Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/11/16
Episode # 10919 ~ Victor baits Adam to go after Newman Enterprises, Nick catches Sharon off guard, & Billy & Phyllis share a charged moment.
Provided By Suzanne
[Door opens]Adam: Thank you.
Victor: Seems to me I see more of you in here than I ever did on the outside.
Adam: Yeah, it seems that way. It's not by choice, believe you me.
Victor: I don't remember demanding your visit.
Adam: No, you didn't demand my visit, but your actions did.
Victor: Get to the point.
Adam: You're launching yet another plan from in here. Is that plain enough for you?
Victor: Hm.
Adam: Listen, I'm not buying this whole, you know, subdued Victor Newman thing you got going on here. You're forgetting how well I know you.
Victor: You don't know a damn thing about me, do you?
Adam: Hmm? I know enough to know that you locked up in here with nothing to do with your time but plot and plan and scheme endless hours of the day probably makes you more dangerous than ever.
Faith: Hi, Mommy.
Sharon: Hey.
Faith: Is sully awake?
Sharon: Yeah, he is, and he's about to ask for Melvin.
Faith: [Giggles] I'll take him.
Sharon: Okay.
Faith: Bye, daddy.
Nick: Bye, sweetheart. I'll see you.
Sharon: I didn't expect you to drop her off this early.
Nick: Well... listen, I'm kind of struggling right now, and... I need you to watch faith for a little while. It's not doing either one of us any good for me to be around her right now.
Sharon: Nick, maybe --
Nick: Can you just please tell me you'll do it, and make sure she isn't too hurt or upset? I'm trying. I just -- I can't do it.
Sharon: And you think cutting yourself off from our daughter is gonna make things better?
Nick: I can't be happy around her. I'm trying, but it's taking too much out of me.
Sharon: Well, all the more reason not to isolate yourself. Why don't you spend some more time here with sully?
Nick: Look, he's an amazing little boy, and I'm very happy for you, but I don't know how me spending time with him is gonna get me past losing my wife and son.
Mariah: I know nick is torn up about sage.
Kevin: Well, who wouldn't be? It was a complete shock to everyone.
Mariah: I called him.
Kevin: Really? You called nick?
Mariah: I can be compassionate.
Kevin: I just meant that --
Mariah: I miss sage, too. We worked together a lot.
Kevin: Hey! Stop jumping all over me. I was about to pay you a compliment.
Mariah: A compliment?
Kevin: Yes, a compliment. I was gonna say it was very kind of you to reach out to nick.
Mariah: Yeah, well, didn't help. I left a message, but he hasn't called me back.
Kevin: Well, I'm sure he appreciated hearing from you.
Mariah: Yeah. I can tell by the way that he's ignoring me. Although, I can't imagine that he wants to be a social butterfly right now.
[Footsteps approaching]
Natalie: Cheese!
Mariah: Hey, swizzle stick. You're supposed to say that
before you take the photo, not after you sneak up on unsuspecting victims.
Natalie: Okay, so, "hello," then "cheese!" Then photo. Got it.
Kevin: What's with the new camera?
Natalie: Isn't it great?
Mariah: Yeah. Does it have a button that can help people who can't see take pictures?
Natalie: It does, actually, but I can't find it.
Kevin: What is this, a new hobby?
Natalie: I just got it for this expensive exotic getaway I'm taking to Africa.
Kevin: You're going on a photo safari?
Natalie: Just booked it.
Kevin: I've always wanted to do that.
Natalie: Me too. I get to cuddle with baby lions, feed giraffes, and maybe I'll get chased by an elephant.
Mariah: And trampled.
Kevin: Do you get to do that thing where you drive through the Serengeti in a jeep?
Natalie: That's what the camera is for. There's gonna be zebras and leopards and rhinos.
Mariah: Oh, my!
Natalie: I can't wait. They have all kinds of excursions. It's just hard to choose.
Mariah: Oh, my God! Well, you two have so much fun speaking safari.
Kevin: Wait, Mariah. Come on. Don't leave. We were talking.
Mariah: And now you're talking with Natalie. I hope your new camera works so great that you get a photo of a lion... from the inside.
Kevin: Oh.
Phyllis: Oh. You look upset. Is it work?
Jack: Yeah, I'm upset. Somebody opened a credit card in my name and charged $900 worth of sneakers in Louisiana.
Phyllis: Someone stole your identity? How is that even possible?
