Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/12/16
Episode # 10920 ~ Kevin turns on the charm with Natalie, Lily confronts Neil about Hilary's kidnapping, & Mariah stirs up a painful memory for Sharon.
Provided By Suzanne
Phyllis: I need you. And for whatever reasons --Jack: What's going on?
Phyllis: Nothing.
Jack: It didn't look like "nothing" to me.
Mariah: Take 'em. That way you won't have to change the locks.
Kevin: What -- what are you talking about? We're roommates! We're friends!
Mariah: With all your money, you can buy new ones! Oh, wait. You already did.
Kevin: Mariah! Mariah! Hey. You're not thinking this through.
Mariah: Done and done!
Kevin: So, where you gonna go?
Mariah: I'm gonna go someplace where people know what matters and what doesn't.
Dylan: You know what? I got -- I got a call from grandpa Paul, and I got to meet him at the hospital. Who knows? Maybe one day you'll wear a badge, too. But it's totally okay if you don't want to. I mean, you know, if you want to be a baseball player or a fireman, whatever it is you want to be, I'll always be proud to call you my son. Hey. What's wrong?
Lily: Flowers were dead yesterday. The glasses have water spots. There's no shine to the silver.
Neil: Hey, honey! My favorite daughter. You are working way too hard. This place already looks great, you know. [Sniffs]
Lily: Well, appearances can be deceiving.
Neil: Yeah, well, w-- hey, lily. Wait a minute. What -- how are you?
Lily: My father is a liar and a kidnapper. How do you think I am?
Dr. Neville: This isn't good at all. If cane tells lily that he knows Neil is the one who kidnapped you, then everything we've done --
Hilary: Exactly. Lily is a wild card, and she hates me, and now she has a weapon. If she goes to the police --
Dr. Neville: It would mean the end of everything. No more drug trial, not to mention saying anything about saving lives.
Hilary: Everything that I worked for -- gone. There is no way in hell that I'm gonna let that happen.
Ashley: What's so hush-hush?
Dr. Neville: Oh, uh, I, uh...
Hilary: Neville was just telling me about poor max and everything that he's going through. Ashley, I am so sorry. I know how much you care about that little boy. Abby and Ben... my heart, it -- really, it goes out to all of you.
Abby: I haven't heard from you. I was worried. Are you okay?
Stitch: My son -- he confessed to tripping you down a flight of stairs, setting a fire to cover it up, and now he's being evaluated by a psychiatrist, so... no, I'm not okay.
Abby: I'm sorry.
Stitch: Hey. I have to get to the hospital, so you'll have to excuse me.
Abby: You blame me, don't you? Ben, I never wanted them to take max away from you. But he needs help. Please tell me that you understand, that you'll forgive me.
Stitch: There's nothing to forgive. You were right. Max needs help. I just -- I don't know how to give it to him.
Abby: Just love him.
Stitch: You said love wasn't enough. Maybe it's not. That look max had in his eye when they took him away from me, I... I am a total failure as a father.
Abby: No. No, you are not a failure. You are doing what you have to do to make your son healthy.
Stitch: Then why does it feel like I betrayed him? Max begged me to not let them take him, and I just stood there.
Abby: You did the right thing. And you will always be there for him no matter what, and I will be there for you. So let's go. Let's do this together.
Stitch: That's not a good idea. That'd make things harder for max.
Abby: You mean it'll make things harder for you.
Paul: Hey, max. How are you? Remember me? I'm chief Williams. We met the very first day you arrived from Australia.
Max: You're a cop.
Paul: That's right. I'm a cop. And, uh, you know Dylan McAvoy. He's my son.
Max: He took me away from my dad.
Paul: Yeah, I-I know he did. But I also know he cares about you very much. You're not being punished. We just want to have you talk to Dr. Rosen, okay?
Max: I want my dad. Where is he?
Paul: I know you do. He will be here very soon. But first, uh, the most important thing is that you tell Dr. Rosen all of your feelings about Abby and the baby and -- and what happened after the fall.
Max: I said I was sorry. Why can't I go home?
Paul: I know what it's like to have a secret that is so scary you don't want to share it. No matter how bad it is, it's so much worse to keep it to yourself. No matter how afraid you are, the best thing to do is be honest with the doctor, okay? I promise you. The truth is always better.
Sharon: No, nothing's wrong. It's just moments like these, the kind that we tend to take for granted, they -- they add up to lifetime of memories, of love.
