Y&R Transcript Monday 6/6/16
Episode # 10937 ~ Billy is blindsided by Phyllis' latest move; Stitch & Abby are faced with a tough decision; Hilary keeps a secret from Devon.
Provided By Suzanne
Ashley: [Sighs] Oh, Billy. Again? Don't know where to kiss you.Billy: Bring it in.
Ashley: Mwah! Keep this up and the hospital's gonna start charging you rent.
Billy: Yeah, well, they're gonna have to up the thread count. This is -- this is -- it's ridiculous.
Ashley: How are you doing?
Billy: I'm fine, besides the sandpaper sheets. A little beat up. My ego took the worst of it, I think.
Ashley: I bet whoever was riding on the back of your bike is gonna think twice about doing that again.
Billy: Well, I see jack didn't take long to share the news.
Ashley: Well, you know, is it that shocking?
Billy: Hardly. No. Abbott family's new preoccupation -- my personal life.
Ashley: Oh, really? So you don't think we have the right to be concerned about you? You crashed your bike, and you're lucky to be alive. Again, I might add.
Billy: Yes, I am the luckiest guy in the world. Besides, of course, ponies and cards. That's, like --
Ashley: Oh, please. Stop. You got kids that love you. I love you. You got a lot of people that love you, and you've got a great job. So, what the hell do you want, Billy?
Phyllis: So, is Billy being released from the hospital?
Jack: Ashley is picking him up as we speak. I told her it would most likely be futile, but she's determined to talk some sense into our brother.
Phyllis: Well, I guess it's a good sign that he's being released so soon. Nothing more than a few cuts and bruises.
Jack: This time.
Phyllis: You think there'll be a next time?
Jack: It's Billy. Isn't there always a next time?
Phyllis: You know, maybe this accident is the wake-up call he needs.
Jack: Oh, boy, would I love to believe that. But forget the fact that he just crashed his motorcycle and ended up in the hospital. His whole life seems to be this one, big, wild ride. And he doesn't give a damn who gets hurt, including the people he loves.
Abby: Have you thought about getting a second opinion?
Stitch: I saw the scans, spoke to max's doctors. They're convinced the tumor's what's causing his behavior.
Abby: And you're convinced, too.
Stitch: I can't -- I can't stand it, Abby -- the idea of this mass making my kid angry, unable to control his emotions. That's -- I know that's not who max is. That's almost the worst part -- he believes that he's capable of these horrible things. I want him to get his life, his mind, his soul back. But that surgery -- it's -- it's dangerous. What if he comes out of it changed in other ways? I mean, he could have trouble talking or moving.
Abby: How can I make this better for you?
Stitch: I don't know what to do. You're my wife, Abby. Tell me what we do.
Jennifer: The latest blood work on your drug-trial patients.
Dr. Neville: Yes, yes, yes. Hallelujah to suspensions being lifted. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jennifer, you're sure you personally handled the samples? You followed the prescribed protocol?
Jennifer: As you requested. Is there a problem, doctor?
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] Yes, I'd say there's a major problem.
Neil: Hey, there. I saw your latest press release. The revamped drug that you're working on is gonna be ready for approval by fall. Yeah. Well, you and your team work very quick. Congratulations.
Hilary: One more time, Neil, with a little feeling.
Neil: Uh, despite the good news, I know that you and the team -- you'll be dealing with setbacks. It's a complicated business bringing a new drug to the marketplace. You're really gonna have your hands full.
Hilary: Yeah, is there a point in there somewhere?
Neil: I'm just saying that while you're overseeing Neville's project, I'll be more than happy to pick up the slack at the foundation.
Hilary: Oh, don't even go there.
Neil: Where? Where exactly is "there," young lady?
Hilary: If you think this is your opportunity to push me out, well, you can think again.
Neil: Hold on a second. I am just being realistic. There are so many hours in a day, Hilary.
Hilary: And I intend to make the most of every single one of them. I've carried this research project to the finish line, overcome all obstacles. Me. Because that is what I do. So, to suggest that I'm not up to some simple multitasking -- well, that's just plain underestimating me. People have done that before, Neil, and they have lived to regret it.
Neil: [Chuckles]
Devon: What did I miss?
