.
Bethany: Would you look at that? I mean, what are the odds? Isn’t this super?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Billy: You know what, we should go.
Phyllis: Super.
Hilary: My husband owns this place, so of course I care.
Lily: Yeah, that’s right. Devon owns it. And he trusts me to manage it.
Hilary: You know, it is really too bad that you’re so threatened by me. Because we have the same goal. To do what Devon wants. Realize his vision.
Cane: Oh, but she's already realized that.
Hilary: Well, there's always room for improvement, isn’t there? You know what, Devon has invested so much in this place. Not just money, but his reputation. Anything negative that happens under this roof reflects on him. And the last thing he needs right now is a scandal associated with his name.
Cane: But you mean your name. 'Cause you've proven over and over that the only person you care about protecting is yourself.
Hilary: Can you please crawl out of your small minds and realize that I'm just trying to help? Like it or not, we are family.
Lily: Oh, I choose to not like it.
Hilary: Well, this entire incident can land us all on the front page of a tabloid. "Guest Who Checks Out Permanently: Suicide at the Athletic Club." How about that one? Hm?
Lily: Ooh, I have one. What about "The Sister-In-Law From Hell Gets Murdered at the Athletic Club"?
Cane: Shh. Don’t, darling.
Lily: Look, this is a tragedy, and I'm handling it appropriately. So please, go torture somebody else.
Hilary: Reactive instead of proactive. See, that’s your problem. That's what shows that you are out of your depth. Well, thank God I know how to manage a crisis. Watch. Maybe you’ll learn something.
Lily: You know, this is ridiculous. I’m calling Devon.
Hilary: Well, he’s out of town. I’m calling the shots. With his blessing, of course.
Lily: Oh, like hell you will.
Paul: Okay, so, Alan James didn't just work for the medical examiner. Get a load of this.
Dylan: What?
Paul: He was also on the drug trial for Ashley and Neville's research project.
Dylan: Hmm.
Paul: So, Hilary was C.E.O. of that for a while, too.
Dylan: Yeah, no, no, she’s still pretty involved. She just made an announcement that, uh, Neville’s new treatment’s gonna be on the market in a few months.
Paul: A few months? Doesn’t it take years to get things through the FDA?
Dylan: I’m sure if it's about getting to market and making a lot of money, there are ways... to speed up the process.
Paul: So, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Dylan: So, Hilary paid James...
Paul: To manipulate the test results.
Dylan: ...because she wanted to cut corners and push this approval through.
Paul: Okay. That sounds like motive to me.
Dr. Neville: I can’t believe she hung up on me.
Ashley: It’s not really that surprising, though, is it?
Dr. Neville: It's not a joke. It's a matter of life or death. If the drug doesn’t work, there’s no amount of spin that's going to change that. How could she simply refuse to see it?
Ashley: Because it doesn’t work for her, and she thinks she’s infallible. The rest of the world just has to fall into line.
Dr. Neville: She’s not immortal. And she can’t just remain in denial about this. [Sighs] Even if she does have the world’s most challenging personality, I-I admit it, I'm worried about her.
Ashley: I hate to mention this. What if the face of our drug ends up in the hospital?
Dr. Neville: No. No, it's not about reputation. Or public perception. She was my patient. It's my treatment, my protocol. I brought her back to life. I have a responsibility to help her now. Same responsibility I have to all of my patients.
Ashley: That’s why I believe in you. Because of your conviction. That saved my life, you know.
Dr. Neville: No, my dear Ms. Abbott. That was a -- that was a team effort. Because you knew the risks. You had your doubts. You were in pain. But you kept fighting. Now, if it wasn’t for your courage, this drug wouldn’t have any kind of a future. Although, admittedly, right now I’m not sure what that is.
Ashley: Stop. This drug is gonna save lives. I know it will. Have you had any luck refining the formula?
