Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/9/16
Episode # 10940 ~ Dylan & Paul make a shocking discovery; Summer surprises Luca; Nick & Phyllis join forces.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: Nick, did you follow me here?
Nick: I'm here because you shouldn’t be.
Victoria: What? Do you even hear yourself? I’m a grown woman. If I want to dance, I’m going to dance without you glaring at me.
Nick: Let's get out of here so we can talk somewhere else.
Victoria: We have nothing to talk about. You’re crossing a line.
Travis: Who are you, anyway?
Nick: I'm her brother. Who the hell are you?
[Cell phone rings]
Luca: Hey, Summer. Where are you? I thought we were meeting for drinks. Savannah? When did you -- Yeah, of course. If -- if your brother needs help organizing his art show. But -- but what about your work? [Chuckles] Yeah, whatever you need. Yeah, I’ll just -- I'll just be here waiting for you. All right. Hurry Back. Mwah. Let me guess who played travel agent.
Chelsea: Is it done? Did you get Ian’s deposition? Now we can prove to the police that Victor’s framing Adam, right?
Adam: He backed out, didn't he?
Chelsea: What?!
Michael: No, no, no. Ian’s still in.
Adam: Still in, but there's a catch, naturally.
Michael: Well, we won't get a signed affidavit in advance.
Adam: No deposition.
Michael: Mr. Ward would like to save his big reveal for the stand.
[Adam groans]
Michael: He thinks his testimony will have greater impact in a live courtroom.
Adam: [Scoffs]
Chelsea: So, now Adam would have to go to trial to be cleared? I mean, we were trying to avoid a trial altogether.
Adam: But we don’t have much of a defense until Ian opens up his big fat mouth on the stand, do we. Are -- are you okay with this, man?
Michael: Ian knows how to work an audience. We let the jury weigh his words live, it helps our case. Granted, a signed testimony would be an excellent backup, and one would like to know what the madman is gonna say in advance, but there you go.
Chelsea: Okay. It's not ideal, but I’ll take it. Because think about it. This is really just our insurance, anyway. Once we can prove that Victor paid off a lab tech to mess with the tissue samples... Adam's walking away a free man.
Dylan: Tell me this is not happening.
Paul: Yeah, I wish it weren’t.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Paul: Lady walks in to find her boyfriend, Alan James, dead from an apparent overdose. Our favorite lab tech.
Dylan: And that's how desperate he was. The guy gets a bag full of money for fudging some lab results. The second he thinks we’re onto him, he takes a bunch of pills. That poor bastard.
Paul: Yeah, when you see something like this, it’s always a loss. Not only for his family, but for the truth. Whatever James knew about the Bingham autopsy, he took with him.
Dylan: Unless maybe he told somebody why he was so flush with cash. Where’s the girlfriend?
Victor: I hate this place.
Meredith: I know you do. You don’t deserve to be here. It's your son who deserves to be in a cell.
Victor: But if I hadn't been sent here, you and I would never have met.
Meredith: So you’re saying that meeting me has made it all worthwhile? [Knock on door]
Ian: Oh. Hello, friends. The door was unlocked. I hope, uh, we're not interrupting.
Adam: Huh.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Well...
Chelsea: What?! Michael’s hard work and your good news deserve a toast.
Michael: Ohh, well, I appreciate your optimism. But maybe we should wait until Ian actually takes the stand and swears to tell the whole truth.
Adam: And at that point in time, we'll just pray that lightning doesn’t strike the courthouse.
Michael: Haa!
Chelsea: Guys, he will tell the truth -- that you are being framed. Okay? Ian agreed to do this. We need to stay positive.
Michael: We do intend to make it worth his while. I mean, I called in a lot of favors to get him transferred to a -- a minimum-security facility.
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: Well, give him whatever he wants as long as we get this testimony.
Adam: You know, there was a time when I thought he died in that tower fire. And then when I realized he survived, I sort of was wishing that he hadn't. But if his testimony's gonna clear my name, I'm with -- I’m with my lovely wife over here. Whatever Ian wants, Ian gets.
Chelsea: What about the lab tech? We could make a deal with him, too, right? Immunity or something to make sure that he cooperates?
Michael: Oh, maybe the incentive would be not going to prison for a very, very, very long time. I mean, since Ian is willing to testify, that gives Dylan and Paul leverage with our lying lab tech. Could be enough to make him talk.
