Y&R Transcript Monday 5/9/16
Episode # 10917 ~ Devon wants Hilary to come clean, Ashley sees Max in a new light, & Cane backs Neil into a corner.
Provided By Suzanne
Stitch: Max, where are you?! Max! I told you to stay away from my son, and now he's out there all alone. If anything happens to him --
Dylan: Nothing's gonna happen. I put out an alert. We're gonna find him.
Stitch: Yeah, you better!
Abby: I wish I was wrong about max. The thought that he could be filled with so much rage that he would want to hurt me, hurt the baby, start a fire to cover his tracks?
Ashley: If you keep talking like that --
Abby: Oh, what, what? I should just keep pretending like it isn't happening like everyone else is doing?
Ashley: What I'm trying to say is you're making it sound like it's a fact without taking Ben's feelings into consideration. That's just gonna create more distance between the two of you. That's what I'm afraid of.
Abby: I can't save my marriage by pretending max isn't in trouble. Max is broken. And his own father can't even see it. Do you think that I want to be the one to force my husband to admit that his son is dangerous?
Ashley: Of course not. I know you don't want that, honey.
Abby: When Ben hears the evidence, when he finds out that our baby is gone because of his own son, it will destroy him. And I won't be able to help him.
Ashley: Why do you say that?
Abby: Because Ben won't let me. Mom, we're already falling apart, and, in the end, he will feel forced to choose between his son and our marriage, and... really, there's -- there's no choice at all.
Dr. Neville: Master max. What are you doing here?
Lily: If you could have seen Dylan's face when the forensic results came in... it ties max to the fire. He now has evidence against his best friend's son.
Devon: Geez. So literally everything Abby's been saying is true 'cause max made her fall and then set the fire to cover it up.
Lily: How do you even process that? She lost the baby, but it wasn't an accident.
Devon: It's horrible. Abby is -- she's strong. She's a lot stronger than people give her credit.
Lily: I mean, she tried to warn everyone about max, and nobody would listen, especially stitch. It's, like, how does your relationship survive that?
Devon: Yeah, when you feel like your partner isn't hearing you or, worse, doesn't want to hear you. It's a bad place to be.
Hilary: Hey. Why does it look like a funeral over here? We should actually be popping champagne corks.
Lily: Why? What happened?
Hilary: Well, jack loved my idea for getting press for the foundation and the medical research at the same time. Two birds, one shiny stone named Hilary.
Lily: Oh. So we're talking about stones?
Hilary: Yeah, I think it really helped that Neil and I were on the same page, you know?
Devon: I never got a chance to thank you for backing Hilary and urging jack to keep her on the board. I appreciate it.
Neil: Wait, what did you say? Backing?
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: Son, your wife gave me no choice. She blackmailed me, just like she blackmailed Ashley.
Cane: So you were the one...
Devon: I have no doubt that you were very convincing.
Cane: I know what I heard. I heard what she said.
Neil: [Hushed] Shut up. They're right over there. Listen to me. You can't do this. You can't do this, cane.
Cane: Get out of my way.
Neil: I will tell you everything, all right? I promise. All of it. Not here. Not now. You owe me that much. Hi. [Sighs]
Cane: All right. You want to explain to me? Do it. Go ahead. 'Cause I want to hear how you can rationalize kidnapping your son's wife and letting the world think that she was dead.
Neil: No, no, no, no, no. That was never what I wanted.
Cane: Oh, so this is what Hilary wanted? What? She kidnapped herself and locked herself in the boathouse while she was in a coma?
Neil: No, just hear me out, all right? It was after Devon and Hilary's wedding. I was so angry, I couldn't even see straight. I was consumed to the point where all I wanted was to pay them back. I wanted to get revenge.
Cane: So that speech that you made at the wedding about forgiveness, that was all a smokescreen?
Neil: No, it was not.
Cane: Did you know what you were gonna do to Hilary?
Neil: It wasn't like that. It was all about breaking them up, breaking their hearts. That's all. And I followed them on their honeymoon and I --
Cane: Do you realize how deranged this sounds?
Neil: Yes, I do!
Cane: Okay.
Neil: And I followed them and I got her alone, and I showed her that videotape of Devon's bachelor party and that prostitute.
Cane: Okay, then you pushed her off the cliff.
Neil: I didn't do that! She fell all on her own! Do you understand? I got her out of that water. I saved her life!
