Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/2/16


Episode # 10935 ~ Victor bonds with Meredith; Stitch & Abby receive disturbing news about Max; Phyllis works overtime to cover her tracks.

Provided By Suzanne

Stitch: Okay. I'll be right in as soon as his chart comes up from the E.R. Okay. So, he was wearing a helmet?

Officer: Yeah, but he must have been going at a pretty good clip.

Stitch: Okay. Did anybody see what happened? Any witnesses?

Officer: He was alone when we got there, but someone called 911.

Stitch: All right.

[Cell phone rings]

Phyllis: [Breathes deeply] Hey.

Jack: I'm at memorial. There's been an accident. Billy was out riding and crashed his motorcycle.

Phyllis: My God. Is he okay?

Jack: Yeah, I don't know. I just got here. Where are you?

Phyllis: I'm on my way. [Crying] [Exhales sharply]

Abby: Instead of talking around the fact that we took a big step back when we canceled the initial trial and went back to the drawing board, I think we should incorporate that in our message -- talk about how thoughtful and careful we're being. I think it's strong. Why are you smiling?

Ashley: It's nice to see you like this -- excited about work again.

Abby: Yeah, well, you know, at first, I was just going through the motions, you know, burying myself in work so I wouldn't think about the loss and all the anger.

Ashley: About the baby?

Abby: Yeah. But I'm letting all that go now. I'm gonna focus on everything I have to be grateful for.

Ashley: That's how you heal, honey. There aren't any shortcuts.

[Cell phone chimes]

Abby: Mm. Although it could be worse. I could be Adam. "Evidence mounts in Bingham murder case." Dad is really sticking it to the poor guy.

Ashley: There's no proof that he's behind the charges.

Abby: Come on, mom. You don't think it's a little bit suspicious that Adam goes to the poor old judge, tells him what dad is planning, and then, suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, Adam is being accused of a murder that happened two years ago? Come on. It just makes me really happy that I gave dad my proxy when he wanted to sell brash & sassy!

Ashley: I don't agree with what he did to Victoria at all, but I'm very glad you went along with him.

Abby: [Sighs] I know, right? Hell hath no fury like Victor Newman when he thinks someone's been disloyal.

Paul: The warden says you've adapted quite well to prison life.

Victor: If getting stabbed by a guard and surviving it is surviving well, then... I guess I have.

Paul: And yet, despite all that, you've found ways to amuse yourself. I mean, you're still pulling strings at Newman. You're selling off entire divisions, and all from behind these walls.

Victor: Well, let's just say that management is weak right now.

Paul: What better way to teach Victoria a lesson?

Victor: Mm. You're a public employee, Paul. Have you ever thought about that? If I had had as many failures in my business as you have had in your police department, my company would be broke by now.

Paul: [Laughs] Well, it's funny you should bring that up.

Victor: Hmm.

Paul: I have this case that fell right into my lap and would put your son Adam in his own cell just like yours. And that's poetic justice, wouldn't you say?

Victor: Those are your words, not mine.

Paul: Well, I'd like to hear yours.

Victor: Nothing to say about it.

Paul: Just the same, I have a few questions.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I have no answers.

Paul: Well, we'll see now, won't we?

Jill: I don't know what they're doing in there. I wish somebody would tell us something.

Victoria: He's in good hands with Ben.

Jack: Hey. Hey. Hey.

Phyllis: Hey. How is he?

Jack: He is unconscious, as far as we know. Ben's in there with him right now, and we're waiting for him to come out and talk to us.

Phyllis: Um, so, what happened? Was he awake in the ambulance when they brought him in? I mean, how bad is it?

Jill: All we know is what the officer who brought him in told Dr. Rayburn -- that Billy was in a crash and that a good Samaritan called 911.

Jack: As far as we know, he's been unconscious since the accident.

Victoria: I really can't believe this is happening again. We just went through this five months ago.

Jill: I know. It's surreal, isn't it?