Dylan: I can't help but wonder if, uh, stitch had been able to share moments like this with max when he was a baby, maybe...
Sharon: What -- what's gonna happen to max?
Dylan: I don't know. I mean, it depends on the psychiatric evaluation. It's possible that he would have to go away for a long time to get the help he needs. Man, if anybody took our son... I can't even imagine that hell.
Sharon: Um, you said Paul needs you at the hospital?
Dylan: Yeah, yeah. You know, I want to be there for stitch, but I just -- I want to stay here all day with you and sully and keep building these moments.
[Door opens]
Mariah: Oh. Bad time?
Dylan: Uh, no, actually.
[Door closes]
Dylan: It's a perfect time. You can keep an eye on these two. Little man, to the moon and back. That's how much I love you. See you, buddy, okay?
Sharon: Aww.
Dylan: Same for you. Love you.
Sharon: Love you.
Dylan: All right.
Sharon: Good kisses.
Mariah: Yeah. That man was born to be a dad. It was a very solid call to keep trying for a kid after the miscarriage.
Sharon: Why do you keep throwing that in my face?
Natalie: She's bitter. She's a bartender who can't forgive us for being smarter than her. And richer.
Kevin: That's harsh.
Natalie: Is it? Mariah holed up in a rent-free room in your house. She demanded pass key profits. She didn't earn. The free ride is over.
Kevin: What if she's right? What if pass key and the success has changed us, and not in a good way?
Natalie: How about a reality check at the top of the tower with some caviar and bubbles?
Kevin: [Sighs] You know, I really just feel like some Chinese takeout and binge-watching "Supergirl."
Natalie: [Scoffs] With Mariah?
Kevin: She's been an awesome friend.
Natalie: I can be awesome, too.
Phyllis: You're right. It's not nothing. That cyber nut Natalie is refusing to fix pass key. And if she doesn't, jabot is gonna go down in flames. And I'm asking your brother to talk to her.
Jack: Even though he no longer works on the project, has no reason to help jabot, in fact, would like to see jabot burn?
Billy: That's going a little bit far. I'll settle for mildly singed -- by brash & sassy -- once I get Fiona back on board. Girl loves motorcycles.
Phyllis: You know what? Can we just forget about Fiona, please? Because there are a dozen other buyers. We are dealing with a real crisis here with pass key. And, unfortunately, there is only one Natalie, and you know how she works, and I am asking you to talk to her.
Billy: Well, I don't think you thought this through, because jack doesn't want my help. Do you?
Phyllis: If you do not want to help your brother, I am asking you to serve your father's legacy.
Billy: I'll pass. But if it's that important, there is one person that could get me to say yes.
Ashley: I'm sorry if I seem surprised about your concern for max. I guess I was under the impression that your true concern is about yourself and your career and things having to do with you.
Hilary: I might be focused on our research, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about that little boy. It sounds like he might need a lot of therapy.
Ashley: So many people do.
Dr. Neville: I was wondering if you've, uh, spoken with Abby. Uh, how she's holding up.
Abby: Abby's fine.
Ashley: Hi, honey.
Abby: So, where are we on the press about restarting the drug trial?
Ashley: We don't have to deal with that right now.
Abby: Well, you were handling it, right? Is it handled, or do I need to take care of it myself?
Ashley: I'd like to run something by you in my office, please.
[Door closes]
Dr. Neville: You are a marvel.
Hilary: Well, it is about time that you noticed.
Dr. Neville: No, I mean ordinarily lying triggers the autonomic nervous system -- respiration, eye movement, micro expressions. And yet despite the deliberate manufacture of such an avalanche of fiction, you never bat an eye. I almost believed you care for young max.
Hilary: I am protecting you, so I would appreciate a little gratitude.
Dr. Neville: Forgive me. I'll endeavor to locate some.
Hilary: You know what? I am not your problem. You see, if lily can use this information to embarrass me, she will be shouting it from the rooftops.
Dr. Neville: Even if it sends her father to prison?
Neil: I don't know what cane told you, but if you would just let me explain --
Lily: Why? So that you can justify what you did?
Neil: [Sighs] I feel terrible here.
Lily: Wow. Really? You weren't even drinking when this happened. You were sober when you decided to kidnap Hilary.
Neil: You need to understand something, okay? She was in the wa-- I found her in the water. She was drowning.
Lily: Yeah, after you chased her down on her honeymoon to break up her marriage to Devon!
Neil: Lily, please. [Sighs] She would have died!
