Y&R Transcript Friday 5/27/16
Episode # 10931 ~ Victoria fights her feelings for Travis; Summer relies on Luca during a crisis; Jill makes a shocking discovery.
Provided By Suzanne
Jill: So, Billy and this... bimbo that he picked up were prancing around in sheets like -- like it was some toga party in my house -- my house. I mean, I couldn't even recognize it. For a moment, I was praying that I'd walked into the wrong place. I didn't ask him if he'd had the good sense to store the furniture and the rugs. I mean, some of those carpets are over 150 years old. Do you know that? Katherine probably spun the wool herself.Jack: Katherine's been gone for three years. You still want to take shots at her?
Jill: Old habits die hard, Jack. Anyway, we're talking about Billy here, okay? And what you've done to make him spiral out of control this way.
Jack: What I've done to make him spir--
Phyllis: Excuse me. Billy is a grown man. Jack is not his guardian.
Jill: Well, maybe he should be, because his behavior is appalling, and I'm not just talking about womanizing, okay? So, I'm gonna ask you again. What are you gonna do about this?
Jack: I will tell you what I told Ashley when she came to me recently. Controlling Billy is not my job.
Jill: Are you or are you not the head of this family?
Jack: I realize you've been away for a while and there's a lot to catch up on. We have been dealing with Billy's stunts for some time now, and I can honestly say I have done all I can.
Jill: Well, clearly it's not enough, is it?!
Jack: I have my own life to lead. I can't focus any more energy on fixing Billy's problems. I need to focus on jabot and the foundation and this wing that we are dedicating to Katherine, thanks to your very generous donation.
Jill: While you're basking in your many accomplishments, my son's life is a mess. What if he starts gambling again or conspiring with criminals? Do we really want a repeat of what happened at Abby's wedding? Yes, by some miracle, he survived and he came back to us, but he's squandering his second chance.
[Scoffs] Can't you see that this is a desperate cry for help?
Jack: Jill, listen to me.
Jill: You paint yourself as god's gift to addicts, and yet you can't see what's happening under your very nose.
Jack: Okay, listen, I fired Billy from jabot. What do you expect me to do? Bend him over my knee?
Jill: Well, from what I've seen of him, maybe that would be a good idea, okay? [Sighs] But since the spanking ship has long since sailed, I'm afraid the only answer is for the two of you to break this terrible cycle he's in. Please. You guys are much closer to him than I am right now 'cause I have been away. Would you talk to him, please, and tell Jack how much Billy needs you? S
Lauren: [Chuckles] They serve champagne here?
Michael: They do tonight. This is a celebration.
Lauren: What's the occasion?
Michael: Uh, my hearing was today.
Lauren: What hearing?
Michael: I didn't want to tell you in case things didn't go my way, but I met with the state bar association's disciplinary committee.
Lauren: Did they lift the suspension?
Michael: I can practice law again.
Lauren: [Laughs] Oh, Michael. Congratulations. That is so wonderful. [Chuckles]
Summer: I can explain.
Victoria: I'm counting on it.
Summer: I had legitimate concerns about what was going on in the oil division.
Victoria: Yes, because you know so much about offshore oil rigs.
Summer: Most of the problems between you and the executive team had to do with your management style, and I knew that if I'd bring them up to you that you wouldn't take me seriously.
Victoria: Summer, you are not capable of doing something like this on your own. Luca put this idea in your head by telling you that you should rush in and save Newman enterprises from my poor performance, and you believed him! You let him draw up a proposal and put my name on it and hit send, e-mailing the executives of the Newman oil division, who, by the way, answer to me. You put the wellbeing of this company and my personal reputation in the hands of that lying, manipulative --
Summer: Okay, you have no right to speak about Luca that way.
Victoria: I am CEO of this company. I have every right. What you did was fraud. I could have you both arrested.
Summer: [Scoffs] You wouldn't -- you would not do that.