Victoria: Billy almost died. And when he woke up from that coma, I thought that he had changed.

Jack: You know what? I hate to be harsh here, but the only person to blame for where Billy is right now is Billy.

Phyllis: Jack...

Jill: No, he's right. He's absolutely right. As much as I love my son, I'd just like to go in there and shake some sense into him. As a matter of fact, when he wakes up, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Jack: So, where did you go from the club? I expected you to be at the dedication.

Phyllis: I checked on, uh, Natalie's progress with the security patch at jabot, and I -- by the time I got back, the ceremony was over and everyone had left. I didn't know what to think.

[Door opens]

Jill: How is he? How's my son?

Victoria: How's Billy doing? How is he?

Ashley: Here you go, sweetie.

Abby: Oh, thank you.

Ashley: Little coffee break.

Abby: Thanks.

Ashley: How's max doing?

Abby: Mm... well, he's doing therapy every day.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Abby: It's very intensive, and Ben goes every morning to see him at the facility.

Ashley: I don't want to pry, but --

Abby: But you want to know how all of this is affecting our marriage.

Ashley: Yeah. Ben's going through something extremely traumatic, and you were max's victim. It doesn't get any worse than that, honey.

Abby: Ben and I both were.

Ashley: I know, but you said before you kind of felt like you were on the outside looking in as Ben dealt with this whole situation as a parent.

Abby: I just -- I feel like Ben feels responsible for all of it, like he wasn't a strong enough presence in max's life.

Ashley: It's not his fault that his ex found a judge that allowed her to take their son halfway around the world.

Abby: Yeah, but it goes deeper than that. When you have a messed-up childhood and an abusive father, you make a vow to always be there for your kids, no matter what.

Ashley: Honey, how do you feel about that?

Abby: I think that father-son relationships, even when everyone is healthy, are very complex.

Ashley: I'm not talking about Ben. I'm talking about you. What do you need?

Paul: Well, I remember when you and hope had Adam and when she decided to raise him on a farm in Kansas.

Victor: That, by the way, was her decision, not mine.

Paul: Well, I still recognize that your relationship with him is different than what you share with your other children, partly because you didn't raise him and partly because, when he was growing up, he never knew he was a Newman. So when he came to Genoa City, he never lost the need to prove himself to you, to be recognized as your son. And, for some reason I don't understand, you -- you never really fully raised him.

Victor: You'd be wrong about that. When he came from Harvard business school, came to town, I hadn't seen him in years. I welcomed him. Opened my arms. I said, "what job would you like?"

Paul: But you still kept him at arm's length, and I think it has made you two incredibly competitive with one another.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Paul: And, on the other hand, it's also brought you closer to him and your other children, because I think you look at Adam... and you see yourself.

Victor: You a shrink now? Do I need to remind you of all the dastardly things that Adam has done to my family? Could that have been the reason I kept him at arm's length?

Paul: Perhaps, but just hold with me for a second.

Victor: All right.

Paul: You see, after the death of Constance Bingham...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Paul: ...I think Adam realized at some point down the line, he might be blamed for her death. And there's one person that he could confide in, one person that he would turn to.

Victor: But it wasn't me. What I have heard, I've heard from other people, all right?

Paul: Well, then I'm sure you've heard that he's saying you framed him. Did you?

Victor: If I said I did or I didn't, what difference would that make to you? You would think that I lie.

Paul: [Chuckles] You know, I know you well enough to have some idea whether or not you're approaching the truth.

Victor: Oh, my goodness! All these talents in one man!

Paul: Yeah, they never end.

Victor: A shrink and now a human lie detector. I'll be damned.

Paul: Yeah, but when you look at it, it's like one in the same, though, isn't it?

Victor: Uh-huh.

Paul: So, humor me.

Victor: [Chuckles]

Paul: I want to know what's going on.

Victor: My God. You would love to solve this case, wouldn't you? Well, fasten your seat belt. I might tell you more than you bargained for.

