Y&R Transcript Friday 6/3/16


Episode # 10936 ~ Jill makes a shocking discovery; Chelsea questions Adam's motives; Victor is busted.

Provided By Suzanne

[Door opens]

Victor: I hope you slept well last night.

Dr. Thaxter: I did, as a matter of fact.

Victor: Who are you?

Dr. Thaxter: I'm Dr. Thaxter.

Victor: Oh. What happened to Dr. Gates?

Ian: [Sighs] Oh! Ah. Man, it's good to be back among the living. Everything's so bright. [Chuckles] Hey, no, no, no. Stay. Stay. Come on. I've been lonely for so long. You know, solitary makes you hunger for company. Even yours, my good man. [Chuckles] Not for long, though. My visitor will be here soon. And this showdown is long overdue.

Paul: Hello.

Michael: Thanks for coming, Paul.

Paul: Okay. So, if this is about re-exhuming Constance Bingham, I'm gonna sound like --

Michael: Ah, I already talked to judge Moxley. As the executor of Constance's estate, that decision is in the hands of Nick Newman, who refuses to allow for an exhumation.

Paul: Well, there you go. You got your answer. Maybe it's not the one you wanted, but the law is the law.

Michael: I agree, but in this case, I think the law's being used to screw over an innocent man.

Chelsea: She should be here any minute.

Adam: Yeah. I got to tell you, I'm not so sure about this, sweetheart.

Chelsea: We try everything, remember? Even if that means we go to plan Z.

Adam: And what do we do after plan z?

Chelsea: It doesn't matter. We won't need it because this will work.

[Knock on door]

Adam: I love you.

Chelsea: Love you more.

Adam: [Sighs]

Sharon: Oh. Hi, Adam. I-I didn't know you were gonna be here.

Adam: Yeah. Come on in. You thought I'd be cooling my heels beyond bars, huh?

Sharon: Uh, no. Not really. Chelsea asked me to, uh, come here to do some work.

Chelsea: Yeah. Thank you for coming.

Sharon: Sure. I was just surprised to hear from you. I'm surprised you could even focus on work, with everything you have going on with the trial. I'm really sorry about everything you're going through.

Adam: Thank you. I'm sure that you are. It's good to hear, but I have a more pressing concern right now, actually.

Sharon: Oh. What's that?

Adam: Sharon, do you think I'm a cold-blooded killer who deserves to be ripped away from his son?

Dylan: Hey.

Nick: Hey. Playing with sully's toys again?

Dylan: Well, he is, actually. I'm just cleaning up during his nap.

Nick: Yeah, sure, man. Whatever.

Dylan: [Chuckles]

Nick: Glad I caught you. I, uh, wanted to bring this back to faith. She left it in my car last night after the dance.

Dylan: Oh. Yeah? How was -- how was the big night?

Nick: Oh, it was awesome. I, of course, had to tone down some of my more exotic and advanced moves. I didn't want to intimidate the other dads.

Dylan: Yeah. Or embarrass faith completely.

Nick: Pretty much. Yeah. It was a really good time, though. I've got some great selfies to prove it.

Dylan: I'm glad to hear it.

Nick: All right, I'm gonna go. Uh, can you tell Faith I stopped by and that I love her?

Dylan: You got it. Hold on, Nick. [Sighs] You got a minute?

Nick: Sure. Is this a brotherly request or a police request?

Dylan: Mm, a little bit of both. It is about Adam's murder charges.

Nick: Uh...yeah. I've said everything I'm gonna say about that. I don't have any more answers.

Dylan: Okay. Maybe you don't, but you may be the only person with the power to make sure justice is done.

Sharon: Cold-blooded killer? I mean, you've done a lot of horrible things, Adam --

Adam: And I'm not proud of any of them. I can tell you that right now, especially the things I've done to you. The fact that I have my own son now -- I'll never forgive myself for what I did to you. Taking faith from you, making you believe that she was dead -- it's disgusting.

