Y&R Transcript Friday 5/20/16
Episode # 10926 ~ Billy can't resist Phyllis; Victor charms Meredith; Abby fights to save her marriage.
Provided By Suzanne
Meredith: Okay.
Victor: I believe it's just a bruise, you know.
Meredith: That is a very deep bruise. And you should've come in last night when it happened instead of sitting and stewing and pretending that your son didn't drive you over the edge.
Victor: Mm, well... my son is non-issue.
Meredith: So what about all that talk about forgiveness? Or was that just something you said to get me to help you?
Victor: I meant what I said. I've forgiven many people in my life. But my family's not returning the favor. In fact... my son just told me that he would like to see me rot in here.
Meredith: Oh, but those are just words.
Victor: No, no. He was gloating. I think my family's dancing on my grave.
Billy: The new fragrance, targeted at the millennials.
Ashley: And you want my help?
Billy: [Chuckles] Well, you're not at jabot anymore, so you're not competition, so you can help your brother out. And let's be honest -- I have a nose for good cigars and single-malt scotch, but this stuff, not so much.
Ashley: Ha. Or maybe that's all part of Victor's diabolical plan. Makes it possible for you to snap up Victoria's beloved brand, but then you are forever tortured. Oh, my God. The horror of having to choose between bergamot and amber.
Billy: Well, I wouldn't put it past him, everything he's done to ruin my life. Wouldn't be surprised if he's behind this ridiculous visitation agreement Victoria gave me.
Ashley: Did you sign the agreement?
Billy: [Sighs]
Ashley: You don't get to moan about it. Besides, you get to raise your kids, run a blue-chip company, and live in the chancellor mansion. Doesn't seem like you're suffering all that much.
Billy: What if I am? What if this is exactly what Victoria wants? Me, pining over her forever. I'm not gonna do that. I want a life. I want to...feel alive, maybe even care about somebody else someday.
Ashley: Someday or right now? Is there a new woman in your life?
Jack: Let's try to get another meeting on the books. We'll include Neil and Hilary in this when they get here. We can also invite Eleanor Roosevelt and the dalai lama.
Phyllis: Hmm? What?
Jack: Wow. Where were you just now? Tell me it was Istanbul. I'd like to take a little mental vacation myself.
Phyllis: No, right here, with you. Exactly where I want to be. I don't need a vacation or a daydream. I just need you.
Abby: [Chuckles] That duck didn't like you at all.
Stitch: Yeah, that's called a love peck. It's called duck affection.
Abby: Well, I think she was more interested in your ankles than she was the bread.
Stitch: Yeah, that's 'cause they're sexy. Check it out -- "whoa! Resistance is futile! Mmm!"
Abby: They are pretty sexy. I missed you. I've missed -- I've missed this. I've missed laughing.
Stitch: Yeah. Not much to laugh about for a long time now. And I'm sorry.
Abby: It's not your fault.
Stitch: Yeah, it is. I pushed you away when you needed me. After the miscarriage, I was missing in action.
Abby: Max needed you.
Stitch: I will never abandon you again. You're it, Abby. You, us, this marriage. Everything else comes after that.
Abby: But, Ben, I don't need all of you. You were a father before I even met you. And we can walk through the park, we can feed the ducks, but I know you're wondering how max is doing in therapy. And so am I. So why don't you call? Why don't you check on him?
Stitch: Hey, hey. This is my time with you. Now let's get back to making those ducks jealous, all right? Whoa, hey! Heads up.
Abby: I know.
Stitch: You know what?
Abby: I know what you're thinking even if you won't say it. The park, the kids, the soccer ball... max should be here playing. He should be here with you.
Cane: There's Charlie. Passes the ball to Mattie for the goal. And look -- Ashby twins for the win.
Lily: Aww.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: Oh, we're so lucky. Twins are happy and healthy, and when I think of stitch's son...
Cane: Yeah, I know, it was horrible what happened to him and his dad.
Hilary: I take it you guys are talking about max. Yeah, everyone at the lab, they doted on him. I hope he finally gets the help he needs.
Lily: [Chuckles] She's all heart, isn't she?
Cane: Yeah.
Hilary: I think jack's probably waiting for us. Excuse us.
Cane: You know, I am proud of you.
Lily: Why, 'cause I kept my control? Did I tell you how much I hate her?