Dr. Neville: No, no. I’m still waiting on the latest Chem analysis, the protein binding. The only theory I have is that, unlike you, Hilary and the other two were comatose. They were the victims of a traumatic injury, and that somehow the damaged tissue affects the way the medication works on a cellular level. I don’t know. Until I get the tests back, I still have more questions than I do answers.
Ashley: Well, not for long, knowing you.
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] Well, I’d better come up with something, and quickly, or Hilary's gonna suffer the same fate as the other two.
Ashley: Well, then get to the lab, right? Go on. Get back to work. I’m gonna go talk to Hilary, all right? She can’t keep running from the truth forever.
Phyllis: Well, you two look like you're having fun.
Bethany: Beats falling off a motorcycle, doesn’t it?
Billy: Oh, yeah. She’s a laugh riot. Here you go.
Bethany: One of the things he loves about me.
Billy: I certainly do.
Bethany: Well, what's up with you guys?
Billy: You know what, we should just let them enjoy their evening. How about it?
Bethany: Well, I mean, we're just getting to know each other. We should enjoy it together.
Jack: How are you feeling?
Billy: Uh, I’m fine. Fine. Bumps and bruises.
Jack: Good. Good. I mean, could be a whole lot worse. And you certainly look no worse for the wear.
Bethany: Like it never happened. Well, this is a little awkward. But I know what can make it less awkward. Mojitos. How about a round of drinks?
Billy: Jack doesn't drink.
Bethany: Oh. Uh, sorry.
Jack: No, no. No need to be.
Bethany: No, I mean I really am. That would really suck, you know? A life without mojitos? Margies? Champagne? Listen to me. I’m gonna remove my foot from my mouth.
Jack: You know what, you were so good at seeing that my brother got medical attention, the least I can do is buy you a mojito.
Bethany: [Sighs] You are so cute. All right, well, I'm gonna go get changed, and I will be back in a sec.
Billy: All right.
Jack: Well, she's certainly a spirited gal.
Billy: We don't have to do this.
Jack: No, g-- I would like to try to do this, as you and I haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye lately.
Billy: Well, that's because I’m living the life that I want to live, and you don't approve of that. I would say that we should be used to this by now.
Jack: You're my brother, and I love you, and we've experienced a lot together. I’d like to think we could put our differences aside for one evening. Is that too much to ask for? I’ll get us a table.
Lily: You will not tell me how to do my job.
Hilary: I think I can tell you whatever I want. And you’re gonna have to accept it or face the consequences.
Lily: You know, I am sick of you shoving your threats down our throats. You don’t control our lives.
Cane: Okay, listen. We all want what is best for this club, so how about we just try and settle our differences and work together?
Hilary: I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you for understanding that we need to be civil.
Paul: Good evening. Can we have a moment of your time?
Cane: Hey, Chief. What can we do for you?
Lily: Is this about the guest who committed suicide?
Dylan: That's correct.
Lily: Okay, well, follow me to my office.
Paul: Actually, we are, um, here to talk to Hilary.
Bethany: So, was it love at first sight?
Jack: Oh, all that fun and passion and humor. How could I not fall hard?
Phyllis: Head over heels.
Bethany: And you two have been together ever since?
Jack: Well, we’ve had our struggles, like other couples, but we've always come back, right? We come back stronger and even more in love.
Phyllis: Yep, we have.
Bethany: Oh, that is so romantic! Isn’t it?
Billy: Like a fairy tale.
Bethany: You are a lucky woman. To have a man that loves you that much, something so real. If I were you, I would hold on tight to all that yummy goodness.
Phyllis: Well, that's what I’m gonna do.
Jack: No, I'm the lucky one, being married to Phyllis.
Bethany: Oh! Poor Billy. All this talk about love and marriage. Don’t worry, I'm not that girl. I am totally fine with no strings attached, no expectations. Fine with being the rebound chick.
Jack: Wait, that’s how you see yourself?
Bethany: Oh, no, I’m totally cool with it. The only reason Billy is dating me is because he's trying to get over the love of his life.
Billy: [Sighs]
Bethany: What -- what's her name again?