Abby: I've been trying to put myself in your place, if I had to make this decision.
Stitch: And...?
Abby: I think you should take yourself out of the equation -- your thoughts, your fears, your emotions. I know that it sounds impossible, but think about what max would want if he knew the implications of the surgery, the kind of life that max would want. What would max choose?
Stitch: I think my son would want to be free of this. No matter the risk, I think he'd want to be himself again.
Abby: So do I.
Stitch: Thank you.
Abby: I didn't do anything.
Stitch: Yeah, you did. I haven't forgotten what we lost. And still, you're thinking and caring about max.
Abby: Of course. He's a part of you. He's a part of our family.
Stitch: Well, I-I should go see him, you know, explain the situation, tell him we're gonna get the tumor removed, right?
Abby: I'll go with you. I mean, we -- we could talk to him, bring him to the facility together.
Stitch: Yeah, I can't ask you to do that. That's -- that's -- you know, that's --
Abby: I offered.
Stitch: No, I know. You just -- you know, you've got work and... look, maybe I should do this alone.
Abby: Okay. Um, well, call me with any updates and keep me posted.
Stitch: I will.
Abby: I love you.
Stitch: I love you, too. So much.
Devon: Hi.
Neil: I was just congratulating your lovely wife on the good news about the drug trial. And between that and the foundation, it's not easy to keep all those balls in the air. And she's doing -- you're doing an excellent job, Hilary.
Hilary: Thank you, Neil. I couldn't have done any of it without the support of my loving husband.
Devon: But what's all this about good news?
Neil: Right, so, the drug is all set for approval.
Devon: The suspension was just lifted. We're still in the testing phase. We're not ready for that yet.
Hilary: Oh, well --
Neil: Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. No, no. The latest press release said that it's all set to launch in the fall. You -- you didn't know? I-I didn't know that you didn't know. I didn't mean to spring this on you. I figured, as the financial backer here, that you would be included in all decision making. And I -- they -- you should know before the general public does.
Devon: I guess not.
Phyllis: Well, you know Billy. Sometimes, he gets caught up in the moment and does things without thinking.
Jack: [Chuckles] Sometimes? Thanks.
Phyllis: Don't make him out to be such a monster, jack. He never intentionally tried to hurt anyone.
Jack: But he does hurt people. And not just himself. How much time and energy have I spent worrying about Billy, terrified of the next mess he's gonna get himself into? And saying that he can't help himself only works for so long. He's not a lost adolescent anymore. He's a grown man with children. Actions have consequences, consequences that have deep and lasting effects.
Billy: You want to know what I want?
Ashley: Yes.
Billy: I want to go, you know, a day without a lecture from you or -- or arguing with you.
Ashley: How is this arguing?
Billy: I don't know. Whatever it is, I just -- I don't -- [Sighs] I'm exhausted. The nurses were coming in all night. I didn't get any sleep. I just want to go home. I want to take a shower, and I want to go to bed.
Ashley: Okay. Fine. I'll back off.
Billy: You've said that before.
Ashley: I mean it.
Billy: For how long?
Ashley: I don't know. The whole ride home, I'll keep my opinions to myself.
Billy: [Chuckles] The whole ride home, all five miles of it?
Ashley: Yes.
Billy: No way that you can go that long.
Ashley: If that's what you want, Billy, we will ride the entire way home in silence. Can we go now? Are you ready? Let's go.
Billy: Oh, I'm ready.
Bethany: Actually, Billy won't be needing that ride. I've got it covered. Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Phyllis: If history is any indication, Billy is gonna be just fine. He's gonna wake up. He's gonna come to his senses and realize what he's risking and go back to Victoria and his kids.
Jack: That's the thing. This doesn't seem like all the other times. It seems different somehow, like -- like all the damage that's done is permanent. And the most unnerving part is Billy doesn't seem to care.
Phyllis: You don't think he regrets hurting his family?
Jack: I sense zero regret or remorse on his part. Got two beautiful kids, a woman who stuck by every single crash and burn, and he's walking away from it, throwing it all away. It makes no sense. For what?
Billy: I didn't expect to see you after our last conversation.
Bethany: Well, I would never leave you here stranded, silly.
Ashley: Yeah, silly.