Lily: And, what? You saved her? Do you even realize how you sound? We all spent months looking for Hilary, wondering if she was alive, and you said nothing. When Devon was a suspect in her murder, you said nothing. You let your own son be treated like a criminal.
Neil: It got so complicated.
Lily: How could you do this to your own family? What kind of father are you?
Paul: Hey. Thanks for coming.
Dylan: Yeah. I know this is killing stitch. At least I can support him whether he wants me here or not.
Paul: Right. Look, stitch knows you were doing your job. That's all. He's emotional right now. That's understandable. He'll come around.
Dylan: Why didn't you warn me that this father thing is so complicated?
Paul: Yeah.
Stitch: Where's max?
Paul: He's in with Dr. Rosen. I'll -- I'll give you guys some time.
Stitch: I owe you an apology.
Dylan: No, no, you don't, man.
Stitch: No, I went off on you and Abby, ready to blame anyone but myself. And this is on me. I'm his father. I should have got max into therapy as soon as he came to town. I just thought with enough love, enough time...
Dylan: There's still time.
Paul: You know, stitch, max is getting the professional help he needs now. But he's still gonna require all the love and patience and understanding that only a father can give. Right?
Stitch: Thank you for being here. I'm sorry for going off on you. I just hope I get a second chance with that kid.
Mariah: I wasn't throwing it in your face. I was just thinking about how wrong I was. I mean, I gave you such a hard time about lying to Dylan about the miscarriage, but... look how it turned out. I have an amazing godson, and you and Dylan have never been happier. When I think about nick and sage...
Sharon: What are you doing back here? Did you take my advice? Did you tell Kevin how you felt even though you don't know what that is, exactly?
Mariah: I told him exactly how I felt. Can I move back into my old room for a while?
Phyllis: I'm not gonna give you a share of pass key, if that's what you're asking.
Billy: Oh, I'm so over pass key.
Jack: What is it you want, Billy?
Billy: Why don't you ask your wife?
Jack: Phyllis?
Billy: Go ahead, Phyllis. Tell him.
Phyllis: I was so stupid to think I could count on you for help.
Billy: Oh, you can always count on me -- to do what's best for me. Isn't that right, jack?
Jack: Are we done here?
Billy: You know what's wonderful about the great jack Abbott, is that he'll never admit when he needs help. Maybe one of these days he will. In the meantime, I'm gonna go powwow with Fiona about brash & sassy and maybe I can convince her to carry jabot products again, because that's the kind of guy I am.
Jack: Don't bother. I've already spoken with Fiona. She will continue to carry jabot products -- exclusively.
Billy: Well, ding, ding, ding. Round one to jabot. But I think I'll still grab her and throw her on the back of the motorcycle because... [Sighs] ...It's fun.
Phyllis: How about that?
Jack: Aren't you gonna chase after him, get him to change his mind?
Phyllis: Why should I?
Jack: Because it's what you do every damn time.
Phyllis: I am through running after your brother. The man has no loyalty. Look at what he has done to Victoria, to you. After everything we have done for him, what does he do? He steals brash & sassy from Victoria, and he takes that slut Fiona to bed --
Jack: There's no reason to cast aspersions on Fiona's character.
Phyllis: She is a lying, conniving operator, and you agreed to her terms?
Jack: No, no, she agreed to my terms. She's a businesswoman, Phyllis. She wants the best possible deal for her.
Phyllis: Why are you defending her?
Jack: Why are you being so defensive?
Phyllis: Because I don't agree with her business ethics!
Jack: Or are you jealous?
Phyllis: Where did you get that? From her? Did she run and tell you that I slapped Billy? Because I explained that one to you.
Jack: Yes, you did explain that to me. And then I saw you holding Billy's hand, and you explained that, too.
Phyllis: I am trying to save pass key here.
Jack: Pass key. I wish I never heard the word pass key. Ever since you and Billy got involved in that project, nothing else matters!
Phyllis: It's a business deal!
Jack: It is more than a business deal, and you know it! I know you pride yourself in having saved jabot, but it came at quite a cost!
Phyllis: You are making a big deal about nothing here.
Jack: Nothing? So our marriage is nothing?
Phyllis: Our marriage is the most important thing in my life. [Voice breaking] And if you would just listen to me --
Jack: I have been listening, and my eyes are wide open. And I don't know who the hell you are anymore.
Kevin: Hmm. Definitely awesome.
Natalie: I'm just trying to save you from a boring life on the sofa and a boatload of MSG in your bloodstream.
