Y&R Transcript Monday 5/23/16
Episode # 10927 ~ Adam fights back; Victoria discovers Summer's deception; Nikki stands her ground.
Provided By Suzanne
Michael: How is everything, Nikki?
Nikki: Well, I'm not dissolving into tears at the moment nor have I had a drink, so I would say that I'm doing remarkably well. How are you? Wow. Already. I guess the legal system can move quickly when it wants to.
Michael: I thought you wanted to move along with this.
Nikki: I did. I do. I do.
Michael: Well, I had an associate write it up, but I've reviewed it. Everything seems to be as you've requested.
Nikki: [Sighs]
Meredith: [Moans] Okay, well, that I should not have done. I'm -- I'm sorry. That was wrong. I'm your doctor, and I, uh -- no.
Victor: That's the most real thing that has happened to me in a long time. It felt damn good.
Meredith: [Sighs]
Dylan: I got a court order to exhume Constance's body based on what we found in sage's diary.
Adam: [Laughs] Great. Okay. Terrific. No, this is perfect. It'll clear my name. When is this happening?
Dylan: As we speak.
Adam: Huh.
Dylan: Are you disappointed?
Adam: I'm thrilled. I can put this crazy accusation behind me and start collecting my apologies.
Dylan: What's wrong? Is that how you feel, Chelsea?
Chelsea: Uh, right now, I'm feeling a little suspicious, actually, Dylan.
Dylan: Of your husband?
Chelsea: No, of you. I mean, you could have called to let us know about the body being exhumed. Why did you feel the need to tell us in person?
Dylan: Well, because sage was very specific in her diary about, you know, how and why Adam may have killed Constance.
Adam: May have killed? I --
Chelsea: Oh, God.
Adam: I didn't kill anyone, all right? Killing an old woman to protect my iden-- this is ridiculous! It makes no sense! Not to mention the fact that it's a lie, Dylan.
Chelsea: Why are you here?
Dylan: Well, I wanted to give you a second chance to add to your statement before the forensic results are in. So, if there's anything else you want to say, Adam, now's the time.
Luca: We are celebrating your successful handling of the unrest in the Newman energy division.
Summer: Oh, well, then we should be celebrating you. Victoria said all those guys needed was to be dazzled with facts, figures, and projections.
Luca: Which you supplied.
Summer: Okay, but without you, I would not have been able to put together that comprehensive of a proposal that fast.
Luca: Well, I was raised around all kinds of commodity trading. Well, that's actually a nice way to state what my family was involved in, but oil is just another commodity. That part was easy.
Summer: Okay, but still.
Luca: Look, stop dismissing your achievement. You had the smarts to circumvent what was about to be a catastrophic problem for Newman enterprises. And you had the guts to communicate with those executives. You addressed their concerns, summer.
Summer: Yeah, well, sending an e-mail from my aunt -- the C.E.O. -- Without her knowledge, I do not think that she's gonna see that as brave. She'll probably end up firing me.
Luca: Yeah, but do you think you did the right thing?
Summer: Yeah, especially after seeing the initial responses hitting my aunt Victoria's inbox praising her diplomacy. I just hope that she'll be more happy than angry.
Luca: No matter what Victoria says, you saved her, summer. You kept her from making a huge mistake because she's too distracted by things going on in her personal life.
Summer: Okay, well, that's kind of random. What do oil rigs have to do with my aunt Victoria's personal life?
[Door closes]
Victoria: [Sighs] [Sighs] No.
Luca: It's no secret that Victoria and Billy's messy relationship turned ugly when she had him removed from jabot.
Summer: Okay, yeah, but that doesn't --
Luca: I mean, your uncle retaliated by buying her prized brash & sassy out from under her.
Summer: Yes, that bothered her, but --
Luca: So it's personal.
Summer: Okay, you're making it seem like my aunt Victoria got all weepy just because --
Luca: Who said anything about weepy? No, I-I can't see Victoria going in that direction. I just -- she just certainly hasn't been rational at the office.
