Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/19/16


Episode # 10925 ~ Adam has a target on his back; Michael pushes Kevin to make up with Mariah; Luca wants Summer to play dirty at Newman Enterprises.

Provided By Suzanne

Adam: The last thing sage wanted was for nick to find out that I was Christian's father, right? So, why the hell would she write it in a journal? Right? A journal that somebody could just pick up and read.

Chelsea: I don't know. But I will tell you nick was furious when he was here. Like, he was beyond furious, Adam. The only thing that makes sense is that he must have found out about Christian's true paternity. He mourned a child that wasn't his, and he's angry about it.

Adam: I'm telling you -- it's something else.

Chelsea: All right. Well, whatever sage did write in that journal...it's not good.

Nick: Sage kept a journal. I just finished reading it. You are not gonna believe this.

Sharon: Nick, wa-wait.

Nick: Sage wouldn't lie to me about this, not about this. I need you to listen to me.

Dylan: Okay. Go ahead.

Nick: You need to arrest Adam.

Dylan: Uh...on what -- what charge?

Nick: Murder.

Sharon: Murder? What? That's crazy.

Dylan: Wait, Adam killed somebody? Who?

Travis: What can I get you?

Victoria: Dad just loves the energy division every since we made the new acquisition. But I loathe it. That's right. I said loathe. Because that's how much I hate it because it's a mess. And the executives are a bunch of dinosaurs who don't listen to one word that I have to say.

Summer: Well, I guess they still feel loyal to grandpa.

Victoria: Well, that stops today, because I am gonna hit them with so many facts and figures that they'll have no choice but to respect me.

Summer: Okay. Well, let me know how I can help you.

Victoria: Thanks for the offer, but why don't you let me do the heavy lifting on this one.

Kevin: Hey-O. How's forced retirement from the law office? Any new hobbies? Lawn bowling, bedazzling? [Gasps] Interpretive dance?

Michael: As fascinating as those sound, I have a brilliant legal mind working to appeal the suspension of my law license.

Kevin: You?

Michael: Do you know of a more brilliant legal mind?

Kevin: [Chuckles] I think that's great. I knew you weren't ready for shuffleboard and early-bird specials.

Michael: It was really Lauren's idea. I was thinking about it, but she gave me the push I needed.

Kevin: Yeah, women have a way of doing that.

Michael: Helping?

Kevin: Pushing.

Michael: I don't even want to know what that means.

Kevin: Well, I think it's great you're getting back in the game. It's always good to have a lawyer in the family just in case. At least now I could afford to pay my own bail.

Michael: [Chuckles] Well, as your brother and sometimes legal attorney, I think you should do us both a favor and, you know, try to stay on the right side of the law, at least for the foreseeable future. Um, I know that her frowny face and her smiley face aren't that different, but... what's up with Mariah?

Kevin: I wouldn't know. She moved out, but whatever it is, it can't be good.

Nick: Adam murdered Constance Bingham.

Sharon: Gabe Bingham's grandmother?

Nick: It's all true, according to this journal.

Dylan: Constance Bingham died over a year ago from natural causes, all right?

Nick: Sage must have found out the truth recently. She went to the grave believing that Adam killed Constance.

Dylan: Okay. Ho-hold on. Wasn't Constance like a mother to sage? If Adam killed her, why would sage protect him?

Nick: Maybe she was afraid of what Adam would do to her.

Michael: Oh, for Pete's sake, go talk to her.

Kevin: I can't.

Michael: What, the parting wasn't amicable?

Kevin: This is Mariah we're talking about. She isn't even amicable when she tries to be.

Michael: Huh. Let me guess. Your new pass key wealth, spending all your time with Natalie, seeing how the other half lives -- Mariah had it?

Kevin: It's not like I threw it in her face.

Michael: Oh, please. You're in everybody's face. I'm following you on social media. You and Natalie got matching custom-painted hoverboards last week. The glamour shots of your classic car? You don't find that slightly irritating?

Kevin: I'm exploring a new lifestyle.

Michael: With your new best friend who's not Mariah.