Sharon: Well, you know, I'm sure you had your reasons. I mean...you've made a lot of mistakes. A lot of people were hurt. But I don't believe that you are a murderer. No, I don't believe you killed that woman.

Adam: Thank you for having faith in me. Listen. I probably shouldn't have asked, but it's just, you know, Victor's got me in a box, right? He's -- he's forced me into going to prison. The idea of living without my family, not getting to watch my -- my son grow up -- it's tough.

Sharon: Don't -- don't even say that. I know what it feels like to be caught in Victor's cross-hairs. I just hope the truth comes out.

Adam: Me, too. Uh, well, I'll let you two get back to work. I got someplace I got to be, so... love you.

Chelsea: I love you, too.

Adam: And, um, thanks, Sharon, for your moral support. I appreciate it.

Chelsea: Bye.

Sharon: You know, I'm almost done with that marketing campaign that sage was working on before she...I mean, you know, before the accident. But I'm more than ready to do whatever you need me to do.

Chelsea: Thank you, Sharon. Thank you for the support. Work is, like, the last thing on my mind right now. But there is one way you might be able to help me.

Dylan: I get that you're in a tricky place. I mean, you're caught between your father and your brother. But one of them is lying.

Nick: Well, they're both masters at it. I mean, flip a coin. Who the hell knows who's telling the truth?

Dylan: Yeah, but there's one way to find out for sure.

Nick: Constance.

Dylan: Yes. Yes. A second examination would give us the answers that we need, Nick.

Nick: Samples were taken from the first autopsy. Disturbing her grave once was too much already. To do it again would be a travesty. It's not happening.

Dylan: I understand your reluctance, I do, but what if it's the only way to find out the truth?

Nick: Do you really think my dad was able to tamper with those samples? Do you think he got to someone in the department?

Dylan: Let's just say it would be good to have a definitive answer.

Nick: Are you saying someone on your force might be corrupt?

Michael: You and Victor have a long history -- good and bad. You know what he's capable of.

Paul: Oh, I am equal parts appalled and amazed at what Victor's been able to pull off over the years. But even now, with everything stacked against him -- including his family -- I would never count him out. Never. That's why I went to see him yesterday.

Michael: To question him about Adam's case?

Paul: Victor claims to know nothing.

Michael: You couldn't have been surprised by that.

Paul: Well, what surprised me was the apparent friendship he's struck up with the prison doctor, Meredith gates. She downplayed it, but I think there's a real relationship there. And you know Victor -- he doesn't do anything unless it's part of a grander scheme.

Michael: No. I'm more concerned about his rage against his family. I mean, he's obviously out for revenge, and that's what the case against Adam is all about.

Paul: Well, I understand that revenge is part of Victor's DNA, but the murder charges, Michael, stand alone.

Michael: I don't have the "how" yet, but he framed Adam.

Paul: Okay. Chris never would have pursued this case unless the evidence was compelling.

Michael: The evidence is circumstantial at best.

Paul: Oh, okay. That's spoken like a true defense attorney. But there's no dismissing the fact Constance Bingham was poisoned.

Michael: There is no direct connection between the poison and Adam.

Paul: Well, except for the diary.

Michael: [Sighs] It's hearsay. It's barely admissible. Written by a dead woman no one can question. And, as you are very well aware, Victor is framing Adam exactly the way he was once framed by Adam.

Paul: It's really hard for me to believe that a father would actually do that to his own son.

Michael: Victor has raised dysfunctional parenting to an art form.

Paul: He brought up Ricky.

Michael: Of course he did. He was trying to mess with your head. Look, one of the many differences between you and Victor is that you did everything you could to help Ricky.

Paul: It wasn't enough.

Michael: You tried. Just as I tried to help Fenmore navigate the difficulties of his life. Look, I talked to Victor father to father. I asked him to do the right thing. But sadly, his vision of fatherhood is very different from ours.

Dr. Thaxter: Dr. Gates has taken a leave of absence.

