Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/24/16


Episode # 10928 ~ Nick lashes out at Victor; Mariah shocks Kevin; Chelsea makes a risky decision to protect her family.

Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: Oh, and look at that smile. [Chuckles] Just a ray of sunshine. Well, we're gonna need that sunshine today, little boy.

Mariah: Well, at least someone's happy today.

Sharon: Um, it must be strange for you. Cassie died 11 years ago. You never got a chance to know her.

Mariah: Yeah, strange is a word for it. [Sighs]

Sharon: Well, if you don't want to go --

Mariah: No, no. I'm gonna go. I'm going.

Faith: Will daddy be here soon?

Sharon: We will meet him at the cemetery.

Faith: Oh.

Sharon: You know how much your daddy loves you, but he might not be able to spend as much time with us as he normally would.

Faith: 'Cause he's still sad about Sage and Christian.

Sharon: Yes. Why don't you run upstairs and get ready?

Faith: Okay.

Mariah: Hey, I know a great way to make Nick feel better today. Tell him his son is alive.

Victor: I'm surprised to see you, today of all days. I can't believe that a whole year has gone by since our sweet Cassie --

Nick: Don't you even say her name.

Victor: What do you mean, don't say her name? I loved that child.

Nick: And don't pretend you care about my family, not after what you've done.

Victor: What are you talking about?

Nick: How can you use my dead wife to try and get even with Adam?

Noah: One soy mocha latte.

Summer: Oh, thank you. You remembered.

Noah: And thank you for not bringing Luca to something so private as this ceremony for Cassie.

Summer: Yeah. Well, uh, it's a family event. And he's respectful of that.

Noah: 'Cause he's such a great guy.

Summer: He is, okay? He is supportive and warm and smart. You know, he actually knows a lot about business. He's taught me a lot.

Noah: And why do you think that is?

Summer: I don't know. Luca wants to help me help Newman.

Noah: Come on, summer. You can't honestly believe that.

Summer: What? He wants to prove that he's changed.

Noah: Look, you are as naive about that jerk as you are about grandpa. Don't you get it, summer? They will both use anyone, do anything to get what they want.

Kevin: What the... Adam Newman was arrested for murdering Constance Bingham.

Natalie: Who's that?

Kevin: She was this elderly woman Adam took advantage of by posing as her grandson. He didn't want to pay for running down Delia, so he hid behind a new face, a new name.

Natalie: Of course that happened here, because this place is mars.

Kevin: All so he could slink back into town to be with Chelsea and Connor, and -- drum roll -- take down his daddy one last time. So, would he off a sick, old woman if she got in the way of his plans? I wouldn't put it past him.

Chelsea: Connor doesn't understand why his daddy didn't kiss him good night or drive him to preschool this morning. So do you want to be the one to explain it to him, Dylan, that you arrested an innocent man?

Dylan: Chelsea, I'm sorry, okay? Once the medical examiner ruled that Constance's death was a-a homicide, I didn't have a choice.

Chelsea: She had a bad heart, Dylan.

Dylan: Yeah, but the findings show that she was poisoned over a long period of time, and Adam had access.

Chelsea: Okay, what about her caregivers? Are the police looking into her caregivers? Because they had just as much access.

Dylan: But no motive. That's the catch. Adam had motive. According to sage's journal --

Chelsea: This journal is all nonsense. It's a fraud. We -- you're home.

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: You okay?

Adam: Yeah, I'm all right. You know, it was -- it was a little touch-and-go with the bail, but Michael managed to find a top-notch attorney to rep me, so that was good.

Michael: It's a temporary substitute. I'm already in the process of having my license reinstated. It should happen very soon.

Adam: Well, as my future attorney, will you do me a favor and tell this guy that I'm innocent, please?

Dylan: Because Victor set you up for payback.

Adam: That's right. He altered sage's journal to frame me. You know, you should have that thing analyzed, by the way.

Dylan: I am. Journal's on its way to forensics right now.

Adam: Okay. Well, you know what? Michael, I'm sorry. I won't be needing your services after all. Once they find out that the journal's been tampered with, all the charges are gonna be dropped, so...