Jack: It's not supposed to be possible.
Phyllis: It's the security on that --
Jack: Exactly. It's supposed to be impenetrable. If this happened to me...
Phyllis: Pass key is on all of our accounts, on our corporate files, on our clients --
Jack: All of them are at risk.
Phyllis: [Sighs] After everything we have been through, if this gets out --
Jack: More bad press, more lawsuits. I don't know if jabot can survive this.
Billy: [Clears throat]
Victoria: [Sighs] Get out of my chair. Now get out of my office.
Billy: You're running a little bit behind this morning. Looking a little bit tired, I might add. Children were at my house last night, so they didn't keep you awake. So what were you up to?
Victoria: My personal life is none of your business anymore.
Billy: I wholeheartedly agree. You should remember that next time you throw a jealous fit at my house.
Sharon: I just think you should spend some more time with sully right now because he has this uncanny way of making people feel happy. I know that sage felt that way.
Nick: Yeah, she did.
Sharon: And children are a blessing. They have this sweet way of reminding you of everything that's right in the world.
Nick: There's nothing in my world that's right right now. Nothing. Look, can you just take faith for a while, please? Sharon, I could really use your help right now.
Sharon: Nick. I have to tell you something.
[Knock on door]
Nick: What?
Mariah: God, you think you know some -- hi.
Nick: Hey.
Mariah: I called you.
Nick: I know, and, uh, I really appreciated it.
Mariah: I'm so sorry about sage.
Nick: Thanks. And I'm sorry that I didn't call you back. I should have.
Mariah: No, no. It's -- it's fine. I understand. I do. It looks like I'm interrupting.
Sharon: No, I was just -- Mariah, help me convince nick that he should spend some more time with sully.
Nick: Look, I don't understand why you're pushing this so hard. If I thought spending time with sully would help, then I would. I'm just not fit to be around kids right now.
Mariah: Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, if nick doesn't want to hang with sully, then he shouldn't.
Sharon: But maybe --
Nick: Thank you, Mariah, for backing me up.
Mariah: Yeah, sure.
Nick: And thanks for watching faith, okay?
Sharon: Nick.
Nick: I'll see you around.
Mariah: What was that about?
Sharon: What?
Mariah: Your strange behavior.
Sharon: Mine? You -- you hugged him. When did you start hugging people?
Mariah: No, no, no. Don't try to distract me. Just tell me what's going on. I know that sully is amazing and all, but I think your mommy hormones are going into serious overdrive.
Sharon: I don't.
Mariah: Why this sudden push to get nick to hang out with sully?
Jack: I am the first to admit that pass key put jabot back in the black, but if this product doesn't come through like we promised, I hate to think about how much money we're gonna lose, never mind the cost of litigation.
Phyllis: We have to keep this contained.
Jack: Well, that begins and ends with your computer prodigy.
Phyllis: Okay, I will get with Natalie. I will try to see if she can't come up with a fix so that we can --
Jack: Tell her to get on it right away. We don't have any time to waste, and I'm tied up here.
Phyllis: Okay. What are you gonna do?
Jack: Fiona. I'm trying to undo the damage that Billy did.
Phyllis: Good luck with that.
Victoria: My jealous fit. I was concerned about our kids.
Billy: Oh.
Victoria: Why are you even here?
Billy: I thought you'd want an update on those kids you're so concerned about.
Victoria: Yeah. Did they enjoy their sleepover?
Billy: Yes. We did. We shot some hoops. We built a fort. I even got Johnny to eat his vegetables.
Victoria: You did not.
Billy: I did so. Dropped him off at school on time, and dropped Katie down at daycare downstairs.
Victoria: You want a gold star or a pat on the head?
Billy: No. Common decency and respect would be nice.
Victoria: You get what you give.
Billy: Mm.
Victoria: Is that it?
Billy: No. There's one other thing, which I'm sure you're gonna hear about anyways.
Victoria: Oh, God, Billy. What did you do this time?
Billy: Oh, no, Victoria. This is on you. Because of your uncalled-for scene you threw yesterday, Fiona decided not to do business with brash & sassy!
Victoria: Oh.
Billy: "Oh"? Really?
Victoria: [Laughs]
Billy: If my business tanks, you're not gonna -- hey! A little sympathy would be nice.
Victoria: Is that what you want? Okay, I'm absolutely crushed that you're having trouble with the company that you stole from me.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: Here's a solution. Why don't you sell it back?
