Y&R Transcript Monday 5/30/16


Episode # 10932 ~ Billy confronts Victoria about her personal life; Sharon worries about Nick's bond with Sully; an enemy holds the key to Adam's innocence.

Provided By Suzanne

Chelsea: Hi. Did you sleep at all last night?

Adam: Uh, no. No, I didn't. I watched Connor sleep for a while, though. It's the only time of the day when he's not in constant motion. Just thinking I might not get to see him like that anymore.

Chelsea: Don't -- don't do that. Do not do that. We agreed we are going to stay in Genoa City and we are going to fight. Victor hasn't beaten us so far. I'm not about to let him start now.

Adam: You're not, are you?

Chelsea: We're gonna be okay. We have to be.

[Knock on door]

Chelsea: I'll get that. Michael. Hi.

Michael: Hey.

Chelsea: Please tell my husband that victor is not gonna get away with framing Adam for murder.

Adam: We've got nothing to fight with, do we? I kept victor from getting out of Walworth, and now he's gonna make sure I'm in a cell right next to him.

Luca: An emergency crew on the oil rig was able to stop the leak early enough.

Summer: And even though there was some spillage, it was not a complete environmental disaster. And cleanup is in process right now.

Luca: Yeah, but scrubbing oil off baby ducks isn't about to fix a pr mess of this magnitude.

Summer: We have to get in front of this now, and a reporter is on her way for an exclusive.

Noah: Where's Victoria? And why is he, someone who isn't on the payroll, leading the charge on this?

Summer: Because he has experience in the oil division, and we have not been able to reach Victoria.

Noah: What do you mean you can't reach her? No, no, no, no, no. We need to get ahold of dad. He needs to get in front of this. At least he has some credibility with Newman and the community.

Summer: No, no, no. Okay. No. Do not call Dad. He does not want to be here. He came back to work after he lost Christian and after he lost Sage, but he is not ready. Okay? This is our problem, not his. We need to handle it.

Noah: The CEO needs to handle the press on this.

Luca: Yes, but Victoria's not here and time is of the essence. Look, if we wait, it'll look like we're hiding something, all right? And the internet's ready to tear us apart if we make one wrong move.

Noah: "We?" "Tear us apart?" Who are you? What are you doing here?

Luca: Look, do you want to argue or do you want to deal with this, Noah? Because right now, we need someone to get down to the 19th floor and find all the maintenance records for all the oil platforms -- inspections, who did what repairs, and which supervisors signed off. That's what we need.

Summer: Noah, please help me. Please. And n you try to reach Victoria again?

Luca: Absolutely. Lemme know what you find out.

Summer: So, am I doing this alone?

Noah: Come on. Get Victoria on the phone.

Luca: I'm on it. [Sighs]

Billy: [Laughing] Whoa! Hey, buddy! What's going on? You ready to hang out today?

Victoria: Uh, first I'd like to confirm that there's no one n-a-k-e-d in there.

Billy: Really?

Victoria: You know, friends of the female persuasion?

Billy: It's safe. Hey, you got to go check out the new hockey game I got in your room, okay? Really cool. I'll be up there in a send.

Victoria: He's not gonna find a thong stuffed in the sofa cushion?

Billy: Is that why you've been sending Hannah to deal with the kids? You're afraid of random unmentionables? Or is it because you found someone yourself to be n-a-k-e-d with?

Kevin: Morning. Been looking for you.

Natalie: Really? So you can tell me again how fun last night was? Oh, wait. It wasn't. Because you canceled to babysit Mariah.

Kevin: I'm sorry. Really, I am, but Mariah needed a friend, and I'm kind of it.

Natalie: So, what trauma could she possibly have that was worth bailing on a helicopter trip to dinner in Chicago?

Kevin: I don't know.

Natalie: You blew me off and you don't know why. She didn't tell you? [Scoffs] I'm glad you guys are so close.

Kevin: Whatever Mariah's drama is, it's huge. And I'm gonna find out what it is.

Faith: And then I' curtsey. And we'll dance! And it'll be even better than last time.

Nick: I don't know. Last year's father/daughter dance is gonna be pretty tough to top 'cause of all these slick dance moves.


Mariah: Whoa. Oh, no. Are you -- are you injured? Did you sprain something?

Nick: Ow. Really?