Cane: Oh, so you're a hero?
Neil: No!
Cane: You're a hero?
Neil: I saved her! She would have drowned if it wasn't for me. No one would have believed it was an accident, so what did I do, cane? I flew her to Genoa City. I got her in that boathouse, and I waited for her to wake up until she could tell the entire world everything!
Cane: So you're the one who hired dr. Neville. He said he didn't know who paid him, but it was you, wasn't it? The two of you were in this together.
Neil: He -- he -- we -- we both wanted her to recover.
Cane: But why would you want her to recover if you wanted revenge, huh? She would have died, your son would have gone to jail. That's what you wanted.
Neil: I didn't want that. I didn't want that for either of them. I was totally out of control! It was like some bender without the alcohol. Just rage, man! All I wanted was for her to get better and to get back with Devon. And they did. They got back together. They made it through. Their marriage and their life right now is what they wanted all along.
Cane: So, what? You're off the hook? Is that what you tell yourself when you wake up in the morning? You're off the hook?
Hilary: Honestly, it makes sense that jack, Neil, and I would work well together. We were a well-oiled machine at jabot way back when. And those two, they understand business, unlike Ashley and Neville. They don't understand anything outside of a lab.
Lily: Actually, uh, Ashley is a very experienced businesswoman. I think people associate her more with that than with her work as a chemist.
Hilary: Well, I'm just speculating here, but I think that she's used to being the only powerful woman in the room. But hey, look at me. She better get used to it.
Lily: Well, you did also blackmail her, so there could be a personal element. I'm -- I'm just speculating.
Hilary: Ashley was ill. I encouraged her to step back and look after herself. If people insist on misunderstanding that, that's on them, not on me. Devon understands. He knows exactly where my heart is. Right?
Devon: I am understanding more and more every day.
Dylan: Patrol cars are in the area. I'm gonna give them a heads up, then I'm gonna go out on foot. And if I find anything, I'll call you.
Stitch: Okay, you cover east of jabot. I'll go the other way towards memorial.
Dylan: Okay, wait, hold on. I think -- I think you should stay here.
Stitch: I'm not staying here! My son's out there!
Dylan: Okay, max could come back looking for you. I think you should be here.
Stitch: All right, fine. Go. Now. Find my kid.
Dr. Neville: Come here, max. Does anyone know that you're here? Because you're afraid you're in trouble? That's okay. You don't have to answer that. You -- you came here to -- to see me? To see Ashley?
Max: But Abby's in there. She hates me.
Dr. Neville: No, no, no, no, no. No, no. Stay. No one hates you. I promise you. You're amongst friends. And, uh, I tell you what. You -- you tell me everything and -- and I'll figure out how to fix it.
Ashley: You and Ben haven't even had a chance to be a real married couple because max moved in with you right after your wedding day, honey. There's been nothing but chaos since then. But you know how much Ben loves you, honey. He adores you.
Abby: Yeah, but that love is nothing compared to what a parent feels for their child. I mean, that's what everyone keeps telling poor, childless me.
Ashley: Look, I'm sorry I said that, because a marriage has its own bond. And if a couple truly loves each other and they're strong and they're mature, then they'll be there for each other, just the way you're gonna be there for Ben, 'cause I know you're not gonna let him go through this alone. Right?
Dr. Neville: [Clears throat] Uh, apologies, miss Abby. Uh, Ashley, I'm afraid I need to speak to you. It's important.
Ashley: It's not a very good time.
Dr. Neville: No, it's a recent development which most definitely requires your attention.
Abby: You know what? It's fine. I have somewhere to be.
Ashley: If you need me, honey...
Abby: I know. Thank you.
Ashley: Bye.
Abby: Bye.
Ashley: What's going on? This is really not a good --
Max: Ashley!
Ashley: Max! Honey!
[Door closes]
Ashley: What's going on?
Dr. Neville: Max is in some trouble. I'm afraid he has some concerns that dr. Rayburn will be angry with him. And as per his request, no one else knows he's here because the only one he'll speak to is you.
Ashley: Did you run away? Okay, what happened? What's going on?
Max: Dylan came for me. He wants to take me to jail.
Ashley: Oh, honey, I'm sure it's nothing that bad.
Max: He thinks I did something terrible.
Ashley: Does this have to do with the baby shower and the fire that happened?
Max: It's not like they're saying.
