Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/1/16
Episode # 10934 ~ Nikki defends Neil; Jill & Hilary fight for the spotlight; the jig is up for Victoria.
Provided By Suzanne
Cane: I owe you an apology, Katherine. I sided with Hilary the other day, and it was a mistake because this hospital wing that Jill's underwriting should have your name on it and nobody else's. Look, I understand why Hilary wants to honor her mother, but she's willing to diminish your name in the process, and that is just... it's unacceptable. You know, the good news is, though, that at least this time around, it worked itself out. But next time, I just... I just don't know what she's gonna do, 'cause she just likes to throw her weight around 'cause that's who she is. [Chuckles] You know, it's funny. Like, right now, I miss you the most because -- I don't know -- moving forward, I just don't know how to handle this.
Nikki: Handle what? Maybe I could help.
Neil: Well... [Sighs] Today's the day.
Lily: Uh-huh.
Neil: Uh, lily, in light of everything, thank you very much for agreeing to help. Dedicating a wing to the treatment center in Katherine's name... it's an amazing day for the foundation. Thank you.
Lily: I'm really not doing any of this for you. Today is about honoring Katherine. She's the only reason that we're all here together.
Jill: How long before we're up and running?
Jack: The architect has promised to give me a grand-opening date next week, which means this ceremony today will grab the media's attention.
Phyllis: Katherine deserves her own special spotlight.
Jill: I couldn't agree with you more. So what about today? What's the order of events?
Hilary: Well, once we get under way, I will be delivering some opening remarks that I have prepared.
Jill: [Scoffs] The hell you will. The only thing you should be prepared for is to stay out of the way and keep your mouth shut.
Summer: Oh, my God. Okay, I cannot believe I just slept that late.
Luca: Not that we got that much sleep.
Summer: [Chuckles] Trust me, I am not complaining. But I need to get home. You know, where my clothes and my things are.
Luca: Stay. Just a little longer.
Summer: [Chuckles]
Luca: Mm. Mm.
Victoria: Ohh. [Sighs] Johnny! Oh, my goodness.
Billy: Hey, hey, hey. No, no. He's good. He's good. He's still sleeping. He's doing better than he did last night, at least.
Victoria: [Sighs] Really?
Billy: Yeah. He doesn't have a fever anymore. He hasn't thrown up since. So I'm assuming it was just a little bug.
Victoria: Oh, thank goodness. [Clears throat]
Billy: How are you feeling?
Victoria: Good, you know. A little stiff, I guess. Sorry about last night.
Billy: What are you sorry about?
Victoria: I, um... I passed out on your sofa. I guess it was the wine, maybe.
Billy: Yeah. It didn't affect me at all. I slept great in my big, comfy bed.
Victoria: Mm. Oh, I look a wreck.
Billy: Come on, Victoria. You've always looked amazing in the morning.
Cane: I'm just thinking out loud. That's it.
Nikki: Yeah?
Cane: Yeah, 'cause it's nothing that anyone can really help me with 'cause I'm kind of -- I'm walking this line between lily and the family. You know, with Neil and Devon and Hilary, it's just...
Nikki: Well, unfortunately, I've become somewhat of an expert on dysfunctional family relationships. Maybe I can help you.
Cane: Yeah?
Nikki: But I can certainly understand your wanting advice from Katherine. I ask myself all the time, "what would Katherine do?"
Cane: Does that work?
Nikki: Sometimes. God, I miss her so much.
Cane: I miss her, too.
Nikki: I mean, I do have people I can go to. Meetings. But nobody like Katherine. When things were at their worst, she was my lifeline. I could always count on her to speak the truth. She understood how hard it was, even when you wanted a drink more than anything else.
Cane: You know, the thing for me is I've never had to walk in those shoes, so I find it difficult to understand.
Nikki: Really? Understand what?
Cane: I don't understand how someone could say they want to be sober 'cause they know how much they're hurting the people in the family they love, and they genuinely mean it, and then they just... start drinking again.
Nikki: You're talking about Neil.
Cane: Yeah. And I'm trying to be compassionate. I am, but it's just... it's a battle for me. You know?
Nikki: Let me tell you something. I have had a drink after swearing I wouldn't more times than I can count. And I have tried to stay sober for other people. That doesn't work. You have to do it for yourself, or you're guaranteed to fail. I know it's painful to watch, but there's always hope.
Cane: Yeah.
Nikki: And you keep supporting them. Eventually, most people will find their way to the help they need.