Denise: How can he be dead?
Paul: Our deepest condolences on your loss, Denise. How long had you and Alan known each other?
Denise: Not that long. I’m in the nurses’ training program at the hospital. We saw each other at Memorial sometimes, but never had anything to talk about, really, until...
Dylan: Until, uh, Alan bought that boat?
Denise: How'd you know?
Dylan: Well, he was, uh -- he was very proud of the boat, and proud of you, and proud of the fact that he could take you to fancy dinners. And I’m sure he even bought you some nice presents, like -- like that bracelet you're wearing.
Denise: Why do you say it that way? Are you -- is it drug money? Was it stolen? Here, take it back. I-I don’t want it. Please.
Paul: No, no. It's not stolen, and Alan wanted you to have it. It's yours.
Dylan: Yeah. Did he ever mention how he came into all that money?
Denise: He said it was better than winning the lottery.
Paul: What’s better?
Denise: Having rich friends.
Victor: You're interrupting, Ward. Get lost.
Ian: [Chuckles] What, does the prisoner make your appointments now, Madame Doctor?
Meredith: What seems to be your medical problem?
Ian: I have this -- this, uh, stomach ache. Sometimes a stabbing pain. I think it's a bug. There’s a dangerous contagion in the air.
Meredith: Can you please take Mr. Newman back to his cell?
Ian: Oh, Mr. Newman. How formal.
Meredith: Take better care of yourself.
Victor: You do the same.
Meredith: So, um, on a scale of 1 to 10, how -- how much pain are you in?
Ian: Almost zero. How about that? Amazing, huh?
Meredith: If there’s nothing wrong with you, why are you here?
Ian: To be a good Samaritan. To give you the gift of knowledge. There’s something you need to hear about your patient, Mr. Newman.
Meredith: Guard!
Ian: Oh, now, hol-- hold on a second. Hey.
Meredith: Get the inmate out of here. Now!
Ian: Big mistake, Dr. Gates. Big mistake. You need this information.
Phyllis: You think I sent Summer to see her brother in Georgia. She’s just being her warm and supportive self. She wants to help Daniel with his artwork.
Luca: Because he asked her to come. And why is that? Because you roped him into your manipulations. Summer's not gonna be happy when she realizes you arranged this trip.
Phyllis: You don’t get the concept of family, do you? Your wife ditched you. Your family has no use for you. And the truth is, people love Summer. She knows family's more important than any guy.
Luca: I'm not any guy, Phyllis. Summer knows that. Which is why she invited me to move in with her.
Phyllis: Yes, I heard that. That doesn't mean you can’t move right back out while she's away. I’ll even move a box myself.
Luca: You and Nick really should have coordinated your attack plans better. He didn’t scare me off, and neither will you.
Phyllis: Well, Nick is a decent guy. He believes in honor and decency and playing by the rules, and that's what I respect about him. It's good. It gives Summer some balance. But as her other parent, I don't play by the rules. Ever. So you let that sink in for a moment. Are you feeling uncomfortable right now, or afraid? Because you should be.
Victoria: What are you doing? Are you filling in for Dad now?
Nick: You're in some bar with strangers.
Victoria: Travis is not a stranger. Obviously. And this isn't just some bar. This is Hank's. It's... It's my refuge from the world, okay? It makes me happy. That's all that matters to me.
Travis: Sounds like she's answered all your questions. Now I’m asking you to leave my bar.
Nick: Well, you seem like you’re in an awfully big hurry to get rid of me. Why is that, Travis?
Victoria: Okay, let's go.
Nick: So, you ready to leave?
Victoria: Well, you obviously have something to say to me. But I’m not gonna have this conversation here, so come on. [Sighs]
Travis: We didn't finish our dance.
Victoria: I know. We will. I just need to talk my little brother down. But we'll finish the dance.
Travis: I'm gonna hold you to it.
Victoria: Okay. Please do.
Luca: Summer isn’t a child.
Phyllis: Well, she’s my child. And I’ll always protect her from opportunists.
Luca: She doesn't want your protection. She has a job, a home. Someone to spend her nights with. That's what she wants and needs. Not your interference and judgment.
Phyllis: I think I know my daughter a little bit better than you do.