Cane: Uh, maybe about a thousand times last night, but I wasn't really counting.
Lily: I just -- the fact that person can put my father and my brother in jail makes me want to scream. I know my dad goes along with her insanity, but shouldn't jack know better? How can someone with that much experience not see what a snake she is?
Cane: You do know you can take away her power with one word to the police. But that would expose Neil and Devon, and that's not a decision you're prepared to make. Unless you want to change your mind and take Hilary down.
Stitch: Yo! Heads up!
Abby: Go see max today. It's okay.
Stitch: Look...it's okay. The psychologist says max has -- you know, he's -- he's scheduled for therapy and activities all day today, so... where should we go for lunch? All right?
Abby: Parents are welcome. It'll be good for you. It'll be good for both of you. You've been apart too long as it is now.
Stitch: We were apart for too long. And you and I have plans, and I owe you a good day, Abby.
Abby: That's -- that's not how marriage works. Who owes what?
Stitch: [Scoffs] You kidding me? That's exactly how it works. I owed you trust and compassion and to just listen to what you said, not shut you down. When I think about what you've had to handle on your own these last few weeks --
Abby: Do you love me?
Stitch: [Scoffs] So damn much.
Abby: Then that's it. That's all I need.
Stitch: I made you doubt it and left you all alone.
Abby: And you're back. You're back, and I know that you are not going anywhere, so that's why I say, with complete confidence, go see max. He needs you. You need him. And you have just given me everything that I need.
Stitch: Oh, baby. [Chuckles] You're the best thing that ever happened to me. You know that? I love you.
Meredith: Just let me finish this. And then you can go back to thinking about retaliation all you want.
Victor: Yeah, well... focus on what my son said about me dying in here alone.
Meredith: Is that why you punched him?
Victor: I didn't punch him. No, I just -- being in here... and having him... spew the hatred he did, I guess it got to me. It was a mistake.
Meredith: Have you ever thought of forgiving him?
Victor: That's pretty hard to do... after your son just told you that he wants you to rot in here.
Meredith: Well, yes. But... forgiveness, it makes you feel better. More at peace. As long as you don't expect anything in return. There's always hope. For all of us. For all things.
Billy: The woman in my life is smart, sexy, independent. It's the kind of woman you can't help but notice, and when she walks by, you can't get her perfume out of your mind. She's a brash and sassy kind of girl. That's the woman in my life. Now I just need a few million of them.
Ashley: You are so ridiculous.
Billy: Hey, focused on my business.
Ashley: Right. There's no way you're gonna fill up your days and your nights with spreadsheets and fragrance samples. Are you kidding? Raising kids and work are not enough for you, Billy -- I know that much about you -- at least not for long.
Billy: Okay. Let's say, hypothetically, of course, if I was to move on, what am I supposed to do? Would I be a jerk for doing that? Everybody wants me to just wait for Victoria forever?
Ashley: She might come around.
Billy: Might? That's no way to live a life. You know that.
Ashley: So, hypothetically... if there were a woman in your life... do you think she's gonna be able to help you forgive Victoria?
Billy: [Chuckles]
Ashley: Is that a yes or a no?
Jack: Good to see you both.
Hilary: Yeah, you too. And it's so nice to see you both together.
Phyllis: That's the second time you seemed so surprised that a husband and wife enjoy each other's company. That's usually how it works.
Hilary: Well, I know how it works. But you know how couples can be. Sometimes things get in the way -- scheduling, tension, things like that.
Neil: Uh, excuse me for a minute. Can I -- can I just talk to you?
Yeah. Jack, we have so much to talk about.
Neil: What are you doing? What are you trying to pull here?
Hilary: Nothing for you to worry about.
Neil: Jack and Phyllis are my friends. They have been through enough.
Hilary: Well, jack has been my friend for a long time, as well. And, you know, it's strange, because he has no idea how much we have in common now, since we've both been held captive. But, you know, maybe I could tell him. Maybe I could tell everyone. And then you can't ask me what I'm up to, because then you would be in prison. But at least you'll be there with your son.
Phyllis: Honestly, saying anything personal to that woman... I thought that we agreed, whatever happens in this marriage stays in this marriage.
Jack: Hilary means well.
Phyllis: She is a human wrecking ball. She bulldozed her way into Ashley's company, she bulldozed her way into this foundation. Devon was the love of her life, and now she treats him like a wallet with legs.