Billy: Yeah. I don't think so. You really think I'd admit defeat that easy?
Victoria: If you were smart, you would.
Billy: I'm not gonna give up. No. Not without a fight.
Victor: So, what is this nefarious plan I'm cooking up?
Adam: Well, I was able to put everything together at sage's memorial.
Victor: Oh, yeah. Sorry I couldn't be there. Hmm. How did that go?
Adam: Oh, you were there.
Victor: What do you mean, I was there?
Adam: You sent your emissary, this lovely doctor, this woman that you have so thoroughly fooled.
Victor: Oh. Well, I just simply asked her to do me a favor, you know?
Adam: Mm.
Victor: Yeah, I wanted to convey my condolences, that's all.
Adam: You know what? I bet she didn't do anything at that memorial that wasn't personally choreographed by you.
Victor: [Chuckles] You're overestimating the power I have in here.
Adam: Mm. I seriously doubt you have any less power in here than you did at the top of Newman tower. I'm surprised you haven't convinced someone to commission an artist to come in here and paint your portrait so you can hang it on your cell wall.
Victor: Yeah, that's a hell of an idea.
Adam: Okay. So, after your doctor's surprise visit at the memorial, I did a little digging.
Victor: Oh, did you?
Adam: Yeah.
Victor: Huh.
Adam: Now, I remember meeting her and her father at a benefit. What I didn't remember is that her father is head of the judicial review board. Now, this board is responsible for pardons, reduced sentences.
Victor: I'll be damned. Really?
Adam: Uh-huh. So, Dr. Gates is one degree away from your "get out of jail free" card.
Victor: My goodness. Almost as if it was fated.
Adam: Huh.
Fiona: So, where's Billy?
Jack: As you well know, Fiona, Billy no longer works at jabot.
Fiona: And yet, I still expect to see him pop out of the woodwork and challenge you to a duel with pistols with the winner getting my business.
Jack: Clearly, you know a thing or two about working with the Abbott family. Let's talk.
Fiona: You know, at first, I thought that this brotherly rivalry would be good for business. Now I just see that dynamic is a bit too combustible.
Jack: Okay. I want to apologize if my brother dragged you into our family feud.
Fiona: So, you asked me here to change my mind about refusing to do business with you.
Jack: Fiona, we've worked together for a long time. Surely you're not ready to cut jabot loose.
Fiona: I am ready.
Jack: Okay, I'm --
Fiona: It's done.
Jack: I'm asking you to reconsider. And I can make it well worth your while.
Fiona: I'm listening.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm not gonna take the blame for you losing valuable shelf space for brash & sassy! It's not my fault.
Billy: Well, if you wouldn't have barged into my house last night, it would have --
Victoria: You know, I'm not the one that made the mistake of mixing business and pleasure with what's her name.
Billy: What's her name? Really? You just can't stand the fact that I'm running your former company, so you deliberately sabotage things by antagonizing Fiona.
Victoria: Deliberate sabotage? That's your game. That's why you bought brash & sassy! -- So you could make a jab at me, and that's probably why you're trying to tank it now, so that you can twist the knife in even deeper. Isn't that right?
Billy: Did you ever believe in me? Or did you secretly believe that I was the screw-up that your father and my brother accuse me of being?
Victoria: I believed in you even when no one else would.
Billy: Vick, this --
Victoria: Clearly that was a mistake.
Billy: What was a mistake? What, falling in love? Having children?
Victoria: Trusting you was the biggest mistake I ever made.
Nick: Oh, enough already. I'm serious. You should be grateful you're alive. Stop trying to make everyone think you don't belong together because nobody's buying it. You don't even believe it, so drop the act. Stop wasting your time on things that just don't matter.
Sharon: I just thought that nick would enjoy spending some more time with sully, you know? He's such a sweet and funny little boy.
Mariah: Okay. But take it from somebody who doesn't respond well to being pushed -- don't do it.
Sharon: Well, I can't just let this go.
Mariah: Why not? Nick is a grown man. He's gonna grieve the way that he's gonna grieve.
Sharon: Unfortunately, I've seen nick like this before.
Mariah: After Cassie died.
Sharon: I've seen grief drive nick to some dark places and turn into a completely different person. So I don't want him to shut us out when he needs us now more than ever. I worry about him. Is that so hard to understand?