Paul: Okay, Victor. Fair enough. Seat belt's fastened. Take all the time you need. Tell me the story.

Victor: I don't think I will.

Paul: [Chuckles] Why not?

Victor: You know, Paul, this bores me. I have better things to do than being interrogated by the police.

Paul: Well, why don't you just tell me the short version?

Victor: I'll tell you the short version just to get rid of you, okay?

Paul: [Chuckles]

Victor: So you won't perpetuate this stupid theory of yours. No, I did not frame Adam. I couldn't have.

Paul: Oh, give me a break. Because you're in here?

Victor: Yeah.

Paul: Everybody knows how resourceful you are.

Victor: Really?

Paul: Framing Adam is almost too easy for you.

Victor: Adam is my son... my flesh and blood. It pains me... that he might have killed that woman. And you know what it means to have a son with no conscience... keeps on doing bad things.

Paul: So, why are you bringing up my son?

Victor: I bring it up because you of all people should understand that I would do anything I can to protect that boy, to keep him from doing terrible things.

Paul: Fair enough.

Victor: Yeah. So, I'm sure that, as we speak, Christine is putting together a case against Adam. I have nothing to say about the case. I will not help you.

Paul: It is still fascinating, after all these years, to see you in action.

Victor: [Chuckles]

Paul: You remind me of a legendary pitcher in the big leagues.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Paul: Maybe the fastball's gone, but you've only become more wily. You've made an art out of throwing junk, making everyone else off balance.

Victor: So, I take you don't believe me.

Paul: Would you in my position?

Victor: Why the hell did you come all the way here... to know... that I'm just gonna lie to you?

Paul: Well, that's a very good question, Victor. You know, perhaps... I'm just throwing junk, too.

Victor: Yeah. Perhaps you are. I'll be damned.

Victoria: [Sighs] A second head injury this soon...

Jill: Don't go there, please.

Jack: You heard stitch. He said there's a good chance Billy will recover.

Victoria: I just want these tests to be over. I want to go in and see him.

Jack: Hey. You okay?

Phyllis: [Sighs] Damn, Billy. How many chances does one person get?

Jack: I didn't want to say this in front of Jill, but I've been thinking the same thing. I wish you and I could have gotten through to Billy, slowed him down, kept him from being so damn reckless.

[Door closes]

Paul: So, I'm Paul Williams, chief of police down at Genoa City.

Meredith: Dr. Meredith gates. It's nice to meet you, chief Williams.

Paul: It's nice to meet you, too. So, uh, you are the physician of this facility?

Meredith: I am, indeed. What can I do for you?

Paul: Well, I'd like to talk to you about an inmate -- Victor Newman.

Meredith: Oh. Right. Well, if this is about his stabbing, I'm -- I'm sorry. I-I really can't help you.

Paul: I don't suppose you get a lot of people like Victor Newman coming through here, now, do you?

Meredith: Not many, no.

Paul: You know, I've known Victor a long time. He's a fascinating person. I mean, he's full of contradictions. He's a supersuccessful businessman, totally committed to his business, and yet he is bound up with his family.

Meredith: Yeah. They mean everything to him. You don't have to know Victor long to realize that. He talks about them a lot.

Paul: I'm sure he does. But, you know, doctor, you and I see people at their worst -- usually when their -- their life has taken a wrong turn. We learn very quickly to take everything they have to say with a grain of salt.

Meredith: It's still really hard for me to fathom that this family that Victor cares so much about -- I mean, he lives for them -- would actually band together in court to convict him. I mean, they wanted to see him in this place, and they seem absolutely obsessed in keeping him here.

Paul: Right. You know, I-I couldn't agree more. I'm still trying to make sense of it -- all these allegations flying back and forth. And now all this business with his son Adam --

Meredith: Oh, yeah -- the murder charge.

Paul: Yeah.

Meredith: It's just terrible.

Paul: Wow. So... Victor has talked to you about that?

