Y&R Transcript Monday 5/16/16
Episode # 10922 ~ Adam & Chelsea renew their vows; Nikki turns to an old friend for support; Phyllis finds herself in hot water.
Provided By Suzanne
[Knock on door]
Billy: Hey, Johnny.
Victoria: Hey. Hi. I thought we agreed to let daddy open the door. He's excited for his sleepover.
Billy: [Clears throat]
Victoria: Unless now is a bad time.
Jack: This is very difficult for me to ask this question. Please don't drag it out. Do you have feelings for my brother?
Phyllis: I don't understand. You know that Billy and I have a connection. I mean, you know that. We have looked at the world in a similar perspective, and we've gone through some intense things, like pass key and paragon.
Jack: I'm not talking about business. Are you drawn to my brother -- yes or no?
Phyllis: Yes. [Scoffs] Okay. Yes, I am.
Chelsea: Can't we just stay like this forever?
Chelsea: Can't we just stay like this forever?
Adam: Sure, we can. We'd get hungry, though, you know...
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Adam: ...And really, really pale.
Chelsea: I'm being serious. Can't we just bolt the door with our son upstairs and all three of us hide away from Victor for the rest of our lives? Why did I go visit him in prison? That was so stupid of me.
Adam: 'Cause you're a glutton for other people's punishment, sweetheart.
Chelsea: I thought it would make me feel better, and it did.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: For like five minutes. And now I think the only thing I accomplished is making him more angry. When he gets out...
Adam: He's not gonna get out, sweetheart, okay? I already talked to the judge. He knows that he's angling for a pardon. There's no way in hell that's happening.
Chelsea: Babe, this is Victor Newman we're talking about. He's probably already having some kind of a catapult built so they can just, like, launch him over the wall. I mean, prison doesn't mean anything to this guy. Look at all the trouble he's caused already, and that's only when he's marginally angry. But now he's raging, and he's gonna come after us. I mean, what if -- what if he targets my company?
Adam: Our company.
Chelsea: Wait. What if he -- he exposes the truth about Christian actually being yours and not nick's? What if he tells nick that?
Adam: Stop, stop, stop. Stop, babe, stop. Don't do that, okay? This is exactly what that man wants.
Chelsea: What, me freaking out?
Adam: You living in fear. Don't give him that power, all right? Don't let him win.
Victor: With all due respect, I think you're making a grave mistake.
Russell: The mistake is yours, thinking you can use my daughter to pave inroads.
Victor: Wait a minute. I'm doing no such thing.
Russell: Think again, Mr. Newman. There's no way I'm interceding on your behalf.
Victor: You know, I think this has all been a gross misunderstanding. If I were you, I'd talk to your daughter, Meredith.
Russell: Don't mention my daughter again. Understand? And go ahead and get comfortable in here, because I'm gonna see to it that you serve all 10 years, down to the minute, down to the second.
Victor: Do you believe in justice?
Russell: You bet.
Victor: Well, if you believe in the concept of justice, you certainly would give me a chance to defend myself, wouldn't you?
Meredith: Mrs. Newman.
Nikki: Yes?
Meredith: Hi. I, um -- I wanted to offer you my condolences at your daughter-in-law's memorial, but you left before I had the chance.
Nikki: Oh. I'm sorry. You a friend of sage's?
Meredith: No. No, actually. I never met her.
Nikki: Well, then, why were you there?
Meredith: I was doing a favor for someone that we both care about. Sorry. Uh, okay. I should have led with, "hi. I'm Dr. Meredith gates, from Walworth."
Nikki: Ah, yes -- the new woman in my husband's life.
Phyllis: Jack, you know that Billy and I have a connection. We are kindred spirits. And what he's going through right now -- I feel for him.
Jack: What...do you feel for him?
Phyllis: Sympathy, mostly. I mean, maybe it's me rooting for the underdog, I mean, but my heart breaks. I mean, he always manages to draw the short end of the straw.
Jack: You talk like Billy has no control, like life just happens to him.
Phyllis: I have not agreed with the way you have dealt with him -- not giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Jack: Yeah, I definitely sense that.
Phyllis: But if I'm gonna be honest, when a person makes the same mistake, it's usually because they are their own worst enemy. And you know what? Maybe that's who Billy is. Maybe he is only happy when he is unhappy.
Jack: Thank you.
Phyllis: For what?
Jack: For being honest with me, for being there for Billy. It drives me crazy sometimes, but I'm glad you're there for him. It's not an easy job.
Phyllis: You would know.
Jack: I love my brother.
Phyllis: No one doubts that.