Ashley: Okay, well, why don't you tell me what happened? And just start with the baby shower. Okay, look. Do you trust me? Okay, just tell me the truth in your own words.
Max: I made Abby trip on the stairs.
Dylan: Three-block radius. No sign of max. We're expanding the perimeter. Any word from him?
Stitch: No calls, no sign of him. This isn't like the last time he ran. God knows max could be anywhere by now.
Abby: Wait. Max is missing?
Stitch: Yeah. Thanks to detective McAvoy scaring the hell out of him here.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Abby: How? What happened?
Dylan: Max had the master key, and it was used to enter the server room right before the fire.
Abby: Oh, my god.
Dylan: Max heard me, uh, telling stitch about the evidence that places max in the room.
Stitch: Yeah, and then he took off through the window, and now we're wasting time talking about it instead of finding a helpless, little kid!
Abby: All right, well, let me help. Tell me where to go.
Stitch: Don't pretend like you suddenly care about my son.
Ashley: You made Abby fall?
Max: I put something on the stairs.
Ashley: So that she would trip?
Max: But not to get hurt! Just like an internet video. She would trip, she would fall, people would laugh, she'd be embarrassed, and that's it!
Ashley: Oh, right. Kind of like, um, a prank.
Max: Yeah. And that's all! I swear! I mean, now people are thinking I was jealous of the baby.
Ashley: But you weren't jealous at all, were you? So, everything happened so fast that it probably scared you, right, that nobody would believe you? It's good that you told me the truth, honey. And -- and, um, now that you have, uh, it's -- it's -- it's gonna be okay. I promise.
[Cell phone rings]
Hilary: Uh... oh. Hi. This is Hilary. Yes. Good. How are you?
Lily: The look in your eyes.
Devon: [Chuckles] It's just that Hilary is -- is making a career out of backstabbing, and that's not the woman that I married.
Lily: Okay, let's be honest. The woman you married is not the same person as the woman who came to town to ruin dad. And she probably won't be the same woman five minutes from now because Hilary is constantly changing.
Devon: Listen, the Hilary that I married was funny and smart and she was genuinely sweet, okay? She wasn't perfect, and she knew that, and she was always trying to better herself. And I'm just -- I'm hoping that she can get back to being that way. That's all.
Lily: Yes, because hoping always works.
Devon: You're the one that told me that I needed to be there for my wife and love her and show her that, not just tell her. And I've tried to, but it doesn't register with her because her eyes are set on some goal that I don't even understand.
Lily: Look, a year ago, I would have told you to run away as fast as you can.
Devon: That's exactly what you told me.
Lily: But I-I can't judge. I mean, obviously you love her, and I think in her own way, she loves you, too. So instead of hoping, why don't you do something about it and face the problem head on?
Cane: "I'm no role model." That's what you said to me. And I argued with you over that.
Neil: I know. I know exactly what I am and what I've done. You know what? This lie -- it has practically killed me.
Cane: [Scoffs]
Neil: And this foundation that I started, it is saving my ass. That's right! I-I-I feel like I'm giving something back to the world, like I'm making amends!
Cane: If you wanted to make amends, you should have gone to the cops and told them the truth, but you didn't, did you? And you lied to them. And you lied to your daughter and you lied to your son. You let him think his wife was dead. You let the cops and the media think he was involved. And I went down to virgin Gorda to clear his name, and the whole time you had her locked in the damn boathouse in a coma!
Neil: I wanted to see her get better!
Cane: Oh, no, you didn't.
Neil: I did!
Cane: You did not! You wanted to save your own ass. Did you even think for a second how this implicated me, how it nearly wrecked my marriage? The cops thought I demanded ransom money, and the whole time, you knew that I had nothing to do with it.
Neil: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah.
Neil: I did know. I did. I was responsible. I watched you try to save my son knowing I was the reason that he was a suspect. Okay, you want to hear it from me? Yes, it was evil! Yes, it was low-down and dirty! And Hilary -- she grinds it in my face every chance she gets.
Cane: Then cut her off at the knees and tell the damn truth!
Neil: I can't do that! And neither can you!
Cane: Why?
Neil: Devon doesn't want this to come out any more than I do.
Cane: Wait. Are you telling me Devon knows about this?
Neil: Yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying. He's known about this for a while.
Cane: Why hasn't he gone to the police?
