Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/31/16


Episode # 10933 ~ Chelsea refuses to let Adam give up; Mariah struggles to keep Sharon's secret from Dylan; Summer challenges Luca.

Provided By Suzanne

Mariah: What do you think is gonna happen if you start keeping nick and sully apart? You don't think people are gonna notice? Nick is gonna notice. Dylan is gonna notice.

Sharon: What choice do I have? I'm the only mother sully's ever known. He needs me. And I can't lose my baby.

Faith: Why would you lose sully?

Sharon: What? Oh, uh, no, nothing, sweetheart. Everything's fine.

Faith: But you just said...

Mariah: No, it's all good, squirt. It's all good.

Faith: Is sully sick? Did he go into heaven with Christian and Cassie?

Sharon: No. No. Sully is a happy and healthy little boy.

Dylan: Of course he is. Why -- why would you think otherwise?

Faith: I heard mommy and Mariah say something about losing her baby.

Sharon: Faith... now, we've had a talk about listening in on other people's conversations, right?

Faith: Yeah, but I --

Sharon: And this is the exact reason why. It's very easy for you to misunderstand what you heard. Now, you need to finish getting ready for the father-daughter dance at the club.

Mariah: Yeah. I'm gonna help you out, dancing queen.

Dylan: Faith is a smart kid. What did she misunderstand?

Adam: So, the only way to get this bogus murder charge dropped and to prevent your wife's journal from being read in court is to exhume Constance's body again.

Nick: And what went wrong the first time?

Chelsea: That autopsy was done by the state.

Adam: And was susceptible to victor's influence.

Chelsea: I mean, this way we could get an independent test.

Adam: Which will prove that the poison was injected into Constance after she passed away, and it also proves that I'm being framed.

Nick: I still don't understand where I come in.

Chelsea: Constance doesn't have any living family members. Sage was the executor to her estate. Now that sage is gone, that responsibility falls to you.

Nick: So, you're asking me to allow you to --

Adam: Listen to me. I know you and I have never been close. I realize that. But we're still brothers, nick. And my fate rests in your hands.

Summer: You have never liked Luca, so why should I believe anything you have to say about him?

Noah: One, I'm your brother, and, two, your boyfriend is lying through his teeth.

Summer: Look, I am not listening to this right now.

Noah: Summer, Victoria never told Luca to have you speak to the press.

Summer: Yes, she did -- on the phone.

Noah: No, she didn't. The phone call never happened. Billy was with Victoria. She didn't even know about the oil spill till this morning.

Summer: That is impossible. Victoria is the one that called Luca and told him the talking points that she wanted me to present to the press.

Noah: It was another like, okay? Luca made that up, and then he programmed you to do and say exactly what --

Summer: Okay, no one programs me.

Noah: Well, he used you, then. You like that word better, summer? And the fact that you can't see it just means he's g--

Summer: No, I see, okay? I see that you are jealous of my success.

Noah: Oh. Wow. No. This is so wrong, summer.

Summer: And you can't accept that Luca, unlike my own brother, believes in me.

Billy: They call that shaking hands with the devil -- unless you're all right with that, if it means avoiding responsibility for the oil spill.

Victoria: You don't know anything about this, Billy.

Billy: Then please enlighten me, Victoria.

Victoria: Luca has been invaluable in helping Newman cope with the current crisis.

Billy: You think this guy's got your back? He's gonna give you just enough invaluable assistance to hang yourself with.

Victoria: Well, that's really none of your business, is it?

Billy: Victoria, I'm trying to help you here.

Victoria: I am no longer your responsibility, just like you're no longer mine, so what's the real reason you're here?

Billy: I'm here to keep you from making a terrible mistake.

Luca: Apparently, you two have a great deal to discuss. I could leave.

Billy: That's fantastic. The door's right there.

Victoria: Actually, the person that should leave is you. Why are you here? You should be hanging out with our son, not butting in with my business.