Kevin: She's not my best friend. She's...Natalie. She's been real busy trying to fix this pass key bug.

Michael: So, your best friend can't come out and play and you realize you miss Mariah.

Kevin: I miss the hell out of her. I hate that she moved out.

Michael: Ugh. Why are you telling me this? Go. Talk to her. Now.

Kevin: Hey. Can I, uh, buy you another drink?

Mariah: Excuse me. Hi. Can I do another one? Uh, top shelf this time. He can afford it.

Kevin: Two, please. I've been a jerk. I get it. I bought a bunch of over-the-top things and bragged about it.

Mariah: Shouldn't you be on a safari with Natalie, getting eaten by a lion?

Kevin: She's busy.

Mariah: Hmm. So, you're slumming it.

Kevin: Look, Mariah, we may not be roommates anymore, but we're still friends. I care about you, and nothing is gonna change that. So, lay it on me. What's going on? Are you okay?

Mariah: I couldn't be farther from okay.

Sharon: Are you sure you understood what sage wrote? This is a difficult time, and you've admitted to having trouble keeping things straight.

Nick: I have read and re-read this.

Dylan: Okay. Are you sure it's not a dream journal? I mean, she could have been having nightmares. People find it therapeutic it to write that stuff down.

Nick: Listen to this. "How could Adam do this? Constance was so good to him. That he would kill her in cold blood? The horror of it haunts me. How do I live with this?" Does that sound like a dream to you?

Dylan: Okay, but why? What motive -- what motive would Adam have?

Nick: Well, according to this, Constance must have figured out that Adam was posing as Gabriel Bingham. And in order to keep his cover from being blown, he killed her.

Dylan: Did sage say how?

Nick: Constance had a weak heart. Adam must have made it look like it finally gave out. Look, it's all right here in this journal, and we all know what Adam is capable of. My wife went to the grave. She suffered because of this, and Adam is not gonna get away with it. If you're not gonna investigate this, I'll take it to Paul.

Dylan: Nick, nick, nick. I'll look into it.

Nick: Thanks.

Dylan: I'm just hoping, for Chelsea's and Connor's sake, it's not true. Uh, I'll meet you back at the house.

Sharon: Okay. You're going now?

Dylan: Yeah. I mean, the sooner we get to the bottom of this, the better. Wait a minute. You -- you wanted to tell me something.

Sharon: It's already forgotten.

Dylan: Okay. All right, little man. I'll see you at the house.

Nick: See you.

Sharon: You look exhausted. Maybe you should go home, get some rest.

Nick: I just don't understand this. I loved sage. I trusted her with everything. Why did she feel like she couldn't trust me with something this important?

Sharon: Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone and you want the best for them, there can be a very good reason for not telling them something, even if it seems very important.

Nick: All right. Then you explain it to me. How can you look someone in the eye and lie to them over and over again, someone that you love? How can you do that?

Adam: So, obviously sage lied to nick about something big. Did he say what it was about? What did he say when he came over here all huffing and puffing, going crazy?

Chelsea: It was all about the letter sage left you. He wanted to know what it said. I lied. I told him I didn't know.

Adam: Thank you. Did, uh -- did you happen to mention that I burnt the letter?

Chelsea: We burnt the letter. And, no, of course I didn't tell him.

Adam: Okay. That's good. Then he just mentions this journal?

Chelsea: Yeah. He -- he mentioned the journal, and he said that you needed to pay, whatever that means.

Adam: And he didn't give you a clue as to what the hell it is I have to pay for? Okay. All right. Well, it wouldn't be the first time my brother wanted to rip my head off, but if this isn't about Christian's paternity, I'm at a loss, babe. I-I... it's a misunderstanding. It's a mistake. That's what it is. It's, uh -- it's a mistake.

Chelsea: Okay.

Adam: What are you doing? Wh-why are you looking at me like that? You're looking at me like we're not on the same page all of a sudden.

Chelsea: We are. Your page is the only page I want to be on. I'm just -- I'm just making sure this isn't the old Adam I'm dealing with, the one who claims to love me but also has no problem keeping secrets from me.