Neil: Because Hilary begged him not to!
Cane: [Chuckles] Okay. I get it now. This all happened back when Hilary had amnesia, didn't it, and she thought she was with you. But now she's with Devon, right? And the three of you had this little dirty secret going on.
Neil: Yeah.
Cane: Where you get your freedom, Devon gets his wife back, and Hilary -- well, she has power over both of you, doesn't she?
Neil: We made our choices, cane.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Neil: And we are dealing with them. The three of us have an arrangement.
Cane: But it's no longer just the three of you, is it, 'cause now I'm involved, aren't I?
Neil: If you have any respect at all for Hilary and Devon and their marriage and the pain that they've been through, you won't tell the entire world this secret.
Cane: But I'm not gonna tell the entire world, okay? I'm only gonna tell just one person. Lily.
Neil: Cane, you listen to me. You listen to me good. You can't tell lily anything.
Cane: I'm not lying to her.
Neil: Hey, stop, stop, stop! Just think about this for one minute, okay? Please.
Cane: My wife deserves to know who her father is.
Neil: This family has been through enough, man. Leave it alone! All right. All right, just hear me out. You need to understand the three people who are involved with this -- Hilary, Devon, and me -- we hurt each other badly. We hurt ourselves. But I made peace with Devon. Life -- life will never be the same. The damage has already been done, but you know something? My son and I, we made it through. This family survived, and somehow we found our own kind of forgiveness.
Cane: [Scoffs]
Neil: If -- if you tell lily, I might lose her.
Cane: Whose fault is that?
Neil: It's my fault!
Cane: Yeah, it's your fault.
Neil: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Let me remind you, you were right here where I am right now. You deceived this entire family! You pretended to be dead! Lily was inconsolable, cane. Imagine how you would feel if your little girl didn't want anything to do with you. How would you feel if your little girl looked up at you with disappointment and resentment in her eyes?! I love lily, the same -- the same way that you love Mattie! And if you tell her this, she might walk out of my life forever.
Cane: We don't keep secrets anymore, Neil.
Neil: Oh? Okay. Then -- then you want to hurt her. Is that what you're saying?
Cane: No, I don't want to hurt her! I want to protect her from this mess!
Neil: Then why you gonna tell her? Why are you gonna tell her? You already said it. Devon, Hilary, me -- we have to live with the filth of this secret. Why are you gonna drag your wife, your beautiful wife, through this?
Devon: Things between me and Hilary are complicated.
Lily: Okay, let's be honest. Things have always been complicated since the moment Hilary stepped into town. You didn't shy away from her issues when you were first attracted to her, so why are you backing down now? There's a marriage at stake. Look, your wife is here, and I'm gonna talk to Abby.
Devon: Okay. Go on ahead and let her know, please, that we're here for her.
Lily: Yeah, talk about issues. At least yours don't involve crimes. Now talk to your wife.
Hilary: Talk to me about what?
Dylan: Talk to your wife. You guys, talk to each other. No accusations, no assumptions. I'll let you know as soon as I get word on max.
Abby: I do care about max, no matter what you think.
Stitch: Yeah? Is that why you brought in the police?
Abby: I called Dylan to look at the security footage from the day that I fell. I needed to know for the sake of our baby.
Stitch: You did it to incriminate my son, to make him out to be some demon child.
Abby: No! No, not a demon. He's a child in pain. We have known that max has been angry since he got here.
Stitch: Angry. Not a maniac.
Abby: He was acting out, and it got worse. And even with all the proof, you didn't want to see it. You always thought that there would be some sort of explanation or that it was a misunderstanding.
Stitch: He couldn't, okay? There's... there's no way a kid, my son, he just... he couldn't.
Abby: I took max's mom away from him. That's what max thinks. Because I called to see if she would let him come to our wedding. So me, our wedding -- it cost him his mom, and that's a huge loss. And then here I am. I'm taking up space in your life, in your heart, and he didn't want me to replace Jenna, not with you or with him. I wanted to be a good stepmom. I did. And maybe I got it wrong. And I wish that we had found a way to be a family. I wish that we were still picking out names for our little girl, for max's little sister, but we're not. [Voice breaking] She is gone. Just like max wanted.
Stitch: You talk about him like he's evil. Because that's what you think he is.