Summer: What are you talking about? My aunt would never let her personal life affect her work.
Luca: You're the one who told me that she wasn't exactly professional when she responded to the oil executives' concerns and that she said herself that the thing with Billy --
Summer: Okay, yes, I know what I said, but maybe I shouldn't have blabbed those things to you since they're so personal.
Luca: [Sighs] You're feeling guilty, right? Look, don't.
Summer: Yeah, I am feeling a little guilty. I mean, maybe I shouldn't have gone behind her back. Maybe I should have run the proposal by her before sending it out.
Luca: Summer, summer, you made a tough decision, but the right decision for the company, for every employee and member of the Newman family. You can be sure your grandfather would see it that way. Victor would be so proud and so grateful that you're looking out for his company.
Summer: Yeah, I-I hope so. I...
Luca: What? What is it?
Summer: [Sighs] My grandma's over there talking to Michael Baldwin. They're probably talking about the divorce.
Luca: Try not to let it upset you.
Summer: Yeah, I'm trying, but it's hard. I mean, haven't they punished my grandpa enough? I mean, he's paying for what he did in prison. I don't know how she can turn her back on him like this.
Luca: I don't know. Having been sucker-punched like that by my own ex...
Summer: I know, and I know how awful that was for you, and I just want to convince my grandma how wrong she is for doing this to him.
Luca: Maybe you can.
Michael: I have known you and victor a very long time.
Nikki: Are you about to advise me to drop this?
Michael: It's not like you haven't tried divorcing before.
Nikki: Yes, that's true. We always found our way back to each other. This time, it's very different.
Michael: I hope you're taking into account how very different it is this time.
Nikki: Okay, now that sounds like a warning.
Michael: Victor's in a very, very bad place, Nikki.
Nikki: I know, Michael. He is very angry with everybody.
Michael: He is utterly betrayed, and he feels yours is the worst betrayal of all.
Nikki: Yes, I know. He refuses to believe that I did what I did to try to help him, to show him where he went wrong. He thinks I should just ignore all of the heinous things that he did, I should have stood up with him against the children, against the law, against what was right.
Michael: He feels if you had taken his side, he would be a free man now.
Nikki: Well, that may or may not be true. I don't know. But I couldn't condone the things he had done, Michael. I just couldn't.
Michael: There is something you can do. Put off filing.
Nikki: No.
Michael: I'm not saying you should do it for him.
Nikki: I know you're trying to look after me. I know that.
Michael: If you divorce him now, that may be it between you. He won't forgive. There will be no turning back. You need to be very sure about this.
Nikki: I love him. I will always love him. And that's why I have to do this, Michael.
Michael: Knowing the risk?
Nikki: There is no risk. He has made it abundantly clear that he is not ever going to forgive me -- ever. So then what's the point in hanging on?
Summer: Because you love him. No matter what grandpa has said in anger and no matter what has happened, you are the love of his life.
Victor: I haven't been this open and honest with anyone for a long time.
Meredith: What about your wife?
Victor: Yeah? What about my wife? [Sighs] I had a lot of difficulties lately. I've been absentminded a lot because problems with my business and, um... problems with other family members and trying to rescue them and all that.
Meredith: It sounds busy. Who rescued you?
Victor: But I'm not complaining. I really am not. I mean, I took my role as father and head of the company very seriously. I loved it, embraced it with open arms. But now to deal with my children turning against me during the trial -- tough.
Meredith: That must have hurt.
Victor: More than I ever imagined.
Adam: Dylan, you realize this whole damn thing is a setup, right?
Dylan: [Scoffs] What -- what are you talking about?
Adam: Are you serious? My father. He's pissed off at me 'cause I wouldn't lie on the witness stand to keep him out of prison.
Dylan: So you're saying victor convinced sage to write those things --
Adam: No, no, no. Not sage. I'm not saying sage did it. I'm saying he had the journal doctored.