Travis: How's the white dog cocktail?

Luca: Mm. Strong.

Travis: That's the point.

Luca: [Chuckles] Yeah, whatever drowns the pain, right?

Travis: Mm-hmm.

Luca: Yeah, but you must get that all the time.

Travis: Eh, we get all types, but those looking for a little pain relief usually make up most of the crowd.

Luca: And here you are, ready and willing to listen to all us poor souls.

Travis: [Chuckles] The stories I could tell you.

Luca: [Chuckles]

Summer: Look, I have researched every division at Newman, including the Newman energy division. Look, I may not be able to do the heavy lifting yet, but I am more than capable of carrying my own weight around here.

Victoria: Okay, look, summer. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but Newman energy just has so many moving parts.

Summer: Right, right. Okay. There is the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors. Upstream is basically exploration, finding the oil. Midstream is transportation -- using pipelines, tankers, and trucks, getting the oil where it needs to go. And downstream is refining. It's also including marketing and distribution to consumers.

Victoria: Okay, great. So, you have the basics. But there's a lot more involved.

Summer: Okay, last quarter, capital and exploration expenditures for Newman energy were $5.4 billion, up 18% from the previous quarter. That's, like, way above projections, and because of those costs, other areas, like maintenance and repair, suffered and the workforce was downsized 7%. Luckily, oil differs from other commodities in that even when the price per barrel dips, there's still a high profit margin in refining and other means of distribution. And that division was up 12%. So, if you redirect funds for the next quarter and you're successful at making those technical updates that you want, then we should be able to offset some of those costs.

Victoria: That's very impressive. Maybe you should make this call.

Summer: [Chuckles] Yeah, um, no. No, thank you.

Victoria: Look, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry that I shut you down. It's just that ever since brash & sassy! Was sold out from underneath me by my own father and purchased out of spite by Billy, I just don't know who to trust anymore, you know? It's like the people that I care about the most are the ones that I should be afraid of.

Summer: Look, aunt Victoria, I understand, okay? But you can trust me. I am not gonna let you down.

Mariah: It's so complicated.

Kevin: Complicated? That's our specialty. It doesn't involve scuba diving into icy, pitch-black waters again, does it?

Mariah: [Chuckles] This takes it to the next level. Why did I move back to Sharon's? That was so stupid. I-I mean, now I'm a part of it. I can't unknow what I know.

Kevin: Is mama bird bringing you down? Is that it?

Mariah: If only.

Kevin: Then tell me about it. Maybe I can help you solve this problem with Sharon. And if I can't, we can get your stuff and you can come back home.

Mariah: It's insane. I mean, it's "kingdom beyond" blue funeral-level insanity. And so many people are gonna get hurt.

[Cell phone yodeling]

Mariah: What's that?

Kevin: Uh, nothing.

Mariah: It doesn't seem like nothing. Natalie?

Kevin: Uh, yeah. She just set that as the contact alert.

Mariah: You know what? Don't let me stop you. Maybe she has a new makeover to show you or some sexting.

Kevin: Wait. I want to know what's going on with you.

Mariah: No. I'm fine.

Kevin: Yeah, right. Mariah, it's me.

Mariah: Forget it.

Kevin: Look, you shouldn't have to live in a bad situation. Come home.

Mariah: I'm staying at Sharon's now with my family. That's my home.

Sharon: Maybe sage didn't tell you the truth because she wanted to protect you.

Nick: Why lie to me? I mean, we went to hell and back, and we made it out together. Why did she feel like she couldn't trust me with this secret?

Sharon: Maybe she just felt like she couldn't go there. Telling you the truth -- that would make this crime real, all the pain and the loss real. Sometimes living in denial can keep the world as you know it from falling apart... especially after you've lost so much already. Sage loved you, and you loved her. Maybe you should stop driving yourself crazy trying to find answers that you're never gonna find. You know, finding sage's journal has been really hard for you. Maybe you should just stop reading it.

Nick: I already finished it.