Billy: Hannah is watching over our son while I try to watch over his mother, unlike this one right here. He is selling you out, Victoria.

Luca: I'm just trying to be of help to summer and Victoria.

Billy: The only thing you're helping yourself to is my niece, Luca.

Luca: Your ex-niece, and I resent you trivializing my relationship with summer.

Billy: That's because there's nothing trivial about taking advantage of a young woman.

Luca: I am not taking advantage.

Billy: Come on. I saw the press conference.

Luca: Then you saw how summer handled it, thanks to Victoria's input.

Billy: Oh, really? You had input on that?

Victoria: Of course I had input on that.

Billy: Yeah. Noah told me that you passed information to summer, except we both know that that didn't happen, 'cause you didn't hear about the oil spill until I told you about it.

Luca: Look, we don't have time for this.

Billy: I did some digging into the Newman database.

Victoria: You what?

Billy: I looked at the safety records from the oil platform. Despite the fine words that Luca put into summer's mouth, that oil rig was a disaster waiting to happen.

Victoria: The only way you would know all that... you hacked in to my computer!

Noah: Open your eyes, summer, okay? I have seen how Luca manipulates people to get what he wants. I mean, look how long he had his hooks in Marisa, and now he's doing the exact same thing to you.

Summer: Oh, so now I'm just a puppet who is incapable of thinking for herself?

Noah: Summer, I know that you are way smarter than this. I'm just trying to make you understand, okay? Luca is using you and aunt Victoria.

Summer: Okay. So aunt Victoria's an idiot, too, now? Noah, she is the C.E.O. Of Newman. If she believes Luca, then --

Noah: She doesn't. She doesn't!

Summer: Okay. So, then why is she listening to him?

Noah: If she's staying silent, it must be because Luca's got some kind of hold on her.

Summer: You are really reaching now.

Noah: Really? You don't believe me? Go ask Luca. Ask him. Ask him how he passed on Victoria's notes from a conversation that they didn't even have.

Summer: I don't need to ask Luca because I believe him. Thank you.

Marisa: Uh, hi. What's Luca done now?

Sharon: Mariah and I were just talking about the anniversary of Cassie's death -- how you never get over a loss like that.

Dylan: That's what faith overheard?

Sharon: She jumped to the worst possible conclusion -- that maybe there was something wrong with her little brother. I'm just glad she spoke up. Can you imagine had she not mentioned it and carried this worry around with her for weeks? What is it?

Dylan: Well, faith wasn't the only one who seemed upset when I came home.

Sharon: Oh, well, only because my little girl had just dropped a bombshell on me.

Dylan: Sharon, this has been going on for weeks. I mean, you've been on edge. If there's something bothering you, something that you want to talk about...

Sharon: Um...what could that possibly be?

Dylan: Please. Please. Will you just -- will you just talk to me?

Faith: [Giggles]

Mariah: Hold on! I said, "hold on!" I cannot put this headband in and run at the same time. All right. Here we go. Ta-da!

Faith: How do I look?

Dylan: [Chuckles] You look beautiful.

Sharon: Come on, faith. We don't want to be late.

Dylan: What do you -- I thought nick was --

Sharon: Oh, yeah. Something came up that nick had to handle, so he asked me if I could meet him to drop off faith.

Faith: Daddy and I are having a dance date.

Nick: That is awesome. Have a great time.

Faith: Thanks.

Dylan: You'll be back soon?

Sharon: As soon as I can. Mariah, I trust you to manage things while I'm gone?

Faith: Come on, mommy.

Mariah: Bye, squirt.

Dylan: Have fun.

Faith: Bye!

Dylan: Mariah... I trust you to tell me what's going on with Sharon.

Adam: Listen, man, I am not trying to make this difficult for you.

Chelsea: If we didn't have to ask, nick, we wouldn't. Sage was important to us, too.

Adam: So, all you got to do is just -- just make a phone call. Call Michael, give him your approval, and we'll just let the attorneys take care of everything.