Dylan: And he was able to do this from prison?
Chelsea: Think about it, Dylan. Of all people, victor would be able to do this.
Adam: You're damn right. Just like he was able to manipulate the Newman board members from prison to sell Victoria's company right out from under her nose.
Dylan: And this is all for revenge?
Chelsea: With Victoria, a company that was so important to her, brash & sassy, he was able to do it. And then with Adam --
Adam: Well, with me, he'll just go the extra mile to screw me over. There's no big shocker there.
Dylan: Come on. Setting you up for murder? That's --
Adam: These charges aren't gonna stick, all right? That's not the point. I'm innocent. This investigation's gonna be a nuisance. That's exactly what he wants, right? He wants to piss me off. I let my guard down. And then he comes in with something more devastating. That's the plan.
Dylan: So this is the warning shot?
Chelsea: Or a trap. It's classic sleight of hand. Distract over there while you make the real move right here.
Adam: I'm not falling for it, you know. So while you guys are looking at Constance's body for evidence, I suggest you also look at the diary, try to find some forensic evidence that proves that it was falsified. While you're at it, maybe add a few more years to that son of a bitch's sentence. Could you do that for me?
Chelsea: You -- you do believe us, right?
Dylan: I mean, I wouldn't put anything past victor Newman.
Adam: There you go.
Dylan: All right. If the autopsy report shows no signs of foul play, we'll drop the whole thing.
Adam: All right. You're not gonna find anything, man. I appreciate that. Thanks for coming over, and, uh, let me know when this is over.
Dylan: Yeah, I'll do that.
Adam: Thank you.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Chelsea: You're worried, aren't you?
Adam: I'm not worried. I'm surprised. I'm angry.
Chelsea: How can you be surprised that victor would go after you?
Adam: No, I'm not surprised that he'd come after me. It was just a matter of time before that anvil dropped. What I'm angry about is the fact that he would use sage like this to get what he wants. Sweetheart, we just buried that poor woman. You were great, though, you know. You and me both, actually, keeping Dylan on track there. Teamwork. [Chuckles]
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Listen, I don't want you to worry about this, okay?
Chelsea: No, no, it's not that. I... I don't believe anything in that journal.
Adam: Good.
Chelsea: And I think the truth will come out eventually, that, you know, that it's all lies.
Adam: What's the matter?
Chelsea: You know, it's -- it's just that that lie, that accusation, it takes me back to that place, that time... that long period of time when you let me think that you were dead. You know, you were hiding from the police, you were hiding behind another man's identity even when you came back to Genoa City. You know, it just makes me think back on that time when everything you said to me was a lie. I mean, everything about --
Adam: Not everything. Baby, if you want, if you need to do that, you can ask me.
Chelsea: I don't want to ask you.
Adam: Okay, well, then I'll just tell you. I would never hurt Constance Bingham, all right? I have nothing but affection for that woman. She helped me get back to you and Connor. She gave me a second chance at life. Why -- I'm not a killer. You know that, right? You know me.
Meredith: So, how was that meeting with Adam?
Victor: Oh. Let's say very confrontational.
Meredith: [Chuckles] No kidding.
Victor: Yep. You know, I'd say he's my most difficult child. He was always fascinated between trying to get my approval and trying to best me. But what he said to me last time he was in the visiting room was downright vicious.
Meredith: As you know, I hadn't spoken to my dad in years. I mean, we had nothing. But sometimes anger is a place to start. Now, it may not have been the most pleasant conversation you had with your son, but...
Victor: But it was a conversation. Hmm.
Meredith: Adam makes the effort to show up. I think you need to look past the angry tone and the threats and see that for what it is.
Summer: Grandpa has every right to be angry. His whole family turned their backs on him.
Nikki: And he has turned his back on us.
Summer: No, actually, he -- he hasn't. He loves all of us so much, grandma. We are his whole life. And he has just given and given to us, and he's never asked for anything in return.