Ashley: We're gonna figure this out, honey. We will. In the meantime, um, there's games on my computer from the last time you came to visit. Why don't you go in there and hang out, and Neville and I are gonna have a little discussion, okay? Hey, max. Good job coming here.
Dr. Neville: [Sighs] Mixing up a batch of slime isn't gonna fix this, is it?
Ashley: This was not a prank.
Dr. Neville: You actually think he wanted Abby to lose the baby?
Ashley: Shh.
Dr. Neville: You didn't so much as blink when he mentioned that thing about wanting people to laugh.
Ashley: Because I didn't want him to freak out, but believe me, my blood ran cold.
Dr. Neville: Well, I'm not surprised. Ashley, he's -- he's just a child. I know that you mentioned that Abby suspected this, but --
Ashley: I thought that maybe Abby was just trying to find somebody to blame, but she obviously saw something in max that we didn't or maybe we didn't even want to. Did you hear him? Did you hear that child when he said that tripping her was a prank? I mean, it was so cold.
Dr. Neville: Well, it is plausible. I mean, in my youth, I may have blown up a garage just for --
Ashley: Neville, please.
Dr. Neville: Sorry.
Ashley: Max is certainly old enough to realize that when a pregnant woman falls down a flight of stairs, she could lose her baby.
Dr. Neville: Huh.
Ashley: He planned this. He wanted this baby shower. He knew the exact time and place.
Dr. Neville: But that level of planning, that level of calculation, I mean -- why would he come here and confess now?
Ashley: Because of the fire that happened at the GCAC. Abby told me that there was proof that he was in the server room. He was trying to destroy any kind of evidence of what he'd done.
Dr. Neville: Ah, so now he comes here quaking --
Ashley: With a cover story. This is unbelievable. He wants me to relay that story to Abby and Ben and plead his case. Do you realize what he's doing? He's using me.
Dr. Neville: So, what now?
Ashley: I know what I have to do.
Abby: Max isn't evil. But he has more pain and rage than we could ever comprehend. We're adults. We can go to therapy. We can shout to the sky. We can punch in a wall. But max -- he just has all of these -- these thoughts and feelings, feelings that -- that made him get into fights at school and accuse you of mistreating him. Then it was the fire alarm, my fall, and then the fire. He's getting worse.
Stitch: He isn't getting worse, okay? He's just... he just needs time to adjust.
Abby: Ben... loving max means you have to see it. Loving your son means that you have to stop him. He needs help. Your son needs you, and I want to be there for both of you. I will do whatever I can to support you through this so no one else gets hurt.
Stitch: This is -- this is all my fault, okay? I messed this whole thing up. I will take care of him. Max needs me, all right? So I will be there for him. I'm -- I'm all he has left.
Abby: You can't do it alone. You know when you treat a patient? You -- you have a whole team. I-I-I can be your team.
Stitch: My son is not sick.
Abby: I didn't mean it like that.
Stitch: Okay, this is not a patient. This is my little boy, and I will get him through this.
Abby: I know you love him. But sometimes love's not enough.
Stitch: All right, you know, I... I'm sorry. I... I can't do this right now. I got -- I got to go find max.
[Cell phone rings]
Stitch: Max!
Ashley: It's Ashley. Max is here with me at the lab, though.
Stitch: Thank god.
Ashley: I haven't called anybody yet.
Stitch: No Dylan? No cops?
Ashley: No.
Stitch: All right, tell max I'm on the way. And, Ashley, tell him I love him.
Ashley: I will. Your dad says he loves you very much. Um, so, honey, when he gets here, you just tell him what you told us, all right? And then, uh, he'll understand everything.
Devon: Which one of your jobs was that phone call about?
Hilary: That was another huge donation for the foundation.
Devon: Oh, good.
Hilary: I am just sending myself a reminder to set up some press for that donation. Maybe a photo op with a massive, giant cardboard check. [Chuckles] I know it's cheesy, but it's effective.
Devon: I guess the donor could just present the check straight to Neil, right?
Hilary: Oh, yeah, but Neil doesn't have time for that. That's why he leaves it to me.
Devon: You don't think that it would -- it would present, like, an image of family and teamwork, though? Huh?
Hilary: Neil has his duties, and I have mine. Besides, I don't mind posing for a few photos. It's all for the foundation.
Devon: Yeah. Are you -- are you worried at all about how Neil's gonna treat you if you work on an event together? 'Cause I know things aren't great between you two.