Kevin: [Chuckles]
Natalie: Why don't I try and save you some more back at your place? We have it to ourselves.
Kevin: Or we could work on pass key.
Natalie: [Sighs] Boring.
Kevin: Hey, what happened to the hacker superhero who wanted to save the world?
Natalie: I did it. This is more fun.
Kevin: Don't you miss your computer even just a little bit?
Natalie: I'm afraid.
Kevin: Of what?
Natalie: I sit back down at that computer and I get sucked into the cyber black hole all over again. I go back to being some geeky, glasses-wearing, code-dwelling loser.
Kevin: You're wearing your glasses now.
Natalie: Only because I have to see.
Kevin: Natalie, my point is that you haven't changed. You wanted to make the world a better place with your computer program. That's still who you are. And underneath this makeover is the hottest hacker on the planet who still wants to make a difference.
Mariah: I threw down my keys, and here I am.
Sharon: Uh-huh.
Mariah: Hey! Look, I know you're crazy about my little brother, but I'm in crisis here. Can I get some attention?
Sharon: Um, of course. So, did you or did you not tell Kevin how you felt?
Mariah: What's the point? Whatever we had, it's gone now. And he's too nice to kick me out, so I did it for him.
Sharon: Hmm. Maybe you should have thought that through?
Mariah: What's to think about? Kevin can drink out of the milk carton in front of Natalie all he wants, and I am where I belong -- with family.
Sharon: The family that you say drives you crazy.
Mariah: That's what families do. Look, I promise this has its advantages. I can do the dishes every once in awhile. I'll babysit faith. I'll look after my little brother.
Sharon: But you love your independence. I mean, have you thought about what it's gonna be like living here with a teething baby and a loud baby sister, not to mention Dylan's schedule? He's on call 24/7, a cop. And it's just -- it's bananas around here.
Mariah: "Bananas"? You're trying to talk me out of this. You don't want me here.
Paul: You know, stitch, before Dylan came into my life, um, I had a son. And his name was Ricky. I hardly spent any time with him when he was younger. And I tell you, I-I live to regret it. And I honestly feel that if I had spent more time with him... it just might have made a difference. Instead, his adult life was mired in tragedies that... ended in his death. But you, you're different. You still have time. Max is young. You can make a difference with him now.
[Door opens]
Paul: You can see that he gets on the right path.
Max: Daddy!
Stitch: Hey. Max.
Abby: Hilary was supposed to put this out days ago. Okay. Don't you want to approve the copy?
Ashley: Honey. How are you? Don't tell me you're fine.
Abby: I'm fine.
Ashley: I want to hear the truth.
Abby: I'm not fine. I've never felt so helpless or alone.
Ashley: I'm sorry, honey.
Abby: Ben's still staying at the hotel. I went to go see him today, and...he wasn't angry. He didn't yell. He just...shut down. And I want to be there. I want to comfort him. But he couldn't get me out of there fast enough.
Ashley: Maybe he's afraid that if he shares all these feelings that he has pent up that he won't be able to stop them.
Abby: But I don't want him to. I want him to trust me enough to let me see him when -- when he's not in control, when he's upset. I mean, how do we get past this? What if we never do?
Ashley: You will. You know why? Because you love each other.
Abby: But how do I get through to him? How do I find the right words?
Ashley: Maybe there are no words. Maybe you just have to be there.
Abby: Like now?
Ashley: Yeah.
Dr. Rosen: I'd like to talk with you about the evaluation, Dr. Rayburn.
Why don't we get a snack in the cafeteria?
Max: I don't want to go. Tell them, dad.
Stitch: Yeah, I'll be right here when you get back. Maybe you can grab me a soda, all right?
Max: You promise you'll be right here?
Stitch: I promise.
Paul: Okay, uh, Dylan and I will let you guys talk.
Dr. Rosen: Actually, the police should hear this, too. After some initial resistance, max admitted that he wanted to hurt Abby and the baby.
Dylan: [Sighs] Uh, how'd he sound? Did he sound sorry?
Dr. Rosen: Well, he said the words, but he expressed no genuine remorse. His only regret was that he was caught.
Stitch: Okay, so -- so what do we do now? How -- how do I help him?
Dr. Rosen: It'll take some intensive therapy.
Stitch: Absolutely. I'll make sure he gets all the help he needs.
Dr. Rosen: [Sighs]
Dylan: Is there more to it?
Dr. Rosen: I can't allow max to go home.