Billy: Ash, this is --
Bethany: Bethany.
Billy: This is Bethany.
Ashley: Hi, Bethany. I'm ash. I'm Billy's sister.
Bethany: Nice to meet you.
Ashley: Likewise.
Billy: I'm sorry you wasted a trip.
Ashley: Oh, Billy. Time with you is never wasted. Glad to know you're doing okay.
Bethany: Me, too.
Billy: Yeah.
Ashley: And I can see that you're in very capable hands, so I will talk to you later.
Billy: And I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about.
Ashley: Yeah. Yeah, that offer I made about keeping quiet? That's pretty much off the table now, bill.
Billy: Figured so. Yeah.
Ashley: Okay. Bye.
Bethany: Bye.
Ashley: Nice to meet you.
Bethany: You, too.
Billy: Okay. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think I was your favorite person at the moment.
Bethany: That might be a slight over-statement.
Billy: What are you doing here?
Bethany: [Chuckles] Well, I had to see a doctor. Apparently, I walked away from a very serious motorcycle accident.
Dr. Neville: Ashley.
Ashley: [Gasps]
Dr. Neville: I'm sorry.
Ashley: Hi. Were you waiting for me?
Dr. Neville: Well, I didn't want to intrude on your time with your brother. Um...are you bringing the car around? We should really --
Ashley: No, my brother actually found another ride home.
Dr. Neville: Ah.
Ashley: What's happening? What's the matter?
Dr. Neville: Well, for one thing, if you have to ask, I take it you haven't seen Hilary's latest press release.
Ashley: No. What is it?
Dr. Neville: Read it and weep, literally.
Hilary: The timing of the press release was strategic...
Neil: Oh, I don't doubt that.
Hilary: ...Based on the FDA's scheduling process and a few other factors, which I'll be happy to explain to you, but the bottom line is that it was in the best interest of the project. So, I made an executive decision. You know, my job, by the way.
Neil: As long as you're not promising something that you and the team can't safely deliver.
Devon: Are you accusing her of pushing the drug through before it's ready?
Hilary: Yeah, of course he is.
Neil: You said it yourself, son -- fall is too soon.
Devon: Well, you know, maybe I've been misinformed, because I know that Hilary wouldn't cut corners on something that's this important.
Hilary: Thank you, honey.
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Hilary: Believe me or not, my one and only goal is to save lives, the same way that this drug saved mine.
Ashley: Fall?! Hilary's telling the world that the drug is gonna be available by fall?
Dr. Neville: I know. I read it.
Ashley: Has she forgotten it wasn't that long ago we had the setback with that one patient?
Dr. Neville: Two.
Ashley: What do you mean two?
Dr. Neville: I just found out a second patient has suffered some severe side effects.
Ashley: We have to call some kind of a press conference. We have to get in front of this, right? What?
Dr. Neville: Unfortunately, public perception is the least of our worries.
Billy: So, so...Bethany.
Bethany: Oh, you got my name right. Good job.
Billy: Yeah. You're -- you're probably wondering why I said you were on the bike with me.
Bethany: Not really. Your girlfriend already explained it.
Billy: My what?
Bethany: Phyllis? Dangerous game you're playing, messing around with your brother's wife.
Billy: Okay, I don't know where you got your information from, but Phyllis and I -- we're just -- we're friends.
Bethany: If you say so.
Billy: I'm saying so. There's nothing going on between me and Phyllis.
Bethany: No, of course not. You guys are just friends. Which is why she told me you'd pay me $10,000 to go along with your cover story. 'Cause that's what friends do, right? So, you ready to get out of here or what?
Phyllis: This new woman that Billy is seeing -- you know, maybe she's gonna be good for him.
Jack: Maybe.
Phyllis: You sound so enthusiastic.
Jack: Do you honestly think this waitress is along for Billy's life?
Phyllis: Oh, please don't tell me you have a problem with her occupation.
Jack: No. I have a problem with my brother latching himself on to the first pretty face that comes along. Jill told me this relationship is anything but. I feel sorry for the girl.
Phyllis: Why?
Jack: What if she actually has feelings for Billy? What if she really cares about him? What's gonna happen when she realizes he's not even on the same page?