Dylan: Adam, you claim that the content in the diary was altered, right?

Adam: Yeah.

Dylan: But evidence suggests that the murder was committed exactly as Sage supposedly described. How would you explain that?

Summer: We are gonna have a real problem if every time we get together, you're gonna insult my judgment.

Noah: You're my little sister. I don't want you to get hurt.

Summer: Okay, didn't we have this exact conversation when you started getting involved with Marisa?

Noah: But Marisa's a good person.

Summer: And so is Luca, if you would just give him a chance.

Noah: After what he did to Marisa, to me, to our family, are you seriously --

Summer: I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it. You're not gonna change my mind on Luca or on grandpa.

Noah: You do remember what grandpa did to me, right, to jack, to your mom.

Summer: Okay, what about all the good things that grandpa did? Grandpa deserves understanding and compassion. But everyone has turned their backs on him, including grandma.

Noah: Grandma finally stood up to him, finally, summer. She's doing the right thing.

Summer: Is she? Because I know that they still love each other. And, yeah, grandpa might be mad now, but he'll come around. And I think that he'll forgive everybody, eventually.

Noah: Open your eyes, summer. Grandpa is not interested in forgiveness or reconciliation. All he cares about is revenge. And he is not gonna stop until he gets it.

Summer: [Chuckling] Oh, my -- how can you be so --

[Sighs] Okay, you know what? Today is not the day for this. Today is about Cassie. That's it.

Noah: You're right. I'm sorry. Today is about coming together as a family, especially for dad.

Sharon: Do you have to bring this up today, on the day that I lost Cassie? What -- you want me to lose Sully, too?

Mariah: Sully isn't yours.

Sharon: I love him like he's my own flesh and blood.

Mariah: It's wrong, Sharon. It's wrong on every possible level.

Sharon: Okay, well, what is so great about the truth?

Mariah: [Sighs]

Sharon: Dylan would be destroyed. Nick would hate me. And you know Nick. He wouldn't just take Sully away from me. He would try to take faith away, too. He tried that before. This time, he would win. This whole family would be blown apart. Everybody would be suffering. I-is that really what you want?

Mariah: So we're just gonna let Nick do all the suffering, because that's fair.

Sharon: No, it's not fair. It's not fair, but none of us are to blame for this.

Mariah: I agree. But the truth cannot stay hidden forever. The longer you wait, the worse it is gonna be.

Sharon: We've already had this conversation.

Mariah: And we're gonna keep having it. The fact that you have kept quiet this long is nearly unforgivable. I mean, you remember what happened with summer's paternity, don't you?

Sharon: It's already too late, okay? Dylan and I, we're sully's parents. We're the only parents he's ever known.

Mariah: But Nick is the real father. And he deserves to know.

Victor: What exactly are you accusing me of?

Nick: Adam has been arrested for murdering Constance Bingham.

Victor: That's terrible.

Nick: Really?

Victor: Yeah.

Nick: See, I think you put the whole thing in motion. I think you got someone to forge entries into sage's journal claiming that Adam murdered Constance because she was starting to figure out that he was not her grandson.

Victor: Before you came running over here to tell me that, has it occurred to you that those diary entries may have been real?

Nick: Not with the timing of all of it. See, I know Adam blocked you from getting out of here, so this is how you're gonna get back at him.

Victor: I'm sure that's Adam's story. And I'm certain you believe him, considering how you feel about your father.

Nick: Or maybe I'm just starting to see you for who you really are. You're your father. See, I remember that day, going to Toronto with you to see him. And it was heartbreaking. He was such a cold-hearted bastard to you, but you didn't learn a thing from that, because all the moves you pull, especially this latest one, just proves you're exactly like him.

Victor: Why do you even come here when you hate my guts that much? Hmm? Maybe you should remember sage's words.

Nick: Don't speak for Sage.