Billy: Victoria.
Bethany: Yep, that’s it. Victoria.
Billy: Uh, we're gonna get going, Jack. Thank you very much for the drinks.
Bethany: Oh, yeah. You know what, we -- mmm. We have a big night planned. Very big. Huge.
Billy: Shall we?
Bethany: Yeah. All right. Well, you know what, we really should do this again sometime. I-I had a blast.
Jack: Wow. Is it me, or is there something off about that girl?
Lily: You know, maybe the man didn't commit suicide. Maybe Hilary murdered him because he didn’t give her the proper respect.
Cane: Not funny.
Lily: Look, all I'm saying is that she's being questioned by the police about a dead man. There must be some sort of connection. Is it so horrible that I hope she lands behind bars?
Cane: I don't know. Maybe they're gathering information. Like ’cause James was in the medical field, so maybe they think that Hilary knew him.
Lily: Well, I like my version better. Hilary, guilty as hell and finally getting caught.
Cane: Well, you really hope she gets into trouble?
Lily: I mean, think about it. If she goes to prison, then her days of social climbing and power plays are over. She’ll finally be out of our lives.
Cane: And you seem to forget that if Hilary is guilty of something, she will take us down with her and enjoy every single second of it.
Paul: But I understand the deceased worked for you.
Hilary: He was part of an outsourced lab team that worked specifically on the drug trial. Which I did oversee.
Dylan: Did you have personal contact with him?
Hilary: I don't really have personal contact with any of the consulting personnel.
Paul: Oh.
Hilary: I knew him by name. Why? What's this about?
Paul: Several large deposits in his bank account were traced back to you.
Hilary: Well, that’s impossible.
Dylan: Uh, unless it was in exchange for falsifying reports to get that FDA approval as fast as possible.
Hilary: I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the effectiveness of this drug.
Paul: Then how do you explain the large deposits into his account?
Hilary: It’s simple. I do the payroll for all of the lab employees. I get a report. It tells me the weekly salaries and the bonuses to distribute.
Dylan: Well, he must have been an outstanding employee, because the payout was significant.
Hilary: Yes, the bonuses can be generous. But I-I didn't do anything wrong. You need to believe me. This isn't business as usual for me. Dr. Neville -- I was a patient of his. I’m alive because...of him.
Paul: What? What is it?
Hilary: Dr. Neville, he deals with all of the testing procedures. He handles all of the medical staff. He's the one that tells me how much to pay each employee. I think that Dr. Neville is the person that you need to speak to about possible payoffs.
Ashley: This looks serious.
Paul: Actually, it is. We are, uh, looking for Dr. Neville. Do you have any idea where he is?
Ashley: Yeah, he’s at the hospital checking on some test results.
Paul: Okay. Thank you.
Ashley: You're welcome.
Paul: We’ll be in touch.
Ashley: Good to see you.
Paul: Good to see you, too. Bye.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Well, I guess Hilary’s not in trouble after all.
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: That’s too bad.
Ashley: What’s going on?
Hilary: Would you believe that a guest committed suicide in one of the suites?
Ashley: Okay, that’s horrific. But why were Dylan and Paul asking you about a payoff?
Hilary: Well, it turns out that he was one of the lab techs on our drug trial, and they were accusing me of paying him off to alter some lab results.
Ashley: You did it, didn’t you? That's why you were so certain we were gonna get approval so quickly.
Hilary: People need this drug, okay? I did what I had to.
Ashley: And then what did you do after that? Did you tell the police that Neville was responsible? That he authorized those payments?
Hilary: Uh, well --
Ashley: You ungrateful bitch. He's trying to save your life even as you’re trying to destroy him.
Hilary: I don't need saving. And there’s a bigger picture here.
Ashley: Do you understand that there have been two patients that have relapsed, and you’re going to be the third? Neville told me about the tremor in your hand, Hilary.
Hilary: You know what, that's nothing. Okay? Neville is -- he's upset about the press release, and he’s just trying to scare me into postponing the launch.