Phyllis: How do you know she's not?
Jack: Because I know my brother and I know how he operates.
Phyllis: It's not --
Jack: It's his -- it's his life. I know. And he's gonna live it the way he needs to live it.
Phyllis: And it still bothers you.
Jack: Yeah, it bothers me. Why is he wasting time with a woman that means nothing to him? I would understand all of this if he didn't have an amazing woman in his life -- bright and smart and talented, someone who's been there for him, who's put up with him, who has a deep connection with him, a kind of connection most people -- most people only dream of. Hey. I want him to have what we have. Is that so wrong?
Dr. Neville: Plasma protein binding, lipoprotein, glycoprotein. There's a specificity of orientation.
Ashley: Could you please just cut to the chase and tell me what we're dealing with?
Dr. Neville: The less bound a drug is, the more efficiently it's able to traverse cell membranes, to diffuse, to target very specific --
Ashley: Which makes it more efficient. I understand that. But what I really need here is just a summary of the results, please.
Dr. Neville: One patient suffering from this type of negative reaction is nothing. It's -- it's an anomaly. But two could indicate a pattern.
Ashley: So, I think what you're trying to say is that, initially, the drug works, but then, over time, it dissipates?
Dr. Neville: Ergo not the permanent solution we were hoping for.
Ashley: So, wait a second. Are you saying to me that I could be relapsing right now?
Dr. Neville: Oh, God. No. [Smooches] You're fine. Thank God. But there may be other issues. I -- ah. Perfect. Perfect timing.
Abby: Hey. Am I interrupting?
Dr. Neville: No, ms. Abby, quite the contrary. As always, your timing is absolutely exceptional. Now, you have to excuse me because there is a pressing matter I have to look into.
Ashley: Keep me updated, please.
Dr. Neville: What? Oh, yeah. Of course.
Abby: Um, is everything okay?
Ashley: [Sighs] You tell me.
Abby: No. Everything is terrible.
Ashley: What happened? Is it max?
Abby: Ben is in an awful position, and all I want to do is face it with him, but he won't let me.
Stitch: So, the scans that the doctors took -- they were... taking pictures of your brain.
Max: They told me that. But -- but they didn't tell me why.
Stitch: So, [Sighs] The brain is this complex organ, right? Way more complex than any computer ever made. And it's -- you know, it's connected to everything we do -- walking, talking, eating, playing video games, even how we feel. But like a computer, if something were to get inside that shouldn't...
Max: Like spyware.
Stitch: Exactly. Then the brain won't work the way it's supposed to.
Max: The doctors found spyware in my brain, didn't they?
Stitch: A bunch bad cells called a tumor. And that's affecting the part of you that manages your emotions. That's why when you get angry or you're feeling upset, it just gets bigger and bigger until you can't control it anymore.
Max: You're talking about when I hurt Abby.
Stitch: This is good news, max. This wasn't your fault. You understand? If you didn't have that spyware in you, then you wouldn't have done any of those things.
Max: Can they take it out?
Stitch: They can. These are some of the best doctors in the world. And they perform many surgeries like this.
Max: Then why do you look so scared?
Stitch: That's just part of being a dad, I guess.
Max: You never get scared, dad.
Stitch: Sometimes, I do. Here's the deal, buddy. These doctors, even though they're some of the best, as good as they are... there's a tiny bit of risk, okay? Without meaning to, they could hurt parts of your brain that connect to other things. And I know this is a lot to take in, max. It's a lot for me, too. But you're a big kid now, and I... I want you to know everything. We're in this together, okay? And if there was any other way to remove this tumor, a safer way, we would do it. Unfortunately, there isn't.
Max: I want them to do the surgery.
Stitch: You sure?
Max: I-I-I don't want to do bad stuff anymore. I -- just, please, get it out. Please, just get it out.
Abby: I mean, what other choice is there? Max has to have the surgery.
Ashley: It doesn't make the choice any easier, honey.
Abby: No.
Ashley: Here.
Abby: I'm just -- I'm so heartbroken for Ben. He looked so lost and scared.
Ashley: Maybe he needs -- needs to hold on to the fact that this might give max a normal life.