Nikki: My darling. There has been a very high price. And how can you set aside all the crimes he's committed, the people he has hurt?
Summer: I am not forgetting any of that -- who we lost or what my mom has been through. But grandpa didn't expect those things to happen.
Nikki: Victor set those things in motion.
Summer: Okay, so we all have reasons not to forgive grandpa, especially me. But if I go my whole life blaming grandpa, then I am ignoring every good thing he's ever done for any of us, especially the fact that he wants to make things right right now. All he wants is a chance, and I am just asking you to give him that chance. Please. For your family. For yourself, okay? Do you really want to go the rest of your life without him?
Nikki: I don't want to go another day without him.
Summer: Okay, then don't.
Nikki: Darling, it's much more complicated than that. And I understand it would be [Sighs] Just futile for me to try to explain to you why I have to break away from victor. But, honey, I need to do it. I have to do this for me.
Victoria: Hank's tavern. [Sighs]
Victoria, we were so impressed with the proposal you submitted.
Victoria: Uh, thanks, Dan. I'm glad you liked it.
I wasn't sure if you understood our concerns, but this proposal definitely demonstrates otherwise.
Victoria: Well, I'm glad we could finally come to a meeting of the minds. [Chuckles] It's the kind of thing victor would have done. I understand now why you keep that picture up there. Motivation.
Victoria: Uh, yes. That's it. Exactly. [Chuckles]
Victoria: Hmm.
[Cell phone rings]
Luca: Hello?
Victoria: Luca? Why are you answering summer's phone?
Luca: She's busy at the moment.
Victoria: Well, tell her to get over here now. [Slams phone] [Sighs]
Dylan: Thanks for agreeing to meet me, Michael.
Michael: You piqued my curiosity. What could I possibly do for the GCPD?
Dylan: Well, I am, uh, gathering information for a case, and I was hoping you can enlighten me with some of the things you may have seen or heard while being retained by victor or in your ongoing role as adviser to Victoria and the family.
Michael: All right, all right, all right. You know what? I may be a suspended lawyer, but I'm not quite ready to confide in the GCPD as my best friend.
Dylan: Well, I'm not asking you to violate attorney/client privilege. [Sighs] I'm trying to determine if victor is working with somebody on the outside, a contact who can engineer an elaborate plot to frame somebody.
Michael: Well, that depends on who victor is framing and why.
Dylan: Well, possibly Adam because --
Michael: Oh, hoo, hoo, hoo, wait. I know that particular "because."
Because victor is out for revenge against his entire family.
Victor: You've given me a new perspective.
Meredith: Well, you did the same for me. So it's only fair. Without your encouragement, I never would have reached out to my father.
Victor: Talking to you about all this seems very easy and very natural.
Meredith: Well, I'm an easy set of ears.
Victor: You are. I enjoyed kissing you.
Meredith: Yeah, about that...
Victor: I think I know what you're about to say. I think we need to keep this on a professional level.
[Telephone rings]
Meredith: Infirmary. Okay. Thank you. You have a visitor.
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: Where's summer?
Luca: I didn't tell her about the call.
Victoria: You didn't tell her?
Luca: I didn't think summer should have to stand here and be berated by you for doing a good job.
Victoria: And how do you know that she did a good job?
Luca: I know summer. I know her attributes.
Victoria: I don't suppose you had anything to do with an e-mail that she sent.
Luca: I may have read an early draft of it.
Victoria: An early draft. You know, appeasing Newman's oil division is not a job that my niece is authorized to handle, and it's not a job that she's capable of handling on her own, so she must have had some help. Your plan is transparent, Luca, and it's futile.
Luca: My plan?
Victoria: Let's drop all the pretense, shall we?
Luca: As you wish.
Victoria: Close the door.
Victor: Hi, my sweetheart.
Summer: Hi, grandpa.
Victor: Hmm. I'm so happy. So happy you came by. Hmm?