Ashley: Okay, shut up, and you listen to me very, very closely. He's not playing you right now. That tremor is the very first sign that you are absolutely relapsing. And unless Neville finds some kind of a solution very quickly, there’s no guarantee you're gonna come out of it this time. You sending him to jail, you're making yourself a dead woman. Neville, you need to leave the lab right now. I know.
Bethany: [Laughing] How much fun was that? I mean, you are hot, but your brother is so dashing and old-school. So handsome. Th-there was Phyllis, you on one side, Jack on the other --
Billy: What the hell do you think you’re doing?
Jack: I don't know what I expected Bethany to be, but that wasn't it.
Phyllis: Yeah. She’s definitely unfiltered. At least she knows what she wants -- or doesn’t want.
Jack: A real relationship with Billy?
Phyllis: I don’t know about that. I mean, she -- I think she's got it figured out pretty well, with all the fireworks, bells, and whistles. I mean, she knows it can't last. It's a fling. She’s having fun with it.
Jack: I don't know. I don’t think it was that easy. She was acting really, really hard to be nonchalant.
Phyllis: Really. You think she’s that bright, to throw reverse psychology at Billy?
Jack: Why not? Play the hard-to-get, catch-me-if-you-can party girl...
Phyllis: Then she lets him catch her...
Jack: And become the next Mrs. Billy Abbott.
Phyllis: I don’t know. That plan might require more brain cells than the girl has.
Jack: Oh, no, no, no. Bethany’s as smart as they come, and she’s got Billy’s number. You know he loves a challenge. And what's more exciting than what you can't have?
Phyllis: Please. Not everybody wants to marry Abbotts. You’re way too handsome, and too full of yourselves.
Jack: You wanted to marry me.
Phyllis: Best thing I ever did. All that yummy goodness.
Jack: [Laughs] Okay, hold that thought. Listen, I got to find Hilary before it’s too late to talk this Foundation business, okay?
Phyllis: Okay. Hey, you tell her to keep her claws to herself, okay?
Jack: The only claws I want are yours.
Phyllis: Then I'll let you go. But only if you make it up to me later.
Jack: Count on it.
Bethany: I was having fun.
Billy: You could have blown us out of the water.
Bethany: Would you lighten up? You’re a lot hotter when you're not all freaked out.
Billy: Hey, this is not a game, okay?
Bethany: Would you stop worrying? Listen, I know what I’m supposed to do, and I'm doing it. Maybe I went a little too far with the "love of your life" thing.
Billy: Yeah, you think? What you pulled back there, okay, that -- that is not part of the plan.
Bethany: So I went a little off-script. Okay, Jack didn’t suspect a thing. And Phyllis, that woman is a total pro. Not even a twitch. But for a poker player, you revealed everything. It was all right here. If your brother had looked at you a little too long, it would have been game over. So instead of shredding me, you need to worry about yourself. If anyone is going to give this away, it's you.
[Woman laughing]
Billy: You can’t make me stop feeling what I'm feeling. You can’t make me think that we don’t belong together.
Phyllis: How is it gonna work? We cannot work.
Billy: Why not? Because of Jack?
Phyllis: Yes.
Billy: Phyllis, I love my brother, but what you have is an illusion. It's a memory of what used to exist. What we have, what we -- What we could be is real. If you would just allow it to be, it would be real. I know it. And you know it.
Jack: Everything all right?
Phyllis: Yeah. Just missed you. That's all.
Jack: Well, we were just in bed together a couple hours ago.
Phyllis: I know. That was before.
Jack: Before what?
Phyllis: Before that.
Jack: Is it just me, or does this feel like a whole new beginning for us?
Phyllis: Forget the past. Just here in the now. It's just us, okay? It's just us.
Billy: I know you're trying to shore up your marriage. How’s that working out for you?
Phyllis: You really want to know the answer to that question?