Mariah: No, I guess not. It's just the whole sully thing that felt off.
Sharon: Well, anyway, you came in here all charged up. What's wrong?
Mariah: Oh, nothing. Nothing. It's not nearly as intense as what nick's going through.
Sharon: Kevin?
Mariah: Kevin who?
Kevin: I am so jealous that you get to explore Africa.
Natalie: I could buy you a ticket. You can come along.
Kevin: Great. When are we leaving?
[Both laugh]
Phyllis: Natalie, why aren't you answering your phone?
Natalie: Well, I saw it was you calling, and since our business is done --
Phyllis: Well, it's just become undone. We need you to get on a computer and start cranking out code right now.
Kevin: What's going on?
Phyllis: There is a flaw in the program, and it is vulnerable to hackers.
Kevin: Impossible.
Natalie: Impossible.
Phyllis: My husband's identity has been stolen.
Natalie: Well, maybe he has a doppelganger.
Phyllis: That's not funny.
Natalie: It's kind of funny.
Phyllis: We need you to fix this, Natalie. I'm very serious.
Kevin: All right, we'll get started working on it.
Natalie: No! I'm sorry, but it's not happening. I'm officially out of the computer business.
Victor: Once again, son, your paranoia is getting the better of you.
Adam: I see. I see. So you expect me to believe that it's just a mere coincidence that you chose Dr. Gates to be your representation at sage's funeral, the one person -- the one person with the best connection to get you freed?
Victor: I simply asked her to do me a favor.
Adam: Uh-huh. A favor.
Victor: Yes.
Adam: Perfectly orchestrated by you to make you look sympathetic, right? And once again, you know, of course, we played right into your hands, refusing your magnanimous gesture.
Victor: I'm sorry to hear that you and your sister were less than gracious to her.
Adam: Mm. And I'm sure Meredith couldn't wait to come running back to you, right? Tell you just how right you were, how vindictive your children were. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna have a little conversation with the family. I'm gonna make sure that we play our cards a little smarter next time, okay?
Victor: You're seeing this all wrong.
Adam: I'm seeing this all wrong. Dad, why can't you just admit that you're staging a jailbreak?
Victor: If you think that's what I'm doing, then why not keep that theory to yourself? Don't your siblings about it. Use it to your advantage.
Jack: If you take our product off your shelves, our very loyal consumer base is just gonna shop somewhere else.
Fiona: A risk I'm willing to take.
Jack: Okay. Can I be a little more personal? I thought that you and I shared a certain level of loyalty, as well. We've got a lot of history together. We've done some pretty amazing business.
Fiona: We've made each other a lot of money over the years, jack. But this is about more than cash.
Jack: What? Fiona, if you don't tell me what's wrong, I can't fix it.
Fiona: I didn't want to say anything, but I witnessed something yesterday that puts things in an entirely different light. I don't want to see jabot implode, particularly not while your product is on my shelves.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Jabot is not about to implode. But what would make you say that?
Fiona: Well, let me just ask you a question. What's going on between your brother and your wife?
Phyllis: So, you're retiring. Are you moving to Florida? Are you gonna play some shuffleboard? Catch the early-bird special at the supper club?
Natalie: I can tell you're not speaking literally, but I have no idea what you're saying. What is a shuffleboard?
Phyllis: It doesn't matter. What matters is that you get back to work and you fix your mistake, because if you don't, you could lose everything.
Kevin: Are you threatening her?
Phyllis: Well, I am warning her. And, Kevin, you've known me a long time, and I don't always give a lot of warning. Sometimes, I just plot ahead and do what I need to do.
Kevin: So, this is a courtesy call.
Phyllis: Yeah, exactly. I'm stating the facts. As a profit participant in a security software, I can make Natalie's pay stubs abruptly stop. The money can dry up, and you can say goodbye the toys and the clothes that you've grown accustomed to.
Natalie: I have plenty of money to fall back on.
Phyllis: Oh, really?
Natalie: Yeah, I haven't spent it all...yet. Besides, it doesn't matter. I'm not going back to work. I finally have a life and all the money I could ever need. Pass key worked well enough to set me up indefinitely. It's done, and I'm done living my life chained to a keyboard.
Phyllis: Do you know we can make this fight incredibly ugly? We can take legal action, and we can sue you for every dime you made off of this project, and every dime you will ever make. Is that what you want to have happen?