Sharon: Shh. Okay, you guys. I know it's ha for us to keep our laughter down, but let's remember sully is asleep upstairs.

Faith: Oh, Daddy! You should come up and see Sully. His hair is all funny. He has cowlicks -- two of them. [Chuckles]

Nick: Two? That is amazing. I know somebody else who had two.

Faith: Really? Who?

Nick: You. I wonder if it's in the genes. Maybe you had them, too. Did, uh, Doris ever mention anything about that?

Sharon: Uh, I-I don't recall.

Nick: Hmm. Come on.

Sharon: Oh, uh, sweetie, sully just went down for a nap. Now is not a good time for a visit.

Faith: We'll be quiet.

Nick: Yeah, we'll tiptoe.

Mariah: What is it? Why are you freaking out?

Sharon: If there is a gene for cowlicks, it can't be from me because sully's not really mine. It has to come from nick. What if he's starting to realize the truth?

Michael: Why is everybody so hysterical? The case is not over, not by a long shot. We haven't even stepped inside a courtroom yet.

Chelsea: See? Thank you.

Adam: Okay, listen, I need to know how strong the DA's case is. I want to know how- how well my father framed me.

Michael: Probably about as well as you framed him a few years back. Possibly better. The police forensics' team was unable to find any indication that sage's journal was a forgery.

Chelsea: Well, then we'll have to find an expert of our own to say otherwise.

Michael: I have already filed the court order to retest the journal, but the DA's office has not released the original to me. All I have is this copy, which is not very helpful at all.

Chelsea: Oh, t me see it.

Adam: Sweetheart --

Michael: This is not a pretty read.

Chelsea: I want to see. I want to see what words were put into sage's mouth. It's bad enough this poor woman lo her child and then she lost her life, and now victor is insulting her memory. It's disgusting [Sighs] [Scoffs] This is... this is disgusting. Why would anybody believe this garbage?

Adam: Well, because I'm Adam Newman, and it's easy for people to believe the worst in me.

Michael: Mm. What he said.

Adam: Okay, so what about the autopsy results? You know, is there a way we can prove that those were falsified?

Michael: Uh, well, for that, we would need brand-new tissue sample but the body's already been reburied. Exhumation is bad enough the first time. The court is not likely to allow it again.

Adam: So, Constance is back in the ground. So is my life with my wife and my son.

Victoria: Your personal life is none of my business, just like mine is none of yours. That's what we agreed to. So, for you to make insinuations about how I spend my time --

Billy: As in clothed or unclothed?

Victoria: Don't be crass, bill

Billy: Crass? You're the one that thinks I'm a man slut running around here. You call me out every time you even think I was on a date.

Victoria: Date? Oh, wow. You buy them dinner first?

Billy: Really?

Victoria: Okay, fine. Let's just agree to not have this conversation.

Billy: I would love that, Victoria, except everybody thinks your business is my business. They give me personal updates on your actions.

Victoria: Updates? On what actions? I spend all of my time at Newman.

Billy: Really?

Victoria: Yeah, really.

Billy: If that's true, then what is this?

Summer: We have the inspection reports on the rig.

Noah: All maintenance orders have been signed off.

Luca: Excellent. I just spoke with Victoria.

Summer: Finally. Where is she?

Noah: When is she coming in?

Luca: She wouldn't say.

Summer: What? Why not?

Luca: I don't know. She has her reasons, I guess, but she gave me orders. I wrote them down so as to not screw them up. It's the last thing any of us needs right now.

Noah: Well, the maintenance reports didn't shine a light on any big issues.

Luca: That's good.

Summer: How is that good?

Luca: Because it backs Victoria's decision to spin this as a possible case of sabotage.

Summer: That's what she said? But there is no indication of --

Luca: Maybe she has more information than we do. Maybe she got wind something like this would happen, like -- like the way victor knew in advance about the threat from ragon.

Noah: She think this is Ian ward? No. Victoria can't think that.

Luca: Look, I don't know what she thinks. I only know what she told me to do. She's going on the offensive. She's putting out a warning so that no competitor can get the better of Newman enterprises.

Summer: It's a grandpa move. Smart.

Noah: Is Victoria gonna be back in time to talk to the reporter?

Luca: No. You aunt is sting out of this. Her take is that if the CEO steps in, we give it more validation than it deserves. The public needs to know that we have it under control.