Billy: I should tell you to go back there and be with your man. You know, smile the smile, walk the walk. But I’m not gonna do that. You want to know why? Because... Because I know what you really need.
Paul: Okay.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Paul: So, you know, nobody saw Neville at the hospital. It makes me wonder if he was ever there.
Dylan: What, you think Ashley sent us on a wild-goose chase?
Paul: Or it was Neville's smokescreen so he could take off.
Dylan: Well, he did turn his cell phone off so we can’t track his location.
Paul: Right. Even if Ashley thinks he's innocent, his disappearance certainly gives credence to Hilary's story.
Dylan: So, do you think Dr. Neville paid that lab tech off to push the approval through?
Paul: Okay. Well, I’m thinking -- I-I -- I'm thinking that... The lab tech winds up dead. Neville feels the walls closing in, so he runs.
Dylan: Well, that wouldn’t be the first time, right?
Paul: Hilary’s kidnapping, right? You go to his hotel room looking for her. He panics, drugs you, and takes off.
Dylan: And it seems like he may have panicked again.
Paul: [Sighs] Yeah. I want an APB on Dr. Simon Neville.
Dr. Neville: Dead?! Oh, that's it. That -- that -- this is the end. This is the end. [Chuckles] I’m sorry. My work, our research, everything.
Ashley: It is not the end. We've been through so much before. We're gonna get through this, too.
Dr. Neville: No, no, no. You don’t understand. Hilary's too powerful. She’s got all the cards.
Ashley: She's not too powerful. We've got the truth on our side.
Dr. Neville: Since when has that ever been enough?
Ashley: Listen, snap out of it, okay? Now just calm down. Hilary has gone too far. A man has died. Now, we go to the police, we tell them it was not you that paid that person off, it was her. It was Hilary.
Dr. Neville: Ashley, it's not that simple.
Ashley: Yes, it is. Now, listen to me. Devon’s power and his money cannot protect Hilary anymore. She goes away. You have all the time in the world. You can push this launch date until the drug is ready. And you can realize this dream of yours. Okay? And we're gonna do this. Come on. We're going to the police.
Dr. Neville: I can’t turn Hilary in.
Ashley: Why not?
Jack: Oh, just the woman I’m looking for.
Hilary: Oh. Hey, Jack. Uh, what can I do for you?
Jack: Well, I just wanted to go over a couple of bullet points for that meeting we have with the city tomorrow.
Hilary: Uh, yeah. Absolutely. Um...I was just going over a time line for the opening of the new treatment center. And I spoke to the mayor's office about participating in a ribbon-cutting ceremony as soon as we have a firm date.
Jack: You are a wonder. And not just with this. You handled that whole dedication ceremony so beautifully. I know Jill can be overbearing.
Hilary: Eh...
Jack: You didn’t take the bait. You stayed cool, stayed focused on the Foundation. And I want you to know I really appreciate that.
Hilary: Well, I do this all from my heart, Jack. I don’t need a thank you, but it's really -- it’s nice to hear.
Lily: Look at her. She’s practically drooling on him. It's disgusting.
Cane: Just let this go.
Lily: No, someone needs to open his eyes.
Cane: Okay, it’s not your responsibility, okay, 'cause nothing good is gonna come of this -- Lily. Lily!
Lily: Excuse me.
Hilary: Lily, this is not a good time.
Lily: How can you not see what she is?
Billy: Well, sorry if my performance wasn't up to par for you.
Bethany: I bet you don’t get to say that very often.
Billy: [Sighs] This plan is ridiculous.
Bethany: Are you kidding? It's brilliant. The way Phyllis covered your tracks for your secret motorcycle ride gone wrong? She disappears, throws me into your arms -- it’s genius.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. She’s really good at pushing me away.
Bethany: That's only because she wants you so badly. [Door slams]
Phyllis: What do you think you were doing back there?
Bethany: Oh, Billy just asked me the exact same thing. You two really are quite the pair.
Phyllis: Yeah, you could have ruined everything.