Luca: That’s important to you, isn't it? To be the only one who knows Summer, the only one who cares about her, even if it’s not true. You know, maybe if you were happier in your own life, you wouldn't feel the need to control your daughter’s.
Phyllis: Oh, Luca. Now you’re just talking stupid.
Luca: Summer tells me how worried she is about your stress level, your obsession with revenge and Victor and Pass Key. How you focus on everything except your own marriage.
Phyllis: My personal life isn’t up for discussion.
Luca: Clearly Summer is right, since I've obviously hit a nerve. Look, isn’t there anyone else you want to be with right now? Something else you want to be doing?
Phyllis: What is that supposed to mean?
Luca: It means stop wasting your time trying to chase me off. It won't work. Go spend some time with your husband instead.
Phyllis: Luca... It's my turn. Hear me out. It'll be fun.
Victoria: That was very Dad of you back at the bar.
Nick: Sorry. I just seen a lot of things spin out of control lately. [Victoria sighs] Vic, I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you.
Victoria: Nick, I was dancing.
Nick: You don't even know this guy.
Victoria: I know enough. I know where he spends his days and nights. [Sighs] I know that he makes me feel safe and secure. Okay? Travis is very up-front. He's not like Billy. He doesn't dodge with a joke or plot destruction as a hobby. I never have to wonder what he's keeping from me.
Nick: Just because you don’t have to wonder doesn't mean he doesn’t have secrets.
Victoria: Well, if he does, he does.
Nick: Don't just shrug this off. You spend a lot of time with this guy, it leaves you vulnerable.
Victoria: That’s what scares you? Someone being vulnerable? So you just want to end it before something goes wrong?
Nick: No. This is not about Sage or Christian. This is about you. You don’t know if this guy has an agenda or not.
Victoria: Nick! Okay, look. He didn’t even know my real name until the dedication for Neil and Jack's rehab facility.
Nick: Oh, okay. So he knew nothing about you until he found out you gave away $5 million.
Victoria: Oh, come on. It's not like that at all. How could he want anything from me? We're just getting to know each other. The only man in my life right now with an agenda is our father.
Ian: [Chuckles] Man, that Doctor Gates has the healing touch. I feel better already. Must be why you’re going there so often, huh? Her hands-on approach. [Laughs]
Victor: You're becoming a pain in the ass.
Ian: Yeah?
Victor: Get lost.
Ian: Oh, you missed me when I was in solitary, didn’t you? I bet you did. Well, you know, that good doctor might be taking your temperature right now, but it’s not gonna set you free. Which is a pity. 'Cause I had hoped we could stroll out of these gates together. But take heart, my dear Victor. I’ll drop you a card every year from, uh, Tahiti. In fact, I'll drop you a card every year for the next 10 long years. [Laughs]
Dylan: Do you know this man?
Denise: Everyone knows him. Victor Newman.
Paul: Exactly. But have you ever met him in person?
Denise: Yeah, at the last stockholders meeting. No, I haven’t met him. I’m a nurse. He’s Victor Newman.
Dylan: Did Alan ever mention Victor as one of his rich friends? Maybe he visited him in prison?
Denise: No. And if he had, I'd know about it. Alan loved to brag. He still has trophies from when he was a kid, like, on his mantel. And now he's... Can I go, please? It's, um... This place, it's just... He was right there.
Chelsea: When Adam is cleared of these ridiculous charges, which he will be, we are popping that cork.
Michael: Well, hopefully that bottle will not have a chance to warm -- oh!
[Cell phone ringing]
Michael: Sorry. Oh, it's Paul.
Adam: Oh, well hopefully that's the lab tech willing to I.D. Victor.
Michael: Hello, Chief Williams. I hope you're calling with good news for my client. Yes, I-I understand. No, no. Uh, thank you for letting me know.
Chelsea: What -- what is it? What -- what happened?
Michael: Uh, our lab technician will be unable to testify.
Chelsea: Come on! Why won’t he help us?
Michael: Oh, it's not a won’t. It's a can't.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Adam: He’s dead. Right?
Michael: How could you
Chelsea: Adam?
Adam: I'm not a psychic. Sweetheart, you know that. I’m not a mind reader. It's just -- it’s the way my luck has been going as of late. And, evidently, this poor guy, too.