Victoria: I wouldn't? Luca doesn't even work here. What made you think that you could masquerade as an officer of this company and send out a business statement and get away with it? In what alternate universe is that an accepted business practice?!
Summer: Okay, I know that you are looking for someone to blame because things have not been going well lately, but Luca is not the one that lied to you and screwed you over. That would be your ex, Billy.
[Doorbell rings]
Billy: Really, Bethany? Couldn't come up with anything more original than the ol' "forgot the bra" trick?
Luca: Leopard. Huh. Somehow I pictured you in something less tacky.
Billy: Get lost, Santori.
Luca: We have business to discuss.
Billy: No, we don't have business to discuss.
Luca: I'm here because of Victoria.
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Phyllis: Why should I bludgeon Jack? I think you're doing a fine job of that yourself.
Jill: Hmm. Doesn't it tell you something that Ashley and I both come to you? Because she and I never agree on anything. Jack, please talk to Billy. Come on. Don't you owe it to me after the enormous donation I'm making to the foundation?
Jack: Wow. This is sounding a lot like extortion, Jill.
Jill: All right, all right, I'm sorry. Then do it because we are a family and we are helping one of our own. Why doesn't that carry any weight?
Jack: All right! I will give it one last try.
Jill: Thank you.
Jack: But not because you are hanging a donation over my head. I will pretend I didn't hear that.
Jill: No, no, no, no, no. And I expect both of you to go over there together, because if you do this thing together, it's gonna carry a lot of weight with him. Convince him to stop messing up his life, to get back with Victoria, because she is the woman he belongs with. Don't you agree with that?
Phyllis: Obviously, yes. Of course.
Jack: Okay, I have a phone call I have to make, and then we will head over there.
Jill: What's wrong?
Phyllis: Nothing. I'm fine.
Jill: You don't look fine.
Phyllis: Oh, well, how do I look, Jill?
Jill: I don't know. Scared.
Phyllis: Of what?
Jill: You tell me.
Phyllis: You're being ridiculous.
Jill: I don't think I am.
Phyllis: A lot has happened since you've been gone, things you can't even begin to know about.
Jill: Well, Billy's a very complicated man. I get that. I mean, underneath all that recklessness and -- and self-destruction, I believe that he has a very good heart.
Phyllis: What's your point?
Jill: Okay, my point is that you're not one of those silly women that will fall for his bad-boy charm. I mean, you're gonna be able to stand up to him and steer him in the right direction when he's going off the track. [Sighs] So please talk some sense into him, will you? Because I don't want him hurt, and I don't want your husband hurt any more than he already has been.
Phyllis: I will do my best. That is all I can promise.
Billy: What about Victoria?
Luca: Her life's falling apart. The signs are all there.
Billy: The signs?
Luca: Her business acumen, for one. It's rapidly declining.
Billy: [Sighs] I so regret opening the door to you. What are you basing these claims on, Luca?
Luca: Many things. I mean, for one, look how easily you were able to steal away her prized cosmetics division out from under her.
Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. I did not steal anything. That business was on the block, and I bought it fair and square.
Luca: Look, Victor got his ducks in a row from prison, and she never saw it coming. She doubled the price to discourage the sale, but it was too late.
Billy: Well, Victor's gotten the best of a lot of people, including yours truly. I highly doubt that Victoria's falling apart because her daddy tricked her.
Luca: This is hardly an isolated incident, Billy. I'm talking about a smart, savvy businesswoman, the board's unanimous pick to succeed her father. But now she's unfocused. She's distracted. Her senior executives are losing confidence in her because she's never at the office. I mean, when you have the kids, she disappears. I'm told it's impossible to get ahold of her. Look, what she does on her own time is her business, but she's neglecting her duties at Newman.
Billy: You just said that is her business. And I don't give a damn what happens at Newman enterprises. As far as Victoria and I, Victor did his best to ruin our relationship, and it worked.
Luca: And you don't care that she might be seeing someone else?
Billy: Victoria's free and clear to do what she wants with her life. Now get out.