Jack: She is complicated, yes. I'm not arguing that. She's done thing that I think a lot of people would call unorthodox to get what she wants. That remind you of any other woman we know?
Phyllis: Do not compare me to that woman.
Jack: I'm just saying she fights for what she wants.
Phyllis: Yeah, which is to be supreme ruler of the universe.
Jack: She just wants to prove herself. No one has ever cut Hilary any breaks. She just had her sister-in-law throw a drink in her face.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, maybe lily had a point.
Jack: Hey. Where is all this hostility coming from? Is this because she left Neil for Devon? I mean, we've certainly been around things like that.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. But that kind of woman? All this dislike because she committed the crime of caring about somebody other than her husband? Wh-what did I say?
Phyllis: I'm just being emotional. These are tears of impotent rage.
Jack: Wait, wait. Rage? About what? Hilary?
Phyllis: She should pay for her sins instead of acting like queen goddess who can control all things.
Jack: Hilary has paid, plenty. There has to be a statute of limitations on infidelity, don't you think?
Phyllis: Jack, this is none of my business. If Neil and you want to work with that woman, that's your call. But watch your back. That kind of woman will always want more. There's no such thing as enough.
Jack: Wh-- Phyllis...
Lily: How long am I supposed to pretend that Hilary hasn't done something truly despicable?
Cane: Well, that is up to you. But whatever you decide, I want you to know I'll stand by you. 'Cause I won't let other people's issues get between us again. Okay?
Billy: Holy garlic. Yeah, that'll keep the vampires away. [Groans] What do women want? Not doing this.
Abby: Did you find a cure for Hilary yet?
Ashley: [Chuckles] No, but I'll work on that one next. Are you feeling better? You made a joke.
Abby: Oh. [Chuckles] I wasn't joking. I'm dead serious.
Ashley: Thought you were gonna take the day off and be with Ben?
Abby: We had a very sweet morning. Ducks attacked his ankles.
[Both laugh]
Ashley: Okay. I guess that's sweet.
Abby: But Ben needs to be with max. If he was sick in the hospital, then he would be there around the clock. This can't be any different. Max needs doctors, but he needs his father, too.
Ashley: You're such a good wife, Abby. You're a great stepmom, too.
Abby: I wonder if Ben agrees. Now every time I try to bring up max...I can tell he doesn't want to talk about it. He just changes the subject.
Ashley: Well, can you imagine how he feels? Probably wants to go back in time so he can see the signals before you get hurt, before everything went out of control.
Abby: Yeah, but we can't go back. It doesn't change anything.
Ashley: I know, but it's human nature to want to rewrite history. Neville and I do. We were so proud of ourselves that max trusted us. We weren't listening to you, and I'm sorry for that.
Abby: You two were max's only friends in town. Maybe you two stopped things from getting even worse.
Ashley: Wow. You're incredibly mature. You know that, right? I guess that kind of happened overnight, didn't it.
Abby: Well, this is where we are now. And I want to help Ben through this. I just -- I don't know if he'll let me.
Ashley: Have you told him what you want?
Abby: Yes, but he doesn't hear me.
Ashley: Well, just keep saying it, because he's gonna have to listen over time.
Abby: I know. Nick thinks that there's a curse on the Newmans, that we can't be happy, and maybe he's right.
Ashley: Please, there's no curse. Besides, you're half Abbott. You're gonna be happy. You will be happy. I promise you. You will be happy.
Meredith: This can't happen.
Victor: What can't happen?
Meredith: We have to keep this professional. I'm the doctor. You're the patient, prisoner. That's it. The lines must not be crossed.
Victor: I agree. I guess, for a moment, we were just people.
Meredith: Well, this environment can...stir up emotions, but I'm just here to make you well. That's all.
Victor: Oh. It feels good to talk to someone. My family has turned their back on me. When no one can see you for who you really are... makes you feel kind of lonely.
Meredith: I see you. I see you, and... and you're not alone.
Victor: You're beautiful.
Meredith: I'm sorry. Uh...that was my mistake.
Victor: Mm.
Meredith: I, uh -- I must have given you the wrong impression. I'm sorry. Um... but I need to be clear now.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Meredith: That can't happen again.
Victor: Okay.
[Knock on door]
Doc, is the prisoner ready?