Chelsea: How did he die?
Michael: Hm? Uh, he took his own life.
Chelsea: Oh, my God.
Adam: There we go. [Chuckles] Does anybody else in the room see a connection here? Huh? I-I start gaining a little bit of ground -- winning, if you will, which means Victor's losing. He's not gonna have that, right?
Chelsea: There’ll be somebody else. Uh, there’s surveillance, the records. I mean, there’s always another way, right?
Michael: Well, Adam, my feelings go out to the deceased and his family, but this is not the blow to our case that you seem to think it is. Do the math. Mr. James was interviewed by the police regarding the possibility of altering test results in a continuing homicide case. For financial gain. His response was suicide. That, to me, indicates...
Adam: Guilt.
Chelsea: He's right.
Adam: He’s right.
Chelsea: It's enough for reasonable doubt.
Michael: This case is not dead and buried. Not by a long shot. I’m going to talk to Paul, and suggest that he advise Christine that she can't win this case, and to drop all the charges. And, honestly, I think we have a very, very good shot.
Chelsea: Great. Thank -- Yes. That’s great. See? Please, go do that. Now. Thank you.
Michael: Keep that bottle cold.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Thank you, Michael.
Michael: You got it.
Chelsea: Thank you so much. See you soon. Listen to me. Victor framed you. This guy's death only shows that they were conspiring together to set you up. And if not, we still have Ian Ward, who is alive and well and ready to talk.
Ian: Mmm.
Victor: Let me give you a piece of advice, Ian Ward. Next time you see the good doctor, have her treat you for delusions, hm? You’re not gonna get out of this hellhole. No parole board will let you out of here.
Ian: Oh, parole boards are for lesser men. No, my freedom's gonna come courtesy of a higher authority. The Newman family. There’s no tunneling for me. No bribing guards or seducing lonely doctors. No, all I have to do is my civic duty. I’m gonna testify at Adam’s trial. I’m the star defense witness, Victor.
Victor: So you’re gonna testify on Adam’s behalf. Are you forgetting that he... he left you for dead?
Ian: Bygones. Bygones. All I have to do is turn state's evidence, and then tell everyone how you bragged about forging a dead lady’s diary and falsifying an autopsy. Evil, vile deeds, Victor. Right up your alley. And then Adam will be set free, and you’ll have another decade or so tacked onto your sentence. But cheer up, Vic. You still have the infirmary. [Laughs] [Grunts] [Both grunting]
Phyllis: I have a proposition for you.
Luca: Victoria already tried to bribe me. If I didn’t accept her offer, I can’t accept yours. Wouldn't be polite.
Phyllis: I’m not gonna offer you cash. I want to appeal to your intellect and your survival instinct.
Luca: If I don’t leave, you’ll have me kneecapped?
Phyllis: Oh, it wouldn’t be your knees I destroy. I want you to really give it some thought about what I’m capable of. Roll it around in your mind. Visit Victor in prison. You know I sent him there? Me. I took Victor Newman on, and I made him pay every step of the way. Now just imagine what I could do to a delicate flower like you.
Luca: So it is a threat.
Phyllis: Absolutely. I am asking you to leave town while you can. Because when I decide to make good on my threat, you will not see it coming.
Victoria: You know, the reality is Dad wants us to pay for testifying against him. There’s no such thing as too much punishment, and I fully believe that he’s capable of anything.
Nick: You mean like frame Adam for Constance's murder?
Victoria: Or sabotaging a Newman oil rig.
Nick: I don't know. It's pretty far out there.
Victoria: Oh, really? And finding someone with Jack’s face isn't out there? Look, Dad may be in prison, but he's still Victor Newman. I went to ask him if he was responsible for the rig leak.
Nick: Hm. Let me take a guess at how that went. He said, "Sure," and he apologized. Am I close?
Victoria: Mm, he denied it. And he acted very indignant.
Nick: Shocker. Look, Dad has a deep fury. It's what keeps him going. But he's also very creative. I bet he has a lot of people that will do a lot of things for him. Maybe even bartenders.
Victoria: You did not just --
Nick: I'm just saying.
Victoria: No. Travis is not on Dad's payroll.
Nick: How do you know that for sure?
Victoria: I just do.