Victor: Oh. Did she give any reason?

Dr. Thaxter: It was all very sudden. I got the call. I'm here. That's all I know.

Victor: Okay. Well, I hope she's all right.

Dr. Thaxter: Had she spoken to you about insomnia issues? Is that why you asked --

Victor: We just did some small talk. You know, not much else to do around here.

Dr. Thaxter: Oh.

Victor: Yeah. So, when will she return?

Dr. Thaxter: All I know is it's indefinite. So...what seems to be your problem?

Victor: Well, um... I got a shiv in my ribs, you know, and it seems to take a little time for it to heal. Then I hurt my hand. She took an X-ray of it.

Dr. Thaxter: Okay. Well, let me take a look at your chart...

Victor: All right. Thank you.

Dr. Thaxter: ...See where we are. As soon as I find it.

Victor: Oh, I-I think the files are across the hall.

Dr. Thaxter: Oh. All right. Thank you.

Victor: All right.

Ian: Oh-ho-ho! You came! [Laughs] Oh, man, are you a sight for sore eyes.

Adam: Well, I've been working out. Hello, Ian.

Ian: [Laughs] Well, sit. Sit. Sit. Come on. Sorry I can't offer you any libation or hospitality of any kind. You'll just have to make do with my cheery company.

Adam: Can't wait.

Ian: [Laughs] Oh, look at you, huh? Oh, the last time we met -- phew -- was pretty bad, huh?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Ian: Face-to-face, surrounded by flames, on the precipice of hell. [Laughs] Although, as I remember, you left me for dead.

Adam: Yeah. Yet here you are.

Ian: Yeah. Hey. What do you say we set this joint ablaze for old times' sake?

Victor: Hello, Meredith. Why aren't you here? Well, this place needs you, you know. I need you. Why don't you just come back? I can help, okay?

Dr. Thaxter: Excuse me. Mr. Newman, what the hell do you think you're doing?

Sharon: Whatever I can do to help. Um, is it Connor? Do you need me to watch him for you?

Chelsea: Uh, actually, what I need right now is for these insane murder charges to just go away.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. I don't know how I could help you with that.

Chelsea: I mean, it's so crazy, Sharon. It's obvious that this evidence against Adam has been manufactured, which means that someone at the medical examiner's have -- they actually tampered with the evidence in order to make it seem like Adam poisoned this woman. I mean, how horrible is that?

Sharon: Yeah.

Chelsea: So what we need to do is we need to do a test of our own, see, to prove that she wasn't poisoned, to see how she really died. And if we can't do that, then... well, then Victor wins and my husband goes to jail and Connor loses his dad.

Sharon: I really don't see how I fit into this.

Chelsea: Well, the one thing standing between Adam and his freedom right now is actually Nick. So I was thinking maybe if you could convince him to allow us to exhume Constance's body one more time, Sharon, you would literally be saving my family.

Sharon: Yeah, Chelsea, I'm sorry. I don't -- I don't think I can help you with that. And I'm sure that Nick has his reasons for opposing this.

Chelsea: Well, he doesn't have any good reasons. I mean, this is my husband's life on the line, Sharon, so if you could just talk to him.

Sharon: You know, I -- I really don't have that kind of influence over Nick. You know, we're divorced. And so whatever I say, one way or the other, it's not going to change his mind.

Chelsea: Yeah, but you guys are close, you know? And I know he's been spending a lot of time at your home since sage died. He still considers you family. I mean, he trusts you. He would listen to you.

Sharon: No, Chelsea! I said no. I can't help you. I'm sorry! No!

Nick: If you think someone on the police force is dirty, have you talked to Paul about this? I mean, unless you think Paul --

Dylan: Paul is as honest as they come. But, you know, somebody else on the force might find it hard to say no to Victor's bank account.

Nick: Have you shared these suspicions with your dad?

Dylan: No. I respect him. I respect Paul's judgment. But going to him with the possibility that one of his guys is on the take with no proof? No.