Natalie: Obviously not. But you'll have to look somewhere else for help. Time is luck, and I'm not gonna waste it living someone else's life.
Phyllis: What is that? Is that geek speak?
Kevin: No, it's from "spider-man."
[Both chuckle]
Mariah: He's turned into Natalie's lapdog, and she has become this vapid waste case. All they can do is compare their ways to spend money.
Sharon: Jealousy is a natural human emotion.
Mariah: I'm not jealous. I'm not! I-I'm not. I'm hurt. Is that a human emotion?
Sharon: Okay. Here comes the motherly advice. If you are this hurt by Kevin, then you have to tell him how you feel.
Mariah: How? I don't know how I feel.
Sharon: Of course you do.
Faith: Mariah!
Mariah: Hey, squirt. What you doing with your bad self?
Faith: I'm still feeling sad about sage. It's supposed to be a good thing that she and Christian are together in heaven, but when I think about it, I just get sadder.
Mariah: Come here.
Adam: Plotting your escape in here while pitting your children against one another yet again -- have you learned nothing in here?
Victor: What have you learned, hmm? You keep on telling everyone that you have turned your back on Newman.
Adam: I have.
Victor: Really?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Then why do you keep on running back here?
Adam: Listen, I can come here and I can speak for Nicholas and Victoria without gunning for a corner office, I'll tell you that much.
Victor: By the way, you never mentioned anything about a new position for you.
Adam: Well, why the hell would I? You seem to know everything anyway.
Victor: Yeah. So, it's a job that wifey-poo created for you? Huh?
Adam: Yeah, it's good. I like it.
Victor: Wow. Running a fashion line. I'll be damned.
Adam: It's fancy. Yeah.
Victor: Oh, yeah. Harvard business school graduate. I'll be damned. Running a fashion line. Isn't that a little step down?
Adam: Here we go.
Victor: Huh? I mean, unless I see it all wrong. Maybe the new job is so fantastic, so interesting, that it killed your desire to run the big Kahuna, huh?
Adam: Do me a favor, all right? Don't disparage my wife's business. She makes a hefty contribution to Newman's bottom line. You know that.
Victor: Oh, yeah. It also gives you a chance from that corner office, you keep an eye on Newman, don't you, huh?
Adam: Don't flatter yourself. It has nothing to do with that.
Victor: Will you stop BS'ing me? I know you're keeping your options open because your brother, Nicholas, is grieving the loss of his wife, and your sister, Victoria, is flailing. So, the position I left open -- ripe for the taking. Right? When are you gonna make your move?
Victoria: I know you mean well, but our marriage is completely over.
Billy: The only thing we share now is children.
Nick: Nothing more?
Billy: Nothing more.
Nick: Well, I just don't have the energy to fight with you right now over this, so...all I can say is I hope you can find a way to get past this anger and find your way back to each other before it's too late.
Billy: Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
Nick: Okay, well, then, if there isn't any real business to discuss, then --
Billy: Don't worry. I'm leaving. And once again, my condolences.
Nick: [Sighs] I have a call in to Morgan. We're gonna finalize that deal this morning.
Victoria: Nick, listen. It's too soon for you to be back in the office. You should take some more time off.
Nick: I'm fine.
Victoria: You just buried your wife.
Nick: Just back off, all right? You and everyone else needs to stop telling me how to deal with this. I need to be here doing something because if I'm not here, then all I think about is crawling into that grave next to sage.
Faith: I tried to cheer daddy up, but it didn't work. He only pretended to smile.
Sharon: I'm sure your daddy...
Mariah: We were just talking about this, actually. And I'm gonna tell you something. It's absolutely normal for your dad to be upset right now.
Faith: It is?
Mariah: Yeah. He'd be crazy not to be. Sage was -- sage was an amazing person, and she's gone. Of course he's gonna miss her. And you know what makes me sad is that I don't have an original faith Newman artwork to put up on our refrigerator lately. I mean, what is a fridge for if not to put your artwork up there?
Faith: [Giggles]
Mariah: Certainly not for keeping food.
Faith: I'll go draw you a picture right now.
Mariah: Thank you. That's what I'm asking for. What's going on?
Sharon: Nothing.
Mariah: No, no. Not nothing. You've been acting strange since I got here.
Sharon: Losing sage was just such a shock, and I don't think this family could take any more loss.
Mariah: You don't want to lose anyone else.