Victoria: I can't stop thinking about the last time when Billy came out of the coma. You know, it's like he willed himself to come back to us 'cause he had so much to live for.

Jill: Well, he still does.

[Door opens]

Jack: How is he, doctor?

Stitch: The test results are good -- no serious injuries.

Jill: Oh, thank God.

Stitch: He's awake.

Jill: [Sighs]

Victoria: Can we go see him?

Stitch: Um... yes. Sorry. Yeah. Just, uh -- he's still pretty banged up, so keep it brief and calm, all right?

Jack: You got it. You got it.

Phyllis: Thank you, stitch.

Victoria: Hey. How are you feeling?

Jill: I could just throttle you.

Jack: What the hell is wrong with you?

Victoria: Just calm, everyone -- calm down.

Billy: I'm fine. How is she?

Jill: How's who?

Victoria: Uh, I think he means there was another passenger.

Jack: The cop didn't mention anyone else.

Victoria: Billy, was there someone else on the bike with you?

Billy: It was Bethany -- my friend Bethany.

Jack: Wait. Who's that?

Billy: She's a friend of mine that used to work for me at boulevard, and now she's a bartender at the club.

Jill: Friend? You couldn't even remember her name a day ago.

Billy: That's right, mom. You -- you met her at the house that day.

Jill: Yeah.

Jack: For what it's worth, your friend ran off and left you sprawled on the street, unconscious.

Victoria: Well, at least she had the decency to call an ambulance. That was really big of her. I can't believe I dropped everything and came here to see you.

Billy: Vick, listen.

Victoria: You obviously have other "friends" looking out for you.

Jill: [Sighs]

Phyllis: You stay with Billy. I'll go.

Phyllis: Victoria, please don't go.

Victoria: You know, I feel really stupid worrying about the father of my children. If Billy wants to screw around and risk his own neck, hey, you know what? I can't stop him.

Phyllis: No, you're the only one who can stop him.

Victoria: Oh, please.

Phyllis: Billy's acting out. He doesn't mean anything he's doing. All of his actions are just a reaction of what's really going on between the two of you. He needs you, Victoria.

Victoria: Clearly, that's not true. Billy's moved on with his life, so I'm gonna move on with mine, too.

Phyllis: He's lying. You can't believe a word he said.

Victoria: It's my pleasure to announce that our company, Newman enterprises, will donate $5 million to the Abbott-winters foundation to further its mission.

Paul: Did Victor ever talk to you about Adam in connection with the murder of Constance Bingham?

Meredith: The only time that Victor and I have spoken about his children is when he expresses his hopes and his desires for them... and his longing to reconcile.

Paul: Well, that's because nothing's more important.

Meredith: Exactly.

Paul: Which would motivate Victor to cover for Adam, to try and get him out from under these -- these murder charges.

Meredith: [Scoffs] I'm sure that Adam can afford his own lawyer.

Paul: Well, the evidence against Adam is pretty strong. The whole scheme is laid out in a diary written by a woman who lived with both Adam and Constance. She knew them very well, and the details of how Adam poisoned her -- they line up with the coroner's report. But here's the fascinating thing -- that Adam once tried to frame his father for murder, using a diary that Victor allegedly wrote, fabricating these entries to make him look guilty. Now, isn't that something? I mean, to me, it's amazing. Here you have Victor, in spite of all this, trying to reconcile with his family, looking for forgiveness, and the last thing on his mind is retribution.

Meredith: That's why I'm saying that I-I believe that Victor is sincere in wanting to reconcile with his family and heal those wounds.

Paul: Wow. You know, Victor is so very lucky to have an advocate like you in this place.

Meredith: [Chuckles softly]

Paul: Thank you for your time, doctor.

Meredith: You're welcome.

Ashley: So, have the doctors given you any kind of a timeline when max will be released from the psychiatric hospital?

Abby: No, not yet.

Ashley: Have you and Ben talked about it?

Abby: You mean the possibility of his son coming to live with us after he deliberately made me fall and have a miscarriage? No. It's too soon. You know, Ben's just focused on getting max the help he needs, and I'm just there to support him.