Meredith: Yeah. We're done. You can take him back to his cell.
Stitch: Thanks.
Ashley: Hey, Ben.
Stitch: Ashley, what are you doing here?
Ashley: Hi. I called for you at the therapy center. They said you left. How was your visit with max?
Stitch: You know, he was willing to see me, so that's something.
Ashley: You really thought he wouldn't see you?
Stitch: I don't know. He's so angry and frightened. And, of course, he blames me for being where he is. You know, I'm his father. I'm supposed to protect him.
Ashley: That's what you're doing. That's what a good parent does.
Stitch: I let this happen. I should've saved him from himself.
Ashley: Nobody saw this coming.
Stitch: Abby did.
Ashley: Do you resent her for that?
Stitch: What? No. God, no. No.
Ashley: Well, then, why aren't you letting her in? You can lean on her, you know. She's not gonna break. Maybe talk to her about max once in a while. Maybe even take her to visit him.
Stitch: No. Never. Okay. As much as I'm supposed to protect max, I'm supposed to protect my wife, too. And I didn't. I failed her. Abby's suffered enough.
Ashley: She needs to know that she's part of your world and that she's part of your life. Life is too short for you to keep pushing her away. Why don't you reach out to her?
Stitch: I don't know what to say to her.
Ashley: You're a real smart guy. I know you can figure it out.
Lily: Abby, hey. Why don't you, uh, come into the dining room?
Abby: The fire may have destroyed the surveillance footage, but it's like I have a tape inside my head. It's like I'm watching myself, like I'm watching it happen.
Lily: I wish there was something I could do, that we could've done.
Abby: Uh, well, we just have to focus on now. Max is getting well. You know, he's -- he's just a kid.
Lily: I know, but it's okay to think about yourself, too. I mean, is there anything that you need?
Abby: I don't know if "need" is the right word. I just... I miss those first days after the wedding. Anything seemed possible. I-I miss those days. I miss my husband.
Hilary: It's a weekend retreat where we can really focus on global strategy for the foundation, just away from the normal constraints of everyday life.
Jack: A chance for board members and staff to bond, to knock around ideas without distractions.
Neil: Is, uh, Devon invited, too, or is he another constraint, Hilary?
Jack: Is there something I'm not getting here? I thought we all felt we could work together on this board.
Hilary: No, of course we can.
Jack: Neil, would you agree with that?
Hilary: You know, Neil, he raised some concerns earlier, but I thought that I put him at ease. Was I wrong, Neil?
Neil: No. It's not an issue, jack. Let's move on.
Jack: If you're sure.
Hilary: Yes, we are. Whatever issues we may have, they take a back seat to this mission. The foundation -- it is very near and dear to both of our hearts. And we just want to make sure you have everything you need, jack. Now, that is what matters.
Billy: I'm not...
Phyllis: You're not what?
Billy: Stalking you, if that's what you're thinking. It's actually the exact opposite. I was just...on my bike...
Phyllis: Who was on the back this time?
Billy: Nobody. Just me. Doing my best to try and forget about you, and yet here you are, sitting on a park bench. You know, some people would call that fate.
Phyllis: Billy...please...
Billy: Please, what, Phyllis? You want me to go? You want to stay?
Phyllis: Get on your bike and leave me alone.
Billy: You know how crazy you made me feel at restless style back in the day? Walking confidence and ego elbowing me in the head every time I turned around. You're still making me crazy. Take a ride with me.
Phyllis: Why are you still standing there? Leave me alone. I am asking you -- I am begging you.
Billy: I can't. [Clears throat] Sorry. I can't.
Phyllis: What is wrong with you? Somebody could see you here.
Billy: So, I'm your brother-in-law. We're former business partners. Nobody needs to know that we're lovers.
Phyllis: Shut. Up.
Billy: Scarlet mist by jabot. Your perfume. It's in my clothes. It's in my house. I can't get it out of my mind. I can't pick a new perfume for my business because all I smell is you.
Phyllis: Okay, stop it. I don't want to hear it. You need to shut up.
Billy: How often do you think about it? What happened between us in my house the other day. Or should I say, when haven't you thought about it --
Phyllis: Are you deranged?
Billy: That's not the word that I would use for what I am.