Nick: Oh, that's all I have to do?

Adam: That's all you got to do.

Nick: Yeah, well, nobody asked for my permission to exhume sage's diary and read all the hopes and fears that she didn't want anyone to see, yet here you are, appealing to your brother, and why? Because your neck's on the line -- that's why.

Adam: I know you see yourself as the guardian of sage's memory, but she and I shared something, too.

Nick: What you and sage shared was a lie. It was a scam to make other people think you were someone you weren't.

Chelsea: Okay. Adam didn't mean to --

Nick: Yeah, I know what he meant, and you're wrong. How dare you compare what you and sage pulled to having a child and losing him the way sage and I lost Christian?

Adam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're right. You know your wife better than I ever will.

Nick: You're damn right, I did.

Adam: And you also know that victor was lying through his teeth when he told you that he had nothing to do with setting me up, so I want you to ask yourself a question. What would sage want if she were here? Would she want you to continue with this lie and just it happen? What would she want if she were here?

Nick: She's not here, Adam. She's gone. And all I have left of her is this. And before I let you exploit these words or the woman who wrote them, I will see you in hell.

Adam: Come on.

Chelsea: Wait, nick. Can you please just --

Adam: No, just let him go, babe. Just let him go. He's never gonna let the world see his wife as anything but perfect.

Chelsea: We can't just let him go. Then you have to do it. You have to tell him that his perfect wife gave birth to your baby.

Adam: Oh, hell, no. I'm not doing that.

Chelsea: Well, you don't really have a choice, Adam. I mean, would you really spend the rest of your life in prison just to protect sage's memory?

Adam: She wrote me that letter, babe -- you read it -- thanking me for changing the paternity results, thanking me for not telling nick, begging me to make sure that he never finds out that Christian wasn't his son.

Chelsea: Well, that doesn't really matter anymore.

Adam: Doesn't really matter? That's her last request, babe! That's the only thing that matters!

Chelsea: Well, a-and what about me? What about Connor?

Adam: Yeah, no. That's not what I meant.

Chelsea: Do you know what that will do to us, having to watch you go through another trial -- or worse, having to go to prison? You are innocent, Adam. But your father will make sure that you are convicted, all because of his twisted need for revenge.

Adam: Okay. So, you know what? We find another way.

Chelsea: There is no other way! There is no other way, and I refuse to sacrifice the man that I love all to preserve nick's memory of his dead wife! I'm sorry!

Adam: So, we -- we -- we -- we call Michael, all right? He and I will sit down. We'll go through everything, and we'll figure something out.

Chelsea: No. Nick has to face this, and he needs to realize that his wife was not a perfect human being. And the way to do that is to reveal to him... that Christian was yours... and not his. It is the only way to make sure that he will help us and allow us to exonerate you.

Adam: And people accuse me of being ruthless.

Chelsea: I'm not gonna apologize. We have suffered through too much to become a family again. I am not gonna let anybody or anything get in the way of that or tear us apart.

Adam: I know, and I love you for that.

Chelsea: Well, then stay with me. Then fight for us.

Adam: Baby, I am fighting! What do you think I'm doing? I'm fighting for everything that we built! I'm fighting to be the man that I promised you I would be!

Chelsea: You already are that man!

Adam: Not if I betray sage's trust that she put in me before she died. We're gonna fix this, all right? We'll get through it. We'll fix it. We'll figure something out.

Faith: Daddy!

Nick: Hey! Ohh! [Smooching]

Sharon: As you can see, faith can't wait to go to the dance.

Nick: Well, that makes two of us.

Sharon: Um...faith, would you like to go see what flavor ice cream they have?

Faith: That's a great idea.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Nick: There's gonna be a lot of sweets at that dance. I'm guessing the ice cream was a diversion?

Sharon: Guilty. Something's bothering you.

Nick: [Sighs] You know me too well.