Ashley: Yeah. It could, but even the slightest mistake during the procedure could mean major effects for max. I mean, the whole thing -- it just --
Ashley: I know. It's awful. I'm so sorry you're going through this, honey.
Abby: I just -- I feel bad for all of us. I-I keep thinking about Ben. It's like forever he's been torn between me and his son, running back and forth, trying to make us both happy.
Ashley: But not anymore. I thought that now that you know what's wrong with max, you guys were on the same team.
Abby: We were. I mean, he -- he opened up to me. He really opened up to me. He even asked my opinion about max.
Ashley: Well, that's good. So, what changed?
Abby: Well, I offered to go with him to see max, to break the news. I wanted to be there for both of them, and he just completely shut me down.
Ashley: What did he say?
Abby: Well, he said that he couldn't possibly ask me to do that, that he didn't want to take me away from work, and that, I don't know, maybe he should do it alone.
Ashley: Maybe? Abby.
Abby: What?
Ashley: He desperately wants you with him.
Abby: Then why would he --
Ashley: Because he doesn't want to pressure you. Honey, max is the reason why you lost your baby. Ben probably doesn't feel like he has the right to ask that of you.
Abby: Well, of course he has the right. I'm his wife.
Ashley: So, maybe there's someplace you need to be.
Abby: Thank you.
Ashley: I love you, honey.
Abby: I love you.
Dr. Neville: Hilary, apologies for interrupting. Do you have a moment? I need to speak to you in private.
Hilary: Uh, yeah. This is actually perfect timing. I have some press dates that I need to go over with you. And my list is upstairs, so excuse us.
Neil: Oh, yeah.
Devon: Sure. Bye, now.
Dr. Neville: Gentlemen.
Neil: Doctor. Devon.
Devon: Yeah?
Neil: Come here. Don't forget -- you're the sole investor in that research. If Hilary is cutting corners, man, you -- hey. You're the one who's gonna take the heat.
Devon: I'm very aware of that, Neil, and we've been through this already, okay? I understand that Hilary's ambitious. I do. But this is not some vanity case. Neville's protocols saved her life. You remember.
Neil: Hey, hey, I agree with all this. But there's --
Devon: No, there's no "but." Hilary is dedicated to seeing this project through the right way. She's not going to put people's lives at risk.
Neil: I sure hope that you're 100% sure about this.
Hilary: I assume that this is about the press release. You think I'm jumping the gun, but I will tell you...
Dr. Neville: Actually, no, I don't.
Hilary: ...Why. It's because of you, Dr. Neville, because I believe in you that much.
Dr. Neville: Hilary, how are you feeling?
Hilary: I'm fine. And I hate to bring this up, but I'm the one that defended you when no one else would. I'm the reason why you have this opportunity.
Dr. Neville: Look at me. Look at me.
Hilary: What?
Dr. Neville: Have you had any headaches or blurry vision?
Hilary: No.
Dr. Neville: Huh.
Hilary: And I really don't want to go there, but one word from me about your involvement in my kidnapping, and you might be saying goodbye to your medical license and a possible hello to a jail cell. Hey, can you...
Dr. Neville: How's your stamina? Have you had any fatigue?
Hilary: No. I'm great. I go Pilates every morning, and that's after a two-mile run. Dr. Neville, please, can't you see? We are just starting to regain momentum after this problem with that one test subject. If we don't capitalize on this right now, we are gonna backslide.
Dr. Neville: Look at this.
Hilary: Why?
Dr. Neville: Please just do it. Just humor me. All right? Pink, blue, yellow, white. Pink, blue, yellow, white. Now, put them in the original pattern. [Sighs] Well, thank God for that.
Hilary: Okay, what is it? What is with all of these questions?
Dr. Neville: I'm sorry. It's not just the one subject who had a setback. There's another major problem with a test patient, which leads me to believe that the drug is more of a -- it's more a temporary patch than a permanent solution.
Hilary: Okay, nice try, but this is not gonna work.
Jack: I know I sound like a broken record, but Billy has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be with the woman he's meant to be with. He's not taking it. He's throwing it away.
[Cell phone rings]
Jack: It just -- it makes me sad. That's all. Work?
Phyllis: Yeah. I have to take this. Excuse me. Why are you calling me?