Nick: All right, look. You may really like this guy, but it doesn't mean you know him. And with him in the picture... Your mind’s on him. You’re not thinking about Newman Enterprises. That's why you were MIA. when the oil-rig crisis came up. And what if you fall for him? For Dad, that’ll be the best part. Because then he can use your heart against you as a weapon.
Victoria: You just pulled all this together? Is that why you tracked me down? To tell me that Travis is Dad’s new minion?
Nick: I didn’t need to track you down. Because your new little buddy is keeping tabs on you. Luca told me exactly where to
Mitch: Hey! Hey! You two want to end up in solitary?
Ian: That man's a maniac! He tried to kill me.
Victor: You're not worth killing.
Mitch: Enough! You, infirmary. Now.
Ian: More than my civic duty. I’m gonna enjoy singing. I’m gonna enjoy it!
Mitch: You let that guy get under your skin? You’re supposed to be smarter and tougher. Get him out of here.
Victor: Wait a minute. You listen to me. There’s a conspiracy going on in here against me. I can prove it. You had better listen to me, now.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Paul: So, what’s the matter, Detective? You thinking maybe our witness didn't die from a voluntary overdose?
Dylan: I mean, the fact is, whoever paid James might have panicked that we were getting close, drugged him, and set the scene to look like a suicide.
Paul: Right. I thought the same thing. So I checked the surveillance footage. No one in or out till the girlfriend arrived. She got the key at the front desk that he left for her, came up, discovered the corpse, called 911. No indication of foul play.
Dylan: [Sighs] Well, then I got to check in with my source in D.C. and see if she tracked down the money. Because that trail's gonna lead somewhere.
Paul: Let's go.
Dylan: Yeah. [Cell phone buzzes] Whoa. Hold on. She read my mind. Hey. Yeah. Talk to me. What? Are you -- are you sure? Uh, okay. All right. You got it. No, uh, thank you. I owe you one.
Paul: And...?
Dylan: Well, she tracked down the source of the cash. We have a name.
Victoria: You have to be enjoying this. It's probably the most fun you’ve had in years. What happened, Dad? When did you become so cruel? You know all I ever wanted was your love and respect. [Sighs] Until now, I thought you wanted mine, too. [Knock on door]
Luca: You asked to see me?
Victoria: Yeah. Luca, come. Come in. Uh, I just wanted to thank you for the way that you diffused the press in regards to the oil-rig issue. It was very quick thinking. Also, I must say, the script that you fed Summer for the interview regarding the leak, it was very effective.
Luca: Wow. You’re welcome, Victoria. All I want is to redeem myself. If jumping in to help accomplished that even to a small de--
Victoria: I do have one question, however. When and why did you decide to have me followed? I mean, what was your end game there? Was it purely for blackmail, or was it something more nefarious? Has my brother Nick been right about you all along?
Phyllis: Is this seat taken?
Nick: I wouldn’t sit there if I was you.
Phyllis: Ooh. Contaminated?
Nick: By my own misery. Can’t you tell by the black cloud that's always following me?
Phyllis: [Chuckles] I have lightning bolts, and hail the size of golf balls.
Nick: I've been meaning to call you.
Phyllis: About our daughter's new roommate?
Nick: How is this happening?
Phyllis: [Sighs] She’s so warm. She’s so smart and beautiful. I just -- She has terrible taste in men.
Nick: Maybe she'll grow out of it?
Phyllis: Oh, I certainly did. My last husband? Yeesh. Don’t mention that one.
Nick: Yeah, I heard about him. Heard he was really good at video games, though.
Phyllis: That's what I let him think. But our daughter, the way we raised her, she is outstanding. And I am not gonna let this jerk Luca take advantage of her.
Nick: You know, he says he cares about her. Just wants what’s best for her.
Phyllis: He is full of --
Nick: Yeah, I know.
Phyllis: He is so full of himself. He's cocky, he's slick, he's charming.
Nick: How do you really feel about him?
Phyllis: I want Luca gone. And I want that to happen while Summer's out of town.
Nick: Yeah, she went to visit Daniel. She called me after she landed.
Phyllis: I arranged that. You disapprove?
Nick: Well, it is, uh, definitely underhanded. Certainly dishonest. I wish I'd thought of it.
Phyllis: To parenthood. Being thanked, adored, respected.