Nick: Dads and sons can talk about anything, right? Unless your dad's Victor Newman.

Dylan: You know, I love Paul. I trust him. But this whole father-son thing with us is -- is fairly new. And I feel like I'm still trying to navigate our relationship. And I don't want to jeopardize that by sharing suspicions when I don't have any proof at all.

Nick: Well, you and I became brothers pretty late in life, too, you know? I hope you know you can come to me with anything.

Dylan: I appreciate that. It works both ways.

Nick: You've been great. You know, you let me spend time with sully, which is... you know, it's helping me get past losing sage and Christian. And you've been amazing to faith and Sharon. I'm proud to call you my brother, Dylan.

Adam: As much as I always hate disappointing you, we're not setting fire to anything, okay?

Ian: [Laughs] Come on. I was just kidding. I'm kidding! But you got to admit, it's quite a surprise. I mean, we didn't exactly part on the best of terms. And now, out of the blue, you're here, paying a social call?

Adam: Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. This isn't a social call.

Ian: Oh, it's business, then. Ah. Well, let's do business. You know, there was a time when you paid an inmate to take my place so that I could forsake these walls and be your partner in crime. I don't suppose there's a similar offer on the table, is there?

Adam: No.

Ian: [Chuckles]

Adam: Not at all. The beauty of my new plan is you -- you don't have to go anywhere.

Ian: Ah. But you need my help.

Adam: I do.

Ian: Of course. Victor. Victor, the not so Victorious. [Chuckles] But I must ask... why come to me?

Adam: All right, well, the thing is, Ian, you're in a unique position here.

Ian: Incarcerated?

Adam: Thanks to Victor, right?

Ian: Yeah, that's true, and he's been less than friendly. So, tell me. What is this favor?

Adam: You and I, if we work together, we have a chance to stop Victor for good -- make absolutely certain that he never leaves this hellhole. How does that sound?

Chelsea: I don't understand why you're not willing to talk to Nick when so much is at stake.

Sharon: Nick is still grieving his wife.

Chelsea: Adam is fighting for his life here, Sharon.

Sharon: And Nick is fighting to find his. Sage's diary, her private thoughts becoming public -- that tore him up all over again.

Chelsea: So has he been talking to you about it, or --

Sharon: Nick needs peace.

Chelsea: And Adam needs the truth to come out. And the only way to get that truth is if they exhume Constance's body again. I don't understand why you're not willing to --

Sharon: No! No! Not me, okay? My life -- my family -- is finally on track. I need to leave it that way.

Chelsea: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. I don't understand how one conversation with Nick hurts your life. I don't understand. You said earlier you believe that Adam is innocent. You're our only hope, Sharon. Why won't you help me?

Sharon: Is this why you asked me to come over here?

Chelsea: No! Maybe. I was desperate, okay, Sharon? You know desperate.

Sharon: I don't like being manipulated.

Chelsea: I am not m-- okay, you have not even been able to give me one legitimate reason why you won't do it.

Sharon: All right. Nick and I -- we share faith, but I have worked very hard to build an independent life from Nick and I need to leave it that way.

Chelsea: Yeah, but how does one conversation with him jeopardize that?

Sharon: Chelsea, I said no!

[Door opens]

Dr. Thaxter: Dr. Gates may have been a pushover. I assure you, I am not.

Victor: Well, now, doctor, she is as tough as it gets. I mean, she saw me do this before. She wrote me up.

Dr. Thaxter: I'm taking this straight to the warden.

Victor: Are you by chance aware of my situation?

Dr. Thaxter: Everyone is aware of your situation, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Then you do know that it's my children who testified against me. That's why I'm here. I made that call right now because I'm concerned about one of my sons. He's up on charges, okay? I'm just concerned about him. I think any father would be.

Ian: Ah, sons and fathers, fathers and sons. The eternal bond, yet fraught with so much peril. The struggle for supremacy. You know that Cronus ate his children so they couldn't usurp his power?