[Sully crying]
Adam: Well, it's an interesting suggestion, dad, but I won't be stabbing my brother or sister in the back. Not this time. And, quite frankly, I find that a little offensive that you would bring something like that up after a recent death in the family.
Victor: Are you serious? Accusing me of not caring what happened to my son's wife? I would be there, but you all prevented me from doing that.
Adam: Mm-hmm. And you won't stop making your family pay for putting you in here.
Victor: You betrayed me.
Adam: You did something despicable.
Victor: Listen to me. You want to talk about despicable? Shall I give you the litany of things you did to this family that were despicable? Listen. Stop trying to outsmart me. You never will. Do you understand? You never will! You go home and you embrace your family. And your son. And the company that bears your name.
Adam: And it always comes back to that damn company.
Victor: You're damn right it does! It's our lifeblood, son. It's in your veins and in my veins. That'll never stop!
Adam: You know, that's all you care about. I don't give a damn. I'm -- I'm -- I'm done.
Victor: Listen to me. You may try very hard to convince yourself and others that you don't care about the position at Newman enterprises that I left open, but you do. Give in to that. Take over the chair that I left behind. You fit in it. You look good in it. Now get the hell out, and don't try to outsmart me ever again. Guard!
Adam: It was a good talk.
Meredith: [Sighs] So, I assume that visit with your son didn't go very well.
Victor: Yeah, well, at least he came by to visit.
Meredith: So all that yelling -- that's a good thing?
Victor: Um, you know, he probably came by because of you.
Meredith: Oh, I doubt that.
Victor: I don't. I think your visit to my family made him come here. Now I think I'll return the favor.
Jack: My wife and my brother? What is it you think you saw?
Fiona: A slap. Phyllis slapped Billy --
Jack: [Laughs]
Fiona: That's not the reaction I was anticipating.
Jack: I'm sorry. I wasn't laughing at what you said. I was laughing at the picture of my brother getting slapped. [Laughs]
Fiona: So, you're not surprised?
Jack: If I got upset every time I heard a story about my wife slapping a man in the face, now, I wouldn't have much else to do. Look, Phyllis told me all about this episode. She said Billy deserved it.
Fiona: Yeah, okay. I wasn't inclined to make much of it at first, either. But that on top of a fierce visit from Billy's ex --
Jack: Oh, so much for burying our family skeletons. I'm sorry that was awkward. And, yes, I have to admit that, at times, my brother is a bit of a magnet for trouble. But that does not mean trouble at jabot.
Fiona: So, he's been completely removed from the company?
Jack: Irrevocably. I can guarantee you. If you do business at jabot, you will not have to deal with Billy.
Fiona: In that case... I will continue working with you, jack.
Jack: Thank you very much, Fiona. You will not be disappointed.
Fiona: I will leave you with a word of caution, though. Take it from a woman. That slap should not be written off so lightly.
Billy: Well, you're the last person I expected to hear from today.
Phyllis: Hello.
Billy: Okay. I'm here. You said it was urgent. Are you expecting me to turn the other cheek so you can give that one a crack, too, or you got something else in mind?
Victoria: I don't want to throw you out, okay? I'm just really worried about you. I'm not sure if you're handling your grief in the best way.
Nick: There is no best way, all right? Even if I wasn't here, I'd be home. It'd still be painful. I'd be angry.
Victoria: Then you get to be angry here at me and anyone within earshot.
Nick: I'm not gonna take it out on anyone else, all right?
Victoria: So, you're just gonna throw yourself back into work and avoid facing these feelings that you're eventually gonna have to face anyway? Is that healthy?
Nick: You tell me.
Victoria: I don't know what you're talking about.
Nick: Is it healthy for you to just throw yourself into your work and not face reality?
Victoria: Reality?
Nick: Yeah, you think you can come in here and just crunch numbers, try and find a way to increase the market share for the energy division. Then you won't have to face what's really going on with mom, dad, Billy.
Adam: Bad time?
Victoria: For you? Always.
Adam: You know, just when you start to get used to the view from up here, dear old dad's at it again.
Meredith: You're gonna do me a favor?
Victor: How are things between you and your father?
Meredith: What's your interest?
Victor: Well, as a... card-carrying difficult father, maybe I have some advice for you.
Meredith: Oh, I don't think that's necessary.
Victor: Really? Did you reach out to him?
Meredith: Despite my bravado, no, I haven't called my dad.