Cane: That's good to know.
Nikki: I mean, that really is the message of this gathering we're having today, isn't it? Because that's certainly what Katherine believed.
Neil: I know you can't forgive me for all the lies or the indefensible way that I behaved towards Hilary. And I'm sorry to put you in this terrible position asking you to keep my secret, but I -- I don't -- [Sighs]
Lily: It's not just about the cover-up. It's the fact that I have to bite my tongue every time she uses what you did to blackmail us.
Neil: Okay. Shh. Shh. Shh.
Lily: That woman is an evil bitch. And the day that you kidnapped her is the day that you gave her a weapon that she could use against us forever.
Hilary: Jill, you are overreacting.
Jill: Mm...no, I don't think so.
Devon: Let's just take it down a notch. She's not trying to hijack your moment, Jill.
Hilary: I'm simply gonna welcome the press, explain the mission of the new treatment center, and then turn it over to you. That's my job as communication liaison.
Jill: I don't really care what your inflated title is. This is Katherine's day.
Jack: Hilary, when we dedicate the turner ward to your mother, you will be front and center. I promise you.
Jill: Yeah, and you can make a nice long speech to whoever will listen, if anybody does.
Devon: Jill, you can make your point without being nasty. There's no reason to insult my wife, all right?
Jill: There's every reason, Devon. Where shall I begin?
Devon: I think that Katherine would want us to be united.
Phyllis: You know, jack and Jill and I, we have handled all of the arrangements just fine on our own.
Hilary: Okay, well, if you think that you're gonna dismiss us, that's --
Jill: Would you please remind miss haughtiness over there who is footing the bill for Katherine's wing? That is enough reason for you to back me up on this. I will be handling the press. You will be nowhere to be seen.
Hilary: This whole event was my idea. I'm the one who suggested naming the wing in the first place. If it wasn't for my contribution --
Jill: Enough! We're gonna do this my way. Now, I've said all I'm gonna say on the subject. And you cross me at your own peril.
Jack: This is my foundation, my call. Hilary will introduce you briefly and you will make your presentation. I expect you to respect my decision and not make a scene, Jill.
Jill: I've said all I'm gonna say on the subject. If anybody needs me, I'll be at the bar.
Jack: [Sighs]
Jill: Bloody Mary. Easy rocks.
Bethany: You got it.
Jill: Hold on a minute. You look really familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?
Bethany: Uh, you know, I just have one of those faces.
Jill: Oh, my goodness. You're the girl I caught with Billy the other night, aren't you? Uh...Britney.
Bethany: Bethany.
Jill: Are you sure?
Bethany: Quite.
Jill: Because that's not the name that Billy gave me.
Bethany: You know, he's gonna get it right next time.
Jill: [Laughs] You're very optimistic -- "next time." Okay? I'm pretty sure you're just a distraction for my son.
Bethany: I beg your pardon.
Jill: Meaningless sex, honey.
Bethany: Is that what Billy said to you?
Jill: He didn't have to tell me that. I know that he's in love with his ex-wife.
Victoria: I need to get going. Um, I'll bring Johnny home. Hannah's with Katherine, so...
Billy: I'm sure you have a busy day, especially with the oil-rig thing.
Victoria: Can we just not argue about that anymore? Just stay out of it.
Billy: Sounds good.
Victoria: Good. Thank you.
Billy: Well, I'm sure you're wondering about your old division, how the new fragrance is going. If you've got two cents, I'll take it because I've had a hell of a time trying to make decisions.
Victoria: No, not at all, actually. Like you said, it's my old division, so no.
Billy: Listen, last night we said we were gonna be honest with each other about... who we're seeing --
Victoria: No. No, no, no. That's what you said. I didn't say that.
Billy: We're missing a chance at the truth here. So...instead we spun silly stories. So let's just say it.
Victoria: I think that was wise.
Billy: Really? Was it?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Why? We had a chance to open the air a little bit and not make things so awkward between us. Because I have to say --
Victoria: Yeah, it's still really -- it's awkward still.
Billy: So I'm gonna tell you who I'm sleeping with.
Victoria: Ugh.
Billy: I want you to do the same.
Travis: I know I'm a little behind, but I need that inventory. We can work out a plan. Well, if I go out of business, you won't get a cent. I can't run a bar without any liquor. The guy has money trouble.
Luca: Well, I want details as soon as you can get them.
Summer: Hey. Oh, who was that?