Victor: Do you remember how long she kept the secret from you that Gabriel Bingham was not really Gabriel Bingham? You know why she did that? Because she loved you. She didn't want anything to disturb the love between you and her. Did you lie awake at night and wonder why the hell she didn't tell you the truth? Maybe she couldn't stand the idea of facing Adam and bring more pain into her relationship with you, after all the things the two of you have been through.

Adam: The truth is, I don't know why the evidence matches the description in sage's journal. I have no idea. What I can tell you is that I would never hurt Constance Bingham.

Dylan: But the evidence is significant.

Michael: I prefer the term "circumstantial."

Adam: Well, maybe Victor got to somebody in your department, Dylan.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Come on. Look, I told you I wouldn't put anything past Victor. But this is an elaborate plot. It would take a lot of people to go along with it.

Adam: Luca Santori already admitted that he was working with Victor to help me get fired from that hedge fund in Chicago, right? He's doing Victor's bidding for him. There's always some flunky willing to break the law for a payday.

Dylan: Okay, so, why would Victor use sage's diary to frame you?

Adam: I'll give you a little history lesson, all right? So, years ago, Victor was presumed dead in Mexico, right? Turns out, the son of a bitch was alive. And when he came back, he had me kicked out of Newman. He had me kicked out of the house. So I was hurt. I was looking for revenge. And when the body of a guy named Walter Palin washed ashore, I saw that as an opportunity, right? So, truthfully, I worked with jack Abbott hand in hand. We forged a diary implicating Victor in the murder. Sound familiar, all right? He went down for the crime. So this little drama is just the latest chapter in the ongoing saga that is Adam and Victor Newman. I'm not holding out for a happy ending.

Michael: All right. I think Adam has said enough. Uh, detective McAvoy, if you will excuse us, we need to start working on our defense.

Dylan: I'm gonna find the truth, whatever that is.

Adam: "Find the truth, whatever that is." What the hell is that? Listen, I know this new evidence isn't good, all right? But the important thing is, I have the two of you, all right, standing by my side, believing in me, yeah? You do believe in me, right?

Kevin: Comments are running three to one that Adam is a cold-blooded, psycho killer.

Natalie: Can we not talk about Adam or Victor or any of the Newmans? So glad I'm not in business with them anymore.

Kevin: Oh, because the infighting Abbotts are so much better?

Natalie: Uh, at least they're not constantly starring in the police blotter. You gonna eat that?

Kevin: I was thinking about it.

Natalie: Filtering algorithms makes me so hungry.

Kevin: Um, okay. A short stack, couple of waffles, and now my sausage? With all this fuel, the pass key patch must be almost done, yeah?

Natalie: It's far enough along that I'm taking a break. And so are you.

Kevin: Oh? What do you have in mind?

Natalie: Maybe... two tickets to that new zombie-themed escape room.

Kevin: Uh, being locked in a room isn't really my thing.

Natalie: [Scoffs] With our gray matter? We'll be solving that puzzle and be out of there so fast, we'll be legends. Plus, zombies.

Kevin: Hmm. Okay. I'm in.

Natalie: And then...

Kevin: There's more?

Natalie: Do you get air-sick?

Kevin: No.

Natalie: Okay, good, because I arranged for a helicopter to take us to Chicago. This totally amaze new pop-up restaurant -- it's a not-to-be-missed kind of thing. You in?

Kevin: Ah. I'm all in. But when did you become such a foodie?

Natalie: It's not about the food. It's about how hard it was to get in.

[Both laugh]

Kevin: Of course.

Natalie: Uh, I have to shower and change, but meet you back here?

Kevin: I'm not going anywhere. [Chuckles]

Chelsea: Learning Constance was actually poisoned and knowing how at that time, you were so determined to get back to me and Connor, understanding the kind of man that you are -- that you do whatever it takes to get what you want, maybe I -- I might have had a doubt for like two seconds.

Adam: Well, I can understand that, I guess, but --

Chelsea: No, no. But I'm back, and I'm -- I'm here by your side, and I'm not going anywhere. I hate that I let Victor get in my head.