Summer: I'm not so happy to be here.
Victor: Sit down, sweetheart.
Summer: Not under these circumstances. I just -- I came here to prepare you. Um...
Victor: For what?
Summer: Grandma is filing for divorce.
Victor: Where'd you hear that?
Summer: Michael. He came and broke the news to Victoria and me, and then I saw Michael and grandma together just now.
Victor: I see.
Summer: I went to talk to grandma myself to beg her not to go through with it, and I tried to remind her of all the amazing things you've ever done for all of us. I just...I don't know why she would do this to you. I don't understand her. I-I don't understand any of them.
Victor: Nor do I. [Sighs] I guess she's willing to throw it all away.
Summer: Grandpa, I'm really, really sorry.
Victor: Thank you, sweetheart, for coming by and telling me, okay? Thank you for your loyalty.
Summer: You're always gonna have it.
Victor: It is all falling apart around me. Except you. You're the one constant. You're the future of this family.
Victoria: You're using summer, and you've somehow convinced her that you can be trusted. You've turned her head to the extent where she's feeding you company secrets, specifics on private phone calls that she overheard in this office.
Luca: Let me ask you something. How was the proposal received by the executives from the oil division?
Victoria: That's beside the point.
Luca: That's exactly the point. The proposal worked. And please note that we put your name on it. I wasn't after any sort of credit.
Victoria: Well, of course you weren't, especially since you don't work here, do you?
Luca: But summer does.
Victoria: What is your motive, Luca?
Luca: To help your company.
Victoria: That is such bull.
Luca: Look, Victoria, you're in the unenviable position of stepping in for your father, managing executives who are fiercely loyal to victor and dubious of your leadership style, even after all these years. Is it fair? Probably not. But you've already had one of your prized divisions sold out from under you. And since oil production is of no particular interest to you --
Victoria: Summer told you all that.
Luca: Your niece was understandably concerned about her family's company.
Victoria: And you were quick to guide her and show her how she could just make everything all better.
Luca: No, summer grasped the problem and the solution. I simply provided the particulars.
Victoria: What if you had gotten her fired?
Luca: You wouldn't do that. She's a good worker. She's smart, she's capable, and her last name is Newman. Your father would have been in full support of what she did.
Victoria: The last thing my father would want is Luca Santori involved in Newman enterprises. That's one thing that he and I can both agree on.
Luca: And yet here I am.
Victoria: Stay the hell away from my company.
Luca: Anything else?
Victoria: Stop using my niece.
Luca: Or you'll fire her? Got it. Look, Victoria, a bit of advice before I go. I know what it's like to be dismissed, underestimated. But it would be a mistake for you to do that with summer. Not only is she smart and talented. She's also a direct conduit to victor, the only Newman he still trusts. Why wouldn't you use that to your advantage?
Victoria: Get out.
[Door closes]
Chelsea: We've got to figure out how victor was able to pull this off.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Yeah, starting with when he was able to get his hands on that journal. And I'm guessing before the trial would have been his best opportunity.
Chelsea: But why would he even want to do that then?
Adam: Well, to punish me. Yeah.
Chelsea: Long before there was something to punish you for?
Adam: Well, victor likes to play the long game, right? So he probably -- he -- he -- he forged that journal so he had leverage, right? Sort of like an insurance policy against me given our history.
Chelsea: I just don't understand. You guys were on relatively good terms at that point. And this isn't about threatening blackmail to keep you in check.
Adam: No, this is about me being convicted of first-degree murder.
Chelsea: I can't believe that victor would go this far this time. I mean, it must -- [Scoffs] It must be because all of his family members turned on him, and now his main focus in life is revenge.
Adam: Yeah. [Sighs]
Chelsea: Adam. Don't do this. Don't let him get in your head. Don't let him hurt you. Let's just focus, okay? Let's just -- let's think. Let's -- let's think like he would.
Adam: Okay, yeah. Um... well, I guess after the sentencing, that's when he would have been angry enough to do something like this, right?