Sharon: Okay. Well, then, you know everything now. No more surprises.

Nick: I should have been there for her. I should have been a better husband.

Sharon: You were exactly the kind of husband sage needed.

Nick: Reading those entries, her depression, her desperation to get over losing Christian -- she just didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve any of this.

Adam: I'm not lying to you.

Chelsea: You've said that before.

Adam: I have, and then I lied through my teeth, didn't I? I lied to you about everything -- about who I was, my involvement with paragon, me being Christian's father. I'm telling you the truth. All right? Now and forever, remember? There's no room for lies when we're talking about now and forever. Believe me?

Chelsea: Yeah, I believe you. No more secrets. I'm sorry I even asked.

Adam: No. Don't be sorry. I earned that. I'm gonna start earning your trust, beginning now.

Chelsea: Now and forever, husband.

Adam: Well, I like the way you say that, wife.

[Knock on door]

Chelsea: Oh. I swear to God, if this is nick --

Adam: I'll get it. I'll get it.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Dylan: Hey.

Adam: Uh, you know, come on in. What's... something tells me this isn't a social visit.

Dylan: Nick has accused you of a very serious crime.

Adam: Let's just get to the bottom of this. What's going on?

Dylan: The accusation is murder.

Chelsea: What?!

Adam: Murder? Who the hell does he think I killed?

Dylan: Constance Bingham.

Luca: She said she was crazy for me. I hadn't known her very long, but there was just that... connection, you know?

Travis: I'm with you.

Luca: Then she left me out of the blue. No explanation. That's probably not the kind of problem you have.

Travis: Are you kidding? I'm still feeling the scorch. Her name was Tori. She came in, we hit it off, saw each other a couple times. I didn't know much about her, not even her last name. [Sighs] But she had these eyes.

Luca: Beautiful?

Travis: Doesn't begin to describe it.

Luca: [Chuckles]

Travis: Kind of pale blue color, intense. [Chuckles] It's like she could just look ten years into the future.

Luca: Wow. She sounds special.

Travis: I thought so. I really thought there might be something.

Luca: But there wasn't?

Travis: It's like with you. Out of nowhere, she called it off. Ah. Something about complications.

Luca: [Chuckles] Women, right? But, hey, who knows? Maybe those complications will work themselves out and she'll walk back through that door.

Victoria: For the last time, my father isn't running this company. I am. And the changes that I've outlined will be implemented. And if I have to find other executives who will listen to me and work with me, then so be it. [Slams phone]

Summer: Well, that went well.

Victoria: I refuse to be pushed around by an old boys' club. They need to understand that I am in charge.

Summer: Yeah, I think that came across loud and clear.

Victoria: I gave them something to think about, so now I'll let them cool down and reassess.

Summer: Okay. What if we can't afford to wait?

[Knock on door]

Michael: Hey, am I interrupting?

Victoria: Hi. No. What's going on? Is it about Billy? He changed his mind about the agreement, is that it?

Michael: No. No, I haven't heard a word from Billy. I'm just here to see if you have signed the agreement. If you have, I can file it.

Victoria: Oh, yes. Um, of course.

Summer: Custody?

Victoria: You know how Billy is. I just want to maintain the status quo, not let him pull anything on me. There you go.

Michael: I assume you wanted to have all of your "T's" crossed and "I's" dotted before the big divorce case goes down.

Summer: What divorce? Who's -- who's getting divorced? Or can you not tell us?

Michael: One of the perks of being suspended is that the idea of attorney/client privilege is just a distant memory. Besides, you both should know. You should be prepared to give Nikki your support.

Summer: Wait, grandma and grandpa are getting divorced?

Michael: Nikki has reached her limit.

Victoria: And mom thinks that this is a good time to do this? Does she have any idea what hell she's about to unleash?

Adam: I didn't kill Constance Bingham.

Dylan: Uh, this tells a different story.

Chelsea: That's sage's journal. Nick had it with him earlier.

Dylan: Yeah, right. He gave it to me so I could investigate sage's claims.

Adam: Oh, this makes no sense at all.