Luca: Yeah, Rodney, it's me. I understand Victoria's been keeping her distance from the bartender lately. No, stick close anyway and keep your camera ready. I have a feeling she won't be able to stay away for long.
Summer: You love tearing apart Luca when Billy is the one who's hurt this company. Luca has done nothing but support me, and he just wants a chance to prove himself.
Victoria: He had one, and he blew it.
Summer: With grandpa, who has had it in for the Santoris since the very beginning. Okay, you want to show everyone that you're more logical and level-headed, then prove it.
Victoria: I do not have to prove myself to that guy or to you. And if you want to keep pushing it --
Summer: Okay, you -- you saw that document that he wrote, okay? Luca did a good job. He made you look good with the executives. You need to speak to them a certain way.
Victoria: Oh, you don't think I understand that after all of my years in business?
Summer: No, I... of course I know that you know that, but sometimes it just helps to get another perspective. And thanks to that e-mail, those guys are now thinking that you are someone reasonable to work with, that they can respect you rather than someone who's never gonna measure up to her father. I mean, aunt Vicki, aren't you tired of all this pushback? Can't you just admit that Luca did you a favor?
Victoria: You say you want to be respected and you want to be taken more seriously?
Summer: Yeah, I-I do.
Victoria: Good, well, this is not the way to do that -- letting Luca pull your strings, going behind my back. Look, it -- it -- it shows poor judgment, and it makes me not want to trust you.
Summer: Okay, aunt Vicki, I might not know everything there is to know about offshore drilling, but I do know that you weren't communicating well with your key executives. And I am sorry if that frustrates you or makes you angry, but I am just trying to be honest. And with this particular group of executives, you were just missing some signals, and... frankly, you've been doing that a lot lately.
Victoria: Oh, I-I have, have I? I'm sorry. I didn't realize that.
Summer: Aunt Vicki, it's just you're not yourself lately. Your head's not in it. Your heart's not in it. I don't know. We were just trying to help you out while you figure things out.
Victoria: Okay, listen, I don't want Luca involved. Please respect my wishes on that. And maybe, yes, I have been a little bit distracted lately.
Jill: Well, I'll say. The question is, what is drawing all your attention away from everything that's really important?
[Glasses clink]
Michael: I can once again call myself a no-good, rotten ambulance chaser.
Lauren: [Laughs]
Michael: And I have to say, I am very relieved. Thank you. Thank you for pushing me to get reinstated.
Lauren: Thank you for listening.
Michael: Seriously. I would not have gone through this process without you, Lauren.
Lauren: Honey, you were just feeling guilty for subverting the system. You wanted to ensure that that corrupt man did not elude the justice system yet again. And you know what? Your colleagues in Madison felt the same way. Otherwise you would have been disbarred. They know you have a very rare gift and that you need to do good with it in the world. [Laughs]
Michael: Yes, sing out, sister woman. Yes.
[Glasses clink]
Michael: [Laughs]
Lauren: Honey, have I told you lately how proud I am of you?
Michael: Hold that thought, because once Adam goes to trial, I'll be back to working nights and weekends.
Lauren: Hmm. Well, there's a reason I ordered that new comfy couch in your office.
Michael: Oh?
Lauren: Yes. For the nights that you just can't make it home and I'm working late, I thought maybe we could meet for a brief recess.
Michael: I like the sound of that. It'll make me look forward to working late. You think we could go there now?
Lauren: Oh, uh, I'm meeting Jill.
Michael: She's back?
Lauren: She's my sister. Yes. She's back. And she's taking care of some family issues right now.
Michael: Yeah, well, with what's going on with her family, you might be waiting a long time.
Lauren: [Chuckles]
Michael: Though it might give us some time to head to my office to maybe give the sofa a workout.
Lauren: [Laughing] Honey. I love your one-track mind.