Adam: Well, Victor prefers to chew us up and spit us out.

Ian: Hmm. See, I would've been a much better paterfamilias for you than old Victor. You know, I would've groomed you, stood shoulder to shoulder with you, been proud of your achievements.

Adam: Hmm. Well, my only achievement will be spending the rest of my life in prison if Victor has anything to say about it. He's framed me for murder, and he's done a hell of a job.

Ian: I'm not surprised, but go on -- enlighten me.

Adam: Basically, the short version, Ian, is that he doctored some autopsy results, he forged a diary, and now I've been arrested for the murder of Constance Bingham.

Ian: And since you pretended to be Gabriel Bingham [Chuckles] Well, there's a strong whiff of the unsavory right there.

Adam: Well, it doesn't help.

Ian: Well, what were the autopsy results?

Adam: Showed that the body had been poisoned, just like the journal read.

Ian: Who's the owner of this journal?

Adam: She's recently deceased.

Ian: Wow. This is a conundrum.

Adam: Yeah.

Ian: Unless you killed that woman and you're trying to frame Victor for framing you.

Adam: No, Ian. That woman was 500 years old. She had a bad heart. She died. It's as simple as that. Now, somehow, even though Victor's locked up in here, he's managed to find somebody on the outside to do his dirty work for him.

Ian: And you want me to do your dirty work here on the inside, huh? Get a confession. How he framed you.

Adam: Exactly.

Ian: You want a snitch.

Adam: Well, you're perfect for the job, aren't you?

Ian: [Chuckles] Well, I'll take that as a compliment. Yeah. No one knows that man's mind better than I. What buttons to push. How he tenses up every time I mention the luminous Nikki.

Adam: Let's, you know, just stay on track here, okay?

Ian: Well, I'm sure I'll be able to get Victor to brag about how he was Victorious over his son. But why would I bother? You know? You left me to die.

Adam: As I recall, Ian, you were about ready to stab me in the brain with a pitchfork.

Ian: I don't recall that.

Adam: Hmm.

Ian: Well, there was a lot of smoke, you know, and it was so chaotic. But luckily, we both survived to tell the tale, right? But that doesn't make us partners again.

Adam: No, you're right. What do you want? What do you want?

Ian: What do I want? Well, to start with, a release from solitary. You get me back out in the light of day, and I'll take a stab at Victor -- so to speak.

Adam: Too soon.

Ian: [Chuckles] And since there is an enormous risk involved, I'll also consider what else I require to help a buddy out.

Adam: Well, we're not buddies, Ian. We are not buddies.

Ian: [Sighs] Deal?

Adam: Deal.

[Door closes]

[Footsteps approach]

Dylan: Hey. I-I don't want to make you uncomfortable, put pressure on you. But, you know, you and I are the kind of guys who want to know the truth. Victor and Adam -- not so much.

Nick: Well, maybe that's why we just let them battle it out themselves. The rest of us give them as much room as they need. You know there's gonna be collateral damage.

Dylan: Yeah. Unfortunately, though, that's how you get real answers sometimes.

Nick: [Sighs] Sage's most intimate thoughts have been exposed to strangers. Constance has been treated like a slab of meat. It's got to stop.

Dylan: Okay. Here's where I'm coming from. Who has the most to lose? And maybe that's because I'm a new dad, but to me -- I mean, the worst-case scenario is if an innocent father's being framed and his son is taken away. No matter what you feel about Adam, what about Connor?

Nick: What kind of man would take a child away from his father, huh?

Dylan: Are you okay?

Nick: What happened?

Sharon: I-I just must've tripped. Or maybe low blood sugar. I don't know. It's nothing to worry about. Anyway, why are you here? Is something wrong?

Nick: No, faith just forgot her headband after the dance, so I brought it back.

Sharon: Oh, thank God. Yeah. Faith loves that. It was a gift from Mariah. Anyway, what I heard -- a father, a child? What?