Jack: Yeah, maybe Billy does.
Phyllis: Not even him.
Jack: Maybe we can work together to help see that Billy doesn't make the same mistakes all over again.
Phyllis: No. Billy's gonna have to figure that out on his own. I need a new mission. And from now on, I need to focus on one thing and one thing only.
Jack: What's that?
Phyllis: The love of my life -- you.
Billy: Your timing's perfect. I was just about to order some pizza, and you know what goes best with pizza? Early season baseball. Right?
Victoria: You're positive we're not interrupting?
Billy: Nope.
Victoria: I'm just saying if you have another prospective buyer upstairs that you wanted to finish things with...
Billy: I'm alone.
Victoria: ...Just let me know. You're shirtless.
Billy: I'm alone.
Victoria: Okay.
Johnny: I'm sliding back.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Johnny: [Chuckles]
Billy: But now that you're here, want a glass of wine or something?
Victoria: No, thanks.
Billy: What about a tour? Johnny and I can show you the fort that we built last time the kids stayed.
Victoria: That's okay. Hannah's watching Katherine, so it gives me an opportunity to go in to the office.
Billy: Now? You're working too hard.
Victoria: I have no choice. I have to keep up with the competition.
Billy: Well, even the fierce competition can call a truce for one night.
Victoria: Here's his bag.
Billy: Ohh! There's one-eared Willie. I was hoping he would make an appearance.
Victoria: There's a toothbrush and PJs in there and his change of clothes for tomorrow.
Billy: Awesome. Okay. Want to say good night to mommy?
Johnny: Good night.
Victoria: Good night, baby. Mwah. Be good for your dad.
Billy: Always.
Johnny: [Chuckles]
Billy: Hey, you want to watch some baseball? Go get the remote.
Meredith: Oh, no. [Chuckling] You're -- a new woman in your husband's life? No. I'm just Victor's doctor.
Nikki: Oh, no, no. I-I-I understand. I'm just saying that you're probably the only woman there, right?
Meredith: Yes, but you were implying s--
Nikki: Well, I know what I was implying, Meredith. You were my husband's personal emissary at sage's memorial service. Tell me, I-I-is that common now between, uh, prison doctors to do that?
Meredith: Well, uh, in this case, I went the extra mile.
Nikki: Hmm. Why?
Meredith: Because your husband did the same thing for me. My father and I had been on the outs for quite some time, and Victor encouraged me to reach out to him and to repair the relationship.
Nikki: Well, that's very touching. Little word of advice. My husband never does anything unless it's for his own interest.
Meredith: Noted. But, just so you know, I am not naive where he's concerned.
Nikki: Well, that is good news.
[Both chuckle]
Meredith: So is the fact that, um, my family might have an opportunity for a second chance, and perhaps yours can, too.
Nikki: Victor told you he wants that?
Meredith: He did. And that's why I'm going to do everything I can to ensure his early release.
Nikki: What?
Meredith: Oh, inmates can be rehabilitated and redeemed. I see it all the time. And I especially see it with Victor -- his talent, his energy, his heart. I mean, it's -- it's being wasted in there. Your husband is a good man.
Nikki: Yeah, that's easy for you to say. You're not married to him.
Victor: I was railroaded, made to look like a criminal by my own family, when all I was doing is protect my family and my company.
Russell: Yes. I have read the courtroom transcripts.
Victor: Well, then you know.
Russell: And even if half of what your son said is true, you deserve to be in here all 10 years. Goodbye, Mr. Newman.
Victor: One -- one second, judge. You know how difficult it is... for the son of a powerful man. I understand that you have trouble with your own boy, who couldn't amount to your standards and criteria.
Russell: Damn it, you have no right.
Victor: Judge... I was convicted for 10 years. I have a right to defend myself.
Russell: That gives you the pass... so you can play on my emotions like you did on my daughter's. Well, maybe she couldn't see through you, but I can. And, for the record, I do know guilty from innocent, and you, sir, are guilty as sin.
Adam: Baby, this is exactly what Victor wants. All right? He's gonna prey on our insecurities, get us to doubt each other, get us to argue, get us to fight, lose trust. Listen... we need to prove to everyone... and we need to prove to ourselves... that we're forever. And we are, right? We're forever?
Chelsea: You're so right.
Adam: I am right, aren't I? Hot damn! I'm right!
Chelsea: I, uh... I wasn't planning on doing this today, but I-I want to show you something.
Adam: What did you do? What did you get me? Wow. Our wedding rings.
Chelsea: Yeah,
Adam: Haven't seen these in a long time.