Sharon: I should have seen it sooner. It was hard spending time with sully today, wasn't it?

Nick: Sharon, uh --

Sharon: No, I'm sorry. It was a bad idea. In fact, I've been thinking --

Nick: No. No, no, no. I love spending time with sully. And holding him is one of the best things that's happened to me in a while. And this, too -- I mean, getting to spend time with our daughter -- it reminds me that every memory is irreplaceable. [Sighs]

Sharon: What is it?

Nick: Do you think it's a sin if you keep something secret, even if someone else suffers?

Mariah: What makes you think that something's wrong with my mom?

Dylan: Come on, Mariah. Haven't you noticed how anxious Sharon's been lately? Look, I'm not -- I'm not asking you to --

Mariah: Snitch?

Dylan: [Sighs] Look, I don't want you to violate her trust or anything, but I need to know what's bugging her if I'm gonna help her.

Mariah: I-I think it's just the obvious.

Dylan: Which is what?

Mariah: Sharon is still dealing with sage's death. She's been thinking a lot about Cassie the past few days.

Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah, yeah. All that loss -- it's a lot to handle.

Mariah: Exactly. Sharon struggles to control her emotions at the best of times, so...I think it's just that.

Dylan: So, that's it? Are you sure there's nothing else -- nothing else to it?

Mariah: Yeah. Yeah. It's got to be, right?

Dylan: Come on, Mariah. I want to make sure that Sharon doesn't have a relapse and end up back in Fairview.

Mariah: No. That's -- that's not gonna happen. Sharon has got her meds completely under control. I've made sure of that.

Dylan: [Sighs] Okay. Good. Am I overthinking this? I'm just -- I'm -- I'm glad that she has you to rely on.

Mariah: I really don't deserve your gratitude. I-I just mean that Sharon is more than capable of taking care of herself.

Dylan: Well, I mean, she can't do it alone. She needs her daughter, too.

Mariah: And you. I really don't know what Sharon would do if you weren't here.

Dylan: Y-you make it sound like I'm going somewhere.

Victoria: And how did you break through the Newman firewall? Oh, wait. Don't tell me. You used your go-to genius, Natalie.

Billy: What if I did?

Victoria: It's a felony, Billy. It's pass key all over again. You know, your shiny prize...

Billy: This is bigger than us.

Victoria: Oh, and how did that turn out for you, Billy? You lost out on pass key, and you lost your family, didn't you?

Billy: Yeah, okay. Mistakes were made. But Natalie's genius was used for good here.

Victoria: By unearthing a cover-up that doesn't exist?

Billy: By proving that I am on your side, unlike this one right here.

Luca: I don't care what you think, Billy. I was following Victoria's directive.

Billy: Was he really? Come on. You didn't call him.

Victoria: You're right. He called me.

Billy: Is that right? When did that happen?

Victoria: As I was leaving your house after I dropped off Johnny. That's when I conveyed what I wanted summer to say at the conference.

Billy: Oh, my god. You are such a lousy liar, unlike this one right here.

Luca: Believe what you want, Abbott, but the fact remains a disaster was averted.

Billy: By claiming sabotage and passing the buck? Come on. What are you doing? That's classic victor, except he would never have left himself beholden to this one.

[Cell phone rings]

Billy: Hannah, hey. What's going on? Is he okay?

Victoria: What's wrong?

Billy: Okay. Did you call the doctor?

Victoria: What's wrong with my son?

Billy: All right. I'll be there right away. Thank you.

Victoria: What is it?

Billy: He's throwing up.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: It's just an icky virus, buddy.

Victoria: We're gonna follow the doctor's orders, make sure you get a lot of rest, and let the medicine make you feel better, okay?

Billy: Mommy's right, as usual. And you know what? When you feel better... we'll take this and we'll go to the ballpark and we'll go to a baseball game. How's that sound? Yeah? Maybe mommy will come, too.

Victoria: Yeah, mommy will come, too.