Victoria: Welcome back. Summer and I are in the middle of a meeting, so if you want to call my assistant and schedule a visit, that might be --
Jill: Don't do that, Victoria. Don't treat this like some low-level meeting. Now, I want an answer to my question. What has you so distracted? And please don't quote me some litany of your business woes, okay? I have to warn you -- I want to talk about Billy.
Victoria: Well, then there's nothing to talk about.
Jill: Could you give us a minute, please?
Summer: Sure.
Jill: Thank you.
[Door opens]
Summer: Hey.
Luca: Hey. I just spoke with Billy.
Summer: Okay. What happened?
Luca: I explained how hard Victoria's taking the breakup, that it's affecting her work. She's clearly in turmoil and it's having a negative effect on everyone who depends on her.
Summer: Okay, and what did he say?
Luca: [Sighs] He said he doesn't care about Victoria or anyone else in her family.
Summer: [Scoffs] Wow.
Luca: Yeah. He's pretty bitter.
Summer: Okay, well, thank you for trying. I guess you're right. Getting those two back together is pretty much a lost cause. I just wonder how much worse it can get.
Jill: What the hell happened between the two of you?! Billy is a walking disaster! He's making God-awful decisions, he's sleeping around!
Victoria: I have shown up more than once with the kids for scheduled visits at -- how shall I say -- [Sighs] Inopportune moments. And Billy is back in all of his degenerate glory.
Jill: Oh, look at you. Please don't pretend you don't care. This is me you're talking to, okay? We know why Billy's acting this way. It's 'cause he's still in love with you.
Victoria: You know nothing about it, Jill, so please stay out of it.
Jill: I know everything about it! For god's sake, have you met my husband? I can't even count the times I've had to cope with the man I'm crazy about being unable to control his impulses! Besides which, little miss, I know that you're still in love with my son and you're just too proud to admit it.
Victoria: Are you finished?
Jill: No, I'm not finished. Listen, you have to go over there and make the first move, okay? Please -- please tell Billy how you feel. 'Cause the only reason he's being an idiot like this is 'cause he thinks the two of you are finished and that he has no future! And he's still gonna be acting like a fool until you set him straight!
Jack: This is not my idea. We are here by request.
Billy: "We"?
Phyllis: I'm here, too.
Jack: Will you at least hear us out, give us that courtesy?
Billy: Hasn't everything been said?
Jack: Please.
Billy: Make it quick.
Jack: Ashley came to me. She's very concerned about you.
Billy: What I do with my life is my business.
Jack: Yes, you made that clear, and I was willing to accept that. And then Jill came to us and begged us to try and intervene.
Billy: Did she?
Jack: Your mother is worried sick about you, Billy. We all are. Even Phyllis is having trouble with some of your choices.
Billy: Is that right, Phyllis? Are you worried about me?
Victoria: Okay, let me be clear about this, Jill. Whatever self-destructive crap Billy is throwing, that's on him.
Jill: No. It's on both of you.
Victoria: I think it's time for you to leave.
Jill: God, I am trying to appeal to you as the voice of reason!
Victoria: I am so tired of being that person, the loyal one, the -- the one that's expected to clean up everybody's messes -- Billy's, my dad's, the whole damn family! Only to be turned on and blamed and attacked and --
Jill: I know, I know. It's a very difficult position. I've been in it. How many times have I struggled to keep Colin in line? But here's the thing -- I did it, and I'm really glad I did it, because we are great! We're better than ever!
Summer: I tried to make Victoria see that she ought to be thanking you for what you did.
Luca: But Victoria wasn't having it, right?
Summer: No. I don't know why she's being so stubborn.
Luca: I'm gonna win her over, however long it takes.
Victoria: I don't want to hear it! I am not getting back together with Billy! I have heard enough lies out of his mouth to last a lifetime! He bought brash & sassy to hurt me! He's only looking out for his own selfish pleasures, and -- and -- and he can! He can have it! Go for it! I don't care! That's it! End of discussion!
Summer: Okay, um, I'm guessing now is not the best time for you to plead your case.