Adam: Hey, look. That's -- that's what that guy does, right, okay? Don't worry about it. The important thing is that you're here with me by my side 100%.

Chelsea: Nothing is ever gonna come between us. Never again.

Sharon: Thank you for the prayer of remembrance at the cemetery. That was really beautiful.

Dylan: I wanted to do something to help you and Nick honor Cassie.

Sharon: And reading her favorite poem, "dreamland" -- thank you for remembering. It's hard to believe it's been 11 years since we lost our girl.

Cassie: I'm so tired.

Nick: [Breathing shakily]

Cassie: I need to rest.

Nick: Lullaby and good night you're mother's delight shining angels beside my darling abide soft and warm is your bed close your eyes rest your head

Sharon: Sweetheart, that drawing you made for your sister -- that was awesome.

Faith: [Chuckles] You said she liked horses.

Sharon: She did.

Faith: And tea parties.

Noah: Oh, so many tea parties. She must have made me sit at that pink table drinking imaginary tea three times a week.

Sharon: You were a trouper.

Noah: She bribed me.

Sharon: What?

Noah: Yeah, she let me eat all the cookies. Not Cindy's, though. She would never let me eat Cindy's cookie. That was her favorite doll.

Sharon: She... loved that doll.

Noah: She loved that doll.

Sharon: She brought it with her everywhere. [Chuckles] Didn't she, Nick?

Nick: Hmm?

Nick: Hey, dad. I wish you'd talk to us. You know we want to help. But we can't if we don't know what's going on with you.

Nick: You know, a year ago, I, uh... I went to Cassie's grave, just to talk to her. I wanted to share the good news that our family was gonna get bigger and happier. Sage was pregnant. Cassie was gonna be getting a new little brother or sister.

[Voice breaking] And now a year later, I lost my wife and my little boy, and I would -- I'd do anything to get them back, you know, just to -- just to hold them in my arms again.

Faith: I'm so sorry Sage and Christian are gone, daddy. But they're in heaven now. And Cassie's taking care of them.

Noah: Yeah, I'm sure she is. You know, the last thing that Cassie said to me was that she would be my guardian angel. She'd always look out for me. That's the kind of person she was.

Sharon: Our sweet girl had such a good heart. She was so full of love. It radiated from her.

Nick: Cassie would have loved this -- the whole family together. Thanks for coming.

Summer: And we can go back to the house now?

Nick: I think I'm just gonna take a walk, okay?

Sharon: Of course. We understand.

Mariah: I wish that there was something more we could do for you, Nick.

Nick: What more could I ask for -- you know, the love of my kids. I love you all so much.

Summer: We love you, too, dad.

Noah: Take care of my little brother for me.

Sharon: Okay. I will.

Noah: Okay.

Mariah: I'm gonna go with him.

Nick: See you, bud.

Summer: Um, you know, just take your time. Faith and I are gonna just play with Sully, okay?

Sharon: Okay.

Victor: If this is about my hand --

Meredith: It's not about your hand. A bandage and some time is gonna heal that. I'm more concerned about you.

Victor: About my divorce? Just another blow that my family delivered.

Meredith: No.

Victor: I accept it.

Meredith: Your son Adam. He is all over the news. I'm so sorry.

Victor: My son Nicholas was here to tell me. He was also here to accuse me that I framed my son Adam for the murder of that innocent woman. That's what my family thinks of me now -- I'm capable of all this evil.

Michael: I agree. This whole thing reeks of Victor. And the fact that he used a journal to nail you clearly points a finger to your past shenanigans. But as intriguing and oh-so-Victor as it is, this theory is not gonna stand up against the evidence.

Adam: Well, it's not a theory. Thank you, Michael. And my father created the evidence.

Michael: Well -- thank you. Real, fake, it's all very damning. It's not gonna be easy to prove your innocence.

Adam: That's exactly what Victor wants, right -- me behind bars?

Michael: Or not. W-when you went to prison for forging that diary all those years ago, who got you out?

Adam: Victor.

Michael: And who pressured the judge to keep you out of prison when you were convicted for the hit-and-run?