Chelsea: I had them engraved.
Adam: Why didn't you tell me?
Chelsea: Well, I mean, when you first came back... to town, we had enough things working against us. I didn't want to tempt fate. But, of course, I-I hoped that, eventually, you know, when -- when things settled down...
Adam: "Now and forever." I mean, this is it right here. These rings, you know -- this is, uh -- they'll be our symbol, all right? Like a force field, right? A symbol of our love, that you and I are indestructible, we're nonstop, we are forever.
Chelsea: Almost sounds like a vow. [Chuckles]
Adam: You and Connor... you're everything to me. And without you guys, nothing else matters.
Chelsea: Marry me.
Adam: I -- really -- babe, come on. I mean, I was leading up to something there. You couldn't tell?
Chelsea: [Laughing] I'm sorry.
Adam: I wanted to be the one to ask you.
Chelsea: So ask.
Adam: Chelsea... Lawson Newman... will you please... please marry me again?
Chelsea: Yes.
Adam: Yes! Yes!
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Adam: Yes! See? That's so great. I mean, we have no, you know, bridesmaids. We have no guests. We have no maid of honor. We have no cake. We don't have a deejay. We got nothin'.
Chelsea: You and me. That's all we need. [Squeals]
Adam: God, I love you.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] Mm.
Nikki: Take it from someone who has known Victor a lifetime. The man is a chameleon. He can become anything he needs to become to get what he wants. He's very smart, he's calculating, and he can be very dangerous.
Meredith: Yet you stay with him.
Nikki: I leave from time to time, but I do come back. I love my husband. And I suppose, comparatively speaking, other men seem... a bit tepid, tame. I mean, life with Victor is many things, but it's never boring. Perhaps you have experienced that.
Meredith: Experienced what?
Nikki: Well, the pull to a man like Victor or maybe even Victor himself. I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, he can sit there and look at you with his soulful eyes, speaking in that deep voice and telling you everything you want to hear. But make no mistake. It's his wants, his needs. And right now, my dear, that is walking out of prison and punishing every one of us who put him there.
Meredith: From everything that I know about Victor, all he wants is forgiveness. So if you love him the way you say you do, perhaps you'll give him the chance to prove it.
Nikki: Excuse me. Um... a vodka martini, please.
Jack: What do you say we get out of here, go home, and forget this day ever happened?
Phyllis: I say lead the way.
Nikki: Thank you.
Phyllis: What?
Jack: When it comes to happiness, not everybody's as lucky as we are. Um, honey, I can't watch her --
Phyllis: I get it. Just do your thing.
Victoria: Hey. Who do you have to know to get a drink around here?
Travis: If it isn't my favorite dance partner. The way you left here last time, I wasn't sure I'd ever see you again.
Victoria: [Sighs] Well, I was supposed to work late tonight, but... I thought, "what the hell?" There's something about your jukebox.
Travis: Just the jukebox, huh? That's what brought you back?
Victoria: What else?
Travis: So? How is it?
Victoria: It's good.
Travis: Just good?
Victoria: It's mind-blowing.
Travis: That's more like it.
Victoria: [Chuckles]
Travis: My shift's over.
Victoria: Yeah?
Travis: Look, I know you weren't too keen on the idea before, but I'd still like to invite you back to my place, if you want to just come back --
Victoria: Yes.
Travis: Yeah? You sure?
Victoria: Yeah.
Travis: My night just got infinitely better.
Adam: You know, the first time we did this, I think I was a bit of a jackass. I remember comparing you to an I.P.O.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] That's okay. I compared you to a surfboard.
Adam: Yeah. [Chuckles] I feel like the second time was a little more heartfelt, though, right?
Chelsea: You said, "every day, I'm going to earn you all over again."
Adam: And I meant every word that I said to you and Connor. Most of the things, I couldn't say.
Chelsea: Delia?
Adam: Delia. But now I get to look at you, in your eyes... commit myself to you all over again... with no secrets... nothing standing in our way, knowing that you know me. You know the depths of my soul. You love me anyway.
Chelsea: How does it feel?
Adam: Indescribable. Knowing that you trust me... when I don't trust myself, you love me... always. Knowing that you are... the best partner anyone could ever ask for... in every sense of the word. I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. Now and forever.
Chelsea: Well... [Breathes deeply] ...Let me just set the record straight.
Adam: Uh-oh.
Chelsea: [Sighs] I don't love you despite your soul, Adam. I love you because of it. There's a reason I've always supported you. There's a reason I've never been able to walk out that door, even though I've threatened to. You are a good person. You are... everything I've ever wanted and everything I-I didn't even know I wanted. [Chuckles, sighs] I love you, Adam Newman... today... tomorrow... now and forever.