Luca: Yeah, you're right. Give my best to Victoria.
Summer: Okay.
[Door opens]
Victoria: [Sighs]
Summer: Aunt Vicki?
Victoria: Listen, I'm going out, so now's your chance to prove that you can act responsibly.
Summer: Okay, what do you want me to do?
Victoria: Just keep an eye on things. No executive decisions and no Luca, got it?
Summer: Okay, I promise I will only call if it's important.
Victoria: Thanks.
Phyllis: Yes, I am worried. But unlike the rest of the family, I don't think any amount of persuasion will convince you to get your act together. You are the only one who can decide when you've had enough pain and chaos.
Billy: Respect. What a novel concept.
Jack: You are self-destructing again, Billy. Maybe you don't see it, but we do. This all started with your obsessive need to get back at Victor and has now degenerated to excessive drinking and meaningless flings with strangers.
Billy: Just taking after my big brother.
Jack: Don't make the same mistakes! My God, how pointless. Billy, I am here to tell you, you don't need to hit rock bottom to realize you need help.
Phyllis: We're here because we care, Billy. So does Ashley and Jill.
Jack: Jill made her donation to fund Katherine's wing of the new facility contingent on our reaching out to you.
Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah, she would do that. That sounds like mom. Dangle a carrot in front of her messed-up son to get him on the straight and narrow. Shame on her for doing that. Shame on you for falling for it.
Jack: Your mother's at the end of her rope. We all are, Billy.
Billy: All right. You want to know what's bothering me? I'll tell you. Right now.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Travis: Tori? What is it? You okay?
Victoria: Uh... no, I'm not.
Travis: What can I do? Can I help?
Victoria: Yes, actually, there is something that you could do. You could listen. There's something you need to know about me.
Jill: I'm sorry I'm late.
Michael: When'd you get in?
Jill: I got in earlier today. I am so jet lagged. Oy.
Lauren: I feel like you've been traveling forever.
Jill: I know.
Lauren: I've missed you. Catch me up. So, what's been happening? How are you? How's everyone?
Jill: I'm fine, Colin's fine, Tucker's fine. [Gasps] Chancellor is more than fine.
Lauren: Oh, I'm so happy to hear that.
Jill: I know.
Michael: It's good you could make it back for the dedication of Katherine's wing.
Jill: Oh, well, this is such a wonderful tribute, isn't it? Marred only by the state of my son's life.
Lauren: Ah. So, I'm assuming you've seen him.
Jill: What is it with these boys, you know? We think they're all grown up, and then all of a sudden, they start regressing beyond your wildest nightmares.
Billy: You want honesty? I'll tell you what's bothering me. I'm in this house alone. I got nobody to share it with. My marriage is over. Every plan that I've made has turned to dust. I don't have a real job besides sniffing perfume. And I got nobody to blame for that except for myself here. Those are my bad choices, my misguided desires. But I don't get to plan a nice romantic night with someone. And that's hard to admit, all right? So that's why I didn't want to talk about it.
Jack: Isolation is the enemy, Billy.
Billy: For an addict. Yes, I know, Jack. I had a moment, okay? One -- one moment where I was tempted.
Jack: To gamble?
Billy: You could call it gambling, yeah. But I got it under control.
Jack: I don't think you should be alone right now --
Billy: Jack, I just said that I have under control, okay? So you don't have to come here ruining your night, trying to hold my hand.
Jack: Ashley is convinced there is a new woman in your life, someone you're serious about.
Billy: Is that right?
Jack: Please tell me it's not one of these new women you just met, like the one Jill ran into here.
Billy: Oh, Britney? No. I'm sorry. Bethany. Her name's Bethany. Still no.
Jack: Is there someone, though, someone you genuinely care about?
Billy: There was. But that's over.
Travis: Is this the part where you tell me your life story?
Victoria: No. There's just some things that I think you should know that I want you to know concerning my ex.
Travis: The guy whose picture you still have in your phone.