Billy: Yeah, 'cause then she can catch the foul ball when it comes screaming our way. How's that sound?

Victoria: All right. Well, first you need to get some sleep you can feel better.

Billy: I love you, buddy. I'll be downstairs, okay? Okay.

Victoria: Mommy, too. Okay. You sleep tight, okay? Get some rest. I love you.

Luca: Hey. There she is -- the heroine who rescued Newman from near disaster.

Summer: Um... where's Victoria?

Luca: Uh, she just left with Billy.

Summer: Billy?

Luca: Uh, yeah. Their kid is sick -- or maybe he's just using that as an excuse to worm his way back into her life.

Summer: No. I mean, they've always been really good about sharing their kids.

Luca: Yeah, maybe, but from what I've seen, Billy's willing to use anything to scuttle Victoria's plan to lead this company forward.

Summer: Is that really your concern, or are you just worried that something might get in the way of you doing what's best for you?

Billy: Thank you for taking such good care of him, Hannah. I'll call you about tomorrow. Good night.

Victoria: [Sighing] Okay.

Billy: You know you don't have to stay.

Victoria: Well, I promised Johnny that I'd be here. I probably shouldn't have done that without checking with you first.

Billy: No. You shouldn't have chased me out of the office without checking with me first. We have an agreement, Victoria.

Victoria: Well, that wasn't about violating your personal space and dropping by without notice.

Billy: Yet you did, and now you're here.

Victoria: But Johnny's sick, and I just thought that that would be --

Billy: I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.

Victoria: You know, sometimes this agreement is just gonna have to take a back seat.

Billy: I agree -- like when I try to keep you from making a major mistake by lying for Luca. Why'd you do that?

Nick: Sage would never have been okay with people poring over her diary, seeing things that she didn't want anyone to see.

Sharon: Some things are so personal and they could cause so much harm, they're better being kept a secret.

Nick: See? I knew you'd understand. Adam doesn't think anything's sacred. Sage loved Constance. She would be appalled if she knew that Adam's using Constance's remains as evidence.

Sharon: Do you think Adam's guilty?

Nick: Dad thinks so.

Sharon: Normally, that would make you think he's innocent.

Nick: What do you think I should do?

Sharon: I think you should do whatever sage would want you to do.

Nick: See, that's the thing. I don't know if I'd be doing this to honor sage's wishes or be doing it to protect myself from more pain. Every intimate detail that sage and I shared was in there, including the loss of our son, and now it's being scrutinized by cops and lawyers and forensic experts. Sharon, the longer it drags on, the more I just feel like I'm losing sage and Christian all over again.

Adam: So, the prosecution's case, right, rests on motive. Right? They're gonna try to prove that I killed Constance Bingham to protect my true identity. I figure the way Christine's gonna try to prove that --

Chelsea: Can you please, please stop? I-I really -- I can't handle worst-case scenarios right now. [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: One second. Michael, hey. I tried to appeal to him, but he, uh -- he didn't want to h-- oh, really? Well, that's soon. It doesn't give us a lot of time to -- you're kidding. Yeah.

Chelsea: Was that about a trial date?

Adam: Yeah. It's been set.

Chelsea: Well, maybe that's a good thing -- one less uncertainty?

Adam: Yeah. There's some bad news.

Chelsea: Well, it can't be that bad. I mean, if we're not ready to go to court, Michael can petition to give us more time. And if it's victor coming up with some ridiculous new evidence he's manufactured --

Adam: The, uh, judge that was assigned to hear the case is Elise Moxley... the same judge that heard the appeal of my hit-and-run case. It's the same judge that victor blackmailed into overturning his sentence.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, because she hates victor, so if anyone's gonna believe that he framed you --

Adam: His blackmail ruined her marriage. Nearly ruined her career.

Chelsea: Well, that was him. That wasn't you.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Which is why she'll probably bend over backwards to appear impartial.