Nick: Mm. When exactly did that happen?
Phyllis: Never. Actually, wait a minute. A few moments there between diapers and tween years.
Nick: What’s wrong?
Phyllis: I’m sorry. Christian. I-I wasn’t thinking.
Nick: Hey, it's okay. It's okay. You can talk about kids and parenting around me. I have Noah, Summer, and Faith. That's probably more luck than any man should ever have.
Phyllis: Don’t say that. You were robbed. You deserved to see your son grow up.
Nick: You know, I see Sully, and I wonder what Christian would be doing right now, you know? Would he be sitting up? Or, uh, rolling over? He would definitely be smiling.
Phyllis: Was it hard being around another baby boy?
Nick: [Sighs] You know, Sharon asked me the same thing. But the truth is, is it’s awful all the time, and it never gets better. But being around my nephew's definitely in the plus column.
Phyllis: You know, you play this teddy-bear role a lot, but that dopey smile and that hair...
Nick: Whoa. What are you saying about my hair?
Phyllis: You are one of the strongest guys I know. The things that you have survived.
Nick: All right. Well, what do you think I should do with this superhuman strength? Should I dropkick Luca out of town?
Phyllis: No, we deal with Luca another way. We do the one thing he doesn't see coming. We let him win.
Luca: Nick has some of the right information, but his interpretation of the facts seems off.
Victoria: Did you or did you not have me followed?
Luca: When the sharpest C.E.O. in the business is off her game, making rookie mistakes, I’ll admit, I want to know why. But there’s no blackmail involved. You told Nick yourself.
Victoria: There's no blackmail involved, but you got what you wanted. Me validating how you handled the oil spill.
Luca: Was it the wrong approach with the press? No, it wasn’t. You know it, and so do I. Look, I’ve protected you and Newman with every move I make. That's the truth.
Victoria: You have protected me. How interesting. You violated my privacy, you took pictures of me dancing in a bar with a man, and you didn't show the world. Guess what, Luca? I’m a grown woman. No one cares.
Luca: Someone might care. Your friend Travis is a walking lie.
Chelsea: Let’s go back upstairs. Huh? Let’s pretend Michael was never even here. Good news or bad, we can just pick up where we left off. Just you and me.
Adam: [Sighs]
Chelsea: He's gonna call. Michael’s gonna call. You just need to give him time. He says he thinks he can get these charges dropped. We just have to trust him.
Adam: I appreciate his confidence, I really do. But he's not infallible. None of this points to Victor as the guilty party. It's all just speculation at this point. You understand that, right?
Chelsea: Well, then the police will trace the funds from point "B" back to point "A." And where will that lead them? Straight to Victor. Please. Come on, babe. Let’s go back to bed. What is it? What are you thinking about?
Adam: You don't want to know what I'm thinking right now.
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: [Sighs] You know, I was just thinking that everyone always says I’m just like Victor. 'Cause I'm always thinking one step ahead, you know, just like him. And, uh, to be truthful, they’re right. And, baby, when I do that right now, when I think one step ahead, when I think two steps ahead... You know what I come up with? He didn’t leave any loose ends. He didn’t. There’s nothing there. It's not like him.
Chelsea: You are not Victor, okay? Because you are loving and generous and kind and fantastic. Besides, Victor is in a jail cell right now because he actually committed crimes. You don’t belong there because you’re innocent.
Adam: Of this crime I'm innocent. But karmically speaking, I've done plenty to land in a prison cell. It's pure luck I'm not serving 10 years right now, babe.
Chelsea: It's not luck. It's you. You have earned your freedom fair and square. And we are gonna find this proof that you are being framed. We are.
Adam: It sounds so clear-cut when you say it.
Chelsea: 'Cause it is. I see it. Michael sees it. And Michael’s gonna make sure that Christine and Paul see it, too. So just come back to bed. 'Cause we still have each other, and you’re still free, and we’re gonna make sure it stays that way. I’m gonna make sure it stays that way.
Adam: I love you.
Chelsea: I love you too.
Michael: Gentlemen, can we just cut to the chase and point out the obvious? By taking his own life, Alan James basically made a nonverbal confession, confirming the fact that he indeed tainted autopsy evidence at the request of one Victor Newman.