Noah: Okay, then I guess that means I'll handle the interview.

Luca: Uh, not per Victoria's instructions.

Noah: Don't tell me. She ld you to handle it.

Luca: Of course not. She wants summer to talk to the press.

Summer: Me?

Natalie: If she doesn't want to tell you her big sue, maybe you're not as close as you think.

Kevin: Or it's something she can't tell me, something about her family. You know, Mariah's family -- they're -- they're complicated.

Natalie: At least she has one.

Kevin: Up until recently, she didn't. You know, the two of you have more in common than you think.

Natalie: No. I'm pretty sure the only thing we have in common is you. And, look, I'm not jealous. This isn't about that. But if I analyze the data, Mariah doesn't want to let you in. The logical response is to stop banging on the door. Spend time with someone who's actually your type.

Mariah: Sharon, it's a cowlick. No one cares. You freaking out every time nick gets near sully -- that's what's gonna make people start asking questions.

Sharon: You heard what nick said about the genes.

Mariah: It was a joke, something cute to make faith smile about her little brother.

Sharon: Sully is faith's little brother. But because of nick, not me.

Mariah: You cannot keep obsessing over every little comment. You wanted nick to spend time with sully. That's what he's doing. It's making him feel better.

Sharon: Sully will grow up. What if he looks more like nick? Or like sage? When sage found out that sully was hers, all the pieces came together. Maybe deep down, that's why nick feels the same pull towards sully. Maybe deep down, nick knows.

Mariah: He doesn't.

Sharon: We dot know that.

Mariah: So, do you want to tell nick the truth?

Sharon: No. I can't. Because I can't do that to Dylan. He can't lose another child, and you can't tell anyone.

Mariah: I won't. Because if I don't keep this secret, the entire world falls apart. It could fall apart anyway, Sharon.

Sharon: You have to promise me.

Mariah: I promise. I promise. Okay? I won't tell.

Nick: Won't tell what?

Luca: Victoria wanted to make it very clear that you couch this in vague terms. Imply sabotage, but don't make any outright accusations. Just say we're investigating it.

Summer: [Sighs] "Unsubstantiated claims that we're looking into."

Noah: The reporter's gonna be here soon. Summer, I think we need to tell her we need to postpone until Victoria can do the interview.

Luca: But this is what Victoria ordered. Do you want to tell the C.E.O. That you don't trust her decisions?

Noah: I'm gonna try to reach Vicki myself.

Summer: Hi. Come in.

We're looking for Victoria Newman, the CEO.

Luca: Um, she won't be handling the interview today.

Summer: Um, Victoria is handling the specifics in regards to the heroic actions of the oil-rig crew, and because of their quick thinking, a major crisis has been averted. I'm summer Newman, the only ms. Newman you'll be needing today. And I'm happy to answer all of your questions.

Victoria: This isn't possible. We have extensive safety protocol. There have been zero alerts for any issues on the oil rigs.

Billy: Wow. You really a blindsided. How does that happen, Vick? If you're not running Newman, who is

Victoria: I am running Newman. I spent the morning devoted to our children. Turned my phone off. Now I have to get to the office.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Excuse me. Just --

Billy: I'm just --

Victoria: Could you please move?

Billy: I'm getting the door.

Victoria: Great, well --

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: I'll take that.

Victoria: Here. Bye, Johnny! Have a fun day with your dad!

Kevin: You are my type. Definitely. You should see a picture of my ex Chloe. The resemblance is uncanny.

Natalie: Seriously? You're comparing me to your ex now?

Kevin: In a good way. Look, losing her is the worst thing that ever happened to me, but I'm okay now. It took me a really long time to get over her, but I'm -- oh. This is not where I expected the conversation to go.

Natalie: Me either.

Kevin: Okay. Focus on this. Natalie, I think about you all the time. But I do have a history with Mariah.

Natalie: And Chloe.

Kevin: Right. But with Mariah, it's different. It's just friendship and history.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Natalie: This conversation is educational, but I need to answer this.


Billy: Hey, it's Billy. I need your help.

Natalie: Works for me. I'm on my way.

Chelsea: Well, can't you petition the court, ask them to, I don't know, exhume the body again? I mean, I know it's horrible, but so is letting an innocent man suffer for a crime he didn't commit.