Luca: Oh, just getting an update on the Newman oil situation.
Summer: Oh. How's that going?
Luca: It's holding steady. But I think it's critical we order a safety check for all our rigs and wells... well, no. I meant to say your family's rigs and wells. I'm -- I'm still an outsider.
Summer: Well, um, actually, about that, I have a proposal to make.
Luca: A proposal? Hmm. How intriguing. Tell me more.
Summer: Well, I just think it's time for us to take things to the next level. You know, show everybody how much you mean to me. And -- most importantly -- have it so that you, me, and my closet can all be at the same place at the same time.
Luca: Are you asking what I think you're asking?
Summer: Move in with me?
Luca: You really want this?
Summer: Yes. Yes! Okay, we practically spend all of our time together, and you can't stay at a hotel forever.
Luca: [Chuckles]
Summer: And you've already lived at my house once, so you should feel perfectly at home.
Luca: Yeah, if your family doesn't kill me first.
Summer: Okay, this is my life. They do not get a say in how I run it. But there is one person who might actually approve.
Luca: Who's that?
Summer: My aunt Victoria. She seems to be coming around where you're concerned, and I think she might finally appreciate what you're capable of.
Luca: Yeah, I've noticed that, too.
Summer: Who knows? Maybe everyone else will follow her lead.
Luca: Wouldn't that be something? I hope they do. Because I'm not going anywhere.
Summer: So, is that a yes?
Luca: I'll start packing my things.
Summer: Yay! [Chuckles]
Luca: Mm.
Victoria: I don't really care who's in your bed these days. I don't need that information.
Billy: You don't care? You don't wonder?
Victoria: No, honestly, I don't.
Billy: Okay, well, I'm gonna tell you because my mom walked in in us, and the whole town's gonna know, and I'd rather you hear it from me. So it's a waitress that used to work for me at boulevard.
Victoria: Okay. Look. Your personal life is -- is your -- your business. It's not mine.
Billy: I don't want a relationship with her. I'm not looking for that, so you know.
Victoria: I don't want to hear this. I really don't, and I'm not gonna volunteer any information about who I'm seeing, either.
Billy: We got to a good place last night. Why can't we stay there?
Victoria: I thought we were in a good place, too, but now you've screwed it up again.
Billy: [Sighs]
Bethany: You're Billy's mother. We really shouldn't be discussing his love life.
Jill: If you're smart, you'll listen to what I'm saying to you. Look. Billy is a charmer. He is handsome. He is wealthy. He's quite the catch. So no wonder you would want to be the one to land him. I don't blame you for that.
Bethany: I have no expectations where your son's concerned.
Jill: Good. Good. Because it would be a colossal waste of time. Honey, he's gonna use you and throw you away.
Bethany: Well, thank you so much for the helpful advice. And now, if you'll excuse me, it's time for my break. I hope.
Nikki: We haven't talked in so long. How are you?
Neil: I'm doing good. I am. I'm fine. The foundation is doing great. I'm very proud of what we've accomplished. And I'll tell you something. Katherine -- she would love the fact that we're doing this in her honor.
Nikki: Oh, I know that she would. And I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well.
Neil: Thanks.
Nikki: But I also know how hard it is to avoid temptation, even when things are going well.
Neil: Um, yeah. Why are you telling me this?
Nikki: I just want you to know you have a friend in me, okay? If you ever need me, just call me, day or night. I will be there.
Neil: Ah, Nikki, you are my old friend. Thank you so much. That's very generous, but I am doing okay. It's a good thing, too, because for an active drunk to be running a foundation where the first project is a treatment center -- I'd be a hell of a hypocrite, wouldn't you say?
Nikki: Let me tell you something. Every person in this room has done something they regret. The important thing is to own it.
Hilary: Jack, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to cause any tension between you and Jill, really.
Phyllis: Sure you did.
Devon: What's that supposed to mean, Phyllis?
Phyllis: Well, if Hilary didn't want to cause any trouble, she wouldn't have gone out of her way to antagonize Jill, is what that means.
Jack: For the record, Hilary and I had already spoken about her giving the opening remarks. She was not overstepping.
Hilary: Thank you, jack. Now, before everyone arrives, there are a few things that I need to go over with you.
Phyllis: Well, I'm gonna leave you to it. I'm gonna get some air.
Hilary: Now, this was the substance of what I was planning to say.
Nikki: Well, hi, Jill.
Jill: Hello there, Nikki.