Nick: Yeah. Nobody seems to be able to stop talking about Adam and these charges against him.

Dylan: And all the possible victims, including Chelsea and Connor.

Nick: I don't know what the truth is, but I'd feel pretty terrible if I was responsible for a little boy growing up without his dad.

Dylan: I mean, if I were in Adam's shoes, facing a life without my son all because of something completely out of my control, where is the justice in that?

Sharon: You know, Adam is trying to take control. Chelsea said she wanted a business meeting. That was an ambush.

Dylan: What do you mean?

Sharon: She wanted me to work Nick over, to try to convince him to allow that poor woman's remains to be dug up.

Nick: I already gave my answer about that.

Sharon: They're not listening.

Nick: Okay, so you, Dylan, Adam, Chelsea -- who else is supposed to be working me, trying to get me to change my mind.

Dylan: That's not what I'm doing, Nick. It's not a conspiracy.

Nick: Look, sage and Constance's bodies deserve to be left alone. This is over.

Dylan: I understand, but if there's a chance to get to the truth --

Nick: Look, I'm done talking about it, Dylan! Accept it!

Dylan: Nick!

[Door opens, closes]

Dylan: Wow. I didn't -- I didn't expect that. Maybe I should talk to him.

Sharon: No. You know what, Dylan? Just let it go.

Michael: I am convinced that Victor framed Adam. And I think that you are arriving at the same conclusion at your own Paul-like pace.

Paul: [Chuckles] You know what? I'm just like Diogenes looking for the last honest man. I'm just seeking the truth.

Michael: Yeah, which means you have to look at all sides, which means you have to consider the possibility that to make his frame-up work, Victor had to have someone on the inside to make sure that the test results came back positive for poison in the body.

Paul: Oh, Michael. You know what? I'm not gonna let you suggest that one of my cops is dirty just because you're trying to prove your case.

Michael: It wouldn't be the first time. What about Harding? Up to his elbows in dirt, up to his elbows in murder.

Paul: You know, that's not fair.

Michael: All right. All right. I know. I understand. Sorry. I'm not making any assumptions. I'm not making any accusations. I would just like you to look into this. Question the medical examiner, the lab technicians, anyone who had any contact with the specimen. I mean, maybe dig into their bank accounts, see if somebody didn't suddenly enjoy a sudden large influx of cash.

Paul: And what if there's nothing?

Michael: Then...I will know that I have done everything I can to keep a father with his family. And then I would be able to sleep at night. Wouldn't you like to be able to do the same?

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: I'm so glad you're back.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Are you okay?

Adam: Am I okay? Uh... got any good news for me?

Chelsea: I wish I had some, but no. Sharon refuses to help us with Nick, which makes no sense, by the way. Because you heard her. She thinks you're innocent, yet she refuses to lift a finger.

Adam: Honestly, what's wrong with these people?

Chelsea: I know.

Adam: You know what? We're gonna stay strong. We're just gonna forge ahead, okay? Which is what I was just doing.

Chelsea: You met with Michael?

Adam: No, I actually went to Walworth.

Chelsea: Babe, why? So you could watch Victor gloat some more?

Adam: I met with Ian ward, actually.

Chelsea: Adam, no.

Adam: Yeah, no, listen -- I'm grasping at straws here, babe. I don't know what to do, okay? I came up with an idea. I think he can help.

Chelsea: Are you crazy? He's crazy. Why would you even want to be in the same room with him? That man tried to kill you.

Adam: Yeah. That's true, okay, but, you know, we both have a common enemy, right?

Chelsea: Oh, no. My God, Adam. No. No. The last time you and Ian tried to take down your father, you nearly took down Newman tower.

Adam: That was Ian, not me.

Chelsea: Exactly, which shows you can't control him.

Adam: It's different this time.

Chelsea: He's dangerous, babe.

Adam: Exactly, which is why he's useful to us. That man is diabolical, right? And he's got a gift for getting under Victor's skin. So if anyone can get him to admit that he set me up, it's Ian, right? So we just let him work his black magic, and hopefully you and I get what we want.