Dylan: Since this new information has come to light, I'm gonna have to ask you again about the voicemail sage left the night she died.

Chelsea: What does that have to do with anything?

Dylan: Chelsea, we have to explore every lead. You want to tell me about it?

Chelsea: He already did. And it's not a lead, Dylan, because there is no case. You didn't think twice about it when you asked him the first time.

Adam: It's okay, babe. It's all right. We got nothing to hide, right? The message was for Chelsea, like I told you before.

Dylan: And you deleted it?

Adam: Yeah. You know, I mean, I thought it was just an innocuous message. I didn't realize it was a lead or evidence or whatever the hell it is you're saying.

Dylan: Adam, this is a -- this is a pretty serious accusation.

Adam: I cared for that woman. All right? We were kind to each other. So, I -- there's no way I would hurt her. Whatever's in that journal is garbage.

Dylan: I mean, she was kind to you because she thought you were her grandson.

Adam: Which, quite frankly, kept her alive.

Dylan: And, quite frankly, kept you out of prison.

Chelsea: What motive would Adam have for murder?

Dylan: Sage claims that Constance was catching on to Adam's true identity, and he killed her to prevent the truth from coming out.

Adam: She wasn't catching on to anything. This is ridiculous!

Dylan: So, you're telling me that sage wrote lies into her journal she kept only for herself?

Adam: I have no idea what she did. Did she write it at, uh -- when she was Fairview, huh? Maybe she was on medication. I don't know. It's garbage in there.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Chelsea: Now we'll never know the truth because sage is dead.

Dylan: Not necessarily. We're gonna exhume Mrs. Bingham's body. We're gonna do an autopsy.

Nick: I just don't understand. I don't know how sage could keep this secret from me. I mean, what else didn't she tell me?

Sharon: And you read every page of sage's journal?

Nick: Yeah.

Sharon: So, the confession about Adam was the only shocking discovery?

Nick: Well, it's a huge one.

Sharon: Yes. Yes, it is. [Sighs] But my point is... this was the only thing she kept from you. And you can't make this one secret have you doubt your entire relationship with her. She loved you. She trusted you. You -- you should remember that.

[Door opens]

Sharon: I didn't expect you back so soon.

Mariah: Um, yeah. Sorry. I can take off if you're in the middle of something important.

Sharon: Dylan and I ran into nick at the park.

Nick: I know I'm not the best company right now. You don't have to leave on my account.

Mariah: Um, well, I have a way to make you feel better. Where's the baby?

Victoria: You have to talk my mother out of this.

Michael: Look, Nikki's impulse to get away from Victor is not without merit.

Victoria: All this is gonna do is motivate dad to take his rage to a whole new level. Mom will move up on his target list, not to mention you're gonna have a target on your back.

Michael: No, I already have that honor. I tried to throw his defense, remember?

Summer: Grandpa is gonna be devastated. I mean, he already feels abandoned, and now this is gonna happen?

Victoria: Oh, don't worry. Once he gets past the devastation, he'll start with the body count.

Summer: How can you say something like that? I mean, I don't understand how you all can gang up on him as if putting him in prison wasn't enough.

Victoria: Would you stop being so naive? When are you gonna grow up and see your sweet grandpa for who he really is -- a ruthless, vengeful man? I'm done.

Summer: What about the situation with Newman energy?

Victoria: You know what? It's gonna be the same damn mess tomorrow.

[Door slams]

Michael: Yikes. I'm sorry for what your family's going through.

Summer: I just don't understand why my grandma's gonna do this. I mean, I know that they still love each other.

Michael: Well, I would never tell the bar association this, but just because you can take legal action doesn't mean you should.

Summer: Okay, so, you think that my grandma should not divorce my grandfather?

Michael: Nikki has to do what's right for Nikki. But sometimes, you just have to face a person head-on -- no revenge, no anger, just pure, open, painful honestly.

Sharon: It's sully's nap time, and he's exhausted after having a long day in the park with his daddy.

Mariah: Got it. Well, I'm sure you'll be able to spend some time with sully soon, nick.