Michael: The court will probably rule that we can test the samples already taken from the deceased.

Adam: The samples that victor already had tampered with, right? Our experts are gonna come up with the same results as the D.A.

Michael: We have an alternative. We can circumvent the court by contacting one of Constance's relatives. Is there a Bingham we can contact?

Adam: Unfortunately, when Gabriel Bingham died, so did Constance's last living relative, whether she knew it or not.

Michael: Sage was an heir.

Adam: Through her will, yeah.

Michael: Then we have one shot at getting approval... from sage's own heir, nick.

Mariah: I won't tell...

Sharon: She won't tell faith about the new dress that we got her.

Mariah: Yeah, uh, it's a surprise.

Nick: Oh, okay. Cool. I'll play along. I'll try and act surprised.

Faith: Did daddy tell you? Sully opened his eyes for a second and smiled at his uncle nick.

Sharon: Oh, that's wonderful, sweetheart.

Nick: The kid's a charmer. You know, every time I look into his face -- those cheeks, they get you, you know? And it's good. I mean, sully's the same age as Christian would have been. I may have lost my son, but I'll at least get to watch sully grow up. that interview, per your re

Summer: Thank you so much, again, for coming. I take it you have everything --

Victoria: Why the hell do I not have an update? What's going on?

Summer: Um, I just finished that interview, per your request, and we will have the office back to ourselves soon. And I will fill you in on all the developments.

Victoria: If you need any more information for your --

We already sent the footage to the station. Ms. Newman did the company proud.

Billy: Thank you for coming. I appreciate it. I hope I didn't interrupt anything.

Natalie: Just me listening to a guy I like talking about his ex and his maybe-nothing, sort-of-friend person.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Natalie: You didn't call me to babysit, right? Because I'm rich. I don't need the work.

Billy: I need you for your expertise, as in hacking. Can I get you some coffee?

Natalie: Uh, no, thanks. Again, I'm rich. I don't need to work for hire.

Billy: What if it involved Newman enterprises?

Natalie: [Chuckles] Thanks. Not so much.

Billy: Come on. I need your help. For me, please. You kind of owe me.

Natalie: I don't owe anyone.

Billy: Well, what about for your favorite coma patient?

Natalie: You just want me to hack into Newman to dig up dirt to throw at your ex. And Victoria's not my favorite, but this isn't my fight.

Billy: No, this isn't about dirt. This is about facts. I need information on the Newman oil platform that sprung a leak last night.

Natalie: Why do you even care?

Billy: I'm curious.

Natalie: And not to take down Victoria?

Billy: No. I promise.

Natalie: I hope you're telling the truth, because if this is about love stuff, get over it. Love is way overrated.

Nick: Wait. So, that's it? You're just done with me?

Sharon: Sweetheart, where are you going?

Faith: To practice dancing for tonight.

Nick: That is a good idea. You're gonna need a lot of practice to keep up with this.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Sharon: Faith loves you and the baby so much, and -- and she means well, but if spending this time with sully -- just so much time -- if that's hard for you, then --

Mariah: Nick just said it made him smile.

Sharon: Well, sometimes we smile even though we're in pain.

Nick: See, the thing is, your mom knows me too well. It's gonna be hard, uh, not being able to watch Christian grow up. But seeing sully makes it better, not worse. I think I understand why sage wanted to spend so much time over here. It's not just sully, either. It's faith, it's you, Mariah, Dylan. You guys are a real family. And you've all been so good tome. I-I'm very grateful.

Sharon: I'm sorry, nick. I-I'm so sorry.

Nick: [Sniffles]

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: Uh, I'm okay. I'm okay. Just got to suck it up, you know?

Mariah: No, no. It's fine. You feel what you feel.

Nick: Thanks. Oh, like I want to deal with this right now. What do you want, Adam?

Adam: Nick, um, we need to talk. It's important.

Nick: Fine. Your place.

Adam: Please.

Nick: I'll be there.

Adam: He's on his way. So, we'll see how strong our brotherly bond really is.

Michael: Hey!

Kevin: What happened?

Michael: Excuse me?

Kevin: You asked if I had time to get together out of the blue. That happens when something's wrong. Is it Gloria? Fen? You?

Michael: No, everyone's fine. I just wanted to see you. [Clears throat] I got a reminder today of how lucky I am to have you as a brother. I think we should hug. We don't -- we don't hug enough.