Billy: I thought you'd want to know how I got home from the hospital.
Phyllis: Santa Claus?
Billy: Bethany.
Phyllis: Well, that's good. You remembered her name this time.
Billy: That ride cost me 10 grand. Why did you tell her that?
Phyllis: Do not worry about Bethany. She can be managed. What is important is that our cover story is believable.
Billy: For jack.
Phyllis: Yes, for jack. If he finds out that I was on the back of that motorcycle, he will figure it out in two seconds. And I cannot have that. I cannot have my life implode because of one mistake, especially one mistake that will never be repeated. You got it? Billy?
Billy: Yeah. Loud and clear.
Phyllis: Good. You have a girlfriend now. You keep that up as much as you can. I know you already slept with her, so it shouldn't be too much of a hardship.
Billy: [Sighs] You know she's not who I want to be with.
Phyllis: You just play along, all right? Please. It's gonna be best for all of us.
Hilary: Your interrogation, your little memory test -- you're trying to freak me out.
Dr. Neville: Why would I do that?
Hilary: So that I would second-guess myself and postpone the release.
Dr. Neville: That's crassly manipulative. Almost diabolical. And so not in my nature.
Hilary: Oh, but it's in mine?
Dr. Neville: I didn't say that.
Hilary: You know what? I cannot take another P.R. Nightmare. You are gonna keep quiet about this other subject. Understood?
Dr. Neville: [Scoffs] We have a responsibility to our patients! We're playing with people's lives!
Hilary: Have you not been listening? No, you were probably too busy rearranging sugar packets. I am the only reason why you have a medical license. [Scoffs] Because of me, because I vouched for you in the press.
Dr. Neville: Which can easily be undone.
Hilary: I didn't say that. Get your act together, Neville. Fix the drug, and fast, because it will be rolling out by the fall.
Dr. Neville: Yes, I'll -- I'll get right on that.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Devon: Don't talk about my wife like that.
Neil: Hey. You don't want to hear it?
Devon: No, I don't want to hear it.
Neil: You know why? Because deep down inside, you know that I'm right. She is cold-blooded, man. She is not the same woman that you fell in love with.
Devon: That's not true.
Neil: I know that it's hard. I get that. I really do. I know that you've been through a lot of issues with her, a lot of heartbreak, a lot of pain.
Devon: Yeah, a lot of pain for everyone.
Neil: But you know what I see on the horizon? A lot more pain. You may seem like you're happy, but it's no reason to stay with her, man. Come on. She's been using everyone, and she's using you to do it. She's walking all over us. It's wrong, and you're better than that.
Devon: Let me tell you something for the record. I'm staying with Hilary because she is my wife and I love her.
Neil: Yeah, okay. You want to believe that.
Devon: No, don't -- don't tell me what I believe. I swear, between you, lily, cane, I really wish this whole family could just love and respect each other.
Neil: Yeah, well, that's difficult to do when -- when your wife is blackmailing every single one of us.
Devon: Well, hey, look in the mirror, 'cause you started this.
Neil: Oh, God.
Devon: When you took her, you kidnapped her, kept her from me, let Neville treat her like a guinea pig. Remember that?
Neil: Okay, I'm not proud of that moment. I'm not. But you are trapped, and I am trying to help you find a way out.
Devon: I don't want to argue about this anymore with you.
Neil: I don't want to argue, either, about it.
Devon: Great, let's talk about something else.
Neil: Okay, then let's do that.
Devon: Let's talk about you.
Neil: What about me?
Devon: You're drinking?
Neil: I'm sorry that you had to find out that way.
Devon: I-I don't care how I found out. I just want to make sure that you're okay.
Neil: Yeah, I'm just fine, thank you. I'm taking each day as it comes. And the most important thing -- ha. I'm being honest with myself. Denial is a powerful thing.
Ashley: Hey.
Dr. Neville: Hi.
Ashley: How did it go with Hilary?
Dr. Neville: How do you do that?! What is it with you people?
Ashley: What people?
Dr. Neville: You! Women! Femmes! The fairer sex! I never told you I was gonna see Hilary! How do you know what I'm gonna do before I do it?
Ashley: Do you want to know the truth?
Dr. Neville: Yes!
Ashley: I'm smarter than you are.