Chelsea: Right, but he would have needed help from the outside, somebody who would be willing to do it for a price.
Adam: Someone who had it in for me.
Chelsea: And, unfortunately, that's not a short list.
Adam: You know, it would have to be somebody who wanted to prove themselves to victor, right, had no qualms about sacrificing me in the process.
Chelsea: You don't think that --
Adam: I don't know. I don't know, but I'm sure as hell gonna find out.
Chelsea: I'm coming with you.
Adam: Come on.
Nikki: How are you?
Victor: That's what you're here to ask me? Say it.
Nikki: I love you.
Victor: Say it.
Nikki: I don't want to do this, but I have to --
Victor: Say it!
Nikki: I'm filing for divorce. I tried, victor. I tried everything to save our marriage, to save you from yourself, but you don't want to be saved.
Victor: What's the real reason?
Nikki: I don't know what you mean by that.
Victor: I want the truth.
Nikki: You think there's another man? There isn't.
Victor: The truth, please.
Nikki: You said that you wouldn't forgive me. You made that very clear. And I can't live that way, not anymore. So I'm just asking that you please not fight me on this.
Victor: I won't fight you on this, okay? Long past that time. You and I have nothing to fight about anymore. Nothing left.
Travis: Guess you just can't stay away.
Victoria: Uh, yeah. I tried. But it turns out that I need a huge favor.
Travis: Name it.
Victoria: Okay, well, I left my phone at your place, and I was hoping that maybe I could just --
Travis: You mean this phone?
Victoria: Yes! Thank you. My life is on that phone. What are you doing?
Travis: Negotiating.
Victoria: I don't have time for this. I have to get back to work.
Travis: I'm good playing this your way, Tori. Anonymous, no questions.
Victoria: Okay, great. So then what's the problem?
Travis: I'm not the kind of guy that sleeps with a married woman.
Victor: [Chuckles] I spent years digging you out of a bottle, and now you insult me.
Nikki: Insult you? For asking for a divorce that you just agreed was the --
Victor: You insult me by your alliances with people like jack Abbott!
Nikki: This has nothing to do with jack.
Victor: You have got me exactly where you want me, don't you?
Nikki: Victor, that is not true!
Victor: You have actually manipulated my children to turn against me!
Nikki: All right, stop! Now you are rewriting history. Let me remind you, I didn't bring that criminal to town. I didn't have jack kidnapped. And I didn't --
Victor: You cavorted with other men!
Nikki: That is not true.
Victor: That ended it for me!
Nikki: All right, enough.
Victor: Don't you worry about this! No fight about property, no fight about money, nothing!
Nikki: That's fine. I don't want or need anything from you.
Victor: You may regret saying those words. Trust me.
Nikki: I already have what's important to me. My family and my children.
Victor: Great. Good for you.
Nikki: You were supposed to be a part of that family.
Victor: You come here and serve me divorce papers, and now you tell me I was supposed to be a part of that family? Are you serious?!
Nikki: All I did was have the papers expedited. That's it.
Victor: Good!
Nikki: Someday when you finally snap out of it and realize that you're all alone, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself!
Victor: Get the hell out of here!
Nikki: Don't worry.
Michael: There were detailed emotional entries in sage's diary documenting her realization that Adam, who was posing as Constance's grandson Gabriel at the time, poisoned the old woman.
Dylan: Because Constance figured out that Adam wasn't Gabriel and she was gonna expose him to the police.
Michael: And yet sage remained silent this whole time.
Dylan: Yeah, she remained silent, but it was laid out in the pages about her own fears of what Adam would do to her if he knew she was on to him. That's why she remained silent.
Michael: That is a compelling story, but a bit of a reach, don't you think, since the woman was what -- 300, 400 years old?
Dylan: That's a bit of a reach.
Michael: Yeah, it's a bit -- you know what? The point being, everything is moot if Constance died of natural causes, which is very likely since she was... about 200 years old.