Chelsea: Victor.

Michael: This man is all about control, power, family. He's lost all those. So he phonies up a diary. He fabricates evidence. He hangs your life in the balance... so he's back in control. He teaches you a lesson, but then swoops in to save you again as he has done so many times in the past.

Chelsea: No. Victor would send Adam straight to hell if he could.

Sharon: You said such sweet things to your daddy. You made him feel a lot better.

Faith: Daddy's still so sad. There has to be a way to cheer him up.

Sharon: Well, I think you and your smiles do the trick.

Faith: I want to do something special. I've got it. Sully.

Sharon: Sully?

Faith: He's the way to make daddy happy.

Nick: After reading sage's journal, I was pretty convinced that Adam murdered Constance. After talking to Adam, I was just as certain that my dad set him up. Now I don't know what to believe.

Dylan: I may not be able to help you find peace. But I promise you I'm gonna separate fact from fiction in this case.

Nick: If sage's journal is true, then... I have to accept the fact that my wife lied to me about this very big secret. And I also have to accept that my brother is a murderer. [Sighs] I mean, Adam's a lot of things, but a murderer? Maybe that's why it's just easier for me to accept that my dad was behind this whole thing. You know, it's just his latest revenge plot. I mean, if you think about it...

Dylan: What? What are you thinking?

Nick: How did my dad even know Sage had a journal? I mean, it was filled with -- with intimate things about our whole life -- I mean, when we met, how we fell in love, how she lied to me about Adam being Gabriel... everything about Christian. I mean, no one should have known any of that stuff. No one.

Adam: Victor is long past the point of giving a damn what happens to me, not just because I'm the one who put him in prison, but because I'm gonna make sure he stays there as long as possible.

Michael: All right. Do we have to have that discussion about full disclosure?

Adam: All right. I found out that my father's working Meredith gates, the prison doctor? He gets her sympathy, she runs to daddy, who happens to be --

Michael: The head of the judicial review board?

Adam: Judge gates.

Michael: Aw, man!

Adam: He gets my father's sentence reduced.

Chelsea: Except Adam was able to find the judge, and then Adam told Victor about it.

Michael: I can't imagine Victor handled that very well.

Adam: I mean, I might have done a Victory dance-ish.

Michael: All right. So you just poked the bear in his cage, angered him even more. You know, you're not my smartest client.

Adam: Well, right now, I'm your only client, and I'm gonna go tell that son of a bitch that I'm not afraid of him.

Chelsea: Whoa, whoa. Where are you going?

Adam: I'm going to Walworth.

Michael: No, no, no, no. There's not a chance. Look, you spent the night in prison. You're exhausted. You're rattled. You're exactly where Victor wants you. The worst thing you could do is let him see that he's gotten to you.

Adam: Well, we have to do something, right?

Michael: We do. We do. We do, and we will. I'll take it from here.

Summer: [Sighs] So, you seemed pretty upset back there.

Mariah: What's wrong with that?

Summer: Nothing. It's just, you know, you don't really emote much. You're usually the walls-up kind of girl.

Noah: Just because Mariah didn't know Cassie doesn't mean that there wasn't a connection.

Mariah: I remember when I came to town. I thought that the only reason people cared about me is because when they looked at me, they saw Cassie. I am definitely not Cassie.

Summer: Oh, you're not wrong about that.

Noah: We love you for who you are, Mariah. Right?

Summer: Anyone want to split a bear claw?

Noah: Okay. Y-you know what? It's a shame that you didn't get to know your sister. I think that you two would have been close.

Mariah: I'd like to think that, too.

Kevin: Hi, guys. Why the long faces?

Noah: Uh, we had a remembrance ceremony for Cassie.

Kevin: Oh. Right. Of course. That was today. I'm sorry. Well, I'm glad I ran into you.

Summer: Well, you wouldn't have to "run into" her if you had split your pass key profits with her.

Noah: Summer...

Summer: And if you had actually treated her like the friend that she's always treated you, then maybe she wouldn't have moved out.