Dr. Neville: Ha. Well, there it is.
Ashley: So, how did it go? Did she revise her timeline now that she knows about the second patient?
Dr. Neville: What do you think?
Ashley: Did you tell her that this could personally affect her? Because I guarantee that will get her attention.
Dr. Neville: I didn't have to. She made the connection herself. And instead of expressing concern, she accused me of trying to manipulate her, abusing the crisis to scare her into slowing things down.
Ashley: Because you're such a master of manipulation. She will do anything to protect her image.
Dr. Neville: Well, she'd do a lot more to protect her health.
Ashley: What do you mean? What are you saying?
Dr. Neville: I'm not sure she's aware of it, but I noticed a tremor in one of her hands. Hilary is exhibiting signs of a possible relapse.
Jack: I'm sorry. Here I am having dinner with my beautiful wife, and all I'm doing is talking about my kid brother. No more. I'm gonna use my time more wisely.
Phyllis: Really?
Jack: Really.
Phyllis: Are you thinking of anything in particular?
Jack: Well, nothing I can say out loud in a public place.
Billy: Yeah, well, I imagine it would be.
Bethany: [Chuckles]
Billy: Well... hi. Didn't expect to see you here, but I'm glad that we ran into you. Uh, jack, Phyllis, this is Bethany.
Phyllis: Hi, Bethany.
Bethany: Hi.
Jack: Why do you look so familiar?
Billy: She's a waitress and a bartender here at the club.
Jack: Of course she is. Yeah, very nice to meet you, Bethany.
Bethany: Hi.
Phyllis: How are you doing after the accident? I mean...
Bethany: Well, luckily I came out unscathed. I just wish I could say the same for Billy.
Jack: Oh, Billy will bounce back. He always does.
Billy: Already have.
Bethany: Well, it was a pleasure to officially meet you both. Billy talks about you so much, I feel like I already know you.
Jack: By the way, thank you for calling 911, for getting my brother medical attention.
Bethany: Of course.
Billy: Yeah, she's, uh, she's a lifesaver. Shall we?
Bethany: I'm starving.
Billy: Good to see you.
Jack: Okay, what do you say we get the check and get out of here? There's a lot of people here. I want to be alone with my beautiful wife. Red? This is really getting to you, isn't it?
Bethany: [Chuckles]
Stitch: Let's get out of here for a while. Want to head to the arcade?
Max: Nah. Maybe just hang in the park.
Stitch: Sounds good. Hey. What are you, uh...
Abby: I'm glad I caught you before you left.
Max: Dad told you?
Abby: He did. And I wanted to be here when he explained it, but I wasn't sure it was my place, and... I'm sorry.
Max: For what?
Abby: Because I realize now that... of course it's my place. My place is with you. We're -- we're family. I'd like to go to the facility with you, get you settled in, but only if you're okay with that. Come here. We're gonna get through this. The three of us. I promise.
Devon: Hey. Did, uh, did Neville have concerns about the press release? Should I?
Hilary: First of all, just thank you for what you said downstairs, for defending me to Neil.
Devon: Yeah.
Hilary: I promise I won't let you down. Okay? Now, as for Neville, he's assured me that everything's fine. We are on track for a fall rollout.
Devon: Okay.
Ashley: So why are you more concerned about Hilary relapsing than me?
Dr. Neville: Because of the difference in your condition. Or rather the way very specific cells react in different conditions on a molecular level. You and Hilary are night and day in this case.
Ashley: What do you mean? In every case.
Dr. Neville: That, too.
Ashley: So, what does all this mean?
Dr. Neville: It means I better come up with our fix, and soon. Or Hilary's gonna wind up back in a coma.
Phyllis: It is upsetting, seeing him put on a show, pretend to be happy. But I cannot control him. We can only control ourselves. Let's get back to us. I like us.
Jack: Ooh, amen to that. At the risk of sounding obsessive, though...
Phyllis: You? No.
Jack: It's just kind of depressing seeing him fawn all over that woman when he's in love with someone else.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Summer: Luca and I are not just dating. We're living together.
Adam: I just need to know if my father said anything to you that might indicate the fact that he set me up.
Victor: Been awhile since you've come to see me.
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