Chelsea: And allow the tainted evidence in court.

Adam: Which is more than enough to lock me up for good.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, then, we go back to plan "A." We grab Connor, and we get the hell out of town.

Mariah: I just meant that Sharon might be worried about your safety since you're a cop, and --

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: Thank you. Always on call. Hey, Christine. Yeah. Sure. I-I'll be there right away. Okay.

Mariah: Sudden crime wave?

Dylan: Uh, Adam's case. The D.A. Wants to review it.

Mariah: So, it's gonna be a late night?

Dylan: Yeah. C-can you tell Sharon for me? Thanks. And, oh, uh, sully's probably gonna be looking for this when he gets up from his nap, so can you give it to him and tell him that I love him?

Mariah: Yeah, of course.

Dylan: Hey, I didn't mean to upset you about Sharon.

Mariah: No. You, uh -- you didn't. It's just... you should know... Sharon's never been happier or healthier than when she's with you. She loves you so much. She loves her whole family.

Dylan: That's good, because she's stuck with me.

Mariah: [Chuckles]

Dylan: So are you -- and faith and that little guy upstairs. Nothing's gonna change that.

Nick: You know, I don't know if Adam's guilty or not, but I do know sage would never have kept a secret as big as Constance's murder from me.

Nick: Hey! Man! You ate that ice cream pretty quick.

Faith: I ate it fast so I wouldn't get it on my dress.

Nick: That's a good idea. All right. We should go before my car turns in to a pumpkin.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Sharon: Nick, if you're not up for this...

Nick: Are you kidding? I would never pass up a night with my best girl.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Luca: So, who's been filling your head with all these doubts?

Summer: Oh. So, you agree with Noah that my head is just so hollow, it's been waiting for you to fill it with your thoughts and your words?

Luca: No. It's bad enough Billy tried to turn Victoria against me, and now your brother is doing the same thing to you.

Summer: So, everyone else is lying besides you?

Luca: That's not what I'm saying.

Summer: Noah said that you never talked to Victoria, that you never got her talking point to the press conference, that all of those talking points came straight from you and I just repeated them word for word. Is that true? Have you been lying to me this whole time, just so you can do what you want to do?

Luca: Damn it, summer. Look, you're what I want. Helping you prove that you belong here, that you are the rightful heir to victor Newman -- that's what I want.

Summer: And Victoria did not call --

Luca: No. Look, your aunt stood here right in front of you and confirmed that she passed her notes on to me. If I'm a liar, then so is Victoria. Is that what you really believe?

Victoria: I should have known better than to think that we could get along for Johnny's sake.

Billy: Something made you lie to protect Luca. Or maybe you're lying to protect yourself.

Victoria: The only thing that I am interested in protecting is Newman enterprises.

Billy: Come on. Please, Victoria.

Victoria: Can we please just stick to the agreement and talk about something else? Or we'll just sit down and we'll talk about nothing at all while we wait for Johnny to wake up. [Sighs]

Billy: You look like you could use a glass of wine. I know I could.

Victoria: Well, if we don't argue about business, what ever shall we do?

Billy: We could play a game.

Victoria: A game? A game. Hmm. How 'bout "truth or dare"?

Billy: Yeah, something like that. We can ask each other one personal question -- you know, just to pass the time.

Victoria: Okay. That's a good idea. I'll start. Hmm.

Billy: Go ahead.

Victoria: So, tell me about you and this buyer -- Fiona.

Billy: That's not a question. You're gonna have to be more specific than that.

Victoria: Are you having an affair? I heard a rumor.

Billy: That's funny, because I heard a similar rumor about you.

Victoria: From whom?

Billy: That's two questions. You're gonna have to stick to the rules here. Who are you sleeping with?

Victoria: I asked you first.

Billy: [Sighs] She's a -- she's a princess.

Victoria: Oh. Another one?

Billy: Yeah. I have a type. And not only is she fabulously wealthy, but my lady laughs at everything I say.