Stitch: Hey, wait. I-I told him that I would be with him on this. He'll think he's being punished. There -- there has to be another way.
Dr. Rosen: I'm sorry, Dr. Rayburn. It would not be safe for you or your wife or max.
Stitch: "Safe"? You're saying my kid is dangerous?
Neil: Hey, lily, would you look at me for a second? Okay. When I lost my sight, Hilary and Devon were there for me. So I thought. Hilary was loving and kind. Do you know something? I fell even more in love with her. And Devon -- I was so proud of him, that -- that he had stepped up. But when I got my sight back, imagine the very first thing I saw was those two in bed together. I couldn't breathe. It was like my -- my heart was ripped out of my chest.
Lily: Yeah, what they did was awful. But you went way beyond the scorned-husband card.
Neil: Do you get that I never meant for it to spin out of control like this?
Lily: Your lies almost blew up my marriage! When cane was accused of being involved, I suspected my own husband! You knew he was innocent, and you said nothing to me!
Neil: I know, I know. I know what I did was unconscionable. But I tried to make amends by finding -- getting that miracle cure for Hilary. It saved her life.
Lily: Oh, please. There is no version of this story where you are a hero.
Neil: Okay, I... I can't make it right. But I can do damage control, contain this mess that I've made, not let it hurt anybody else.
Lily: I don't even know what that means.
Neil: It means... that Hilary is using what I did against me.
Lily: Yeah, of course she is.
Neil: She used it to blackmail her way into the foundation. She's got her sights on bigger, better, more. I'm under her boot right now. Do you get that? There is no stopping her.
Lily: Yes, there is. Turn yourself in.
Jack: [Sighs]
Natalie: We need to talk.
Jack: This is not a good time.
Natalie: Well, we do, if you want to keep pass key out of the cyberspace graveyard. I'm ready to code the patch.
Jack: What changed your mind? Did you talk to Billy?
Natalie: What does he have to do with it? The way I heard it, you fired him and he doesn't want anything to do with jabot or pass key or you or Phyllis.
Jack: If only that were true.
[Knock on door]
Billy: [Clears throat] Thank God. Running on empty, and I'm a desperate man.
Billy: I'd offer you a drink, but I'm waiting for a resupply.
Phyllis: Well, you need to stay level-headed and sober.
Billy: If you're here to convince me to talk to Natalie about fixing pass key, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Phyllis: This isn't about business. This is about my marriage.
Billy: Well, then you should talk to your husband about that.
Phyllis: He knows there's something between us, something personal.
Billy: Can't get anything past a Harvard man, can you?
Phyllis: I'm serious. We need to stay away from each other.
Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah. Okay.
Phyllis: I mean it. My life and my marriage is on the line, so whatever this is, it ends now. It's over.
Billy: You want to fix your marriage so bad? Why do you keep coming here?
Jack: And you can definitely fix pass key?
Natalie: Absolutely. No champagne. Back to cheap red wine for me.
Jack: [Sighs]
Hilary: Hey, jack. Just the man that I was looking for. So, I was going over the dates for the "60 minutes" interview.
Jack: Great.
Hilary: I was thinking that, um, we could use the foundation for... hey, what -- what's wrong?
Jack: Uh, I'm sorry. I-I got a lot going now. I got a problem I got to fix.
Hilary: Oh. Does it have anything to do with your computer whiz? [Sighs] It is amazing, isn't it? Like, all of the so-called geniuses, like Dr. Neville and Natalie, they get all the glory, we get all the ulcers.
Jack: Complications at work I can deal with. It's the complications at home.
Hilary: Oh. Well, you know you can still talk to me about that. Maybe I can help.
Stitch: Hey, I'm really proud that you were honest with your doctor.
Max: I'm just glad it's over. Can we go now?
Stitch: Well, the thing is, this is just the beginning. You need to keep seeing Dr. Rosen.
Max: But I said I was sorry.
Stitch: That's a good start. See, Dr. Rosen's gonna help you make better choices, kind of like a coach and you're in training.
Max: Like a soccer team?
Stitch: Exactly. Only this is the kind of training for life. You understand?
Max: Yeah. Can we go now?
Stitch: I'm afraid you're gonna have to stay here for a while, buddy.
Max: Why? I did what they wanted! I told them the truth!
Stitch: You need help, son.
Max: You lied to me.
Stitch: I love you.
Max: You're a liar! I hate you!
Paul: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Max, hold on!
Max: Dad, no! Daddy, I'm sorry! Daddy! Dad!
Stitch: It's okay.