Bethany: Am I seriously having this conversation again? Relax.
Phyllis: Here.
Bethany: Uh, what's this, a bonus?
Phyllis: It's for you to shut up and go away.
Bethany: Okay. Well, you know where to find me when you need me. Have fun!
Phyllis: We have a problem.
Billy: Yeah, we do. And you’re making it worse.
Billy: You made a mistake bringing Bethany into this.
Phyllis: I didn't have a choice. You want me to tell everybody that I was on the back of your motorcycle when I should have been at Jack's big Foundation party?
Billy: You said that she could be handled, okay? That girl is a wild card.
Phyllis: She is better than the truth.
Billy: What if she decides that she doesn't want to play anymore? What if she decides she wants more money? She can go to Jack at any point. So what do we do then?
Phyllis: She’s not the type.
Billy: No? Come on. You don’t know anything about her.
Phyllis: She wants the cash. She doesn’t want the trouble.
Billy: Okay. What are you really doing here?
Phyllis: Someone had to talk some sense into that girl.
Billy: No, no, no. This has nothing to do about the girl.
Phyllis: Don’t go looking for something where it's not.
Billy: I saw your face. When Bethany kissed me.
Phyllis: I wasn't jealous.
Billy: You were jealous.
Phyllis: I wasn't. We have to rethink this. This isn't working.
Billy: Yeah, it's not working because we can't keep pretending anymore. Because we can't stay the hell away from each other.
Ashley: Neville, after everything that Hilary has put you through, this is your chance. It's our chance for you to reclaim your dream. Come on! The good guys win.
Dr. Neville: I may not be one of the good guys.
Ashley: What are you talking about?
Dr. Neville: Hilary and I have a complicated history.
Ashley: How complicated can it be? You saved her life.
Dr. Neville: But the circumstances aren't [Sighs] necessarily what you were led to believe.
Ashley: You told me that an anonymous donor paid you to treat her. You didn't do anything wrong, Neville.
Dr. Neville: Except for lying to the authorities. And you. I was fully aware of the kidnapper’s identity.
Ashley: You knew?
Dr. Neville: And Hilary knows it, too. It's the big stick she's been using to keep me in line.
Ashley: She's blackmailing you?
Dr. Neville: Reminded me just the other day of how unfortunate it would be if the truth came out. [Stammers] To say nothing of losing my medical license. A very quick trip from the lab to a jail cell.
Ashley: Wait a second. I would expect Hilary to lie to me, but not you.
Dr. Neville: A-Ashley --
Ashley: Not you, Neville. We shared everything. We worked side by side for months --
Dr. Neville: I’m sorry --
Ashley: You're sorry? That's not good enough. I thought I had to protect the project from Hilary, but it was you and your lie. That's the real threat here. This entire thing could implode, and you know all along, and you didn't tell me?! Well, say something now! Start talking! I wan to hear everything.
Dr. Neville: The less you know, the better.
Ashley: Oh, you're gonna protect me? Are you serious? Do you realize that all the work we've done could be shot to hell? Well, I’m not gonna let that happen. So you'd better start talking, because God only knows how soon it will be before the cops track you down.
Paul: Hold on. Neville’s car’s been sighted. Where is it? Okay. Good work. Thanks. We have a location.
Dylan: Paul, please, let me take care of Neville. Just tell me where he is.
Jack: We can pick this up in the morning, okay?
Hilary: No, you know what, we can go right up to my suite.
Lily: Oh, because Devon's out of town? That's perfect.
Hilary: How dare you?
Cane: Lily. Lily.
Lily: You know she doesn’t care about your Foundation, right?
Jack: Well, there you are wrong. She has already committed lots of time and energy to our cause.
Lily: Yeah, all of those tireless efforts are for one thing.
Hilary: You really need to back off.
Lily: It’s for you. You’re the cause, to get on your good side.
Cane: Okay, let's not do this here.
Lily: I mean, how can you be so smart and not see it? She’s hedging her bets just in case Devon wises up and throws her out on the street.