Ashley: And have you been to see max yet?

Abby: No. The doctors don't think that he's ready yet.

Stitch: Hey.

Abby: Hi!

Stitch: Hi. Ash.

Ashley: Hi, there.

Abby: What are you doing here? I thought you had to work the long shift today.

Ashley: By the way, jack told me about Billy. Any updates?

Stitch: Billy's fine. He's a little banged up, but he was wearing a helmet. I left him in good hands.

Ashley: Okay. Good. Was jack still there?

Stitch: Yeah -- Jill, too.

Abby: Oh! Both of them? I hope Billy still has that helmet, 'cause the two of them together can be more dangerous than the accident. So, what's up?

Stitch: I, uh, just came from talking with max's doctors. They asked permission to run some tests.

Ashley: What kind of tests?

Stitch: Brain scans.

Ashley: Oh, my God. That poor kid.

Stitch: They're thinking max's behavior could have been caused by something physiological.

Ashley: Oh, no.

Abby: S-so, wait. They think there's something physically wrong with max -- something with his brain to make him act that way?

Stitch: It's a possibility.

Abby: So, he's not responsible for what he did?

Stitch: A once-a-week therapist might not have been able to pick up on this. But max has been spending hours every day talking with these docs. They brought in a neurologist to confirm that his behavior is consistent with an anomaly in his brain.

Abby: Which means you did the right thing by getting max this intensive treatment.

Stitch: It was court-ordered, baby. I didn't really have a choice.

Abby: No, I suppose not, but none of this has been easy. And finding out that this problem could be something that the doctors could fix -- it's good news, right?

Ashley: This anomaly -- how serious do they think it might be?

Stitch: While I was listening to these experts explain it to me without really explaining it to me... I thought about how many times a day patients must want to punch me in the face. I didn't punch anyone. I gave permission to run the tests. It does scare the hell out of me, thinking about the results -- what they might show.

Abby: But, still... I-it must be a relief knowing that there's a medical reason why max was acting that way.

Ashley: I guess that would depend on the reason.

Stitch: I could read between the lines. I could tell what these doctors weren't telling me. If this turns out to be what I think it could be, the potential risk to max, frankly, is pretty terrifying.

Meredith: Chief Williams came by to introduce himself to me.

Victor: He questioned me about the murder case against Adam, so I thought he might come to you.

Meredith: Why?

Victor: He's been a family friend for decades, so he's very, you know, informed about what goes on in my family. I'm sure someone told him that you showed up at sage's memorial service...

Meredith: Mm.

Victor: ...And probably assumed that I told you some family secrets.

Meredith: Like the fact that you believe Adam poisoned Constance Bingham? Don't worry. I didn't say a word to him. I would never betray your confidence like that.

Victor: I don't want you to lie to the police, though.

Meredith: I didn't.

Victor: Aha.

Meredith: I made my own call.

Victor: You did? You took a risk for me.

Meredith: And I would do it again.

Victor: What can I do for you in return?

Meredith: I could think of something.

Victor: Oh, yeah? What?

Phyllis: Billy hasn't moved on. And -- trust me on this -- he isn't serious about this woman.

Victoria: Oh, no?

Phyllis: No. He's just mad at the world because his plans for your father didn't work out. He's never really handled disappointment very well, to say the least. He thought if Victor went to prison and he got payback, it would fill the hole inside of him, and, of course, it didn't. Sleeping around's not gonna do that. Drinking's not gonna do that, or gambling. The only thing that is gonna bring him back from the abyss, give him real joy in his life, is you. You've created a beautiful family together. That's what Billy wants. Don't give up on him, Victoria.

Victoria: I'm not giving up on Billy. I'm trying to save him from himself, the same way my mother tried to save my father. Okay? That's what I was trying to do. That's why I asked jack to fire him -- so he'd get out of that toxic stew that he was in.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, he took it with him.