Victoria: Yeah. It won't be there for long, though. I thought that maybe we were gonna have a chance to fix things, but after today, I see that's not gonna happen. So I can say with certainty that we're not getting back together.
Travis: So, how do you feel about that?
Victoria: Truthfully? Sad, but also relieved.
Travis: I can imagine. Not that I minded being used.
Victoria: [Chuckles]
Travis: It's okay. I understand. But now you're free, so... maybe there's a chance to see if this could be something more.
Victoria: No, actually, there's not. Look, you are such a sweet guy. But I'm a mess. I'm a walking head case with a ton of baggage.
Travis: "It's not you. It's me."
Victoria: Would you please let me finish? I don't want there to be more. There can't be more. What happened between us was just really exciting, and it was just very one-sided, that's all.
Travis: That it?
Victoria: Look, I'll understand if you don't want to see me anymore. I totally understand. I'll just go back to my life and my work and my kids, and I won't come around here anymore.
Travis: Maybe that's the right thing to do.
Victoria: Okay. Well... goodbye.
Travis: [Sighs] Tori.
Summer: I just wish aunt Victoria would stop seeing you as the bad guy. I mean, without you, none of these guys would be on her side right now.
Luca: That's not true. Stuff I put in that proposal, it's all information you can easily learn, but yeah, your ability to spot the communication snag, to see the big picture -- that can't be taught. It's intuitive.
Summer: I guess so. [Chuckles]
Luca: Come here. Come here.
Summer: [Chuckles]
Luca: Let me tell you something. [Sighs] You have the curse of being beautiful, Summer. Most people can't see past that to your excellent brain. They don't bother looking. But me? I can appreciate the whole package.
Summer: [Chuckles]
[Computer chimes]
Summer: Hey. From our offshore drilling operation. "Urgent. For immediate attention"?
Luca: Wow. This is serious.
Summer: Oh, my God.
Luca: They're saying there's been an incident on one of the drilling platforms.
Summer: How bad?
Luca: [Sighs]
[Computer keys clacking]
Luca: That's all they're saying at the moment. An incident triggered by an emergency alert. Look, in my experience, this usually spells out some sort of catastrophic event or series of events, otherwise they'd reassure us it's been contained.
Summer: Okay, what kind of event are we talking about?
Luca: I don't know. It could be a lot of things. A fire, equipment failure, uh, explosion, some sort of natural disaster.
Summer: Okay, we have to assume the worst, a possible loss of life. I don't --
Luca: Look, Summer, you need to get out in front of this before it hits the media.
Summer: Okay, you know, I -- [Scoffs] I cannot do anything until I get ahold of Victoria, because I am not going behind her back ever again.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Travis: First of all, I'm clear in what this is and what it isn't. I know I only have a part of you. And since we're being so honest, I do want more. But if you're not ready to give it, if you want to just leave things the way they are -- the occasional slow dance, once in a while we go back to my place -- I can live with that.
Victoria: Can you?
Travis: The alternative is losing you.
[Camera shutter clicking]
Jill: You know, I practically forced Phyllis and Jack into intervening with Billy. I mean, it's probably a lost cause, but we've got to keep trying, don't we?
Lauren: You forced them? How?
Jill: By threatening to withhold the funding for Katherine's wing if they didn't go over there and knock some sense into him.
Michael: [Chuckles] There's nothing like some good, old-fashioned coercion.
Jill: If this were fen we were talking about --
Lauren: She's right. She's right. We would do whatever it takes.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: I hear you.
Michael: Here. Why don't you polish that one off, too?
Jill: Thank you so much.
Michael: Take the edge off. I know you're worried about your son, but, you know, if there's one person he looks up to, it's Jack.
Lauren: Yeah. Even though he may not admit it.
Michael: And, um, for what it's worth, even Phyllis has a little pull with him these days, I think.
Lauren: Yeah, I think you're right. I mean, between the two of them, I think they should be able to get him to listen.