Nikki: I'm so glad you could come home for Katherine's event.
Jill: Oh, I wouldn't miss it. I must say, you're looking very well.
Nikki: Well, thank you. You look great, considering all the traveling you do.
Jill: What's that supposed to mean?
Nikki: Oh, well, you know how all those flights and miles can really wear and tear on a person, but not you.
Jill: [Chuckles] So, how's victor? Oh, is he enjoying life behind bars? I'm sure you're running up there every two seconds to visit him, huh?
Nikki: Actually, I'm divorcing him.
Jill: Well... that's the smartest thing you've done since marrying him.
Nikki: Well, I -- oh! And look, here's Esther. So good to see you.
Esther: Oh, Nikki, it is great to see you, too.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jill: I'm sure you can't say the same thing about me, can you?
Esther: That's for sure.
Nikki: Um, if you'll excuse me, I see somebody I have to say hello to.
Jill: Bye.
Esther: Oh, eating your veggies. Good for you.
Jill: Well, my poor pancreas has finally recovered from all your health-food concoctions.
Esther: Oh, I suppose you're back to wolfing down red meat and eating refined carbs and catching anything you can in your claws.
Jill: Tell me. Are you still scurrying around cleaning up other people's messes?
Esther: I know that you are trying to belittle me, but I love working at crimson lights. Dylan is such a pleasure to deal with, unlike some people.
Jill: I wish you were still living at the mansion.
Esther: Oh, why? So I could wait on you hand and foot anytime you flit into town?
Jill: No, that's not what I meant. It was so you could have talked Billy out of redecorating.
Esther: What are you talking about?
Jill: You didn't know I signed the mansion over to Billy? [Sighs] I was hoping that maybe he'd grown up enough to make a real home out of it.
Esther: Oh, well... I-I-I think that Katherine would approve.
Jill: I wish that that house had never had to change hands, Esther. I wish that Katherine and I and you were still there, driving each other crazy... instead of us sitting here, waiting to dedicate a building to her memory. I just wish we could turn back the clock -- things could be the way they were.
Esther: Me, too.
Jack: Yeah. So keep it short.
Hilary: Mm-hmm.
Jack: But press on these three points.
Hilary: I think that's -- that's brilliant.
Jack: Yeah. Okay. That about covers it. Really nice job.
Hilary: My pleasure.
Jack: Uh, if you'll excuse me, I'll see you later.
Devon: Okay.
Hilary: I want to thank you, by the way.
Devon: Thank me for what, honey?
Hilary: For defending me, supporting me earlier when Jill was being such a --
Devon: Jill was being Jill?
Hilary: Well, I know that I get caught up in myself and in my work, and I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate you. But I do, okay? And I love you so much.
Jack: Phyllis had to step out for a bit. Are you looking for her?
Luca: Uh, yeah, to share some good news.
Summer: Yes, the absolute best news. Luca and I are gonna be living together.
Jack: Well, that's sudden. Whose idea was that?
Summer: Mine.
Luca: I was delighted when summer suggested it.
Jack: Moving in together -- that's a pretty big step.
Summer: Yeah, one that we are ready to take.
Nikki: Well, I hope you've thought this through. I'd hate for you to do something impulsive only to regret it later.
Billy: So, what are the odds, running into you here again?
Travis: It's getting hotter, and the ac is shot. I just need a loan to tide me over. I can have it paid back by the end of September. Business always picks up in the summer, but it won't if it's sweltering in here. [Sighs] Great. Thanks for nothing.
[Receiver slams]
Victoria: You okay?
Travis: It's my problem, not yours.
Victoria: Well, you're in luck. I happen to be a problem solver.
Travis: Just leave it alone, Tori.
Victoria: Tell me what's wrong.
Travis: It's nothing 20 grand wouldn't cure, but there's nothing you can do about it, so... [Sighs] What are you drinking?
Summer: I have thought about our relationship very carefully, and this is something that Luca and I both want.
Nikki: Well, honey, you say that now --
Summer: I don't expect you to give us your blessing. I mean, you and I haven't been agreeing on much lately, anyway.
Nikki: Well, that's true. You were quite harsh with me when you found out about the divorce, and, frankly, it hurt me very much.
Summer: Well, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention.
Nikki: I know it wasn't. But for some reason, you seem to think that your grandfather needs protecting. And you are entitled to your opinion on that subject, just as I'm entitled to leave a marriage that has become toxic. The one thing I don't want is for this rift between us to get any bigger.