Hilary: That's not true. [Chuckles] We understand each other. We're in a good place.
Devon: Um, he just tried to get you kicked off the board.
Hilary: Yes, but he didn't. Here I am. Okay, Neil -- he understands how passionate I am about this project. And, Devon, you were there. You saw Neil convince jack to keep me on the board.
Devon: No, I know. I did. I-I'm -- it just -- it feels like there's more to it, like there's extra motivation.
Hilary: Well, maybe it's because Neil knows we're family. We have each other's back.
Devon: You have his back?
Hilary: Yes.
Devon: Yeah?
Hilary: Why? What's wrong with that?
Devon: I know what you did. I know that you blackmailed Neil and that you've been lying to my face about it. So, do you think that your actions don't have consequences, or do you just not care at all?
Lily: Hey.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Why did you want to meet here instead of at the club?
Cane: Don't you want to enjoy a beautiful spring day outdoors with your husband?
Lily: Yeah, honey, I would, but a lot of stuff's going on at work right now.
Cane: Um... there's something I need to talk to you about. Uh, I wanted to talk to you about it someplace quiet. Sit down with me for a second. Come here.
Lily: Hmm. Sounds ominous.
[Cell phone rings]
Lily: Oh. Oh, that's Dad. I should take this.
Cane: No, no, don't -- don't get it.
Lily: Well, it could be about max.
Cane: It's not about max.
Lily: So you know why he's calling?
Cane: Yeah, I-I-I-I do, and, um, I need to talk to you first.
Lily: Okay. So, you have my undivided attention. What's so important that you have to tell me?
Cane: I don't want to say this 'cause I know it's gonna hurt you. But we don't have secrets anymore.
Lily: What is it?
Cane: It's about your father.
Abby: Just when I thought I was getting through to Ben, he shut me down, took off.
Dylan: He's in denial. And I don't even know how you process your kid being in that kind of emotional trouble.
Abby: Ben blames himself and me and our marriage. He can't look at me without thinking it's my fault. I can see it in his eyes.
Dylan: That's not true. Stitch carries a lot of guilt. He always has. I mean, he felt guilty leaving our unit to go home when max was born. And I know he feels guilty for letting things get out of control with his ex, and I am sure that he blames himself for max being messed up.
Abby: But this, it's -- it's not like you could see it coming. It's not like it was just a kid acting out. It was something deeper, something darker, something that Ben can't fix.
Dylan: Well, he's not gonna want to fix anything at all until we find max, so can you think of anyplace he might be?
Abby: He's just a kid. He can't go anywhere on his own, and he hasn't made any friends.
Dylan: [Sighs] No one to turn to if he's in a bad way?
Abby: Actually, um, there is one person.
Stitch: Ashley.
Ashley: Hey.
Stitch: Thank god. I've been going nuts worrying about max. How's he doing?
Ashley: He's okay. I mean, it's a lot for a little kid to handle.
Stitch: Is he in your office alone?
Ashley: He's with Neville. And he's safe. He's not going anywhere. That's all that matters.
Stitch: I need to see him.
Ashley: Hold on a second. You need to know this. I spoke to him, and I think -- I
know -- that Abby's right about him. And he -- he needs to see his father. Ben, honestly, you have to be objectively looking at him, I mean, like a doctor, like a -- like a scientist. You need to hear what he has to say. I mean, really hear him, okay? That's the only way this is ever gonna get fixed. I'm so sorry.
Dr. Neville: Would you like something from the vending machine? Maybe some juice?
[Door opens]
Max: Daddy!
Stitch: Buddy. Please don't scare me like that. Never again, okay? [Breathing heavily]
Lily: What about dad? Is he drinking again?
Cane: No, no. No, he's -- he's not drinking. It's -- it's -- it's -- it's --
Lily: What? Is he -- is he sick? Is it his liver?
Cane: No, he's not sick. He's healthy. He's healthy.
Lily: Well, then what is it?
Cane: [Sighs deeply] [Inhales sharply] This is -- this is gonna be really hard for me to say, and it's gonna be even harder for you to hear --
Lily: Oh, my god, cane. Just spit it out. What is it? Tell me. You're driving me crazy.
Cane: Neil has been lying to you for a long time about something, and Hilary and Devon, they -- they know about it, as well.
Lily: What did he do?
Cane: Neil kidnapped Hilary.
Lily: [Scoffs] What? What are you talking about?