Jack: I assume this woman we're talking about is Victoria, that you've just now realized it's finally over.
Billy: Yeah. Victoria. That's right.
Jack: So, what do you think went wrong?
Billy: [Sniffs] In my darkest moments, she was my -- my bright, shining light. I latched on to her for dear life. I committed too fast, and it was too much for her. I put everything on the table -- my heart, my feelings -- and she couldn't handle it. She backed away fast. She was convinced that it was never gonna work. Not now, not ever. Okay? So that's it. That's what I've been struggling with.
Jack: Look, I know we don't always get what we hope for, but in this case, Billy, I honestly believe you will. Anyone who's seen the two of you together knows you belong together.
Billy: Jack, I-I don't agree with that, 'cause there's a problem here, okay, and it's a pretty big problem. She's in love with somebody else.
Jack: Wait, where would you get that idea? Not that I believe it for a second.
Phyllis: I do.
Michael: All right, you finish.
Lauren: I will. Are you kidding? A dinner of ice cream and champagne? Now, that's a great meal.
Michael: Well, actually, back in new Orleans when I was a kid, [Clears throat] Ice cream for dinner? Not all that uncommon.
Lauren: I'm sure.
Michael: Mm-hmm. Lowell and Gloria didn't have much of an interest in cooking when they were drinking or fighting. But I always managed to scrounge up some change for the ice cream parlor on the corner.
Lauren: [Laughs]
Michael: Actually, it's one of my fonder childhood memories.
Lauren: Yeah?
Michael: [Sighs] Back then, I could never have envisioned all this. I would have saved myself a great deal of heartache and trouble if I had known I was gonna grow up to be this fortunate.
Lauren: [Chuckles] And now you're just a big-shot, no-good lawyer.
[Both laugh]
Michael: Yeah. And most importantly... I am standing opposite a miracle of a woman who never ceases to take my breath away.
Lauren: [Sighs] [Chuckles]
Michael: Whoa.
Lauren: [Laughs]
Michael: You okay?
Lauren: Yeah. I was a little lightheaded.
Michael: Is it -- is it the champagne?
Lauren: Actually, no.
Michael: No?
Lauren: No. It's you.
Michael: Really? Even after all these years?
Lauren: Especially now.
Summer: Damn it! Why won't she pick up? How many messages do I have to leave?!
Luca: We tried, okay, Summer? Look, we can't just sit on our hands.
Summer: "We"?
Luca: Look, I can help, Summer, all right? Look, here's what I recommend, all right? A simple alert so the press will see that we're not hiding anything, to let them know that Newman is on top of things. Look, we -- we need to control the narrative so the responsibility can land elsewhere. Our refinery's schedule, our partners. All right? Look, don't worry. I got this. Yes, I'm calling on behalf of Victoria Newman with a statement for immediate release. This is concerning Newman oil.
Phyllis: I'm not surprised that Victoria's gotten serious with someone else. She's just accepting something that you won't. A relationship between you and her just won't work. Your impulsive behavior, the way that you have hurt people, including yourself, is hard to watch. And as difficult as it may be to hear, she's moving on. She's accepting the mistakes, and she's moving forward with her life. She needs to be a responsible adult, so she's running for cover. I mean, who can really blame her, you know? I mean, to continue like this would just be a disaster for the entire family.
Jack: I don't want to believe it's over for these two. Look, people don't fight like this, don't try to start over again and again, unless they belong together. They just walk away. That's why you have to get your act together, Billy, not just give up. Whatever she has with this other guy pales in comparison to what she had with you.
Billy: Maybe you're right, Jack.
Jack: I am right.
Billy: Okay. You win. I'll do everything I can for the woman that I love, who I know loves me just as much.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: I need information on the Newman oil platform that sprung a leak last night.
Luca: I just spoke with Victoria. She wants Summer to talk to the press.
Summer: You have everything you --
Victoria: Why the hell do I not have an update? What's going on?
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