Summer: Yeah, I don't want that, either.
Nikki: Well, you're a grown woman. You can make your own decisions. If you and Luca want to live together, that's your prerogative.
Summer: Well, thank you.
Jack: You'd better take good care of her.
Luca: I promise I will.
Nikki: If you don't keep that promise, you'll have a lot of people to answer to.
Summer: There's not gonna be a problem, grandma. We're very happy.
Luca: Uh, as long as we're here, as long as we're all together, may I extend my congratulations on today's event?
Jack: Yeah, actually, we should probably get things started.
Jill: Hello. I am Jill Abbott Atkinson, and I'm CEO of chancellor industries, and I want to welcome all of you...
Nikki: Problem?
Jack: Nothing I shouldn't have expected.
Jill: I am deeply proud to support the Abbott-winters foundation. It's an organization devoted to improving the lives of people both locally, nationally, and internationally.
Jill: Yes. But today, we're here because of a very special project that is centered right here in Genoa City -- the opening, in the very near future, of a brand-new, beautiful, state-of-the-art rehabilitation and recovery center to help people who are struggling with addiction.
Jill: Now, the wing housing the treatment facility is being dedicated to a very, very dear friend of mine, the late Katherine Chancellor. This was an extraordinary woman, and she dealt with alcoholism for many decades. And we are hoping that her name and her strength and her determination to embrace life right up till the last moment is gonna inspire all of those who pass through the center's doors.
Jill: This plaque bearing Katherine's name will hang in the entrance of the chancellor memorial wing.
[Cheers and applause]
Victoria: Thanks.
Travis: You're welcome.
Victoria: [Sighs] So, you need money.
Travis: I wouldn't if the damn banks would loosen their purse strings! Now, they've got the capital. They just won't part with it, even for someone with decent credit. [Sighs] Loans are reserved for their cronies in the one percent. It's people just like them. Sorry. I -- I didn't mean to dump that on you.
Victoria: No. It's okay. You know, I -- I asked.
Travis: Yeah, but you're not the enemy. Far from it. I'm glad you're here. I thought you were gonna come by last night.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. Well, something came up with my son. Um...
Travis: I understand. It just so happens I'm free tonight. We can take a walk down by the lake, maybe go back to my place --
Victoria: Uh, no, that's not gonna work for me.
Phyllis: What are you doing here?
Billy: I could ask you the same thing. Why aren't you with jack at the big announcement for his foundation?
Phyllis: I needed a break. Jill and Hilary were bickering, and then jack sided with Hilary. Should have listened to Jill and put that social-climbing parasite in her place. But I should get going and get back there. I want to be there for jack.
Billy: Yeah. I know you're trying to shore up your marriage. How's that working out for you?
Phyllis: You really want to know the answer to that question?
Billy: I should tell you to go back there and be with your man, you know, smile the smile, walk the walk. But I'm not gonna do that. You want to know why? Because... 'cause I know what you really need.
Travis: So last night, you stood me up -- because of your son, you said -- and now you've come down here to say you can't see me tonight, either?
Victoria: Well, I know that, but we didn't have plans tonight. I just -- I just wanted to check in and say hi and --
Travis: Mm.
Victoria: I can't stay long. I owe my boss a ton of work. So...
Travis: Which you could have told me over the phone.
Victoria: I could have, but I didn't. I'm here. Maybe I should have called.
Travis: That's really all you wanted to say to me?
Victoria: Yeah. That's it.
Travis: Tori [Chuckles] It wouldn't kill you to just once admit you wanted to see me.
Victoria: Okay. I admit it. I wanted to see you, and it's... lovely to see you. But I -- I got to get going.
Travis: Tori. Tori. Wait.
Phyllis: You know what I need?
Billy: Yeah, I know what you need. You need an escape from all of it, the boring obligations and the petty nitpicking and the random interview requests --
Phyllis: I'm not going back to your place, if that's what you're suggesting.
Billy: Get your mind out of the gutter, young Phyllis. I'm talking about pavement, baby.
Phyllis: What?
Billy: A motorcycle ride. Except this time, I'm gonna drive so you can hold on tight and enjoy the view.
Phyllis: Okay. I can't.
Billy: You can.
Phyllis: Billy.
Billy: [Chuckles] Come on. See, there it is. I can see that you want to do it. The fresh air. Wind in your hair. The feeling of living on the edge. I just happen to have an extra helmet and an extra leather jacket. We won't be long. We'll tool around the park a couple times. I'll have you back at the club before you know it. What do you say, beautiful?