Victoria: Well, of course he did. That's who he is. Billy doesn't want to be saved any more than my father does. I'm through trying.

Phyllis: He loves you.

Victoria: No, Phyllis, he doesn't love me. No. Something's changed, okay? Something's different.

Phyllis: What are you talking about?

Victoria: Billy's heart has changed. I can feel it, all right? He's moved on. I'm moving on, too.

Victor: So, this is what you wanted me to do in return -- to have dinner with you? Although I owe you so much.

Meredith: [Chuckling] No. No, you don't owe me anything. I'm just happy that you trust me that I would never repeat the things that you say to me in here -- not to the police, not to anybody.

Victor: Because you're my doctor?

Meredith: No. Doctor-patient confidentiality has nothing to do with it. I want you to know that I am someone that you can trust. And don't forget, I grew up in the halls of power, surrounded by the men who wield that power, and I can tell you that out of everybody that I knew, I don't think there's anybody who could have gone through what you're going through with as much strength and grace.

Victor: That's very nice of you to say.

Meredith: I could tell that the man -- he really admires you, even though he made a really horrendous accusation.

Victor: Hmm. What's that?

Meredith: He said that Adam set you up for murder using a forged diary and that he implied you would do the same in retaliation.

Victor: Do you think it's true?

Meredith: [Laughing] No.

Victor: Hmm.

Meredith: Of course not. I already know the answer to that. I think I have a pretty good idea who you are, Victor.

Victor: I have to go back to my cell now.

Meredith: Stop.

Victoria: Hi. So, um... we need to talk.

Travis: I'll tell you what -- you hang around another 10 minutes, and Marty will be coming on for his shift. You can go slummin' with him.

Victoria: Oh, come on. That's not what this was. I told you I wanted to keep things separate and anonymous, and -- and I never lied to you. I --

Travis: Poor working-girl Tori, slaving away for the shallow and ungrateful rich?

Victoria: Oh, yeah. That just describes my life perfectly, yeah.

Travis: Are you kidding me? I was there, Victoria. I saw you in all your privileged Newman glory. "Here's 5 million bucks, you dirty peasants."

Victoria: You are the one who lied, you know. We made a deal that we were gonna stay out of each other's personal lives, but you broker that deal. You followed me.

Travis: Well, I'm sorry that I ruined your good time. You know, I have no problem if you want to just mix things up and live a little dangerously, but I have a business to run. I have bankers screwing me left and right, and unlike the big company that you run, they're not smiling on me every time I need a loan to stay afloat.

Victoria: Okay. You're having some financial difficulties. I understand.

Travis: I shouldn't have said anything. You wouldn't understand.

Victoria: No! Of course I understand perfectly. Thank you very much. I'm not some trust-fund princess who spends her life partying. I happen to be a very important businesswoman who works insane hours, week in and week out. So, if you're having some struggles with your business, then why don't you fill me in on the particulars and maybe I can help you?

Jill: Why did you bring up that bimbo in front of Victoria and rub her nose in it?

Billy: I didn't rub her nose in it.

Jack: The hell you didn't.

Billy: Well, I was just in a motorcycle accident, so my brain's not really thinking clear right now.

Jill: Clear enough that you could remember the bimbo's name this time.

Billy: It doesn't -- it doesn't matter. Victoria doesn't care. She doesn't care. She's not sitting at home, wanting to be with me.

Jack: You didn't see the look on her face when I told her you'd been in an accident or how upset she was out here waiting to see if you were okay.

Jill: It brought back all the memories of the last time, Billy, when all of us were waiting to see if you'd live or die.

Billy: Well, I have six or seven lives left then, right? At least five.

Jill: Stop it! This isn't a joke! You're lucky to be alive, okay?! You could have killed yourself on that motorcycle! What the hell are you thinking?!

Phyllis: Stop what you're doing.

Bethany: Excuse me. I'm working.

Phyllis: Listen to me. Billy's been in an accident. He's okay. But he needs you to say that you were riding on the back of his motorcycle and that you called 911.