Ian: You missed a spot.

Chelsea: Ian ward is evil. Making a deal with him is just as dangerous as what your father's throwing at you.

Adam: When your friends and your family turn their back on you, what choice do you have but to turn to your enemies?

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Adam: Right?

Chelsea: I hate this.

Adam: I know.

Chelsea: I hate this.

Adam: Come on, sweetheart. Listen. What happened to my take-no-prisoners, whatever-it-takes wife? Where the hell did she go?

Chelsea: Where did she go? She's off worrying about her husband. That's where she is. [Sighs] Just promise me you won't trust Ian, not for one second.

Adam: I can promise you that I will fix this. I'll prove my innocence. And if I have to stoop to Victor's level to do that, then so be it.

Ian: Even a mind like mine, eternally optimistic and inventive, can't fight the crushing despair of solitary confinement. You know, getting some kind of interpersonal relationship even with the lowest of these inmates is like a blessed relief to me after being in that hellhole. Here. Here. Here we go. Yeah. A little elbow grease doesn't hurt, huh? [Chuckles] Yeah. Oh, by the way, you wouldn't happen to know how -- who got me sent into solitary confinement, would you?

Victor: Hmm. No, but do you know, if I find out, I'll shake his hand.

Ian: [Chuckles]

Victor: Huh?

Ian: What about teamwork, Victor? Huh? Partners?

Victor: Uh-huh.

Ian: You know, manipulating the delicious Dr. Gates so that both of us could walk out of here together.

Victor: You've been in here too long. Too long in solitary. You're hallucinating, aren't you?

Ian: No, no, no. My mind -- my mind's very clear. You went rogue on our agreement.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Ian: And too bad for you. It looks like the good doctor's gone rogue, too. Leave of absence? Where does that leave you? [Laughs] It's okay.

Victor: Haven't I told you to stay the hell away from me...

Ian: Yeah.

Victor: ..Before something happens that we both regret?

Ian: Uh-huh. Yeah, pity the poor...

Victor: Hmm.

Ian: Pity the poor titan. Reduced to being a scullery maid. Your family has abandoned you, man.

Victor: Hmm.

Ian: Yeah. The blistering humiliation that you're suffering at the hands of your supposed loved ones. That has to be the greatest pain of all, huh?

Victor: You're a walking poet, aren't you? You sound like a writer.

Ian: Yeah.

Victor: You know nothing about my family, now, do you? Huh?

Ian: I know about family.

Victor: Really?

Ian: Yeah.

Victor: Hmm.

Ian: Don't you remember? Dylan was like my own son.

Victor: [Laughs] That was a scam, and you know it. You used him to extort money from my wife.

Ian: Yeah, that little spitfire, Nikki -- she put the kibosh on that right away, huh?

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't ever mention her name again.

Ian: Wives, daughters, sons. They make lovely pictures on the mantel, but your family -- your family's made you a punch line, Victor. I know you want revenge, but you're about as powerless as a little baby behind these bars. And meanwhile, your family's out there. They're living their lives, laughing at you. Sharpening their knives. They're gonna cut you up into pieces.

Victor: Whoa. You know nothing about my family, okay? They're not doing that well. Not doing that well at all. In fact, they probably can't deal with a lot of the problems coming at them.

Ian: Yeah?

Victor: Besides that, one of my sons may join us in here very soon.

Ian: Really?

Victor: Mm.

Ian: Well, do tell.

Victor: Oh. That piques your curiosity, doesn't it?

Dylan: Why are you so against a second examination of Constance?

Sharon: It's not that I'm so against it. I just think Adam can get himself out of this some other way. You know, he's got more lives than a cat. I'm not gonna harass Nick about Adam's issues. And you shouldn't, either.

Dylan: Okay, but you believe that Adam is innocent. Why not help him get the truth?