Phyllis: Let's go.
[Indistinct conversations]
Summer: Well, we tried.
Luca: [Sighs]
Summer: Mom isn't here, where we thought she'd be. I tried calling the office, but she's not there, either. So I don't know where else to look.
Luca: [Sighs] Well, when the news finally does reach her and she doesn't approve, what are you gonna tell her?
Summer: That... I am in love with you.
Luca: [Exhales sharply] I love you, too. [Chuckles] Let's go home and celebrate. Okay?
Summer: Okay.
[Indistinct conversations]
Hilary: [Clears throat] Hello. May I have everyone's attention, please? My name is Hilary Hamilton, and I would like to introduce you to the two men who have made this incredible day possible -- jack Abbott and Neil winters.
Hilary: Jack is the driving force of this foundation, his legendary passion for excellence evident in every aspect of the new treatment center. Neil winters, the organization's co-founder -- his presence has been known from the very beginning. He has brought a wealth of business and personal experience to the table. But now if we can please announce jack? If you can come over?
Jack: Thank you, Hilary. Thank you for your kind words. I could not have accomplished any of this without Neil winters' help and inspiration. His desire to create a safe place for addicts to gather, to get counseling, to put their lives back on track -- that created the Abbott-winters foundation, a place whose clarion call to addicts of all stripes is this simple -- no matter how dark your day is, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. Ladies and gentlemen, my friend, my partner, and my sponsor, Neil winters.
Neil: [Chuckles] Yeah. Jack, thanks. Thank you. [Clears throat] Hi. Thank you. Hi, everyone. Um, it's true. We have assembled a team of doctors, of experts, of therapists that are all renowned for their success rates. They have been working hard to put together a program that will set a new standard of care in the field. And, as Jill mentioned, Katherine chancellor has always been a source of inspiration for me and for jack, if I might say, jack. She was always very open about her battle with alcohol. She wanted other people to know that as long as you faced your addiction head on, that if you turned your will and your life over to the care of a higher power and you held out your hand and you asked for support, that you could conquer anything. As co-founder of this foundation... I am going to follow her example now, which is why I intend -- I intend to sign myself in as the center's first patient.
[Camera shutters clicking]
Neil: Due to some challenging family issues, I am not proud -- I fact, I'm ashamed to, uh, tell you all that I've -- I've broken my sobriety... proving that you're only one drink away from a relapse.
Are those "issues" related to your son, Devon, marrying your former wife? Did that drive you to drink?
Neil: Well, sir, that is a rather simplistic explanation for a rather complex -- I-I-I don't know how to answer that.
Nikki: I'll answer this question if you don't mind, Neil.
Neil: Sure, Nikki. By all means.
Nikki: My name is Nikki Newman, and I'm also an alcoholic. Most alcoholics and addicts get to remain anonymous, but that's never the case when your name is Newman. My struggle with alcohol has been well publicized over the years. I'm practically inured to it. I say "practically" because it does still hurt to be the subject of gossip and innuendo. Neil winters is a dear friend of mine. And I know how much courage it took for him to come up here today and announce that he needs help. I think that we should acknowledge that bravery with compassion instead of salacious questions that don't run to the spirit of what we are doing here today. We admitted that we have no power over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable. That's the first step. Katherine chancellor -- she used to say that's the most important one because that's the one that we keep doing over and over when we fall and pick ourselves up and try to start over again. For that reason and many others, the Newman family fully supports the Abbott-winters foundation, don't we, Victoria? In fact, why don't you come up and say a few words, honey? Everyone, my daughter, Victoria Newman.
Victoria: Thank you. Uh, well, it's a pleasure to be here to support such an important endeavor that will touch so many lives. I was planning to make an announcement at the grand opening of the center, but, well, now is as good a time as any, I suppose. So, without further ado, it's my pleasure to announce that our company, Newman enterprises, will donate $5 million to the Abbott-winters foundation to further its mission.
[Cell phone vibrating]
Jack: Hello? This is jack Abbott. What? When? I'm on my way.
Jill: What happened, jack?
Jack: There's been an accident.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Paul: I want to know what's going on.
Victor: Fasten your seatbelt. I might tell you more than you bargained for.
Stitch: Did anybody see what happened?
He was alone when we got there, but someone called 911.
Phyllis: [Crying]
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