Bethany: He needs me to do this?

Phyllis: He does. It is of the utmost importance to him.

Bethany: Why would I do anything for that guy? He never called me back. He doesn't even know my name.

Phyllis: Actually, he does... Bethany.

Bethany: Oh, sure -- now that he wants something. [Scoffs] It's so obvious that he's hung up on someone else -- supposedly his ex, but I don't buy it. Whoever she is, I mean, he must be pretty desperate to think I-- it's you. [Scoffs] You're the other woman.

Abby: Look, whatever this is, max is in good hands, and we will get him whatever he needs to get well and recover, whatever that looks like.

[Cell phone rings]

Stitch: Max's clinic. This is Dr. Rayburn. What about a ct scan? I understand. Thanks for calling.

Ashley: What are the test results, Ben?

Stitch: It's what I thought. It's a tumor -- a brain tumor.

Ashley: Oh, God. I'm so sorry.

Abby: Oh, my God.

Stitch: The next step is surgery, if I give my consent.

Abby: Okay. Well, at least we have an answer. We know why max was acting that way, and we can fix it. We can get him well.

Ashley: This has to be so frightening. I'm so sorry. But I'm sure it's treatable.

Stitch: The tumor's big, and it's in a bad place. If he survives, he may never be the same.

Jill: I am trying so hard to understand you. Why must you continually push the envelope? Do you have a death wish?

Billy: It's the exact opposite, mom. I have a life...wish, you know? I -- it's a perfect spring day, and the wind's wrapping around you, and I'm feeling free -- more alive than I've felt in a really long time -- and I'm not thinking about business or obligations or expectations -- anyone's expectations. And I don't want the ride to end, okay?

Jill: [Voice breaking] But it was a ride that could have killed you, Billy. I don't understand any of this.

Jack: I do. I know the exact feeling Billy's talking about. I also know it can't last. Case in point -- you're here in a hospital bed, hopefully not in traction or even worse. When's your flight leave?

Jill: It doesn't matter now.

Jack: No, no, no. You said you have to get back. Colin's expecting you. You said you have wall-to-wall meetings tomorrow. You can't do anything here except get more agitated.

Jill: You're probably right.

Jack: Phyllis and I will look after Billy. He'll be fine.

Jill: This time, Billy.

Jack: Billy is gonna live his life the way he wants to, and nothing any of us do or say can convince him to do otherwise.

Phyllis: Billy is going to appreciate that you vouched for him. His life's gotten complicated, and this is gonna go a long way to uncomplicating it.

Bethany: So, just like that, problem solved? Never mind who has to lie or what anyone else thinks about it.

Phyllis: You know, if you do this, I am sure that he is gonna be grateful. Maybe -- maybe it can turn out to be something more than just a one-night thing.

Bethany: Seriously? You think so?

Phyllis: Yeah, I do. You back up the story, he will pay you $10,000, guaranteed.

Travis: And why am I not surprised? You lie, get caught, and your answer is just to throw money at it. You see people as commodities you can just buy and sell 'cause you've completely lost touch -- if you were ever in touch.

Victoria: You don't know me.

Travis: And whose fault is that?

Victoria: Okay, look -- I'm successful. But I work really hard. And, yes, I had certain privileges growing up, but there's more to me -- much more.

Travis: What you kept to yourself -- you couldn't be honest about it with a guy like me.

Victoria: Well, you know what? Apparently, I was right to keep certain things to myself because you can't handle. You can't handle the person that I am. You have to reduce me to some stereotype. Why? Because you want to blame all of your problems on the evil rich people?

Travis: Get out of my bar right now and just leave me the hell alone!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: What happened to Dr. Gates?

Dr. Thaxter: Dr. Gates has taken a leave of absence.

Adam: You think that Victor wins, I go to prison, this whole thing is over?! That's what you think?!

Ian: My visitor will be here soon, and this showdown is long overdue.

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