Kevin: I'm not supposed to find any of this alarming?

Michael: All right, just... tell me how you are. How's your life? Have you patched things up with Mariah?

Kevin: We're friends. With history. That's what I told Natalie just now. Who allegedly isn't jealous at all about how much time I spend with Mariah, who I've been spending time with because something is driving her nuts. But, of course, she won't tell me what it is. Natalie doesn't care about that. She cares that I bailed on this elaborate date she had planned. And she kissed me out of the blue.

Michael: Which she? Wh-- Natalie or Mariah?

Kevin: Yes. Both.

Michael: Oh, no.

Kevin: No, no, no. They kissed me. I didn't offer any kind of invitation.

Michael: You're playing a dangerous game, Kevin.

Kevin: I know. I don't want to play it.

Michael: Then make a decision now before it all blows up in your face.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Billy: You find anything?

Natalie: There it is. Corners were cut. The safety of the Newman oil rig was compromised. The leak was inevitable.

Billy: Damn it, victor. You make it so easy to hate you.

Natalie: Well, I'm okay with the hate, but Victoria was the one who authorized the cost cutting.

Billy: No, no. Victoria -- she wouldn't -- she wouldn't do something like this.

Natalie: Do you mean to sound 100% convinced? Because, FYI, you don't.

[Computer beeps]

Natalie: It's a news alert on the rig.

Billy: Play it. What, if any, safety precautions were in place?

Summer: Newman enterprises has complete confidence in all safety measures undertaken on the rig in question. Therefore, we must consider that outside forces have come into play, putting the environment and our employees at risk.

Natalie: Is summer saying there was sabotage?

Billy: She's buying in. She's part of the cover-up.

Victoria: So, I look forward to seeing the footage myself. Okay. Thanks.

[Door closes]

Victoria: What just happened here?

Summer: Don't worry. I followed your instructions completely.

Victoria: My instructions?

Luca: I relayed all your directions to Summer, per our conversation. Uh, she delivered your message with strength and confidence. The public will now know that they can continue to have faith in Newman Enterprises.

Summer: I mean, we did the best we could with such short notice. I've been trying since last night to reach you, and for some reason, only Luca was able to get in touch with you. Where were you all night? Why couldn't you answer your phone?

Adam: Baby, this stuff is disgusting they put in here. It makes me look like nothing short of an animal. My God. It gets worse and worse as you go through it.

Chelsea: Do you blame me for this? I begged you not to go back to Newman enterprises when victor asked you. You said -- you said there would be repercussions, that victor would be furious and that he would eventually find a way to control your life anyway. And now he has... with a murder investigation.

Adam: Come here. Baby, look at me. No way in hell I'm going down for this, okay? I did not scratch and claw my way back to you and Connor so that I could roll over for victor. Do you have faith in me?

Chelsea: Of course I do.

Adam: Good. Then we're gonna get through this, all right? Okay?

[Knock on door]

Chelsea: I'll get it. Nick, hey.

Nick: Morning, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Thanks for coming.

Adam: Thanks for, uh, answering and, uh, coming -- coming over.

Nick: Sure. What's up?

Adam: Well, I'll just get to it. I don't know how you're feeling about me right now. But I can assure you I did not hurt Constance. I adored that woman, all right? She -- she helped me survive that mess.

Nick: Yeah, you said all this already.

Adam: I need you to believe me, though.

Nick: I went and saw dad.

Adam: Okay, good. Yeah, how'd that go?

Nick: He denied setting you up.

Chelsea: Of course he did. He's not gonna take responsibility for all this. He would lose the leverage he has over Adam now.

Nick: There's no proof that dad set you up.

Adam: Yeah. We all know that he did. Come on, nick.

Chelsea: You know what he's capable of.

Nick: The truth is, Adam, I want to believe you.

Adam: Yeah? Okay, then do it, nick. You can. You can believe me.

Nick: What is this?

Adam: That -- that was, uh, submitted to the court, so...

Nick: Are you digging in my wife's private thoughts?

Nick: Sage didn't write this for you to read, or anyone else, for that matter. You had no right.

Adam: I understand, all right, but this is where victor's framing me. All right? This is where I have to fight him. You understand?