Victoria: Ah. So she doesn't speak English?

Billy: Oh, no. It's one of her five languages. Yeah. She's an ex-navy seal...

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: ...Turned swimsuit model who has a deep love for children and baseball.

Victoria: Wow. When is she moving in?

Billy: Oh, she can't. She can't. Her entourage is even too ginormous for this mansion.

Victoria: Of course.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: What about you?

Victoria: Me?

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: Uh...well... he's a cowboy...

Billy: Yeehaw.

Victoria: ...Who, uh, rides in rodeos, yeah.

Billy: No Italian suits? No accent? What about the flair? No flair?

Victoria: Oh, he's got flair. He's got flair to spare. And an accent that's straight out of Austin, and he only owns two pair of pants.

Billy: Jeans, I take it.

Victoria: Yeah, of course.

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: And he wouldn't be caught dead without his cowboy boots on.

Billy: Even in bed?

Victoria: Especially in bed.

Billy: Clearly, you have found the man of your dreams, young lady.

Victoria: Clearly.

Summer: You're right. Victoria would never lie to my face, even if Noah said --

Luca: Noah said what?

Summer: ...That you have some kind of hold on her.

Luca: Your brother's right about that. It's called "trust," summer.

Summer: Wait, Luca. I'm sorry.

Luca: Look, hopefully this latest crisis showed Victoria that I have your family's best interests at heart.

Summer: And you think that Noah and Billy resent that?

Luca: It's understandable. I mean, Billy may have broken up with Victoria, but he still feels protective. And Noah's always had a grudge against me because of Marisa.

Summer: Yeah, I guess so.

Luca: It's got to be embarrassing for your brother, too. Doesn't really fit in at Newman like you do.

Summer: I don't know.

Luca: Look, if those guys want to come after me, fine, but I won't let them take their jealousy out on you, painting you as somebody's pawn and not the competent, confident woman you are.

Summer: Is that really what you think of me?

Luca: It's who you are, summer. And before we'll through, all the doubters will see it, too.

Marisa: Hey, Luca, he can't touch us anymore.

Noah: Well, he's not going after us. He's using summer and Victoria to get back into Newman.

Marisa: I-I didn't realize you were so protective of your grandfather's legacy.

Noah: I'm -- I'm not. I've always been ambivalent about it, like my dad, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stand by and watch while Luca tries to take over my grandfather's place.

Marisa: Noah, let it go.

Noah: But he's manipulating --

Marisa: You let your anger take over and you play in to Luca's hands every time.

Noah: So, what am I supposed to do, hmm -- just let him win?

Marisa: We've already won -- both of us. Luca, that man lives in a world of secrets and lies, and sooner or later, those lies will catch up to him, okay? They always do.

Dylan: Oh, hey. Let me get that for you guys.

Faith: Oh, Dylan!

Nick: Thanks.

Dylan: Yeah.

Faith: Since you're my stepdad, you can come and dance with me, too.

Dylan: Oh, you know what? Hold on one second.

Nick: There you go.

Dylan: Great. I would be honored, but I have to work.

Faith: Oh. Too bad.

Dylan: Yeah.

Faith: Oh, Noah and Marisa. Can I go say hi?

Nick: Uh, sure.

Faith: [Giggles]

Nick: You here on a case?

Dylan: Uh, yeah. I'm supposed to meet Christine. Adam's trial date has been set.

Nick: Oh.

Dylan: What? What's wrong?

Nick: Just really ready for this case to be over with.

Dylan: Yeah. I'm sorry I brought it up, man. Please don't let it spoil your evening. I know how much that little girl needs her father.

Nick: Not half as much as I need her.

Sharon: Thanks for being such a good sister.

Mariah: Do I get a gold star for changing sully's diaper and lying to faith?

Sharon: Mariah...

Mariah: Oh, you can add that to the blue ribbon I get for lying to Dylan, and don't forget nick. I am lying to him, too.