Cane: The whole time she was captive and we were looking for her... it -- it was your dad. He had her.
Hilary: When did Neil tell you about our agreement?
Devon: It's not an agreement. It's blackmail.
Hilary: When did he tell you?
Devon: It -- it doesn't matter when he told me.
Hilary: No, it does. Because how long have you been sitting on this information and you never talked to me about it? You could have just come to me, Devon.
Devon: You made it very clear, honey, that I should just support you no matter what. Wasn't that right?
Hilary: Okay, no, no, you know that that's not how it is.
Devon: I don't. I thought I did, and I thought I knew you, but I don't, okay? And I've been searching for some form of regret that you have, but I can't find it. You do realize that threats and blackmail aren't a good thing?
Hilary: [Scoffs] I am sorry that you are upset and that you didn't feel like you could come to me, but it's -- it's really simple, Devon. Neil owes me. For him to stand between me and what I want, what I need to succeed and to thrive, that is not okay. He lost that right a long time ago. And Neil calls it blackmail? [Scoffs] Well, I call it a reminder that he never paid for what he did to us, a reminder of how lucky he really is to have his freedom.
[Footsteps approach]
Neil: Hey. I hate to break up this party, but we have an issue that we have to deal with.
Hilary: Yeah, I took care of it, Neil. Next time have a little discretion.
Neil: We've got a much bigger problem than your ego right now.
Neil: Cane heard you bragging that you got a sword over my neck. You couldn't shut up, could you? You couldn't shut up. Now he knows that I'm the one who was hiding you while you were in the coma.
Devon: Well, what the hell. What's he gonna do?
Neil: I made it very clear that this was between the three of us and there was no need to drag lily into it.
Devon: Did he listen to you?
Neil: I don't know. I've tried calling lily many times, but she's not answering the phone.
Hilary: Is she with him now?
Neil: I have no idea. We better pray that man stays quiet, because if he doesn't, if he tells lily about this, this whole world of ours is gonna blow up, and it's gonna take us with it.
Lily: After all this time that we thought Hilary was dead and people thought Devon murdered her and Joe framed you for blackmail -- through all of that, they lied to us?
Cane: Neil begged me not to say anything, but I made it very clear to him we don't lie to each other anymore.
Lily: My dad... what? I mean, how... how could he do this? How could he do this?
Abby: Mom, have you seen max? Has he tried to call you?
Dr. Neville: Well, it's been an eventful day, no mistake. I was on my way to the vending machines. Perhaps you'd like to join me.
Abby: What? No. No. Max is missing.
Dylan: We're trying to figure out where he may have gone, so if you have any ideas --
Ashley: He's actually in my office with his father right now.
Abby: What? Why didn't you say that when we walked in?
Dr. Neville: Because he needs a moment alone with his father, not the authorities.
Abby: So you still don't believe me.
Ashley: Honey, just the opposite. I spoke to max, and I think you're absolutely right. He wanted to hurt you, honey, and he wanted to hurt your baby. But right now, he needs to be alone with his dad, and his dad needs to hear him, hear everything he has to say. And I hope you can just be here as a friend, please, and not as the police, because they need to be alone and talk this out right now.
Abby: Why? So he can keep lying? 'Cause I guarantee you that's all he's doing in there.
Ashley: Abby, don't. Please. Honestly, just let them talk.
Stitch: Buddy, you have got to stop scaring me like this. You know, there's no reason to run off like that. If you didn't do anything wrong, there's... there's nothing to be afraid of, right?
Max: But I did do something.
Stitch: Max, did you, um... did you make Abby fall?
Max: But just as a prank. That's all.
Stitch: Just a prank, huh? You didn't tell me before because -- 'cause you were scared?
Max: I was scared you wouldn't love me anymore.
Stitch: I told you, I will always love you, max. Nothing's ever gonna change that. Max, look at me. I will never stop loving you. I will always look out for you.
Max: But, Dad, they're coming for me. We -- you and me, we have to get out of here. We have to leave now!
Abby: You're not going anywhere.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: Whatever you heard --
Phyllis: No, it is what I saw when I went to Billy's. He is sleeping with Fiona!
Victoria: I am not subjecting the children to this. We're turning right around and we're leaving right now.
Billy: Victoria, you do that, I will call the cops.
Stitch: I need you to be honest with me. I want to know the truth.
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