Nick: Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't, uh, paying attention. I think I'm gonna head over to Adam's and see if Dylan got a confession out of him.

Mariah: Confession? What did he do?

Nick: Well, according to sage's diary, he murdered Constance Bingham.

Mariah: What?!

Nick: I'll see you later.

Sharon: Wait, nick. You know what? I'm sure we'll hear from Dylan if he has news, so -- [Sighs] Well, this is a mess. And I don't expect you to understand.

Mariah: You didn't tell nick. You didn't tell Dylan. What am I missing?

Sharon: I was just about to tell Dylan the truth when nick showed up with sage's journal, claiming that Adam murdered this Bingham woman. Dylan left before I had a chance to say anything.

Mariah: That's convenient. So, what happens when nick gets to the part in sage's journal where she connects the dots from sully to Christian?

Sharon: Nick finished reading sage's journal. And sage didn't write anything about Dr. Anderson passing Christian off as my baby. Everything happened so fast. Apparently, there wasn't enough time.

Mariah: So, what now? You're gonna continue to lie to nick? You're gonna continue to raise his son?

Adam: Why would sage lie about something like that? Accuse me of doing something so heinous? Maybe she's not as forgiving as we thought she was about me changing the paternity results.

Chelsea: No, no. No. She was grateful for that.

Adam: So we thought.

Chelsea: It's just -- this doesn't sound like sage at all. I mean, she wrote to you as a friend, asking you to protect her husband.

Adam: Well, right now, all I know is her husband wants to rip my head off, and Dylan can't wait to slap on the cuffs. Why -- why would she lie? Honey? You do believe that it's a lie, right? Or do you think I'm guilty?

Luca: Someone's had a very bad day.

Summer: Oh, my gosh. I am so glad that you are here.

Luca: Hey. What's up? What happened?

Summer: No, just every time I think that things cannot get worse for my family, somehow they do, and there's just this whole pile of...craziness.

Luca: That sounds very unpleasant. What's up?

Summer: [Sighs] Yes, it is very unpleasant. It's my aunt Victoria. She got into it with a bunch of energy-division executives on a conference call, and I did everything I could to help, but she basically relegated me to intern status.

Luca: Now, look. Hey, she wouldn't do that. I'm sure she was just engrossed in the call. She knows how smart you are.

Summer: Yeah, but all she sees is her niece, the newbie, and I want to do everything I can to help, but I mean, I'm not experienced enough to just jump right in. You know, I know facts and figures -- thank you, internet -- but, I mean, I cannot learn this stuff overnight, right?

Luca: Oil tankers, shipping, refineries...

Summer: Yeah.

Luca: This is your lucky day, summer. I'm actually well-versed in this aspect of the business. I can help, if you're interested.

Summer: Yes.

Luca: Yeah?

Summer: Yes. Oh, my gosh. Yes. That would be amazing. Yes. You are a life saver.

Luca: Of course.

Summer: Yes. Thank you. [Chuckles] Thank you.

Travis: I didn't expect to see you again.

Victoria: I think I might have overreacted.

Travis: You think?

Victoria: Look, I have an ex and a custody situation in the balance. And that's all I'm gonna tell you, so if you have a list of questions for me, I'm gonna walk out the door.

Travis: Or you could dance with me. One dance. One silent, question-less, last-name-less dance.

Sharon: I know that the right thing to do is tell nick the truth and put his child in his arms. But that would mean taking Sullivan away from Dylan, and it would damage him beyond repair if he lost another child.

Mariah: This is an impossible situation that sucks in every possible way. But the truth will come out. It has to. So, why not just get it over with? It's not gonna get any easier.

Sharon: Well, 'cause what if -- what if the truth doesn't have to come out? You know, what if everybody just went on believing what they already believe? I mean, nick -- he's raised children before. Sully is his nephew. He's always gonna be a part of nick's life.

Mariah: Do you even hear yourself? It's not the same!

Sharon: [Crying] No, I know it's not the same, but I love that little boy! And I love the life that I have created with Dylan. And I'm sorry, but I don't care how wrong it is. I will to keep sully with us.