Adam: Look at us, huh?
Chelsea: [Chuckle s]
Adam: Yeah? Almost like we never had them off. Beautiful, right?
Chelsea: And we never will again.
[Sighs softly]
Hold me tight make me take a deep breath tell me it's gonna be all right take this weight off my chest 'cause that is all that I want from you now right now that's all for now
Billy: What do you got there? What's in your hand?
Johnny: A button.
Billy: [Sighs]
Jack: What happened to calling me when temptation strikes?
Nikki: I don't know, Jack. Uh, no cell service? How 'bout that?
Jack: Could you please give us a club soda and take this away? If I hadn't been here, you'd be drinking that.
Nikki: Well, I still might be after you leave.
Jack: Nikki.
Nikki: I just found out that Victor might be coming home.
Phyllis: What?! How?
Nikki: He has somebody advocating for him from the inside -- his doctor, some Meredith gates. I just met with her, and it's obvious she's already wrapped around his finger.
Phyllis: What can Victor's doctor do?
Adam: Oh, nothing. Uh, Meredith is not the dangerous one. It's her father.
Nikki: Oh?
Adam: Judge Russell gates.
Jack: What, the head of the judicial review board?
Adam: I've had a conversation with him. I told him Victor has an agenda, that he's using his daughter to get what we wants. Victor's not going anywhere.
Nikki: Oh, he will find a way, I promise you. I know better than anyone the effect that Victor can have on somebody. I tried to tell this woman! I guess some people just need to learn the hard way.
Phyllis: I need to get some air.
Jack: I should, uh, probably look after her.
Chelsea: You know what? I-I-I got this. I could use a breathe of fresh air myself.
Jack: Thank you.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Nikki: I'm sorry. I-I-I'm letting my troubles upset your evening. I'm sorry.
Adam: No, no. Nikki, come on. Your troubles are our troubles. That's the way Victor wants it.
Meredith: Victor. What happened? Are you injured? I mean, please don't tell me that somebody attacked you again.
Victor: No one laid a finger on me.
Meredith: Good.
Victor: Yeah.
Meredith: Listen, one day this whole place will be a distant memory and you'll be home safe.
Victor: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, I wonder if... any of my family will be there to welcome me home.
Meredith: I would like to be able to argue with you...
Victor: Mm.
Meredith: ...But I just ran in to your wife.
Victor: Hmm. Next time you run in to her, just... tell her to rest assured that I will be in here for a long time.
Meredith: Why are you saying that? I haven't even spoken to my father yet.
Victor: Oh. My son beat you to it.
Meredith: What?
Victor: Yeah. My son Adam approached your dad, and he told him that... I was using you to secure my release.
Meredith: Oh. Are you? Are you using me? Are they right? You've just been playing me?
Phyllis: Did they send you out here to babysit me?
Chelsea: No, no. I just needed to regroup. The more I listen to Nikki talk about how Victor is playing the system...
Phyllis: The more your throat closes up?
Chelsea: Yeah. But, you know, it's -- it's a big park, so if you want to be alone, it's --
Phyllis: Hey, no. No. It's okay. What?
Chelsea: Sorry. You, um -- you're missing a button.
Phyllis: I sure am. I-I didn't notice.
Chelsea: That's one of the hazards of what I do. I notice things like this. Actually, I might have a spa if you need one.
Phyllis: Oh, no. That's all right. Don't worry about it. Some things can't be replaced.
Chelsea: That's very true. Sometimes things that you think e lost forever eventually find their way back to you.
Phyllis: Is that a ring I spy?
Chelsea: Yeah. Adam and I renewed our vows.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] Well, I think that's wonderful. Congratulations.
Chelsea: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Phyllis: You and Adam haven't always had it ea, have you?
Chelsea: No.
Phyllis: No, but you made it out on the other side?
Chelsea: Yeah, we have. You know, you and Jack have really been an inspiration for us. You've gotten through everything. You've stuck together and you've proven that if you fight, you can weather pretty much anything.
Phyllis: It's getting late. I'm gonna head on out.
Chelsea: Phyllis? Did I -- did I s something?
Phyllis: No.
Chelsea: Look, um, I know we're not close, but... you can talk to me.
Victor: Well, have you ever known anyone who was incarcerated who didn't want to get out?
Meredith: [Sighs] You'd be surprised, actually. Yes, though they're in the minority.