Sharon: I know this isn't easy, but we have to think about what's best.

Mariah: What's best?! It is definitely not best for you to keep turning yourself inside out, juggling all of these lies! Your husband definitely doesn't think so.

Sharon: What does that mean? What did Dylan say while I was gone?

Mariah: It's what he said to me. He knows that you're anxious. He thinks that you're keeping something from him.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Dylan knows that I'm keeping a secret?!

Mariah: No. No. He doesn't know. Don't worry. I covered for you.

Sharon: This time, but can I count on you to do that in the future?

Summer: [Sighs]

Luca: No more talk of oil leaks or press conferences.

Summer: Or family.

Luca: Definitely not family.

Summer: Might be easier said than done.

Luca: Hey... I'll work extra hard to make you forget that picture's even there. Now, where were we?

Summer: Right here.

Luca: I can't recall what happened next.

Summer: I'll jog your memory.

Noah: Oh, look at you! You look so pretty! Who's the lucky guy?

Faith: It's daddy, silly.

Noah: Oh, okay.

Marisa: Well, thank you for stopping by. You managed to put a smile on your brother's frownie face.

Faith: Are you sad, Noah?

Noah: Uh, I was, but it's kind of hard to stay sad with you around, hmm?

Faith: That's my gift! Stay happy! I got to go.

Noah: Okay.

Marisa: All right.

Noah: All right. I will let go of my anger, and I will stop telling summer how to live her life...

Marisa: Mm-hmm.

Noah: ...Even if I think that she's making a big mistake.

Marisa: Yeah, and take a cue from faith, you know? Look on the bright side. Maybe summer can save Luca from Luca.

Faith: Daddy, everything's about to start!

Nick: Okay. Okay. You run up to the ballroom. I'll be there in one second.

Faith: Okay. Hurry!

Dylan: Hey, you don't want to keep your date waiting.

Nick: Yeah. Uh... before I go, I just want to tell you... you really stepped up. Sharon and faith really needed you, and you've been a great -- you've been awesome. Thanks.

Dylan: Well, thank you. I -- you know, I always wonder if I'm doing enough.

Nick: Just spending time with sully, I can tell you're doing a great job.

Dylan: Cool. Thanks. That means a lot to me.

Nick: Sure.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Mariah: As much as it kills me to keep lying to Dylan when I was with him just now... I saw how much you and sully mean to him and how much that baby means so much to the both of you. This family is everything to you guys.

Sharon: So, you're saying...?

Mariah: I can't hurt them or you by spilling my guts to nick. Like it or not, this is my family, too.

Adam: No, babe. Hell, no. We're not running away from this.

Chelsea: I should have never let you and Victoria convince me to stay. Adam, victor has made this case impossible to win, and if we can't even convince your own brother to help us, then what --

Adam: You know what we do? We count on the only people that matter -- you and me. All right? We count on us. Now, running away -- that's an admission of guilt.

Chelsea: Well, it can keep you safe.

Adam: Safe from what? At what cost, huh? Losing you and Connor? I'm not losing you and Connor. And let's not forget I'm innocent here, okay? So by the time a jury comes back with a verdict, I will prove it.

Victoria: Is your princess easier to be with than I was?

Billy: There's nothing easy about this. How 'bout your cowboy?

Victoria: I don't know. It's like a drug. You know it's bad for you, but you just can't stop.

Billy: Wow.

Victoria: [Sighs] I can't believe I said that.

Billy: [Clears throat]

Victoria: Must be the wine talking. Um... I'm gonna go, uh, check on Johnny, and then I should get going. Whoa. Ooh. Head rush.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: [Sighs] You're not going anywhere.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: It's an amazing day for the foundation. Thank you.

Lily: I'm really not doing any of this for you. Today is about honoring Katherine.

Summer: I have a proposal to make.

Billy: I'm gonna tell you who I'm sleeping with. I want you to do the same.

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