Mariah: You are forgetting one detail is that I would have to lie, too! I would have to keep up a story for years, decades that sully is my brother, and I don't know if I can do that.

Dylan: Is everything okay?

Chelsea: I believe you. I believe in you. Of course, you didn't kill an innocent woman. This whole thing is insane. [Sighs]

Adam: Thank you.

Chelsea: [Sighs] But this isn't going away, is it?

Adam: I don't think so. We're gonna have to face this head-on.

Chelsea: Well, whatever happens, I will be right there next to you.

[Knock on door]

Chelsea: Oh, come on. [Sighs]

Nick: You pretended to be sage's friend.

Adam: I was her friend, nick.

Nick: You forced her to keep this terrible secret.

Adam: Slow down. I didn't force her to do anything.

Nick: Sage died thinking you murdered this woman.

Adam: I didn't kill Constance.

Nick: Are you calling sage a liar?

Adam: I'm telling you I didn't do it.

Nick: Then all you have to do is prove it, Adam. You show me the letter that sage left you.

Luca: Look, from what I've read, these guys are playing it old-school in the modern world.

Summer: Yeah. That's basically what aunt Victoria said.

Luca: But it's probably how she said it that didn't go over too well, right?

Summer: Yeah. She kind of lost her temper.

Luca: Look, if she wants to get these guys on her side, she needs to lay it out in simple terms, okay? Speed, efficiency, protectin the bottom line.

Summer: Well, yeah. That's what she kind of said. I mean, they just didn't want to listen, so she...hung up.

Luca: Communication is key. As good as her ideas may be, if she can't get the execs on board, what's the point, right?

Summer: You know what? I need you to compose an e-mail to the energy execs. Just lay everything out, and I will sign in Victoria's name.

Luca: Oh, uh, okay, I don't -- I don't know, summer. There could be repercussions.

Summer: Okay, it's called initiative. I need aunt Victoria to know that I can do this job. I think she'll be pretty impressed.

Victoria: Here we are again.

Travis: Here we are.

Victoria: In the middle of the day.

Travis: This has got to be more fun than what you normally do in the afternoon, right?

Victoria: I don't want to talk about what I normally do.

Travis: No?

Victoria: No.

Travis: You don't want to think about your usual office duties? Like stapling... filing... collating...?

Victoria: I don't want to think about anything.

Sharon: Nick just left. He's a wreck. Sage's journal didn't help, and this crazy claim about Adam... did you find anything?

Dylan: Well, I saw Adam. He denies it, of course. But I put in a request with the court to exhume Constance Bingham's body. I mean, we're gonna get to the truth.

Mariah: Yeah, the truth. Good luck with that.

Dylan: What was that all about?

Sharon: Oh, you know Mariah. But she's right, you know? There's a very real chance that the truth may stay buried with sage.

Adam: Whatever sage put in that letter, if she wanted it to be public, she would have had it read at her will. She didn't do that, so it stays private. I'm sorry.

Nick: What did she need to say to you that couldn't be made public?

Adam: Sage and I went through a lot together, nick. All right?

Nick: She was protecting you. Whatever it is, that's what the letter's about, right?

Adam: Listen to me, man. Whatever was in that letter, it had nothing to do with Constance, and it certainly had nothing to do with murder.

Chelsea: He did not do this.

Nick: Why? Because we've always been able to believe everything that comes out of his mouth?

Chelsea: He's telling the truth!

Nick: Why would sage lie?

Adam: Wait a minute.

Chelsea: What?

Adam: I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner. Victor's behind this. I went to go visit him earlier at Walworth, okay? I might have gloated a little bit about being able to stop his exit strategy. He told me that I would pay. He told me that I would regret doing that. This is it. This is what he's doing, you see? He's gonna make sure I have a cell right next to his. Our father, nick, is framing me for murder.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: You may be able to charm jack, but there is nothing you can do to shut me down.

Ashley: Is there a new woman in your life?

Meredith: You're not alone.

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