Phyllis: No, but you know what? You are not a blushing virgin. It was sex. It was a mistake. It was a selfish, stupid, impulse. I am jack's wife, and you are jack's brother, and I'm not going to destroy this family.
Billy: This isn't an accident, Phyllis. Finding you here like this, same time, same place. It's gonna happen. Over and over, again and again. Whether you admit you want it or not. Because this is real.
Jack: I think the retreat is an excellent idea. I'm gonna run it by Ashley, though.
Hilary: Okay. I'll come with you. We can present it together.
Neil: Hey, uh, hold on a minute. There -- there's some P.R. Questions that I'd like to ask, if you don't mind.
Hilary: Oh, well, that can wait.
Jack: No, no, no. You stay here. I'll handle Ashley. You two keep your heads together. I want to foster cooperation. It's good for the foundation. It's good for your family.
Hilary: Thought I made myself clear -- we have nothing more to talk about. And, plus, jack needs me.
Neil: Jack doesn't need a damn thing from you. You -- you have me right where you want me -- don't you? -- And you have Devon and his billions. And now you need to conquer something else, and that something else is my friend. My friend, jack Abbott. See, he deserves to know exactly the kind of person you are, that you are aiming for his head.
Hilary: Oh, and you're gonna tell him? [Chuckles] Yeah, I don't think so. I mean, not unless you want the cops knocking at your door.
Cane: All right, what was that about?
Lily: One guess.
Mr. Newman.
Victor: Yeah.
Doc wants to see you.
Victor: Oh. All right.
[Door closes]
Victor: I thought we were done.
Meredith: I wanted to go over the x-ray of your hand that I took.
Victor: Mm-hmm. I'm sorry.
Meredith: You had no right. Like I said, I am the doctor, you are the patient. You are the prisoner.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Meredith: That's it. Why did you kiss me?
Victor: 'Cause you're beautiful. You don't have to treat me anymore.
Meredith: It's my job to treat you. I can't just walk away. And I can't do that because I can't stop thinking about you.
Lily: Sit.
Hilary: Excuse me?
Lily: I said sit.
Hilary: Oh, someone's feeling feisty today. Oh, that's so cute.
Lily: You're disgusting. I know you know that already, but I just like saying it. And I saw my dad rush out of here. I assume it's 'cause you were torturing him again. But then again, being in the same room with you is torture. And I know that he cannot stand watching you suck up to jack.
Hilary: Oh, poor cane. He almost got away from you. But I guess he's addicted to this self-righteous whining. Honestly, it gives me a headache.
Lily: You may be able to charm jack, and you can blackmail my dad, but there is nothing you can do to shut me down.
Hilary: Oh, really? So does that mean you're gonna turn in daddy dearest? [Gasps] Because this I have got to see.
Neil: Yeah, thanks.
Cane: So you're getting drunk, huh?
Neil: In case you have forgotten, I am an alcoholic, and this is what alcoholic's do. No, this one's not gonna get me drunk, nor will the next one, but the next few after that might.
Cane: Okay. So, uh -- so what happens then? You pass out? Get locked up in the drunk tank or, what -- you end up facedown in a ditch? How do you think lily and kids will feel about that?
Neil: Ho ho. Listen to you. Lily and the kids, huh? They're better off without me.
Cane: You know, if you want, you can play the self-pity card, you know, but you did get yourself in this situation, so you can always be a man and get yourself out of it. Yeah.
Neil: Shut up and drink... or get out of here.
Jack: We could do brainstorming, team building -- make the staff feel valued and involved.
Ashley: I love it. You've never suggested anything like that before for jabot, and I'm very impressed.
Jack: Well, before you give me too much credit, it was Hilary's idea.
Ashley: Yeah, right. Well, what's in it for her?
Jack: Why does everything think she has an ulterior motive?
Ashley: Are you kidding me? I thought I was gonna die within weeks, jack. She blackmailed me out of my job.
Jack: Yes, we agreed she overstepped. I thought we also agreed to move on.
Ashley: Well, just because I didn't take a hit out on her doesn't mean I think she's a harmless naif.
Jack: No, she's not, and she doesn't claim to be. Look, this town is full of people who have been given second chances. Hell, if this was Billy, people would be tripping over themselves to give him a second shot. Why not Hilary?
Ashley: Well, maybe because Billy usually only ends up hurting himself.
Jack: Well, tell that to Victoria.