Nick: Sage hasn't been hurt enough already? I mean, the press is gonna have a field day with this. They're gonna use her own words against her.

Chelsea: But that's just it, nick. We don't know which words are really hers. I mean, if the nonsense about Adam killing Constance wasn't true, then I'm sure a lot of other parts of that are not true.

Nick: So, that's your argument? That this isn't sage's journal when we all know it is? And what's your plan? You're gonna turn this around on sage, make her out to be a liar or a crazy person?

Adam: I would never do that. I'm not gonna tarnish her memory.

Chelsea: You need to stop attacking Adam, okay? He's been the good guy in all of this. If anything, nick, he's been protecting you.

Nick: Really? How has he protected me?

Mariah: Nick had tears in his eyes. Tears. Grateful for our family. No idea that we are lying to his face, letting him grieve his son when the baby is alive.

Sharon: Stop it, okay? I know.

Mariah: Do you? Do you really? Because I don't know how to do this. Yes, I used to lie and cheat and con, but this is so different. This is nick.

Sharon: What about Dylan's grief, Mariah? He waited all of his life to be a father. Nick -- he has children who love him. He loves them back.

Mariah: Do you even buy that yourself? Or is that all that you can come up with right now?

Sharon: Nick is getting through the pain.

Mariah: Because of sully, his son. And what are we supposed to do, lie forever?

Sharon: You agreed. You promised.

Mariah: Yes. Yes, I did. [Sighs] So if we're not going to give nick the truth, at the very least, we have to give him time with his son. We're monsters otherwise, Sharon. We just are. And if nick needs time with sully to heal, how could we possibly keep them apart?

Michael: Look, as romantic histories go --

Kevin: I'm on a soul-crushing losing streak?

Michael: There's got to be another way to put that. But yes.

Kevin: So, what do I do?

Michael: Mm. Be brave. Be honest. Figure out what you want and with whom you want it with.

Kevin: Can't you just decide "whom" for me?

Michael: Doesn't work that way.

Kevin: Well, thanks for nothing.

Michael: No. Listen to me. Your soul-crushing losing streak could be over. But only if you take a chance.

Mariah: So much for our hot date.

[Both chuckle]

Kevin: We keep doing this. We keep skipping steps.

Mariah: And now it seems like we've skipped the next three -- married couple to parents' night in.

Natalie: We'll get another one of these --

Kevin: Uh, you'll be sorry when you wake up tomorrow with a monster hangover.

Natalie: That depends on who I wake up with.

Mariah: Then prove it. Tell Natalie that what I did for pass key mattered, that I deserve a cut of the profits. Get me my share.

Kevin: Or what, Mariah?

Kevin: What's with the new camera?

Natalie: I just got it for this expensive, exotic getaway I'm taking to Africa.

Kevin: You're going on a photo safari?

Natalie: Just booked it.

Kevin: Ah! I've always wanted to do that.

Natalie: Me, too.

Natalie: It would be so much cooler if I could hack brains along with computers. Because I would hack the heck out of yours right now.

Victoria: Summer, now that I'm back, would you, um -- would you meet a Mrs. Weinberger at the club about the Munson account?

Summer: Okay, so, no pat on the back about how well I handled the press or the leak?

Victoria: Okay. I appreciate you doing your job and doing it well.

Summer: Okay, so, can you at least tell me why you were unreachable all night?

Victoria: The Munson account takes priority. Just have my assistant brief you on the way to the elevator.

Summer: Okay. I'm on my way.

[Door opens, closes]

Victoria: So, I wonder -- what game are you playing?

Luca: Today was no game. It was very serious for Newman enterprises and all its employees.

Victoria: Why did you say we spoke on the phone?

Luca: Isn't it obvious?

Noah: Yeah, I got your text.

Billy: Yeah, thank you for coming. I appreciate it. I would have came and met you somewhere else, but I got Johnny today, and he's happy here. I got him one of those bubble hockey games with the little spinning players.

Noah: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I love those. I might have to take him on.

Billy: Yeah, well, don't take him on for money. He'll eat you alive.

Noah: [Chuckles]

Billy: Listen, what's going on at Newman enterprises? Is everybody turning into little victors over there?

Noah: Uh, you talking about the oil rig?

Billy: I'm talking about summer lying about the oil rig.

Noah: I mean, it wasn't a direct lie.

Billy: Really? Classic Newman? You okay with that?