Victor: [Chuckles] Certainly hope so. But I am someone who wants to get out. I was wrongly convicted.
Meredith: Hmm. Your wife calls you a chameleon. She says that you'll be whatever you need to be in order to get what you want.
Victor: Where did you have this conversation with her?
Meredith: Why?
Victor: Just tell me.
Meredith: The bar at the athletic club.
Victor: Oh, my goodness. Ay, ay, ay, ay. Well, that explains it. She has a problem with, uh...
Meredith: Alcohol.
Victor: Yeah. I can see it all falling apart... my family, their families... my company, and no one is able to... put back the pieces.
Meredith: But you think you can?
Victor: Yeah. I certainly know how to do it. You bet.
Nikki: [Sighs] Well, it's not coincidence that I came here, is it? Of all places. What I wouldn't give to have you sitting next to me right now -- hold my hand when I'm scared... help me with this damn... need to numb all the pain and the loneliness and just tell it like it is. I miss that so much. Katherine, please help me. Give me the strength... and the grit that I need... to power through, please. [Sighs]
Phyllis: You really shouldn't put Jack and me on such a pedestal. We have had our issues, just like everybody else.
Chelsea: Yeah, but that's just it. Those issues could have torn you apart. I mean... Phyllis, after what Victor did to you, my God. But it didn't. Look at you guys. You're standing strong. You're together. You're -- you're stronger -- stronger than ever. You know, Adam said not to ever take this off again, but I want to show you the inscription. [Chuckles]
Phyllis: "Now and forever." That's so nice.
Chelsea: If anyone has earned those words, it's you and Jack.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Victoria: [Softly] H-hi. Something wrong?
Billy: No. Everything's fine. Why are you whispering?
Victoria: [Normal voice] I'm not.
Billy: Johnny wanted to say good night to you.
Victoria: Okay. Would you put him on?
Billy: Okay. Here you go, bud.
Johnny: Good night, mom.
Victoria: Good night, baby. Make sure your dad tucks you in nice and tight and gives you a kiss on your nose and your head and your cheeks, all right? I love you to the moon and back.
Johnny: Love you, mommy!
Billy: [Sighs] Thank you.
Victoria: Yeah. Of course. Take good care of him.
Billy: I will. Good night, Vick.
Victoria: Good night.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.
Travis: No biggie. So... you have a kid. Don't ever d
Victoria: I thought we had an understanding.
Travis: We did?
Victoria: We know each other's names. That's all that we really need to know.
Travis: Wait. Just hold on. Why are you getting so riled up? So you have a kid. So what? I like kids. I like everything about you. What's the rascal's name?
Victoria: That's off-limits.
Travis: Why?
Victoria: Because. Look... I don't know what I was thinking.
Travis: You weren't thinking. That's the whole point. You were feeling. That's a good thing. Don't go now, Tori. Stay. Come on. Just stay. We can talk about this. Tori. [Sighs]
Billy: "And mama and papa bird flew back to their nest, and they were so relieved. All six eggs were still there, safe and sound." No matter what happens, buddy... no matter where we live... you can always count on mommy and daddy, okay? Whether it's for a good-night kiss or a story or just a hug... we love you and your sister very, very much. Don't ever doubt that, okay, buddy? And never, ever... forget that.
Phyllis: These are words to live by. Do as you promised and keep this ring on your finger. And don't you ever forget what it means.
Chelsea: I won't. And like you and Jack, Adam and I have our love to get us through anything... including Victor. He can't touch us... as long as we're together.
Jack: Well, I don't know where Phyllis and Chelsea are. Think we ought to send out a search party? Hey. Earth to Adam.
Adam: Hmm?
Jack: You okay? What's going on?
Adam: Uh... I was just thinking, you know, I told Chelsea that everything was gonna be fine and that Victor couldn't hurt us.
Jack: That's right, because of you -- because you took the initiative.
Adam: Jack...come on, man. It's a band-aid, right? I didn't slay the dragon. I wounded him.
Jack: And you're thinking a wounded Victor is even more dangerous?
Adam: I'm thinking if my father gets out of prison and -- let's be real -- he probably will... Jack, none of us are safe.
Victor: Your family woes aside, I'm very glad that you and your dad... had a chance to start the healing process.
Meredith: Me, too.
Victor: Maybe one day I'll have the same chance with my family.
Meredith: How do I know I can trust you?
Victor: You don't. Good night.
Meredith: Good night.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: Never again... ever.
Victoria: I need an emissary to help me with a very sensitive Newman-Abbott matter.
Nick: This is sage's journal.
Sharon: Uh, she kept a journal?
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