Victor: Well, sometimes, you know, it's easier said than done to overcome problems within children and parents. So...at least you have an opportunity that I don't.
Meredith: What's that?
Victor: Well, I'm behind these walls. I don't have the luxury of going to my children. They have to come to see me.
Meredith: No, Victor. It is far more complicated than me just being in the same room with my father.
Victor: And it's far easier to wallow in anger and past slights, injuries done to each other, right?
Meredith: I'm not holding a grudge. I just --
Victor: Just...you're right and he's wrong. Simple as that, right? You know, I've been living here long enough now to realize that it's no good to keep that cycle of recriminations going. You need to break it. Someone needs to make the first the first step.
Meredith: Well, yes, I suppose a conversation would help, but the very idea of just dialing the ph-- I --
Victor: Oh. Tell you what. Why don't you and I talk about that? We help each other. Because we both need to do it. You know that. We both need to talk to our families.
Phyllis: I called you because I am desperate. There's a glitch.
Billy: Yeah, I would say there's a glitch.
Phyllis: With pass key.
Billy: How could that be?
Phyllis: The flawless programming isn't so flawless. There are reports of a security breach.
Billy: I would say that's more of a catastrophe.
Phyllis: Well, it will be if it doesn't get fixed.
Billy: Well, then you should call Natalie, not me.
Phyllis: She refuses to fix the problem.
Billy: There's nothing I can do about that.
Phyllis: I need you to speak to her.
Billy: It's not my problem anymore, Phyllis. I was unceremoniously dumped from my pet project and from jabot by your husband, if you remember.
Phyllis: Well, I would place the blame on your ex-wife for that one. Victoria's the one who forced jack's hand.
Billy: Nobody forced jack to turn his back on his family, so if you ask me, I would say he earned this particular catastrophe.
Natalie: Where does Phyllis get off throwing around threats like that? Let her try and sue me. I can afford big attorneys now.
Kevin: For how long? Do you want all your money eaten up by legal fees?
Natalie: Wait, you're on her side?
Kevin: Well, I can kind of see Phyllis' point.
Natalie: But you stood up for me. You agreed with me.
Kevin: I still do, but, Natalie, you have to admit, jabot has a lot riding on pass key.
Natalie: They own it, which makes this their headache.
Kevin: Yeah, but it's your reputation. Do you really want to be known for creating something that doesn't work?
Natalie: I can build a new reputation now. One that matches my new clothes and my new shoes and my new attitude. Kevin, look at me. I've changed. I've morphed into the stylish, successful woman I've always wanted to be. And I'm not gonna go back to crouching over my computer alone, a loser with no friends. Hell, now I can afford to buy new friends.
Kevin: Look, you can be beautiful and rich and smart all at the same time.
Natalie: Say that again.
Kevin: You can be beautiful and --
Kevin: Hey. You're back.
Mariah: I came to tell you something.
Natalie: Really? What is it?
Mariah: I'm moving out.
Faith: Is there anything we can do to help daddy?
Sharon: Well, you're just a little girl, faith. I don't want you to feel pressured by our grown-up problems.
Faith: But I really want to help.
Sharon: Well, I'm sure a few extra-big hugs from you will help make your daddy feel better.
Faith: I can do that.
Sharon: I'm sure you can.
Faith: Can I borrow your phone to text summer and Noah?
Sharon: Sure. But why?
Faith: I think daddy should have extra hugs from all of his kids. Don't you?
Adam: So, yeah, that's his plan. He's gonna use Meredith gates to influence her father and get himself an early release.
Victoria: Well, she showed up to sage's memorial, so it's safe to assume that Meredith gates is already in dad's camp.
Nick: Dad's clearly making his move.
Adam: I hope you're not getting too comfortable in that chair because when he comes back, he's gonna come back guns a-blazing.
Victor: I'll make you a deal. You try to reconcile with your own father, and I'll try to do the same with my family.
Meredith: I don't know about that.
Victor: Think of all the walls I have to kick down to get to them. You have only one.
Meredith: Hey, dad. It's me.
Billy: Good luck finding a way out of this mess, but I'm not it.
Phyllis: Hey. This goes way beyond punishing jack. If jabot does not fix this program, it could destroy it completely. And I know you do not want to see the family company demolished. If you have any pull with Natalie, I am asking you to use it. Please.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lily: My father is a liar and a kidnapper. How do you think I am?
Abby: You blame me, don't you?
Jack: What's going on?
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