Max: Daddy, no! Where are you taking me?! Dad! Daddy, help me! Dad!
Mariah: It's fine. I'm gonna find someplace else to crash.
Sharon: No, sweetheart, you misunderstood me. Of course I'm glad to have you here if this is where you want to be. And if I hesitated at all, I was just thinking about you. You know, living here might not be so great for your social life.
Mariah: [Scoffs] Look, from now on, my social life is gonna consist of me working at the underground and helping you around here. I am going to be the best daughter-older sister-godmother that there ever was.
Sharon: You already are, even if you do move back in with Kevin.
Mariah: Not going to happen. You know, with everything that's been going on lately, all the horrible stuff, this is exactly where I want to be. And thank you so much for letting me move back in. I'm sorry if I upset you earlier with mentioning the... you know. I'm just happy that you can trust me with your secrets.
[Knock on door]
Mariah: Not interested.
Kevin: You forgot something.
Mariah: I very intentionally didn't forget anything. They're yours.
Kevin: [Sighs] Look, you don't have to do this. What's happening between Natalie and me has nothing to do with you and me.
Mariah: The gaga eyes? The gloating over money, money, money? You're right. That has nothing to do with me.
Kevin: What about "the kingdom beyond"? Plato sphere? You were a fan. I know you were. And the cold sesame noodles, our favorite?
Mariah: Kind of over it. Over all of it, actually. Better get back to that classic car of yours before a bird takes a direct hit.
Kevin: Look, I acted like a jerk. I'm sorry. Come home. You want me to beg? I'll beg. Please?
Pretty please, Mariah?
Mariah: This is my home. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a tea party with faith to get to.
[Keys jingle]
Kevin: Your room will be waiting for you.
[Keys jingle]
Stitch: What are you doing here?
Abby: Where else would I be?
[Door closes]
Stitch: I-I can't do this right now. I just -- I need to be alone.
Abby: Ben, I'm your wife.
Stitch: I just had to tell my 8-year-old boy that he has to stay in a hospital psych ward. He trusted me.
Abby: He'll understand.
Stitch: Really? 'Cause I don't. H-how did we get here? How did my son, my -- my happy, little boy, he... just -- just go, please.
Abby: I love you. Please.
Stitch: I can't -- I-I can't talk about this. I... I can't. I can't. [Sighs]
Abby: We don't have to talk. I can just be here. We can just be here. Together.
Stitch: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Sobs]
Neil: I thought about going to the police many, many times.
Lily: But you didn't. So you're a coward on top of everything else.
Neil: Lily, I'm not afraid for myself. If anything, it would be a total relief.
Lily: Then do it.
Neil: Have you thought about what would happen if I go to the police and confess? They would charge Devon as an accessory. Dr. Neville would be banned from practicing medicine. And Ashley's dream of saving lives would go up in smoke.
Lily: So Hilary wins.
Neil: For now.
Lily: She has already done so much damage to this family.
Neil: Hey. I am begging you. I need you to stay quiet.
Lily: If this gets out, then Devon would be your victim all over again. I'll keep your secret.
Neil: [Sighs]
Lily: But I will never... look at you the same way again. [Voice breaking] Do you understand me? Ever.
Hilary: How many times have I cried on your shoulder? Let me return the favor.
Jack: I'm not sure a good cry would help here.
Hilary: But a friend might. You know, I can be a pretty good listener.
Lily: Oh, don't be so modest. You're good at a lot of things, you lying, cheating, backstabbing skank!
Phyllis: It was a mistake coming here. And this is gonna be the last time. So we are clear. You have your life. I have mine. And there is no reason for our paths to cross again.
Billy: No reason? Hey. Am I the only one that can't get that kiss out of my head?
Phyllis: That was crazy. [Voice breaking] That was stupid, and it was in the moment. It's not gonna happen again.
Billy: It was a hell of a lot more than that, and you know it. That's why you ran out of here like a bat out of hell.
Phyllis: I should have kept running.
Billy: But you didn't. You came back. You saw me here with Fiona, and you didn't like that, so you slapped me.
Phyllis: You --
Billy: You want to fight, you can go ahead. You can run back to jack every single time, but you will come back because you want to be here with me, and you know it.
Phyllis: Shut up. Shut up.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: Victor's so busy holding all the cards, he doesn't realize that I got an ace up my sleeve.
Victor: Hopefully one day I'll be in a position where I can reconcile with my family.
Meredith: You will.
Billy: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Stop talking.
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