Dylan: My point is that there's motive, method, and opportunity for murder laid out in those pages. Which means there's a possibility that Adam actually did this.
Luca: Where's Victoria?
Adam: I'm sure my sister won't mind us using her office to take care of you.
Luca: What are you talking about?
Adam: The journal that you had forged. It was you, right?
Luca: Journal? I -- what journal?
Adam: Oh, come on, Luca. You've been working on the outside doing my father's bidding ever since you had me fired from that hedge fund.
Luca: I have no idea what you're talking about. Journals? Forgery? I -- and I already told you. I didn't get you fired.
Adam: Uh-huh. Like hell you didn't.
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: Now, why don't you tell me what you did, and why don't you tell me what you know? [Scribbling]
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: Yeah, this is McAvoy. Well, I'm waiting on Constance Bingham's autopsy. So if you're gonna tell me there's another delay, I just ca-- you got the results? Was she poisoned?
Nikki: Honey, I know this is going to upset you, and that's why I want to tell you myself. I served your grandfather with divorce papers.
Summer: He must have been really upset.
Nikki: Actually, he couldn't have cared less.
Summer: Grandma, that was all an act. When I went to the prison to tell him, he was --
Nikki: Wait, wait, wait. You went and warned him about this?
Summer: Yes, I went to prepare him, and when I told him, he was devastated.
Nikki: Okay. He was not devastated. That was an act for you. He doesn't want to risk losing the only person who still sees him as the man he was. But he is not that man anymore.
Summer: Yes, he is!
Nikki: Honey, I know it's difficult for you to accept. It's been difficult for me. I've spent most of my life with victor Newman, and I've never stopped loving him.
Summer: Okay, so then how can you be doing this to him?
Nikki: Because he's not victor anymore, all right? He's changed. He's turned into somebody who is just obsessed with revenge. I don't know what he's capable of. I don't even recognize him anymore.
[Door slams]
Victor: [Sighs]
Meredith: That guard is gonna start getting suspicious.
Victor: I don't care. [Sighs] My wife just served me the divorce papers.
Meredith: I'm so sorry.
Victor: Confirms what I've suspected for a long time. That whatever love there was between us... has been gone for a long time.
Victoria: I am divorced.
Travis: But every time you pick up your phone, there he is. It's kind of unusual to keep a photo of your ex as a screensaver.
Victoria: It's a photo of my children. My ex just also happens to be in the photo. You can think whatever you want, okay? I'm not lying to you.
Travis: Okay. Glad we got that cleared up.
Victoria: Great, yeah. Good. I got to get back to work.
Travis: Back to your real life.
Victoria: Yeah, back to my real life. [Sighs] Thank you for bringing this.
Luca: Hey, get your --
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You think you can mess with my life and get away with it?! Is that what you think?!
Luca: Hey, I didn't, all right? Could you get his hands off me?
Chelsea: I can't control him.
Adam: She can't control me. Why don't you tell me what you did, huh?
Luca: Okay.
Adam: Tell me what you did!
Luca: All right, all right, all right, okay. Look, I-I made some calls for victor -- for victor. And yes, I got you fired.
Chelsea: Oh, my God.
Adam: There it is, sweetheart. See? He got me fired. What else did you do, huh?
Luca: Hey, that journal business, all right? I don't know anything about that, okay? I don't even know what you're talking about.
Adam: Really?
Chelsea: Sure.
Luca: Yes, really. I swear. Look, you said something about being framed? What are you being framed for? Maybe I can help you.
Chelsea: [Scoffs]
Adam: Sweetheart, he wants to help us. You're a nice guy, aren't you?
Dylan: Adam Newman. You're under arrest.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: How can you use my dead wife to try and get even with Adam?
Dylan: Evidence suggests that the murder was committed exactly as sage supposedly described. How would you explain that?
Michael: All you have to do is admit that you set up your son, right here, right now.
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