Noah: Okay. Wow. Why don't we finish our drinks anywhere but here?

Kevin: I'm sorry about today. That couldn't have been easy.

Mariah: Remembering the twin that I never knew -- how do you even do that?

Kevin: Well, the last time we were here, you didn't get a chance to tell me what was going on. But it seemed important. So if you still want to share, lay it on me.

Noah: [Chuckling] Whoa. Whoa. I did not expect that.

Summer: Good for her. Finally going after what she wants.

Kevin: Where did that come from?

Mariah: I'm sorry.

Kevin: I don't want an apology. I-I want to understand.

Mariah: I don't know. I don't know. Uh, it was a moment. I acted out. You know what? I'm -- I'm -- I'm over it. Can we just forget about it?

Kevin: It's hard to forget. What is going on?

Mariah: Everything. Everything is going on.

Kevin: Okay, okay. You said that things were complicated, right, since you moved back in with Dylan and Sharon.

Mariah: You have no idea.

Kevin: So give me an idea.

Mariah: It's also this -- this Cassie thing, the remembrance. She was so amazing, and she's gone.

Kevin: Cassie was a great girl.

Mariah: Did you know that her favorite poem was "dreamland" by Lewis Carroll? That's my favorite poem, too. I don't know. Maybe it's one of those freaky twin things, like twin tuition, finishing each other's sentences and having a secret language, knowing when the other was in trouble. And with -- with how messed up my life was and is, I-I'm sure that her spidey senses would have been going off.

Kevin: Mariah, you are not messed up.

Mariah: I-I pretended to be Cassie. I haunted Sharon. I'm not great, either.

Kevin: Okay, well, you're there for Sharon now. And she loves you.

Mariah: [Sighing] Oh, God. I just wish... I don't know. I just want to sit on a ratty couch, watch cheesy movies, and eat Chinese out of the box. Is there any chance -- no, forget it.

Kevin: What?

Mariah: Forget it.

Kevin: What? Say it. Say it.

Mariah: Is there any chance that we could just get out of here and go do that right now?

Faith: Daddy!

Nick: [Sighs]

Faith: I've got the perfect thing to cheer you up.

Nick: You do?

Faith: Come here. Sit here.

Nick: Okay.

Faith: And you have to hold Sully.

Sharon: Um... you don't have to do this if you're not up for it.

Faith: Please, Daddy? You'll be glad you did.

Nick: Well, how can I say no to the prettiest girl in the world?

Faith: [Chuckles]

Nick: All right. Come here, little man.

[Both chuckle]

Nick: Uh, all right. Well, now what?

Faith: Sully recognizes his name. If you say it, he'll look right at you and smile.

Nick: No way.

Faith: Mm-hmm. Right, Dylan?

Dylan: Yep. It's pretty awesome.

Faith: Try it, Daddy. You'll see. Say his name. [Chuckles]

Nick: All right. Hey, Sully. Tell me you know who you are. Hmm?

[Both chuckle]

Adam: Victor may have done it this time, sweetheart. I think he's got me. Forged the diary, medical evidence -- it's pretty conclusive, right? I'm stuck here with nothing but my word, which, let's face it, in this town... it's worth somewhere between nothing and zero.

Chelsea: No, listen to me. Michael knows how Victor works. If anyone is capable of untangling this mess and getting to the truth, it is him.

Adam: You remember what the judge said to me during my trial, right? When I got paroled? Not so much as a jaywalking ticket, baby. This -- they're gonna throw the book at me.

Chelsea: Stop talking like this. Stop talking like that. Everything is gonna work out. We're gonna -- we're gonna get through this, together.

Adam: Let me tell you something. Let me give you a quick preview of how this is gonna go down, okay? I've read this book before. There is gonna be no proof that that diary was tampered with. There is gonna be no proof that the medical examiner's report was BS. He's done it, sweetheart. He has made sure a life sentence for me is pretty much signed, sealed, and delivered. Now, I don't see a way out of this.

Chelsea: I might have a way.

Victor: You can't be here as an attorney. You have no right to practice law... after you stabbed me in the back at the trial.