Ashley: Ugh. He knows very well where she stands. It's very sad, too, because you know how Billy gets when he loses Victoria. He becomes very reckless.
Jack: Yeah, the way he conducts business, the way he chases after women...
Ashley: Mm. Or one woman. I got the feeling that maybe he's involved with somebody, maybe to try to get Victoria out of his system. God knows how this is gonna turn out.
Abby: Ben? Are you here?
Stitch: I didn't, uh... I didn't have the words, so I thought I'd just show you.
Abby: Show me what?
Stitch: This.
Abby: What are you doing?
Stitch: I'm going back, Abby. Back before everything, before all of this, to the moment when I carried you over the threshold.
Abby: I've been wanting... but... it's not possible.
Stitch: No, no, no. It's -- it's... it's not. You know, we can't go back. We can't undo the last few months, but... we can start again. Let me show you, Abby. Show you we can start over.
Victor: Just watching you... listening to you... the way you take care of me. But knowing that I can't have you because of this damn place... it's very frustrating. That's the real prison.
Neil: What'd I tell you? Drink or leave.
Cane: Nah. I'm gonna stay.
Neil: All right. Fine. I'll leave. All right, where are my keys?
Cane: You know what? My dad didn't teach me much, but he taught me how to lift a set of keys.
Neil: Okay. That's cool. I'm -- I'm gonna take a cab.
Cane: And a wallet.
[Both laugh]
Neil: You know, this coming from anyone else would be annoying, but coming from you, it's very comical.
Cane: I'm glad you find it funny, 'cause if lily was watching this, I doubt she would be laughing.
Neil: Well, let me tell you something. It doesn't really matter. I told you, lily's done with me.
Cane: Oh, okay. So I see how this works. You screw up, and she gets punished. She keeps your secret, and this is how you repay her. Got it.
Neil: Lily is concerned about her kid brother and making sure that he's not charged as an accessory. She really doesn't care about me or protecting me.
Cane: That's what you think, really? She loves you. She is on your side. But you know what? That might change when she realizes who you are as a person. Have a good night, Neil.
Neil: Hey, give me another one.
Lily: I'm gonna tell you a secret. I can take you down without exposing my father.
Hilary: Oh. You think so?
Lily: You're a climber. You want money and power and status. But more than that, you want someone to gaze at you like you're an actual decent human being.
Hilary: Well, don't worry. I have a husband for that.
Lily: [Laughing] Oh. No, you don't, actually. Devon knows what you are now. Which is why you're gonna move on.
Hilary: Devon loves me, okay? And I love him.
Lily: You don't love him. You love his money. How long do you think Devon will keep you around when I tell him that you're making a play for jack Abbott?
Jack: Wait. A new woman in Billy's life?
Ashley: Mm-hmm. I could just sense it.
Jack: You know what? It's probably Fiona. Fiona Henley is a buyer at Dillman's. Billy's been trying to seduce her into stocking brash & sassy! And he failed once. He's always up to the challenge, particularly when that challenge involves a smart, beautiful woman.
Ashley: Nope. It's not business. I could just tell. You know, he worked so hard to deny that there was any woman at all. Just gave me the feeling that this woman means something to Billy. Something real.
Phyllis: It was sex. It wasn't real. And it is over now.
Billy: So that's your story?
Phyllis: It's because it's the truth, and I want you to go away. Fine. I'll go. You stay away from --
Billy: It's magnetic, Phyllis. It's electric, okay? I can't leave the room when you're in it. I hear your voice when you're not there. I feel your skin, I smell your damn perfume. Jack doesn't deserve you.
Phyllis: That is not your decision.
Billy: If you were my wife, I wouldn't let anyone --
Phyllis: Your wife? What is your problem?
Billy: I would hold on to you for dear life. You understand that?
Phyllis: Do you hear yourself? You are making this into a love affair, and it was just a few moments. It was nothing more than that.
Billy: Don't lie to me. I play it over and over in my head, I think about us, I think about me and you, and I think we can do this, okay? Me and you against the world. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. Just say yes to me, and you would be everything to me. Do you understand?
Phyllis: Stop it. Please stop it. Stop it.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Luca: I know what it's like to be dismissed, but it would be a mistake for you to do that with summer. She's our direct conduit to Victor.
Michael: Everything seems to be as you've requested.
Summer: Grandma is filing for divorce.
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