Noah: Summer was just following orders.

Billy: From who?

Noah: Um... [Clears throat] Victoria told her what to say about the leak.

Billy: No, I was with Victoria when she found out about it. Between that and summer going to the press, the timing doesn't work. So, how did Victoria talk to summer?

Noah: [Sighs] She didn't.

Billy: Okay, you lost me now.

Noah: God... summer never spoke directly to Victoria. I can't believe it. That son of a bitch Luca is at it again.

Kevin: This brain requires no hacking. You want to know what I'm thinking? I'm gonna tell you right now.

Natalie: First, let me say something. Mariah is mean and nasty for no reason. She totally takes you for granted. And she tortured me before, during, and after the pass key deal. But she's your friend. And you and I -- we're friends. I don't have a vote on how you spend your time. So, I'm sorry. I have no dating experience or friendship experience, for that matter. You're it. And friends works. Who says we have to be more?

Kevin: Me.

Natalie: What?

Kevin: I want it to be more. Let's give this a shot -- like, an actual, real shot.

Sharon: The risk is so awful.

Mariah: The real risk is nick not having what he needs to get through this grief. Imagine it, Sharon -- losing your child and your spouse in such a short amount of time?

Sharon: I lost nick before, after I lost Cassie. I've been through that, Mariah. I know that pain. But nick seeing sully this much -- he'll see traits they both share.

Mariah: That is gonna happen if nick spends every day with sully or one dinner a year. What's gonna happen when you start keeping them apart? You don't think anybody's gonna notice? Nick is gonna notice. Dylan is gonna notice.

Sharon: What choice do I have? I'm the only mother that sully's ever known. He needs me. And I can't lose my baby.

Faith: Why would we lose sully?

Chelsea: What do you mean how has Adam protected you? He backed away from Newman enterprises. He allowed Victoria to be CEO.

Nick: Again, how has that protected me?

Chelsea: Okay, protected everyone. That's -- that's what I meant to say. But now he's drawn victor's fire, and there is a huge target on his back. And you are accusing him of some really terrible things, so --

Nick: Yeah, well, I'm not filled with a lot of gratitude right now. My wife's life and death are about to be ripped apart by the media.

Chelsea: Nick, please, I'm just --

Nick: Look, I get your point. But this is about as far as I'm willing to go with this topic or this conversation.

Adam: Well, here's the thing. Nick, hold on just one second. Hear me out. I feel like there's a way that we can avoid this whole thing -- the trial, the journal, everything.

Nick: How?

Adam: Well, I just need to prove that I'm innocent.

Nick: There is no evidence proving your innocence, otherwise you would have produced it already.

Adam: I don't have any yet. The first thing I need to do is get a tissue sample from Constance. I need one that victor hasn't tampered with. So... nick, I need your permission to exhume the body again.

Nick: [Scoffs]

Noah: Summer, hey. I was looking for you.

Summer: Hey, um, yeah. The meeting about the Munson account is already over.

Noah: Yeah, I didn't come about that.

Summer: Okay, did you come about Victoria asking me to do the interview? Because, you know, that wasn't a slight against you.

Noah: It is about the interview, but Victoria didn't ask you to do it. Your boyfriend is a lying punk, and he set you up, summer. And I can prove it.

Luca: Listen, Victoria, where you go in your spare time, like last night, is your personal business. No one needs to know, all right? But if the press or the board were to get wind that you were unreachable during a major crisis, or worse, if victor found out... so, I handled it. Summer thinks I reached you, so she has no reason to bring that information back to victor. They're still close, so they do talk. Look, I-I know you may not like me, but I'm looking after you and Newman enterprises.

Victoria: You didn't do this for the company's image.

Luca: No, I did it for myself. I'm determined to prove myself to you, Victoria, undo the damage I did to my credibility.

Victoria: [Sighs] Well, it looks like the damage has...been contained, and any drama in the press.

Luca: That's all I wanted. So, now, maybe ease up on me a little bit. Maybe even a small thank you?

Billy: Don't shake that hand if you want your fingers back.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: Are you having an affair? I heard a rumor.

Billy: That's funny, because I heard a similar rumor about you.

Nick: Do you think it's a sin if you keep some things secret, even if someone else suffers?

Dylan: I trust you to tell me what's going on with Sharon.

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