Michael: Well... I'm rectifying that unfortunate situation as we speak. Why don't you have a seat? Oh. Victor, surely a visit with me is preferable to a conversation with the general populous.

Victor: You get five minutes.

Michael: I can do it in two. Adam never touched a hair on Constance Bingham's head. You framed him, and quite ingeniously, I have to give you that.

Victor: Are you here on a fishing expedition? I have nothing to say to you or to Adam.

Michael: Listen to me. I've watched this dance between you and your son for years. One moment, it's war. The next, it's love. One attacks, the other retaliates, and so on and so forth. How about now we end it?

Victor: I have given that boy everything. There's no gratitude on his part. You know the damage he has done to my family over the years, the enormous damage? All I get from him is viciousness, vengeance, betrayal.

Michael: And now you want to punish him, undoubtedly. Well, you've succeeded. He was arrested. He has been humiliated. Look. But do you really want to see him thrown into the cell next to yours, to be the reason that Connor grows up without a father?

Victor: Your two minutes are up.

Michael: Mm. I still believe deep-down that you love your family too much, Adam not being the least among them, to be that cruel. And I am hoping that you prove me right by ending this war before you and Adam pass the point of no return.

Victor: And you think my relationship with him can be salvaged?

Michael: Yeah, I think it can. You have the power to do it right here, right now. All you have to do is admit that you set up your son.

Kevin: I would love to do that. Really.

Mariah: You know, you don't have to say that.

Kevin: No, I-I want to. I do. It's just, um... right now is --

Natalie: You ready?

Mariah: Of course.

Kevin: Wait. Mariah -- [Sighs] Nat, I have to reschedule. I'm sorry.

Natalie: Wha-- you can hang with her anytime. This is can't-miss, remember?

Kevin: Well, so is this. I'll call you tomorrow.

Natalie: What about the helicopter? [Sighs]

Noah: Helicopter?

Natalie: Did you see what just happened?

Summer: Yeah. I guess a new look is no match for an old friend.

Nick: Yay! Look at your shoes! They're so cool!

Dylan: I think that was a smile, first one in a long time.

Sharon: This was faith's idea. She's such a brilliant little girl.

Dylan: Well, she nailed it. Sully does have a way of making things better.

Sharon: [Voice breaking] Our son is such a blessing.

Nick: [Murmuring indistinctly]

Dylan: You okay?

Sharon: Yeah. Just been a really emotional day.

Dylan: I mean, I got to hand it to Nick. [Sighs] With everything he's been through, the guy is a rock.

Sharon: He's one of the good guys, just like you.

Dylan: Uh, it's -- it's killing me watching him hold our son and -- he should be holding Christian. I mean, I-I don't know. I don't know what I would do if -- you know, if Sully was suddenly gone. I don't even want to imagine it, because I don't -- I don't think I could survive something like that.

Sharon: Me, neither.

Victor: And once again, you're overestimating your ability to play me for a fool.

Michael: [Sighs] I'm not playing you for a fool. I am playing you for a father, a man who loves his family despite everything. Look. I'm playing you for a man who doesn't want to see that child grow up without a father. You do not let your anger destroy that child's family.

Victor: You could talk me out of my anger about my family? They betrayed me. You know how they acted at the trial. They turned on me...

Michael: [Sighs]

Victor: ...Their father, who has provided them with an extraordinary lifestyle, who built an extraordinary company. They betrayed me, especially Adam.

Michael: So your anger's that precious. You will do nothing. You will let this travesty play itself out.

Victor: I don't have to do a thing. Adam will be the cause of his own destruction.

Adam: What's the plan, baby? You got to tell me, because I am fresh out of ideas.

Chelsea: We run. You, me, and Connor. Tonight.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: It's time for me to confess.

Meredith: I'm not gonna let you do that.

Newmans keep breaking the law.

Victoria: And you want to know, in light of that, why anyone would trust our family.

Billy: Hope there's no trouble at home.

Phyllis: Just the opposite. My husband and I are having a much-needed getaway.

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