Hilary: That’s ridiculous.
Lily: She needs some wallet to bankroll the lifestyle that she’s become accustomed to. Buy her way into high society.
Hilary: Obviously my sister-in-law has lost her mind. I love my husband, and I'm offended that you would disparage our relationship --
Lily: Oh, and now she's using big words to make herself sound classy.
Hilary: Lily, you're embarrassing yourself.
Lily: No, you're the embarrassment. You have torn this family apart.
Hilary: You know what, you better be careful, because you’re gonna do that all on your own.
Cane: All right, listen. I don’t think our family issues need to be, uh, in public, okay, and Jack doesn't have to be drawn into this. So can we just...?
Jack: I'll let you work this out on your own.
Cane: Thank you, Jack.
Lily: You know she’s the reason that Neil is drinking again, right? It's her fault.
Hilary: I didn’t make Neil an alcoholic. And like he said, there is always a potential for relapse. But I am -- I am there for him just like everyone else.
Lily: No, it is your fault. You are responsible. With all of your lies and your games, all --
Jack: H-Hilary? Hilary? Hilary!
Dr. Neville: My focus was saving Hilary’s life. Whatever I had to agree to do to make that happen, I did.
Ashley: Oh, really? Even protecting a kidnapper who put Devon and his family through hell?
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] The person responsible never meant to harm Hilary.
Ashley: Oh, please. No.
Dr. Neville: She was injured, she was comatose. Getting in contact with me was his best hope of saving her life.
Ashley: You don't get to do this. You do not get to turn this monster into a saint. Now help me out, here. If you know the truth and Hilary knows the truth, then what's the problem? You tell the cops, the blackmail goes away.
Dr. Neville: No. There are other people involved. I don’t want to see them hurt.
Ashley: Oh, there's other people involved. Of course there are.
Dr. Neville: I’m sorry. I never meant to disappoint you. That was the last thing I ever wanted.
Ashley: So now what? You don’t want to admit the truth because you don’t want to turn on Hilary? How are you gonna get yourself out of this mess?
Dylan: Dr. Neville. Got a few questions for you.
Jack: Hilary?
Lily: Oh, please. Such a drama queen. Get up, Hilary. No one's buying your act.
Jack: Hilary, can you open your eyes?
Lily: Jack, this is a play for sympathy. A way out of her admitting what she really is. You see? She’s fine.
Jack: Hilary, can you hear me?
Lily: Oh, my God.
Jack: Hilary. This is not an act. Don’t just stand there, call an ambulance! Hilary! I’m right here. Hilary!
Phyllis: This can't happen.
Billy: Phyllis... Phyllis, this -- this is happening.
Phyllis: No.
Billy: We love each other. You can deny it. You can -- you can turn away from it. You can hold onto your husband's hand. But it doesn't change what we both know.
Phyllis: I can’t leave Jack. I can’t mess up this family.
Billy: Is that how you want to live your life, like that? Dutifully lying beside your husband, thinking about me the whole time, trying to --
Phyllis: Just stop it.
Billy: Trying to hide what is right, trying to hide from the truth? I don’t want to live that way.
Phyllis: There are other people to think about here.
Billy: No, there’s not. It's just you and me in this. I want you, okay? I want us. We both know we could be if we were together. And if that is selfish, then I don’t care.
Phyllis: [Sighs] I don’t know how to do this. I can’t. I don’t know how.
Billy: So, what are we supposed to do? We just cross the street when we see the other person? Continue with these ridiculous stories? Pay some bimbo to lie to Jack? He's going to find out, Phyllis. He's too smart for this.
Phyllis: Then you tell me what we’re supposed to do. This is an impossible situation. What are we supposed to do?
Billy: We tell Jack. We tell him now.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sage: Wake up, Sharon.
Sharon: Sage?!
Jack: This time you kept it in the family? My own damn brother?
Phyllis: Jack...
Jack: I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.
Phyllis: Jack, no. Jack, no!
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