Sharon: Let's not forget -- Nick is in this, too. He's been through a lot lately. He's grieving. I'm not gonna ambush or pressure Nick, especially about Adam. You know, he needs time to heal. He needs time alone. Maybe he's been spending too much time here lately.

Dylan: Okay, I'm a little confused because I thought you -- we wanted him around more since sage died. He's spending so much time with faith and sully. You see that it's helping the guy.

Sharon: Okay, I was wrong. All right? I was wrong. That was a bad idea. Nick is too close. He's just way too close.

Dylan: Too close to what? To who?

[Door opens]

Nick: What part of "no way in hell" didn't you understand? Now you're dragging Sharon into this and Dylan, trying to get me to change my mind.

Adam: No, I understand that this whole investigation is a burden for you, but you understand, this is the only way to get to the truth, Nick!

Nick: No, it is not. It's real simple. Either you or dad cops to it and tells the truth.

Chelsea: Adam is telling the truth. He's not a murderer, Nick.

Nick: Yeah? Well, he will hit and run. He will hide. He will lie to get what he wants. You weren't afraid to exploit my dead wife or disturb this woman who deserves peace.

Adam: Perhaps you haven't noticed, brother, but I'm fighting for my life here.

Nick: And you don't care who you take down. Dad would be so proud, Adam. You two can destroy each other for all I care.

Adam: You know what's really interesting about this whole thing is you think that Victor wins, I go to prison, this whole thing is over. That's what you think? He wants us all to pay, Nick, including you! He's not gonna stop until we all do!

Paul: Listen. I want the names of the medical examiner and the team that worked on the Bingham autopsy. All the names, all the way down to the receptionist. Yeah. That's right. Well, as soon as you can. Thank you. There. Are you happy?

Michael: Mm-hmm. Look. Paul, thank you for going the extra mile, father to father. And who knows? One day, Connor Newman may thank you himself.

Sharon: I haven't been totally honest with you. This isn't just about what Nick needs. It's about what I need, too. My ex-husband comes with a lot of baggage.

Dylan: His family?

Sharon: They literally drove me crazy. Once you get involved in their latest drama, their tentacles come out and surround you and suck you in. And I don't want to be a part of that anymore.

Dylan: I won't let that happen.

Sharon: It's already started. I know that you're just looking for justice because that's the kind of man you are, and I love you for that. But nothing good can come from taking sides in a Newman war.

Dylan: My side is wherever the truth is.

Sharon: Be on my side. On our side. I'm finally free of the Newman web. And you and I have created this beautiful family. You and faith and sully -- you're my whole world. You're all I can afford to worry about right now. Just keeping our perfect, happy family together and safe.

Dylan: Okay. If that's what you want, I'll keep you out of it. I promise. And I'll keep you and faith and sully happy and safe, too.

Nick: My decision is final. And you stop trying to get to me through people I care about.

Adam: What the hell do you want me to do, huh? You want me to stand here in front of my wife and beg you? I'm begging you! Does that make you happy?! Please! You can't walk away from this, Nick!

Nick: Watch me. Get your --

Adam: I want you to know something. Someday, sooner or later, and it's gonna happen sooner, dad's gonna scroll down his hit list, and your name's gonna pop up, brother. And it's gonna be your life that he's trying to ruin. I want you to do us all a favor. Don't you dare knock on my door for help. Get out of here.

Victor: It's a fascinating story, you know. My son Adam was accused of murder. But you can read all about it online.

Ian: Well, where's the fun in that? I want it directly from the source. You say the son who's dedicated his life to destroying you is going down in flames? Wow. That must be a particularly satisfying moment.

Victor: Hmm.

Ian: Especially if you had a hand in it. Huh? Hey. You had nothing to do with it, Victor? Huh?

Victor: Do a good job, okay?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Devon: Are you accusing her of pushing the drug through before it's ready?

Ashley: Are you saying to me that I could be relapsing right now?

Bethany: Billy talks about you so much, I feel like I already know you.

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