Paul: Okay, Michael, just hold on --
Michael: I know the timing is indelicate. But can we please just accept that Victor is behind the evidence and drop the charges against my client?
Paul: Oh, okay. What about Sage’s diary? That isn't evidence?
Michael: It's a forgery. Ian Ward will testify to that effect should we go to trial, which we shouldn't. If you trace the money in James’ account --
Dylan: That's done.
Michael: Well, then, you know his benefactor.
Dylan: Also done.
Michael: Then why are we even talking? Victor's behind the cash.
Dylan: No, it's not Victor.
Michael: Well. Of course he didn’t pay anyone directly. He paid someone to pay someone, of course. Clearly.
Paul: Come on, Michael. Listen. The ultimate source of the funds did not come from Victor Newman.
Dylan: It is somebody else entirely.
Meredith: This is gonna hurt a little bit.
Ian: I can take it. Ooh! But can you take the truth about your pet patient, Victor Newman? Huh? I’ll Victor plays it different with you, though. He probably works the old, uh, "misunderstood tycoon" angle. Ohh. If only someone cared enough to look past the facade to the gentle heart that beats beneath. And you’re the only one that understands him, huh? You’re the only one he trusts. Well, that man is a cold-blooded monster. He framed his own son for murder, and I can prove it. That's why he tried to knock my block off. Make me too scared, or -- or too dead to expose him. He's a bad man, Dr. Gates. And deep down, I think you know that.
Victor: Ian Ward is ready to give false testimony against me. That's all happening behind your back. You’re not gonna give that huckster that much power, are you?
Mitch: Guard.
Victor: Wait, but -- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Please listen to me. I know that my son Adam and my former lawyer, Michael Baldwin, are conspiring with Ian Ward. You give me three minutes with any of them, I'll get the truth from them.
Mitch: Enough, Newman. You’re not gonna be getting visitors for a while. You’re gonna be in solitary. And don’t punch a wall and expect to get a visit to the infirmary to, uh, fix your broken hand. You’ve lost your infirmary privileges, too.
Nick: Let Luca win? Lady, who are you?
Phyllis: Let -- [Chuckles] Let me rephrase that. Let Luca think he’s won. Everybody knows if the parents hate the boyfriend, the boyfriend becomes 6,000 times sexier.
Nick: Right. Example, Austin.
Phyllis: Exactly. So, every time we call him a disgusting little sleaze, Summer has to defend him with more enthusiasm every time.
Nick: ’Cause the last thing she would ever want to do is admit we were right.
Phyllis: Yeah. So she's standing by her man, but she’s also helping him work his way into Newman Enterprises.
Nick: Which, of course, is the ultimate goal.
Phyllis: Totally. He wants credibility. He wants power. So, we embrace him.
Nick: Really?
Phyllis: Yeah. We invite him to all the family events -- 4th of July, Labor Day. We let him imagine what it would be like. One big happy family. We let him realize that he cannot have the job, the money, or the power without passing us the mashed potatoes every Sunday night. He will know that we own him. It will drive him insane, and it'll send him running.
Nick: Wow. [Chuckles] Uh...okay. I can get on board with that. What about our daughter? I mean, we're basically setting up Summer for heartbreak.
Phyllis: No, not us. Luca did that the second he looked at her with those soulful eyes. At least this way, Supergirl will not be getting in any deeper.
Nick: You're good.
Phyllis: [Chuckles]
Nick: Uh, yeah. Let's do it. Let’s try the nice thing. Let’s hope it works.
Luca: It’s true that this Travis currently owns a dive bar. And the story that he grew up poor is accurate. But this guy also worked on Wall Street. He was a one-percenter. The most interesting part? He was a commodities trader. His specialty? Oil.
Victoria: What are you getting at?
Luca: Oil, Victoria. Just like the stuff that leaked out of the Newman rig into the ocean. It's all documented. The timing of meeting your new friend and the oil leak, it’s suspicious, don’t you think? Check it out. And tell me jukebox boy didn't try to ruin you and Newman Enterprises.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: Well, you two look like you're having fun.
Summer: Beats falling off a motorcycle, doesn’t it?
Hilary: I think I can tell you whatever I want, and you're gonna have to accept it or face the consequences.
Ashley: This entire thing could implode, and you knew all along and you didn't tell me? Start talking.
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